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    File : 1249113586.jpg-(38 KB, 481x649, 1237339662544.jpg)
    38 KB Cosplay Meetups Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:59 No.2008051  
    Has anyone ever "crashed" a cosplay meet up? For example, you hate the series/fandom...and you know there is going to be a cosplay meet up of it near you purposely go in a different costume from a different series?

    How did you troll them best?

    Stories, please.

    Mine is not that exciting...

    There was a Naruto cosplay meet up in a local mall I knew about.

    So I casually went that day and called the security on them to drive them out.

    It only matter that I got my pathetic chuckles later when seeing them all cry about in their LJ's.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:03 No.2008060
    I was about to be like "lol mall meetup, that's sad," but then I realized that it's a lot more pathetic to care enough to find and crash meet-ups of a bunch of Narutards.

    a life, find one. damn.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:11 No.2008075
    OP here. I just found a far superior board without morons so I'm leaving Reeeeeeetardchan forever now:

    - T + N

    -- Where smart Internet users hang! Are you a smartie or a dumbass?
    >> Raepist !Eza7V1nM8M 08/01/09(Sat)01:33 No.2008107
    We have tons of cosplay meet ups here.
    Luckily, they're actually not weaboo like and rather controlled.

    One person on a local forum actually attempted to chew out some faggots from having a naruto cosplay meet calling it "unfair and stupid". Good on her. Too bad she almost got banned.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:36 No.2008110
    Me and some of my friends used to do cosplay at school in sixth and seventh grade. Sometimes someone would tell the teachers and we would get sent home, but mostly we did really simple costumes from obscure shows, so only we even knew.

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