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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1254670809.jpg-(123 KB, 640x480, 82.jpg)
    123 KB Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:40 No.2208126  
    ITT: Things your ideal convention would have.

    And also, things real conventions should not have.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:42 No.2208127
    hookers and blow and a bounce house
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/04/09(Sun)11:44 No.2208129
    my ideal convention would 1. last 7 days. 2. Heated pool. 3. Free food 4. all hotel rooms are suites and are affordably cheap. 5. Complimentary Breakfast or for the hell of it a kitchen nook in the room.

    that's all i'd need
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:44 No.2208130
    No Krylancelo.
    >> Hips !PIDjsjVC82 10/04/09(Sun)11:45 No.2208133
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    Things conventions should not have:

    1. Overly fat girls dressed in extremely skimpy outfits that show a lot of their stretch-marked flesh.

    2. Glompers.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:47 No.2208136
    I think I can arrange that for you

    And hookers, cons already have hookers on it. You're just not looking hard enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:47 No.2208138
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:50 No.2208139
    We can't forbid visitors to enter cons dressed as they want, but we can make rules for contests forbidding fat people.

    Would this be discrimination?
    >> Hips !PIDjsjVC82 10/04/09(Sun)11:53 No.2208141

    No, no. Not forbidding fat people.
    I just think if a cosplayer is particularly heavier then they should cover up more.
    I wouldn't like to spent my day looking at a bare, scarred, dimpled arse.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:54 No.2208142
    hell yes
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:57 No.2208146
    Cons could have on their rules "appropriate clothes" and immediatly elliminate anyone deemed as innapropriate or something... But that would create a bad environment.

    So maybe there should be a really agressive juri that said stuff to the contestants as "you're fat" and "you're fucking ugly" and "you should go off and die" instead of "you should get clothes that fit your body"
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)11:58 No.2208150
    Con-rates for the parking garages. That shit kills me. $20-$30 a day. And not valet. $20-$30 every day for my car to sit unused in a garage that takes virtually no maintenance and only enough electricity for a few yellow, dim lamps.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 10/04/09(Sun)11:59 No.2208154
    That's not entirely true. There are certain dress codes at some cons, one which caused a stir recently with a Lum cosplayer I believe? Anyway, the way to get Hip's rule enforced is to also ban the ones who would look amazing in those outfits as well. Blanket dress code, oh well.

    My ideal con would have a schedule it sticks to and doesn't change times or start late, have several frozen yogurt stands (D23 did, do any of the other Anaheim cons have this as well?), and a quiet room. Basically some place you could shut your eyes for a few minutes where being quiet would be enforced, a place to get away from the noise.

    There's a lot more, but without going crazy, I'd like to make reasonable suggestions. Though things starting on time seems a bit of a nonsensical suggestion, come to think of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:02 No.2208160
    like american idol for cosplay? oh yes...we needs a simon cowell.
    >> Hips !PIDjsjVC82 10/04/09(Sun)12:04 No.2208167

    Your getting me all wrong haha
    I don't mean to enforce a rule against overweight cosplayers at all.

    It's just not pleasant to look at sometimes and it make me wonder about a persons state of mind when you see pictures of them wandering around in cotton wool clouds glued over their breasts and vagina.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:07 No.2208173
    Yes! Then it would make the contests even more entertaining and it would make people understand that they should not wear some things without having to expel them.

    But that's for those going on contests, it's still a brainfuck to control those who are just visiting.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:14 No.2208181
    Well, there could at least be a noticeable difference in the passes for those who are underage, like a different colored strip on the top or something. That way it would at least be easier to tell the jailbait to go put some clothes on.
    >> Krylancelo Finrandi !sp2WOUafEE 10/04/09(Sun)12:17 No.2208187
    Oh man, I love you too.

    Cool man, come and get me.

    Probably a 24/7 eating place, free food galore for all con guests ;_;

    And sound proof rooms to do stuff in. Or just go to when you get mad.
    >> Hips !PIDjsjVC82 10/04/09(Sun)12:19 No.2208190

    Oh gosh, that would make cons more exciting but at the end of the day about 80% of people attending the con would have gone home leaving only 19% of the fit and attractive cosplayers left.

    The 1% is me, hiding behind a curtain.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/04/09(Sun)12:26 No.2208197
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    >>2208187 Or just go to when you get mad.
    >> Krylancelo Finrandi !sp2WOUafEE 10/04/09(Sun)12:28 No.2208203
    Exactly! =D
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:29 No.2208207
    So only 100 people went?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:29 No.2208209
    Go away... Far away...
    >> Hips !PIDjsjVC82 10/04/09(Sun)12:30 No.2208212

    ......Apparently haha
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:31 No.2208213
    Take your own advice. Also where do you get off posting in this thread when you have never even been to a Con?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:44 No.2208238
    I want reverse trap maids serving free drinks.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:46 No.2208239
    >reverse trap maids
    Wouldn't that be butlers?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:54 No.2208251
    Not if they are wearing a dress.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:59 No.2208256
    There should be no caramelldansen
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 10/04/09(Sun)12:59 No.2208257
    Speaking of those who are worried about hitting on Jailbait, how about color coded badges? Like a red hue for 18+ and a blue hue for below that. I mean, it wouldn't work in all circumstances I'm sure, but it could help some folks at least.

    ... Or maybe they already do this and it doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)12:59 No.2208258
    Then how would they be reverse traps?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 10/04/09(Sun)13:00 No.2208259
    well if you know how to socialize properly, you won't hit on jailbait or underage people as you'll find out quickly enough lol
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)13:01 No.2208260
    There would be issues with that in regards to pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)13:02 No.2208262
    Don't know about US cons but UK cons have had age-related colour coded badges for some time, although admittedly they're more for the purpose of reassuring the venue bars that they won't be selling alcohol to minors and making sure no-one underage gets into the hentai room or buys porn.

    Of course, our cons are pretty tiny compared to US cons so maybe it's not workable anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)13:10 No.2208278
    I see how that could be a good thing only relating to pictures. So we don't go photographing minors in slutty clothes, post online and then be accused of porn.

    Also cons here don't sell alcohol. Actually, they don't even have food, much less alcohol. But I still think it's a good idea to keep it out the con, so it is fully taken as a market trading place (with fun included)
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)18:52 No.2209333
    Don't take away the joy of living...
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:06 No.2209368
    Things conventions should not have:

    1. Hipsters
    2. Soccer Moms
    3. Children
    4. Christians
    5. Airline Pilots
    6. WWII Veterans
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:11 No.2209384
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    Fine, I'll just take this instead.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:25 No.2209427
    A con with dances and concerts attending by people who aren't socially retarded and unable to dance or move at all. If there is a concert with a heavier band playing, I want to at least be able to mosh a little bit. If you want to watch the concert, cool, stand off to the side or back a bit further. If there is a rave, I would like to do a small amount of drugs and dance in a room full of people dancing, not dance by myself in a room full of people standing around doing nothing. That shit is lame.

    Also, no fucking glomp games. Not sure how far that shit has gotten, but at least in the NW it happened at SakuraCon and Anime Evolution.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:25 No.2209430
    Everyone except children (who are actually potential buyers with excelent resources, ie. parents)... wtf?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:26 No.2209435
    fix'd that for you
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:28 No.2209440

    >4. Muslims
    >Things my country should not have, let alone my convention.

    Fix'd further
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:30 No.2209447
    >4. Anyone who thinks a book about an invisible man is factual.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:33 No.2209460

    At least in manga, we can see the guys. Too bad there are those who BELIEVE they are said guys.

    If I ran a con, I would ENCOURAGE drinking, party, and other sort of hedonism.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:33 No.2209461
    More elevators.

    Fanime. A 15 minute wait for an elevator is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:34 No.2209465
    Get a drug dealer to sell the cleanest ecstasy money can buy at the raves and everything will be peachy.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:35 No.2209467
    An 18+ area. That also means NO parents with kids. Now call me elitist.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:35 No.2209468
    >I'm an athiest. look how smart I am hurr hurr hurr
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:38 No.2209478
    What's your area? You only don't get what you don't look for.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:40 No.2209485
    Make signing a pain waiver a condition of getting your badge.

    Also, make false rape/"creeper" reports punishable by beating. Either you have evidence of the crime, or you shut your whore mouth.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:40 No.2209487
    I know my area, at the local con I can get whatever I want. Problem lies in going to Seattle, which involves crossing the border. Once I get there all I can really do is ask around, and nobody knows.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:44 No.2209500
    is it that hard to use stairs?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:46 No.2209507
    I feel sorry for you, it happens because most people at cons don't know anything that matters. If I were you, I'd research OL first, get to make some friends outside the con world and get stuff through them.

    Also, I don't agree with drugs inside con. Outside con it's ok, but inside it only disturbs everyone that is focused doing something. It fucks me up completely when I am trying to be in character (I take this shit seriously) and someone is smoking weed, with that delicious smell, right next to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:47 No.2209508
    it is for fatties
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:53 No.2209526
    Considering you had a fuck-ton load of luggage to carry to the artist alley,
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:54 No.2209528
    only when going to the 23rd floor
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)19:58 No.2209544
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    who said anything about religion?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)20:00 No.2209550
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    Real conventions should not have these.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 10/04/09(Sun)20:02 No.2209555
    What would go on here? Just random chatting and cursing or porn and sex everywhere?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)20:03 No.2209558
    ideal con:
    lots of elevators
    events that start on time
    hotel, convention, mall and a park all right next to each other (we had this for Kumoricon 2008. AWESOME)
    skits that are actually worth watching

    but yeah, pretty much everything I could imagine has already been said. =/
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)20:04 No.2209561
    It's for the hentai. And stuff like that.

    Our main convention has that section. Giant Manara panels covering the walls. Quite impressive.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 10/04/09(Sun)20:05 No.2209564
    I'd love to walk into a convention room and see a giant poster with tits on it.
    If only...
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)20:08 No.2209570
    - Microwaves and mini-fridges in every room.
    - Designated areas for large cosplay gatherings/photoshoots so they don't completely block main walkways.
    - Consuites that aren't ridiculously hidden and/or crap.
    - Working air conditioning everywhere.
    - Guests you actually want to see vs the same dub voice actors that go to every con ever.

    I know, such a pipe dream.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)20:09 No.2209571
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 10/04/09(Sun)20:11 No.2209578
    >>- Designated areas for large cosplay gatherings/photoshoots so they don't completely block main walkways.

    We have this at one of the two main cons i go to. They have multiple siderooms you can go into to do a shoot
    >> Anonymous 10/04/09(Sun)23:16 No.2210162
    these. a well working air system so it's not fucking hot inside in the summer or fucking cold in the winter. actual food of some kind in the vendor room, a directory of omake events and less shit given to people who run 18+ omake events. lower priced hotel rooms so i can afford to get one with few enough people that i can fuck in it, should i so choose. continental breakfast would be pretty good, more panels that i actually want to go to, fewer video rooms that show the same shit for days or the same shit as last year. more shit to do on the first day and in the mornings.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)00:05 No.2210323
    I've been curious for a while. How easy is it to talk someone up to your hotel room? Considering a lot of people are attention whores ore slutty, I'd say a half-assed pick up line would work.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)00:10 No.2210334

    Looks help. If you're some fat, greasy, ugly otaku stereotype, you'll just get stamped with the "CREEPER" tag.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)00:11 No.2210337
    Should have:
    - enough staff members
    - staff members that know what they're doing
    - staff members that don't have sticks up their asses
    - adequate security
    - enough registration booths to keep lines moving
    - clear-cut line-up areas to avoid confusion
    - varied panels

    Should not have:
    - glomping faggots
    - caramelldansen faggots
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)00:14 No.2210349
    cons DO have a lot of attention whores, but they're populated mostly with nerds. nerds are not known for being promiscuous. if you find a bimbo with no self-esteem, and you aren't horrible to look at, you might get lucky. but don't count on every girl you meet being eager to jump into bed with you.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)00:19 No.2210367
    Guys love to think you have all these neat little tricks up your sleeves that you can use to manipulate women. You really don't. A girl either wants to fuck you or she doesn't.
    >> Murrie !/rMxiN97Dw 10/05/09(Mon)00:20 No.2210368
    I think it should be manitory that staff members know cpr and some basic medical training. But Im am being to idealistic.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)00:21 No.2210371
    Well, what should I say to hint that I want to do it?

    Not even sex, but like a lap dance or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)00:24 No.2210378
    Con Security needs to learn some professionalism, tact, respect, and general people skills. Also to not pretend they're a gang of thugs, a paramilitary group, actual cops, a yakuza, etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)01:10 No.2210563
    I'd like the 18 and older only cons, but i do believe a 21 and older con would be fun, i'm 19 and i wouldnt mind not being bale to go for a while, if there were 3 cons going on at the same weekend, one was a 21 and older, another 18 and older, while there was a under 18 that would make so much faggotry disappear.

    The security staff ppl do tend to act like that and its oh so cute but needs to not exist.

    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)01:24 No.2210608
    I think all night stuff is important, I love taking a swim at 3am with cosplayers talking about stuff. just as long as they dont the events with really bad hentai panels. they never turn out good. It would be nice if hentai was actually sold at conventions. its always fun to pick one randomly and have a good chuckle with friends reading it.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)03:25 No.2210945
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 10/05/09(Mon)03:42 No.2210973
    7 days of fun = zen

    Yogurt and silence = zen.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)03:42 No.2210974
    many people i know go to network and meet someone to hook up with, usually at a later date because of the room thing, but yeah. i have a male friend who is for some reason very good with women who doesn't buy himself hotel rooms because he assumes he will find one to stay in. many of our room parties with mainly female attendees have turned into sort of half-orgies: bras, panties, molestations and hickies for all. it's not amazingly easy but a lot of people go to hook up and if you managed to get an acutally empty room you could probably manage arranging some sex to fill it with, assuming you are not oozing puss or 500 lbs or some other amazingly shy, socially awkward thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)05:14 No.2211141
    bump on this. I'm OP and I'm trying to generate a con that satisfies everyone the best way possible.

    And I know this is 4chan and stuff, but already got ideas I had never thought before. Namely, discount at the parking fees.

    Also, what do you think about camping?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)05:25 No.2211149
    no camping mixed with con. outdoor environment would lead to sitting in the dirt which would fuck up many cosplays, not to mention people in ridiculous shoes tripping and falling and spraining ankles on uneven ground.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)05:39 No.2211160
    Associated to a dressing room, of course. It's just that it will be hard to find an affordable hotel near the con place, which is surrounded by luxury hotels.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)06:09 No.2211187
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)06:15 No.2211191
    No, sorry...
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)06:16 No.2211195
    Hyatt, Merriot, and Hilton are not luxury, they're standard. Budget motels are cheap because they cut back on important issues like cleanliness, building maintenance, janitorial duties, location, and security. Ever notice how every motel has a trailer park or ghetto next door?

    Regarding camping, I highly doubt any hotel would allow that. Also, wtf would happen when there's costumers abound when they're surrounded by pup tents?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)06:17 No.2211196
    There should be a "carmeldansen jar"
    Think "cuss jar" only with a shitty annoying dance that no sane person should ever do.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)06:20 No.2211202
    The space around it is very versatile (has hotels to one side, bars and clubs to the other, a giant supermarket 100 meters away and a huge empty area that is usually used for camping at a music festival). However, the hotels are Hilton and above (I think Hilton is there as well), while the decent hotels - 3 stars, clean sheets, with breakfast and lunch - are further in the city.

    But ok, no camping. I'll try to convince the owners of the uber-expensive hotels to make a group discount.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)06:24 No.2211206
    Is planned, together with a camera for publicity purposes. But I still think it is impossible to control the caramells outside it. Unless we join glomp with caramelldansen and they create a void space together.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)06:28 No.2211210
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    I seriously doubt it, but some sort of protection for the elevators?
    Elevator break all the damn time thanks to retarded fuckers who think they're funny. Six people jumping on the elevator in unison will kill it for the weekend.

    Would a "NO JUMPING" sign just encourage them?
    Is it too much to have a staff member policing the elevators?
    Announcement at opening ceremonies?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)06:30 No.2211213
    oh, I was under the impression they would be camping on convention property.

    But still, tents in populated areas are prone to theft
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)12:57 No.2211604

    It might actually work to deter some of that faggotry. Roped traction elevator controllers are very dedicated constant velocity servo devices, if they go out of lock, the whole fucking thing shuts down immediately.


    Also, some elevators just plain overheat after a while, particularly hydraulic elevators without oil coolers (fairly typical on little 2-4 floor installations and small parking garages). Can't do much about that other than to encourage people to use the stairs. I believe Otakon doesn't let you use the BCC elevators at all unless you have a physical disability that'd keep you from climbing a flight of stairs.
    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 10/05/09(Mon)13:06 No.2211618
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    >ITT: Things your ideal convention would have.

    Didn't read the whole thread, but I Ctrl F'd for it and can't believe no one's mentioned yet that a decent console room is essential to any good con. Pic fucking related.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)15:00 No.2211808
    Wouldn't a security staff person inside the elevator solve the issue?

    What do you understand for "decent"?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)17:35 No.2212175
    OP here, bumping for more dreams that may eventually come true.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)17:38 No.2212196
    FuFuFuFu? Were you laughing?
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 10/05/09(Mon)17:38 No.2212198
    It is kind of disappointing when you don't have a very well stocked console room.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)17:42 No.2212210
    Like with all kinds of consoles since Sega Saturn and hundreds of games? Or would you people be happy with a demonstration of the newest games?

    I don't know, I had to use an online walkthrough to finish Spyro, and nobody else at the organization even thought that games could be a necessity.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)17:42 No.2212212
    what no con should ever have:
    Vic Mangina
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)18:05 No.2212278
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)18:10 No.2212286
    Things cons should not have:
    -Hare Hare Yukai
    -Incredibly small dealer rooms
    -"Hello my name is" stickers as name tags
    -Dance contests
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)20:23 No.2212732
    CONvergence this year had elevator operators for the peak periods and a stated 'off on two, on on one' boarding policy.

    Unlike previous years, elevators didn't break down at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)20:35 No.2212769
    -no yaoi faggotry (Paddles/General OMG YOU SHOULD KISSSS XD shit)

    No Furries (Their mere presence causes DRAMA)
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)20:57 No.2212834

    OP Where would this con be located? Because my interest is piqued.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)20:57 No.2212835
    I think every large con could and should do this:

    Masquerade skit screening.

    For example, AX. They heard every single one of the audios. They can hear if it's a Hare Hare Yukai, or a Carmelldansen, or is a stupid yaoi skit. They throw the obvious ones out.

    Then, say, they have a few that have elements that could be considered yaoi / overdone dance faggotry, but due to the audio it's hard to tell whether it is or not.

    They notify all the participants that passed the first round that 'eliminations' will be done the night before Masquerade. In this time, con staff makes sure everyone in the skit knows what to do, and the skit / walkon is actually pulled off nicely without it looking like shit (i.e. they all practiced it). They eliminate those that look like shit.

    The night of the masquerade, the watered-down list maybe only be ten or fifteen skits long, with a few iffy ones that just barely passed put in there.

    That leaves time for decent Masquerade halftime shows.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)21:05 No.2212856
    Ideal con would have:
    About 1/10th of the attendees most cons have, due to all narutards/other brands of smelly/hideous weeaboos being banned.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/09(Mon)21:42 No.2212972
    Hmm for me Air con... Cons in summer, lots of people, and no AC makes a very smelly place D:
    also not many steps because I where elaborate shoes a lot and steps sometimes are not kind to them ):
    and like >>2208154 said a quiet space.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)00:49 No.2213873
    Maybe have an online registration and you can simply reject fat people/people cosplaying narutardshit
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)01:42 No.2214198
    Somewhere in Europe, but can't say much more (it's still a little embryo)
    >> Nightcrawler 10/06/09(Tue)01:59 No.2214269
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)02:29 No.2214412
    Cons need a naptime room. Maximum 3 hours, not liable for stolen possessions, security camera watching

    What cons should not have
    Old memes: Rickroll, the game
    Glomp me signs
    Signs for anything not related to anything
    Naruto headbands sold in the dealers room
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)02:42 No.2214440
    I FUCKING LOVE NAPTIME! They could put on awesome ambient music from anime OST. That would be awesome!
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 10/06/09(Tue)02:52 No.2214477
    How about more cons with an easily accessable dealer loading dock? I'm tired of having to shlep around, collecting location clues like some kind of warcraft quest while pulling a dual axle trailer through the tiny streets of some city full of idiotic drivers (BOSTON) who don't know how to merge.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)05:13 No.2214633
    How bout you buy a TomTom, genius?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)05:29 No.2214644

    Howabout you use a a-z map sunshine?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)05:49 No.2214658
    How about you use a compass, Copernicus?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)10:02 No.2214847
    Ideal Con:
    More Video Games, Manga, Anime, Music, Main Events, Panels, Space, Cosplay

    Cosplay contests by category for cash prizes, you will get some good stuff.
    The things you need for, can never have enough. Cheap Con tickets, the less the price the more people you get. Remember the most successful cons are family oriented.

    The con should be near hotels that are nice. And places to eat, i cannot stress this enough! Giveaways, and lots of them!

    Not have:
    -Assholes who work the con.
    -Not enough thigns to do
    -Signs (seriosuly, no signs)
    -Alcohol (main part of the con before 9pm)
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)11:05 No.2214913

    ITT: People who have never worked booths

    Now that I've said that, one or more of the above will claim to be from a booth
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)11:24 No.2214960
    >Signs (seriosuly, no signs)
    Directional signs are needed.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)11:44 No.2214989
    >napping to anime ost

    Azumanga Daioh has some very relaxing, ambient songs.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)11:44 No.2214991

    I meant on people
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)12:08 No.2215022
    >Remember the most successful cons are family oriented.

    Fuck family-oriented cons. Those kind of cons sacrifice too much just to make a buck. They are the most fan-unfriendly when it comes to policy, and they also attract idiot kids and sue-happy soccer moms.
    >> frances 10/06/09(Tue)12:19 No.2215030
    mary kay products
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)15:15 No.2215461
    Fortunately this is not America. Here couldn't care the fucking less about the mental health of little children. We also don't care that little children are exposed to animated tits as long as their parents take them. The theory is "parents have the responsability, if they are stupid to bring the children it's their fault and we should laugh at them as they fail when their5 y/o asks"why are the boys kissing?""

    Therefore, we're also planning a place for children to stay and play and not bother, as many "parents" really like comics and it would be a shame if they could not come and spend a little.

    I can also reveal that, unlike anything that has ever happened on this area of the globe, the con is fully orientated to the dealers. But I am a really kind person amongst the team and am trying to satisfy the most desired needs of the visitors (which are still the most important part).

    I am loving this thread, btw, so many ideas that we can actually make a great use of!
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)15:16 No.2215468

    Fuck family cons. These are the moms who bitch at cosplays that show bellybutton.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)17:54 No.2215864
    bumping for more ideals for a better world
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:04 No.2215914
    I would like there to be a day care center for kids so parents can drop them off. Also they should color code the badges, that would take care of some problems (Though admittedly it might add to them lol ).

    I know this is a stretch, but maybe a con that would band revealing costumes. Like no showing the mid section and your skirt/shorts have to at least go to your finger tips. That would eliminate some costumes, but also be easy on the eyes. Maybe in less drama.
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 10/06/09(Tue)18:11 No.2215939
    Yeah.. the thing about adult verification is that.. it doesn't always work. Take a look at bars and anything else that requires an I.D. The system doesn't always work. There will always be some faggots looking to sneak in under false pretenses with an adult I.D. and they'll still be faggin' it up with their hipster bull shit of drinkan' and being attention hungry.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:16 No.2215955
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    Fuck that then there won't be hot jailbait running around with everything popping out.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:27 No.2216013
    My fear is that if we elliminate revealing underage, we'll not have cosplayers at all. The situation in this area is very allarming.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:30 No.2216028
    >skirt/shorts have to at least go to your finger tips.

    The fuck kind of mormon world you live in? That's prudier than my normal clothes.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:33 No.2216044
    Exactly! Then what's the point in going cons at all?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:34 No.2216050
    these. color coded badges and a child friendly area children under 10 are not allowed to leave without parent.

    more stuff to do! maybe some panels that teach how to make something? like something small and awesome that you might have to pay to be in, but not something super expensive. multiple pinatas if you're having them so i don't almost get trampled trying to grab a fucking lolipop. food on site, either a hotel with an affordable restaurant or a booth in the dealer's room that sells something like cup noodles and hot water. more sellers who make homeade things like clothing, art, etc. they're my favorite part of the dealers rooms. manga and pocky and games are good, but some of the cheap plastic crap dealers sell is kinda meh. possibly a twitter account to let people know when they need to sign up for things that won't be available during the con... i've been to several cons that had one small thread in their forums and used that as the only way to inform people of things like when pre-reg was open or what the deadline for the cosplay contest or special events was. shit sux. OMAKE EVENTS and ROOM PARTIES should be encouraged. they're always fun. some "family friendly cons" in my area *cough nobrandcon cough* are seriously cracking down on omake events like the hentai room that was run every year, even when they check ids, because either one fucking kid might see something or because "ZOMG it MAKES NOISE AND THE HOTEL DOESN'T LIEKS ITT!" hotels make a shitload of money from cons and many of them have been known to book a hotel solid during an off season month very far in advance. if they want to take our money they need to quit whining about the noise. that's one of the reasons i prefer cheap hotels...
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:36 No.2216059
    getting a room is less pricey and there's less whining. to be honest, if it was a choice between a hilton, etc. level hotel and camping i'd probably not go. one hotel per con is best because then room parties and omake events are easier without shoving sixty otaku into a car and going off to god knows where.>>2216050
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:40 No.2216075
    nah, less revealing than mormon-chan suggested. just like, no fucking cosplayers with pastes. i think color coded badges could help solve this problem... if someone's doing something inappropriate with someone underage, you can immediately know and be like "hey, she's not old enough."

    i don't think revealing clothing is as big a problem as this thread thinks it is. most cons i've been to only include one or two females wearing something very revealing, and it usually has more coverage than a bikini. people need to grow the fuck up about it. girl skin does not compel you to do stupid shit. girls need to understand if they're wearing a revealing costume, people will look. if they don't want people to look, wear something else. if they get fresh with you, smack them or go away. guys mainly seem to be pretty good about it. there are a few douchebags, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:41 No.2216081
    family friendly cons are shit since most anime appeals to at least pg14+. Not to mention all the hentai, all-night raves and whatnot are wicked.

    If they make it child friendly how am I supposed to get all my sexy, revealing anime figurines for cheap?
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:43 No.2216090
    >Also they should color code the badges, that would take care of some problems (Though admittedly it might add to them lol ).

    To make it easier for pedos and creepy people to stalk little kids? Also, very easy for someone to just badge-swap with a different badge to get into adult programming if only base on color-coded badges.

    SMART THINKING PEOPLE. This is why it isn't done.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:45 No.2216097
    family cons vs reality

    While I think nudity should be kept in check, anime/manga has a certain amount of smut. Girls in short skirts, lepard bikinis, some pedo-friendly elements. So, not so much what should be ok for kiddies to see at a con, as should your kiddie be watching anime/manga if they are too young for some cleavage, belly button, and side boob!!!

    You take your kid to the pool or the beach, so whats so offensive about seeing a pink haired cat girl in a bikini at a con.

    If it is legal, or pool/beach appropriate, who cares.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)18:46 No.2216104
    people still get into adult programming events now. and people who want to stalk little kids can be identified if the kids are clearly labeled... as it is now lots of young girls still get stalked but not everyone has figured out she's underaged and doesn't notice.
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 10/06/09(Tue)18:50 No.2216117
    This. People will lie, cheat, and do anything to get away with/get into shit. :v ANYTHING.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)19:01 No.2216161
    I think it's more of a mass-hysteria thing than anything. Here nobody cares. Yeah, baby saw some vagina. So what? They freak more about violence (ie. blood) than nudity.

    Age tags only seem good to me because of the photoshoots. Underage are under some creepy rules about abusing their image rights and their parents have to sign stuff. Which also takes underage running around wobbling their vulva: if your parents don't allow it, it's not appropriate enough.

    Add on: we're thinking of organizing an extra party at a club of the area (100 meters away), if any of the clubs of the area accepts losing their guido freak clients to coloured wigs. Drugs are not much of a problem for us, in either way. Anyone that knows me just needs to talk to me. Too bad not many people know me.
    >> Anonymous 10/06/09(Tue)19:24 No.2216261
    a club party would be cool, as long as it would be only of age drinkers. especially if it had a lot of awesome music.

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