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    12 KB Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:40 No.2068841  
    All this recent college/intelligence talking has got me interested:

    Anons and tripfags do you live at home with your parents? Why? When do you plan to move out?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:48 No.2068855
    Yes, because I;m still in High School, derp.
    Just as soon as I'm 18.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:49 No.2068856
    18, yes, took a year off to sit on my ass playing games. Moving out next week.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:11 No.2068868
    Yes; severe lack of money plus my current school (a community college) is only 15 minutes away. I plan to move out either when I transfer or, really, as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:12 No.2068872
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    You need to be 18 to post on 4chan
    Enjoy your ban.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:31 No.2068895
    Nope. Moved out. 22.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 08/21/09(Fri)07:07 No.2068918
    Moved out at nineteen, then to NYC at 20. California's coming up next summer. I might actually settle there for a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:33 No.2068932
    20, and yes. I plan on moving out as soon as I can afford to. BECAUSE I CAN'T RIGHT NOW.
    >> Phantom <3 !!xMuLVT8IUli 08/21/09(Fri)07:33 No.2068933
    Home for summer, college the rest of the year. Probbly going to grad school so that'll probably stay steady for the next few years.
    Army pays all my flights home so it's cool.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 08/21/09(Fri)08:07 No.2068950
    I live at home, plan on moving out to the west coast next year.
    >> The Bride 08/21/09(Fri)08:08 No.2068952
    nope lived on my own for about six years now.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)08:10 No.2068955
    I still live at home. I'm in grad school, and at home I have free rent and food, a decent amount of privacy, and our house is less than five minutes from where I work. My parents are awesome anyway so it's stress-free living while I save money to move to another state once I graduate.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)08:32 No.2068965
    So l`m guessing your dad is in the military and stationed on foreign base?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 08/21/09(Fri)09:00 No.2068989
    I do, at 25. I wouldn't mind moving out (dear god I would love more workspace), and could really afford to whenever I want, but I'd be fucking my family over big time if I did.
    I have three younger siblings, and my mom works all odd hours and shit. So I'm the one chauffering them around and cooking them dinner etc etc. I've done enough parenting in my life so far that I'll pass on ever having kids of my own. Plus I give my mom $500+ in "rent" a month, and the house is basically half mine anyway.

    It'd also fuck over my brothers because all the game consoles are mine ;)
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:13 No.2068999
    Moved out at 19 with the wrong people. Got evicted, moved back in with my parents and decided to wait until I get out of college to move out.
    I figure if room and board are free, why rush out? I can save money for a condo or nicer apartment this way. Not to mention I'm helping fix the basement up with my pops, so when I inherit this place someday I have an awesome home theater room, until then its my base of operations and me and my dad's drinking/smoking spot. Bonding yo. :D
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:25 No.2069008
    My mother physically will not let me move out. She wouldn't let me apply for a college a little farther away than downtown and wouldn't even let me live in campus housing for that exact same reason. So I have a twenty to thirty-minute commute every day to get to classes, all because I let her walk all over me during my college admissions phase in high school.

    I really wish I wasn't so afraid of her getting angry at me.
    >> UnaSpi !yE6zp7JGyQ 08/21/09(Fri)09:26 No.2069009
    Yes, I'm nearly 21 and still live at home because I just can't afford to move out on my own - should be moving in with my boyfriend in a few months or whatever, but it's a matter of timing.

    Sure would love some extra space though :D

    And to not live in the middle of nowhere, that would be even better.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:29 No.2069012
    Moved out at 17 to get away from drunk stepfather and graduated HS Early. Moved in with the girlfriend at the time who was 5 years older than me, then when we broke up my friend and I got our own place. Now 23 and have a 4 bedroom house.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:33 No.2069018
    I'm 19. Last July, I was only a month out of high school I moved out of my house and went to college. I love my mom dearly, but I just couldn't stand being with her every minute of my life. I work 3 jobs (one is self employed for graphic design and art commission but it's still work) and go to school full time so it's a lot of work and pay for all my expenses myself. It leaves little time for cosplay but even so, I make ends meet and love living on my own.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:38 No.2069024


    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:40 No.2069027
    I'm 21, still at home and still going to college. I hope to move out for grad school but it might not happen. I hope to god it will... I hate living here, but I've never earned enough money at a job to move out.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:42 No.2069032
    I'm still living with my parents and still going to High School personally. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not an underage B&, I'm almost 19. I only got 2 credits in my Freshmen year because I kept missing days due to problems at home.

    But the important thing is graduating, which I'm doing. Once that's all done I'm going to get an associates degree and I'm moving into an apartment with a reliable friend.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:44 No.2069034
    19. Currently at university.
    My mum moved to another city and sold the house here, so I flat. I am always welcome at her house there though
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:46 No.2069040
    Iam still wish the but iam moving out 1/2 through september. I just graduated from community college and i applied for a postition with the dept. of national defense, i've gone through 3 interviews over the span of 2 months and they told me i would be hired or not by mid september, fucking slow bastards.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)09:47 No.2069045
    I'am still with them*

    Damn dyslexia
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)10:03 No.2069077
    Nope. I moved out at 18 and went to college for a bit. I moved back in with my parents for a few years to give them a hand after they were evicted (22-24ish) and then moved out again when i was about 25. Im 27 now and share a house with a friend I met through cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)10:04 No.2069081
    24 with parents. Having a hard time getting full time work. Partly my fault, as I took an unpaid internship for 10 months after college that made my schedule very inflexible.

    Been looking for full time work ever since. It's been about 2 months. All I picked up was a spot in a temp agency, on top of my one-day-a-week part-time retail job. Once I get full time work, I'm saving like mad so I can roll back into the city and get an apartment.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)10:38 No.2069138
    20, live with my dad partially because I'm too poor to live on my own for now, still in University and it's close by, and I think he'd be kinda lonely if I left.
    That said, if I can get a steady part-time job I may consider moving in with my boyfriend, because I can trust him not to kick my ass to the curb if we have a fight or even break up.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)10:44 No.2069149
    Live with mom. Going to college, but I don't get paid enough to move out and would like to avoid taking out any more loans just to move onto campus. Sure an hour long commute by bus/train is annoying, but at least room and board is free.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)10:46 No.2069156
    lolwat? sudden bad grammar from the spambot on a thread with a dyslexic image? I suspect some advancements in AI.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)11:09 No.2069203

    Yes. I am going to college as well as working part time, so its not like I am a complete failure at life.

    It makes sense to live here for free (my family gets along) when the college is just down the road.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)11:26 No.2069214
    18. Living with Parents. I have a good paying job, but I only get 10 hours a week. College next September. Sitting about making costumes in my spare non-working time and playing games like most losers.
    Plan on moving out once college starts. Planning for an apartment near my college's course cause it's not AT the freakin' college, but at an adult high school kinda thing. :/
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)11:37 No.2069230
    >adult highschool

    >taking one adult ed class but paying college rates
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)11:57 No.2069250
    Yes, when I'm not at university. So, late April through early September and holidays. I'm 19 and pretty much completely dependent since my parents discouraged me me from working during school to focus on my studies, leaving me with short-term summer jobs (if I can get them). Although I have managed to convince them to let me live on campus for two years and in an off-campus apartment this year. I need my privacy and they never leave me alone about staying on top of things during the school year.

    I plan to move out once I'm out of university. Will probably move in with my boyfriend somewhere unless I go straight to teacher's college.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)12:08 No.2069268
    After my first year of college, my mom basically assumed that I would never live at home again. I had to move back this past summer because of some shitty situations (I'm a senior now), but now I'm completely moved out and moved off campus. My parents/my financial aid are helping pay for it though since I can't manage working that much with my course load.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)12:13 No.2069275
    Just graduated my SUNY in May, living at home till I find something decent but I hope to be out by October.
    >> Arg !/cARaiCIAw 08/21/09(Fri)12:22 No.2069298
    I moved out at 19, into a place near campus so I wouldn't have to waste money on dorms/meal plan again. I still talk to my parents frequently and drive up to visit for the weekend once a month or so.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)12:24 No.2069305
    Soon hopefully. But if I get into a certain university I'll have to stay to receive the 50% discount. Other than that I am just waiting for my boyfriend to get a decent well paying job.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)12:32 No.2069316

    I'm in a similar situation. If I moved out, they couldn't afford to make their mortgage payments, and I really don't want to have to make them rent out to some stranger, or force them to move into an apartment.

    My dad's already giving my mom every penny he makes for bills, so my dad doesn't even have spending money of his own.

    It would be nice to be able to have a place of my own, but it's really not that bad. Get to do what I want, dinner's ready when I come home from work, rent covers utilities and my parents love my boyfriend, so he gets to comeover and stay all the time.

    Also been told that once they're gone, I inherit the house. So hey, not all the bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)12:37 No.2069321
    I'm 19 and I live with my mom, but I'm moving out next summer. Thank god...
    >> DAMMITMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 08/21/09(Fri)12:41 No.2069325
    I'm 20... moved out early this year and am living with my older sister and two other roommates.

    Working 30-40 hours a week, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)12:44 No.2069332
    Technically, I'm not paying for the food plan or for a dorm or anything, so costs are down.
    The college apparently isn't set up for a hair styling course, yet they have a freaking pastry chef area and a vet clinic. :/ Stupid community college thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)12:50 No.2069340
    I lived on my own, but lost my job and had to move back in with the rents. Still getting back on my feet, but within a year I am gonna be out again. XD
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)13:02 No.2069364
    im 23. still live at home with parents.

    have full time job with good pay.

    I still live at home because i dont want to rent, then have to movie back in with my parents when im 27.

    I want to be able to own my own place, with a decent yard. Don't plan on moving out till i'm sure i wont have to come back.

    Plus rent in the Boston are is fuck retarded. and i'd rather live with my parents who i trust and still makes me dinner rather than a bunch of scrubs.
    >> Anon R 08/21/09(Fri)13:07 No.2069377
    I think 18 is even late.
    It's not normal to be 20+ and live with your parents, all the people I've seen that are 20+ and live with their parents are not thinking well, they're like... retarded.
    I'm 18, living far far far away from my parents, the way I wanted it to be. Speaking with them 1-2 times a month is pretty much enough.

    I know a lot of people who live by themselves from small like 16 or even 14-15. I respect those people a damn lot. You can learn so much from them and they're so mature and intelligent and can teach you a lot about life. Especially the ones that managed to become SOMEONE. With well paid jobs on the age of 18 and living by themselves in a nice apartment. That's how all kids should be.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 08/21/09(Fri)13:14 No.2069394
    ITT An ideal world in a booming economy...
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)13:22 No.2069414
    Way to toot your own horn. The people I know who struck out on their own that early did so because they HAD to. So, they're bitter and miserable because they have to eat ramen through the first half of their twenties. Granted, it's not everyone, but moving out early isn't indicative of maturity, intelligence or inner strength.

    I don't know when the idea of pushing your kids out the door at 18 ever came around, but unless you are moving away to college, why would you leave right out of high school? It'd be better to set yourself up for success in the safety and comfort of your own home, learn how to be an adult and make money, and THEN move out.

    Fuck, my friends with parents from South America look at me with a dumbfounded expression when I ask when they're gonna move out. In many countries, you don't leave until you're ready to start your own family.

    My first apartment was seven miles from my Mom's house, and I'm pretty dead set on living out my days in the same town. But...erm, you don't sound particularly close with your rents, so maybe that's why you're judgemental?
    >> Rein !!+PgM+wvBbvW 08/21/09(Fri)13:23 No.2069417
    Economy is doing turribly. Can't find a job to save my life. Still living home.
    >> plushabilities !!qI9eritJXlf 08/21/09(Fri)13:27 No.2069420
    I live with my parents because the college I go to doesn't offer dorms, and it's kind of pointless to get an apartment when I live 5 minutes from campus anyway.

    As long as you have a job and/or help around the house, I don't see a problem with students living at home.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)13:27 No.2069421
    Do you live in some anime world? Cause that's really the only time I see 14-15 year olds living on their own.
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 08/21/09(Fri)13:32 No.2069428
    I'm 22 and I live with my mom because I can't afford to do otherwise. I had been planning on moving out when I was 19, but then my father died. I'm still in school and because of medical issues can't hold down enough of a job to make rent *and* go to school fulltime, so what else am I going to do?

    I'm just lucky that my mom is really chill and awesome and we get along well.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)13:32 No.2069429
    >You can learn so much from them
    >they're so mature and intelligent and can teach you a lot about life.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)14:17 No.2069556
    Im 20 and still with my family. because it's the culture here. we value families too much that we start living by ourselves usually when we get married. true story!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)14:18 No.2069557
    I moved out at 18, not because I wanted to, but because I got a crazy new step-father. Shit was not cash, and I had none.
    It's not a benefit to move out that young. It's a disadvantage. I'm 25 now, and you better believe I'd have more money in my pocket if I hadn't had to GTFO so young.
    Maybe it's because you are still only 18 that you don't see the set back you've been put in, but it's not giving you bragging rights. I feel sorry for you. I hope you are in school :/
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/21/09(Fri)14:20 No.2069569
    why yes yes i do, hopefully when i have a much more stable job that pays very well, and a roommate
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 08/21/09(Fri)14:31 No.2069590
    No, I'm 25. My parents got divorced when I was 17 so a few months after I hit 18 I got the hell out of all the family drama. Currently we (husband and I) live alone but when college starts up in the spring we will be getting roommates.
    >> bloody zoro 08/21/09(Fri)14:32 No.2069596
    Got kicked out of my house when I was 18, then lived with a friend's family until I was 19. I'm 21 now, and I live with roommates.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)14:36 No.2069609
    I live in an apartment in my college town paid for by my family, so even though I'm "moved out" the situation doesn't exactly make me feel independent/bad-ass. After I graduate, I'll hopefully move in with my boyfriend. Don't want to go home like my brother did after graduating college/his first job in Atlanta didn't work out.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 08/21/09(Fri)14:38 No.2069616
    Still live with the folks. Reasons:
    1) They're paying for my college
    2) Said college is close by, so there's no point in moving
    3) I love my parents and my parents love me
    4) I'm a full time student

    The list could go on. I'll most likely move out after college (maybe sooner if I get a higher paying part time job)
    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 08/21/09(Fri)14:42 No.2069624
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    moved in with the grandmother when I was 16 to take care of her, then when she died I was kicked out. But boy am I glad to be disowned by that family. Work full time, living on my own, etc etc. Gonna be moving out of state soon.

    .....unless you're making damn good money (by that I mean lik over 15k a year) there's no way you could decently support yourself and pay for you rent, gas, insurance, and other bills. Considering most entry level jobs you would be making around 12k, and job restrictions in the US make it so anyone under the age of 18 cannot work 40 hours a week, I would really REALLY like to see how you or these kids are doing it. Unless you don't live in the states. Or if they're living rent free.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/21/09(Fri)14:45 No.2069631

    Try doing that in California where apparently the only place more expensive to live at is NYC. Lol. Moving ain't easy out here.

    I live with my sister and her family. My situation is fortunate. Regardless, I'll be lower down SoCal next year so it'll be cool beans, working full time and going to school on the side for my bachelors. California's budget is fucked, so I can't count on financial aid for shit.
    >> Pasta !!Oo43raDvH61 08/21/09(Fri)14:49 No.2069641
    Hey, you're me!

    My current job an class situation kinda fucked me over for any real money making this summer so I'm hoping to get some real cash in over this year and be able to high tail it out on my own for the summer. Friends have offered me an apartment space for cheap but seeing as they're twice as far from my school as my house, I wouldn't be saving any money at all. Better to suffer under the parentals and have some cash then to be on my own and be broke.
    >> <3 08/21/09(Fri)14:50 No.2069644
    Going to college and parents pay my rent for the apartment I live at during the school year. Trying to find a job so I don't have to keep wasting their hard earned money.

    Looking back on this I wish I had stayed closer for college so I could live at home. I am really close to my mom and dad so the first year away was such a shock to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)14:55 No.2069658
    *does some calculations*
    5.77 an hour? What the fuck. Where the hell is this?
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 08/21/09(Fri)14:57 No.2069664
    >can't count on financial aid for shit

    Yeah, fuck financial aid.

    Also, fuck the extra $150 charge on next semester's tuition-- Oh what's that? After we pay the 150 we have to pay another 330?!?!? FFFFFFFFFFUUU


    God I hate Maria.
    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 08/21/09(Fri)15:01 No.2069673
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    sorry, I was trying to remember what the bar was for poverty or w/e. It's been years since I had to deal with it. (I was thinking it was 32k but that sounded way too high in my head) But it's the same general idea ya know?

    gif related
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 08/21/09(Fri)15:06 No.2069682
    God seriously, what the fuck is going on in this series?
    Goat "furniture" warriors? Kanon with an arm sword? Stuffing candy into people's stomachs? Now the 7 deadly sins!?!

    It reminds me of the part in Gantz when they introduce vampires and I'm like "Well fuck everything then!!"
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)15:08 No.2069690
    poverty level is 14k
    when i was a teen, min wage was only $4.25, that sucked
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)15:10 No.2069697
    23, have my own house with my own sewing room. Shit is so cash
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)15:11 No.2069700

    fuck california. no jobs and rent is fucking 1000+ a month. i had to move back to my mom's place because of that shit. i'm 28 btw
    >> Phantom <3 !!xMuLVT8IUli 08/21/09(Fri)15:11 No.2069701
    As much as I love my university to death, I primarily chose it for cost. Tuition, room and board (unlimited meal plan) comes down to about $5k and the school gives me a cushy job making $10.50 an hour. Not complaining in the least.
    It's weird to say but I'm paying less going to college than I would otherwise... Best damn financial aid ever <3
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 08/21/09(Fri)15:24 No.2069735
    Enjoying those furlough days yet?

    I would kill to work at my college, but they can't afford to hire me. But yeah, I did choose my college because it's cheaper than a UC and not a JC. I'm more complaining how they passed the bill(s) AFTER the tuition was paid. Plus that money could be easily used for books.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)15:28 No.2069754
    I'm 25, still at home with Mom, because I make more money than her and she would disown me if I moved out.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)15:34 No.2069771
    that is pathetic
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)15:40 No.2069798
    What can I say? I'm a mama's girl.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 08/21/09(Fri)15:55 No.2069847
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    >>My mother physically will not let me move out.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)16:40 No.2069958
    Just turned 18 (yesss)
    I am about to enter college this week and I am staing on campus, I want to get a part time job and try and find a apartment my second or third year
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)16:44 No.2069973
    I live at my parents because I'm in college at the moment (studying nursing) and I don't have to pay for anything. When my main classes roll in, I plan to move to a better school.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)16:48 No.2069987
    18, going to community college, I don't have a pressing need to move out. I do want to be out before I'm 21 one though.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 08/21/09(Fri)16:51 No.2069999
    >Also, fuck the extra $150 charge on next semester's tuition-- Oh what's that? After we pay the 150 we have to pay another 330?!?!? FFFFFFFFFFUUU

    This, but I'm shooting to graduate by Spring next year, so I'm not worrying to much about it. At least financial aid is covering the cost boost for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)16:59 No.2070013
    20, live at school during the semester and home for the summer. Finding an affordable apartment in this town that isn't in the projects is near impossible, so I'm here until I graduate.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)17:00 No.2070015
    turned 19 recently, i would love to live with my dad but hes incredibly much poorer then my mother, who refuses to pay for things like doctors even though i'm on her insurance.
    I need to get a new car from her, i've never really worked part time and taken classes at the same time so until i do that for a semester and pass it would not be wise for me to move out plus i have things i need to buy like cosplays, and when i saw buy i mean my mother pay for, fuck i've lost 60 pounds thanks to fucking lapband she paid for so shes buying me all new clothes and shit, gotta love that
    I need to get a job though i'm sick of my current one the fucking house maid cuz i dont work
    >> DurrKaiser !!ONnAo3QmGBD 08/21/09(Fri)18:12 No.2070146
    22...moved out a few years ago...with four housemates in a 1 bedroom ghetto parents payed my miniscule rent for 1 year...then i had to cover myself...went to college for 3 years for free due to BOG fee im transferring and moving to LA...grandma's payin for college and rent...combination of luck, balls, and willingness to live like a hobo puts me in this situation...
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)18:16 No.2070153
    We're talking about the real world here not some anime world. I know this may be hard for you to understand.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)18:16 No.2070154
    Nope, I live on my own with my 4 roommates. I just moved to LA, and I'm a college freshman female living in a 5 bdr house with 4 30 year old guys.

    Shit's pretty cash. Living with guys is AMAZING. Never hog the bathroom, no drama, relatively clean, don't eat my food...well, at least, that's how my roommates are. You barely know they're here. No offense to my fellow ladies, but living with guys > living with girls.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)18:30 No.2070182
    I hate living with women... unfortunately, my male roommate has turned into one.

    Things he started loving in the past year are:
    Twilight (both books and the movie)
    The Sims
    Bathroom time = 2+ hours per day
    Desperate Housewives (for the plot!)

    [sarcasm]I can't wait for him to start dressing like a women too![/sarcasm]
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)18:35 No.2070191
    being a retard isn't the same as being a woman, even if most women are retards.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)18:36 No.2070193

    Are you a laydee?
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 08/21/09(Fri)18:56 No.2070239
    I'm 20 and still live at home. I just picked up a third job and well, not sure how I'll juggle that now that I'm going back to college in a couple months but we'll see. I really want to save for a house though. I want one so badly. I don't even care if others rent out rooms or whatever, there's just something to feel proud of when you have your name on something you own. It's been on of any dreams since I was a kid.

    Hopefully I'll have enough saved by AX next year.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)19:15 No.2070264
    if your parents are cool and not dicks, then there's even less of a reason to move out.
    also with the economy, and just the state of the world, meh.

    I live at home still, in my 20's. And I'm fine with that.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)19:23 No.2070281
    Went to college from 2004-2006, but dropped out due to switch of a major. 06 I was 21 and moved out around a year later and lived on my own that year, but due to some complicated shit I had to move back in with the parents while starting at my new college at the beginning of this year.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)19:26 No.2070284
    26 living at home cos its too fucking expensive to move out, do I win for oldest? k thx bai
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)19:29 No.2070288
    >> 50s Housewife 08/21/09(Fri)19:39 No.2070303
    I live at home and have been saving money from jobs since I was 16. I'm buying my own god damned house soon, but the fag I'm buying it from won't pay for the repairs to a radon leak. Not having to pay for college courses is helping too, considering I'm still getting training for my dream job. =O
    >> Dixie Wrecked !btr76hqMa6 08/21/09(Fri)19:43 No.2070309
    I live at home. It's convenient and I actually really love my family. I might have moved out if I hadn't gotten into the accident and became disabled because of it.. I was saving my money and making a decent amount each week working full time before that happened. I also paid rent to my father (So did my sister. She didn't move out until she got married and they bought their own house). I don't get enough money right now to pay rent.. basic things like food and medicine/doctor stuff is what 95% of my money goes to.

    If your family respects you and you respect them, there's no reason it's weird to live in the same house as them.. at any age, just in my opinion. If I had problems with my family, I would definitely have moved out years ago like many people I know did as soon as they turned 18.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)19:47 No.2070311
    Turning 23 tomorrow, myself.

    Live in a decent one-bedroom apartment with g/f. Place is overstuffed with shit, though. I have a fuckton of photography shit, she's got a decent amount of art shit, and between us there's a fuckton of cosplay shit. Two monitors, a desktop, three (soon four) laptops, TV, 360, PS3, Wii, associated shit for all of those and the entertainment center they're in, sewing machine, serger, piles of fabric, sheets of craft foam and sintra, power tools, hand tools, and school shit on top of all of that, plus the stuff everybody has (clothes, kitchen stuff, furniture, etc) means the place is bursting at the seams.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)19:47 No.2070312
    Sounds like she's a lady and a bro. Them's the best kinds.
    >> Duralath !Qd72V9GYSk 08/21/09(Fri)19:54 No.2070316
    23, been in my apartment in California since January 2007. Moved out here for acting school, finished that, going back to finish my bachelor's in acting at another college.

    And for fuck's sake, it's hard to find work out here.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)19:58 No.2070319
    I'm 20 and never plan on moving out. Dad passed away when I was little, so it's only me and mom.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)20:06 No.2070331
    I have a lot of experience in that, OP, but I've never seen anything like this before.
    Drink Coca-Cola!
    http://www.Anø - Do you care? You should.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)20:16 No.2070355
    21 and still living with parents. I go to school out-of-state (because surprisingly, it's cheaper than in-state!) and they help me pay for college.

    :/ Considering I had trouble even getting a shitty minimum-wage retail job for the summer (took me over a month of filling out a ton of applications), and a lot of people in my town (including both of my neighbors on each side) are all dealing with foreclosures, moving out isn't really a feasible option. I don't even live near a city!

    Plan to move in with my significant other when I'm finished with school after this year, because otherwise I won't be able to get a job in my major. Design is pretty non-existent in my area.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)20:28 No.2070379
    lol, my mom used to give me shit like that...
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)04:32 No.2071628
    I'm 20 years old and live at home. My father brings in most of the income and recently he was cut from 55 hours a week to 32. Including overtime pay, that's a LOT of income gone. The situation is being resolved soon but until then, my brother and I HAVE to stay home and help them or they'll be foreclosed in no time at all.

    I have a college fund ready to go and my place of work is closer to the campus than it is my home, but it's all on hold for the time being.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)04:37 No.2071632
    I'm 24 and just recently moved back in with my mom and little sister. my life is super hectic and this is where i NEED to be. I'm really sick and CAN'T live on my own until i'm better. which sucks major ass :(. I hope to move out within the next year if I'm better by then, but if not...::sigh:: I'll still be stuck here. Or dead lol.
    >> Swiper !!9QPmDTUB9Pf 08/22/09(Sat)04:40 No.2071638
    I'm 21 and yes I live at home with my parents. I'm liveing with them now because my school dosn't do student loans, so I'm paying for it all out of pocket and in my curent job, and the money I'm makeing, I can't pay for both school and an appartment at the same time. I just don't make enough.
    But yes I will move out once I'm out of school and have a better paying job.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)04:41 No.2071639
    YEAH!! Obama!! the fukin A$$!!
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)04:45 No.2071646
    21 and on my own.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)04:54 No.2071663
    20, live at home until I graduate. The deal was they would pay for my education as long as I lived at home. The minute I move out, I foot the bill.

    They do this because they still have some measure of control over my life that way. They're generally cool people so I don't really care.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)05:08 No.2071681
    25 and still living with my parents. I'm trying to save up as much as I can to buy my own home since I live in Silicon Valley. Average house prices here are way too expensive...
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 08/22/09(Sat)05:38 No.2071724

    Do you have cancer?
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)05:44 No.2071734
    >> JABI !Amna74sYWM 08/22/09(Sat)05:57 No.2071759
    I lived with my dad til I was 18. Then I moved to my mom's for a couple months. I lived on my own til I was 21, lived with my mom again for 4 months.

    I just moved to Arizona to live with friends this week.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)12:27 No.2072078
         File1250958441.png-(48 KB, 797x924, life of a virgin to age 23.png)
    48 KB
    No. I'm 27.
    >> Anonymous 08/22/09(Sat)12:43 No.2072096
    I live at home mostly by choice at this point.

    My father just went through a triple bypass, and with no insurance. Mom could really use the help.

    I'd rather save, build my credit and buy a house anyway. Renting around here is just as much as a mortgage.

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