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  • File : 1256925933.jpg-(254 KB, 500x667, IMG_3086.jpg)
    254 KB Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:05 No.2287707  
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:13 No.2287720
         File1256926412.jpg-(170 KB, 480x640, 0001t06b.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:17 No.2287723
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:18 No.2287724

    Why is most of the guys that seem to actually be interested in the guy fashion part look awkward+ugly+retarded? D:
    Or are just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:19 No.2287726
    When I cut off the bottom half of OP's face, he kind of looks like Syler.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:24 No.2287739
    The worst part is how many OMPFIMNHGKjdfnuhjnf SO CUTE comments he got on this. :/
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:24 No.2287740
    I am not sure which of these is worse, and that makes me very, very sad.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:39 No.2287782
    I don't know, I don't think OP's pic is too terrible. It's not SUPA SUPA KAWAII or anything but eh.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:41 No.2287784
    This :/ Someone needs to call him out for not being able to dress himself.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:44 No.2287789
    lol it's definatly not the worst that's been posted
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:56 No.2287810
    I KNOW, RIGHT?! I was like
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:51 No.2288073
    erm...have you seen most of the girls in lolita? Same thing. The shear amount gives possibility that some must be cute however most seem to be average to ugly.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:56 No.2288084
    At least the one in OP is trying. >>2287720 is clearly not.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:58 No.2288091
    Alright, is the poster frame w/ original insert hanging on the wall supposed to be ironic, or does he just not have anything to put in it?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)17:05 No.2288099
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)17:59 No.2288209
    There are too few male aristos. D:
    and the ones that we have are ugly.

    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:00 No.2288215
    I don't think he's ugly but he looks retarded in his jumper and purse
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:02 No.2288218
    Maybe the guy's gay. Would explain why he looks so fucking awkward.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:30 No.2288257
    LOL, I did not even notice that. xD
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:37 No.2288264
         File1256942251.jpg-(67 KB, 768x1154, mana_3.jpg)
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    I wish more guys would wear real EGA. It looks awesome when done right. So many guys are lazy and half-ass their outfits, or just don't know how to dress themselves period.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:48 No.2288826
    Yeah. They're guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)01:49 No.2288963
    I think he looks cute!
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)02:02 No.2288977
    I just dont know anymore
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)02:35 No.2289034
         File1256970920.jpg-(97 KB, 330x495, Gothic_Lolita_Double_Breasted_(...).jpg)
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    These boys need a good loli to dress them.
    Boys generally have enough trouble knowing what looks good on them because they just aren't into knowing.

    These dudes would look nice with a nice shirt with an ascot, some short pants, and boots.
    Accessorize with some chains, a few buckles, and top hat. A long coat left open would look nice as well.

    I'm not a loli and I'd love to dress up a boy properly

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