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  • File : 1251424807.jpg-(25 KB, 462x259, sniper_holdontoyourhead.jpg)
    25 KB Sniper cosplay Beasty of Chaos 08/27/09(Thu)22:00 No.2089897  
    Good day/evening/morning brother/sister anon's of /cgl/.
    While I typically frequent /tg/, I want to get into cosplaying, if only because i'll be put into a place where I might (might being the key word) be able to meet some new and interesting people.

    My first planned cosplay is the Sniper from TF2 (my other idea was one of the Vampire soldiers from Hellsing, but wearing a Swastika armband in public just struck me as a bad idea) and so I have to ask for some advice/help:

    1). What exactly is the gray vest that Sniper wears over his red shirt? (As in, what style of vest is that, and where might I be able to fine one? All of my attempts to find one have met little success.)

    2). What shade should the patches worn on the shirt be? (I was going to use Symbolix for the patches, since I've heard they do good work, if expensive work.)

    3). Does anyone know what style the glasses that the Sniper wears are? (I wear glasses normally, which might lead to problems, but I can always just take the glasses off if I have to.)

    Thanks in advance for the help!
    Pic EXTREMELY related.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)22:10 No.2089914
         File1251425401.jpg-(15 KB, 269x371, ws-3407-st[1].jpg)
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    It's a hunting/utility vest. Try ebay or amazon, maybe you can get lucky at a thrift shop.

    The patches are yellow.

    The glasses try going to walmart, but idk any place that would sell those particular shades.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)22:13 No.2089924
    1. I don`t know the exact, look up kevlar vest, find a prop if anything you can sew the pockets on.
    2. Find a picture of sniper in even light. paste into paint. choose the tear dropper. click on patch. that`s the shade.
    3. Aviators.
    >> Beasty of Chaos 08/27/09(Thu)22:16 No.2089929
         File1251425780.png-(364 KB, 500x406, Sniper_Jarate.png)
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    Thanks for the help anon. (More on the vest/glasses then the patches.)

    HARD MODE: That red shirt the Sniper wears, does it just open up at the neck, or would one expect it to have buttons? And than I have to do the sheath for the Kukri.
    It's going to be a loooong 230+ days to Sakura con.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)22:21 No.2089942
    You could go either way on the buttons, actually. If you do decide to go with them, try not to get a shirt that's too formal, look for a more casual buttondown (maybe 100% cotton.)

    Also, carry a jarate, lulz will ensue.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)22:23 No.2089945

    You could either have it as it looks without buttons, or if you do choose buttons, do just a few like a polo would have. Honestly though, stick with it being just open at the neck.
    >> Beasty of Chaos 08/27/09(Thu)22:28 No.2089953
    I dunno, that might not go over so well...
    What if I throw one at a Medic if he's near a BLU pyro?
    That would be worse than my carrying a Swastika armband in public...

    I'll consider carrying around a Razorback though.

    That was my plan, though I'll shoot for no-buttons.

    Well, at least the rest of the outfit should be easy to make/buy.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)22:38 No.2089975
    Throwing it may get you kicked out. I would just advise carrying it.
    >> Beasty of Chaos 08/27/09(Thu)22:44 No.2089989
         File1251427447.jpg-(131 KB, 1200x1500, olive_vest.jpg)
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    Yeah, throwing a glass jar full of urine will get me kicked out of a con?
    Seriously though, I know that.

    Alright anon's, I have found my vest! (kinda). The color is off (a tan olive versus a gray-black), but I have reached a good start!

    Now, about the Kukri sheath, how long would you say it is? I would guess at around 2-2 1/2'.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)22:49 No.2090006
    I assumed you wouldn't fill it with actual urine, but I can see how important accuracy is to you.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)22:49 No.2090009
         File1251427791.jpg-(208 KB, 778x776, 1238300551012.jpg)
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    The glasses are shooting glasses. You can find them on eBay. Here's a clip-on version.

    Also, enjoy a highres emblem.
    >> Beasty of Chaos 08/27/09(Thu)22:53 No.2090022
         File1251427980.jpg-(12 KB, 200x260, TK6.jpg)
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    In hindsight, yes, keeping urine in a jar is a bad idea.
    ... Except when facing the French.
    Isn't accuracy EVERYTHING in cosplaying?

    Anon, thank you.
    If I could, I would give you EVERY internet I own.
    Instead, have some pics fresh from the /tg/ press!
    (Also an internet, but pics with Internets are good too.)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)22:55 No.2090032
    Thank you, dear fa/tg/uy. I thoroughly enjoy browsing /tg/ on occasion and am glad to have been of help to you.
    >> Beasty of Chaos 08/27/09(Thu)23:06 No.2090067
    As an aside, since Sakura con '10 will be my first con, is there any advice veteran cosplayers would like to give me?
    The whole picture thing I am fine with, (I hate how I look IN the pictures, but the questions about taking pictures with people I'll agree to) but what happens when I run into another group of TF2 'players? (Besides swap SteamID's and play together?)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)23:37 No.2090191
    When you see another TF2 cosplayer, go ahead and pose with them. There'll probably be a TF2 photoshoot, so go to that. You'll meet a lot of cool people.
    >> Beasty of Chaos 08/27/09(Thu)23:40 No.2090198
         File1251430806.jpg-(58 KB, 591x412, BOC5.jpg)
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    I see.
    Well, if I see a spy, at least my Razorback will show that lousy Spah how the Bushmen work!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)23:44 No.2090216
    tf2 is for new fags. Pros play Fortress Forever
    >> Ippo !GV1/c5XULk 08/28/09(Fri)00:54 No.2090449
    I played it earlier. it was meh. I still prefer TF2.
    >> Beasty of Chaos 08/28/09(Fri)00:56 No.2090451
    Oh wow, FF pros, well, I might as well hang up my Sniper Rifle now and save you the trouble.
    I thought you guys avoided TF2 players like the plague?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)13:41 No.2091552
    These are questions OP needs to answer himself with lots of reference pics and possibly playing the game and taking pictures of the screen.
    The thing about cosplay is, YOU decide what the vest is or the glasses are or how big his cup is or whatever. It's YOUR costume, do your own damn research.
    My friend made a DDR costume based on three pictures and a lot of gameplay pausing.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)13:46 No.2091561
    tf2chan has an excellent reference picture thread in /help/

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