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    File : 1248644817.jpg-(101 KB, 550x430, 0-fool-anon.jpg)
    101 KB Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:46 No.1995748  
    Terrible creatures lurk in the dark, preying on those who wander into the hidden hour that lies between one day and the next. As a member of a secret school club, you, /cgl/ anon, must wield your inner power - Persona - and protect humanity from impending doom. Will you live to see the light of day?

    You, /cgl/ anon, hold a unique card - that of the Fool Arcana. You are a blank slate; the number zero. The wild card.

    Sign here, and thereby accept all the responsiblities of the choices you make. And now, let your journal begin...
    >> Hypnocrotch !!zGWV0gXq6gS 07/26/09(Sun)17:49 No.1995754
    Sure, I'm in.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/26/09(Sun)17:51 No.1995757
         File1248645113.png-(374 KB, 800x662, GARBEEDRILL.png)
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    Let's do this thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:52 No.1995759
         File1248645149.jpg-(149 KB, 550x430, 1-magaician-dymatrex.jpg)
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    The Magician Arcana - Dymatrex

    (Junpei, Keisuke, Yousuke)

    Pretty much the ultimate bro. His arcana, Magician, represents action-taking and full-spirited curiosity towards life and learning. He's a bit over the top and kind of annoying, and it would be nice if he could stop macking on girls for two second, but at the end of the day he's a pretty good guy who's got your back.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:56 No.1995766
         File1248645369.jpg-(91 KB, 550x430, 2-priestess-inaba ari.jpg)
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    The Priestess Arcana - Inaba Ari

    (Fuuka, Yukiko)

    Shy, timid, and polite. Yet as your adventure continues, she becomes emotionally stronger and more outgoing. The Priestess Arcana represents emotion and feeling over physical action, as well as the value of kindness.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:57 No.1995771
    Persona 2 Social Links:

    Fool - Philemon
    Magician - Igor
    Priestess - Chizuru
    Empress - Yukino
    Emperor - Tatsuya Sudou
    Hierophant - Nate
    Lovers - Lisa
    Chariot - Ms. Smith
    Strength - Anna
    Hermit - Ixquic
    Fortune - Jun
    Justice - Katsuya
    Hanged Man - Baofu
    Death - Eikichi
    Temperence - Miyabi
    Devil - HITLER LOL (but probably Guido or Junko)
    Tower - Maya Okamura
    Star - Ulala
    Moon - Maya
    Sun - Tatsuya
    Judgment - Ellen
    World - Nyarlathotep
    >> Penguin Penny !U9MCxsFRfI 07/26/09(Sun)17:58 No.1995774
    wat is this?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:59 No.1995783
         File1248645591.jpg-(104 KB, 550x430, 3-empress-adella.jpg)
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    The Empress Arcana - Adella

    {Mitsuru, Margaret)

    Beautiful and intimidating. The Empress Arcana represents the female archetype, and emphasizes a compassionate and nurturing nature. She comes off as an ice queen at first, but she is loving and compassionate to those she deems worthy.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:01 No.1995788
    Thanks anon, I'll add that to the rest
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:01 No.1995789
    What do I do?
    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 07/26/09(Sun)18:03 No.1995797
         File1248645810.jpg-(30 KB, 330x403, iwishicouldhateyoutodeath.jpg)
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    >Persona 2
    >Social Links.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:06 No.1995803
         File1248646014.jpg-(94 KB, 550x430, 4-emperor-lordmasamune.jpg)
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    The Emperor Arcana - Lord Masamune

    (Tatsuya, Akihiko, Hidetoshi, Kanji)

    Strong and upright. The Emperor Arcana represents the male archetype, and emphasizes the value of strong morals, loyalty and honor. His strong character earns the respect of all his peers, and damn does he impress you.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:08 No.1995808
    everyone leaves out the minor arcana.

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:10 No.1995811

    They see me trolling, they hating . . .
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:14 No.1995817
         File1248646462.jpg-(106 KB, 550x430, 5-hieophant-4ng31.jpg)
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    The Hierophant Arcana - 4ng31

    {Nate, Shinjiro, the old couple, Dojima)

    Spiritually strong and really fucking stubborn. The Hierophant Arcana values spirit and soul over physical power, and emphasizes the importance of the lifelong search for spiritual truths. He may be a bit rough around the ages, but is someone you come to trust deeply.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:21 No.1995835
         File1248646880.jpg-(92 KB, 550x430, 6-lovers-jjkou.jpg)
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    The Lovers - JJ Kou

    (Lisa, Yukari, Rise)

    Cute and popular. The Lovers arcana represents the importance of the choices we must make in life, and the resulting sacrifices. She can be a bit of a bitch sometimes, and other times a little crazy, but she's adorable so you're willing to not sweat the details.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/26/09(Sun)18:22 No.1995837
    >> TOTALLYNOTMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 07/26/09(Sun)18:22 No.1995838

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:23 No.1995839
    Btw,here's a tip.

    You just call the card by the name;you don't add "arcana" to the end of it.

    There is only the major and minor arcana.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:25 No.1995843
    This is only cool when it's JJ and her possee
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:26 No.1995849
         File1248647204.jpg-(40 KB, 196x366, 1232420042985.jpg)
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    Wait, I wanna be Justice!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:26 No.1995851
    No, even then it's not cool. In fact, it's even LESS cool when it's them.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:27 No.1995853
         File1248647250.jpg-(111 KB, 550x430, 7-chariot-s0ni.jpg)
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    The Chariot Arcana - S0nified

    (Ms Smith, Aegis, Kazushi, Chie)

    Aggressive and independent. The Chariot Arcana represents a strong will to take control of conflict, and values resilience, focus, and drive. She comes of as forceful and at first it sort of scares you a bit, but she's a great friend who's not afraid to kick a little ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:29 No.1995862
         File1248647345.png-(20 KB, 791x652, 1231309670573.png)
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    this entire thread makes me rage and facepalm at the same time. Good job OP
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:31 No.1995870
    Masa, we know that's you. You always do this shit.
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 07/26/09(Sun)18:31 No.1995875
    This thread is made instantly better by imagining each of Anon's picks cosplaying as the JoJo character that goes with each tarot card.

    Lord Masamune as Hol Horse would be pretty freaking awesome, and I'm laughing at the idea of Soni Polnareff.

    >> OBVIOUSLYNOTMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 07/26/09(Sun)18:32 No.1995876
         File1248647532.jpg-(415 KB, 866x768, group-srsfaces.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:33 No.1995881
         File1248647630.jpg-(118 KB, 550x430, 8-strength-animeangel.jpg)
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    Strength - Animeangel

    (Anna, Koromaru, Yuko, Daisuke & Kou)

    Like S0ni, she's strong-willed and tough. But beyond that the Strength arcana represents emotional, mental, and spiritual strength as well. She is unwaveringly loyal to her friends, and, eventually, to you.
    >> Gangster Kamina !!qeHmeAJM1a2 07/26/09(Sun)18:34 No.1995883
         File1248647682.gif-(20 KB, 329x220, psx-jojo-polnareffportrait.gif)
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    dat hair.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:35 No.1995885
    then who would be awesome enough to get the Hermit?
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 07/26/09(Sun)18:37 No.1995887
    I don't know if anybody is awesome enough to get Hermit, if we're doing it JoJo style.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:37 No.1995889
    So as I understand... this is COMPLETELY ARBITRARY?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:38 No.1995896
         File1248647919.jpg-(105 KB, 550x430, 9-hermit-sey.jpg)
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    The Hermit - Sey

    (Ixquic, Jin, "Maya", the fox)

    Introspective and hard to reach. The Hermit arcana values self-exploration and the ability to slow down and appreciate peace and quiet. She's constantly self-searching and hard to get to know, when if you slow down and take the time, you just might be able to break down all those walls.
    >> good show craigslist 07/26/09(Sun)18:41 No.1995901
    >represents the importance of the choices we must make in life

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:45 No.1995919
         File1248648338.jpg-(112 KB, 550x430, 10-fortune-pikmin.jpg)
    112 KB
    Wheel of Fortune - PikminLink

    (Jun, Takaya, Keisuke, Naoto)

    Talented but humble. The Wheel of Fortune represents the ups and downs up life, the curve balls fate throws at us, and the acceptance of all these changes. She's got talent in several different areas, that's for sure, but even as you become her friend, it's hard to tell what direction she's going to go in.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/26/09(Sun)18:45 No.1995921
    think about it, at least in your case anon it would make sense.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:46 No.1995925
    OH SNAP!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:48 No.1995929
         File1248648486.png-(10 KB, 429x410, 1246334801486.png)
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    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 07/26/09(Sun)19:00 No.1995948
         File1248649245.jpg-(114 KB, 550x760, 1228182509796.jpg)
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    Can I be sloth?


    >> PROUD TO BE ASIAN 07/26/09(Sun)19:04 No.1995956
         File1248649440.jpg-(46 KB, 427x538, 1229632040555.jpg)
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    Okay, if you dumb american pigs are going to play game, I play too.

    I will be Pride. You dumb american pigs will be lust, since you all love our beautiful asian bodies and rape them in ass
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/26/09(Sun)19:05 No.1995962
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:11 No.1995976
    Grasping much?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:13 No.1995979

    shut up cole, you're the only one that spreads that ridiculous nasty, made up rumor
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/26/09(Sun)19:14 No.1995980
    No i'm just being conceptual, if you think about it in the way anons joking. It can make total sense on the lines of paying attention to your decisions based on the actions of others.

    Gotta look at it both ways.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:15 No.1995985
    Wow, just wow. You falling for troll-bait?
    >> JJ prostitution is illegal 07/26/09(Sun)19:15 No.1995987
    it;s not a rumor if its true stupid head
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:17 No.1995990
    keep tellin yourself what you need to cole
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/26/09(Sun)19:17 No.1995995
    you say it like I don't realize that's a troll :/ c'mon man. C'mon.

    Just saying. Think about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:18 No.1995996
    >ridiculous nasty made up rumor
    Need some more adjectives? Anyways don't blame the wrong person and its definately no rumor.
    Though I heard a more interesting turn lately. According to friends that JJ actually trusts with the truth, her craigslist earning didn't go to paying back her mother, but indeed went towards her brother's drug problems. I guess she's an enabler too. Poor JJ, such a victim of her own misdemeaner. Boo hoo.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:19 No.1995997
         File1248650386.gif-(158 KB, 300x400, 486001742_1455190.gif)
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    all I gotta say
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:21 No.1996000
    >herpderp making up more shit
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:23 No.1996003

    You're an idiot and stupid.

    JJ never did such things, just shutup cole. you're a fucking jeakous faggot
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:26 No.1996012
    Cole is a faggot who makes up lies.

    Anyone who takes anything on here as truth is an idiot.
    >> moralfag 07/26/09(Sun)19:29 No.1996020
    Lot of free time on your hands since you dropped out of school, JJ.

    You can try to convince the whole internet whatever you want, have your few remaining friends carry out your white knighting, whatever you want.

    But you still have to live with your past crimes. And that's on you 'til you die.

    With that, I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:30 No.1996023
         File1248651017.jpg-(683 KB, 435x500, 3378789783_903a754c0c.jpg)
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    I resent that.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:31 No.1996027
    I'm sorry, I couldn't hear anything over all the FAGGOTRY
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:31 No.1996029
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:32 No.1996031

    painfully obvious samefag
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:33 No.1996035

    More tarot cards and less BAWWWW DRAMA please.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:49 No.1996064
         File1248652169.jpg-(158 KB, 600x600, 2029900_m.jpg)
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    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/26/09(Sun)19:49 No.1996065
         File1248652170.jpg-(85 KB, 479x360, BAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW.jpg)
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    This thread. Stop bitching, more cool stuff OP
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:52 No.1996066
    Inner Power
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:54 No.1996068
         File1248652474.jpg-(102 KB, 600x600, 2037816_m.jpg)
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