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  • File : 1251333359.png-(128 KB, 248x272, I LIEK ANIME.png)
    128 KB Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)20:35 No.2085930  
    Okay fags ITT we post HALLO-WEEABOO-WEEN.

    Thats right Halloween is in about 2 months, So I say that everybody who reads this cosplays an anime/manga/anything weeaboo related thing.

    I wanna see a lot of shitty animu cosplay this year...

    Post what your going as and where you live. (You don't "have" to do the later)

    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)20:37 No.2085935
    Where I live there is not halloween. HAH

    We get dressed up for Mardi Gras instead.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)20:38 No.2085936
    war u live?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)20:40 No.2085940
    Somewhere in a small European country
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)20:40 No.2085941
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    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)21:00 No.2085995
    sounds like a good idea bro
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)21:14 No.2086043
    I have no idea so i'm hoping this thread will explode and give me help.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)21:28 No.2086086
    Sakura from Tsubasa, or Belldandy.
    My friend is going as Arthas.

    My town has an open Halloween parade, and a bunch of people from the con I staff are going to be in it. Hopefully with a marching band and color guard.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)21:30 No.2086089
         File1251336627.jpg-(25 KB, 200x500, misamisaa.jpg)
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    I'm going as Misa Amane, it'll also be my first cosplay... I'll be sure not to fuck it up.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)21:37 No.2086106
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    Im going as a "maid" and I live in Canada.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)21:38 No.2086108
    Pffft- Fuck anime stuff, I'm going to be going as a Aquabats Cadet for Halloween this year.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)21:59 No.2086181
    Good sir, I don't think you know where you are.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)22:06 No.2086196
    And I am a madam, not a sir.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)22:13 No.2086216
    Opps, pardon me madam
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)22:41 No.2086310
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    Eh, I'll probably wear something I have planned for Zenkaikon... Maybe Rena, since she's the creepiest of the people I'll be cosplaying.

    I'm in PA, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)22:42 No.2086314
    I'm going as the kool-aid guy, with two of my friends as walls, think about it.

    hopefully it doesn't snow where you are...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)22:44 No.2086320
    Fuck yeah PA.
    I'll be going as a gijinka. Probably Ivysaur, but I'm not sure yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)23:05 No.2086390
    New Zealand. Halloween doesn't really exsist. If I do anything I'll prolly pull out Sally from The Nightmare before Christmas
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)23:08 No.2086404
    Yotsuba or an Engineer from TF2.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 08/26/09(Wed)23:10 No.2086411
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    Yeah basically.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 08/26/09(Wed)23:10 No.2086412
         File1251342619.jpg-(24 KB, 300x225, beetlejuice_300x225.jpg)
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    Halloween ideas are up in the air. The Monkey King
    (original design), Judy from Doug, or Lydia from the Beetlejuice cartoon. But then I'd want a Beetlejuice. :/
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)23:10 No.2086413
    Also I live in Canadaland.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)23:20 No.2086453
    PA here.
    Planning for Lolita Pirate for myself.
    And steam punk sky pirate for my boyfriend.
    My college is holding a Halloween party,
    Fun fun
    >> Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)23:28 No.2086486
    Will be in RI.
    Going for a more modern plague doctor. (mask, goggles w/ red lenses, dark hat, trench coat, black leather gloves, etc.) Might pick up some prop syringes, but I dunno.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/09(Thu)00:32 No.2086734
    I was thinking of a zombie Disney princess but I don't think I'd be able convince other people to do it with me.
    My other thoughts were Amelia Earhart, Shilo (from Repo!, I have to make the costume soon anyway), or a sailor scout. But we only have satin in the proper colors so probably no scout for me, it would have been hilarious to wear to Uni though.

    Oh and I'm from Canada

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