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    File : 1248646673.jpg-(89 KB, 596x800, alice2.jpg)
    89 KB Con sex thread: Part 3 Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/26/09(Sun)18:17 No.1995827  
    Continuing from: >>1982456
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:25 No.1995845
    Hey, this is sort of tangentially related, but how many cons have bars? I would have fucking loved a pick-me-up at AB09 without having to weird out the straights in the bars near by, and I'm still in denial that my life would be improved by a flask.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:28 No.1995861
    Are there cons that don't have bars? Almost all are held either at or in conjunction with a hotel, and almost all hotels have bars. Maybe not Days Inn, though, now that I think about it. Personally, I find room parties (if they're reputable / run by friends) better. No waiting for drinks, some control over who is there, etc. Bars are good for meeting people, though. I usually hit the bars first and then room parties to drown my sorrow of failing to pick up anybody.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:29 No.1995863
    every one in a hotel
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:29 No.1995864
    Depends on the con; AUSA had a bar because the floor of the hotel it was on had a bar. Cons in a con center usually do not.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/26/09(Sun)18:46 No.1995922
    The con parties I usually have a hand in running always turn out sick. Come to AX. :D The booze is nice out here, when mixed by my awesome bartender Adrian. He's stuff of legends.

    Scooby Snax
    Tequila Mockingbird
    Blue Lagoon
    Blue Hawaiian
    Tokyo Iced Tea (stronger than a Long Island Iced Tea)

    Oh man...AX was fuck kinds of delicious alcohol.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:58 No.1995945
    Was AB 09 really that bad? I didnt get a chance to go.
    Also on topic, had cosplay sex with my ex last year at AB. Making out in costume was hot but getting them off was another story...
    Accidentally broke my cheap ass sandals and almost tore her top.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 07/26/09(Sun)19:01 No.1995952
    Blue Lagoon's alright, rest are a bit of a poor showing. Get some squashed frogs going and some west country black witch and then you've got a party.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:04 No.1995957

    It was alright, I just get a little overwhelmed being around so many socially inept people at one time. I was just there for Saturday and I was pretty fried by 2 PM.


    I'm a whiskey guy, though the tequila mockingbird keeps getting mentioned. I just got a bartender certification, too, so part of my interest is in making a little extra cash at the cons.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:07 No.1995967
    Was it 4chan con again? Last year I got stuck behind this Gin cosplayer who shouted "you just lost the game" at every individual person that passed by us. Would have hit him but didnt want to get thrown out of the con.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:14 No.1995982

    Oh, there was a Moot with an enormous gold ban hammer, a pedobear, a few anonymouses, people losing the game, and a candlejack leading a bunch of giggling idiots around on a string.

    I haven't been to much else, so that's just how I figured most were getting to be: the internet vomiting its contents into Hynes convention center once a year.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:40 No.1996049
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:40 No.1996051
    I almost got awesome con sex at akon this year! But didn't because when we were about to get down and dirty we both relized we were running late for a get together
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:42 No.1996055
    wow. seriously? fail
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 07/26/09(Sun)19:46 No.1996058
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    RANDOM QUESTION TIME: Haha. How many people got laid thanks to room parties?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:48 No.1996062
    only been to one room party, and only made out because of it.
    my consex came from elsewhere
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:07 No.1996081
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    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:26 No.1996121
    Laid? None. But room parties have shown me the bosoms of many fine young cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:36 No.1996135
    I met this girl dressed up as Black Cat a couple of years ago. We hit it off real well, and the tight leather outfit helped. After the con, we went to her place. Making out and heavy petting ensues. What i didn't know was that this girl liked it rough, pounding the walls and bruises rough. Her room was devastated after that night. We even left a hole in one of the walls. I'm not sure how she explained that to her landlord after that.

    The sad part is i haven't seen her since.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:43 No.1996143
    I have. But I'm the girl who hooked up with the guy who stuttered. If you saw the last thread you know the story.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:48 No.1996149
    If someone did that to me I think I'd fall in love with them on the spot.
    Your story really warmed my heart :)
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:49 No.1996150
    I want to fuck a Black Cat. Especially one who likes it rough. You are the luckiest man (man) on the face of the earth (earth).
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:50 No.1996152
    if someone had a stutter? you'd fall in love with them? do you know how retarded that sounds?
    >> Spruce_Caboose !cVTleaVCfA 07/26/09(Sun)20:51 No.1996153

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:51 No.1996156
    Love is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:52 No.1996157
    Your story was so sweet. Could you describe the guy? I'd just like to get a mental picture.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:55 No.1996161
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    You would understand if you heard her story
    I dare you to
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:59 No.1996166
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    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:06 No.1996182
    He had kinda long, dark brown hair and glasses. He was around 6' tall and lean, and he had the most gorgeous light brown eyes. He was constantly looking down at the floor and speaking softly, but that was just when I first met him. He was more confident around his friends.

    I thought he was very cute, but my friend thought he was only average. I guess we evened out, though, because I consider myself to be average looking, but he seemed to think I was pretty.

    I didn't realize how much I missed him until I started writing all this down.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:17 No.1996201
    great now i'm d'aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwing again
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:20 No.1996208
    Can we have all the female virgins back?
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 07/26/09(Sun)21:24 No.1996214
    nope once it's gone it's gone
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:24 No.1996215
    I think we need a separate thread just for you.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:25 No.1996219
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:25 No.1996220
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    dammit, not that kind, this kind!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:29 No.1996229
    Fem virgin here, I have a question that I wanted to ask in the last thread. How do you tell a guy casually that you're still a virgin? And when?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:30 No.1996230
    You're late to the party son, we're all out.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:31 No.1996232
    That older chick who wanted younger guys in the last thread got me hard, that is my fantasy, too bad she is against virgins, that kind of ruins it.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:33 No.1996237
    I'm like the exact opposite. I lost my virginity when I was 17 to a guy 9 years older than me. He was amazing. Ever since then I've had a thing for older guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:35 No.1996240
    I personally don't like virgins because usually first timers are awkward, but if i had to know i'd prefer to know beforehand. That way i know to take it easier for both our benefit. If just enjoys it then it's not good at all.

    But just in case, don't be afraid to voice out what you like and don't like. Even if it's with another virgin, that communication really makes the difference between a good time and a bad fuck.
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 07/26/09(Sun)21:41 No.1996254
    just before he puts it in
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:41 No.1996255

    I hope you get AIDS. I'm not even joking.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:44 No.1996259
    Will you please pity fuck me too?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/26/09(Sun)21:46 No.1996266

    Just tell him, like, while he's playing with your tits or something. "Just be gentle, I've never done this before."

    That's pretty much it. The nice thing about being gentle is, the guy can always go harder, to suit your tastes. Its all fine tuning from there, you're like a blank canvas, let the guy do his art from there.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:49 No.1996272
    I did NOT pity fuck him.
    >> Raptor Jesus !!GmuC8tJhrH5 07/26/09(Sun)22:00 No.1996289
    "I've never done this before." Usually works. :P

    I'll spin ya a yarn....

    This happened at a Wonder-Con a few years back now. I was cosplaying the vault dweller of Fallout 2 and I was approached by a very attractive young lady. We continued to hit it off all day and somehow I ended up getting very drunk (If you knew me, you would have already known I do this at cons :D). I soon found myself in her hotel room with my pants off. Now, I'm usually willing to teach some of my more advanced techniques, we started getting into it and about 15 minutes into the foreplay she tells me shes never had sex with a man before AND that what I'm doing is making her feel 'strange'. This was an awkward moment for both of us, but we overcame it like a true champions and ended up saving the night. It's not a bad thing, I just wish she had told me before we got into it so I wouldn't have made such an ass out of myself.

    Use protection, and happy con going to all!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:04 No.1996295
    OMG another question. How do you tell a guy that you want him to use a condom?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:06 No.1996299
    "let's go to the drug store first"
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:06 No.1996300

    Not as bad as watching the girl I was about to bang at Otakon get arrested by an undercover cop for drug possession. (Ectacy)

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:08 No.1996303


    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:10 No.1996306
    "Do you have protection?"
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:11 No.1996309
    I'd say as early as possible, like if you've been hanging out for several weeks/months, then you can insert it into a conversation about past relationships. This will notify him of the situation long before his boner gets ahold of his mind (male speaking here from experience), so he can anticipate your expectations and/or desires...
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:14 No.1996313
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:15 No.1996314
    tell him you have herpes
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:15 No.1996315
    however it fits in the conversation. I say tell him as early as possible, that way, you don't waste your time trying to get with a guy who has a problem with that and you can move on to the next one
    WTF. it's fucking 2009, you shouldn't have to tell him! Also, just tell him. Who the fuck cares if hr thinks it ruins the mood, at least you're not gonna get aids infected and/or pregnant. Really, priorities.
    Also, ask him if he has condoms sometime during the making out or oral. if he says no, you say peace
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:16 No.1996316


    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:20 No.1996323
    "You have condoms?" usually works before you even leave to go elsewhere. It's awkward at first to ask that kind of questions, but it's better to get it out of the way. Some douchebags try to use the "it's ok, we don't need it" or whatever, and you're usually better off saying good night right there and there.

    A lot of girls i've met carry at least one with them though. I think it's a pretty smart move for those spontaneous moments. Doesn't mean you should stop asking, but at least if he doesn't have any you won't have to take a cold shower. And either way, it doesn't hurt to go get some more.

    Going home with some con-funk is bad, but going home with some STDs or worse... well you get the idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:21 No.1996325
    tell him you don't want to get pregnant.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:24 No.1996332
    Tell him you want to get pregnant and see how fast he gets a condom
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:27 No.1996341
    >Tell him you want to get pregnant and see how fast he runs away from you.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:32 No.1996346
    You just say, "you have a condom?" Or if you have one, "I've got a condom for us." Or if you really want to be sexy about it, tell him you want to put the condom on for him.

    No offense, but any guy whom you're meeting up with for con sex shouldn't be trusting you 100% to be STD free, either. Thing is, if I'm about to bang a chick, I'm going to trust her that she wouldn't intentionally give me an STD. However, I DO NOT trust any of the previous guys she's slept with. Plus, unless you've had a vasectomy, condoms are pretty much a guy's only way to enforce protection. Do you really want to trust a girl who says, "Oh I'm totally on the pill."
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:32 No.1996347
    I'm the girl from the last thread who was too "delicate" to get laid.
    How do I seem less...delicate?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:36 No.1996352
    First of all, nothing wrong with being delicate, especially if you are a virgin and need a guy who will take it easy with you for your first time.

    If you want project more of a "ready for sex" attitude, just be a bit more flirty, and talk about what you do know about sex. The "delicate" part that might turn guys off is that you may seem to be unaware of what sex really is. And some guys may feel bad getting a girl in bed who thinks she wants sex, then realizes she doesn't in the middle of it. Even if she says something then, it's a really awkward situation for both, and the guy can legitimately be worried that you'll decide it was rape in the morning.

    Anywho, just be more open about sex and what you want. Hardly any guy is going to be unhappy when you say something like, "your eyes are so sexy" or "you could probably lift me up and down for hours."
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:37 No.1996357
    Ugh, I was with this guy once who told me that he wanted a blowjob. I (half) jokingly said "Only if you return the favor."

    He then proceeded to tell me that he never goes down on girls unless their virgins, so that he knows they are clean. But he expected me to give him head without knowing his background because "it wasn't my business".

    It really pissed me off. And just to be a bitch, I teased him until he was about to pop and then walked out on his ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:38 No.1996358
    >Plus, unless you've had a vasectomy, condoms are pretty much a guy's only way to enforce protection. Do you really want to trust a girl who says, "Oh I'm totally on the pill."
    This, fucking this. So many fucking crazies out there, i don't trust a single one of you ladies not to call up the next morning and pull out the "i think i'm pregnant" card. It's not funny.

    Explain this "delicate" thing. What, are you made of glass or something?
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 07/26/09(Sun)22:38 No.1996359
    what do you mean by delicate? Frail? Proper?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:41 No.1996364
    What kind of guy doesn't eat pussy? I mean, assuming you have decent hygiene and such. Either way, you want oral, you'd better be ready to give oral. Same with everything in sex, don't expect to get it unless you're willing to give it.

    So glad I got a vasectomy. Still need condoms for hookups, but it's a sense of safety that's fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:42 No.1996368
    Hahaha, holy shit i love you. Guy totally deserved it.
    >> Raptor Jesus !!GmuC8tJhrH5 07/26/09(Sun)22:42 No.1996370
    >> Tiran 07/26/09(Sun)22:43 No.1996371
    >and the guy can legitimately be worried that you'll decide it was rape in the morning.

    And THAT is why I never hook up with a girl I just met. I have a friend that was accused of rape by a girl that later admitted to her friends (and the judge learned) that she had changed her mind the next day. TOO LATE. Monday morning quarterbacking only works on ESPN, whore.
    >> Tiran 07/26/09(Sun)22:44 No.1996374
    btw, >>1996352 , I am not referring to you. Just wanna make that clear
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:48 No.1996384
    oh yeah no prob didn't think so.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:51 No.1996386
    Well, I'm 5'4" and I'm under 100 lbs. So I am pretty small. But I think it's more of that I'm always called "sweet" and "innocent". I'm not very innocent either. I've had sex with another girl, just never with a guy.

    I've tried acting sexy before, but it was awkward and not really me. The guy I was with was weirded out by my attempt and told me to stop. :S
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:55 No.1996400
    I want to have con sex pretty badly, actually. But I've been in a steady relationship for over two years and I'm not planning to end it anytime soon. So the only way that would be possible with my boyfriend would be a con... threesome? But I've never had one so I'm kind of nervous about that. D:

    How the hell do you even go about asking someone to do that, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:03 No.1996432

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:08 No.1996455
    HNNNNGGGGG, so much want
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:12 No.1996467
    while you do sound quite petite, im sure you will find a guy somewhere.

    i mean, i'd do you :p
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:16 No.1996483
    >>1996467 i mean, i'd do you :p

    Seems like you're the only one.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:17 No.1996491
    boyfriend and I totally want to have sex at cons

    prob is, there's always some roommate up in our hotel room. probably going to shove them out next con if I want to have a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:18 No.1996496
    Well flirting is really where it all begins. Maybe you came off too strong? What was your approach before?

    I don't know, but to me flirting might be the hardest part of hooking up at first. Once you get the hang of it though, it becomes easier.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:20 No.1996506
    Not sure what was up with him... My bodytype is the same, and I've never been told that by a guy!

    Looking sexy doesn't have to be obvious, there are subtle things that most of them find sexy (at least in my experience), like addressing them while looking directly in their eyes, sometimes biting your lips, etcetera. Standing up straight also helps a TON. If you're skinny, hunching often makes you look like Gollum... but if you stand up straight, it will at least bring out the small amount of curves you have. The little things... you know? Confidence, laughing... you don't have to be fake or laugh at the things that aren't funny, but at least being outgoing and friendly is a turn-on.

    I wouldn't ask one of your friends. Threesomes often end in jealousy and relationship problems. Try finding someone on a forum beforehand (of course meet them in person, discuss boundaries and whatnot) who you know is interested in a threesome. Sextips on lj has some good advice for that...
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 07/26/09(Sun)23:22 No.1996517
    I'd do you too, just kis then bite me gently on the neck
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:23 No.1996520
    Maybe you should run that by your boyfriend before even considering finding someone else? Just saying, threesomes have a tendency to break up relationships pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:29 No.1996549
    Oh, I should have made this clear. I'm referring to past boyfriend. Guys that I have been in relationships with who refuse to have sex with me. Guys who have had sex with other girls, but they would "feel bad" about having sex with me.

    The farthest I've gotten with a guy was getting fingered. And it wasn't good. At all.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:29 No.1996551
    Nah, not really. Lots of guys go for the petite girls.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:33 No.1996560
    ...will you marry me?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:39 No.1996574
    There may be a problem with the biting thing. I have a really tiny mouth. But if you are okay with that, then I am.

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