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!x.TqSaT0dE 10/07/09(Wed)14:34 No.2218298  >>2218295 "Well
I don't have access to a real tat guy, so this is the next best thing,"
Lofi grinned, "I mean I usually have my guy do it every once in a
"Cool story bro," /b/lackula said.
"I'll need help with the back when I get to it," Lofi said, "Hey Dymatrex, you wanna do it?"
"I'm not having you fuckin' me in the ass," Dym said, clearly not listening to what was being talked about.
The whole group started busting up with laughter.
at that time, Mikado was talking with Miyu about the housing
arrangements and other matters within CGL. Moogie was with Gamie, Manly
Kittan, and JJ in the courtyard playing with the corgis. Anon of LA and
Yaso where in their apartment with Pinguin Bra Penny, Iori, SlowMope,
Da0 and Oshi playing video games. Volpin, Dr. Freeman, and Sagey
McSagerson were in the second floor of the garage working on a new
weapon. Soni and Ai-honey were cooking at Ai-honey's place. Everyone
was trying to busy themselves, trying to take their minds off of the
Everyone but one person.
Masa lied on the
couch. It was a cold day and the indoor heating was far better than the
bitter wind on the roof. He didn't mind that there was nothing to do
and nothing going on. Masa sat up and decided on a cigarette. He left
the apartment and leaned against the railing outside of the door. He
pulled out a lighter, lit the cig, and breathed in the toxic fumes. He
watched the group down in the courtyard. Moogie was currently yelling
at Manly Kittan for stepping on a corgi's foot. Down on another floor
Oshi was storming out of the apartment yelling about how much of a
cheater Anon of LA was at BlazBlue. Hearing the words blaze and blue,
Kittanon looked outside of her door. "Oh fuck this," she said and
promptly shut the door. Soni and Ai-honey could hear the racket and
started shouting to stop all the fighting. Soon everyone was shouting
about something and the entire complex was watching. |