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  • File : 1251703967.jpg-(400 KB, 427x640, dmg4x.jpg)
    400 KB Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)03:32 No.2100374  
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:34 No.2100379
    Needs less chunk
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:35 No.2100380
    Ho shit.

    Wondering how much that friend that was helping her actually did of that, though. :/
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:35 No.2100381
    what does she have something new every three days?

    definitely least shitty thing she's worn so far, but still screams ebay. and it doesn't change how I feel about her god awful personality.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)03:36 No.2100383
    lol wat now?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:37 No.2100384
    Totally bought that shit or commissioned it
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:37 No.2100386
    She doesn't watch/play any of the mainstream shows/games she cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:40 No.2100393
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:42 No.2100396
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    First and only result on ebay
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)03:43 No.2100400
    that's not it, massive differences. Her costume looks alright though it's not spitting image. and she seriously needs to start gettin wigs, but there's hope! even if she got help from a friend (and if so that she admits to it)
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:43 No.2100401

    Because eBay is the only costume shop on the internet right?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:45 No.2100407
    She seems pretty into shojo shit, actually. I hope she starts doing characters she wants instead of pandering to her fanboys.

    This is a fucking major step up though, even if she did buy it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:48 No.2100410
    I think now it just boils down to jealousy. We see the girl obviously improving her costumes. She's not perfect but this is pretty damn good for where she is at.

    No one is perfect when we first start to cosplay. I think people are simply angry she is garnering all this attention at such an early stage. Costume looks good.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:49 No.2100411
    in before and after jealous ugly/fatty shitstorm
    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 08/31/09(Mon)03:49 No.2100412
    This exactly. I don't believe for a second she made even 10% of this costume herself. No one goes from "YAY FIRST CON ^_^ LOOK AT MY BRA -- ER, COSTUME, YAY ^_^" to "LOOK AT MY SEEMINGLY PROFESSIONALLY MADE COSTUME THAT I MADE ^_^" in a fucking month. No one.

    And the worst part is that the fanboys think it would be nothing short of preposterous to accuse her of not having made it herself.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:50 No.2100417
    Geeze, I almost thought you were on your period until I realized you were a man. Even Maguma chilled out, calm down, son.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:51 No.2100419
    Looks cute but she's a horrible attention whore.
    Despicable scum.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:52 No.2100420
    ...because he showed any signs of rage in that post?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)03:53 No.2100424
    Not the emotion, it's the fact he's literally accusing someone of lying about something with absolutely no proof.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:01 No.2100438
    at this rate she'll be the world's greatest cosplayer by christmas
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:04 No.2100442
    haha no
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:04 No.2100443

    Go to her forums
    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 08/31/09(Mon)04:06 No.2100450
    Um...yes, I fucking am accusing her of just that. I'd like to see ANY progress pics, proving she made it. Won't happen, because she didn't. It's not that eBay costume posted, obvious differences are obvious, but even more obvious is the fact that she didn't make it herself.

    Look at her other "costumes." Look at this one. Look at the timeframe in which she has been "into" cosplay. Now tell me that it is even REMOTELY possible that she made ANY of the DMG costume herself. You show me someone who truly believes that and I'll show you someone with even less experience in cosplay than Jessica herself.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:10 No.2100454
    Sarcasm, bro.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:11 No.2100456
    do you think I care? lol
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:12 No.2100457
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    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:14 No.2100458
    Exactly. This is my secret to success.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:15 No.2100461
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    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 08/31/09(Mon)04:15 No.2100464
    Oh, and there's also no proof she DID make it herself, by the way, other than "This is my very first OFFICIAL COSPLAY made by me!"

    If her Tsunade costume eBay purchase is any indication, I'd say that's more evidence that the DMG costume is bought as well.

    I didn't think YOU of all people would have wool so easily pulled over your eyes like this. You're smarter than that. Unless your congratulations to her were sarcastic.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:17 No.2100469
    speechless. Perfect. just how it works.
    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 08/31/09(Mon)04:19 No.2100473
    >I didn't think YOU of all people would have wool so easily pulled over your eyes like this. You're smarter than that. Unless your congratulations to her were sarcastic.

    Was talking to Maguma with that sentence BTW, not the post I was quoting.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:20 No.2100476
    the skirt and the yellow loops as well as the top shoulder part are inaccurate... same with the staff (she shouldn't have stuffed it)

    but otherwise i'd say it's a good effort (the hat looks like it was pieces glued together... )
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:20 No.2100477
    I dare you to make less sense.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:20 No.2100479
    Of all people that could possibly keep posting Jessica, it had to be Maguma. Jesus Christ.

    She does have delicious thunder thighs though, if only they weren't so fucking cancerous-orange colored
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:22 No.2100483
    Wow, you really are a douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:22 No.2100485
    Her thighs, thunderous they are not.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:23 No.2100486
    who is this person anyway and why do we seem to hate her so much
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:23 No.2100487
    i'd say they are she just doesn't have the hips to accompany them
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:24 No.2100489
    oh i just noticed the hat's all wrong too (it's 2 parts- one visor-ish and the other is a back cone...)

    i was wondering why it looked weird overall...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:25 No.2100494
    No, they aren't thunderous, they are in no way large enough to be considered so. They're just "toned".
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:28 No.2100503
    I had a feeling it was.

    anyway I have my doubts and my suspicions about it's origin. but there's no proof officially to prove anything cus there was supposed to be progress of all this and it's been what... 1 week since she claimed to start this? And like i said, DMG was where i was gunna step back a bit from it all. but there's other things i've come to hear and learn about Jess that still make me laugh about it all. (which i think you should know about already?)

    the arm guards and the hat are off too. The hat should reveal some part of the top of her head.

    I knew you'd ask me to do that, it's so simple to see that you're backed into the hole with no other options to run away.

    for joking around with sarcasm and playing along? jeeze i must have just broken the holy veil.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:29 No.2100507
    I thought it'd be pretty funny if i was the one to post this here.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:31 No.2100511
    ITT Butthurt Jessica fags try to white knight her from tripfags
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:32 No.2100515
         File1251707520.jpg-(7 KB, 165x165, you are terrible.jpg)
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    >I knew you'd ask me to do that, it's so simple to see that you're backed into the hole with no other options to run away.

    >sarcastic statement
    >AHHA NO
    >You're not making sense
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:35 No.2100519
         File1251707705.jpg-(10 KB, 150x150, ash hur hur hur.jpg)
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    Indeed. Indeed~ it's also 1:33 and i'm fucking out of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:35 No.2100520
         File1251707741.jpg-(47 KB, 600x424, A5D6A5E9A5C3A5AFA1A6A5DEA5B8A5(...).jpg)
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    jessica who?

    >> Rein !!+PgM+wvBbvW 08/31/09(Mon)04:37 No.2100526
    Pretty soon you are going to be completely incoherent and start mumbling stuff about cardboard.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:38 No.2100529
    The fucking life source for a good cosplay.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:40 No.2100532
    bend across the corrugation, stab the compass at the center line. MAKE YOUR CIRCLE AND SUPA CURASHHHH
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:41 No.2100533
    Good stuff I love it
    >> Rein !!+PgM+wvBbvW 08/31/09(Mon)04:43 No.2100535
    Counter-balance the knife, slash, retract.. Counter-balance the knife, slash, retract.. Counter-bHHHHHHHHHNGGGGG
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)04:44 No.2100537
    fuck that shit. extend the blade, slash and retract. put the exacto knife away and head back to art class
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)04:44 No.2100539
    I bet the top of that hat is fucked to hell.

    Also, how did she manage to buy/commission a costume less skimpier than it should actually be?

    >i didn't read this thread at all
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)05:01 No.2100549
    It's almost too inaccurate to be commissioned lol
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)05:02 No.2100554
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)05:07 No.2100561
         File1251709670.jpg-(312 KB, 427x640, dmg6x.jpg)
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    I agree, it doesn't look professionally made at all, just check out how the trim is on there, especially on the pointy end of the gauntlet. It looks awful. And it's terribly inaccurate.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)05:11 No.2100568
    It doesnt look good enough to be bought but at the same time i highly doubt she could all of a sudden know how to sew well enough to make that.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)07:40 No.2100755
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    >> Kabuki Mouse !mg0D1lMhlQ 08/31/09(Mon)07:43 No.2100759
    Looks fine to me.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 08/31/09(Mon)08:06 No.2100801



    Who gives a flying fuck? You don't know what she did and didn't make. You are missing the point entirely: attractive woman in a great costume. Fucking arguing over semantics and sitting on a high horse and pointing fingers isn't going to make you look any cooler or correct.


    I REMEMBER THIS EXACT SCENE IN THIS COMIC. FUCK NOSTALGIA. This was back when you bought the Pokemon manga in comic book form. Good fuckin times.


    Yep. That's what I thought. The costume's pretty good and it looks cleanly done and whatnot. I mean it's not that unlikely that she got the shit done really quickly with help from a friend. Hell, I could make the motherfucker in a day, two TOPS if I had/wanted to, and it would look that good. That costume isn't that complex you guys.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/31/09(Mon)09:01 No.2100877
    This is, admittedly, rather fast to pull a costume out of nowhere. Unless it was planned since shortly after SDCC, even then I find it hard to believe. I will say, however, it's definitely a step up from the previous outfits.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:03 No.2100882
    Jesus Nigiri,
    You caught me by surprise!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:08 No.2100889
    You know, you're the most obvious troll of CGL.
    And you annoy me.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)09:31 No.2100912
    >>2100801 Who gives a flying fuck? You don't know what she did and didn't make. You are missing the point entirely: attractive woman in a great costume. Fucking arguing over semantics and sitting on a high horse and pointing fingers isn't going to make you look any cooler or correct.

    Um sieg. the actual argument is actually over semantics. that's been the basis since the start really.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/31/09(Mon)09:36 No.2100916
    Yep. That's what I thought. The costume's pretty good and it looks cleanly done and whatnot. I mean it's not that unlikely that she got the shit done really quickly with help from a friend. Hell, I could make the motherfucker in a day, two TOPS if I had/wanted to, and it would look that good. That costume isn't that complex you guys.

    and you'd be surprised how long simple costumes take. Making just my mikuo shirt took about 24 hours to make. and it isn't even that heavily detailed.
    >> Aino Minako !!l0VyoPm2V9b 08/31/09(Mon)09:55 No.2100938
    I don't care if she made this shit or not. I know she didn't. Hell, she hasn't even responded to my sewing machine thread yet. But she's steppin' up her game.

    However, she needs to stop posting something new every 3 hours.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:28 No.2100965
    wow that is impressive and she looks great, moar pls!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:41 No.2100971
    Who.a..are NinjA and Maguma fighting?


    She's looks good. Orange, but good. It doesn't seem to have the overall stunning effect it should have though.

    Is it really so bad that she posts every three seconds? Some other cosplayers should do like she does so we get some new content for once *coughMiyucough*. Camwhoring doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:46 No.2100977
    Take another look at that picture. That trim is pretty much just glued on. I'd imagine that she used a few patterns with some friend's help, and that it pretty much crumbled apart after one wearing.
    She could have made this with some help, but the fact still stands that she's just an Alisa-chan rehash in the making.
    Setting up a site like that, asking for money, backyard picture sessions with shitty costumes, and endless promoting/hype making... don't anyone be shocked when a pay portal magically appears on her site and she's selling nudes.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:52 No.2100980

    Maguma's going to Kumoricon?

    Slightly more on-topic, though- for the love of Primus, guys, can't you just take it at its face value? A cute girl in an okay-looking DMG cosplay? Slag, guys, really? You're generating all this drama yourselves, you know.
    >> Broagunk !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 08/31/09(Mon)11:05 No.2100993

    No one, and I mean NO ONE, can pick up a sewing machine, fabric, thread, etc... without any prior experience, and sew that costume in a week and have it look like it does.

    That shit is bought, not a doubt in my mind...hell, I see tweets from people who she contacts about commissioning shit.

    And her hands creep me out...they're gross.
    >> Earthquaeks !wmt2E8nWDs 08/31/09(Mon)11:09 No.2100995
    Commissioned or not she still looks pretty good!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:11 No.2100996

    Looks like every other girl I went to high school with. Leave the basement sometime and you'll realize that.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 08/31/09(Mon)11:15 No.2100998
    You're all mental.

    However I am awesome because I don't give a shit and I have cake. Hell yeah.
    >> Earthquaeks !wmt2E8nWDs 08/31/09(Mon)11:15 No.2100999
    ...I meant the outfit, douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:26 No.2101007

    >>she still looks pretty good!

    Cool story bro!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:27 No.2101008

    I'm not entirely sure, but he was trying to compel everybody at the Kumori-con boards to cosplay Team Maguma. If he comes, he's got a posse.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:28 No.2101012

    I've seen nothing of this on the forums. Must have been some time ago.

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:30 No.2101014

    Shit, sorry, by boards I actually meant the K-con meetup threads floating around here. The one he was in 404'd, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:32 No.2101016
    She still needs to learn to buy a fucking wig and get rid of the skank ass scene kid hair.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:33 No.2101017
    Bitch must have some serious money to keep buying costumes at the rate she is. What a waste. I think she's taking her e-fame a bit to seriously -_-
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:34 No.2101018

    IIIIIIIIIIIII see. Danke.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)11:50 No.2101047
    She is getting a good amount of donation I believe
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 08/31/09(Mon)11:57 No.2101058
    All the trim looks like glued on ribbon. Basically what >>2100977 said, a lot of glue, only sewing on the bodice and skirt, which is easily done with a pattern and some help from a friend. Can be done easily, ghetto-style.
    Which leads me to believe yeah, it's possible she made it with help. Gonna give her the benefit of the doubt this time.
    >> Rintransigence !!juOw50vDolf 08/31/09(Mon)12:01 No.2101062
    Good for her!

    Still don't like seeing the same person all the time, but at least now it's a new and better costume.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:05 No.2101065
    When she wears things that don't compliment her form, she just looks dumpy. Kind of a key "model" attribute honestly.

    But, I love cute thick girls, so commence the fappin'.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:08 No.2101071

    I make my own shit and I don't take progress photos. So what?

    But tons of people "make" costumes and lie about it. Stop getting all butthurt over one girl. She wouldn't be all over the internet if YOU fags would stop posting her.
    >> Broagunk !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 08/31/09(Mon)12:16 No.2101086

    No way I said, someone with no sewing experience or prior knowledge is took me days to figure out how to properly wind a bobbin and thread my machine (granted, I lost the instructions)...and learning how to read and modify patterns...yeah. This was a friend made or commissioned costume.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:20 No.2101092
    It is still possible she made this and its also possible she is smarter than you - we cant use your "first time" experience as basis if whether she cant make a costume like this the first time.

    Anyway kudos to Jessica for finally having a costume worthy of recognition.

    People who still bitch about this are no doubt just envious fags and ugly fat chicks!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)12:51 No.2101162
    she's not hot enough for all of the attention she's getting and her costumes suck.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)13:39 No.2101257
    has obviously never sewn before.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)13:40 No.2101260
    lol guess again you idiot xD
    >> Brotip 08/31/09(Mon)13:42 No.2101266

    Oh no I've enetered BIZARRO WORLD, where fit women are fat!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:04 No.2101301
    ...why isn't newfag summer over with already?
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 08/31/09(Mon)14:10 No.2101309
    Maybe... maybe some decided to stick around?

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:29 No.2101358
    /cgl/ is fail all year long.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)14:30 No.2101362
    honky bitch looks so lame
    she looks very average and plain in regular cosplay
    I like her better in her slutty pikashitt closet cos
    seems like it was destiny though if she would of
    showed up to comic con in this or her Tsunade cos
    she definitely would not have gotten all that attention
    >> Phantom <3 !!xMuLVT8IUli 08/31/09(Mon)14:40 No.2101397
    I'm seeing a problem here...
    Her enitre fansite consists of 3 members and a bunch of /cglers.

    ...I blame you all.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 08/31/09(Mon)14:50 No.2101424

    You somewhat have a point. But at the same time EVERYONE ARGUING ABOUT THIS STUPID SHIT IS DUMB AS HELL. What difference is it going to make if somebody finds out is she did in fact make it or not?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)15:17 No.2101506
    You know, I didn't mind all her crappy cosplays because they were from series I didn't give a shit about.
    But now she stepped into one of my faves and I can't stand the bitch anymore
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 08/31/09(Mon)15:36 No.2101565
    ...Dude I was able to figure out how to thread a machine in minutes without instructions. And I figured out how to make a simple vest without a pattern within the same day (sure it wasn't hemmed and was made of satin, but hey, first cosplay, etc etc)

    Besides, I did say she probably had help with any actual sewing parts (bodice and skirt). I'm sure you can flip those seams and see a frayed satin mess within. (i'd flip her seams iykwim lololwatkillmenow)
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)15:57 No.2101672
    "and sketches of Jessica’s anime character and a string tie portfolio is included, which carries a scent of Jessica’s perfume that she uses daily ZOMG HOT XD."
    >> Silly Chen 08/31/09(Mon)16:01 No.2101689
    This still doesn't make me not dislike her.
    At this rate nothing will.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)16:03 No.2101712
    did you see this pic? >>2100561
    the bodice is totally bunched up, not well-sewn at all. for everything else she simply ironed the fabric onto heavy fusible interfacing. all the pink trim is just glued on using stitch-witchery. it is very believable that she made this herself.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 08/31/09(Mon)16:24 No.2101802
    Yes, this is exactly what I said before...
    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 08/31/09(Mon)16:49 No.2101913
    >I see tweets from people who she contacts about commissioning shit.

    Link to said tweets please.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)16:52 No.2101936
    I don't give a shit what she cosplays (using the term loosely) but I am sick of seeing her.

    All I see in these threads are: "OMG ITS A HOT GIRL IN AWESOME COSPLAY" and "She's average, shit sucks"

    Oh well, she's got another month or so of e-fame before /cgl/ goes back to it's normal rage schedule.
    >> Jessfanboy32 !QxRuU77r6k 08/31/09(Mon)16:59 No.2101967
    You jealous faggots leave my jessica alone. She is my beuatiful new idol and you jealous fucks are all just haters
    >> Broagunk !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 08/31/09(Mon)16:59 No.2101970

    Get ahold of me later (9'ish) over AIM or something...
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 08/31/09(Mon)17:00 No.2101972
    Locked tweet. But I saw it also.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)17:03 No.2101986
    You can tell she feels stupid wearing that in the picture. She doesn't even look like she enjoys cosplay.
    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 08/31/09(Mon)17:09 No.2102006
    Huh? How? And...why?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)17:10 No.2102009
    in b4 serious responses
    >> Silly Chen 08/31/09(Mon)17:15 No.2102025
    Cool spelling bro.
    >> Rintransigence !!juOw50vDolf 08/31/09(Mon)17:18 No.2102033
    If you were a true Jessica fanboy, you would capitalize Her name.
    LRN2 worship better.

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