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    File : 1248901778.jpg-(62 KB, 432x628, weeaboo.jpg)
    62 KB Moar weeaboo stories? Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)17:09 No.2002106  
    I realize that we may be reaching the end of our weeaboo stories, but I wanted to see if I could squeeze more weeaboo stories out of you before declaring it completely dead.
    So, /cgl/, got any moar??
    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)17:34 No.2002150
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    This one isn't nearly as bad as some of the others from the previous thread, but it still made me a bit sad.

    I met this one girl in my math class. I saw her drawing next to me, and I asked her what she was sketching. She was working on some OC character (which didn't chew my ear off about it, which was a pleasant surprise), and we began talking. We talked of school, origins, etc, and when it came to interests she listed off anime, videogames, drawing (manga style stuff, she wasn't *too* bad actually), sewing, going on deviantart and other generally mild weeaboo things. She'd bring little trinkets and bric a brac of anime characters, like cutesy erasors and keychains and what-have-you. All in all though, she was surprisingly tolerable. She didn't scream out japanese phrases or smell like fried greasy ass and wasn't a giant hambeast. I think the "worst" thing she'd do was arrive early outside the hall for class while she ate her lunch to get a glimpse of some mildly attractive business major with long blonde hair. However, by the end of that semester, she told me that she was going to quit college after however many semesters of work she did, and was gonna live at home and get a shitty job to fuel her hobbies. It doesn't sound that rageworthy, but she was going to be a physicist and it dissapointed me that she'd rather throw all that work away to go live at home with her parents, draw her average comics, watch anime and sew.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)18:53 No.2002325
    Dammit, cgl...I had nightmares about creepy fat smelly weeaboos from reading the old thread...
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)19:32 No.2002442
    There was this woman that used to be in our cosplay group that was just . . . . I dunno how to explain it, because I never saw it first-hand.
    She was extremely over-weight and a huge fangirl and was almost 30. She was usually nice to everyone, but she really had some problems. The biggest one was about how she claimed she could talk to beings in other dimensions. And these beings usually included anime characters, mostly from Yu-Gi-Oh, which was her favorite.

    As I said, I never got to see this for myself, but I heard stories from our other members about some of the weird things she would do. She channeled Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho and he made one friend hot chocolate, in this really goofy voice. Another time, she was on the phone with another friend, who was asking directions to a store. She refused to tell her the directions and instead, told the friend that Temari from Naruto could give directions instead.

    There were more stories. . . I'll post them once I remember.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)19:54 No.2002500
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    noticing a trend.
    the fatter they are, the more insane they are.
    I think it's a combination of 2 things:

    #1. they're fat because they have problems and they have problems because they're fat. No one wants fatties and they know this deep down.

    #2. all that junk food they survive on actually does chemically unbalance the body & brain.
    countries who's diet is healthier have alot fewer fucking bonkers people.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:01 No.2002518
    I was taking a Japanese class just for fun. Of course it was filled with the usual weaboo bunch of loud smelly otaku screeching about Naruto or whatever was popular at the time.
    There was an older lady in the class (mid 40s I'm guessing) who was the hugest fucking weaboo OMG. She wore socks with sandals, baggy cargo shorts, and those loud ugly button-up shirts with anime prints and random kanji on them, and carried a cane. This woman FAILED at Japanese, and I mean faiiiiled. She would even attempt to correct the (native Japanese) professor. And she would shout loudly about eating Pocky and Japanese snacks, OMGSUSHI, etc. She had a shitty little apartment that she JUST HAD to get authentic tatami mats for so she could be OMGAUTHENTICnipponese. She wrote fanfiction and drew yaoi fanart.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:05 No.2002533

    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:08 No.2002539

    Have you ever seen Road Trip?
    >> eemee !r2BOAKDjWM 07/29/09(Wed)20:09 No.2002545
    Okay, I just remembered one. copy pasting this story pretty much. It's more deviantart related than /cgl/ related but schwatev

    One time, I went to anime club with my friends. Before any of it started, my friend let me borrow her Phoenix Wright Casebook vol.2 (edgeworth files). Inevitably, my boyfriend and I spent the break in between the showings talking about how terrible the art was and commenting about bad anatomy, etc. So, towards the end of the break, this girl in front of us turns around and says, "Excuse me, can you please not talk about art that way behind my back? It really makes me want to choke someone."
    I wanted to bitch at the girl, but I kept my mouth shut. First of all, she was drawing in a notebook with Naruto on the cover. Second, she was drawing NINJA TURTLES WEARING SUITS.

    She was also...abnormally large. that is all
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:46 No.2002659
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:49 No.2002662
    >countries who's diet is healthier have alot fewer fucking bonkers people.

    You have never been to Japan, have you?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)20:55 No.2002678
    In middle school I had a friend who was obsessed with naruto.
    I talked to her on the phone once,and she said that the naruto characters were in her room,contacting her.They were supposedly writing on her mirror and computer chair with highlighters. She said that gaara left sand in her closet,and she brought it to school the next day and offered it to a tree trunk. I said if they're really in her room,then send them to me,and she said "no they don't want to". Granted I was a weeaboo too at the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:01 No.2002693
    God, I've been waiting to post this for a while, but lurked in the thread instead.

    My old friends are some of the biggest weeaboos/socially unacceptable twats I ever knew. I wish I hadn't been friends with them, but I knew one since I was about 9, and when I got into high school, I had practically no friends, and they were the only ones who shared the same interests as me.
    They were huge fucking ham beast (and I mean HUEG) because of a "thyroid disorder", and they all reeked to high heaven cause two of them were poor, and the other just didn't give a shit. They were the type of whales who attempted quite feebly to cosplay, ended up buying their costumes, and whine about how "bigger people can cosplay who they want! It's not all about accuracy!"
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:02 No.2002698
    >2002693 cont.
    They continually wore Naruto headbands to school, and tryed to rope me into it, dispite how many times I've told them no. The even wore their Naruto cosplays to school, not on halloween or even spirit week. They continually yelled out "PENIS" and "VAGINA" for no good reason, and would sing The Internet is for Porn in the middle of the halls. The only shit they would watch would be what ever was popular at the time, though mainly Naruto, and they were all Yaoi fags, every last one.
    To top it all of, if you were friends with them, you were fair game to be molested. I can't count the number of times the grabbed my boobs are felt up my whole stomach/midriff area. I was dubbed "pillows" because my boobs were soft enough for them to sleep on. Ironic because they were the ones with larger boobs.
    They live of pocky and ramen, even the rich one. THe rich one pisses me off so much because of things like that two. For instance, she asked me for advice on a cosplay which obviously required a hoop skirt, or a pretty damn expensive petticoat. I told her this, and she shrugged it off, saying that it was too expensive, and she would just use a regular loli petticoat, when I went through the effort of finding her a wonderful, handmade, plus sized hoopskirt, which was only 60 dollars.
    I can't count how many times I've been publicly humiliated by these guys, from either them shouting out the most fucking retarded things, or the way they dressed (cosplay, or bad decora cyber goth). I'm just so thankful for the drama that went down for me to cut ties with them.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:09 No.2002726
    Allright bros.
    A whiles back in my high school days, there used to be these two gothic weeaboo dating hambeasts that were probably two years ahead of me.

    Anyway, we had an anime club at the school and whatnot, but during my freshman year the two of them came to school in Inuyasha cosplay. Not just any cosplay, it was terribly cheap looking and neither of them looked like the characters they were dressed up as-Naraku and some girl that he's with in the show(? I don't know, since I never cared to watch it and I only know it through passing). But damn, it was like everyone in school, including the anime club folks wanted to tear them to pieces.

    When I was voted in as leader to the club I made it an absolule rule that nobody from the group would ever cosplay. When they asked why I simply reminded them what happened the year before.

    And I also remember seeing the two at another con, but this time they were dressed in Vampire Knight uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:12 No.2002731
    I -was- the weeaboo.

    I used to believe I was the reincarnation of several(!!!) anime characters and that all my favorite characters lived in my head where we would have adventures. My idea of fun at the time was lying around in my room while having EPIK ADVENCHURRRRS with my imaginary friends. This was when I was 16-18.

    I got over it but I'm still a lonely sonuvabitch.

    I wish I had kept the imaginary friends at least...
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:17 No.2002743
    How can you tease us with that and NOT expect us to ask "what drama"?

    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:20 No.2002746
    I have two friends right now (the first isn't the most weeaboo, but god the'll see).
    The first is almost 20 and puts her cosplay before anything else. She's "trying" to get her driver's license, as one of her parents (usually mom) drives her around to point b. She puts together a lot of random costumes, usually involving safety pins and thinks she's TEHBESTESTZOMG! I'm a bit confused as to how she wants or can get into costuming, but thats where she wants to go with life. I don't know how to snap her out of it, but I'm trying my best.
    The second is not so much a friend as much as she is a significant other that gets brought to things. This girl is 21 and wants to become a voice actress. Her room is FILLED with all kinds of animu crap, typically from Full Metal Alchemist. Her cosplays are moderate at best, though I'm not sure she's actually sewn together anything of if they are store bought. She is VERY loud, whiny, bossy and has no idea how to treat anyone with any respect. Can you imagine the girl that goes "AND MANGAAAA!!!"? Yeah, thats just like her, except from the parody.
    I think she was posted onto /cgl/ once as Ed from FMA, though I didn't catch the thread so I'm not sure.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:21 No.2002748
    My roommate from freshman year wasn't the anime weeaboo type so much as she was the J-drama weeaboo. The watches J-dramas (and now K-dramas) religiously, and refuses to date, let alone befriend anyone that isn't Asian, or at least if you're a non-Asian, you have to be interested in Asia for her to even consider talking to you. She decided to enroll at my university even though she's from the east coast simply because one of her favorite K-drama actresses studied at my university. Not because of the East Asian studies program or anything (her major of course). In spite of a recent break-up she'd had with a complete jerk of a Korean dude, I asked her one day if she met the nicest, most considerate guy ever, but he wasn't Asian, would she date him? And she said no, that she just couldn't do that, because it's not the same. btw she only manages to date Korean guys because the Japanese guys don't have any interest in her, apparently.

    Best part is that the chick is of course the whitest whitey I know, with blond hair and blue eyes.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:35 No.2002783
    Alright, guys. Time for my story.

    I'm a huge KH/FF fan. Anyone who knows me IRL will know this just by looking in my room and seeing my action figures, cosplay props...fuck, I even have an ugly wallscroll of Axel. I'm not creepy with my fandom by any means, but I think I can safely say I'm pretty obsessed.

    Back in high school, I was "friends" with this girl who, surprisingly, wasn't a whale and didn't smell like a can of rotting garbage. Her complexion was bad, and I can honestly say that she would have been cute if she did something about it. She loved anime (mainly the popular stuff like DN, FMA and Naruto) and games like, surprise surprise, KH.

    She was also a pathological liar and very unhinged. She would say that she had a harem comprised of all the popular and good looking guys at school, but none of them knew who she even was if you asked them. The lies she would spout about her fandoms were even more bizarre; sometimes she would claim that she had a "friend in the industry" who was letting her help design characters for a top secret FF. According to her, she had special permission to skip school on certain weeks to fly to Japan (wut) and go to Square's HQ to design this game. Granted, she did skip school, but when asked about how Japan was, she would say that something last minute came up that prevented her from going.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:51 No.2002818
    She was also adopted and claimed that this was because her past parents were heavily abusive. I really don't know how true this is and that's what bothers me most of all because, if it is, it would explain her behavior. I never asked her about it (even if it would pop up at random points in any normal conversation we had) or asked her mom when I visited because I was aware that it was an extremely sensitive issue.

    Only now when I look back do I realize how seriously unhinged this girl was. At the time, I didn't quite pay any mind to her eccentricities and tried to avoid most of her other weird behavior. The signs were all there, but I only really started to see them for what they were when we went to our first con together in our junior year.

    Somehow, we managed to convince our parents to let us stay at the hotel next to the convention center. Because neither of us could sew for shit, I commissioned my costume and I'm pretty sure she bought hers on ebay. I went as Riku, she went as Sora. Naturally, when people complimented her on her costume, she had to lie about it and take the credit for making it, but once again, I really didn't let it bother me. After all, you gotta remember that this is "normal" behavior for the girl.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)21:58 No.2002835
    Come Friday night and it was time to get dinner, she told me that she lost her wallet with all her money in it. Immediately, I wanted to drag her to con security and lost and found so we could find it because it had close to $200 and her ID, but she told me she already tried that earlier today when I was at a panel alone. I told her we should call her mom so she could at the very least lend her some money to get food, but she told me she had already done that too and that her mom didn't want to give her any. I knew her mom and hearing that kinda made me do a double take because she would never say something like that. When I pointed this out, she got really huffy and on the defensive. Being my passive self, I really wanted to avoid an argument. I offered to lend her some money for tonight and, SURE ENOUGH, she changed her entire fucking attitude. That was the first warning sign.

    The second came on Saturday. Long story short, she started to mooch more money off of me because she "still couldn't find her wallet". For the rest of the day, she ditched me to wander around with a KH group, and by then, I was so damn suspicious and miserable that I didn't want to do anything but look around for that wallet.

    I found it when I was looking around the room for my hairbrush. Guess where it was?

    Underneath her fucking purse. That she was never seen without and only left up here because she didn't want to carry it around and ruin her costume. You can put two and two together and make a pretty good guess that it was never lost to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:01 No.2002842
    Sorry, I didn't want to waste space with non-weeaboo ness.
    Basically, the rich bitch was dating this guy, and while dating him, came to the conclusion that she was basically a lesbian, no bi about it. However, due to liking to feel "secure" she stuck with this guy. The only thing they had in common by this point we video games and having crushes on me. The chick broke up with the guy, and the guy asked me out. I said yes, because I had like him for the whole period they were dating, and then some. Then the whole group decided to hate me, ignore me completely, talk shit about me on their boards, and replace me. Kinda a lot of effort to go through for something so simple. :\
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:13 No.2002868
    I was fucking furious. The idiot didn't have her cellphone with her, so I had to find her myself. This took longer than expected; I set out in the later afternoon and found her three hours later. By then, I was freaking out. I had to track down the group she hung out with and ask them if the had seen her, and they probably thought I was crazy because of how much of a nervous wreck I was. They did end up helping me, though, and eventually I found her.

    In another hotel room. Drinking with a guy. With a camera set up.


    I honestly don't remember the rest of that night because of what happened next. I'm pretty sure I screamed loud enough for the other hotel guests on that floor to hear me, and I know I ended up getting con security on that guy's ass. The story I ended up hearing later from her was that he wanted to make a documentary about cosplayers. I slapped her in the face the moment I heard this and she started crying and accusing me of being jealous and controlling. I also learned that she had no regrets taking my money and said that she was gonna be rich enough once that FF game came out that and I'd have a reason to be jealous then. I slapped her again.

    I didn't end up staying the entire night. I called my parents in tears and my dad picked me up from the convention center.

    We didn't talk much after that and, like the cunt she is, she started spreading rumors about me at school in retaliation. She dropped out in our senior year, and the last I heard of her from a friend who goes to her college was that she's trying to build her own working Gummi Ship.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:17 No.2002882

    should've taken the $200, if the dumb bitch even kept it in there.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:19 No.2002890
    Tell me about it. That's money I'll never get back.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:24 No.2002909
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    I feel bad for you guys. I knew very few weeaboos throughout my time in High School. All of my friends belonged to the same group. Our anime tastes consisted of Monster, Elfen Lied, older shonen, Berserk, Welcome to the NHK, Gankutsuou, and Death Note(back when it was only manga being translated online :O). Our music tastes consisted of RPG music, System of a Down, and other random metal bands that I haven't listened to in years. We all visited 4chan and talked about it amongst ourselves, and only did meme-shouting type stuff a few times like yelling "Become an hero!" to some guy pretending he was gonna jump off a balcony. In fact I think everyone at our school who was into 4chan was involved with my group in some way, I even met a guy using the retarded ITTY BITTY BABY ITTY BITTY BOAT thing and he's still a good friend to this day.
    Of course there was an annoying anime club that I went to for about half a year on and off. It consisted of the usual group: The Sephiroth fangirl, the girl who always had a plushie and tried to hug people, the narutards who wore headbands/gloves from naruto, the Yugi-Oh card playing group, and the fat yaoi KH/FF fangirls. They were mostly tolerable in small doses and I can't specifically remember anything too horrible from them(except when the Sephiroth fangirl said FF7 had a better story than Xenosaga and we almost got into it). It was my senior year though, that I met the most batshit insane person I've ever met... I posted about her in another weeaboo thread a few week, but I don't think it got much exposure since it was like 5AM and the thread was on it's last legs.
    >Continued in next post.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:25 No.2002912

    Would've stayed with her wallet, and if she had a credit card or something, spend it all in the dealer's room... let her worry about the bill later.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:33 No.2002944
    So this girl(let's just call her Nin for short) was going out with a friend of mine (call him Roch for short) and she started being bitchy towards Roch's best friend (Jay for short).
    To begin, Jay wanted to come over to Roch's house for a weekend of fun and computer gamin', but Nin was on Roch's AIM and telling Jay not to come over because she was in a bad mood and Roch was a little sick. Jay said he would be quiet and he wanted to talk to Roch about it and not her, but she was being a bitch and saying no. So Jay asks her why she's being so retarded and she says she's in a bad mood, so he asks her to explain why. She says she's having a hard time with Roch and doesn't want to talk about it, Jay wouldn't understand,etc, etc. So he convinces her to talk about and promises to help her figure some stuff out if he can. This is where the crazy starts...
    >Continued in next post
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:43 No.2002983
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    I think it will be easier for me to post snippets of their saved AIM chat from back then with commentary and editing to take out their real names/sns etc anyway on with the show!
    So, Jay asks her what the problem is and this happens:
    JAY (7:52:55 PM): Only if you think that, by telling me, I would somehow be able to help you with it, or if it would benefit you.
    NIN (7:56:18 PM): Let me tell you: This place is my home and these people are my family. I come eher to talk about the only thing I care about: Twisted Metal. The main reason I love it so much is because I have a deep tie with the creator of the game Mike Giam. I can't tell you why he's so important to me but know that he is my life. One of the people at TMA said he would talk to the administraitor of the website so I could talk to him because the admin was friends with Mike. That being my sole conceren, I did what he told me to do so he would talk to the admin. I had to make a post siding with him because no one else does and he feels stupid.
    NIN (7:57:17 PM): Just so I could talk to Mike. Anyway now I have half of TMA hating me
    >Continued in next post.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:45 No.2002992
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    This is where it gets good... or bad I guess

    So he asks her what the fuck Twisted Metal and it's creator has to do with trouble she's having with Roch, and she says that it's too messed up to tell him and he finally convinces her to speak about that:
    NIN (8:06:32 PM): I have an alternate reality ok! Its real too! I started making it up when I first played Twisted Metal and then through the years its developed into something I can't controll
    NIN(8:06:47 PM): Its been proven multiple time to be true
    NIN (8:06:58 PM): dont believe me ask Raulston
    JAY (8:07:17 PM): What exactly do you mean by Alternate reality, and why did it start, and how does it pertain to ROCH?
    NIN (8:07:35 PM): And I have a tie with Mike Giam because Ive been married to him for 9 years
    NIN(8:07:45 PM): Im in love with Mike
    NIN(8:07:48 PM): Thats why
    NIN (8:08:00 PM): and if he were to cross paths with me
    NIN (8:08:05 PM): ....
    NIN (8:08:09 PM): You get it
    NIN (8:08:41 PM): My tie, I think I think he has this alternate reality too
    >Continued in next post
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:49 No.2003008
    This isn't the first time you tell this story right?
    That or I have hear something about another pathological liar.

    I wonder how parents cope with children like this :(
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:50 No.2003011
    OH I remember you now!
    Do you still have that weird pic she photoshopped herself in?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:50 No.2003013
    First time story. It doesn't really surprise me that there are other pathological weeaboo liars, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:54 No.2003027

    ...Wow. TM weeaboos. That's a new one.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:54 No.2003030
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    lol yeah, I still have it. It was actually me who made it to mock her though :3c.
    Here's how she enters "Alto"
    JAY: Now on manifestation, how you interact with "Alto"? What form do you manifest?
    NIN(8:22:54 PM): Sit in the dark so I can't see
    and I listen to music so I cant hear. And i vigerously rock my head from side to side to disconnect
    JAY(8:23:41 PM): Sensory deprivation to remove one's self from "reality." Keep going.
    NIN(8:23:44 PM): gets rid the the 3 main sences so it can focus. This sounds weird but most days it basically "Tivos" so i can see what happedned there. It takes place 10 years in the future..
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)22:57 No.2003035
    woops lol left in her AIM on that one, here it is again.
    It gets a bit crazier too...

    NIN(8:10:35 PM): When I imagined things or went into my alternate reality I saw things that havent happened yet and came ture and that Mike has a tatoo of a tribal barbwire around his left arm and I didnt actually see pics of that until last year when I knew he had them since I was 10
    Think I write my comics?
    think again. thats all what was said in alto by those exact people
    NIN(8:16:02 PM): Theres alot of stuff like that that has happened to me throught the years
    NIN: Like I knew a guy That I didnt even know in real life I new his age and backround and his personality before I shook his hand.
    She calls this alternate reality: "Alto." Very creative, yes?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:04 No.2003053
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    NIN(8:26:35 PM): The realities spit apart on 6/10/03
    JAY(8:26:48 PM): Down two roads?
    NIN(8:26:51 PM): Yes
    JAY(8:27:00 PM): What event marked the splitting?
    NIN(8:27:13 PM): I had moved to Los ANgelas OMG I have a brother I didn't know about untill alto told me I confronted my Dad and found out everything
    JAY8:27:35 PM): Do you only have this brother in Alto? So he's real?
    NIN(8:27:52 PM): I had alreday knew his name and age and where he worked, yes he is real hes 11 years older than me, my mom didn't even know I had a brother IE: alto's fault parents are devorced
    I wonder what I'm up to ten years from now in Alto? She could make a fortune predicting events! Maybe MJ is still alive and is best friends with her!
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:08 No.2003064
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    SO in tl;dr form
    Girl I knew goes to an alternate reality where she's married to the creator of Twisted Metal by rocking her head back and forth and listening to music.
    Any questions? I'll try to answer if I can.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:11 No.2003075
    Me one more time. I forgot one of the crazier events she mentioned. Something about how she kicked a can and it led to her meeting... Calyspo, the creator of the Twisted Metal tournament, not the game, the guy in the game. So I guess fictional characters exist there too. Apparently she kicked the can here too, but never met him.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:14 No.2003088
    ...has she been institutionalized yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:14 No.2003089
    Did the whole brother thing actually turn out to be real or was she doing some BSing there
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:17 No.2003095
    I used to be a weebonic motherfucker who'd refer to people with "-chan", "-san", and "-sama". I would do shit like bow, say "hai", shop at Kinokuniya to pick up Japanese biznitches, and eat sushi like a mad sonuvabitch.

    Then reality hit, and I realized how mad niggerish I am.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:22 No.2003119
    No, there was some drama near the end where she was trying to break up with Roch, but couldn't since she was freeloading off his family. She went desperate for a while and even asked me out, even though we hardly ever talked and I didn't respond at all and haven't talked to her since then. Last I heard, she moved to Maine, and isn't AS batshit insane.
    I really don't know... I'll have to ask Roch or Jay next time I see them online.
    >> OiD 07/29/09(Wed)23:26 No.2003133
    Woah, really? The story was pretty similar, lying, convention, money problems, and lying.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)23:48 No.2003184
    A couple friends and I arranged to go to a local convention. I found out the day beforehand that one of my friends had invited two of her childhood friends to come with us. They were both obese, but one of them was very kind and nice person. The other had several personality problems, dyed black hair, acne, and no self confidence. Needless to say, she ended up dressing as a slut for the convention.

    Earlier, she mentioned finding knee socks, heels, and a pink dress for the convention. I assumed she'd go for something lolita-ish. I didn't except the white strappy heels, the tigh-high sheer sockings, garter belt, and the short short dress with the low neckline she insisted on wearing. She didn't walk in heels very well and bent over at every opportunity. Worse, she was wearing a thong, and none of this worked with her body type.

    She went the entire convention looking like a hooker while clinging onto me and my friends like a bloated leech. Also, she would sequel over anything related to Inuyasha or "bishies". Coupled with this was her terrible attitude, like we didn't know nearly as much about anime as she did. Several times, I wanted to say something about her outfit or offer her my coat even, but I never could bring it up.

    Ruined the convention for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)00:13 No.2003275
    I used to be a weaboo when I was 9-10-11ish. I would draw anime, watch anime all the time, speak in broken wapanese, fap to hentai and of course had the ultimate weaboo dream of moving to Japan to teach Enlgish and marry a cute japanese girl.

    Then I had a dream where I was living in Japan and it was exactly like it was here in the states. I commuted to work, came home, watches tv and felt very bored.

    Once I realized that life is pretty similar no matter where you go I lost interest in Japan.

    I'll still watch anime but thats about as much as I do.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)00:15 No.2003282

    I think because I was fat, socially akward and not very experienced with the world I had this utopian view of Japan as the most awesome place ever. I thought "if I study about it and go there I'll be the happiest kid in the world".

    But after that dream...nope. It had such a profound effect on me that I lost weight, started hanging out with people and now today I consider myself pretty well adjusted.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 07/30/09(Thu)00:57 No.2003444
    Seems the stories posted here make up a STRONG majority of women.
    Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)00:59 No.2003457
    That's usually because the men don't leave the house.
    Just take a look at /a/
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 07/30/09(Thu)01:02 No.2003476
    Touché anon.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)01:03 No.2003479
    Lol lucky you. If only the rest of the weeaboo population could have that sort of dream too.
    I slowly grew out of weeaboo when I got so busy in high school. First it began with skipping the late night Adult Swim shows. Then it was just slowly cutting off other anime/manga/gaming stuff because school was taking up so much of my time.
    On a side note, IIMO Adult Swim had some good anime shows like Trigun and Cowboy Bebop. I was also exposed to Wolf's Rain and Witch Hunter Robin through it. You also can't forget FLCL. But I guess ever since I stopped following AS it has only gone downhill from there.
    O, don't let my weeaboo little tangent get this thread offtopic. POST MORE WEEABOO STORIES
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)02:10 No.2003768
    I used to know this girl in middle school that was a batshit crazy weaboo. I mean, at the time, my friends and I were pretty weaboo, too, but nothing compared to this chick. She wasn't black or Mexican, but had dark skin, HUGE curly hair and was a bit pudgy. We called her 'Prozac'.

    Prozac would freak out about anything related to anime/manga, not caring how loud she was or how many people we were around. We always tried to switch tables at lunch to avoid her, but she'd always find us. She was in a grade below us and we were basically acquaintances, but to her, we were OMG BFF's. Thankfully, she moved out of state.

    Though, SOMEHOW, a year later, she found my Myspace and YouTube accounts and continually sent me friend requests so she could see all of my 'kawaii cosplay outfits'.
    I still get the requests to this day, but I just deny them. It's been almost six years since I saw her, but she's still obsessed with being friends with someone she hardly knew.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)02:41 No.2003907
    There was a girl in high school who was a one of those loner/weeaboo types. I'm sure she had some sort of personal or mental defect but I don't know what it was.

    Now, in high school I hung out with the goth crowd (I didn't dress in the LOLSOGOFFIK clothes but I knew most of them since middle school. Yeah, I've grown a lot since then) and this weeaboo girl had first period PE with us. For some reason, she would just avoid walking anywhere near us. She'd swerve herself out of the way to avoid getting within 5 feet us and she would refuse to make eye contact. It was amusing to watch at first but then it just got kind of sad.

    Apparently, she wasn't too good with personal hygiene either. Another friend of mine had her for a class and she would bleed through her clothes during that time of the month and wouldn't do anything about it when anyone said anything to her. Fucking disgusting.

    Weeaboo girl spent all her free time in the library posting in some Pokemon forum. I happened to walk by and read whatever was on the screen when I was doing work in there. It was just a bunch of fangirls saying how great it would be to have so-and-so male character as a boyfriend and what they'd do when they went out on dates.

    She would also FREAK THE FUCK OUT whenever someone even mentioned the word "Cheerios" around her. Rumor was that she was traumatized as a kid and it had to do with the cereal. I know, it sounds stupid to me, too.

    I graduated in '06 and forgot about her until I saw her working at the Carl's Jr. at my college's campus. She rang me up but I don't think she remembered me. I also saw her again at AX '08. She was cosplaying, but I don't remember much of the costume other than she used yellow yarn to make herself a wig.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)03:59 No.2004092

    I knew a girl that would freak out when you would sing 'We Will Rock You' because it made her cry and made her think of getting teased in middle school or something . . . .

    Then again, she was mildly retarded, so . . .
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)04:28 No.2004164
    I knew this guy in middle school that was about as weeaboo as you could get. Insanely enough, he came to school wearing a costume of one of the Sailor Moon girls. Even more insane was he didn't get sent home, even when his peni
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/30/09(Thu)04:57 No.2004251

    Why does Candlejack always interrupt a potentia
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)06:09 No.2004365
    Why not just go ahead and block her crazy ass?
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)07:05 No.2004416
    I was lucky enough to have a fairly normal animu club in high school. Most of it consisted of intelligent people who actually watched shit other than Naruto/Death Note/FMA (but then again, none of those shows were popular when I was in high school). However, there was this one girl who thought she was the shit, and felt the need to constantly let us know how superior she was by shoving her mediocre art in our faces.

    She wasn’t a hambeast (in fact, she was pretty darn thin) but she was (and still is, as far as I know) fairly unattractive, with long, unkempt brown hair that looked like some form of dead mammal. Her main form of entertainment was drawing furries. Granted, she wasn’t half-bad, but everything that she drew had to be a fucking furry. Eventually she started her own web comic where she starred as the leading furbeast. At some point she started making business cards with the URL printed on them, and handing them out to random people that she met.

    One day I looked up her comic and not only was the plot absolutely dreadful, but she had dozens of those obnoxious “DONATE NAO” paypal buttons, asking for ‘contributions’ from her ‘fans’ because things like pens and pencils were ever so expensive, and if she could not afford those then she would (GASP) have to stop making her dumb fur crap. Of course, the only people that ever signed her guest book were fellow animu club members who were trying to be polite.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)07:07 No.2004418
    One day I looked up her comic and not only was the plot absolutely dreadful, but she had dozens of those obnoxious “DONATE NAO” paypal buttons, asking for ‘contributions’ from her ‘fans’ because things like pens and pencils were ever so expensive, and if she could not afford those then she would (GASP) have to stop making her dumb fur crap. Of course, the only people that ever signed her guest book were fellow animu club members who were trying to be polite.

    So this one year, our entire anime club decided to rent a townhouse close to the University where a local convention was taking place. Granted, I wasn’t thrilled about her coming to join us, but I didn’t want to start any drama.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)07:09 No.2004420
    The night before the convention we were all showing each other our costumes for the weekend in the main lobby of the town house, and (after having spent the entire evening locked in her room with her sketchbook, undoubtedly drawing furries) when she decided to grace us downstairs it just so happened that I was showing everyone my costume. Now, I’m not the omgbestevur cosplayer, but this particular costume was quite elaborate and the rest of the people were pretty impressed with the intricacy on some of the armour. So, as one of the girls asks me how long it took to make my costume, and I say “oh, far too long” as a joke, the furbeast girl chimes in with “I hate cosplay. I have so many better things to do with my life than spending hours on a costume”

    This struck me as odd, because hey, she was at an anime convention.

    But the best part is, the next year she actually cosplayed as Kairi from Kingdon hearts. The costume looked like crap and she used her real hair for it. The next day of that con, she showed up dressed as the main character from her comic, and while she bounced around in bondage pants and an odd assortment of cat shit, she still took the time to say “you made a costume, again? Don’t you have something better to do?” to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)10:55 No.2004573
    Actually, weeaboos introduced me to anime/manga...

    I was in the 7th grade, and there were these two or three guys (depending if one was skipping or not) that no one wanted to talk to. I was new in that school, and so I naively went over one day to see what they were doing and to make polite conversation.
    They had a "how to draw manga" book out, along with colored pencils and several hideous drawings of some red haired girl. I tried to read the word out loud, pronouncing it "mag-nuh" as it was upside down and my dyslexia (retardation >_<) often got in my way back then, then asking if it was like cartoons such as sailor moon and dragonball z (the only anime I was exposed to when I was 12 was what was on toonami at the time).
    The guy who was doing most of the drawing threw a shitfest, correcting the way I pronounced it and talking about how "maw-n-gahh" and "awwh-nee-may"-no really, he made sure to enunciate the words like this- were nothing like regular cartoons, and was a complex art style from Japan and how he was practicing to become a "maww-n-gah kawwh" when he moved there. I looked back at the cover and his drawings and said that his stuff looked...not good. Seriously, he made Chris-chan look talented... The guy proceeded to shit and go blind with RAAAAEEEEG and told me that his art was much better than most american artists and that someone like me, with no talent or practice, could draw as as well as he could.
    I went home, went to google, searched for how to draw manga/anime so I could troll him some more (I wasn't too bad at drawing, and was sure I could blow him out of the water and make him rage more), but then was assimilated. I ended up on some fanart site, then googled the names of that anime the characters were from, and I was soon watching as many as I could and checking out manga from the library. Now I am the weeaboos, and I watch the "awwh-nee-may" and read the "maww-n-gahh".
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)11:43 No.2004617
    I drew really bad manga/anime style shit when I was 13 and all my classmates asked me to draw stuff for them, I was really popular and all the girls talked to me... Then a jealous weeaboo tackled me while I was walking back to class after lunch and I hit my head on a rock and spent the next 3 years in and out of doctors' offices and being homeschooled... Fuck I hate that kid.
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)12:30 No.2004691
    >> Anonymous 07/30/09(Thu)20:36 No.2005034
    Moar stories.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)01:33 No.2005638
    I have met so many in life I have no idea who was the worst...

    Oh! Okay so there was this girl who went to high school with me. Highly in to lolita outfits but dod them wrong... She wore no underwear. So when she tried to act like a "cute asian" girl and bend down everyone got a full few of non kept vagina... She said that was born in Japan but lived in Texas, new all of the yaoi artist, did fanfiction of yaoi in class and would shout Japanese even knowing that it was wrong.
    Worse part was her voice..... When she talked it was like nails on a black board.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)02:51 No.2005790
    When the Naruto time-skip first came out, my friend cosplayed as Sasuke to our state's local anime convention. Because a good majority of the attendees there are children that watch Cartoon Nework, they assumed it was an original design and deemed it 'Orochimaru's slave' outfit.

    And then they handcuffed said friend and dragged her down a hallway by the links, towards the bathroom.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)03:54 No.2005869
    This one reminds me of something that happened my last con.
    I was in the bathroom trying to fix some of my count make up because it was hot and I was sweating some of it off, and a mass of screaming badly dressed narutards storm in to this small 2 stall bathroom with one mirror, nearly getting run over while I using the mirror. These freaking Hambeast creatures are screaming and shouting at each other and shoving a small, maybe 16 year old boy, in to the bath room and in to a stall, fallowed by this huge hambeast girl in a purple shirt and a wig with Itachi lines on her face ( apparently she was trying to be itachi )

    They shove this poor kid cosplaying sasuke in the only open stall with this huge girl, slam the door and hold it shut while screaming "OMG ITACHIS IN THE BATH ROOM WITH SASUKE OMGBUTTSEX"

    Suddenly 2 more of these narutard hambeast girls rush in the bathroom and almost shove me to the floor, grab there friends that are holding the stall shut, and run out still screaming and laughing about the "OMGINSEST"

    When the girl in the stall realizes her friends are gone, she rushes out after them leaving this poor kid in the bathroom who look like he didn't want to leave it, in fear of being attacked by these girls again.

    Eventually he leaves but not after I hear screaming outside the bathroom door and a stampede of people running off, when he does.

    I turned to the only person in the bathroom, and she just gives me the most disgusted WTF look ever, and I return with a "please kill me" look.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)04:44 No.2005901
    Um... I really don't have a story, but I hung out with these total ass-holes in middle school. Toonami was on at the time, so every day after school I would get my dosage of DBZ, DB, Gundam wing/G, Zoids, etc. I watched anime, but I really didn't register it as "anime." It was just cartoons.

    Anyway, those guys started drawing characters from DBZ, with a fair amount of accuracy. I made a note one time about him being a great cartoonist and had to sit through a loud, whiny lecture about what anime is and the differences it had with cartoons.

    I've tried to not look at cartoons and anime differently, but there are blaring similarities from cartoon to cartoon and anime to anime that you don't see between anime and cartoons. I guess the only solid bridge would be Teen Titans or something...

    But, in the end, I don't think they were big weaboos, just angsty jerks that could draw.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)09:11 No.2006135

    Right before we graduated, she told me she was going to buy a bento box. She had really never packed lunch before, so this was strange. I asked her why and I believe her answer was somewhere along the lines of, "well, I don't want to keeping buying lunch on campus everyday." I told her that I mostly brought my lunch and i just tossed it in tupperware and into a bag. But that wasn't good enough. So I told her that she could buy a lunchbox for a lot cheaper and it would work just as well for what she needed (there was no way she would actually wake up and make a nice bento every morning). She ended up never buying it (thank goodness). And don't get me wrong, I like bento boxes. I think they're clever and look nice, but she had no need for one. So why buy one?
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)11:38 No.2006411
    I-I was the weeaboo too, but thankfully really early, like 4th grade early. I wish it never happened at all but I guess better sooner than later. I wrote every essay assignment that I could about it and made books and called people bakas and shit. *shiver* Then there were animu-goth and then AWFUL AWFUL JROCK FAN stages before I finally learned to harness my power levels.

    There was a kid I think two grades above me in high school who looked like a tim & eric character / white kim jong il. Really tall, chubby, poofy autism fro, sweatpants, safety glasses, the works. My freshman year I saw him in the library looking at Love Hina inflation / pregnancy fetish drawings on deviantart. This is a prized memory.
    >> Kitsune 07/31/09(Fri)12:52 No.2006616
    This is from SDCC 09.
    Aside from the Naruto/Kingdom Hearts/weeaboo faggotry that happens outside Ballroom 20 EVERY DAY OF THE CON, EVERY FUCKING YEAR, I experienced some weeaboos while in line for the Masquerade.

    We were hanging out in the very front of the line when the people in front of us started to act weird. They started up a FREE GLOMP area right in the middle of the hallway. Nothing was better than watching these little bitches run into people, themselves, and us, stepping on our stuff as well. That was the first time we talked to an Elite.

    About thirty minutes later, they started to play CARAMELLDANSEN THREE TIMES IN A ROW. It was a seven minute version of the song, so nothing says headache like 21 minutes of technoshit. No matter how many times we told them to stop, they did not. That was the second time we called for the Elites.

    Fifteen minutes after that, not only did they sudden double in numbers, (they were "saving seats" for way too many people) the staff told us all to scoot up and make room for people way in the back, so we had to pack our stuff and move up. These girls had blankets and shit all set up like a picnic, with one girl per huge blanket. When we told them to move up, the first thing they said was, "...We can't." in a snarky tone, which pissed us off. So that was the THIRD time the Elite was called. (Sensing a pattern? Yeah, the Elite don't do SHIT). This time was great, however, because one more outburst, and they would have their tickets revoked and be kicked out of line. We were totally praying for this.

    Unfortunately, they shut up soon after.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)13:33 No.2006703
    weeaboos just don't understand that they have to treat other anime interested people the same they treat normal people.

    at my last con I was cosplaying pyramid head and while just walking around the con to look at stuff, some KH cosplayers shout "OMG PYRAMID HEAD WE MUST GLOMP HIM!" and I said that they couldn't, cus my helmet was fragile, but of course they didn't care. It must have been 6 or 7 of them and two of them took my great knife while the other tried to hug me.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)13:43 No.2006730
    HOLY SHIT THOSE STORIES WERE HORRIFYING. I really hope that sort of shit never happens at my local con.
    This reminds me of an incident about 2 years ago at my local con. My friend was dressed as a really good Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and we were walking around together. Suddenly we heard a scream and I turned around to see a lardass whale run up to my friend screetch "OMG IT'S SAKURA! HUG?!?!" She was wearing some nekomimi shit hat and some random anime t-shirts and generally looked annoying.
    My friend, who already has hug-phobia, looked at her for a minute and slowly says "No." and promptly walked away. The lardass then began fake crying and her friends rushed over to comfort her. Thankfully my friend and I walked away fast cuz I don't want to imagine what sort of drama shit they might've started. There's no way my friend and I could've protected ourselves against her and her 4-5 equally large friends.
    At the time, I thought it was funny since I thought giving away hugs was a nice thing. But my friend was like "Lol no" and I just shrugged it off. Now that I think about it though, I'm glad that both of us got off easy, given the horror stories here.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)13:43 No.2006733

    so I try to stay in character and begin to drag myself away from them but then they all began to "glomp" me at the same time and I took off running, and they ran after me...... they thought it was funny, but I think they where disrespectful fucktards. and in the end they got o hug my and it hurt because the helmet was scraping itself into my shoulders.

    but those weren't the worst people I met at that con. some hours later two fuuuucking annoying 13 year old girls who where cosplaying a shitty pedobear and a Pedo victim. they had a skit on stage that involved pedobear dragging off the other girls pants so everyone could see her fugly underwear.

    anyway these little fuckers thought it would be funny to
    find out how I looked under my helmet. so one of them
    just comes up to me, stares at me for a second then
    forcefully tries to see under my hemlet. I block my face out, but then she bends down and tries to look under my robe/dress thing. I had to run from her too. fucking weaboos don't own respect for others.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)15:33 No.2006979
    Oh, God, I just remembered another story. I can't believe I've posted here twice and not thought to bring this one up. This girl is by far the BIGGEST weaboo I have ever known.

    We started out as online friends and remained that way for almost three years. She was a big whale of a girl that changed her obsessions almost every week. Her biggest obsession was yaoi and she would never shut up about it.
    For a long time, things were okay. Occasionally, she'd say some weird things to me, but I never put much thought into it. For example, she got very defensive when I told her that I didn't like Angel Sanctuary and blamed it on the fact that I was too narrow-minded to understand incestuous relationships. She railed off about how Sara and Setsuna are 'IN LOVE' and 'BLOOD SHOULDN'T MATTER' and all this shit.

    Things started to change after I started cosplaying. I lost weight, made lots of IRL friends and eventually joined a cosplay group. I got a big boost of self-esteem and finally started to like myself. This girl didn't like that. At all.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)15:34 No.2006981

    She would get incredibly irritated whenever I linked her my newest cosplay picture or whenever I showed the slightest bit of good self-esteem. Being oblivious to drama, I finally found out when another friend showed me some of the awful things she'd say about me.

    To make a long story short, she hated me because I had good self-esteem and she was still fat and hated herself. We stopped talking, but I still heard small bits of information about her.
    She tried asking out a Japanese store clerk by sending him a MOE-MOE-LOVE-LETTER and a bento box lunch. She dressed up in a lolita dress to a Dir en Grey concert. She is now obsessed with vore, naga and Hetalia and wants to be a ballet dancer and a rock star.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)15:54 No.2007018

    Kind of funny that a fat person is obsessed with vore.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 07/31/09(Fri)16:09 No.2007049
    >obsessed with Hetalia
    This is Moogie isn't it?
    I'm kidding Moogie!
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)16:38 No.2007123
    It's obviously Gamie.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)16:41 No.2007129
    Wow.Usually this threads make me feel better about myself...but know i just feel sad for all this people.Sure they can think or imagine that they are happy,but what will happen to them in future...Hearing about 30&40 years old weeaboos made me pity them a lot,though I'm just another /a/sshole who doesn't give a fuck about anyone.
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 07/31/09(Fri)16:52 No.2007152
    brb confessing my love to a japanese store clerk.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)20:07 No.2007577
    I know what you mean, broski. Yet for some reason I wanna hear more about them. It's like watching a car wreck. Bump for more stories.
    >> OBVIOUSLYNOTMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 07/31/09(Fri)20:20 No.2007608
         File1249096819.png-(365 KB, 842x482, england-prussia09.png)
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    h-hey, I'm not that bad...

    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)20:43 No.2007633
    I love these threads, and I'm not really sure why.

    Maybe it's that feeling of "it could always be worse".
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)20:47 No.2007635
    The fact I'm not a weeaboo means it could obviously be worse for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)21:04 No.2007659
    Oh god, there were these two twins at my school, these girls were ugly as fuck. They were super nerdy and loved anime and all that shit.

    I'm quite good with computers, it's probably the one thing I excel at. I couldn't help it when I heard one of these cunts trying to tell my teacher she needed to "upgrade the power supply" when in fact it was RAM she needed to upgrade. Oh yeah, the computer in question was a laptop.

    When I told her she was wrong, she threw her Full Metal Alchemist bag on the ground and said I didn't know what I was talking about. Thankfully, a few of my friends chimed along with some kids from the other side of the room.

    She saw she was defeated and trudged to the back to talk Naruto with her socially retarded friends.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)21:14 No.2007676
    Update the power supply of a laptop... I lol'ed. Hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)21:14 No.2007677
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    There's a video of one of them dressed up as "Kadaj". Idk who that is but it's not a very attractive getup. Not sure which one is which.
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 07/31/09(Fri)21:40 No.2007714
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)22:07 No.2007752

    Wait, wait. Moe love letter? Please elaborate.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)22:44 No.2007851
    The last con I went to we were in line for something and there was a group of narutards (in naruto cosplay) that were very loudly discussing how all dubs suck because Japanese characters shouldn't have American accents.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:04 No.2007895

    The letter sounded like some an anime girl's confession to her true love. It was like:

    "Dear Takeda-kun,

    I know that you will probably throw this out as soon as you finish it . . . . . . . . . . . But . . . . . . I just wanted to get my feelings to you . . . . before it was too late. Takeda-kun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I am in love with you. I come to the mall every day, just to see you . . . . . . . . Your smile is so charming. But I understand if you are laughing at this . . . . . . . . . . Someone as kind and attractive as you . . . . . . . could . . . never love someone like . . . me. I just wanted to tell you my feelings. I hope that I can still shop at the store and come see you from time to time."
    >> Swiper !!9QPmDTUB9Pf 07/31/09(Fri)23:05 No.2007898
    I know this one axle cosplayer who's a weeaboo but I actuality pretty tolerable.

    Shes your normal omg roxes/axel yaoi loveing fan girl type, plays pocky games and dresses in half cosplay like axel in pjs. Her friends are worse thought they are the kind that scream and yell and dance to caramledancen ever time they hear it.

    I thank god some times this girl isn't a crazy weeaboo like a lot of the ones I have met, because shes some what cool to hang around with and just talk about random things at the con, anime and video games and such, with out her flipping out and doing the crazy rabid fan girl thing.

    More people who are really in to Anime and stuff need to be like this, not a screaming yaoi drooling, pocky eating, socially awkward, fat hambeasts like most of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:06 No.2007901
    Recently I started building my Lolita wardrobe, so I went to a meet-up at a con. I had a really good time and gave a couple of people my email so we could stay in touch. One of them was a guy, not a lolita or anything, he'd just heard about it online and turned up because he liked Japanese stuff. After that he would not leave me alone.
    He constantly sent me emails asking if I wanted to come to his house to watch anime with him, I had to keep telling him I didn't even like anime. After a while I was feeling a little bad and had kinda forgotten how creepy he was so I agreed to go to concert with him. I dressed casually. Apparently he wasn't expecting that and spent half the night talking about my 'kawaii lolita dresses' and trying to hug me. If it wasn't that it was anime. We were talking about EGL and I mentioned how catty girls there can be and he started going on about Americans were ruining everything japanese. I tried to tell him japanese girls were catty too and he went BATSHIT CRAZY about how I hadn't been to Japan and didn't know shit. He's never been to Japan either, but oh how he wants to.
    Needless to say, I stopped talking to him after that. It's my biggest fear he'll show up at another meet.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:06 No.2007902
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    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:07 No.2007905

    Wow... that's all I can say....

    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:11 No.2007910

    The sad thing is . . . . it was a lot worse than that. That's just the majority of what I remember. Though, I do remember she tried writing a bunch of 'kawaii' phrases to add to the expressing.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:55 No.2007958

    Oh wow. Anyone else really reminded of Charlotte's letter in Lolita?

    Anyway...I have a friend who we'll call Lil. Lil is sweet and fun to talk to sometimes, but she spouts memes like nobody's business. All. The fucking. Time. Plus, she gets offended with ridiculous ease, but that's another issue entirely. Now Lil is unique in that even though she's a tad chubby, she knows how to dress for her body and though she doesn't have a gorgeous face or anything, most of the time she manages to look pretty cute.

    But Lil is the absolute definition of desperate nerd girl. She obsesses over her boyfriends for weeks, and is shocked--SHOCKED!--when they dump her clingy ass. Then she lols about mudkips and table-chan and row row fight the power (fyi, she hasn't actually watched Code Geass or TTGL) and it's just...nauseating. One of the things I really like about my college is that the nerds here are totally socially intelligent, have other interests, know how to comport themselves...and it's great, but Lil sticks out even worse because of it.

    Also there's a guy named Benjy who has the most irritating laugh, really prominent man boobs (though he's rather fit, these are apparently a remnant of his hambeast past) and apparently has a large collection of butt plugs.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:55 No.2007959
    One time I dressed up like Ciel Phantomhive. This was way before the anime, but one person noticed this....then dragged me through the fucking convention so she could find a Sebastian to hug me. Didn't even ask if I had a panel to go to, or anything like that. Rude ass yaoi fangirls.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:01 No.2007967

    Oh god, and I just rememberd my friend Sarah. Sarah is honestly one of my closest friends--once you peer past all her bullshit, you find that she's a really caring, intelligent person. But Sarah is one of those nerds who loves to show off how uninhibited she is (like the "PENIS! VAGINA!" weeaboos mentioned somewhere else in the this thread) and she shows it by being really...touchy with people. I can handle some of it, but when she reached into my shirt to grab my tits, I had to draw the line.

    Plus, she's one of those desperate girls who thinks everrrryone has a crush on her and that she's the secret nerd fantasy of all the jock boys. Sarah is chubby, hugely tall, and....really just not too pretty. But she'll go on till kingdom come on omg she thinks this one guy has a crush on her!!!

    To top it off, she thinks she's really intelligent and will be the next Gertrude Stein, when her poems and essays are about as middle school as you can get. :/

    Also she loves to think she's political by talking about how much she loves communism but can't debate for shit.

    She's basically the fangirl who thinks she's grown up and matured when really...she hasn't. She also dropped out after one semester of school (we're both sophmores...well, she would have been) and okay, she was having some mental issues but she's spent a year sitting on her ass and shows no signs of stopping.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:16 No.2007984
    I had a very long, drawn-out, forced friendship with a basic cosplaying attention whore who only cosplays from Popularzomg series and steals credit from her grandma, but...

    At one con, I met my friends... other friends. My friend is a year younger than me, and at the time, I was a freshman and they were in their last year of middle school, mostly.

    To start, some chubby, decent-at-best-looking "lesbian" girl's little brother was dressed as Sasuke. I have no idea whether or not he was forced to, but it did not look like he was enjoying the chubby one proposing he do yaoi shit with cosplayers 5+ years older than him.

    Then her other friend who was 'bi' and male [pudgy, baby face... etc.] decided to break open a Ramune bottle on the sidewalk [just fucking threw it at the ground.] to get the god damn marble inside. And he also decided to play 'the penis game'-- just then being obnoxious fucks and yelling Penis! as loudly as they could. I wanted to strangle them all at the end of the day, and I was NEVER so glad to see other con goers go home early.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:31 No.2007996
    >poor people smell

    Excuse me, I'm dirt fucking broke and I have excellent hygiene. Don't lump me with those weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:34 No.2008004
    My story is pretty much the same.. I was on my way to becoming a weeaboo back in middle school but an older friend of mine saw what was happening and got me out of it. After a few years I really started to LOOK at who I was hanging out with, and my god, I've never been so full of regret. They would wear Naruto headbans to school and scream about penises or gay porn LOUDLY in public areas. They would draw themselves on top of Inuyasha or anyother charature they 'loved' at the time... also they only shopped at hottopic.

    I'm pretty glad to have gotten out of that when I did. Those (ex)friends are still flamming weeaboos though.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:48 No.2008031
    In my high school (I'm a senior, 18), weeaboos are sadly some of the lesser annoying people. They're still annoying as fuck though.

    My neighbor is borderline. She's always drawing OCs and squeeing all over deviantart shit, but usually keeps to herself because she hates hardcore otaku and tries to avoid weeabooishness all the time. Her sister is similar.

    But her sister's friend "doesn't listen to music if it's NOT Japanese". Lord.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:02 No.2008057
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    I've got prominent developed pectoral muscles.
    They're clearly visible when I wear t-shirts.
    My female friends poke them and call them -man-boobs (despite that they are solid muscle).
    I laugh it off in a tough guy manner, but when I'm alone I cry on the inside
    Buff dudes have feelings too ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:09 No.2008069
    Haha, sorry to hear it dude. But in the case of Benjy, I assure you, they aren't developed pecs. I've seen them--they're just these two jiggly blobs of fat on his chest.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:09 No.2008070
    I knew this one girl who was obese, 26, and completely insane.

    Her parents fully supported her, but couldn't stand to have her at home so she lives in this house all by herself. She makes her dad come pick her up and take her to Starbucks (his treat) on his lunch break and has him pick her up when he gets off work.

    She can't pass the placement test for community college. (I didn't think they were possible to fail.) I tutored her in math which was a lost cause. She also claims she doesn't know the difference between her left and right. She will sit in the back seat directing the driver with pointing, which is not helpful at all.

    She draws (the only thing she's remotely good at, and even that's a bit of a stretch), so I asked her which hand she draws with and she hold up her right hand. So I tell her, "The "right" hand to use is your right hand. The other one's your left. Problem solved," and she finally "got" it.

    The first night I hung out with her, she told me and a couple other people that her family "knew people" from "The System" and were trying to "get rid of her". Haha, her dad is a chauffeur and an atm to a complete waste of space.. not to mention he completely tolerates her weeaboo-ness.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:10 No.2008071

    She was selling her art at an anime con. Her father had given her tons of money for the con and for her art supplies. He hoped she would pay hm back with the money she made. She told me she gave him $20.. after she spent about $200 on Sailor Moon dolls.

    She also does not know how to get around on the internet, despite constantly being online. I had to teach her how to delete friends off of Myspace.

    I stuck around for the lulz and free coffee (she would buy her friends stupid shit all the time, so I'd take advantage of it since I knew she had no intention of ever saving money or paying bills ever), but I really got sick of the failure one day. She left to go to Starbucks after yelling to her dad about how he HAD to come pick her up because she HAD to bring ALL her art supplies to draw her awful furry/animu artwork. Anyway, long story short, I had spent the night and woke up to this mess and later had the landlady tell me that the mess needed to be cleaned up. I didn't live there, so I went to pick up the crazy fat weeaboo and she got upset because I didn't remind her to clean up her mess. I was about 7 years younger than her and not about to become her mother.

    PS: The bathroom at her old apartment was so disgusting, people would wait to get to a public bathroom instead of using hers.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:37 No.2008113
    you ever notice how hardcore weeaboos pretty much all act the same? one could live in newyork and the other florida and never know about eachother but still dress, act, and talk identical to one another.

    sorry, i'm pointing out the obvious here. i think just its sort of funny
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:42 No.2008122
    I think I know these twins. Description please.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:50 No.2008132

    That's one of the things that's really struck me about this thread, actually.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:52 No.2008134
    In sixth grade in reading class we had to make alphabet things all relating to a topic where there was one word for each letter, you. And this kid who drove me crazy did his on InuYasha. (I did mine on StarCraft btw and the teacher was like 'lolwut'.) I facepalmed a little, but he grew out of it and eventually became my best friend before I moved. But I got him into Bleach before it was uberpopular and regret it.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:53 No.2008135
    My first "friend" in highschool was this horrible weeaboo girl. She wasn't fat, but she was tall and had enough weight to look kind of ogre-ish. She would frequently dye her lanky brown hair into bright blues, purples, pinks, and greens, but she never did a good job and her hair always looked terrible. She would "borrow" money from me to buy wall scrolls and supplies for her art. She never paid me back. She constantly siphoned off of me and I was too nice to ever tell her to stop.

    I eventually made other friends, but I managed to make off with her surprisingly cute boyfriend! She's hated me ever since then for that.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:55 No.2008140
    But seriously, NEVER befriend strangers at fucking Speech and Drama contests. Weeaboo fucking city. There's this one hambeast who was quite taken with my knowledge that Naruto and InuYasha exist (ruralish community) and latched vigorously onto me. She asked for my MySpace and I'm too damn nice, so I gave it to her. She can't spell ANYTHING right. Another girl at the same type of contest wasn't weeaboo, but she stank, wanted mah paynuss, followed me around all day, forced me to look at pictures of her bratty fucking brother and disgusting hovel. And then she revealed to me that she had been raped as a child. That's not something you tell someone after an hour and a half of knowing them. Aaaaand she kept insisting I look like Bam Margera, which could not be farther from the truth.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:55 No.2008141

    Sharing another story of this bitch because I just keep remembering more and more of her ridiculous antics. One of her weekly obsessions were dollfies this one time and she was looking to buying one. When she saw how much they were, she went to me and another friend and the conversation basically went like this:

    Weaboo Girl: D: How am I EVER going to get that much money?!
    Me: . . . Uh . . .
    Friend: LOL You could sell yourself.
    Weaboo Girl: . . . . . . Do you think that would actually work?
    Friend: . . . . I was kidding.
    Weaboo Girl: No, I'm being serious. How much should I charge?

    Once again reminding you all that weaboo girl is over 300 pounds and is the shape of an apple.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:56 No.2008142
    Hardcore weeaboos have little contact with normal people, rely heavily on the same set of media (anime/manga) for social cues and instructions, and probably are all in similar or related forums and communities online. They've probably abandoned traditional social contact altogether for internet contacts who "understand them".

    Of course they're going to act similar.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:56 No.2008144
    Also, I once got accosted by a weeaboo in Best Buy. The only anime series I'd rather watch then just read the damn manga is FLCL, so I decided I'd see if they had the DVDs because the show brings back fond memories. I was with my cousin, and he was looking for a mother's day present in the dvds, near the anime.
    So I asked this employee if they had it, because I didn't see it on the shelf, and she took a quick look and said "Nope!" (as if I didn't fucking look lol). The following occurred:
    Weeaboo: But we do have Fruits Basket, where like, everyones a different Chinese Zodiac animal.
    Me:Oh yeah, I've heard about that. Okay thanks.
    I walked off behind my cousin, who had found what he was looking for. She followed.
    Weeaboo: And then there's Naruto, which is up to like 400 episodes, but I'M not surprised.
    I then to my cousin murmured "Go! Go!".
    He sped up a little.
    Me w/ obvious irratation in my voice: Yeah, how DO they do it?!
    Then I yelped "run" in a clearly audible manner and we speedwalked and weaved to the other side of the store. She followed us halfway goddamn to the other side of the store.
    We laughed and called his friend who worked at that Best Buy but wasn't currently there. She knew her by name lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:43 No.2008175
    yeah, i know what time it is. i dont care. postan' in dying thread.

    i knew this one viet chick i went to middle school. she was one of my 1st friends as soon as she found out i was japanese. we talked about which series we liked and not much after that.

    she had a lot of dvds despite the fact that her family was poor. by 8th grade, she had most of our other friends watching anime. all girl stuff; fruits basket,azumanga daioh,ect.

    skip to high school. she became a habitual liar. she talked about how she made a ton of friends. then she joined a jrock band with AZNS. one was a hikki obsessed with maple story despite the fact that he was WTFGORGEOUS. they played happy happy jesus music. then she also choreographed dance routines for the cheer leading squad from a charter school ive never heard of. i havent had a good phone conversation in over 3 years so i just talked, talked about anything. i joked with her lies. she said she would be going to japan to record. i said "lol yeah bring be back something". when she said she played GITAH. i would say "yeah play for me next time im there"

    ive visited her house a few times. it wasnt horribly weeaboo. she did have a wallscroll and a figurine, but nothing too bad. her sisters were the bishie artists who collected those manbarbie dolls. the ones with the big heads with interchangeable goth/lolita clothes.

    she went to a summer of trade school for beauty crap.shes gonna go to the community college to learn cosmetology and become a punk stylist but shes just doing that style because its the closest american scene to jrock. she talks about how shes gonna get $4k a day to cut hair and dye hair for rich kids.

    not sure, but her and her new weeaboo friends went to AX.
    i miss her bullshit sometimes, i miss it so badly
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)03:00 No.2008191
    I was the weeaboo. In fact, most messages left in my yearbook are along the lines of: "Hey, whenever I see those japanese cartoons, I think of you." (But I don't think it was meant in an offensive manner... hopefully.)

    I would harp on about Reborn!, TTGL, Death Note, Naruto, whatever, to my long suffering friends. A day hardly went by when I didn't mention 'Gokudera' to someone.

    But then... I dated someone far FAR worse than me. We met at a con (typical). He gelled and straightened his hair everyday to look like Cloud's to the extent it has the texture of straw now. He spent what little money he got (from education benefits no less) on manga and games. Every phone call would be him recapping what happened in an anime series and what AWSOMELOLHAXOR skills he had on the xbox.

    The worst part was how racist he was against white people. Since he's white, he thinks it's ok to say stuff like, "But, you know, she's white. Ew."

    When we finally broke up, he started going out with another weeaboo and called her 'his new asian'.

    Best part? I didn't touch anime for months afterwards and I'm happier than I've ever been.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)03:03 No.2008193
    Mine isn't very extreme, just made me feel slightly creeped out at the time. It was the second con I'd been to, but I was still new to the whole scene because my first con I didn't go the whole time, and I'd gotten very lucky and only met nice, normal people. But the next con, I went to pre-reg the day before the con and was surprised that people were already hanging around in cosplay. I had to wait for a friend of mine to meet up with myself, my other friend and my brother. (None of us were cosplaying btw) So while sitting outside pre-reg, this horrible fat L chick walks up with a sign about wanting food. Doesn't say a word. Just slouches, bites her thumb and shows us her sign. Makes sense to hold a sign when you're sitting in one spot, but she walked right up to us, specifically. And just stares at us silently. We didn't even have bags or backpacks with us. Where would we have food? We look at each other briefly and inform her we have no food. She stalks away creepily.

    Then after getting our friend we head for the escalators. A bespectacled, terribly unfortunate-looking girl in a Naruto kyuubi fursuit is blocking our way with outstretched arms. Like the fat L, she doesn't say a word, so we just stare back. "Hugs?" She finally asks. We awkwardly tell her no and go past her to the escalators while she looks incredibly offended. I even wondered for a minute if she was a friend of one of my group. Nope. Just a stranger desperate for attention. And we weren't even in cosplay, I remind you.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)03:28 No.2008208
    I was the weeabo with my friends in sixth grade.
    Every time we'd have a writing assignment, mine would be about KH and her's would be about a trip or moving to Japan.
    It wasn't that bad, until she started talking about wanted to get a blood transplant from a Japanese person and get surgery to get her eyes to look more Japanese.
    Around then, she would start to freak about anything that was anywhere near negative with anime/manga.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)03:47 No.2008216
    I remember the penis game from 8th grade. My friends did it when we had this sub who was old and nearly deaf.

    As for the weeaboo stories...well I was one of the weeaboos.

    I used to say I wasn't as bad, but I wore a fucking Naruto headband around my neck or on my arm and had 2 wrist sweatbands. One had a metal plate on it with the leaf village symbol on it (sold it for $20, bought for $8) then got another with the mist village symbol. The other was, well an Inuyasha one. I never used Japanese words or obsessed over anything Asian. If I could go back in time, I would kick my own ass. Also this was Junior year of high school.

    By senior year I had done away with all of that crap. Actually I stopped wearing that shit mid junior year because I realized it was totally retarded. Anyways I sat with some people who varied in their interest in Japan (all girls). One was a goth-like girl who was leader of the Japanese Club during junior year (she actually attempted to make it not about anime, though it would be shown sometimes). She was fun and cute. The next one was a Korean/Irish girl who was (is) a closet yaoi fan-girl. She won't obsess over it, but she does enjoy it to moderation. She dislikes weeaboos. There was this girl who would wear cat-girl ears and was bone skinny. She had some "umm what's wrong with you?" quirks, but wasn't too annoying to be around. The next was this short girl who would say "fuck" in almost every sentence. That girl was pretty annoying and it wasn't just that. She acted like she was really smart and could kick everybody's ass.

    cont. in next post
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)03:58 No.2008224
    Now those last 2 girls I described met this Japanese guy and they were all over him. I joked about it behind their backs with the others at the table (there's more girls). I felt sorry for him until he actually started dating one of them.

    Let's see, there's 2 more I haven't decribed and they're both exs. The first was this fat girl who was a out-spoken yaoi fan-girl and a compulsive liar. She lied about a friend of mine forcing her to give head and she lied about me trying to get her to jack me off (she put her hand down my pants on her own, I just didn't object because I'm not gay and I had bad self-esteem). Last I heard she got into drugs and is now probably a bigger whore then she was before. The next was a girl who was into anime, but never let it show. She left me for a gay guy who I later choked for other reasons.

    Let me talk about the Japanese Club. The leader was cool as I said before, but the people in it only wanted to talk about anime, and it was the usual Naruto, Inuyasha, etc stuff. Granted at the time I liked them too, but I went there to learn about Japan. Also there was a smell that..well wasn't good in the least bit. I really felt sorry for the teacher that had to supervise us. In senior year they got a guy who would teach them Japanese and the last time I saw him, I swear to God he resembled L from Death Note because of his messy hair, white shirt, blue jeans, and his slouched posture. He didn't have the freaky face like him, he just looked like a normal Japanese guy.

    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)04:58 No.2008256
    I don't really have any stories, but we have public access computers in our local shopping centre and whenever I go past them there's always this morbidly obese middle aged woman looking up yaoi. She looks like she has no concept of personal hygiene and wears the same clothes day after day, and I feel a little sorry for her since I assume she must have some sort of mental disability. Stable people always grow out of that stage...right?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)05:40 No.2008278
    I don't quite understand what makes someone a weeaboo anymore. I enjoy watching anime and reading manga even some of the hyped up ones, I like hentai, but have no real interest in Japan as a country. So this makes me a weeaboo?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)06:48 No.2008348
    That pretty much sums up the thread. Sometimes some people will come out and admit that they were weeaboos, but so far none have been stupid enough to defend the shitty animes and type things like "BLEACH IS GREAT, OBEY OR I BOMB YOUR HOUSE"
    The extreme cases, however, sound like they continue to be a pain in the ass for other people in the world.
    Technically, if you enjoy -anything- from Japan, you're a weeaboo. ITT, though, weeaboos are basically people with mental disabilities or other socially awkward individuals who use Japan as a fantasy utopia outlet.
    Look up weeaboo on They have a hilariously accurate article on weeaboo. If at any point in their article you felt offended, shoot yourself in the head and rid us of your weeabooness.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)08:22 No.2008446
    Hmn...I don't know if this is worthy of even putting in...but I'll give it a go anyway.

    My story is that, well, I am half Japanese and half Filipino. One day I started talking to this other Japanese person and some white bitch accused me of being of being a "Japanese poser" due to the fact that I was speaking in Japanese that she didn't understand. Upon asking her where she had learned her Japanese, she responded with 'I learned my Japanese from J-pop'

    I had never felt so much rage before....
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)08:27 No.2008450
    I have one, not so extreme like some in here but still...

    I went to the con with my bf a few months ago. He was dressed as Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright, since I convinced him that he bared a slight resemblance to said character, and there was a Phoenix Wright group in that con. So when we were at the con, this two girls dressed as hot topic lolitas kept asked for a picture of my bf. Of course I didn't mind... it was just a picture. After that they left, but began to stalk us during the whole con. I left for the bathroom for a few minutes and left my bf with my stuff (including a Kirby plushie I had just bought), and when I return, I find those girls talking to my bf... since I'm not a jealous type, I shrugged it off. As soon as I arrive, they look at me and ask: "Is he your bf?" when I say yes they tell me to make him do yaoi. I told them that he doesn't want to do it, I can't make him. They glare at me and leave without as much as a good bye. They just left. When they do, my bf looks at me with relief. He told me how they wanted to have a picture of my bf making out with Godot and reaching for his crotch, and how they wouldn't stop hugging him.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)08:31 No.2008455

    I call bullshit. I really doubt this would ever happen.
    >> Tiran 08/01/09(Sat)08:38 No.2008463
    "Most Wapanese think that Japan™ is a place where the trees are made of Pocky, cities are made of platinum PS3s and Nintendo Wiis, and the girls and Bishojos proclaim "ME SO HORRONY" and kneel to take Wapanese cock up the poop chute. Wapanese frequently go to sushi bars or the Panda Express in the food court (despite the fact that it's Chinese foodz), as well as Sanrio stores on a weekly basis. They also eat Ramen and other Japanese food by the bucketload. They are the bane of American youth."

    Accuracy = 100%
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)08:42 No.2008470
    Do you really think it would never happen?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)08:50 No.2008482
    Sorry, that was just their excuse. For everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)09:05 No.2008492
    Wow I love this thread! I can't believe how close I was into becoming one of those social retards. I have enjoyed anime for as long as I remember, but some most people would be surprised to learn that I am an anime fan and also learned Japanese for that!(ok that is a really weeaboo move, but now I'm learning the language for the love of it)

    I have this friend who is actually very kind, but I sometimes get embarassed when she acts like the 'cool' characters in anime and games... The gestures, stylized facepalm... I really feel awkward when she does these strange anime-influenced actions.

    I really feel bad that she's boxing herself into identifying with male anime characters, who are usually tsundere or yandere despite her cuteness. She dresses up like a man, and she couldn't see that she's a regulation hottie.

    Oh, she also kicks me HARD in public. Anime-esque.
    But I'm still good friends with her
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)09:13 No.2008496
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    Not sure if anyone remembers me from last thread, but the crazy bitch I talked about there apparently went psycho and started trying to get my friends to turn against me or some shit after i posted all that.

    I don't really have much to contribute, other than that she continues being a psycho bitch, but eh. Have a picture of the crazy weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)09:24 No.2008508
    I know this weeaboo. He's your typical fatass (but he seems to be losin weight now that he's into cosplay and is becoming more img conscious) and he glomps just about anyone he thinks cute in conventions. He claims to be the best shinpachi cosplayer in cure. He also claims to be really good in Japanese but I'm not really sure. He wears his cosplay wigs in school. Even his friends think he's retarded but play along for the lulz!
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)14:10 No.2008521
    Poor guy. You can just tell he doesn't want to be there anymore.
    She's a lesbian.
    Also, I'm taking Japanese to see if the rumors about Japanese I are true.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:04 No.2008587
    I was cosplaying Azula from Avatar at a really small con back in March. It was just after the cosplay contest where I had won the 'best female' award.
    I'm sitting at my art table, working on commissions when this guy aproaches my table yelling stuff like "YOU WERE AMAZING!!1!1". At first I was very confused, until he started saying that I had all of Azula's moves exactly like in the show ( I had made up a martial art routine out of 4 basic karate techniques 5 mins before the cosplay contest) and that my cosplay was the best he's ever seen. Then he tells me that he's a huge fan of Avatar and ends up buying my 3 avatar girls bookmarks. He asks me for my msn because he wants to commission me, but he doesnt have the money right away. So I give the info to him, thinking he's just an over-reacting fanboy and nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:13 No.2008602
    A week or so later, the guy adds me on msn. At first I don't remember who he is, because he has some animu picture as his msn display pic. since the creep talked all MOE and unconfident I thought he was a girl. Until I found his facebook page.
    The guy thought he was the lord of some creatures from another dimension, had his own language, and had a thing for CP. His OC (him in the other dimension) was him with an inuyasha outfit, the shittiest yellow wig you ever saw, completed by a Naturo headband.
    He finally told me what he wanted me to draw for his commission not too long after I found this out. He asked for his OC making out with Toph from Avatar (who is a 12 year old girl or so). At which point I go 'uuuuuuh I'm not sure about this'. So then after 30 minutes of convo he mentions 'palcomix' more and more. Saying that my art looked alot like his. So I check out what 'palcomix' is and when the website loads...I almost vomited of rage. He was comparing my art to low-grade amateur hentai. And he was telling me that I should do comics like that. I promptly told him to fuck off and blocked him.

    I'm still sure that he has pictures of me in my Azula cosplay on his wall and that he regularely faps to them.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)15:27 No.2008619
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    Please tell us more, PLEASE. Not only will it be entertaining, but also there's a good chance that she'll go even crazier and end up in a ward/in jail/killing herself/posting here/pulling some crazy stunt/causing more hilarity to ensue. Only good can come from telling us more about this psycho unstable creature.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:02 No.2008670
    I know of a hambest. She's a pathological lying attention whore who's into "hardcore" anime like Lucky Star (she seriously thinks she's that blue haird one) and way, way way into creating her little OCs. Granted, she's a talented artist but OHSHIT does nothing that girl draw but her little OCs, which are nothing but Disgea recolors, her furry shit and her being "A PRINCESS FOR REALZ, GAVIN FROM PW LOVES ME."

    She loves nothing more than to talk about what a great cosplay she is (She's not), critize very, very hardworking and accurate cosplayers over the tiniest details, bitches about her weight but does nothing about it and, best of all, has an encylopedia like knowledge of all anime memes. We all hate her and keep her around for this thing which you call "the lols"
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)16:10 No.2008682
    That made me laugh way too hard. I guess if people are interested, I have some e-mails she sent to her ex-girlfriend and ex's friend that are pretty lulzy.

    He's the sweetest guy, he doesn't deserve the crazies.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:14 No.2008687
    Excuse me if this one gets a little confusing because I'm trying to summerize.

    I used to be friends with a girl who used to be fun, got out of the house, watched a wide variety of stuff and was just cool. A few years ago she got even more into cosplaying and everything and decided to drop whatever social skills she had at the moment. She was cosplaying in places and ways that just were not appropriate. (When security follows you around because you decided to dress like a freak.) She was saying things like "Naruto is the greatest piece of literature of all time" and "Kingdom Hearts is deeper than Shakespear"
    After pissing off her family and the entire bridal party of her then best friend that she was the maid of honor for, (for little things like going to a convention and not bothering to drive home in time for the bridal shower and making the bride pay for her own dinner at a smaller bridal party) She got booted out of her house and went up to Chicago to live with her new best friend in her friend's parents basement.

    Last I heard, she has decided that the engineering degree she didn't pay a cent for is worthless and is living out of a van making Organization 13 coats traveling con to con to sell those and buttons occasianally staying a few nights at a friends house.

    I talked to her ever so briefly at Acen and she confirmed all of it. It's nice to know that wherever I end up, it can't be any worse than where she is.

    Ask me and I'll tell you a story that involves her, a hotel room and a couple cans of roofing tar.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:18 No.2008693
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    Back in high school I met this girl who was the 2nd biggest weaboo I have ever met. She was fat but refused to except it and instead had a constant muffin top with trying to wear smaller shirts. She liked to draw anime in a weird creepy American style and tried to impress me with it constantly. I would just stare at her art and say with a forced smile, "This is really good, keep it up!" When she talked she would throw in bits of weaboo Japanese words like kawaii, sugoi, and tatemo daisuke desu. Being a female, you would think she would be able to bathe herself and keep an alright appearance. I guess not because she constantly reeked of body odor. She constantly wanted to cosplay really skinny characters too. Well since no one had the guts to tell her, your too fat to cosplay those characters, she thought it was a-okay and she would look sexy in the outfits. Me being an ass didn't stop her and I would let her make a fool of herself while she walked around cons with her gut hanging out.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:21 No.2008700
    ....Im asking....
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:34 No.2008724
    Please tell us. We love these kind of stories
    >> anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:44 No.2008747
    Long story short. I met her in 8th grade and apparently I was her Haruka and she was my Michiru. I was full of low self-esteem, so I looked over the fact that this girl could roll over and kill me in my sleep. We never made out or fingered each other (thank you jesus), because I'm such a fucking prude. While I was the quiet yaoi nerd she was the 'out and proud' yuri fan and kept trying to force me into reading it. I DIDN'T do the same thing with yaoi. Anyway, she INSISTED she was a yakuza whore, and she was Egyptian and knew all these folks there - oh and went there every month to visit her 'boyfriend' (wth?) - we were both anime nerds through highschool and constantly took the 'girl' role and myself the male, matching ourselves to series, and she just became this obsessive psycho-bitch that WOULD NOT FUCKING LET GO. I eventually realized this, and had to finally break the ties. It was fucking amazing.

    Last I heard of her after I threw into the navy she had a kid and the father apparently ditched her. And she's still +9000 overweight.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 08/01/09(Sat)16:51 No.2008762
    ...Do otherkin count in this situation? I have a pretty hilarious story about an elf prince...
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:52 No.2008764
    Its a bad sign when I read these and keep expecting to come across a story about myself....I'm pretty sure I was that bad at one point.
    although there was a girl in my vocal music class that was completely batshit obsessed with FMA, and would not shut up about how awesome Ed was. I tried to get her into anime other than FMA, but she would get upset when I told her that there were (le gasp) other, if not even better anime out there. was a tiny, cute little 14 year old thing. Although I do recall the two of us doing 'broken wings' from Trinity Blood for a presentation......I spaced out halfway through and fucked up hard. I was mortified at the time, but at least i can look back on it and lol.
    >> anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)16:55 No.2008770

    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)16:59 No.2008776
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    I really do kinda hope she'll start posting here instead of just bitching at my friends, but either way is pretty funny.

    Not that I'm entirely innocent, since I did post her personal information on /b/ a while back after she started trying to turn so many people against that poor boy.

    Anyway, at one point she started dating another fairly crazy person that was my friend at the time. My understanding of it is that crazy Zack headed to the other person's place of living (she would only refer to her as Cloud and her 'boyfriend' despite her identifying as female), got the chick drunk, and gave her a violent pegging.

    I can't be sure of the exact series of events from this point, but I have some pretty fucked up e-mails documenting it.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:02 No.2008781
    Thank you for the excerpt lol
    That poor cloud :\ I'd glomp him too though, he's hot :D Too bad I actually respect personal space.
    Also, don't feel bad. Crazy bitches usually have no real friends anyway. You'd lose nothing lol
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:05 No.2008789
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    The e-mails are between Zack girl (alternately called Zack, Yahriel, Amanda) Cloud girl, and a third party. I'll copy-paste from the beginning, dunno how much of it makes sense on the shit backstory I can provide.

    >I decided I want to be single for a reason and ever since you went on this giant possession.... thing. You kept pushing your feelings like you didn't want me to have any other choice but you and it was ANNOYING. I will choose what I want. I will be who I want to be. I will be with who I want to be with. You need to deal with that fact! It's not leading you on, it's not saying "Oh there's a HUGE chance between us" it's stating a fact!

    >Now I know facts scare you as I've obvious just witnessed. You don't want to deal with the truth of things because it doesn't fit for you. But you need to accept that some people tell the truth completely and don't sugar coat things.

    >FRIENDSHIP is fine. A relationship isn't. Especially at this point
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:05 No.2008790
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:08 No.2008796
    A classic situation.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:09 No.2008799
    He is pretty good looking, although I think he's a bit hotter in other costumes...but that's neither here nor there.

    >(hurr, name), please read this. Don't ignore it.

    >Yes, or at least I thought I did. Honestly, for some stupid reason, I still do.
    I run away? This is the first time. You are always the one to stop the conversation with things like "I'm ending this conversation now". I think YOU need to learn how to deal with problems. How to work them out, because ignoring them will never solve them. Normally I'd never run, but so much has just been building and building lately.
    *I* want to work things out with you, I want to understand you. But you never give me a straight explaination.

    >I never intended to be possessive. I wish you'd tell me what came across that way. I only kept telling you how I felt because I wanted you to know that I hadn't just given up and moved to someone else because you said you wanted to be single. I wanted you to know you had someone who'd be here regardless of the situation, and who really cared.
    In a way, you have still been leading me on. You were never direct enough to say "you know, I've been thinking, and actually... I don't think I want to be with you. But we can still be friends". I don't get that hint from subtlities.
    I also tell you because I'm expressive. I think it bothers you that I have emotions, things you've shunned because you're afraid of opening up and being hurt again.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:11 No.2008801
    (sorry guys, forgot it starts out slow but it gets good, promise.)

    >I gave you an opportunity to tell me exactly what I can and cannot do. For whatever reason, you don't want to tell me. So how can you expect me to know what lines not to cross if you never showed me where they were?

    >I only blocked you because that's similar to what YOU do. You just drop or ignore something you don't want to deal with. Everyone has breaking points, Cloud. You're pushing me more and more to mine. I've been thinking of giving up on you entirely, even as a friend. But I can't because I still care, and I'm afraid just leaving may hurt you and I don't want to do that. I think you put up a tough, cold front, but somewhere deep down, you do still feel things.

    >I can't always be the one apologising, the only one saying I'm wrong. ANY sort of relationship works because BOTH people make compromises.

    'Cloud's' response:
    >You lose friends faster then anyone I've ever known.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:12 No.2008804
    O christ, don't tell me that Cloud is the sweet and innocent looking man from the previous pic you posted. That's just simply HORRIFYING. But he does need to grow a pair if he's gonna let such a psycho bitch walk all over him and do things like that to him. Bitch needs to be BITCH SLAPPED some sense into.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:14 No.2008807
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    woops been forgetting pictures.
    Second set here, this is from crazy Zack to the third person involved.

    >Cloud told me what happened while you stayed.... you two had sex?
    I guess... somehow I kindda guessed it would happen. I thought I'd be okay with it, but I really feel - betrayed.
    All the times you said you really want to see Cloud and I together... that he was a lot happier when he talked about me...
    I don't remember if it was you I was mentioning it to... about wanting to give sex meaning to him again.
    Then you go and do this.... and while you had a BOYFRIEND, no less. Is THAT what made you wonder if you were still sexually attracted to him?
    According to Cloud's question-meme thing... he would kiss the last person he kissed... I thought that was me, and maybe, somewhere, that feeling was still there.... but I guess the last person he kissed was you.

    I feel really hurt. Really, really hurt.
    You can get mad at me, tell me "we were drunk" and all that, but that won't change it.

    I just.... can't believe you did this. You're with someone else. You wanted Cloud and *I* to be together. And then you do this... that's... worse than a slap in the face for both me AND your poor boyfriend.

    I wanted to call you, but I don't want to start crying while Cloud's here. I've been worried non-stop about everything, but I'm trying to just keep smiling because I want to give Cloud a happy weekend.

    He's changed... have you noticed it? A few months back, he seemed a lot happier, a lot more open. Now he's... a lot quieter, colder, distant, and there's a lot more anger there in general.
    I really miss Cloud being happy like he was in April.
    I miss being happy too.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:16 No.2008809
    He doesn't stand up for himself, which is what led me to going on such a tirade against her to start with. He goes along to please everyone and ends up hurting himself in the process. She knows it, too, but yeah. That'd be him.

    Response from 3rd party (probably least crazy of all) to Zack:

    I didn't go there planning to have sex. And it hardly changes that i want my friends to be happy. We had joked around for a damn long time that Cloud would take my viriginity when it came to girls.
    And yes, It happened. If CLoud chose to tell you about it that's his business.
    It doesn't change that yes I have a boyfriend, Yes I do love him. But honestly it also answered a damn lot of questions i had about my feelings towards girls as well. However THIS weekend (with no sex involved) also reminded me why i love and adore my boyfriend so much and really appreciate him.

    I haven't noticed the change in Cloud, not as much as you may have. We still talk about the same things and do the same things. The only time he sounds different to me is when he's upset with someone in his life, be it family or friends. And it's not any different than how he normally is.

    I do NOT want to loose your friendship over this. I and HOPE that I won't. You are a good friend and I want you both to be happy people (This was said with the thought of, when he's not being selfish i do enjoy talking to him and rping). I mean what I say, I was NEVER insincere with you.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:19 No.2008816
    This isn't a story, as I have none.

    I''ve always liked anime and manga.

    But what turned me off about it was comparing it to the culture and realizing that I may not be able to interact with these people at all...
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:21 No.2008819
    Okay, so a few years back she invited me to go to Anime Expo, I had to find my own way of getting there from Illinois but I could stay in her room. I later find out that the only reason I wans't able to drive over with her is because she and her cosplay lesbian brought 8 costumes between the two. One of those costumes was Sasuke with these demon wing/hand things. So she had these two huge hands that were made out of a plywood core with foam wrapped around them and the last thing she had to do to them was cover them to make them look demonic and bam she had her wings.

    Now they had managed to get a room on the ground floor so they had a sliding glass door that led directly outside, and she had already picked up a tarp so messes wouldn't be left. She then brings in the best thing she had found to cover these hands which was a couple of cans of roofing tar.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:22 No.2008821

    She doesn't even bother taking the hands outside, or putting down the tarp anywhere. She just lays one of the hands down directly on the hotel carpet and starts slathering them up with roofing tar, the entire time I'm trying to tell her this isn't a good idea.

    So the tar got on the walls, the dresser, the covers, the drapes, the carpet, from there it gets carried to the other side of the room and is ALL over the bathroom. But finally she has one side done on both hands. Instead of dragging them out to dry in her van she keeps them in the room the entire time, and is shocked when they take nearly three days to dry and have added so much weight to the form that it is literally imposible for anyone there to wear them on their back. (Keep in mind the hands are only half covered and the con ends the next day.)

    As I was packing my bags the next day to catch my flight I told her that there was no way I paying for any damages for the room. She later told me that I owed her $300 for my share of the room (Which wasn't true) I told her I wanted to see a bill (That she never came up with) and ended up giving her $150, which is what I usually pay for a con. Then she went to Chicago, and is now living out of a van.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:22 No.2008822
    >>I gave you an opportunity to tell me exactly what I can and cannot do. For whatever reason, you don't want to tell me. So how can you expect me to know what lines not to cross if you never showed me where they were?

    >I only blocked you because that's similar to what YOU do. You just drop or ignore something you don't want to deal with. Everyone has breaking points, Cloud. You're pushing me more and more to mine. I've been thinking of giving up on you entirely, even as a friend. But I can't because I still care, and I'm afraid just leaving may hurt you and I don't want to do that. I think you put up a tough, cold front, but somewhere deep down, you do still feel things.

    >I can't always be the one apologising, the only one saying I'm wrong. ANY sort of relationship works because BOTH people make compromises.

    Makes sense to me, bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:23 No.2008823
    Bitch with too many stories: post all the relevant email shit, and then explain in human words (without all the emo bitching) what it says, okay? This shit is confusing the hell outta me lol.

    Also, I just remembered. Something. I'll share in a separate post.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:24 No.2008824
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    long ones for these next few, but they start to get worthwhile. Another from Zack to third party.

    It doesn't mean anything, though, right? Right? I mean.... Cloud didn't even want to HUG me, but apperently he kissed you and would do it again. >_< That hurts...
    This whole weekend... He didn't want to have sex with me. He said he'd be ok with it on Friday, but he was buzzed and I freakin' tired from driving. Saturday... he didn't drink anything but water, even when I offered him something else. Why is it ok for you, but not for me?
    Also, thanks to what you and Cloud did, I almost had to sleep on the SOFA. Cloud's mom heard you guys and didn't want that happening again. We had to argue that I'd kill anyone who woke me in the morning and wait for his mom to go to bed before we could. Not that he stayed in bed... he ended up on the sofa because his arm really hurt... understandable, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:26 No.2008829
    Bitch with too many stories:

    Sounds to me like whoever is sending those emails that keeps calling someone Cloud is actually in a right mind. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding or something, but they seem right to me.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:28 No.2008830
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    will do. I forgot there's more background that needs to be discussed. heh.
    This is the same message to 3rd party girl, very long.

    >At least on Saturday we could stay together... I vaguely hinted at sex, but he didn't really respond to that. At least, though, we lay in his bed and he just started talking.... a lot more about what happened in California, how much of a bitch everyone was to him... I hurt for him, at the same time and really wanted to hug him... at the same time, I was incredibly happy that he was being open like that again. I almost fell asleep listening to him talk... not that he's boring! Just... listening to him again. That's the first time I smiled like that since April. I fell asleep smiling too.
    Kept waking up... every time he was snuggled up next to me... like... on my pillow next to me. Is he usually like that?

    I was kind of disappointed he didn't want to hug me when I left... he almost seemed like he wanted to get rid of me... at least while Nicole(?) was there. I came back later, deciding to let him borrow Guitar Hero III, he was nicer then... but still.
    Last time... we hugged, kissed, and generally kindda... lingered. This time it was more like... "k, cya!".

    I offered for him to come down with me and stay about a week, and I'd drive him back... he seemed like he really didn't want to go... He said stuff about his family would be mad, and the trip to Kentucky was supposed to be a family thing.... I thought he hated his family? I really just offered because I wanted to give him a break from the place...
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:30 No.2008833
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    It gets a bit better as it goes on, but I can see what you mean. She basically keeps saying that 'Cloud' isn't setting boundaries which isn't exactly true but I'll explain it all better once things are posted. heh.

    Last of the e-mail to 3rd party, pics from now on of the person the Zack wanted to raep because I'm sick of looking at ugly Zackface.

    Does he... still have feelings for me at all? He STILL didn't really answer that. And now that I know what his house is like, I don't really wanna ask. I can see why he can't really talk. The computer is right there, his mom stays up forever... x_x
    I refused to bring out any drama while I was there, though. I wanted to give Cloud a happy weekend. I'm making that a rule. Any time I'm at Cloud's house, no drama, unless he wants to bring something up. I can see it's stressful enough for him there as it is. I don't need to add to it.

    On the way back.... just because I could, I had my music up, window down... I just yelled "Cloud I love you! And I always will! And I promise I'll always be here for you!" And just started crying. >_< Will he ever love me again, or did I fuck up too badly after April?
    *sigh* Tangent - I don't care what Cloud looks like... long hair, short hair, blonde, brown, bright pink, fat, skinny, boy, girl. I love HIM. And I want to be with HIM, not his body. I realize that more and more every time I look at him. you really still think Cloud and I should be together?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:31 No.2008835
    O man that reminds me of something. Not a weeaboo story, but this story always made me laugh/rage. This past Acen my friend "Ariel" invited a bunch of her friends to share the room with her and share the burden of room cost. I was originally on the invite list, but I took too long to decide and by then she and 5 or 6 others were already in the room, so there was no space for me. I ended up staying with my BF at his house for the duration of Acen.
    But anyway, Ariel had made friends with this girl named "Shirley" earlier the year and Shirley and her bf "Lance" stayed with Ariel at the hotel. Things were okay until one night Shirley and Lance decided to dye their hair in the hotel bathroom and made a huge fucking mess. After Acen, Hyatt charged them about $3000 in damages, and there was no way Ariel could pay for all that, neither was Shirley or Lance going to pay for it. That's when the battle began.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:31 No.2008836
    Response from 3rd party to Zack now.
    This was my response. I don't think i've ever written a PM so long.

    You have initially stunned me speechless, I'm still trying to formulate a response to this.

    First of all. It meant something to me. Of course it did. I don't just fuck around. Cloud has always been special to me. and you know that we did try dating a couple years back it just didn't work out. However, he doesn't want to be with me. We're very good friends but that's it. I doubt we'll ever be more than that, ever. I accept that.

    Trust me I am extremely embarrassed that his mom heard us. And that probably does have a big part to do with why he didn't want to have sex with you most of the weekend. Friday night, like you said, he was buzzed, he even admits that makes him more eager to have sex. which is never a good thing for a relationship, it's fine if you just want to screw around but not if you want to date a person.

    You are acting like a jealous boyfriend, just stop it right there. It does no good to act like that when you are trying to sort things out.

    BTW i've slept on their sofa, and ya, waking up early sucks but at least it's a comfortable spot to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:33 No.2008838
    This is me.

    After reading >>2008830 and >>2008824 I think this girl is just more sadly delusional than anything. If she were better looking the Cloud probably would have sex with her and not be disgusted by her. Not that I really blame him, because she is pig disgusting looking, but she seems not to realize this at all. I feel bad for her. She should realize it's all about looks for Cloud and move on to some other basement-dwelling weeaboo that can appreciate her lard.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:33 No.2008839
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    (same continued, picture is the Cloud. I guess this is all around crazies but I still find it funny.)

    I'm glad he opened up to you, but from what he told me you did at least ONE major nono while you were visiting. You really can't swear in their house. It's not cute nor accepted. (not that i think you were trying to be cute) His family doesn't take well to it at all. And the hugging thing...well..Trust me I'm surprised to ever get a hug from Cloud. It's just not something he generally does.

    He does love his family even if they piss him off, regularlly. And th Kentucky thing is a family trip, he is really looking forward to visiting his Aunt and her boyfriend. I am very glad you understand now why Cloud doesn't like to talk, and it's good that he opened up to you during the night on saturday. And the lack of lingering in your goodbye could have been for several reasons. Cloud would be better to explain than you. Heck our goodbye was said on my front porch in front of his family and mine! It is very good of you not to bring up any Drama though. I'm sure he appreciated it.

    I only think you two should be together if *both* of you want it. I wouldn't force the issue one way or another. If you two got together I would have no problem supporting and being happy for you, but that is something you two need to work out yourselves. If he won't tell you how he feels then he's got some reason not to be ready to tell you one way or another.

    Lastly, I'm not worried about your trust towards him. I think you do trust him a lot. The fact that he topped me...It was kinda more of I had no idea in the slightest what i was doing with another girl. He was showing me what could be done. We've known each other a long time, and i'm *extremely* submissive, He's got enough dominant in him to be willing to show me what could be done. That way both of us came out satisfied, I don't think it was anything more than that.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:34 No.2008840
    So what did Ariel do to avoid paying $3000? She took Shirley to TV COURT. That's right. They filmed the episode some time mid July, but the show still hasn't been aired yet. Long story short, Ariel won, but apparently it was a really close call.
    What's dumb is that Ariel probably could've avoided this whole thing if she didn't invite Shirley to stay with her at Acen. Shirley at one point prior to acen worked for Ariel's uncle, but was caught stealing and tried to lie her way out of it. Ariel was piss mad at her, but somehow they made up.
    Moral of the story? Once a bitch, always a bitch.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:40 No.2008848
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    Okay, tbh, the next few run real slow over the same thing. I'd forgotten how many there were so I'll try and do a quick summary.

    Zack was dating this Cloud chick. Cloud chick tried to break up with her and Zack kept claiming that no boundaries were set and that she didn't know what was going on.

    She also started around this time posting some journal entries trashing the other person, talking about how the Cloud girl was toying with her and the whatnots, causing drama, etc.

    Finally, we get to the good stuff with the next e-mail from Zack to Cloud. (next message. also, pic unrelated, first stalked Cloud)
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:41 No.2008853
    Bitch with too many stories: the Cloud identifies as female?
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:41 No.2008854
    Isn't this familiar. Don't yell at me for emailing you after you block me. You did it too.
    If you're never going to speak to me again after this, at least just explain all this about Pam. If you really wanted to get across to me that you didn't want to be with me at all anymore, you'd have said something about it before. THAT would have been a damned good hint.
    ANd let me know WHEN it was that you stopped wanting to be with me. And why you didn't tell me THEN.
    You tell me I can't deal? YOU are REFUSING to deal at ALL.

    You really don't remember that you said you still wanted to have sex with me? You noted it was no big deal back in May. It didn't bother you I bought you toys. If you didn't want toat least fuck me still, why didn't you say that, either? You tell me I can't deal with the facts? You're right. I can't deal with the facts until YOU TELL ME THEM OUTRIGHT.
    And yeah, you DID say you'd be ok with sex on Friday night. You were buzzed, we were driving to Taco Bell.

    If I really treated you like as much of an object as you think I do, do you think I'd still CARE about your life?
    If I treated you like na object, I'd lash out at ANYONE who showed ANY intrestedin you, and keep at it until they backed off. I'd used the word "mine" and "my" with you. It'd tell you what you can and can't do.
    If I treated you like an object, I'd just use you when I wanted. Probably just for sex, and you seem OK WITH THAT, because sex doesn't matter at all to you.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:42 No.2008857
    I used to so bitter about the Anime Expo experience, granted, not bitter or angry enough to take her to court. There was other rage worthy stuff happening at that con and then I found out a year after the fact that she didn't even want me to go to the con, which is confusing because she was still inviting me a week before the con. I've asked her about that and she can't give me a straight answer.

    In hindsight I should have slapped her.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:43 No.2008860
    There are two different Clouds. The Cloud being discussed right now is female, period.
    The good looking Cloud is male. I told his story with this girl in the last thread I think but I can resummarize if anyone needs it.

    continuation of Zack yelling at girlcloud:

    >I wanted to give sex meaning to you. I wanted to help you over all the shit in your life. Are you honestly HAPPY? Do you really think people are okay with sleeping with anyone without it meaning anything? Are you really going to give up on all you've been trying for YOURSELF and move to Canada? That sounds like running to something that's easier to me.
    You don't WANT to get over being raped and all the shit with Catherine and stop being a cold, angry, walled-up person, do you? Why? Because life now is easier? Working on that would be HARD?
    You may think I'm talking out my ass, but I used to be there too. Sure, I haven't experienced all what you have, but NO ONE has and you can't expect them to. But I used to be a cold, angry, hardrock-listening, lashing-out mean bitch too. And I liked it that way too. It was easier for me. I didn't have to deal with anything I didn't want to. I could just lash out at someone and they'd back off and that was that.
    I still have no fucking clue what changed that and made me WANT to get out of that hell, but the point is something DID. I'm not trying to rub it in your face or say "be just like me!". I just wanted to point out it's possible to NOT feel like that.
    You're the one that told me you forgot how to really laugh.
    There IS still a nice you inside. You've showed it to me a few times.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:48 No.2008872
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    Okay, so I haven't been reading over the e-mails well enough to know if I copy-pasted the one that contains it, but Zack accuses Cloud of raping her, because they had a one night stand and it didn't really mean much to Cloud.

    She called it 'passive rape' or some such bullshit and started accusing Cloud of rape on her journal and whatnot. Turns out, the exact quote she used came from a yaoi. Pic related.
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:54 No.2008885
    Next part is choppy because it's all aim convo and y'know I don't feel like changing names.

    cloud (1:58:49 AM): Well if you ever come into contact from Pam you better run the opposite direction.
    zack (1:59:51 AM): mm. a threat. I see. Intimidation, huh? I don't care how strong or whatever she is. Or even if I'd lose. I'd want to fight her. I wouldn't run.
    cloud (2:00:30 AM): that doesn't answer my question, though
    zack (2:00:39 AM): yeah but then i'd have to step in and do you really want to be knocked flat on the ground?
    cloud (2:01:39 AM): you know, threats of violence don't work with me? You want to know something I can't even tell my therapist? I ENJOY the rage I get into. And when I get into such a state, I only want to HURT and I CAN ignore pain. So your threats of violence and BS don't bother me in the least.

    cloud (2:04:15 AM): I'm sorry should i just not tell you the truth?
    cloud (2:04:23 AM): Oh look! I apologized.
    zack (2:04:29 AM): *slow clap*
    zack (2:04:39 AM): SARCASM is not an apology.
    cloud (2:05:39 AM): If you want a threat I can make it that way.
    zack (2:05:54 AM): *shrugs* you know what? I don't fucking care anymore.
    cloud (2:06:27 AM): *claps*
    cloud (2:06:54 AM): So I guess I'll end this.
    cloud (2:06:58 AM): Get the fuck out of my life.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:56 No.2008889
    I'm sorry Bitch with too many stories, but I seriously can not deciphere what the hell is going on, nor who is who nor why anyone would want to fuck any of the people in the photos you have posted. Can you summerize or at least tell us who is who in the posts?
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:56 No.2008891
    Cloud sent a message to tell her that a package with a game was sent to end it all. This response followed. For the record, she STILL hasn't given up on the Acen shit and trashing others over that, so, yeah...

    I still can't believe that I made an honest attempt to continue to be friends with you, and you were being fake about it the WHOLE time. How does that make YOU the bigger person? Insincerity is NEVER mature.

    btw. Package arrived unsmashed. Hmm, imagine that.
    I said get the fuck out of my life. I meant it.
    I don't care what you do now, I will NEVER take you back and I will NEVER ask you to take me back.
    Please discontinue your meds and kill yourself like you always should have you're a worthless little child who was unwanted by her mentally immature mother, who comes from a family who can't afford to send her to college in a shit town that has no jobs.
    The world really don't need you at all.
    >> EDG has Yoga FIYAH !!FIU9eTniawB 08/01/09(Sat)17:57 No.2008896
    >cloud (2:06:54 AM): So I guess I'll end this.
    >cloud (2:06:58 AM): Get the fuck out of my life.

    I fucking EL OH EL'D
    >> Bitch with too many stories 08/01/09(Sat)17:58 No.2008899
    end of the last e-mail, will summarize I'm sorry. I didn't realize how clusterfucked it is.

    You are behaving JUST like that Acen group. I wanted to tie up loose ends and be done with it, they wanted to group with their friends, harass me, and drag it on.
    And now, you are JUST like them.

    Just so you know, a lot of my friends want to kick your ass too, for all the shit you put me through. Your friends got the impression that *I* hurt *you*? You ARE good at playing the victim. Ironically, you never told *ME* what I did to hurt you. Which is a pattern with you. You never tell me anything, you just expect me to get it, then dodge answering straight when I do ask. WTF? How does that make sense? Answer: it doesn't.

    I hope you think about what I said about you passively raping people. I've always wanted to say it to you, just under different circumstances.
    Don't go telling your friends that I'm saying you raped me, because I never said that. You're the one who twists words far more than I do.

    Actually, you know what I think? Everything you accuse me of is something YOU are far worse at doing.
    PS: I don't believe in hell, so I will NEVER actually see you again, in any form.
    Enjoy the hell you've created for yourself on earth, and rot in the ground when someone kills you because you pissed off the wrong person or you finally took your own miserable life.

    I hope you're crying. I really do.

    *I* will have the last word.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:41 No.2008955
    Kay, for now there are two clouds an a Zack.. one Cloud's a girl, another is a boy... but who fucked who, and who is blaming who of rape?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)20:00 No.2009023
    Alright guys, here goes my story... it's nothing crazy like most of the ones I have read here, but it's something.

    I used to be a weaboo with my friends (around 12-13ish). This included saying things in Japanese and thinking I was so cool for liking anime ect. I grew out of this.

    In my final year of highschool, our whole group of friends would often sit on 4th floor and mind our own business, chit chatting and whatnot. Of course, there's a new girl. Everyone's nice to her, and she is a good person, even if she was a little weird. She sits with our group (kind of off to the side...) and makes friends at the school too. She makes friends with the BIG. FAT. WEABOOS. Many of them. So they all come and sit where we sit. You could honestly smell some of them from where we sat. Two of them had long, unwashed blonde hair, were fat, and wore rainbow things. The other one of their friends wore all black and black lipstick and black eyeliner and... you get the idea. All lunch break all we'd hear is "kawaii this" and "sugoi that". My one friend often speaks loudly saying "WOW I wish people would WASH THEIR HAIR" because we finally got sick of their spaghetti-string greasy hair. Later that year is Anime North, and of course, we see them there, and turn our asses in the opposite direction. I guess looking back, in grade 12, I had grown WAAAAAY out of being a weaboo (that stopped in grade 9), so it shocked me to see other people my age who still said "kawaii".
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 08/01/09(Sat)20:21 No.2009086
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    Alrighty den, you asked for it!

    Basically, One of the shots I had as my Senior Photo (the rest of them were fairly vanilla) involved me in fluttery renfaire-type clothing spinning about in the sunshine. (pic related.) I'm not really into the Ren Faire scene much, but I liked clothes like that at the time. Anyhow. This was my Facebook picture my Freshman year of college. Now, I had "elves" as one of my FB interests, in reference to Anime/Manga elves, which I'm fond of. One day, I get a message from this guy. He greets me first in Elvish, which confuses the hell out of me, and then he goes on to say he thinks our interests line up, so he'd like to talk sometime. Being a naive Freshman with few friends, I think, sure, what the hey, I might as well. And, he seems pretty cute from his profile photo. (Which he was wearing Ren gear and was armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows.)

    I go down to a courtyard to meet this guy. He's nice enough, but he stares at me, eyes boring into the back of my head type of stare. His first words to me after, "Hi, I'm ____" is "Tell me about your elves." I'm taken aback, and ask what he means; he insists I tell him ALL about the elves from the comic I'm working on. Any time I try to move on, he INSISTED I go into further detail. Hours later, and perhaps ten words from him and entirely too much uncomfortable staring... I finally tell him I just need to go back home, and he insisted to walk me to my door. (Regret #1...) Turns out his dorm is kitty-corner from mine. So, he stands outside my door and just... stares... until I shut the door on him. Less than five minutes after I shut the door on him, he appears online, and is suddenly asking what kind of guy I like, and what type he is. I at this point, just think he's kind of creepy. Little did I know...
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)20:26 No.2009100
    I had some of my senior pictures done in a fairy costume! Hahaha senior pictures..
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)20:28 No.2009108
    ITT: cgl's autobiography told in third person
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)06:26 No.2009113
    i think the ones where they're in like middle school aren't as bad as the weeaboo stories where they're like 26 lol
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)06:32 No.2009116
    jesus christ almighty.
    Look at this fag!
    Dude desrves EVERYTHING he gets from this beast.
    Fucking grow a pair!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)07:03 No.2009131
    So I got a weeaboo stalker. A annoying beyond belief guy who has a speech impediment, doesn't take car of his self, wears Bleach stuff and tripp pants every day. Thinks he's the "bee's knees" because he knows everything about anime, Japan, and drive a very large truck that screams "Small penis!". He can not take hints to go away...

    Recently he started myspacing , texting and even stalking me at collage or the coffee shop that I go to. My friends always have me stand near them since I have a problem of being too nice in real life. [ On Internet I am apparently a cold hearted bitch] The coffee shop workers throw him out all the time because they hate him. It's amusing to watch.

    saw him at Con a few times, always runs up to me saying I should cosplay very reviling cosplays. My guy friends attack him for it. So there is a pro and con here. Free fights to watch. He always loses.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)07:07 No.2009133
    >Fight = Effeminate slapping

    fixed that for ya
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)09:03 No.2009196
    people still use the term "bees knees"?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)09:16 No.2009211

    Only mature, cultured people, like the ones here on /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)09:21 No.2009214
    fair enough
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 08/02/09(Sun)17:31 No.2010025
    Now that everything's unfrozen, I can actually finish this and have it make sense, derp.

    After this, I cordially invite him out on Sunday to church (I was a Freshman okay?) And so as I go to pick him up, a bunch of guys started catcalling me that I was ____'s girl. I ask what's up, they said he's printed out all of my photos and has them pinned up on his wall, and has been refreshing my Facebook to see what I'm up to. Uh. UH. So we go to church and he insists to sit in the very back... staring at me... After that, there's some mingling, so I'm drawing sitting in a low-backed couch... And he sneaks around... all the way around... and LEAPS on me from behind.

    Now, this kid was an archer. He was BUILT on his arms, and so he basically FLATTENED me. And my, oh my, did his hands end up in peculiar places! I push him off, and suggest we leave for coffee. I kept telling myself he was a bit social, a bit awkward, that he'd learn, I was probably being paranoid.

    In Starbucks, he stared at me over our coffee for another hour, half of a grin on his face. Out of nowhere, he asks me, through half-lidded eyes, "Have you ever wished... that you had pointy ears?"

    FML. I panic and start rubbing at my ears self-consciously and stammer that I liked my ears round, thank-you-very-much. He reaches across the table and begins to fondle my ear between his fingers. I slap his hand away, but he reaches back. I smacked his wrist again and simply told him we were going home.

    On the drive back, I said how pretty the city was at night, with all the lights and the squares. He says he hates cities, he hates people, and wants to live out in the wilderness where no one can find him. Nervous laugh. Same deal as before. He insists to walk me to my door, stands outside, staring, IMing very personal questions, etc.

    I shoulda taken that as a sign...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)17:35 No.2010031
    >I cordially invite him out on Sunday to church

    Any guy who says yes to such an invitation is a creep.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)17:36 No.2010035
    Enough talk of archaic colliquialisms, there are weeaboo horror stories to be told!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)17:39 No.2010040

    Wow, that is why no one I don't know can contact me on facebook. No creeps allowed.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 08/02/09(Sun)18:00 No.2010088
    Of course, I learned from this... I was a freshman and knew basically no one at the time, so I just thought, "Hey, opportunity to meet someone new!" FML, never again.

    Now, finally I block the guy because he was IMing me once an hour to ask if I was available, even at 4AM working on projects... Shortly after this I found myself quite ill with something I can only liken to the plague. I didn't leave my dorm except when necessary for a few days, threw back some Niquil like a party animal and slept most of the time. He keeps sending me Facebook notes about care packages and what I'm doing, what I'm up to, etc...

    When I'm finally well enough to go outside, I got myself some flowers for the room and was taking some photos of them to use for a project. Two of my friends came over, and I start to describe the weird encounters I've had with this guy. Speak of the devil, not five minutes after I sat down outside, here comes Mr. Elf, grin on his face, making a bee-line toward me. Now, how in the WORLD did he figure out I was outside? My friends quickly herd me in the dorm room as I hack up a lung, and he lingers outside the door... grinning at me.

    So, how did he know? Turns out, he posted some of the people around his dorm to watch my door. ...FFFFFF. At this point, I bring this information to my friends.

    They pause and say, "Wait... Are you talking about the ELF that lives in _____?" And I ask what they mean... Apparently, this guy believes straight-up that he's an Elven Prince, speaks and writes notes in Elvish, wears full Elven gear, silicone ears included, to class... And the kicker, they told me at last:

    "Apparently he's been babbling that he found his Elf Queen, but she hasn't 'awakened' to it yet... Oh my God, that's not you, is it?"

    >> OBVIOUSLYNOTMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 08/02/09(Sun)18:07 No.2010120
    >"Apparently he's been babbling that he found his Elf Queen, but she hasn't 'awakened' to it yet... Oh my God, that's not you, is it?"


    Geeeze that is terrifying and sad. I pity the guy, I hope he got over that.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)18:11 No.2010134
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    You had to have made that up.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)18:24 No.2010164
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    Sometimes I wonder... am I the only sane, slim, proper hygiene-maintaining Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist fan in existence?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)18:26 No.2010175
    >proper hygiene-maintaining
    >Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist fan

    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 08/02/09(Sun)18:34 No.2010201

    I take a stroll about on his Facebook page, to see if I find any evidence of this. Sure enough, there's a bunch of Otherkin groups, ("I am an Elf" was my favorite, Elven Royalty, etc, etc), but uh... I then come across all of the fetish groups he was a part of. Heavy S&M, particularly with him as the part of the sadist, and the woman being completely bent against her will. Much information goes in here about his knowledge of tying women up tightly and otherwise abusing them without leaving bruises...

    If that's your lifestyle, go for it, have fun, be safe, all my blessings, etc. But the other behavior this guy exhibited was enough for me. So I basically am FFFFing all over the place, and cut off any contact from this guy.

    He goes quiet for a while, until, suddenly, magically, this year... He appears in my classes. It turns out this guy, who CANNOT draw worth a lick... is suddenly in my Major! In my class! Grinning at me for ten weeks! Our first assignment was to do a "how to" comic. The assignment spanned AWA, so I did an assignment about how to have fun and survive con. At the end of the weekend, we exchanged comics to read and critique before the class. His was...In a round about way, basically how to dominate a woman, tie her in bondage, and drop her in a vat of acid.

    His comics continued to be real winners all quarter, and each of them either had something to do with dominating women, or strategically taking over the world. He defends that he is "INTJ", which is apparently a personality type that is completely logical and introverted.

    In his free time, he studies military theory, and makes and collects weaponry. Which, I think, is still on campus with him.

    To say I was spooked would put this quite mildly. At this point I went to my RAs and asked if there was anything to be done, but they got so hung up on the hilarity that he thought he was an elf that they didn't quite follow through...
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 08/02/09(Sun)18:38 No.2010215
    Nooo, sir. Not made up at all. Wish it were. It's sorta hard to get people to believe me...

    But thankfully (so far) this story has a kind of happy ending. Apparently my avoiding-him-at-all-costs led him to his REAL Elf Queen, another girl, who reciprocated. It turns out that his readings of me were wrong. I was just a handmaid!

    Meanwhile, this guy seems to have fixated on world domination. Quite literally. I just found a post where he militarily described how he would do it. I would just take it for the lulz, but this guy is absolutely heart-attack serious about it.

    New year starts up soon, so here's hoping I don't cross paths with this sad, strange little man again!
    >> bizitmap 08/02/09(Sun)18:38 No.2010216
    We had several weeaboos in the dorms, but we had one guy who stands out in my mind. This guy did the tripp pants, the flame always-open shirt, the weird weird fingerless-glove-kinda things. Can someone explain that outfit to me? I've seen it several times but I don't GET it.

    Anyway, this guy first cemented himself as totally annoying after yelling I HEAR KINGDOM HEARTS up the hallway whenever another weeabo was playing it, or if merely the TV ad for the game was on. He left hentai DVDs lying around his room, and would argue with you about ANYTHING (and was a bible-thumping fundie.) He also stalked a girl, which I didnt realize until this conversation.

    Me: Hey, I'm giving a bunch of people a ride to <event>. Do you and your boyfriend need a ride?

    I think he FINALLY asked her out eventually. ...While she was cuddling her actual boyfriend.
    >> Spruce_Caboose !cVTleaVCfA 08/02/09(Sun)18:46 No.2010240

    Yes, Ian. You are.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)18:53 No.2010267
    >Friend: LOL You could sell yourself.
    >Weaboo Girl: . . . . . . Do you think that would actually work?
    >Friend: . . . . I was kidding.
    >Weaboo Girl: No, I'm being serious. How much should I charge?

    That happened to me. THREE times. And the girls ALWAYS were hambeasts with horrible personal hygiene.
    What the hell
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)18:54 No.2010274
    I also like Death Note.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)18:55 No.2010282

    WOW...just WOW.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)19:00 No.2010298
    Sane people can like silly, inane, formulaic tripe like Naruto, FMA, Deathnote, Kingdom Hearts, etc. Just because I love a filet mignon doesn't mean I won't enjoy some sloppy fast food now and then.

    A sane, healthy person does not then write fanfics, tearfully fantasize about the impossibility of that character being real, start saying people they know are actually incarnations of those characters, try to convince everyone that these works rival the greatest literature on Earth, become desperately infatuated with people who just happened to dress in a costume of a particular character, etc, etc...
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)20:11 No.2010627
    Bump for great justice
    >> Swiper !!9QPmDTUB9Pf 08/02/09(Sun)20:14 No.2010645
    Btw cgl I used to be this kind of weeaboo.
    I used to cosplay to school, or to a mall, but only with a reason. ( such as its halloween )
    Wear anime clothing as much as possible, anime shirts, pants with kanji painted on them, necklaces and symbols from animes.
    Glomping, but only to my friends, not random people.
    I was never really as bad as a lot of these people.
    I Did try to draw when I first got in to anime but I was never good a drawing so I gave up quickly.
    Instead I focused on becoming a better and better cosplayer.
    I liked and still do like yaoi I'm not rabid about it. Its like regular porn to me, just " fap material "
    I never tried to act out any yaoi with another character from the anime I would I cosplaying from.
    I never went around screaming memes, things from anime, penis ect.
    I never tried to learn Japanese, but I did want to visit japan some day.
    I have never till this day participated in a carameldancen.
    I was a well behaved not socially awkward weeaboo
    I knew how to have fun and not be a total retard.

    I have calmed down quite a lot since my 15 year old, freshman high school, closet cosplayen, hyper weeaboo days.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:18 No.2010944
    Lmao handmaid. Does that mean whenever his Elf Queen isn't up for it, he'll still come knocking on your door with the ropes? He honestly sounds like a serial killer to me, what with the whole S&M thing. I hope his Elf Queen can take that.
    That said, I was also a weeaboo once. In fact, I was so much of one, I dated a guy when I was about 14-15. Over a private server of Ragnarok Online. Yea, you read that right.
    The guy was about a year older than me. I was young and foolish, needless to say. And I didn't know the definition of weeaboo at the time, but now that I look back, he's DEFINITELY a weeaboo.
    1) He ALWAYS had Japanese character names. The one that he used the most for himself was Kageryu Kurohana. Look him up. He's actually really popular on the AX forum, last time I checked.
    2) He wrote fanfictions. Granted, I did too, but I usually gave up 3 weeks into it. He wrote at least 4-5 RO-based fanfictions. He also godmods his character, which always made for a retarded read.
    3) He had the chance to learn a real life martial arts style, but he was a poor bastard, so even though his friend offered to pay for him, he quit after a week or two and said that he can do roundhouse kicks like no one's business.
    4) He planned to go to Japan. After high school he went to a community college and learned Japanese, but I'm not sure if he's gone there yet.
    5) Was a goth. Not too bad looking, but was one of those people who would cosplay as their own OC's.
    6) His art sucks. Look him up on dA. He can edit CG well, but his own characters and fan arts suck.
    O shit, he just reminded me of an even bigger weeaboo. Will post in next post.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:19 No.2010946
    bump for more laughter
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:22 No.2010961
    Not necessarily my weeaboo nightmare story (it was definitely shared between me and one other), but I averted most of the horrible moments.

    A friend of mine, who I knew all through high school, and I, for old times sake, decided to go check out an anime convention last year. In fact, it had been 3 years since we've seen each other but we had kept in touch through MSN (I had gone to university, he went to a community college, we were both 21 at the time of this story.) Picture this: he was originally a guy built enough that he could have done any sport he wanted easily. Wasn't fat in the slightest, kept his hair cut short, and was 6'2" when he was 18. Yet, his fascination with all things japanese made him seem weird and dorky (especially Naruto [HE MEMORIZED ALL THE FUCKING HAND GESTURES].) Since no-one had the balls to go up to him and tell him all this was stupid (including me), mainly because of the size/weight difference and his minor history of violence, he let it flourish well into our graduation and when we parted ways.>>
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:23 No.2010966
    The convention was in the city he was living at, so I came over via bus to shack up with him the night before. I found his place, this apartment literally 50 feet from a KFC, and saw that a horrifying transformation had taken place. He was slightly taller, slightly fatter, grew his hair out, and his voice had completely deflated. Essentially, a super-creepy guy who still knew all the Naruto hand-motions. The inside of his apartment was something I could have done a psychological study on for decades. Covered on all of his walls were posters and wall-scrolls of anime shows featuring girls (Lucky Star, Sakura, etc.), all of his shelves were filled with figurines and manga relating to girls, and the room smelled of incense and sweat. These weren't the hot, busty girls either; these were the flat-chested/short-skirted ones. To make matters worse, he had a DVD collection full of Naruto, DBZ, and the aforementioned anime which looked like they were worn out from overuse. Also, clothes and pizza boxes/KFC buckets everywhere. There was more, but I was overwhelmed by all of it at once.

    I ignored my revulsion for now and tolerated all of it, being the moralfag that I am. He tried to show me all of the stuff, and I did watch some of it, but it was all so alien that I couldn't get into it. Seeing that my interests in anime weren't limited to little girls, he had a few Gantz episodes laying around that we watched. Night passed by relatively uneventfully, lots of snoring and the sweat smell grew stronger, and we went to the convention. Immediately he begins hitting on the cosplayers who were obviously under-aged, so I tell him I'm going to the dealer's room and to call me on my cell if he needed anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:25 No.2010970
    Several hours later he does, saying that he wants to meet up at a nearby resturant for some grub. With him he brought this tiny 15-year old cosplayer (didn't recognize the costume, small dress thing) who was just as annoying as he was a full foot shorter than him. We had a conversation about the merits of Japanese society (i.e., none of us have a fucking clue) and them yelling out random quotes from Lucky Star and NGE, before we headed back out to the convention. I see the look in his eyes that says both "Check out this piece of meat" and "Don't be a third wheel", so I happily obliged and disappeared back into the crowd.

    Fearing what was probably going to happen, I made sure to hang out at all-night anime viewings and a random Munchkin tournament with enough caffeine to keep me buzzed for the next week. No cell calls wondering where I was, the night went by pretty fast.

    Turns out he didn't even go back to his place; he went to the hotel room of that girl. She was there with another friend of hers (also a cosplayer) she kicked out of the room for that night. I didn't ask for more details. The rest of the two days there were made up checking out the dealers' room, taking pictures of some really neat costumes, and getting the keys to his place off him so I could shower/change (he spent the next two nights in the same hotel room, doing what we're all thinking.) We passed by each other occasionally, with that girl in tow.

    I never did meet that other girl, who got kicked out of the hotel room, but I felt sorry for her for weeks afterwards. She probably had it a whole lot worse than I did since she probably chipped in for the room. Not to mention having his odorous sweat cling to the costumes she might have worn.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:32 No.2010995
    The one thing I can't stand is dating people on-fucking-line. If you aren't forty and recently divorced, you have no business dating people online. Fucking 8th grade flashback, god damn weeaboo ugly preteens....
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:32 No.2010996
    So I used to play on a private Ragnarok Server, it was called KageRO. It might still be up and running right now, actually, if anyone cares to look it up. KageRO brings back some fond/horrid memories, but none stuck with me as long as the bitchy RO host did. Her username was Kumori Shinpi. I just looked her up and apparently she took down her own freewebs site already. Too bad, cuz it was full of weeaboo shit in there, things like her "role-playing" characters and how she's a high-and-mighty clan leader, bullshit godmod crap like that.
    Even though I only knew her online, man was she a fucking bitch. Biggest pain in the ass. She made GMs only out of people she liked, was pretty cold-hearted and catty, and was a general prick all around. She started running Kage RO around when she was 18, and she was a "devoted GM/host". If you're 18 and you're completely devoted to hosting a MMORPG, I'm sorry, but your future looks rather grim, basement dweller.
    Apparently she was also part of some online family role-playing crap. Here's her profile on one her "family member's" sites so you can get a glimpse of her weeabooness.
    She has a dA, but it's dead. The last journal entry she wrote on it was about how she saved her work place from going up in flames. I call bull shit.
    O yea and after I broke up with my weeaboo boyfriend, she apparently took him. But they broke up when he said he wanted to move to Japan and she said Japan is anti-feminine rights. Fucking feminazi, but she's right on that way. That's the only non-weeaboo thing about her (not like Japan), but I'm pretty sure she still wishes she was born Japanese and could suck Asian cocks instead of fapping to shitty RO pr0n in her basement with her "indestructible" RO server.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:33 No.2010997

    This year I was planning to go to the convention again, with what happened last year as a distant memory. He said he didn't want to go this year, so I went with another group of friends.

    Turns out he went to the convention anyway, with a different girl in his arm and a weird haircut to go with his Naruto headband, so I called him on it. He said at first that he decided to go at the last minute but, after some pushing, it turns out he didn't like how I wasn't into anime (Read: his anime) and it just made things awkward between him and I.

    More confused than hurt, I just backed away and washed my hands of the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:35 No.2011005
    lmao sounds like you did it too. Well, at least I grew out of it and got a real bf now :] I'm actually kinda glad that I got my first bf rather late (we started dating December last year, when I was 18) cuz we do some kinky stuff now that I don't think I could've stayed off of doing when I was 16. In other words, I think if I started dating at 16 instead of 18, I'd be one hell of a slutty whore now.
    But meh, w/e, at least I can laugh at it now, even though a part of me dies every time I remember those shitty times.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)21:57 No.2011010
    cool story sis!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)22:02 No.2011018
    No, I was referring to this one girl I knew in 8th grade-- I pray like you she grew out of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)22:14 No.2011051
    My favorite weeaboo was of the "I AM NOT A WEEABOO, I HATE WEEABOOS!" variety. She watched anime constantly--only the zomg rare stuff and hated it the second it became popular, commissioned expensive costumes, dressed in decora and sometimes egl fashion but mostly cyber-raver shit. She thought she was an expert on Japan and Japanese because her high school had a japanese class, which gave her the right to look down on other weeaboos. Of course this also gave her the right to throw more random Japanese phrases into conversation and laugh at us lesser 'weeaboos' who stared at her like she was an idiot (for randomly spouting another language-- though in her mind it was because we were too dumb to understand the Mother Tongue.) This attitude made it pretty hard for her to keep friends, because while anyone who may at any point have liked anime was a giant 'weeaboo' in her eyes, but if you pointed out that her dream of going to live in Japan Mega-tokyo style was pretty fuckin weeaboo, she'd flip shit.

    I really tried to be nice to her but being called every weekend just because she needed a ride someplace--usually a rave or whatever subculture she was trying not-to-be-a-weeaboo in got old REALLY fast. She still calls occassionally but i let it go straight to voicemail.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)22:29 No.2011111
    hmm. my one weeaboo girl told me the best shit. she was really quiet when i frst met her, so i didn't really think much of it when she did talk.

    she was alwas wearing lolita clothing, and she told me she made all of it. a friend called her on it when she spotted a tag, and then she stopped speaking to all of us.

    the best stories were the ones she told me about yaoi manga. the one manga about the girl songwriter who dates the lead singer in some band? she told me that it was originally a yaoi comic but "they made it 'het' for the states" --oh yeah, totally redrew it and rewrote it and everything. All 19 some volumes. She also tried to convince me that I would 'just miss' releases of manga I would really want to see that obviously didn't exist, like extensions of series, etc.

    she'd claim to have a japanese friend who had insider knowledge. also who told her that the original lead singer of Malice Mizer died, oh wait, faked his death (when she found out he wasn't actually dead and had just separated from the band) and all kinds of other stuff that just didn't make sense.

    I could never figure out why she'd make up that stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)00:18 No.2011340
    >>2010970 he's 21 when he banged that 15 year old? WOW.
    He's a fucking pedophile and she's a dumb little
    slut. Jesus Christ I'm fucking disgusted.
    To make themselves feel better/superior is my guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)00:19 No.2011341
    Was her story weeaboo at all? Cuz if it was and you know at least the main story behind it you'd have to share :P
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)00:23 No.2011353
    God, I've had weeaboos clinging to my skirts since the fourth grade.

    The worst of them all was this insane little shit in the seventh grade. He liked Naruto and, naturally, thought he was a ninja.

    He wouldn't go around dressing the part (thankfully, since we had uniforms) but he would make up for it with all the crap that he spewed every day. He would tell me stuff like "I have a wolf demon inside of me" or "I can make doppelgangers". One of the lulziest things he said (actually wrote, since he always forced notes at me in the middle of class) was that he was, quote "Born under the full moon in a forest in a basket at 12:10 midnight". He also frequently drew porn.

    He was later expelled for fapping in the closet during a class play. go figure.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)01:52 No.2011583
    I don't have any weeaboo horror stories but there's this one girl I know who's a year younger than me who is pretty fucking awful. She's apparently extremely poor and makes sure everyone knows and takes pity on her. Her dad has cancer and has been almost about to die for about two years now, another thing she makes sure everyone knows. She never washes her hair or seems to take a shower (or wear deodorant for that matter) and dreams of moving to Japan to become a fashion designer even though she seems capable of wearing the same ugly three shirts and godawful jeans every single day. Also, if you even try to tell her she's not Asian (she's blonde and blue-eyed) she flips a shit and starts to cry. And I mean, seriously, she is extremely insulted by it. She also believes that the Asian race is FAR SUPERIOR OMG and if you say anything against Japan, the Japanese, or Japanese culture she also flips a shit so hard you'd think the world was going to end.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)01:53 No.2011585
    >>2011583 cont.

    She insists with the narrow-mindedness of the mentally ill that she is NOT ATTRACTED to anyone human, and is strictly asexual, but does crappy drawings of "sexy" Japanese guys with awful cliche Japanese names (Kyo, Aki, Rie, etc etc) and plans to write this whole manga series about them because they're in a J-rock group, which is coincidentally all the music she'll listen to. She also will tell anyone who will listen how hot Gackt is. But if you try to tell her that she finds him hot and is therefore attracted to someone who's not 2D she will yell at you for several minutes about how it's NOT THE SAME THING!!!!!11 and not to accuse her of something like that. But she's totally obsessed with OMG SASUKEEEEE~~~~~~~~ and carries a filthy Sasuke plushy around with her every single day. And this is, like, to school. And she doesn't put him in her locker or anything, or put him in her backpack, she carries him around with her everywhere. She claims that she's exactly like Sakura and Sasuke is her true love.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)01:54 No.2011587
    >>2011585 cont.

    On the days she feels like dressing up she'll wear either a full (crappy) kimono or complete (crappy) cosplay of some random character (possibly of her own design) complete with huge white failwig that looks like it's never been brushed or cared for in its poor miserable life.
    She also claims that she wants to be a writer when she's older and has this whole story planned out which is basically Twilight (she renamed it "Midnight") rewritten and stupider. But then she thinks Twilight is stupid.
    To top it off, she calls herself "Amaya" (which is obviously not her real name) and insists that all of her teachers do so as well. She writes it on all of her schoolwork, too.

    She's never done anything horribly weeabooish beyond just being herself, so no horror stories.

    Also, she's going to be a senior in high school this year.
    >> 50s Housewife 08/03/09(Mon)02:01 No.2011596
    I used to be a closet-weeaboo. I even joined the anime club in high school under the guise of extra-curricular activities looking good on my college applications, even though I was already in two other clubs. One time after the weekly meeting, one of the boys in the club came up and asked to talk to me privately. He must have been a year or two my junior, but he was tall and awkward and gangly as they come. He knew I harbored a secret passion for magical girl anime and handed me a huge poster of Sakura from Card Captor Sakura in one of my favorite outfits of hers(from when she was fighting the Big card in the anime). I was touched, but I didn't have any feelings for him besides friendship. Later in the day during my last class, someone knocked the poster off of the rack on the back of my desk and it unfurled. Horrified, I quickly made something up about someone giving me the wrong damn poster and proceeded to ball it up and throw it away. I wish I hadn't been so self-conscious back then.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)02:05 No.2011606
    >He defends that he is "INTJ", which is apparently a personality type that is completely logical and introverted.

    Yeah, I'm INTJ (Introverted iNtuitive Thinking, and Judging) and it doesn't excuse anything he does.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)02:17 No.2011629
    weeaboos aren't really that bad. i mean i've known a chunk of em believe me, i work at a video game store i get it all the fucking time.

    but every time they came in they wouldn't like proclaim to the whole world that they love anime and would rather be Japanese or what have you.i mean they were just normal. i've only had 1 weeaboo horror story and i wouldn't consider it like a fucking massacre or something.

    these 3 girls walk in(could tell they were weeaboo's because they were carrying around those stupid fucking invader zim lunch pails)and they were just talking about how deathnote is the best anime and how if L and Light were to fight L would win or something. now i didn't interject because i hate deathnote. but i didn't want my opinion's to ruin that of a 14 year old girls dream of sucking an animated characters cock.i mean let's be real here, if you were to correct a weeaboo, you would be considered worst then they are i i didn't want some sort of rage infused death war between me and 3 prepubescent girls over an anime about 2 men who secretly want to suck each other off while cooking pancakes and picking fruit for a fruit tart.

    i guess what i'm trying to say is Weeaboo's are not that bad.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 08/03/09(Mon)03:05 No.2011728
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    Which is why I put it in quotes... I know several INTJ folks who are just kind of "Wat?" at his behavior. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)03:34 No.2011761
    thanks for the fun stories guys. Really made my shitty day better.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)04:07 No.2011815
    Oh fuck yes, I just remembered a few good ones from the weeaboos at my High School.

    I remember going into the anime club thinking "Well, it's not bad, the friends like it, what could go wrong?" Well, I joined it Junior year and became Vice President Senior year. The previous President and Vice President were the typical weeaboo yaoi fangirls. They cosplayed as Rikku and Sora and loved to mack at cons. Of course this was terrible to watch because despite one of them having a good costume they were both butterfaces. Yaoi fangirls ate that up but everytime that occurred (often) I felt queasy and disturbed.

    Other acts that these two committed during school hours were wearing tails (what in the fuck is up with weeaboos and fluffy tails) celebrating days like Gay day or National Suicide Awareness various ways in public...Like yelling GAY RIGHTS BLAH BLAH to drag attention to themselves in public around me.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)04:09 No.2011821
    Oops, forgot the last thing, which is just being attention whores every chance they got and degrading the human race one little bit at a time.

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