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  • File : 1256194469.jpg-(92 KB, 490x652, perkele.jpg)
    92 KB Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)02:54 No.2263492  
    I made yesterday a thread about me been too shy for going cons and all, but now i'm going to give it a shot and go first big con in 2010.

    Soooo, last thread somebody suggested that i should try cosplay Van Hohenheim. Now i become pretty interested for trying that.

    Costume, wig (wuhuu! i'm semi-bald) or contact lenses should't not be big deal overall. The only major problem i have is that my beard is mostly black and i would like to have my own beard in cosplay, so has anybody here ever dyed beard? Can i use hair dye productions on beard? Or is there some Cheap-Quick-Dye systems that would last day or two?

    And im sorry for a second shameful self-posting thread on here and my bad Engrish.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)02:56 No.2263496
    I like your beard. They always make men look so much jollier. Maybe it's just because I associate them with Santa.

    Sage for not being particularly helpful but I think you'll make a good Hohenheim.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:02 No.2263510
    I still say you should do Snow Job, fellow holder of a manly beard
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:02 No.2263512

    You're old, a convention where you dress up as anime characthers isn't for you, you damn pedo.

    Go and choke on a dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:02 No.2263513
    Well, in my country there is old saying:
    Ei parta pahoille kasva
    Raw trans: Beard dosent grow for evils
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:03 No.2263514

    Op here, i'm only 23 =(
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:06 No.2263517
    OP: If you're only 23, srsly, shave your beard.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:06 No.2263519
    if there's one thing these kids need in anime cons today, its a respectable beard

    I'm sick of all these damn people giving beards a bad name. Neckbeards, soul patches, misshapen poor excuses at an attempt at manliness

    OP, we need you at conventions, now more than ever. May your beard carry eternal strength
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:09 No.2263522
         File1256195350.jpg-(16 KB, 355x266, animation_debut5.jpg)
    16 KB must do this

    for the greatest of justice
    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 10/22/09(Thu)03:10 No.2263524
         File1256195434.jpg-(234 KB, 600x401, wakarimasenlol.jpg)
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    Good beards are manly and awesome. I next to never see a decent beard in this day and age. So basically what >>2263519 said.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:11 No.2263525
         File1256195488.jpg-(51 KB, 338x684, fav.jpg)
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    I like the way you're thinking.
    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 10/22/09(Thu)03:15 No.2263530
    Oh but OP, they do sell... I guess you would call it beard dye? I've seen it before at beauty supply stores. Maybe see if you can find something at an online store? Though if I remember correctly the dyes I've seen were specifically for covering gray.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:17 No.2263532
    OP... you look like you'd make a good OPERATOR. Look up Blackwater USA and South Afrikan loadouts. Bonus if I see you with a Galil SAR.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:17 No.2263533
    DO THIS!! It's the king of Hyrule from the CD-i Zelda game!
    >> OP 10/22/09(Thu)03:21 No.2263542
         File1256196087.jpg-(61 KB, 459x369, kehkehkeeh.jpg)
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    My boy, thats excellent idea =D

    They do? Them maybe i havent look hardly enough...
    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 10/22/09(Thu)03:24 No.2263546
    We don't have a lot of chain-stores where I live, only privately-own places.
    But I think this
    ie=UTF8&qid=1256196201 is what I'm thinking of.
    Never tried it considering I uh don't have a beard.
    >> OP (reservist-fag) 10/22/09(Thu)03:29 No.2263550
         File1256196565.jpg-(56 KB, 490x368, reser.jpg)
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    That would be pretty cool o7

    Thanks for the link that should help some.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:31 No.2263554
    Where do you live? Must be pretty cold out, considering what you're wearing.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:33 No.2263556
         File1256196828.gif-(84 KB, 450x308, iraq-security-team.gif)
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    Dig it, OP. The only one not sportin' is the only one not pulling down a Wesker, and that's probably because they won't let him. An Kalash or Armalite will work fine, but being strapped with an R-5 looks even better.
    >> OP (reservist-fag) 10/22/09(Thu)03:34 No.2263558
    Does finland say anything to you?

    Too bad nowadays winters arent very cold anymore ;__;
    >> Kowai_Yume !3I4SJbCh8M 10/22/09(Thu)03:38 No.2263561
    op is cool guy, also
    yes to this, and
    this also, i look forward to seeing your progress and i also think you would be an excellent hohenheim.

    i guess its right to sage this post as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:41 No.2263565
         File1256197300.png-(29 KB, 500x400, 1219760317352.png)
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    Scandinavia is awesome. No wonder you kind of look like a Viking. You should cosplay from Vinland Saga.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:43 No.2263568
         File1256197405.jpg-(91 KB, 750x1089, 24.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:44 No.2263572
    >> OP (reservist-fag) 10/22/09(Thu)03:44 No.2263573
    Oooo, Does anyone in Vinland-serie have good beard?
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:45 No.2263574
    YES YES YES, please do this!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:45 No.2263576
    All I see in this photo is Bill from Left 4 Dead...
    >> OP (reservist-fag) 10/22/09(Thu)03:48 No.2263577
    Wicked =DD
    Now i regret that i cuted my beard month ago =S
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)03:58 No.2263587
         File1256198318.jpg-(100 KB, 750x1067, 02-2.jpg)
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    The main badasses, Thorkell and Askeladd, have goatee-moustache deals.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)04:00 No.2263590
         File1256198410.jpg-(141 KB, 750x1076, 15.jpg)
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    That's Thorkell, btw. He's super tall.

    This is Askeladd - the one in the middle.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)04:02 No.2263594
         File1256198575.jpg-(92 KB, 750x1067, 31.jpg)
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    Here's Ragnar. He's bald with a black beard so this might suit you well, although he isn't a primary character.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 10/22/09(Thu)04:02 No.2263595
         File1256198578.png-(777 KB, 1008x677, Picture 76.png)
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    >I next to never see a decent beard in this day and age.
    It's hard to when everyone wants a clean shaven face and considers a beard 'unprofessional'.
    All you beard nayers should be choking the the dick >>2263512 referenced.

    Goodness yes. Sadly, none of them suited my face shape so I didn't make it. Also, lolSummer.

    Might as well point you towards this.
    Vinland Saga is awesome and manly and you should do it since it'd fit you better than me.

    As for the question on the dye, I've only ever run into Just For Men brand due to commercials and cannot speak for its quality.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)04:04 No.2263598
         File1256198675.jpg-(78 KB, 750x1110, 17.jpg)
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    Last but not least, this is Thors, father of Thorkell, the main character. He's one of the manliest motherfuckers in the entire series.

    >> OP (reservist-fag) 10/22/09(Thu)04:05 No.2263601
         File1256198738.jpg-(20 KB, 272x380, short.jpg)
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    >btw. He's super tall.

    And i'm super short. Only 172 cm (5"6).
    >> Anonymous 10/22/09(Thu)04:07 No.2263607
         File1256198870.jpg-(108 KB, 750x1089, 03.jpg)
    108 KB
    I listed a few other characters that would work well, pay attention, bro!

    If you have a buddy to cosplay with, you could do the ULTIMATE BRO TEAM. I don't remember their names though.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 10/22/09(Thu)04:14 No.2263614
         File1256199299.png-(308 KB, 714x376, Picture 77.png)
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    You make me feel a little better about myself, OP. I'm at 175 cm. You have a helluva beard though.

    Oh, man. If only I didn't have to shave my eyebrows.

    Seriously, if I had the space and time to learn metalwork, I'd make enough for a small Jom's force.
    >> OP (reservist-fag) 10/22/09(Thu)04:15 No.2263616
         File1256199341.jpg-(128 KB, 550x661, old1.jpg)
    128 KB
    Vinland looks sweet serie, maybe i have check it...

    Too bad i dont have any friends who even whatches anime, yet alone cosplaying ;__;

    Thats the price i have to pay for living small town...
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 10/22/09(Thu)04:32 No.2263627
         File1256200343.png-(363 KB, 695x436, Picture 79.png)
    363 KB
    >maybe i have check it...
    No maybes. Vinland Saga is required reading for all manly bearded weeaboos.

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