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  • File : 1250135819.jpg-(23 KB, 320x240, hecklers.jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:56 No.2042308  
    Hey /cgl/, how come no one boos or heckles at anime con masquerades? It's a travesty that the participants get away with the same shitty stuff year after year. Show them how you feel about their awful skits!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)23:59 No.2042325
    Not an anime convention, but people boo crap off the stage at both Dragon*Con, and ComicCon.
    >> BROagunk !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 08/12/09(Wed)23:59 No.2042326
    Check out Mexican conventions...that's the way Masq's should go down here...
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 08/13/09(Thu)00:00 No.2042330
    It seems to generally be kept to Pictochat.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:00 No.2042335
    Because it makes people feel bad.

    Besides, the people onstage have more balls than you do, because they're up there and you're in the audience acting like a tool.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:02 No.2042341
    OP, I attended both and that's the stuff we need at these anime cons. Especially this past AX, I wanted my 3 hours back that night.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:02 No.2042342
    Because people are too chicken and or the retarded fangirls are too high pitched and drown out the boos.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:05 No.2042352
    >Because it makes people feel bad.
    Well if they weren't bad they wouldn't be getting boo'ed.

    We aren't saying "boo at everything" just boo at the bad stuff.

    And they have more balls for going up there? Whos to say we haven't gone up there before?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:06 No.2042358
    Ever since some jackass heckled a kid in the fucking junior division at a local con a couple years back, heckling has left a bad taste in my mouth. There are always dipshits doing it at Fan Expo regardless of the quality of the skit and it really dampens everyone's experiences. At least the MC singles people out and treats them like retards if they do it.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:07 No.2042362
    They do on Pictochat.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:07 No.2042365
    Because the people who run the cons don't like it.

    If I could with out being thrown out I would.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:07 No.2042366

    True they have the balls to get on stage, only to fail miserably in giving us free entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:10 No.2042378

    OP, heckling a kid fucking sucks. I would only heckle those in the college kid/adult division or whatever they fucking call it these days.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:20 No.2042418
    because the people who would heckle are a bunch of pussies and can't hide behind anon like they do on cgl
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:23 No.2042433
    >If I could with out being thrown out I would.

    So what you're saying is you're too much of a pussy to speak your mind. Gotcha.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)00:24 No.2042438
    Here there's Junior (kids 13 and under), Novice, Journeyman, Artisan and Masters.

    The kid was cosplaying as Sesshoumaru. While the outfit didn't resemble Sesshoumaru's in the slightest, I figured it was some original thing or something from official artwork I'd never seen. Some guy yelled "YOU'RE NOT SESSHOUMARU." The kid didn't have an audio track and the audience was silent at the time.

    The MC gave him hell after the kid shuffled miserably offstage.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/13/09(Thu)00:26 No.2042442
    This. Pictochat is best
    >> Rii 08/13/09(Thu)00:28 No.2042447
    Most cons have rules saying "no heckling, booing, or wooing"
    I've seen a few skits that deserved it. I did yell at 1 girl who bought a dress off ebay. It was a black butterfly goth loli kimono. She yelled at the MC because he didn't know what she was suppose to be. She walked up on stage and gave everyone a "better than you look" I said loudly "Thats from ebay" Her friends were in front of me and glared my way.

    Even if a skit deserves it, ya gotta give them kudos for entering.
    One con we had a horrible sound person, and he kept playing the wrong music for this girl's skit. So she was just standing on stage for like 7 mins while they tired to fix it. Felt really bad for her because by the time she got to do her dance no one cared.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:25 No.2042688
    As far as I'm concerned, the vast majority of performers deserve respect for getting up on stage and trying to put on a show. A person has to do something extremely stupid to be heckled (i.e. doing an unrehearsed, unrecorded one-man attempt at stand-up comedy, seek audience input for a skit, or something similar stupid), and even then, I don't do it as it's usually in bad taste and rarely hilarious like Waldorf and Stadler.

    Emcees, though... The emcee at Otakon has been getting heckled more in recent years. There were a handful of dickheads this year who couldn't go for two skits without yelling something out and slowing down the show. However, at the same time his humor is often mediocre, and he has a horrible habit of frequently flubbing both character and anime names. Seriously, if a guy is going to host an event that has something to do with Japanese things, he should at least know how to say a simple Japanese title. ("KuroSHUUji," anyone?)
    >> Master Shambler 08/13/09(Thu)01:26 No.2042696
    this a million times over
    >> Kabuki Mouse !mg0D1lMhlQ 08/13/09(Thu)01:26 No.2042702
    If you were to boo every bad skit at a masquerade the entire event would just be one 3-hour long jeer.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:32 No.2042733
    I dunno I find it pretty inappropriate. Most of these people already have so many social and self-esteem issues. To call them down just because they did a crappy 2-5 min skit is too harsh. We all know 90% of these people suck at acting, can't sing, can't dance and aren't funny. Yet you still came to watch. And you can leave if you think it sucks that bad. Don't boo. Especially if you've never gone up there.

    I've won best in show a couple years in a row at my con, and I know that I wouldn't like to be booed... It's always tough to get up in front of randoms. You think "oh god I hope they like my costume/skit/think I'm funny etc.etc.

    Even if they deserve it, it just makes you look like a fucking asshole. Most of the kids are 12-15. I'm 20, booing little kids would make me seems like a fag.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:33 No.2042739
    It would just be easier if all skits were prescreened before major events like AX and ComicCon.

    So we wouldn't have to deal with anything that's not unique, original, or interesting.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:35 No.2042750
    OP, fuck I should get a DS than.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:38 No.2042766

    I don't think they were prescreened at AX this year.
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 08/13/09(Thu)01:43 No.2042781
    I've boo'd before -- only once skits have ended, I do have some respect -- but it was usually at shitty yaoi or dance skits, and my boos were drowned out by the banshee-like shrieking of a thousand fangirls.

    Like JohnnyOtaku when he performed at A-kon, for example. Pretty much everyone in my skit group boo'd him, as well as a lot of cosplayers over in our area. But all of the fucking Avatards in the audience were screaming so loud, you couldn't hear any of us.

    Since then, I've started watching the masqs from the rooms, when I'm not competing. That way I can heckle and boo and throw things and hit the mute button, and I'm not at risk of offending anyone (OH NOES).
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)01:44 No.2042783
    They were, just everyone hands in their audio at the con for something completely different.
    >> xD Amon !!lQznT+fdcNI 08/13/09(Thu)03:00 No.2043026
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    motherfuckin' THIS!
    even if you have to learn spanish for it, it's an IRL trollercoaster down there...
    think for a moment, if we established this system of heckling and trashtalking in the states, well more than half of the shitty skit's and OMGWeAreSeriousBusiness faggotry will stop in record time, and worst case scenario, you lol'd like a retard and masquarade was worthwhile for once...
    without the help of pictochat!
    end rant/
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:06 No.2043043
    I always used to boo and heckle... and then there was DS...
    Now I mostly just yell angrily when there is a horrible pronounciation of Japanese or the MC gets stuck on a title...
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)03:58 No.2043060
    All I know is I can't wait to see some stormtroopers rush off some bad acts at dragoncon
    >> Koona 08/13/09(Thu)04:11 No.2043080
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    Got the shit heckled out of me in this.
    I am sure we know what they where saying ):
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:16 No.2043082
    what a cow
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)04:27 No.2043090
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    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)13:32 No.2043856
    Well, yeah, AX screens the audio for curse words and sexual content, but not for the quality of the content. There should just be a ban on all yaoi and generic dancing skits (carmelldansen, etc).
    >> Anonymous 08/13/09(Thu)13:49 No.2043904
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    Speaking of stand-up. She had the lights dimmed on her, people clapping while she was still talking....still took forever to get this thing off the stage.

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