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    File : 1249280495.jpg-(31 KB, 400x300, samurai champloo.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)02:21 No.2011643  
    How are the dances/raves at your cons? Share some funny or epic moments.

    I have to say, those dances are both hilarious and painful. There's just something about watching awkward nerds trying to gyrate to music.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)02:25 No.2011654
    there hasnt been a good one since the fucking 90's.
    ESPECIALLY is faggoty Raven is involved.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)02:39 No.2011697
    Obviously you haven't see the break dancers, those folks can move.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)02:42 No.2011700

    I have. And while they're cool, they don't make up the majority of dance attendees. The majority being where the hilarity comes from.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)03:43 No.2011769
    sakuracon this past year was TOO FUCKING BRIGHT for any dance, rave or anything. I tried to be all cool and lightshow but... the lights... unless I hid in a corner, nobody could see them. :(

    also I skipped out on saturday to go to a real rave(unity) and hit the vip room and kzar was spinnin, I left a few hours later and hit the end of the sakuracon rave bullshit and kzar was there too. lol

    since they started getting local djs, the music is awesome. but damn those kids thinking they're ravers and shit because they have OMG GLOWSTICKS makes me lol.
    >> 50s Housewife 08/03/09(Mon)03:51 No.2011788
    A few years ago I showed up to Kumoricon as my first con and their Masque was awful. I didn't know what to expect, but the rules stated you either had to wear cosplay or bare-minimum cocktail party attire. Not having a costume, I brought my little black dress and a black and gold mask to go with it. When I finally got to the "masque" everything turned to shit. The music was terrible, no one was wearing cosplay or nice clothes besides me and the guy I went with, no one was ballroom dancing even though they held classes earlier that day and that was the only acceptable dance style for the event, and I had to leave on more than one occasion since the smell was so awful. The only fun I had at the event was teaching people how to dance and that whoever is following needs to actually FOLLOW instead of plodding along.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)03:55 No.2011798
    Question, why do they always play rave/techno at the dances. I mean, i like it too, but it gets old. And when they do change it up and play hip hop it's something really fucking lame from 2 years ago...
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)04:05 No.2011809
    At ACen this year, I went to the rave with some friends and my one friend who's really good at breakdancing showed up a lot of the ravers there in a dance circle while dressed as pikachu. Another one of my friends and I had a mock glowstick lightsaber fight which was pretty funny. I don't dance very well and I knew a lot of the people there didn't either (with the exception of some really good ravers) but I had fun regardless.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)04:19 No.2011840
    The only dance I've ever been to was at Fanime '08. Me and a group of friends showed up, and I don't remember how, but we ended up linking hands and dancing in a circle. There was some pattern we were following regarding trading partners or changing direction, but I don't remember what it was exactly. Our circle actually got big enough full of people we did and didn't know, that we were getting dangerously close to others not involved. Fortunately, the dance room was big enough that no real feelings were hurt (or toes stepped on).

    tl;dr - dancing like fools in a circle of friends and strangers joining in on your strange pattern of dance can actually be fun
    >> Dusty Gunpla/Zoids Guy 08/03/09(Mon)04:27 No.2011849
    I sat in line for 2 god damn hours waiting to get in to hear "sorry it's ending soon". my group promptly got up, walked out and got completely shitfaced instead. mind you we waited about an hour and a half at the front of the line...there was seriously SIX people ahead of us and no one went in.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 08/03/09(Mon)04:29 No.2011852
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    >I went to the rave with some friends and my one friend who's really good at breakdancing showed up a lot of the ravers there in a dance circle

    >play rave/techno at the dances
    >it's something really fucking lame from 2 years ago...

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 08/03/09(Mon)04:33 No.2011857
    i saw that pikachu at Fanime this year, the dude's a good breaker. lol but that's how dances go. circle, people grow balls, people get showed up
    >> G 08/03/09(Mon)05:24 No.2011918
    Busted a few moves at fanime just to practice my footwork but I lack the endurance to stay on account of how loud the music played as just how hot it gets sometimes.

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