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    File : 1248735023.jpg-(53 KB, 640x480, im psychic.jpg)
    53 KB Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)18:50 No.1997499  
    Doctors orders: Take two Maguma's a day and call me in the morning
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)18:54 No.1997517
    is that ai-honey?
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/27/09(Mon)18:58 No.1997529
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)18:59 No.1997533
    Ai-Honey and Maguma sittin in a tree,
    Y-I-F-F-I-N-G. =D
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:04 No.1997547
         File1248735885.gif-(26 KB, 905x880, rage_doug.gif)
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    You don't know what that word means, do you?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:09 No.1997558

    Its called joking around.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:10 No.1997562
    yiffing is the onomatopoeia made when animals fuck.

    more specifically, a term for furfags, neither of which maguma nor ai honey are.

    dumb shit faggot piece of dick
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:10 No.1997563
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/27/09(Mon)19:19 No.1997579
    Ne'er a chance in hell, sorry. :p
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:22 No.1997587
    ok furfag.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:48 No.1997849
    >two Magumas
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/27/09(Mon)22:03 No.1997880
    Woulda look at that~
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:10 No.1997892
    Idk who this faggot is, but wtf is up with his hair?
    >> The Doctor !TARDis16ow 07/27/09(Mon)22:16 No.1997906
         File1248747419.jpg-(37 KB, 512x288, doctorisupsteriwiththis.jpg)
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    I said no such thing, now go on get out of here, go kick rocks.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/27/09(Mon)22:17 No.1997907
    >>1997892 but wtf is up with his hair?
    >wtf is up with his hair?
    >his hair?

    ÒAÓ nigga you best be jokin
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:20 No.1997913
    A white girl and some beaner, for this I am ashamed.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:22 No.1997917

    What's wrong with a good ole afro?
    I've never seen a black dude with straight hair(not wig) that wasn't gay! Nothin wrong with being gay tho...
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/27/09(Mon)22:31 No.1997935
    wigs bro. wigs
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:31 No.1997937
    ITT: Nigger Lovering
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 07/27/09(Mon)22:40 No.1997950
    I hate life.

    Oh, what would you know.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:42 No.1997954
    Not sure why you idiots keep talking about this "maguma" guy. Just looks like some crappy attention whore that tries to use the guise of cosplay to sniff women.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:50 No.1997976

    And I hate british people

    Consider us even
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:51 No.1997979

    Huh Maguma and that girl have the same general lip and chin structure. Are they related?
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 07/27/09(Mon)22:52 No.1997981
    .. the only way that could make us even is if you were life. ARE YOU LIFE?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/27/09(Mon)22:53 No.1997985
    She's my mom

    Pretty much. he just loves huffin women smells.
    >> Blastoise !!Rbk9t6v/ojj 07/27/09(Mon)22:58 No.1998006
    I still don't see how people think he's black.

    Tan with a huge schnoz, yeah, but I'm not convinced he's black.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:05 No.1998030

    Quit beating around the bush and just ask him for a picture of his dick
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:05 No.1998032
         File1248750357.gif-(63 KB, 300x415, 180px-Lifecersaz.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:07 No.1998036
    it should actually be a scan so it looks like a flatworm or some kind.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:09 No.1998041
    that guy looks like he would smell sweaty
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:10 No.1998045

    I know everything about you, I even know where you keep your tampons.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:12 No.1998053

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/27/09(Mon)23:16 No.1998059

    i should be a barber, and tell stories all day. That'll convince ya
    >> Blastoise !!Rbk9t6v/ojj 07/27/09(Mon)23:25 No.1998087

    Its not that I don't believe it, I've just never seen a black guy that looked so... I'm going with "fruity."
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/27/09(Mon)23:27 No.1998091
    I know, and i'm jewish to boot. Doesn't help my case.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)00:18 No.1998255
    To those that have met Maguma: Does he say "oi vey" a lot?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)00:55 No.1998364
         File1248756935.jpg-(70 KB, 750x600, jew-jitsu.jpg)
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    whats wrong with being jewish?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)01:00 No.1998378
    trained up to green belt. Just never took my tests cus i was a lazy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)01:02 No.1998382

    Holocaust stories.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)01:04 No.1998384
    this is true. I have a lot of family still alive that survived.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)01:21 No.1998419

    Nice pic, seems like your both enjoying yourselves. Though I wonder what each was really thinking during the pic XP
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)01:22 No.1998421
         File1248758554.jpg-(17 KB, 400x254, 731c_1_b.jpg)
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    well i lived in nyc all my life and i have never heard anyone say it, except for Jackie Mason.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)01:30 No.1998446
         File1248759013.png-(195 KB, 512x384, MooreClovesSpielgman.png)
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    Do they wear mice masks to this day?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)01:36 No.1998463

    I say it once in a blue moon
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)06:43 No.1998922
    Has ai-honey ever been to a con and NOT swallowed someone's load?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)06:48 No.1998927
    She's had her fill of white dick, Maguma's her token black wad, she'll be after a token asian's man juices next.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)06:59 No.1998937
    ai-honey seemed like she was really nice and didn't try to suck my cock once. I'm a good looking black guy so I guess that proves you wrong samefag.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)07:01 No.1998940

    You're in the wrong boro. In Queens, even the black people say it.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)07:06 No.1998944
    She's probably already had Maguma up her ass by then. Chick only needs one token black guy, that's why they're token.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)07:34 No.1998960

    Ai-honey needs to spank her son Maguma more then, maybe teach him a few things. LIKE HOW TO SMILE IN A PICTURE D:
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)07:55 No.1998976
    Maguma removing his trip to make threads about himself, nobody likes you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)07:58 No.1998978
    Ai honeys nose is almost the same size as the niggers hahahahahahah
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)08:38 No.1999011
    yeah, i don't like you either. Pull the stick out of your ass and seriously find something better to do with your time. Jesus fuck it's annoyin broski.
    >> Blastoise !!Rbk9t6v/ojj 07/28/09(Tue)09:38 No.1999059
    So wait, Ai Honey is British... right?

    Did she move here or what, because she seems to go to a ton of American cons.

    Also, for what its worth, at least Maguma isn't as bad as Masa. Jesus H FUCK, I've never seen one guy be so proud of how fail he is.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)10:01 No.1999077
    He constantly makes threads about himself being awesome in the exact same writing, i even got a mod to check it out and he said it's the same guy.

    Not to mention he posts all day every day proving he has no life.

    Oh and ai honey is an annoying ugly attention whore who is hated by everyone (apart from desperate white knights being maguma)

    No idea she went to the U.S just proves she knows shes hated by everyone in the UK, don't return.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 07/28/09(Tue)10:08 No.1999084
    I've.. been to one!

    Yes that totally proves.. wait wat? Bit late there bro, been home for a while now.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)10:37 No.1999120
         File1248791841.jpg-(13 KB, 477x265, YOU EAT A DICK!.jpg)
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    Shut the fuck up you have no mod friend. Worst excuse you've got.

    I don't know what your problem is, but eat a dick man, seriously just eat a dick.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)10:50 No.1999132
    Notice how both Maguma or ai-honey very obviously avoid the subject of their obvious butt fucking adventures. They don't seem to grasp the more you clearly go out of your way to ignore something the more you're proving it.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)10:54 No.1999134
         File1248792842.jpg-(239 KB, 500x855, fashionfront2.jpg)
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    It's true... her nose is quite big, even compared to his.


    But really, do you people not realise that the more you post about them, the more you're doing them a favour?

    Talk about someone else; they're both boring, dumb attention whores.

    Maguma openly stated that he just enjoys trolling anons here, which means that everyone (me included at the moment) is just giving these two the attention they want and don't get in real life for obvious reasons.

    Ai-honey's sewing skills are mediocre and her looks are bland enough that at some point she obviously realised the only way for her to get any attention at all was to show as much flesh as she could, so that silly 13 year old kids or nerds who never saw some skin without a telescope could drool on her.
    When a friend of mine showed me her so called 'drawings', which she apparently had the guts to post on-line, I was astonished - I don't think I've seen such sloppy pencilling and risible "design" in anyone older than 4.

    Your universities suck, seriously. Had I presented anything like that for my portfolio, I would have been laughed at and thrown out of my school.

    Sage, because this is getting old and incredibly boring and English cosplayers obviously suck, if they're all like this one.

    And yes, this is only because crappy art (and I use the term reluctantly) and cosplay make me puke.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 07/28/09(Tue)11:21 No.1999165
    I don't think I've seen a picture of Kelly before where she wasn't flicking the V's. Huh.

    >>1999134 as much flesh as she could

    I wasn't aware being fully clothed could be tantamount to being naked.

    Unless you have x-ray vision. Do you? Can you only see through clothes or can you see through skin too? Can you see through walls? Can you choose what you see through or are you constantly seeing through everything, so you are effectively observing the essence of infinity but would then be blind to the material world? In which case, how do you know what anyone is or isn't wearing?

    Personally, I'd rather be able to slow down time. That'd be my super power. Not stop time, because then if you stop time and move to do whatever, you could never get in EXACTLY the right position when you start time and everyone would notice your position skip and they'd be like all wtf. But if you just slowed time way down, you could still get shitloads done and you could have awesome reactions and whatever but nobody would be aware you were fucking with them. Like you could slow down time then play piano at a really average rate but to the other people it'd seem like you were playing fifty notes a second.

    Or the power to fly, that's always a safe choice.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 07/28/09(Tue)11:58 No.1999216
    .. what do you want, "I did not have buttsecks with Maguma" written on cake or something?

    That's a lot of rage you have you have there over some bad art that's been on my website since bloody highschool. That's.. not work for Uni.

    I don't update, it's what I do.

    Here if you really want to make fun of me here is my tripod site I had when I was like, eleven:

    I want to fly.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 07/28/09(Tue)12:11 No.1999234
    I want cake now. Urm, but not /that/ cake.

    The power to summon cake at will. That'd be good.

    Not seen that site before. Huh. Your pictures of Sakura aren't half bad. I'll refrain from commenting on the rest <_<
    >> Blastoise !!Rbk9t6v/ojj 07/28/09(Tue)12:23 No.1999249
    And now we've got sebastian fagging things up.

    Someone refresh my memory, isn't he the dude who is ass-sore over Miyu ditching him or something?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)12:30 No.1999262
    >not a good cosplayer
    >not attractive
    >shameless attention whore

    Why exactly are we talking about him again?
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 07/28/09(Tue)12:39 No.1999279
    >>1999249 isn't he the dude who is ass-sore over Miyu ditching him or something?

    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)12:41 No.1999283
    >who is ass-sore over Miyu ditching him or something?


    Was it just plain anal sex, then?
    >> Travis Touchdown !!UCDAAmbhSBc 07/28/09(Tue)13:04 No.1999322
    because the more people talk about him, the more on power he grows. It's like he's Voltron or something... loved by anon, hated by anon or some shit like that.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)13:19 No.1999337
    i really don't know myself. I honestly don't. I'm not that great at sewing, my stuff isn't top notch OMFG quality.

    ..... MY SECRET!
    >> Travis Touchdown !!UCDAAmbhSBc 07/28/09(Tue)14:45 No.1999433
         File1248806739.jpg-(73 KB, 640x480, 57879..jpg)
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    Use Blazing Sword. It's Super Effective!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)14:53 No.1999446
         File1248807218.jpg-(48 KB, 600x450, retard1.jpg)
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    >> jesschii !!L2MRuh8J+FV 07/28/09(Tue)14:58 No.1999455
    why anon, is it 'cause we are so boring and do nothing but drink tea all day?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)14:59 No.1999459
    and worshipped by otherbrown-nosing trigfags who want to make a name for themselves

    "Hai gaiz this maguma guy is e-famuz, lets defend him him and i can becom1 against teh evil anonz"
    >> Travis Touchdown !!UCDAAmbhSBc 07/28/09(Tue)15:00 No.1999464
    Hahahaha, Carlos is that you? Go back to bed...
    >> Carlos 07/28/09(Tue)15:07 No.1999477
         File1248808051.jpg-(10 KB, 300x288, 276738-carlosss_large.jpg)
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    Fuck you Gringo this is MY house. You get me esse?
    >> Travis Touchdown !!UCDAAmbhSBc 07/28/09(Tue)15:12 No.1999489
         File1248808378.jpg-(24 KB, 490x335, fuckyourself-house.jpg)
    24 KB
    Didn't Nemesis already own you Carlos =D Your house, fuck it! =p
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)15:22 No.1999510
    >So wait, Ai Honey is British... right?

    No, shes Gallifreyian, you stupid twat.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)15:25 No.1999514
         File1248809115.jpg-(229 KB, 675x1021, Awaiting_Zombies_by_TheShining(...).jpg)
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    did some one say nemesis?
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/28/09(Tue)15:33 No.1999531

    Silly anon, everyone knows the only one left in the Gallifreyan race is the Doctor! Everyone else was killed in the Time War or lost in the vortex of plot holes!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:20 No.1999607

    Strangely erotic
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:23 No.1999612
    >.. what do you want, "I did not have buttsecks with Maguma" written on cake or something?

    Get on it
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)16:28 No.1999620
    i'll think about it...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:35 No.1999632

    Make the cake shaped like a butt
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)16:40 No.1999643
    no >:|
    >> Elle LAWLiet !WcAM9JBPo. 07/28/09(Tue)16:42 No.1999650
    Who is Maguma and why is there a thread talking about him every day?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:50 No.1999673

    A piece of shit tripfag that posts 500 messages a day but tells other people to shut up, has crappy costumes and is friends with another crappy cosplayer, Masa, whom he defends no matter what, and is generally annoying but some people ignore that because he's "nice".
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)17:21 No.1999731
    cgl hatin on maguma?! it looks like no one is safe from cgl's wrath.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)17:32 No.1999744

    In the end, all cosplayers are crappy.

    Any hobby you can't make money off of, put on a resume, or use to get laid pretty much is nothing to brag about.

    So in essence anon, if you don't cosplay, you're in no position to say shit about anyone. If you do cosplay, well. Chances are you're shit, lol. Proof is in the puddin. (See: every /cgl/ gathering)
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)17:39 No.1999752

    Fuck off. You can't even go one day without whoring and making all the threads you post in about yourself. So desperate for /cgl/'s attention, that you have to avoid bans every day just to get your attention fix.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)17:43 No.1999758

    >no one talks about me :(
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)17:44 No.1999760
    I'll just sagebomb this thread. Its plenty retarded anyhow.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)17:47 No.1999763
    Masa re-read your post then look up the definition of 'irony'.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)17:52 No.1999767
         File1248817921.jpg-(23 KB, 428x336, 1248756484470.jpg)
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    And this upsets you, how?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)18:43 No.1999868

    But then it would be funny
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)18:46 No.1999876
    what will be funnier is knowing that the cake people will try their hardest to ask me to have something else written on it. people in that business got dem morals
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)18:54 No.1999891

    This is two blocks away from Anime Boston.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)18:56 No.1999895
    i live in california.
    >> Spruce_Caboose !cVTleaVCfA 07/28/09(Tue)19:05 No.1999915

    Missing out.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)19:06 No.1999918
    not really.
    >> Kaistiggity !!Mzw6k+oR4c7 07/28/09(Tue)19:06 No.1999919
    ITT: anon being anon.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 07/28/09(Tue)19:14 No.1999932
         File1248822858.gif-(41 KB, 310x247, hahahaoh.gif)
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    I went out this morning and saw you posting, i come back and still see you posting.

    This begs the question, do you have a life?
    >> Spruce_Caboose !cVTleaVCfA 07/28/09(Tue)19:18 No.1999941

    But the heritage!

    ...No, you're right. I just miss the sun.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/28/09(Tue)19:18 No.1999942
    Please? I'm already tired of it and it's only been up since yesterday.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/28/09(Tue)19:21 No.1999946
    yeah, went to the pizza cookery for lunch, paid some bills, went to the arcade next to the pizza cookery for some SF4 and MVC2, went swimmin, then came back in here to do some phone calls for the day and pester you. I just love giving you a reason to post.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:29 No.1999957
    oh lawd
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)19:31 No.1999962

    Go back to doing some more butt flexes in front of the mirror.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)19:43 No.1999994
    Saging this thread until I get 2M GET.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)19:43 No.1999996
    Saging this thread until I get 2M GET.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)19:44 No.1999997
    Saging this thread until I get 2M GET.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)19:44 No.1999998
    Saging this thread until I get 2M GET.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)19:44 No.2000000
    Saging this thread until I get 2M GET.
    >> Mavrick !!11LPZTm3fPt 07/28/09(Tue)19:47 No.2000011
    Here's to 2M on /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:47 No.2000012
         File1248824837.jpg-(3 KB, 126x95, Hisagi Sparkles.jpg)
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    1999999 here, masa is a faggot. That is all.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/28/09(Tue)19:47 No.2000013
         File1248824860.jpg-(105 KB, 364x478, ron-burgundy.jpg)
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    >> YawningGlory !pwFT01FCm. 07/28/09(Tue)19:49 No.2000017
    ...this somehow manages to be the worst and best board at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)20:06 No.2000076

    Continue to do so. I love it when Manly tears posts.

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