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  • File : 1254220682.jpg-(273 KB, 944x916, Untitled-1.jpg)
    273 KB Shooting for perfect! please help! >_< Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)06:38 No.2192865  
    Hey /cgl/-
    maybe you can help me out with this ambitious project I'm going to embark on and finish if it kills me before October 30th.
    I'm going to see Deadmau5 spin and I desperately want to wear his head there. (but wear a skimpy-ass outfit with it so I can be da girl version) ;)
    I took a hard plastic ball that was the bulb cover of a street light, and it looks perfectly the size of his head .
    So here are the questions:
    What should I make the ears out of?
    The eyes?
    Whats a malleable, light screen material that I can put in place of the mouth so I can breathe?
    Any other tips for me?
    Your help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much!!!

    >> Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)06:49 No.2192880
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    >(but wear a skimpy-ass outfit with it so I can be da girl version) ;)
    I hope you get whacked in the head with a beer bottle and your unconscious body is raped by dozens of patrons and almost none of them use protection except a select few, evidenced by you passing condoms in your bowels the following days (some being directly in the anus and passing immediately, others being swallowed and needing to make their way through your excretory system).
    >> .. Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)07:05 No.2192889

    Thanx for the help
    >> Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)09:05 No.2193028
    Hey /dck/-
    maybe you can dick me out with this ambitious project I'm going to dick on and finish if it dicks me before Dicktober 30th.
    I'm going to see Dickmau5 spin and I desperately want to dick his head there. (but wear a dick-ass outfit with it so I can be da dick version) ;)
    I took a hard dick ball that was the dick cover of a street light, and it looks dick the size of his dick.
    So here are the questions:
    What should I make the dick out of?
    The dicks?
    Whats a malleable, light dick material that I can put in place of the dick so I can breathe?
    Any other dicks for me?
    Your help would be greatly dick!! Dick so much!!!

    >> Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)16:42 No.2193950
    Why must you be skimpy in order to be a girl version of his "mau5" ? Why not make the mask and where a skirt suit instead of looking like a whore?

    Or forget the whole idea and just go dressed to the club as you normally would.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)16:42 No.2193954
    just steal his head
    >> Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)16:44 No.2193964
    Ask 4ng31, but I doubt he's going to help you because you're doing a "girl version"
    >> Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)16:46 No.2193971

    lol deadmau how gay
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 09/29/09(Tue)17:21 No.2194140
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    ...christ, people are dicks... I'm making the assumption that this is a budget build. If you're planning on something exact, reply and I'll change my answers. This will get you where you need to go as cheaply as possible.

    >What should I make the ears out of?
    Go to a sign shop or Home Depot. You're looking for lightweight Gatorboard (looks like cardboard, but made out of plastic) or sintra. Ask someone if you don't knwo what to look for. This is the stuff the thick "for sale" signs are made out of in Home Depot. NOT the thin ones - those are styrene and won't hold weight. Since you'll be wrapping them in fabric, it doesn't really matter if they have texture or a print on them.

    >The eyes?
    Taplights. Go to Wal-Mart, they're about $4 a piece or so. Take them apart and just use the domes to save weight.

    >Whats a malleable, light screen material that I can put in place of the mouth so I can breathe?
    You'll actually be looking out of the mouth as well so it needs to be mostly transparent. This is the trickiest part. Check out mcmaster-carr for this product: (image related, not the exact product but you get the idea) It's a plastic wire mesh that has 1/16" holes in it. It will look solid from the outside, but you'll be able to see and breathe out of it. you buy it by the foot, you'll need at least 1 length of it, but 2 might be better. Its cheap, less than $2 a foot.

    Lay tinfoil over your dome you already have. Hang this plastic and heat it with a hairdryer or heat gun until it malleable, then lay it on the dome so that it will cool in the appropriate shape.

    >Any other tips for me?
    Use a hardhat for the interior to hold it to your head. With that much weight, a chin strap might be a good idea too.

    Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)17:24 No.2194155
    Ya know, honestly, if she wasn't doing a skank girl version I doubt people would be dicks. Or even if she still did it and just didn't tell anyone, then none would be the wiser.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/29/09(Tue)17:26 No.2194163
    I knew that someone would cosplay as the character one day after I downloaded "Random Album Title". I can't wait to see the end result.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/09(Tue)17:28 No.2194166
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    Its already been done.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 09/29/09(Tue)17:29 No.2194170
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    I sell these heads...just a few orders for Halloween and am willing to take on more...
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/29/09(Tue)17:30 No.2194172
    I like this one already.

    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/29/09(Tue)17:31 No.2194177
    You do? Where's your website?
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 09/29/09(Tue)17:32 No.2194179
    It just strikes me as odd, that's all. Gijinka? That's fine. Female Kamina? Probably go over well too if the chick was hot.

    This gets lambasted. I mean, I understand why - I think its stupid to do a "sexy Deadmau5" too - its just the double standard that seems off.

    Unrelated, I just searched for 4ng31's deadmau5 and it looks like he built it in a very similar way to what I just suggested... I swear I didn't check it first dude!
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 09/29/09(Tue)17:35 No.2194189

    S'all's not a very complex's just the round shape that gets a lot of people.


    I own a domain but the sit3e isn't built's easier just to go through AIM, MSN or e-mail though...I actually don't mind talkign to my
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 09/29/09(Tue)17:36 No.2194191

    O, and for the record...instead of using a hard-hat for the head mount, use foam...lighter and usually a snugger fit.
    >> Volpin !jKicgoGHZw 09/29/09(Tue)17:38 No.2194200
    I tried that in my DP helmet. Problem is, if you have a lot of ear piercings (or an industrial like I do) the foam can hurt after a little while.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 09/29/09(Tue)17:40 No.2194209
    I had a cartilage piercing way back when and I couldn't put up with the pain so I took it off, I do not envy you at all.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 09/29/09(Tue)17:43 No.2194223

    Ah, true...just thought of that because on my first PH helmet, I used a helmet and it just seemed...I dunno, empty on the inside with it? So I tend to using foam to pad out most of my stuff now...only downside is what you said and if you have sensitive skin like I do...

    O well.
    >> Stasia 09/29/09(Tue)22:18 No.2195083
    Click on light fixtures for the eyes.<--!!
    And light foam with card board for the ears?
    I'm not sure if the ear idea would work but the click on lights can be found at wallmart, wallgreens ect.
    >> Stasia 09/29/09(Tue)22:21 No.2195088
    Also, everybody on /cgl/ is vain and butthurt.
    I advise ignoring the assholes and they will stop trolling.

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