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  • File : 1256855362.jpg-(64 KB, 614x575, 1247766708313.jpg)
    64 KB Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)18:29 No.2285727  
    ITT the worst weeaboos/fanboys/fangirls you know.
    This includes Twilight fans.

    Bad convention experiences? Post it. High school anime club horror? I wanna hear it. Let's go /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)18:35 No.2285741
    I used to attend a small, sorta casual Japanese class, and there was an obligatory kid who was really into his anime and especially obssessed with Naruto.

    I remember the teacher offering to take us out for lunch at some Japanese restaurant, and this kid pipes up
    "Omg I simply HAVE to have ramen. It's just my favorite food and agh.... I just can't help myself."

    ...Yes, he was chanelling the character.
    One of the cringiest things I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)18:37 No.2285747
    Ugh.... how old was he?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)18:46 No.2285768
    A guy from my school wore cat ears to school daily. EVERY DAY. THROUGH ALL SCHOOL YEARS
    He was the biggest weeaboo ever, also fat, smelly and a Naruto fan.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)18:51 No.2285788
    15 / 16ish if I recall correctly
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)18:53 No.2285792
    thread has potential...
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)18:59 No.2285807
    The day before a con, I always wear something really little otaku-ish. Mostly an anime shirt or the like. Well, I wore the Naruto headband as a belt (really never wore is any other way) and some random kid I never met before at my school come up and start rambling about how he loves Naruto and anime and "OMG it has teh best fight scenes Evar!!111oneone" and keeps at it, following after me as one of my friends starts to drag me in the other direction, and finally into the bathroom where we stay for half a period.
    I threw that headband away and never wore any anime shirt again for fear of meeting him again.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)19:00 No.2285809
    This kid I know pretends to fight with his friends, like, anime fight scene status. And they get really, really into it. This guy on his own is alright, but when he introduced me to his friends, he insisted I watch them 'fight'. It was so bad...I just stood there awkwardly until they were done, then left.

    They wouldn't stop quoting newfag 4chan memes throughout the entire experience. The Game, lolcats, etc. God.

    I haven't hung out with him since.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)19:04 No.2285821
    I started up the anime club in my high school during my last year. Sadly, most of the kids who came were super weeabo ( remember having to fight with them to get them to watch something that wasn't already playing on tv, like escaflowne, or full metal panic. all these asshats wanted way yugioh, or full metal alchemist, or dragonball, yadda yadda)
    anyway, that year we had about three or four Japanese exchange students, and I had to slowly explain to these tits that no, we should not invite/kidnap/drag these poor kids to the club. if they wanted to come, they were more than welcome to.
    tl;dr, I save the live of Japanese kids, and they will never know.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)19:35 No.2285891
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    Are you me? I swear that happended to me in the exact same way
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)19:35 No.2285894
    ^everyone I know
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)19:41 No.2285910
    I know people who say "lmao, rofl, pwned" and "XD" IRL
    For example: "rofl Edward is sooooo kawaii ex-dee"
    True fucking story
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)19:49 No.2285927
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    I used to know someone who would say "Dot dot dot," you know, like ellipses.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:02 No.2285959
    I don't know. Am I you?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:03 No.2285960
    Yes. Yes you are. Please tell me you have pizza
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:08 No.2285978
    the worst I get is a girl who thinks (convinced) she's Haruhi Suzumyia and a terrible anime club who hates the stuff I like and loves stuff I hate
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:10 No.2285983
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:13 No.2285991

    As it turns out, I am you. Or, you're me. God. I'm such a samefag
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:17 No.2286005
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    We had to take pictures for the anime club one year for the year book. I was already ashamed that they called me the anime club president but we barely had club members. Some kids who were in the acting club, the art club, and the sewing club noticed this and asked if they could be in the anime club so they could be in the picture. I laughed and said "Sure, whats your faveorite anime?" Some of them said pokemon, some said sailor moon, and some said snow white and i let them into taking the picture. One girl in my anime club, who has always been a butt hurt bitch didn't like this and gave me all sorts of pissed off looks. She had to stand next to me in the photo but because she was such a 'kawaii shojo', she became so offended she couldn't look at me. Instead she looked at the floor. She even kept a 2 foot distance of me in the photo. As soon as the photo was done she stormed out of the auditorium and her boy friend had to fallow. As she left everyone laughed and asked me what was wrong with her. I laughed it off but I was kind of embarrassed that they thought she was my friend. I hate still hate that girl.

    pic related: a picture of herself in her favorite hot topic lolita dress drawn by her.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:28 No.2286034
    I knew a Naruto fanwhale, every fucking day she would ask me to fist fight her because she was a 'ninja'. I have a third degree black belt. All I ever did was laugh.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:28 No.2286036
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    samefag from this post.

    here's the irl drawing and her photobucket for your weeaboo pleasure.
    her photobucket:
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:33 No.2286047

    She's cute. Shame she's batshit like most anime fangirls are.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:34 No.2286053
    A girl on my graphics course insisted on incorporating Bleach characters into EVERY project we got assigned. Unemployable much?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)20:43 No.2286065
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    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)21:22 No.2286133
    my mother's neighbor is about 28 years old. she has two kids. she is the biggest twitard i have ever seen. she owns all the merchandise, she got her hair cut exactly like alice's from the movie, and she once told me if she has another child she will name it edward if it's a boy and bella if it's a girl. i was at my mom's house for dinner and i had a vampire knight manga with me. she started going on and on about twilight and because i was with my mom and didn't want to start a fight, i only managed to get out that i read the books, not that i thought they were crappy. i was working at a bookstore when the craze for them started, and i read them to see what the fuss was about. she was so excited to meet someone she thought was another twilight fan. i felt dirty.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/09(Thu)21:41 No.2286174
    >> Just a Passing by Narutaki's Hat 10/30/09(Fri)05:25 No.2286981
    The short version is there was this classmate of mine whom during our freshmen years acted like a fellow bro. On the first half of second year colllege, I liked that he liked Guyver and Battle Royale.

    During the third year of college, he became a total faggot. I mean, seriously. He tries making the ^_^ face a lot, going "kawaii desu desu" and yeah. Shame I called him a Bro earlier.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)05:52 No.2287023
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    hmm awkward/bad con experience, this will sound a lot better on screen and in my head then it actually will end up being, but anyway:

    at AN, cnanime, ac-cubed, or some other con (02-07can't really remember the year (smoked a lot of pot back then))

    I proceed to go hit on a really cute girl I see in a Botan cosplay, the Botan cosplayer begins to look repulsed, then tells me that I've got a good sense for telling that HE's a guy, but he's gay and I'm a whore for thinking if I flirt with him he'll sleep with me because he's a guy, he then leaves and I see him talking and looking at me and giggling with his friends...

    ...I'm a lesbian, and I do posses social skills, but I learned other con goers do not on that day.

    weird how I can remember all that stuff but not the con or the date...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)06:31 No.2287054
    It's always easier to remember a bad experience rather than a good one
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)06:35 No.2287058
    A couple of girls in my high school used to always say "Oh my Gackt!" instead of "Oh my God". For one of their birthdays the other shooped her a picture with Gackt's face on some porn star's body. It was weird as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)07:16 No.2287079
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    >Oh my Gackt!
    Oh God wtf
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)07:25 No.2287090
    >>2287023 I do posses social skills, but I learned other con goers do not on that day

    Story of my con life. I often make the "mistake" of being friendly towards socially awkward and really dorky people who seem to be alone at the con, because I think no one else would talk to them during the whole thing or something ("hey let's set a good example lol")
    This always resulted in unwashed, mouth-breathing people following me for three days straight. I swear there are at least three people, male and female, who still stalk me online because omg that girl talked to me-> bestest friendz ^_^/YOU GAVE ME ATTENTION = YOU WERE FLIRTING WITH ME
    Wat. That's not what small talk is about and you should learn that...
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 10/30/09(Fri)07:43 No.2287099
    Every week I go for a meal and a drink with some bros. It's only just recently that I've discovered that they're all a bunch of faggots. One of whom is a big tuffguy farmer who spents his free time hitting metal with hammers and punching trees.

    And he's totally addicted to twilight. Never laughed so hard in my life goddamn
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)08:09 No.2287110
    I work at a small movie store and we just hired this LARGE guy to help stock. Now, he is usually nice, but he will not stop going on about how we should carry the latest anime (which are, to him, Naruto and Bleach). I told him we can't because we are a small store and anime doesn't sell all that great where we are, but no, he's all "but you HAVE to get it! Its the Bleach MOVIE!"
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)08:22 No.2287120
    I have a cousin who is an elementary school teacher, and I only ever see at Christmas. Well, I was entertaining one of the many small children running around her place during our holiday family gathering, when I overheard her talking to my great aunt. It went along the lines of how she thought video games were SO EVIL and should all be banned, and that she is disappointed that not many kids read enough these days. My aunt asked her what her favorite book is/what she would recommend to read. Fucking. Twilight.
    COUSIN, I am dissapoint.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)08:39 No.2287132
    -Some weeaboo whale loudly pointed out my obvious Pokemon Trainer outfit, walked up to me, and asked if I wanted to play hide and seek in the dealers' room. I gently smiled and said, "How about no?" and tried to end the conversation quickly. She continued talking and wouldn't shut up, so I agreed. When she thought I had found a spot and stayed there, I quickly walked away and joined my friends at a panel.

    The next day, she either somehow managed to recognize me, or just got lucky, I was wearing a bandanna over my nose and mouth to go with the western-style clothing I had on. She wanted to hit me with a plastic golf club. Once again, I gently declined and walked away.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I hate weeaboos. Immensely. But I do try to mind my manners.

    -On the same day I was wearing those western clothes, I had "Ninja Slayer" sewn on the back of my coat, and a couple of spray-painted Nerf guns on each side. Some fag wearing a badly put together Bleach Captain uniform yelled, "BULLETS CAN'T KILL NINJAS, THEY NEVER DIE!!" and quickly ran off giggling to himself.

    -Bunch of butthurt weeaboos made a conga line or something and walked around the dealers' room yelling how the con staff was unfair because they took away their yaoi sign or some shit, when it was clearly stated in the convention rules that signs were not allowed. Then either someone finally threatened to kick their annoying asses out, or they just got tired, and started chanting, "FREE HUGS!"

    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)08:40 No.2287133
    >>2287132 Continued

    -Two obnoxious bitches were sitting behind my friends and I at a panel, and every two minutes, they'd scream, "I JUST LOST THE GAME!" or "AT FIRST I WAS LIKE THIS, BUT THEN I PUT ON MY RAPE FACE!" or try to be clever and make a yaoi comment out of everything.

    -A table in the dealers' room selling buttons with Mudkip's face in the middle and "The Game" captioned underneath.

    -People cosplaying characters that did not fit their body type/lazily put together costumes. But that happens at every convention.

    I was honestly surprised, and thankful, I did not hear anyone spouting "KAWAII" or any other wannabe Japanese bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)09:08 No.2287173
    I'm friends with this Asian dude who thinks he's hot stuff because he lived in Japan for 2 years. He always used to put me down because he was in better classes than me and because he's been to over 9000 cons all over the world and I've never been to any. But he comes here and thinks he's hot stuff because he comes here, and he actually says "el oh el", "ai em oh", and random /b/ shit in real life.
    He used to hit on me a lot too and when he found out I was a McCaintard, the insults kept coming again. He's a crossdresser at cons too. He's hideous and very manly looking so he'll never look like a girl, IMO.
    He's really desperate for pussy and I mean REALLY desperate (example, does yaoi girl fanservice to get girls attention, and he sucked a guys cock just so he would hook him up with a girl to have sex with), but he'll always tell you that since he's so close to God, he's celibate.
    I feel a whole lot better because when I found out what a weeaboo was, he was the epitome of it. He started wearing BURANDO (which is really ita shit he got off ebay) to get loli's attention too.

    I hope you're reading this, Dave, because you're a pile of shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)09:45 No.2287228
    hey, they are just desperate. You should know not to go talk outsiders if you are not ready to think them as your friend. It's kind of awkward when you have closed someone out of your friend circle and someone else on the circle brings him.
    whoa, that is weak
    this is why I don't go to cons
    hahaha, what the hell. Did he really suck a cock? Maybe he is bi or gay really
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)09:58 No.2287248
    Yeah the guy took pics and it passed around the school. He horribly denies being gay, but who knows?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)10:03 No.2287262
    hmmmm....two instances i can think of, one funny, one irritating.

    I went to an anime night at walden books. There was a group of girls at the manga area. Having never read any I asked "Hey, can you recommend a good manga?", pronouncing it man-gah. One chick turns around and says in a snooty tone "I would if you're looking for MAHNgah." I almost slapped that bitch.

    the funny one happened when i worked at a bakery. I'd seen this 13-14 year old kid running around being obnoxious in a naruto headband a few times before. One day his mother asks for some frosting, so i grab the bucket and spoon without gloves on since i was using utensils. The lady tentatively asked me to put on gloves and i said ok. Then the narutard yells at the top of his lungs "MY MOM'S HAD FOOD POISONING... TWICE!"
    It was very hard not to start laughing until they left.

    Another one, now that I think of it, was less irritating and more just weird. I was at a cast party and I was drinking off to the side watching people on the dance floor bootybump dancing. Eventually I scan over to a corner and I see a cute girl still in costume with fake swords doing a kata by herself. Intrigued, I walk over and start talking nerd and hitting on her. She was so socially awkward she didn't even get it when I asked for her number right before she left. She just got a really confused look on her face and said "Why?" before walking away.
    >> Obscurity !f5oggPkRHA 10/30/09(Fri)11:54 No.2287406
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    I usually don't mind it when like, 12/13 year old kids are acting super weeaboo and cons and what not, it's when people are 17+ and still think it's okay to try and act OMG SO LOLOL CRAZY that it drives me up a fucking wall.

    Usually though, I stay away from crowded areas enough to just kind of remain passively annoyed, so I guess I don't have a lot of personal experiences when it comes to this shit short of being "LOL GLOMPED" by fuckers who think it's funny to tackle people from behind. One almost made me spill a soda I was opening all over my friend's art table.

    Oh yeah, I did have one fucking creepy girl take a picture of me (in the most random obscure costumes I've done, no less) and then proceed to tell me how she was going to go home and 'fap' to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)12:07 No.2287430
    I'm actually the president of a college anime club, and there are a few in our club who cannot keep their mouths shut for the lives of them. They're bigger attention whores than I am, and I'm a cosplayer!

    Our historian never shuts up during meetings, and he'll always make the loudest, most irrelevant comment during suspenseful parts of shows, play games on his laptop during the entire course of meetings, and seems to not realize that no one would have voted for him if anyone ran against him for his position. What's worse, he says that the people in our club make his life better.

    The secretary's pretty hot, though. :3
    >> Krizalid | GACKT.C !GACKTW2/pY!!d8yGuJYDV40 10/30/09(Fri)12:07 No.2287431
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    That was fucking weird, and I am a man.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)12:19 No.2287452
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    I remember at NYAF, my friends and I just got into Anime Parliament, which was one of our favorite panels at Otakon and AnimeNEXT. It was supposed to be an awesome way to end the con for us. Sadly, we sat behind about ten weeaboos who spent the 15 minutes before the panel started discussing the character depth in Naruto.
    And by that I mean the sexiness.
    (They don't know the difference.)

    Anyway. The panel starts, there are some sucky cases, it's sad.
    But the worse part was during a case, one of them yelled IT'S OVER 9000!
    And me, thinking I'd be a snarky bitch, said "I don't get it!"
    And they proceeded to turn around and explain it to me like I was a five year old.
    I nodded and went, "Oh, really? I never knew that! Thank you!"
    Thinking they'd get that I was being sarcastic.
    But they didn't.
    Pic related. My face when they turned back around.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)12:42 No.2287507
    How does one find the freaks of society? They walk into a con.
    >> Rii 10/30/09(Fri)13:01 No.2287542
    A girl in my highschool like really, REALLY liked Inu-yasha, then FMA. With both she claimed she was dating them, then would talk about things they did together. With anyone who was close enough to hear. She still uses a red bathrobe to go to conventions as Edward and likes to scream his lines at anyone she can.
    Also had a girl who would dress as a poor mans Shino from Naruto daily at the school.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)13:06 No.2287556
    that sounds like it was probably an inside joke between them, we all have weird IRL memes.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)13:07 No.2287561
    Typical unwashed weirdos in the school anime club.

    I almost lost a sane friend when I invited her to come. Some guy at the club kept talking about his omg kawaii yandere homicidal tendencies. Later as we were waiting for the late bus he let my friend borrow some manga, then pulled a freakin' noose out of his backpack. He continues to shuffle around in there, mumbling "Where did I put that knife?" Friend promptly gave him the book back and got the fuck out of there.

    Eventually we both just stopped coming. Some people there were funny and tolerable, but no one seemed interested in viewing anything that wasn't already airing on Adult Swim or, you know, actually interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)13:15 No.2287583
    >>2287556, p. sure that's weird.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)13:17 No.2287589
    anime club:

    I wore my Miku Hatsune costume to the Halloween costume contest and ended up talking in a group with a stereotypically awkward guy. The subject of wearing pieces of costumes in normal life came up and I said something like "I could get away with the tie, maybe..." and awkward guy pipes up, "You couldn't really wear the whole thing though because it basically says 'rape me'."
    >> Krizalid | GACKT.C !GACKTW2/pY!!d8yGuJYDV40 10/30/09(Fri)13:20 No.2287594
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    We know that in the Gackt Fandom, they use (not including me) uses "Oh My Gakuto"

    But hearing that IRL, might make me cringe.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)13:22 No.2287598
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    I was the president of my high school anime club, and I could tell you all sorts of horror stories about the freshmen and sophomores.

    We had "Acceptable Behavior Bootcamp" once, it was fucking awesome.

    I'm going to piss myself laughing.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)13:29 No.2287612
    I've never had any really bad ones. Well, one who was only moderate. I went to a 'true' art school for two semesters, and we had to do a huge variety of projects, many of them outside our area of expertise. (you know, just to shake things up a bit, see who's really got talent.)
    One girl incorporated something from Inuyasha, Bleach, or her own story into every. single. piece. Even like "paint a picture of this flowerpot we'd put in front of you" she'd do stuff like put characters in the reflection in the glass.

    Personality-wise, she was okay, occasionally grating. Her ROOMATES though. One time she was really nice and offered to give me some of her extra modeling clay. I go into her dorm room to get it, and her socially-awful hambeast roomates just. stare. at. me. They literally had no idea how to handle having a boy in their room.

    I MUST HEAR the 'acceptable behavior bootcamp' story.
    >> Harley !!XSyTLyfFUjy 10/30/09(Fri)13:29 No.2287614
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    A couple stories.

    First one. This one's not so bad. ALA a couple years back, I had broken up with my boyfriend(on good terms) and I was having a conversation with a couple people, one of the guys, tells me "If you ever need a boyfriend, look me up"

    Yeah... I don't think so. The funny part is, a ran into a friend of his, who was apparently his ride and offered to ditch the guy on the side of the road for me. Got a laugh out of me.

    and I'll put this here for the next story.

    TL;DR: Douchey guy. Brags to much. Insults joke costume. Loses match in tournament. Sulks like a five year old.

    This one, not a weeboo but a real douchebag. This year's Comic Con, ACP set it up so some of us would be working with Namco at the con. Namco wanted us at the booth, and at the tournament room. Come Sunday, we just had to be at the Tekken 6 tournament finals.

    Three of us went to the room, and they had 360's and PS3's set up. We looked around and found one that only had one guy playing. We sat down and started playing with him, and it was okay at first.

    But then, the guy got kiind of annoying. He bragged about how he been studying hours of video online. and says "DID YOU SEE THAT, DID YOU SEE THAT?!?" Everytime he did anything remotely cool looking. We keep playing and a guy walks in to the room, in an obvious joke SF Sakura costume.

    Mr. Douche becomes indignent at the site of Sakura. Saying that a guy should NEVER cosplay Sakura. We tell him that obviously it's just a joke and not to be taken so serious(though not that polite). So he goes silent for awhile after that, doing a half hearted compliment on my Leo jacket to cover his ass. But things mellow out and everybody's talking again, and the bragging stuff starts again.

    To try to shorten this, he's in the tournament. He's being douchey the whole time, looses out on his third match. He SULKS out of the room, without saying so much as goodbye to us. The one time I was ever happy to see somebody lose.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)13:42 No.2287656
    >I MUST HEAR the 'acceptable behavior bootcamp' story.

    To be fair, I told them what was going on and why we were doing this. My senior year, the freshmen girls in the club were especially bad, and there were a lot of them. Bad enough that some of my close friends stopped coming. Usually the craziness can be fixed by setting a good example and pointing out when they're being obnoxious, but we were having trouble taming such a large group. So I had a sleepover at my house for all of the girls in anime club. At the start of the night, they all got rubber bands for their wrists, and the seniors explained to the freshmen that each time they behaved out of line or exceptionally obnoxiously, they were going to do 20 pushups. Each time they thought or spoke in fangirl Japanese, they had to snap the rubber band on their wrist, hard.
    We went about the rest of the night in normal, girly sleepover fashion, with some push-ups sessions in between (including one from one of my seniors, shame shame).

    Incidentally, my vice president hosted a bro night that same night. I never really heard much about it except that he found out two of our members were unexpectedly gay and they got kicked out of WalMart. Unrelated incidents, I hope.

    I miss my high school anime club. :[ We were awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)13:59 No.2287690
    WORST story you say?
    From my personal experience: This was about...2002 maybe? I was 14 years old, high school freshman and fresh off the DBZ craze (DBZ had just ended on Toonami, and I think Adult Swim was just starting up)

    The new high school had just finished being built, and my best friend at the time told me there was an "anime club", and invited me to come with him to check out so we could join.
    The way the school had been built was with an unnecessarily large budget, so they went all out, and even put a goddamn pool in the school (which was never open for student use).

    We get to the anime club's room and there were about 6 people there, it was the size of a bedroom and smelled like 600 sweaty gyms, I swear if the japanese have nosebleeds from arousal, then americans can have nosebleeds from disgust--this room was fucking RANK.

    (part 1)
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:00 No.2287693
    The "president" (I'm going to say she was about 17, really tall, really skinny, missing a lot of teeth, nails on a chalkboard voice) greets us and asks us to sit. There were no chairs in this room, only towels on the floor for you to sit down on. I sat down, and to my immediate right was my best friend, to his right was an enormous, obese black kid playing pokemon. To that guy's right were a stupid white kid couple who's eyes were bloodshot, and had obviously been smoking weed (one of the other magical smells in this room, don't worry, it gets better), then the president, the president's "kind of boyfriend" (they never speak to each other, just stare longingly for minutes at a time in the creepiest fashion EVER). and to my immediate left is a kid named corey with braces who starts questioning our taste, as if there's a test to join the club.
    So me and said friend brought up DBZ.

    (part 2)
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:02 No.2287698
    Kid: THAT FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT ISN'T AN ANIME (here's my favorite bit, he pronounces anime as A-NYME, like anne, nyme. as if the word dime changed the letter d to n. Not. Fucking. Kidding.)
    Kid: IT WAS MADE IN AMERICA IT SUCKS. Have you seen rurouni kenshin?
    Us;, but isn't that coming to toonami soon?
    Us: ...
    Us: Well...what do you like, Corey?
    Friend: think...the guy is attractive?
    At this point we're thoroughly creeped out, and decide to leave.
    We came back maybe two or three more times, and it just got really fucking annoying and stopped coming. the two stoners would just be making out the entire time and giggling, and we'd have to listen to corey's creepy neurotic bullshit.

    Months later school authorities found not only illegal drugs in the room, but used condoms, pornography (probably hentai), and other whacky shit, and decided to end unsupervised club activities. Students still never got to use the pool.

    Moral of story: don't join an anime club.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:03 No.2287700
    I fucking hate it when weeaboos think they can fight simply because they watch fighting anime and copy it. I also do martial arts, and it's fucking hard work that their fat fanasses aren't willing to put in. /rant.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:06 No.2287710
    > I fucking hate it when weeaboos think they can fight simply because they watch fighting anime and copy it.

    Too fucking right. Just look at this fat bastard.
    >> CheeseGAR !!CkvkCp3sxqO 10/30/09(Fri)14:10 No.2287715
    Fucking Chris-chan.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:10 No.2287716
    I've never met a weeaboo in my life tbh

    Though one time during lunch in high school I decided to stop by my friend-since-childhood's house. He's kinda gangster so it was really weird for me when I walked into his living room and he had subbed Bleach playing on his computer
    He asked if I knew what it was but like hell I was going to say yes
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:26 No.2287745
    >>Every week I go for a meal and a drink with some bros. It's only just recently that I've discovered that they're all a bunch of faggots. One of whom is a big tuffguy farmer who spents his free time hitting metal with hammers and punching trees.

    What do you have against blacksmitting fucktard ?!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:28 No.2287749
    this guy wins. forever.
    >> Lilitu !!fzI5iLLTQ5R 10/30/09(Fri)14:32 No.2287758
    My best stories actually involve teachers. I've had two Weeaboo Teachers, and a Teacher who was rabidly obsessed with Twilight.

    The first teacher I would like to bring up was the sponser of the high schol anime clube. The woman was like sixty and was a total weeaboo... it was rather pathetic actually, like she taught Englis and wile actually teaching her class would use suc words as "kawaii", "nani", "desu" (she would add 'desu' to the end of er sentances) etc. This woman would also come into the Japanese room in te middle of class and try to speak Japanese to our teacher wo would politely grin and nod and say "Oh you've gotten better then last time." The topic of conversation everytime was anime. Our Japanese teacher that year loved anime and it was kind of weird because there were so many Sailor Moon, Rose of Versailles, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and other really sparkly shoujo posters in the room, it was ridiculous. One day, the crazy old bat walks in the room and decides she will confront the Japanese teacher on taste. She actually fought with her on Shounen v. Shoujo and how Shounen was far better. Our Teacher just nodded and smiled then told the insane woman that we had to take a test which was a lie, then locked the door and said to us "No one ever let that woman in here again, she's insane."
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:58 No.2287814
    >she taught Englis
    >Our Teacher just nodded and smiled then told >the insane woman that we had to take a test >which was a lie, then locked the door and said to >us "No one ever let that woman in here again, >she's insane."

    she didn't do a very good job
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)14:59 No.2287818

    wow. neither did i with the greentext. naptime it is, then
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)15:27 No.2287883
    Sounds like Botan cosplayer guy was kind of a dick.

    y u do dis? Shit, even online I hate reading. And unfortunately I have to read it an awful lot.

    Speaking of which, I browsing manga at Borders a couple years ago and some high school age girl (I'm 25) also there noticed the Gackt keychain hanging out of my purse.

    "Oh, you listen to J Rock? Do you like L'Arc en Ciel?"

    I had barely answered "Yeah" and she started lecturing me on how Gackt was ruining L'Arc en Ciel and Hyde by basically making him gay (I guess she'd never seen a L'Arc video from 1992-1995). She also informed me that they had made out on stage at a concert.

    I tried to inform her that they'd never appeared onstage together but she was absolutely adamant. Then she started trying to speak to me in hideously mangled Japanese. I tried to correct her pronunciation but she got even more defensive and said that she had been taught "correct" pronunciation by her friend's exchange student from Sapporo, and then that the Sapporo accent sounds different.

    I just gave up and said "Haha okay yeah" and left as quickly as I could.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)15:35 No.2287907
    O fucking Jesus, WHY?!
    And his voice...i'll never be able to get it out of my mind now. Someone kindly end my suffering
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)15:40 No.2287925
    This happened recently, and I was unfortunately the weeaboo. It's actually kind of funny.

    I take Karate at my college in the morning and usually afterwards I go to my boyfriend's house to hang out. To save time, I usually get up on Karate mornings and immediately put on my Karate uniform so I can go in and start class right away.
    Well, one morning I decided to go to a grocery store for some groceries before going to Karate (that way I can cook stuff for lunch at my bf's house). I was also running late, so I ran into the grocery story with my Karate uniform still on me. It didn't occur to me till I was inside the store and thought about what I was wearing. I tried my best to not look at anyone in the eye in the store and left the store right after I got my stuff. I felt so awkward. I'm also thankful that most of the people there at the time were old ladies. XD I felt so...bad. I bet people thought I was a weeaboo :\
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)15:44 No.2287933
    At first I thought he was being wapanese at the end, then I just realised it's just his high-pitched nasal voice
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)15:47 No.2287941
    If it was an all white uniform, they probably just thought it was your pajamas, child. It's all okay.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:10 No.2287980
    and if you had a black belt, they were thinking "o lawd, I betta watch out o she gonna kick my ass!"
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:12 No.2287986
    I dunno, I had a big Karate school logo on the back, and an orange belt on. :\
    Haha I still have a long way to go to get there. Wish my mom would have gotten me into Karate or martial arts earlier in my life :\
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:31 No.2288030
    I usually go to the photography room during enrichment (dunno if they have this in other schools, it's pretty much free time from class on wednesdays). In the room there's a bunch of computers since the photography class also teaches students how to use photoshop.

    Anyways, the japanese culture club meets in the same room and one of the members was on photoshop working on a poster to promote the club. I looked over from where I was to see what she was doing and on the screen were VERY poorly shooped Code Geass characters. On the bottom it said "jOiN tHe jApAnEsE cUlture cLuB!!!!! LeLouch commands YoU!!!! ^_^"

    Just like that. I almost laughed my ass off. Almost.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:33 No.2288036
    One of the more extreme cases I can think of is a friend of a friend who once roomed with me for a con. At first she seemed so normal, even a pretty cool person. But she started saying things about herself that were increasingly more and more difficult to believe. For one, she was supposedly half-Japanese, but she looked as white as me. I commented on her blue eyes and she said they turned that color because of some disease. (wut.) She was supposedly fluent in Japanese; now I'm not fluent, but I speak it somewhat because I studied it for 3+ years in high school. And the few things I heard her say in Japanese sounded....odd. She was pronouncing a lot of things incorrectly. She said she'd been living in America for a while, but someone who spent 15+ years of their life in Japan should know the damn language. She kept saying how cool it would be to talk to the special guests of the con in their native language, and when she met them, she didn't say a word to them...she later said "I was so nervous I forgot LOLOL". She says all kind of other bullshit too, like that she can sew really well, but my friend who's been to her house several times has seen no trace of a sewing machine, and her cosplays all suck or appear purchased. She can also supposedly play guitar, we've never seen a guitar or heard her play. She talks about her friends from Japan that we've never met. We haven't met her Japanese boyfriend or her Japanese brother.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:34 No.2288038
    Her Japanese father, she told me, was killed by a drunk driver. I talked to the mutal friend about it, and she said she told her her dad died of an overdose. Another friend said she claims her dad died during an operation. We haven't met her real dad, only her mom.

    She also has three different names, which I won't say legal name, one Japanese name (a fake-sounding one) and the name her mom calls her. Basically this girl is a pathological liar. The mutual friend is no longer in contact with her, and neither am I. (Apparently she complained that I'm bossy? I have no idea what I did to piss her off.)

    She lent my friend a really crappy, cheap wig, and after their drama where she decided not to be my friend's friend anymore, she demanded to either have the wig back or have it paid for. She said it cost over $200. The thing could not have been worth more than $15. She said she didn't even remember where she bought it. The list goes on. Her life is such a tremendous series of lies, we think she must be in the CIA.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:39 No.2288048
    I see people in my store all the time in their karate uniform. The only thing I think about them is that they must have just gotten out of class. Nothing wrong with that, its no different than wearing a sports uniform into a store.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:45 No.2288053
    Is your store an Asian store? The store I went in was...good thing I'm Asian too so it's not that bad, I guess, but I still felt like a weeaboo D:
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 10/30/09(Fri)16:49 No.2288066
    Oh man.. Reminds me of when an exchange student came to my high school. It was art class.. there were some hungry, hungry weeaboos in the class who would bite their way into anything japanese and this poor kid was their typical fantasy: A moderately attractive teen-aged japanese boy.

    Me and my friends kinda took him aside and sat him at our table and pretty much said "stick with us if you want to live.."

    Our efforts to saved him however failed when the teacher introduced the student. In minutes he was surrounded by a gaggle of fangirls asking him what his 'favorite animu' was.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:52 No.2288078
    I was picking up some soup ingredients at my local asian specialty market and there were these two women, looked maybe mid-30s. One of them was an unattractive hambeast, I didn't really get a look at the other. The hambeast was yammering on and on about how the packages with Hello Kitty on them were "SOOOOOO KAWAIII!" while her friend just stood there silently. At one point she was literally rocking back and forth in excitement crooning something about "KITTEH CHAAANNNN!" I was torn between laughing hysterically, weeping, and vomiting. It was the most pathetic sight I'd ever seen. I mean, this woman was old enough to be the MOM of a high school weeaboo and she was acting like one in public.

    She walked off to go get some "POCKKKEHHH!!!!!!" and I lost track of her. I kind of wanted to hear more just so I'd have a better story to tell but it made my fucking skin crawl.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)16:58 No.2288089
    They also used "Kyo-my-God!" as an alternative at times. I don't listen to JRock so I'm not quite sure but I think they were referencing Dir en grey.

    Let's call them A and B. A made new covers for her binders every year for school and sometimes she would just cut out the eyes of Jrockers and glue them on her binders because they were "pretty". She was also in the habit of wearing a corset to school and had her hair done after certain Jrockers. A claimed that she's fluent in Japanese but everyone knew she was bullshitting because she said she was fluent in 5 different languages but no one ever heard her pronounce anything in Japanese correctly.

    B loved Miyavi so she would write "MYV" on EVERYTHING. Her homework, papers we graded in class, her hand... She used to be the whitest person I know. B had a pink cap she'd wear all the time because "Miyavi has one just like it". Or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)17:25 No.2288124
    I have a lot of super weeaboo "friends". And by "friends" I mean, I only see them//put up with them when I absolutely HAVE to. There is one girl in this group, that is an obsessive jrock-tard who acts like she is the "know all" about Japanese music...but in reality isn't. She pronounces Versailles as: Ver-sail-ees

    and moi-meme-moitie as: moy-mee mee- moy-tie

    she is also convinced that Mana and Gackt are her "soulmates" and has mini shrines made for them.
    >> CheeseGAR !!CkvkCp3sxqO 10/30/09(Fri)17:28 No.2288135
    But isn't that the plot of Mean Girls?
    Oh Rein, you so crazy.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)17:29 No.2288136
    I don't know if this counts but whenever I go to Japan with friends they always expect me to be translator even if all I want to do is get drunk and party with them...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:04 No.2288221
    "Ver-sail-ees" kills me. I don't understand how anyone past the age of 10 or so can convince themselves that their soulmate is someone they've never met or that they have a J Rock star that lives in their head and acts as their MUSE.

    The only thing more embarrassing to the artist than Gackt fans is the Dir en grey fans so that would not surprise me.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:07 No.2288225
         File1256940421.jpg-(45 KB, 799x491, 418858.jpg)
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    I knew this chubby mexican chick named Dolce.
    She was always wearning anime t-shirts and carrying her manga books/folder, holding them infront of her so people could see them, rather than putting them in her backpack.
    She wold always sit under a tree and read her manga with a few friends. She'd always use japanese term, like "baka" and "kawaii", trying to like... idk work it into every conversation.
    I had a few friends like that.

    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:19 No.2288240
    >No dyke chan you are the weeaboos
    > and then dyke chan poster on /cgl/

    was your story supposed to be an expose of your personal weeaboo shiteness?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:27 No.2288251
    This person keeps e-mailing me pictures of his anime action figures and asking to either friend me on Facebook or have pictures of my own 'collection'.

    S'weird. I wouldn't mind it so much if he didn't e-mail me every day or so asking if I got the e-mails yet and why I'm not responding fast enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:29 No.2288256
    >chubby mexican chick named Dolce
    >carrying her manga books/folder, holding them infront of her so people could see them

    i swear i went to highschool with this kid
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:43 No.2288275
    In college one of my best bros was a Japanese exchange student. He hated anime and manga, but loved america films.

    He also ate burgers whenever he got the chance. and love american music videos.

    Maybe sort of a reverse weeaboo, but saying that isn't fair because he was never obnoxious or annoying, but really fascinated with american culture and always had LOTS of questions

    His favorite video
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:46 No.2288281
    >and he sucked a guys cock

    this is what is commonly known as "The Gay", and your friend has a terminal case
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:51 No.2288290
    In college I'm in this horrible and i do mean horrible anime club. All the dick head president does is watch shin-chan. nothing wrong with that but we finished all the DVDs we had and he wanted to watch them AGAIN. Not the worst not by far, a few weeks ago our student goverment rep said that he couldn't ask for money from the student government because our president didn't want to ask for money. because every one asks for money from the student government and the anime club is unconventional, and therefore can't ask for money from the student government.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:54 No.2288299


    That's a Japanese name? Isn't that Russian sniper guy from Enemy at the gates also named Versailles?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)18:59 No.2288310
    Versailles is a French palace.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:00 No.2288314
    I know a girl sort of like that. I call them Americaphiles. Her English was fantastic, and she had little interest in anything Japanese. She loved American movies, especially musicals. She was in theater and choir too, and was a fucking incredible singer. Shame she had to go back to Japan, because she just belongs here, she's the most American girl I know. She'll be back before too long, I'm sure.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:04 No.2288328
    How DO you pronounce it?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:08 No.2288336
    Without the French accent? Ver, as in versus, sigh. Ver-sigh. Versailles.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:15 No.2288349
    With a Japonizu accent "beru-sigh"
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:15 No.2288350

    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:18 No.2288357
    I have a Japanese friend who is an Americaphile. He is obsessed with Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Avril Lavigne (omfg it is so damn funny to listen to a Japanese person say her name in bad Engrish), Miley Cyrus, etc, hip hop music, he reads a lot of crappy celeb gossip magazines, dreams about meeting American celebrities...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:19 No.2288358


    yeah, I like how most of these stories are just exposing the fact that the posters themselves are stupid weeaboos
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:29 No.2288377
    that's so weird
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:33 No.2288388
    Yes I definitely call your friend an Ameriboo
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:38 No.2288397
         File1256945902.png-(105 KB, 298x409, 2zqvrdv.jpg.png)
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    Now you know how exactly how Japanese people feel towards otaku!

    Another thing, the word "Otaku", maybe the use of it is dieing down because weeaboos have finally realized just how derogatory the word is.

    Someone walking around in a naruto headband and saying "lol I'm an Otaku" is as bad as a white guy walking around in black face saying "lol I'm a nigger!"
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:38 No.2288401
         File1256945937.jpg-(853 KB, 800x1100, animuclubposter.jpg)
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    So I'm in my high school's anime club. The officers usually don't have much time to get something together as they are all hard-working smart asian girls, so I've kinda taken the role of president. Our first meeting was a few weeks before the end of school on my sophmore year. We had about 50 people come the first meeting. It was alright, except for the smell, and the noise... and some of the people. We had kids yelling /b/ memes all over the place. We also had this one senior girl who wore an Akatsuki coat every day, and called everyone Naruto names.

    Well, year ended, it was alright. Officers of the anime club met up, I decided to take care of the posters. I spent a good week drawing characters that could attract a good crowd: not too weaboo, but not too clueless either. (poster attached)

    Our first meeting, we get about 30 people. We had a pretty good crowd and introduced everyone. When I would go to the front of the classroom, this one fat kid would always start yelling

    and stuff like that. We ended up playing charades outside because we had nothing planned. No one could recognize the characters on my poster.

    The next meeting, only about half of the people from before show up. Kid keeps yelling, and the yelling of people is still unbearably loud. I was usually in charge of the word of the day, but one of the girls who always wears cat ears decided to make the word "glomp".
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:40 No.2288405

    I kinda decide, well, what the hell. And I follow along, and agree to give a small demonstration. I run to the girl, expecting her to just stand there, but she runs towards me too, steps on my foot and busts my toe as she hugs me. I brought some Macross Frontier for everyone to watch as I took care of my bleeding big toe. People liked the show, many people asked me to bring more episodes. I get complaints from alot of people about this group of freshmen that were being rude and mocking. One of them was a midget. Outside, I tell them that if it was them, to stop, and not come back.

    The midget guy comes running to me, about to punch me. My friend tells me that I'm several feet taller than him and to just walk away.

    For the rest of the meetings, I took various episodes, like Welcome to the NHK, K-ON, etc. The officers keep forgeting to advertise the meetings, so we have about 10 people every day.

    Surprisingly, it's a pretty calm group now. We had a long meeting recently and talked about con-going and what not to do, con manners, etc etc, then we watched Akihabara@deep. We discussed about an upcoming con and went over the schedule, and appart from that, its been okay.

    As of now, we still have a horrible reputation from that horrible first meeting though.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)19:55 No.2288430
    yeah, that's a reverse weeaboo alright....Paris Hilton? Are you fucking kidding? How can you be a fan of someone who doesn't DO anything?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:10 No.2288451
    thank you all for bringing humor to my otherwise sucky day. this thread was a bunch of fun.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:23 No.2288475
    I dont know if i should be pissed at them for not knowing those characters in the poster, or that im so weeaboo that i know them all.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:44 No.2288507
    A few years ago I thought it would be nice to organize a small get-together of anime fans, have fun at the park in cosplays, have contests and take pictures, etc..

    Then after that we'd go to a friend's house to camp out in their yard and play videogames, eat pizza and just hang out. Well, two of these were exceptionally terrible weabos. They were sisters.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:45 No.2288508

    The younger one was all mouth, fucking annoying as hell and did I mention LOUD. She wasn't so bad, she liked screaming random 'memes' and 'wapanese' to get people's attention...

    Now, the older one...oh boy...
    Well, those two were suppose to sleep inside because they were being too noisy/fucking screaming at 2 am and the neighbours were complaining. She didn't want to sleep inside, she wanted out where all the people in their tents were. She made a huge racket until her dad had to be called there to yell/smack her. (he was pretty scary..) and even then she kept bitching, wining, talking about how she hoped that vincent valentine would be in the next Kingdom hearts game.
    >> flood detector. Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:45 No.2288511
    The worst part:

    She kept talking about Hellsing.
    Don't get me wrong, I love it. But I hate her version of it. She basically threw in some original characters, and went on to explain how her story went (as if it was fact) and how she killed of Integra because she didn't find her character important. Alucard get married to some demon chick and she has his kid, etc etc a bunch of bullshit. Eventually every one was just ignoring her and using pictochat on our DS's to talk about how much we wanted to smack her up with golf clubs so she'd shut her whore mouth.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:46 No.2288512
    the next morning she wanted us to watch some anime she liked. She left the main menu of the DVD running for an hour or two while explaining to every one in the living room every detail about the characters, and plot, and spoilers and all her opinions on what characters make awesome pairings. Eventually we all just left and never got to watch it. I don't remember what anime it was.

    Night was hell. Simple to say, I never organized another event like this.

    I'd go on, but I can't really recall all the details..
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:48 No.2288516

    Wow, that's a surprisingly well put together and tasteful anime related advert. Anon I approve of your actions.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:51 No.2288519
    I went to my favorite sushi spot and made the mistake of mentioning aloud that I love sushi. What happened next no one was prepared for. An older gentleman shouts that he loves Japan PERIOD!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:51 No.2288520
    A few years back I went to a mini convention held at a local high school for kicks. The event wasn't too terrible, and had a tournament for Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4, a Naruto fighting game that I was a huge fan of at the time. They didn't have all the characters unlocked, so I end up choosing Naruto, and because the tournament had only 8 or so entrants, everyone has to go against each other once, compiling the most wins. In the middle of the tournament, I end up fighting a cute Tenten cosplayer who also uses Tenten to fight, and I end up destroying her, and she ends up crying. Later on, I also fight who I assume to be her little brother, who was using Temari and switch over to Tenten just to easily take him down too. It ends with me beating everyone with my health never going down past 90% and winning a $10 gift certificate to GameStop.
    tl;dr I beat Narutards at their own game, and made one cry.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:52 No.2288521

    You're such a weeaboo for being the organiser of such an event!!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:55 No.2288524
    you're just lucky you had to work that day and didn't get to go...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:58 No.2288529
    You put in memes in the poster and then don't expect faggots to show up?

    Greab going there.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)20:59 No.2288534
    I still had to put up with her at conventions...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)21:08 No.2288562
    Visual Kei is the only japanese thing I like. No really I like their male fashion. FFF DELUHI
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)21:09 No.2288564
    My redneck-ass high school never had an anime club, but I joined the one at my university (UNT, on the off chance someone is reading this.)

    I was the VP for a while, ran into some weird shit. We had some weeaboo shut ins that never left their dorms except to come to meetings, creepy guys that kept suggesting ecchi, shit like that.

    Some of the near-lolis apparently kept flirting with me, apparently I'm a rarity in the anime community because I can actually talk to humans(it helps to be a journalism major).

    One of the shittiest parts of my tenure as VP is that the club was essentially run from Japan. The old "scribe"(don't ask) was in Japan on a exchange program, and his girlfriend was the president.

    Let me tell you about this hideous fuck. This guy was easily 6'4", 400 pounds, looks like a viking with an odd predilection for pink. He felt, inside, that he was really a tiny Japanese girl on the inside. I guess that made his stateside girlfriend a lesbian.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)21:12 No.2288573
    Anywho, that semester we had the highest turnout yet, thanks to our choice of anime, our contests, and, I'd like to think, the atmosphere I helped to create. I would actually go out and talk to some of the more reclusive of our members, because that's just the kind of person I am.

    Of course, the officers HATED that shit. By the end of the semester, they decided to kick me out. All because I wasn't a quiet, shojo-loving recluse.

    Last I heard, they exclusively watch shounen-ai and have ran off the majority of the members. Oh well. I ended up dating the PR girl for the club, and we had a really great relationship for a few years.

    I'm better off. I'm less of a weeaboo now, and to be honest I miss it sometimes.
    >> Bearpigman 10/30/09(Fri)21:18 No.2288584
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    See, when I was president of my anime club in college, I started the year off with a fool proof plan to weed people out.

    The very first thing I showed in that club, before any anime, was all 20 segata sanshiro videos, including the epic music video. I gave clear instructions that if you didn't think you were experiencing the best hour of your life, to walk right out the door. I think we had two people leave, and that made the club all the better.

    I was able to introduce many of them to detroit metal city, robot carnival, ping pong club, astro fighter sunred, and urusei yatsura (shown when one person in the class asked me to show inu-yasha)

    Goddamn those were good times
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)21:32 No.2288613
    If I were ever part of a club, sir. I would have loved to join yours. Fucking A for taste.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)22:27 No.2288691

    they had segata sanshiro on conan the other day (at 14:25 in this video)
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)22:41 No.2288705
    Isn't AFX Welsh or something? In any case, he's one of my favorite artists.

    Man, I know I have some stories, I just can't remember them. When I was in high school, I knew plenty of weeaboos, but only three of them really stand out (likely because I was such a faggot back then that I didn't find their social ineptitude at all odd).

    The first one was a girl. Let's call her Alex. She wasn't really a bad person or even very annoying in my mind, but she had a somewhat terribad sense of humor. In any case, we were both into Naruto around the time I was friends with her, as most of my friends were back then and most of the time I spoke to her, it was something about her love for Sasuke or new developments in the storyline.

    Interesting side note: I'm actually responsible for most of the people I knew in high school (Including the guy who told the story about beating the cosplayers at the local convention. Yes, I know that guy IRL and every time I hear that story, I laugh my ass off.) learning about Naruto because I went to Otakon one year and decided to buy a copy of Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 2 because the game's mechanics drew me in. I ended up getting most of my friends to play it (obsessively) and become as gods...of Naruto. Whatever.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)22:42 No.2288707
    In any case, Alex and I were both into anime and art, so I'd often find her in the art room, doodling away at something. She wasn't very good at it, but god damn it, she had heart, so I just kind of nodded and went, "Awesome," every time she showed me her art. Eventually, I came to the realization that everything she drew was her own version of a Naruto a wolf...or a tiger..or some sort of anthropomorphic animal...It was kind of hard to tell half the time.
    Well, I wound up putting two and two together and asked her, one day, if she was a fur, which she vehemently denied for a few weeks until I explained to her that the term didn't explicitly mean that one liked masturbating to animal-people so much as that the person felt that they WERE an animal or whatever, at which point, she decided to fully embrace her inner fur.

    From then on, most every time I spoke to her, it wasn't just about her love for Sasuke or her new hideous fanart, but also about how much she loved wolves and related to them and about how she was going to get a wolf tattoo (which she eventually did when she graduated) and her plans to turn a hockey goalie's outfit into a Kyuubi costume for her next convention trip.

    tl;dr I helped spread Naruto fandom and had a hand in creating a furry monster. That's the first person. The other two are more interesting, I promise.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)22:56 No.2288736
    I didn't join the anime club at univerisity as it was called "The Japanese Society", which is stupid and miss-leading with all the other *Country name* society's that were for people from the country . Also the person at the desk was a smelly hambeast who wanted £10 in advance and didn't even have any events lined up.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)22:56 No.2288737
    The second guy I remember from high school was named Tom and was infinitely more annoying than anyone else I've ever met. He had to have been two or three years older than I was, yet he acted like he was fucking 7. He was morbidly obese and, (I think) had some manner of learning disability because 90% of the time I saw him at school, he had an aide walking around with him. He was the kind of person who just HAD to point out that someone said, "Duty," and how similar that word sounds to "Doodie" over and over until everyone around him acknowledged that it was mildly amusing. He also liked to "like" things just because other people did or thought that those things made you cool (such as smoking). I'm the kind of person who likes to give people a few chances to prove that they're not quite as annoying as they may initially seem, so I wound up spending a bit of time trying to force myself to like this guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:05 No.2288750
    Well, in my freshman year, I joined the anime club and we all wound up going Katsucon together. By this time, Tom had already latched on to me, so my best friend, Dave and I spent the whole night trying as hard as we could to tolerate him while still having a good time.

    Eventually, we ended up going back to Tom's hotel room (which he shared with about 3 or 4 other people) to rest our feet before going back out to enjoy more of the convention. While Dave and I were busy chatting amongst ourselves, though, Tom, being the massive tub of lard that he was, announced that he had to take a shit and proceeded to lock himself in the bathroom...for 15 minutes...after a while, we knocked on the door and asked if he was alright, at which point we heard him scream, "Oh my god, my ass is bleeding!" We (reluctantly) asked what the deal was and it turned out that the toilet wasn't built to support the monumental amount of feces his fat ass could produce and had become clogged. To make matters worse, he had apparently made a bowel movement so large that it caused his anus to BLEED.

    We spent the next 10 or 20 minutes trying to talk him into calling the lobby to ask for someone to come plunge the toilet or something so that his roommates wouldn't fucking kill him for rendering it unusable.

    What was his genius reason for not wanting to fix the mess he'd made in the toilet, you ask? He was afraid that the lobby would send up a "hot Asian chick" to plunge the fucking toilet and, apparently, seeing the massive, bloody dump he took would ruin any chance his 400 lbs, pimply ass had of hooking up with her.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:08 No.2288753
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:12 No.2288761
    lol, sounds like he had some massive hemorrhoids
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:28 No.2288790
    Eventually, he managed to unclog the toilet in one manner or another and the night went on about the same as it had before until Tom called Dave a Nazi (for no reason, mind you) one too many times and Dave finally told him how much we hated him and that he should leave us the fuck alone.

    The third weeaboo that comes to mind is a middle schooler by the name of Neil, who I'd met through Dave, who, in turn, had met him at a convention for people with Tourette's, which Dave had only been at in the first place because his older brother had a somewhat severe form of the disease. Somehow, Neil's mom and Dave's mom became friends and Dave's mom pretty much forced him to invite the kid over for Dave's birthday, despite how much Dave and his brother both hated him. We spent the better part of Dave's birthday TRYING to watch Trigun (which Neil had been kind enough to bring his copy of), but instead wound up listening to Neil ramble on and on about how much he liked it.

    Like I said before, I try to give people a chance (maybe more than they deserve) so despite being somewhat annoyed by my first encounter the little whelp, I allowed Dave to let him tag along when he came over to my house to chill. That was the first and (thankfully) last time Neil was ever allowed over. Neil took it upon himself to bring a duffel bag of all his game systems and games (even ones that I already had), along with a few other things like an air horn and a fucking airsoft gun. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any problem with airsoft guns, but I think buying one for your 12 year-old Tourette's patient is just bad parenting. Dave and I spent about 10 minutes explaining to him why he could not shoot the gun off the back balcony of my second floor apartment at the apartment across from us.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:28 No.2288792
    my anus bleeds every time. :( I think my poops are big
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:44 No.2288815
    On top of that, every time Dave and I started playing a game or watching something on TV, Neil would suggest we do something else like play Halo 2 instead of Halo 1 or go to the game store on the other side of town or go over to his house because he's got a bigger TV there.

    Eventually, his boredom must have reached a paramount because he decided that it'd be a great idea to play a "trick" on me by picking up my cat and dropping it on me, which freaked the cat out and caused it to claw me the fuck up. For whatever reason, instead of simply telling him to just go the fuck home, we decided that we could shut him up and keep him happy by agreeing to let him call his dad to come pick us up and drive us to the GameStop.

    When we got there, the clerk at the store greeted us with an exasperated sigh and warned Neil (who had evidently been to that store enough times for the workers there to remember his name) that if he couldn't keep himself under control this time, he'd ban him from the which point Neil decided to show said clerk his brand new air horn and how if you turned it upside-down and tried to use it, foam would come out. We decided to leave the store before Neil caused any more trouble and spent the day doing pretty much whatever he wanted in an attempt to keep him as tame as possible.

    It was only later that we found out Neil was actually somewhat famous among some of the people we went to high school with for his inability to understand socially acceptable behavior. Among other stories we heard about the kid later were that he once started masturbating in a room full of people at a sleepover and that he also stole his parents' credit card to buy online porn. I was too scared to bring either of those stories up with him, so I never really confirmed whether they were true or not, but I could certainly believe they were
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:47 No.2288823
    i'm 28 and graduated hs in '99, i wish we had anime clubs and weeaboos in my day =[
    >> Anonymous 10/30/09(Fri)23:51 No.2288833

    Dude, Neil needs some counseling. Cause that sounds a hell of a lot like that ass burgers everyone keeps saying they have.
    (Asperger syndrome)
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)00:06 No.2288846
    Ours was actually pretty okay until the president we had for my first two years of high school graduated. After that, it kind of turned to shit because she was the only thing keeping the club structured (and therefore a club) in any way, shape or form. Only real problem I had with it while she was there was that half the time, we played DDR instead of watching anime. I admit, it was fun at first, but it got boring quick. Luckily, we managed to convince her to cut down on it, which also weeded out some of the more annoying members that were only there to play the game in the first place. I'm still scarred to this day by the smell of unwashed feet.

    All things considered, though, I met a lot of friends there (including Dave, whose first words to me were something to the effect of "Hi, I'm Dave. Wanna be in my comic book?") and through them, I met everyone else I knew in high school, so I guess it all balances out.

    I wouldn't be surprised. Coincidentally, the guy who told me about the credit card theft and masturbation stories had a little brother with Asperger's
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)00:14 No.2288852
    This entire thread is like a summary of why I don't associate with anime fans anymore.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)00:19 No.2288856
    I like having stories to tell
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)00:24 No.2288866
    I agree, Dave is a FAGGOT. Self-poster and shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)00:27 No.2288868
    if you want weeaboo experiences just to share them on me, you don't know what you're wishing for. Besides, you could always have your very own weeaboo experience at a con.
    I'm pretty sure that poop is not supposed to make your ass bleed, regardless of size. You should get that checked out. It sounds like you eat glass for breakfast or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)00:33 No.2288877
    I has no insurance
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)00:51 No.2288904
    why don't you just buttfuck dave already you fucking queer
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)00:54 No.2288908
    You'd like that, I'm sure. I can't really think of any other reason for you to react that way, at least...
    >> Krizalid | GACKT.C !GACKTW2/pY!!d8yGuJYDV40 10/31/09(Sat)01:09 No.2288929
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    Why is that every story I hear about Gackt fangirls here are annoying and delusional?

    I feel sorry that you have experienced that. You people deserve better.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)01:21 No.2288942
    I made the terrible mistake of taking Japanese 1 in college. Full of dorks naturally, but the worst of the bunch was this stupid fucker who got up and introduced himself as "watashi wa gaijin desoo", kept calling the teacher [name]-sama, and sat with his laptop out every day looking at lolicon manga and reading anime plot summaries on Wikipedia (he was sitting in the front row so I could see everything he was doing).
    He was confident in his skills already, since he learned so much Japanese from watching all his favorite anime desu.
    Also, he wore the same puffy sweatpants EVERY DAY and tucked them into his dirty socks like a homeless man.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)12:19 No.2289366
    bump for more
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)12:26 No.2289370
    Here's a bad convention experience.

    A marshall got butthurt after hearing me call some Sousuke (from FMP) cosplayer "Solid Snake".

    Then he went on "What if I was the one ridiculing you as you walked on that stage? Huh? Not so tough now, are you?"

    Talk about someone on his high horse. Sheesh. As if he hadn't been on the internet yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)15:05 No.2289547
    There was this one girl deemed "cape girl" who wore a black cape to school every day, along with her Naruto headgear. Between the two main areas of the high school was a practice field, which students crossed between classes. Cape Girl would book it across that field every time, running with her arms behind her back like the characters in Naruto. I lol'd every time.

    Cape Girl also had a fatfuck friend deemed "Veil Girl" because she wore a black bridal veil every day. Underneath the veil was a pair of cat ears and hair pulled into several different ponytails like Temari.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)15:08 No.2289553
    I dated a guy once, who I met at a con. Big mistake.

    He confided in me that he cried himself to sleep every night, wishing he was in an RPG.

    We went to different schools, and my Academic Bowl team was up against his. When we arrived at the place of competition, I saw him wearing his Naruto headbandthing. I never spoke to him again.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)16:15 No.2289626
    >He confided in me that he cried himself to sleep every night, wishing he was in an RPG.

    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)16:18 No.2289630
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)16:19 No.2289631
    I wish I was in an rpg
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)17:27 No.2289703
    >had met him at a convention for people with Tourette's
    >convention for people with Tourette's

    I-I don't think I'll ever complain about the folks at an anime con again. Man, I can't even BEGIN to imagine that.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)17:31 No.2289704
    Back in early high school, I knew a girl COMPLETLEY obsessed with Inuyasha. She grew out her nails so she could have "demon nails" and wore dog/cat/whatever ears to school. She was also a batshit insane hambeast.

    I remember going over her house for a sleepover once. BAD IDEA. Her parents were out. That should have been the first clue, but my friends and I were too naive to care. Well, long story short, she sat us down and tried to get us to watch Inuyasha, then she made us watch as she made naked sims and set them on fire/drowned them.

    Then the scariest thing happened. I think she legitimately went completely insane, because the next thing I knew she had fucking wrapped me up in plastic wrap and dragged me around the house. My friends (some friends THEY were, I'm glad I moved away from them) just stared in horror. She left me in her parents room and I had to break free of the plastic wrap (she used so fucking much of it) and call my mom to come get me.

    It was the most horrifying and embarrassing experience of my life, I'm very glad we moved away shortly after that. I'm still a little traumatized.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)17:57 No.2289728
    Wore my AC Tifa to my school's homecoming because it was "favorite movie character day" needless to say when I passed by some weeboos they ended up stalking me all day. Didn't seem too bad until I ran into them at the biggest con I go to in Tifa. One of the huge whales cosplayed AC Cloud and proceeded to grab my wrist and drag me around the whole con and telling everyone that I was her ~~supa kawaii waifu~~ and tried to kiss me. I shoved her away, ran back to my hotel room, and changed into a different costume. I passed by them a couple times and luckily they didn't recognize me.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)18:02 No.2289737
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)18:16 No.2289761
    I knew a girl in middle school/early high school who was really into anime. When I started getting into Tenchi Muyo, she became crazy excited for me. I didn't know many other people that watched the show, so I would talk to her about it.

    The girl would go around calling herself Ryoko and that she had a crush on Tenchi. (A boy she really liked in school.) Somehow the joking got around to her calling me Ayeka. It was a little weird, but I thought it was all a big joke then between us. What I didn't like is her acting obnoxious and screaming at me for ruining her chances with "Tenchi" when the guy would talk to me, or trying to claw at me as if to pick a fight.

    Speaking of which, she liked to file her nails and teeth to be sharper. (She was also very into Inuyasha... Believed she was some half dog-cat-whatever demon) So sometimes if she actually scratched me, it cut my arm. :\

    Ryo-chan (a nickname of hers) was pretty clingy too. I don't know if she had other friends, but as the school years went by, I started to get frustrated with her. She was in a grade above me, but acted like she was younger. Her mom liked to drop her off at my house and then never check in with us, which meant she'd be at my place spending the night without us knowing prior. Most times I only thought she would be over to hang out for a few hours, not the entire night.

    tl;dr, she probably wasn't as weeaboo as I think her to be, but she certainly liked to name herself and people around her as characters from whatever anime/manga she was into at the time.

    ...and creeped me out with the nail/teeth thing.

    ...and made my house smell like shit with her lack of bathing + parents that smoke.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)19:17 No.2289849
    .......she filed her TEETH? fuck, that's horrible.
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 10/31/09(Sat)19:32 No.2289861
    what the fuck. I've been raped just by reading your text alone. I demand compensation in suffrage for feeling like this could happen to me as well. |:
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)19:34 No.2289864
    There's a difference between wishing for it and crying over it every night.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)19:40 No.2289865
    you're a good man (woman?) anon. D:

    I'm so sorry.

    Hah, I used to do that. In 9th grade.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)19:45 No.2289871
    I think that's fine, I used to go grocery shopping after martial arts (aikido!) lessons too. Mostly people thought I could beat them up.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)20:02 No.2289889
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)22:07 No.2290035
    Before high school, I didn't have any friends who were anime friends, but then, I changed high schools and some people befriended me the first day. Among this group, there were two girls who are the epitome of everything bad you could find in a fangirl. Seriously, they got it all.
    While I was an idiot for most part of high school, one day I realized how stupid I looked and acted, so I started making changes about how I acted (and looked), so now I pass as a normal member of society (I’m in university now). They are still stuck in their weeaboo stage.
    Ok, let’s start to talk about them.

    Harry Potter:
    Friend 1 actually was proud to tell she wore a Hogwarts cape to junior high… all days. During first semester (before I changed schools) she used to always wear a Slytherin scarf, even in summer. There are actual witnesses about this.
    When we started Friend 2 was so into role game, that she actually started acting like Pansy Parkinson (that was her character) IRL. I started to worry about that maybe she was a soulbonder or whatever that shit is called.

    Friend 2 was not so much into this, but the other was. I don’t remember much about how they acted about anime, but Friend 1 was a frustrated cosplayer. Since she was a hambeast, she used to say she wanted to make cosplay, we would plan, and then she would drop out because she felt insecure. Then she would proceed to make fun of cosplayers and such.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)22:09 No.2290039
    About six months before the movie, they found about twilight. They became obsessed. They only talked about how romantic it was and that it was the best story ever. Oh, and about the vampires. They keep nagging about how I HAD to read the books, because I would love them, and then they could role play with me about twilight. For a long time I refused to read them since I was in my “I have to change my ways, I don’t want to be a fangirl anymore” stage, until one day they gave me the first book. I couldn’t get past the first chapter. Then, I didn’t understand how they proclaimed (and still do) that the damn book was the best love story ever.

    Friend 2 was into furry stuff. I don’t know if she was aware what that stuff was called or how deep she was into it. I really didn’t want to find out. She would trace wolves and anthro shit, and color them in colors she liked. Among other things.

    This is just a small part, there is so much more about them.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)22:13 No.2290043
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    Now, I know a lot of us were maybe meeker or more naive in our high school days, but when put out of context it makes you look like the first girl to die in a slasher flick.

    AKA, y u do dis?
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:04 No.2290097
    If there is one thing to be learned from this thread, it seems to be:

    Don't pity people. They don't have any friends for a reason. Stop being such a softy.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:10 No.2290104
    It's probably because her other friends were going, so she could see them and just ignore weird-girls weirdness. I think I remember doing things like that before.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:29 No.2290132
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    YEAH!!! End women's suffrage
    End women's suffrage!
    End women's suffrage!
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:31 No.2290137
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    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:32 No.2290142
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    I do not think you know what that word means my friend
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:40 No.2290150
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:40 No.2290151
    Wow, they said "double" the irresponsible vote. That's a surprisingly equality-minded of them (50/50 men/women). They're essentially implying that they think women will be just as responsible as men. Which is odd, because it undermines their own point.
    >> Anonymous 10/31/09(Sat)23:56 No.2290174
    Didn't happen to me, but saw this at a panel at a con last year.

    Two girls were sitting behind me at a panel. One was from one of the megaten games no one ever played, except, seemingly us two. She was pretty cool, cute, had good taste in video games, etc. Her friend, however, was a whale, dressed as some shit version of a Silent Hill character, and would loudly proclaim that to everyone, regardless of whether they asked, or whether the topic of conversation at the time was even cosplay.

    You can tell where I'm going with this.

    The whale, during the panel, proceeded to make loud, /b/tard-failurish jokes that no one ever laughed at. The first girl, several times, told her friend to be quiet, stop, things like that. She looked so mortified through the entire panel. Eventually I heard her saying, "shut up." in a very calm, quiet manner, and yet, the friend didn't stop.

    Ah, nerds with no social skills and the cool people that unfortunately befriend them.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:03 No.2290180
    a friend of mine told me a story of her friend who at AMA last year got into a fight about kagome and kikiyo and who was better. my friend told me she had to drag her away before she punched the other girl she was fighting with. Today at her halloween party I told her that I did not like inuyasha and she punched me in the stomach. (which was when my friend told me the story)
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:10 No.2290194
    The only thing I can think of is when in an English class in high school a girl was doing a presentation on fears and somehow The Game came up. I accidentally made a face and she turned to me and said, "Oh you know it?"
    >they'd scream, "I JUST LOST THE GAME!"
    I felt like I was one of them. Still makes me ashamed of myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:12 No.2290198
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:21 No.2290208
    Awkward experiences?

    Anyone dressing as someone from Kingdom Hearts always seems to be the most retarded weeaboo's I have met in my life.

    Alot of shit pisses me off at Cons, like people doing the V symbol while having photo's (if they are white) or dropping random Japanese words in english sentences "OMG YOU ARE SO KAWAII OMG OMG KAWAII DESU!!!" FFFFFUUUUUUUUU

    Note: Japanese people tend to be quite, xenophobic dicks, not SUPER KAWAII DESU KA!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:26 No.2290214
    Uh, is that a question?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:36 No.2290229


    Your friend is awesome.
    >> Skittles !!BkoWBeCuBX+ 11/01/09(Sun)00:45 No.2290235

    >> Caramelldansen. This sums up about 90% of the reason I hate fangirls / boys

    Taking up an ENTIRE hallway for your fucking dance? Seriously?

    I had some fat weeaboo Sakura cosplayer (Crossplayer? o.o) walk up to me when I was in my Sasori cosplay and handed my a broken cell phone with contacts / SIM still in it. I thought she was trolling, I took it and lol'd threw it in a trash can when she was clearly watching, apparently that struck a nerve because she went batshit insane and completely started yelling at me and my group saying how we're fail, and shouldn't take things for granted and how she's hurt I didn't take her "gift"

    I kindly smiled, pulled out my Cell phone, and said Sorry.. 'sakura' I have my own phone, number and it's not broken, so thanks" apparently that was the straw and she ran off crying.

    very awkward moment it was. Why hand me a BROKEN cell phone when you know damned well I am just going to through it away.

    My very first cosplay, AWA 2006, I was InuYasha (lol, I know) and these two, I guess Kagomes kept telling me to sit, I did it once, sure, no fucking problem, after that... they just kept asking and asking and saying.. and yelling every time someone took a fucking picture of me. I eventually got tired of it and took the costume off and threw it away. Thank god I had normal pants and a tank top on underneath, I guess someone took it, I walked back to the same trash bin and it was gone... this was literally 5 mins later.

    I had my black, spikey wig on just to break it in, and get used to it.. I was in fucking regular clothes and these 2.... FANWHALES, decided it'd be fun to glomp me almost flattening me... "OMG UR SUCH A HAWT SASUKE CAN I TAKE UR PIC N SUCK UR DICK DERP DERP"
    >> Skittles !!BkoWBeCuBX+ 11/01/09(Sun)00:47 No.2290237

    - Continued -

    It wasn't even Naruto cosplay ¬_¬

    Yaoi Fangirls, Need I say more? This same vendor comes every year, screaming to the top of his lungs YAOI FOR SALE!!!!!!!!!!" and doesn't card half the fuckers that go there, they create lines of smelly, over weight fucktards wanting to see two dicks in the same picture.

    Highschool was... Awkward, I wore part of a costume (I forget which) for the "Casual" day, and apparently these two Weeaboos figured it out, and stalked me for the rest of the day, asking me to join their anime club, go to some Japanese place on the west-side of town I never heard of, it was ridiculous. I see them every now and then lurking at the book store or at the FYE. They never say anything to me.

    But yeah, that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)00:52 No.2290243
    >>2289631 I wish I was in an rpg

    For those wishing that you were in an RPG. YOU ARE.
    You grow, you get upgrades in clothing, you gather skills and gil, and you even get gil for accomplishing task for local townspeople.

    It's called life as fucking lame as that sounds. It's true.
    >> Skittles !!BkoWBeCuBX+ 11/01/09(Sun)01:02 No.2290251

    I agree with this anon. in a way, it's the truth. just.. not has fantasy like.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)01:24 No.2290283
    Whoa, what?

    Now, forgive me for not knowing whats going on here. But why did she give you a cell phone, broken or not? Is this having to do with the character your costume is for or something?

    What? Explain this to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)01:25 No.2290287
    The only creepy story that really stands the fuck out is one metrocon where a deep dive riku runs at me. I expect the normal linebacker-tackle of a hug. Instead, she (and I know it's a she) slides at me elvis style on one knee, pulls out some ring thingy, and fucking proposes to me, who was dressed as Sora at the time. My fiancee was right the fuck behind me. Awkward as hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)01:35 No.2290310
    >screaming to the top of his lungs YAOI FOR SALE!!!!!!!!!!

    Ah yes, "loud yaoi vendor," I have heard that man many a time at several cons. It's annoying, but it just wouldn't feel right without him.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)01:43 No.2290324
         File1257054200.jpg-(57 KB, 600x450, DOT DOT FUCKING DOT.jpg)
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    I don't think that's awkward at all.

    The other person was just goofing around, being a normally intrusive fan-girl/boy.

    The appropriate response was rage, as it is with most of the cases reported in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)01:43 No.2290325

    these are the two lamest posts ever, congrats!
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 11/01/09(Sun)01:29 No.2290371
    I dont know, that was actually kind of funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)01:35 No.2290377

    Actually there is some ethnic group in Japan with blue eyes, the Ainu. (some of them, not all...)
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)01:37 No.2290381
    >>2290287 The only creepy story that really stands the fuck out is one metrocon where a deep dive riku runs at me.

    This is not creepy or some terrible thing. It sounds like someone attempted to be funny and it was lost on you.
    Don't be so uptight. At the very least laugh and then turn to your fiancee and laugh more.

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