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  • File : 1255921620.jpg-(20 KB, 400x320, whos-awesome.jpg)
    20 KB An Open Letter to the Users of /cgl/: Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:07 No.2253027  
    An Open Letter to the Users of /cgl/:

    Keep in mind with this letter I am not trying to fix, or change, or anything about the board Cosplay & EGL (more affectionately called /cgl/) with this letter. All I want from you, the reader, whoever you are - anonymous user, Namefag, Tripfag, all I could want from you is just to read these words and think about what you have said about here in the past, see personally how you feel about what you have said, see if you felt 'oh wow, maybe I really should not have said that' and then recognize that, and change for the better. Whatever that personally is for you, a change for the better, is all I ask.

    Now, I know that specific Cosplayers and Lolitas are scrutinized on this board often. All the time. I tripfag on here and I see it all the time because I like reading and visiting this board often.

    With that in mind, I'd just like to say I really feel that some things just should NOT be apart of an equation when we scrutinize people on here. I say we because I HAVE DONE THIS TOO. But, I just have been able to wake up and see exactly what I have done wrong and I just want to pass along this information to us as a community and board and /cgl/.

    Some things just should NOT be made fun of when you make fun of someone (Cosplayer, Lolita, WHOEVER) on /cgl/ is many things but ESPECIALLY things that they cannot change about THEMSELVES. And no matter how YOU may see whatever you don't like about them as a 'flaw', for THAT PERSON it is NOT a flaw, it is apart of THEM and THEIR PERSONALITY.

    I only have two examples of these things that should not be made fun of ANYONE AND EVERYONE ARE AS FOLLOWS: gender identity and sexual orientation.
    >> Part 2 Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:07 No.2253028
    People forget that - NO MATTER WHAT - if Bob feels like Bob one day, he wakes up the next day wanting to be known as Jill, that is only Jill's decision. It is not YOUR decision, YOUR FRIEND'S decision, it is HER decision. It is not even a tough decision, it is a TOUGH DECISION for HER and ONLY FOR HER.

    And THAT is why no one should make fun of important qualities of one's self such as GENDER IDENTITY or SEXUAL ORIENTATION (I recognize there are so many others but for this letter and the way I have seen people talk about other people on this board, I know those are the two that are attacked the most).

    Jessica (aka Tripfag - Chiibiusa)
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:10 No.2253043
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    Get lost
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:12 No.2253050
    I agree which is why I only make fun of fat people
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:12 No.2253052
    >> taiki 10/18/09(Sun)23:12 No.2253054
    I could name a dozen people who are both genderfucked and a complete asshole. at no point is their gender identity ever really on the table. right on.
    >> Lothos !!JGMFZN+39s5 10/18/09(Sun)23:13 No.2253057
    I couldn't agree more. All the negativity, the hate and the anger needs to go away. We all enjoy the same hobbies here. We need to be more accepting and start treating each other with more respect.

    I know that people will troll this thread, and that's fine, but I sincerely hope that at least some of you see these words and take them to heart. I know I have.

    And I applaud Jessica for calling the board out on this.
    >> sage sage 10/18/09(Sun)23:13 No.2253062

    Take it back to your livejournal.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:19 No.2253083
    who's the dyke that wrote this?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:22 No.2253096
    Trolls who know OP is right.
    >> sage sage 10/18/09(Sun)23:24 No.2253102

    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:25 No.2253104
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    Oh honey, you are completely missing the point of this <3
    "An Open Letter to the Users of /cgl/"
    hurpdurp Why would I post about it on my Livejournal if it is a LETTER FOR the USERS of /cgl/?

    Hello! My name is Jessica. I tripfag as Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz. I have been cosplaying for awhile. Attached is a picture of my most recent cosplay (the kitchen has been CGed out since that is where the picture was taken but if you cry SHOOP I will post the untouched Original Photo).
    And I am NOT a dyke. I AM STRAIGHT, have had a boyfriend for two years. Thank you for asking!

    Hopefully this is the only time I will feel the need to reply to people. Otherwise, think of the OP and Part 2 on /cgl/'s proverbial coffee table.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:26 No.2253113

    Just because I like sex, it doesn't mean I can go around raping people. Just because you like cosplaying, doesn't mean you can go around making people hurl their lunches and gouge their own eyes out, fatties.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:30 No.2253126
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    Actually, before you even ask for it, here's the untouched. I resized it but I literally do not have time (and would not find the time of day to cater to some anonymous ASSHOLE, which deep down you know you are).

    I hope this is the clarification, >>2253083, that YOU personally needed because, lol, I don't need YOU. I know my words are right and because I am confident in my words and in myself, you literally cannot touch me or bring me down.

    And now, good night /cgl/. I'm going to get a good night's sleep. <3

    P.S. I'll be on AIM at some point tomorrow~ if anyone who reads this would like to talk to me for any reason I'll be on there and my screename is chiibiusa.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:30 No.2253134
    There's no way this is real. Unles OP is drunk and/or high and/or etc.
    >> An Elegan/tg/entlemen !3GqYIJ3Obs 10/18/09(Sun)23:31 No.2253136
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    I'm serious, what the hell is this?
    I thought /cgl/ insulted something besides sexual orientation. (Physical looks, quality of cosplays, etc., etc.)
    Apparently, I WAS WRONG.
    I thought physical weight was attacked more then the issues OP has raised.
    Because of this, I call bullshit.

    A logical, non-RAAAAAAGE sage.
    >> Lothos !!JGMFZN+39s5 10/18/09(Sun)23:31 No.2253140
    Wow... way to miss the point completely.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:32 No.2253146
    Or just an excuse to self-post and try to be the voice of reason despite having tripfagged for a total of less than a month. OP, what you wrote has been discussed in the past before and nothing happened.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:33 No.2253153
    P.S. If that was me, and attempting to post POSITIVE post in a message board we all now is NOT always positive, you don't think because I had the guts to start this conversation I wouldn't keep tripfagging? Oh, actually, here:


    There's your proof I have the guts to reply to you assholes are just too much of an ASSHOLE to look at yourself and try to make YOURSELF better. And this is why I can look at YOU and even though I really don't know who the fuck you are I can not only TELL YOU you are wrong but show you WHY YOU ARE WRONG.

    lol okay good night, for real.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:35 No.2253162
    I'm serious, what the hell is this?
    I thought /cgl/ insulted something besides sexual orientation. (Physical looks, quality of cosplays, etc., etc.)
    Apparently, I WAS WRONG.
    I thought physical weight was attacked more then the issues OP has raised.
    Because of this, I call bullshit.

    I'd like to quote something from my OP or Part 2 post because OBVIOUSLY you did NOT read every word of what I said.
    "GENDER IDENTITY or SEXUAL ORIENTATION (I recognize there are so many others but for this letter and the way I have seen people talk about other people on this board, I know those are the two that are attacked the most)."

    taken from this full part:
    "And THAT is why no one should make fun of important qualities of one's self such as GENDER IDENTITY or SEXUAL ORIENTATION (I recognize there are so many others but for this letter and the way I have seen people talk about other people on this board, I know those are the two that are attacked the most)."

    Which is just above where I signed "the letter".
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:36 No.2253167
    yeah yeah this thread is WORDS and all, but I want to see more of Chiibiusa
    >> sage sage 10/18/09(Sun)23:36 No.2253170
    SUCCESSFUL troll is fucking SUCCESSFUL!

    random CAPS LOCK emphasizes your POINT!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:38 No.2253178
    lolwut. She's not new.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:38 No.2253182
    No, I just have confidence. If I were drunk, high, or otherwise impaired, do you really think I'd be able to form clear thoughts?

    I self posted because >>2253083 asked me who I was and I gave the anon a good text answer but because people are usually visual learners I included a picture of myself and BECAUSE before I tripfagged I lurked this board, I know how people are touchy to Photoshop so when I said CG I knew the next question was THAT'S SHOPPED. And then, included the same picture, only untouched. So no, it is NOT an excuse to self post, it was part of my reply to >>2253083.
    >> sage sage 10/18/09(Sun)23:39 No.2253189
    Your random caps locking makes you sound high
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:40 No.2253197
    Stop. Just stop. You're making yourself sound like an idiot. Really. Stop.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:41 No.2253202
    Oh, actually, I'm not done with you yet.

    You said: "OP, what you wrote has been discussed in the past before and nothing happened."

    Why I wrote and made this thread:
    One of my friends told me on AIM that one of his friends does not feel comfortable ON THIS BOARD because THIS BOARD has been so cruel to them BECAUSE of what is in my letter - this board has made fun of their gender identity or sexual orientation to the point that my friend's friend feels uncomfortable and that was enough to write this out and do this.
    >> AtticusLee Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:41 No.2253203
    Hmm I understand your sentiments dearly, but what I have seen on /cgl/ when it comes to that is that they are calling out those gender confused ones because they are annoying,attention whores and they have horrible personality traits, a COMMON HABIT in the 4chan community.

    You seen on, it is known for being rude,judgmental and plan rude on here, the sheer chaotic design of this forum is to have no boundaries,to meet up together on the internet as anonymous to be base awful people. That is how this site works, if you go on any other LARGE forum, even before the chans, were full of internet tough guys that would love to try to project their pyshcial toughness thru the internet, which was foolish yet tended to flood forums on idiotic conversations startedb y ppl like this, there were many other characters like this, you can still see them on Youtube comments.

    The fact that we're rude and dont give a fuck thru no names, is the reason we are able to cut thru the bullshit of the internet and get ot hardcore facts of whatever it is we need help on or knowledge that would take forever to find.
    Even thru the powers of /b/ 4chan has managed to take out a lot of the faggotry of the forum sites. I understand your desire to break down what could be considered one of the worst drama problems next to attention whoring on /cgl/. But this site has created a functioning dysfunction on the internet, and to go against that would slowly destroy what it was built for.
    I'm sorry if you think I'm being hateful, but this is true, it can be opened to debate, but this is what I believe since I first started lurking back when this site barely had 30,000. I'm not saying I'm correct, but I am asking you to take this OldFag's words into consideration.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:43 No.2253222
    Thank you for telling me stop.

    If you noticed I said here:
    "And now, good night /cgl/. I'm going to get a good night's sleep. <3"

    Because I said that I can honestly say after I hit Submit to your comment, I will be going to bed.

    Good night, /cgl/. See you in the morning~
    >> An Elegan/tg/entlemen !3GqYIJ3Obs 10/18/09(Sun)23:43 No.2253224
    Well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
    Because I DID read everything you wrote. (In hindsight, a poor choice for me.)
    My argument is that gender identity and sexual orientation are NOT the most attacked by /cgl/.
    I say physical appearance and costume quality are the two things most often attacked in /cgl/.
    Spoony/Hips threads for example. (Although there is other stuff, the majority of complaints are quality and appearance related.)

    Nice work on quoting yourself, there.
    Have any evidence to back this up?
    ... Archived threads?
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 10/18/09(Sun)23:44 No.2253226
    This wall of text will fall on deaf ears. Like >>2253146
    said, this has been said before and the cycle will continue. Do I want it to? No. But nothing will change, guaranteed because there will always be people here just to troll other because that's why anonymity is there.
    >> Lothos !!JGMFZN+39s5 10/18/09(Sun)23:51 No.2253256
    I think the only way it will change is if we get some actual moderation in here. Someone who will step up and start deleting derogatory posts, and banning repeat offenders.

    This place is worse than Mos Eisely on most days.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 10/18/09(Sun)23:53 No.2253263

    LOL. Jokes on you.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:53 No.2253264
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    What the fuck did you just say?
    >> taiki 10/18/09(Sun)23:53 No.2253267

    The problem is, is that a lot of 4chan'ers are fucking stupid. I would say retarded but I know some developmentally challenged folks and I don't want to insult them.

    Facts? Sure, whatever. like the cold hard fact that if/ when you grow up and out of the mindset of being an self righteous ass you realize that there's a lot more to people than their gender or sexual orientation. 4chan doesn't cut through the bullshit, it just makes it worse.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:54 No.2253271
    Ugh Soni I KNOW. I know that because I know /cgl/.
    This, and only this was my reason:
    "One of my friends told me on AIM that one of his friends does not feel comfortable ON THIS BOARD because THIS BOARD has been so cruel to them BECAUSE of what is in my letter - this board has made fun of their gender identity or sexual orientation to the point that my friend's friend feels uncomfortable and that was enough to write this out and do this."
    Which is in my comment >>2253202

    I don't care about this thread falling on /cgl/'s deaf ears.
    What I do care about is that one person felt uncomfortable about things said about them on here because of something they cannot change and WILL NOT change. That, is the only reason. Whatever else comes from this thread for the ENTIRETY OF /cgl/ is great, maybe it will make people stop and think, but - think of this that I DID THIS JUST FOR THAT ONE PERSON. NOT FOR /cgl/. I do not think and I am NOT doing /cgl/ a FAVOR.

    I am only doing A FAVOR for the friend of MY friend.

    Fucking hell guys, lol. Just read what I wrote, think about it, then go back into the threads you were reading and do what you always do. Ugh. I should've been sleeping 54 minutes ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:54 No.2253273
    I was under the impression /cgl/ was full of i'm confused
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)23:55 No.2253279
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 10/18/09(Sun)23:57 No.2253288
    Eh, I wouldn't say full of lesbians because if it were, a lot of the hot women posted here wouldn't be getting bashed. Just a lot of insecure women, with varying sexual orientations.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/18/09(Sun)23:57 No.2253292
    Going, mom. ;D
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 10/18/09(Sun)23:57 No.2253294
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)00:30 No.2253436
    I'm 12 and what is this?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)00:35 No.2253452
    ITT: Attentions whores, actual whores, queers and over dramatic pms'ing bitches
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)00:49 No.2253505
    So which one are you?
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)02:47 No.2253841
    HERP DERP lets make 4chon a better place gaiz

    thats not the point of the boards, i'm also curious Chiibusa, if the friend of a friend of a friend was black and didnt like a racist joke on /b/ would you go yell at /b/ for it? if you would then youre fucking stupid, this 4chan its supposed to be mean

    the whole purpose is to insult other ppl so the lesser may feel better about themselves,hell 4chan was modeled after 2chan one of the ost pathetic excuses of humans ever,my god
    >> BROagunk !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 10/19/09(Mon)02:59 No.2253857
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    And yet, you embrace it...even encourage it. I bet you feel proud huh buddy!
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/19/09(Mon)09:45 No.2254429
    Good morning, /cgl/! Hopefully this is the last time I will: have to post in this thread and you have to see this bumped to the front page. But I felt the need to reply to this anonymous:

    You said: "thats not the point of the boards, i'm also curious Chiibusa, if the friend of a friend of a friend was black and didnt like a racist joke on /b/ would you go yell at /b/ for it? if you would then youre fucking stupid, this 4chan its supposed to be mean"

    "thats not the point of the boards"
    You're right with that. But, you are also wrong because you missed MY point of posting this.
    I'm not trying to make THE BOARD 4CHAN, or this board /cgl/, "a better place" forever. I'm trying to make people THINK FOR FIVE SECONDS and I know I did that.

    "i'm also curious Chiibusa, if the friend of a friend of a friend was black and didnt like a racist joke on /b/ would you go yell at /b/ for it?"
    Uhh, why the fuck WOULD I do that? Everyone knows trying to reason with /b/ is futile. But /cgl/ is not /b/ and /b/ is NOT /cgl/.

    "if you would then youre fucking stupid, this 4chan its supposed to be mean"
    And because I just told you NO I WOULD NOT DO THAT, I suppose that means that I am not as stupid as you originally thought I was.

    Going out to walk my dog around the neighborhood with my father. :) I won't post on /cgl/ any more today, I promise.
    >> taiki 10/19/09(Mon)10:03 No.2254445

    I was under the impression that 4chan was a user driven community where the tone is set by the users. Nothing about 4chan is inherently sexist or racist or mean. It just happened to turn out that way.

    I find it pretty sad that a call to grow up a little is treated pretty badly.
    >> Lothos !!JGMFZN+39s5 10/19/09(Mon)10:10 No.2254450
    >I find it pretty sad that a call to grow up a little is treated pretty badly


    Seriously, it's like lately all this board cares about is seeing who can cause the most drama and public humiliation. We need an overhaul here. We need to stop being so damn bitter and jealous and whatever else we are to put an end to this.

    The reason I came to /cgl/ was to get away from that crap. I came here to learn and share and make friends within the cosplaying community. I did NOT come here to stress out, be made fun of, and worry about petty shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)13:52 No.2254751
    Then go to, princess. :>
    >> Murrie !/rMxiN97Dw 10/19/09(Mon)13:59 No.2254765
    Fact of the matter is...4chan is a public discussion board. It is not in YOUR RIGHT to tell what people should and shouldnt discuss. You can disagree with them you its not in your authority on how the conversation should run. If you do not approve. Say you do not approve and dont participate in the conversation any more.

    There are plenty of things I do not like with this board and that simply stems from the fact that I disagree with alot of people. But thats away conversations should go. People do not deserve the right to never be offended but I think they should not be heckled over. But thats more of a moral issue. Its up to the individual on how to handle it.

    Just do your part and dont add to the hate if it really bothers you enough
    >> rocketeer !O8EQpd4Lrc 10/19/09(Mon)14:07 No.2254776
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    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)14:16 No.2254792
    fuck off you stupid dirty cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)14:22 No.2254802
    "Happiness runneth after me. That is because I do not run after women. Happiness, however, is a woman."

    thus spake Zarathustra
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)14:28 No.2254813
    and this is one of the people OP is hopefully not talking about... because we all know that Aki is a gigantic faker.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)15:03 No.2254943
    so she made this thread?
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/19/09(Mon)15:18 No.2254984
    Note: Again, I got the 'Field too long' Error message so I'm splitting up this comment into two parts; just know it should be treated as one 'comment'. Thanks! <3

    Okay, I know I said that I was not going to post again today.
    I only said that so you would not think I would, and I use the word 'you' as whoever is reading this post. No one individually but, you.
    I said I would not be back today so I could 'disappear' and just watch this thread unfold as it did. And now I can say I do not have on at all for the rest of this day, October 19th, 2009, after I submit this comment to the thread.

    I understand what you are trying to tell me, but you, Murrie !/rMxiN97Dw, are missing my point.

    I am talking about her, him, whatever that person identifies because all I'm saying is their GENDER should not be what we're making fun of on /cgl/.
    What I'm saying is: make fun of that person's costumes, construction techniques or lack thereof, or even THEIR ATTITUDE towards their gender identity (I know that person in particular because of how they present themselves, is not viewed, at least on /cgl/, that they are a 'true transgendered person'), but do not make fun of THEIR GENDER IDENTITY and their decision to identify as the gender THEY WISH TO BE KNOWN AS, because it is not just their 'gender identity', it is part of their big picture - their identity, their self, their Being.
    >> Part 2 of Comment 2254984. Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/19/09(Mon)15:18 No.2254988
    No, I did. And just for you, 2254943, I am linking to my pictures again (not posting a new one so no one feels the need to call out 'excuse for self post'):
    And if you, 2254943, or anyone else reading this comment needs more clarification on just who I am, I know that the CG can be found on my deviantart, where my username is chiibiusa. The original might be there - either in my gallery or scraps.

    And finally:
    Thank you :) My reason for this was just about doing my personal part in giving back a little more happiness to the world, and because part of my own world is going on /cgl/, I felt like if I could just make people think for five seconds before they post on here, maybe that's all /cgl/ needed to be a friendlier, not happier, but friendlier place. Thank you for your comment, who ever you are. <3
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)15:19 No.2254992
    >Field too long

    You would think that's telling you something...
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)15:22 No.2254998

    There's a difference between someone who is truly a transgender

    and someone who does it for the ''yaoi fangirl'' attention.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 10/19/09(Mon)15:23 No.2255000
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)15:25 No.2255006
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    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/19/09(Mon)15:28 No.2255019
    It's telling me I'm saying what I have to say and if I go literally over the expected limit of text I should be saying, if I say more than, FOR ME AND NOT WHAT YOU THINK, for me, I know I'm doing my job right. I use the word job for me and to be clear in my mind.

    But I can understand why you think I'm full of shit and just tl;dr-ing.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/19/09(Mon)15:32 No.2255031
    I know, and I have already said that in so many words in Part 1 of the comment you linked/referred to.

    Taken from Part 1:
    "What I'm saying is: make fun of that person's costumes, construction techniques or lack thereof, or even THEIR ATTITUDE towards their gender identity (I know that person in particular because of how they present themselves, is not viewed, at least on /cgl/, that they are a 'true transgendered person')"

    Basically, I HAVE BEEN HERE LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW PEOPLE HERE THINK SHE IS JUST A YAOI FANGIRL. I was trying to be considerate of all feelings. But what I am simply, very simply, trying to communicate is even though YOU think HE is a yaoi fangirl trying to be a boy because she likes boys fucking or whatever the fuck IT IS that YOU think about HIM ---

    All I'm trying to say is that HE feels differently about HIMSELF than you feel about HIM. And I know after I submit this last comment you are going to say something like 'well duh, i knew that' but you did not know that before I created this thread, and THAT, who ever you are - Anonymous, Namefag/Tripfag under the veil of anonymous - THAT is why I made this thread.

    I just made you, user who created the comment 2254998, THINK. I MADE YOU THINK WHILE YOU WERE ON /cgl/ and

    And THAT, even THAT, and knowing I helped you accomplish THAT, is the big picture of why I made this thread. The reason: the friend of a friend. The big picture: /cgl/ in general.

    Thank you for anyone listening and reading and following this thread this far.
    >> Chiibiusa !!pIlO985Zlfz 10/19/09(Mon)15:34 No.2255037
    Crap, my mistake. I see how that could have been confusing.

    Instead of this:
    What I'm saying is: make fun of that person's costumes, construction techniques or lack thereof, or even THEIR ATTITUDE towards their gender identity (I know that person in particular because of how they present themselves, is not viewed, at least on /cgl/, that they are a 'true transgendered person'

    I MEANT this:
    ...that they are NOT a 'true transgendered person'
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)15:40 No.2255053
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)15:40 No.2255055
    You act as if YOU were the one that made me think about this.

    I know SEVERAL transgendered friends; and I'm sure I'm not the only anon that does; but for you to blatantly say that we should respect Aki's decision when ''he's'' denying what ''he'' really is and saying NO GUYS I JUST HAVE A DISEASE I WAS BORN WITH is just plain old STUPID.

    I for one CARE about transgendered rights, but for people to go around pretending and doing so for ''fans'' and for attention does not give you the right to call yourself transgendered.
    >> Anonymous 10/19/09(Mon)15:43 No.2255065
    >I know SEVERAL transgendered friends;


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