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    69 KB Weeaboo Stories Continued Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 07/26/09(Sun)17:35 No.1995728  
    continued from >>1993599

    I will start with another one...Well that same guy thats was stalking me from highschool to college he use to draw pictures of me in some cat ears with 'some devilish smile on my face' for 'some reason'. And would continue to mention how often I appeared in his dreams this way or some other way. Most of his dreams it seemed to be related to his epic anime plot where the main character based of him had to fight demons and whatnot.

    This may not seem that bad but I cant translate how it was offputting knowing Im appearing in some guys hero dream as some helpless moe character tied up and need saving. And I sat next to him in math 12th grade year in highschool. Fun times.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:48 No.1995750
    I know this kid who named his son Sephiroth...
    >> Spruce_Caboose !cVTleaVCfA 07/26/09(Sun)17:50 No.1995755

    Sweet Christ. Sad but true...
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:56 No.1995767
    ya... his "house" if you can even call it that, is the most disgusting place I've ever seen. I honestly cant even come up with shit he does that makes him weaboo cause there is so much...
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:56 No.1995769
    When I was in middle school I was your typical anime nerd, I guess. About halfway through 7th grade a kid in my class found out that i liked anime. Since I drew a lot, he asked me to draw him a picture of Washu from Tenchi Muyo. Okay, whatever, so I did. When I gave it to him he put it on the FRONT of his locker, and I was mortified. I was embarassed about being an anime fan (I was odd enough as it is) and he told everyone that I drew it. Now, this kid was kind of... messed up. He was severely overweight, he wore harry potter robes to school and all that jazz. He also was in special ed, which made me feel bad, so I really didn't say anything about it.
    This kid, because I liked anime, became obsessed with me. He constantly drew shitty little pictures of me, where I had HUGE tits (my boos are, to this day, an A cup) and he invited me to go to see a movie with him. I tried to come up with an excuse, but i've never been quick on my feet, so we went.
    After that he assumed we were dating. He told everyone that me and him were really characters from dragon ball or something and that he was a chosen warrior or... something. It's been a long time.
    In eighth grade, things got worse. He cut a lock of my hair to "clone" me. And that was the point I got fed up. I stole his sketchbook and threw it in the boys bathroom, where he later found it pissed on.
    A few years later, when I thought I had gotten rid of him, he started coming to cons. This was when Heza still lived in cincy, and he started stalking her, and apparently tried to break into hr hotel room.
    Every time he sees me at cons he tries to hit on me and it's just.... The most terrifying thing on earth.

    I recently found his Deviantart and laughed my ass off.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)17:59 No.1995780
    Last summer, I worked as a camp counselor for the high school session at an arts camp. While I was there, a girl started following me around like some sort of unholy weeaboo duckling. It didn't matter that we were in California high desert and it was 100 degrees in the shade, because she ALWAYS had to be wearing her grody Ed Elric FMA jacket and about twenty-five different kinds of jewelry. One day I took pity on her and decided to critique the "manga" that she'd been working on. It was pretty dreadful (in both the art and story departments), but I knew that I'd had one of my own when I was fifteen too and it hadn't been much better. That was a mistake. She started calling me [name omitted]-sensei and she and her little weeaboo followers always HAD to be sitting with me in the dining hall or following me around while they were between classes.

    Then I got home and realized that one of the other counselors had managed to give them both my e-mail and my cell phone number. I'm STILL getting random fangirl Japanese texts from these girls.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:01 No.1995791
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    This guy, perchance?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:10 No.1995814
    Nope. Things name is Joe and he is from MA.
    Likes to go to the AB meetups. He also trashed my Sephiroth wig pauldrons and boots when I let him borrow them for said meetup. Fuck that kid.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:15 No.1995820
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    I found a picture of him.
    Gather what you will about him from it.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:20 No.1995833
    Picture it. Your typical midwestern art school. 2006.

    I, at the time was moderately into anime and as such, joined the Animu Club out of curiosity and to commune with fellow nerds.

    Weeellllll... I go in, have an alright time for about 10 minutes into the meeting, people were warm and charming, funny, etc.


    In retrospect, he probably had some mental issues, but anyway... This twitchy, weird guy comes in muttering to himself and walks past me.

    I was stunned by the overpowering aroma of soiled diapers.Oh My Dear God. His computer was loaded with wallpepers of the most heinous hentai shit ever and constantly drew comic featuring him raping the female members of the club.

    I transferred after freshman year. Last I heard, he was finally kicked out for poor grades and jacking off in class. I dunno. Good riddance.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:26 No.1995847
    One of my closest friends is a Hot Topic Lolita, random Japanese sprouting, manga-drawing, Weeaboo. However, she openly admits that she is a weeaboo, so it really doesn't bother me. Shoe's more into comics nowadays anyhow.

    There was this one kid, who I knew at High School though, that just had that whole "Future Serial Killer" vibe to him. I had to deal with him because I ran the Anime Club, and I couldn't throw him out because I'd already heard some creepy stuff about what his Mom would do to you if were mean to him. He had like this man-perm, and he was always wearing the same windbreaker every single day. He literally drew like a five-year-old, and you'd have to repeat and re-phrase every single thing that you said to him because he was border-line mentally challenged and he'd get confused about what you were saying if it was any less subtle than a brick to the face. One day we were doing a survey in the club, and for his favorite anime he put down "Spider Riders", and for his favorite website he put "". He was also stalking one of the girls in the club. His Mom forced her to go to his Birthday party, though the girl STILL doesn't know how his Mom got her number.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:28 No.1995856
    State and school. Now.
    I swear, there was a guy just like this at my school too.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:28 No.1995859

    what the fucking fuck is this shit
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:29 No.1995865

    FFFF I want to meet sensible anime fans around Boston out of season but I fear that I'm getting into the creepy old guy age, since so many people at those meet-ups are going to be 14 year old coffee goths. Also, a sensible anime fan is a rare thing to find.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:29 No.1995866

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:30 No.1995869
    Dear god. My eyes.

    WTF, dude. Wtf.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:32 No.1995877
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:37 No.1995890
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    >I have no idea if I have ANY fans whatsoever on my current web-manga series "Atomic Chibi-ta"...but if so, how would you love to draw some fan art to be included with the art gallery of the comics when I will release them out into books in the near future, which shouldn't be too long, I just have ten more issues to go...
    >draw some fan art for this homicidal brainless cutesy boobsy epic chibi series!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:37 No.1995891
    >>his mom

    fuck that, not even an adult should be doing that D<

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:38 No.1995893
    what the shit

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:38 No.1995895
    Aw shit.

    Care to share your story then?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:41 No.1995903
    I don't know how it happened, but my Junior year of high school I ended up "co-president" (there were three of us) of one of the scariest anime clubs in existence. It was in equal parts squealing freshman fangirls, scary overweight fanboys, and stoners who were just there to have something to do during lunch. My other co-presidents were a girl who wore Japanese-style seifuku to school every day and a really, really scary guy who absolutely worshiped Shinji from Eva (which gives you an idea of what a winner he was in life). The girl was kind of crazy but harmless, and the guy was really fucking scary. Even scarier, though, was his best friend.

    "Big Tom" was 6'11" and well over 300 lbs. That's nearly two feet taller than me and about two and a half times my weight. I was terrified of him. Whenever Tom didn't like what was being shown, or just wanted to let us know that he was still here, he'd throw a temper tantrum. As in, an actual kicking and screaming tantrum. Once he was jumping up and down so hard that he knocked the projector off the stand and smashed it.

    I ended up resigning.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:41 No.1995906
    Well, this guy wasn't actually weaboo, but everything else you used to describe the guy at your school syncs up perfectly with this guy. He was more of a neo-nazi than anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:45 No.1995917

    Oh god...
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)18:52 No.1995934
    If you look at the "japanese" sound effects, most of them don't actually mean anything... and he uses characters that don't even exist, too.
    >> Hallelujah !!d4NE6x8uENq 07/26/09(Sun)19:12 No.1995977
    I’m bored, so I’ll chime in again. I have a cousin but I’m not quite sure where she stands on the weeaboo level at this moment. She’s one of the scene kids or she at least tries to be; her mom won’t let her wear what she wants. The only blessing is that she does not mangle the Japanese language like other weeaboos. She likes Naruto and Bleach and most of the other anime that have been aired on Cartoon Network, only Cartoon Network, within the past year or two. She does not, however, like things that have not been shown in the recent years. Ghost in the Shell, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Gurren Lagann, Sailor Moon, Gundam 08th MS Team, etc… They are all ‘sucky and boring.’

    During the family holiday gathering, she and most of the younger crowd ended up sitting around in my room because they had nowhere else to go. She spent a great deal of time examining my DVDs, games, and comic books, most of which sucked because she hadn’t heard of them and the comics were ‘old and stupid.’ She did, however, nearly piss herself in joy because I had the Kingdom Hearts games.

    The highlight of that evening was when she started talking about Twilight. She’s like those two chicks who are supposedly married to Sephiroth and Edward is her Sephiroth. She became incredibly upset when I said that I didn’t own the books and that I didn’t enjoy the movie. I’m guessing that she’s still that way because she keeps messaging me on MySpace to tell me that I need to read the books and doesn’t seem to comprehend that I have read them. The worst part is that her mother is almost as obsessed as she is. I really hope that they’ve changed in the past six months.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:24 No.1996006
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)19:58 No.1996072
    It's not really all that bad but I did feel embarrassed for him at the time.

    I was in that Japanese restaurant chain Wagamama's (which I always feel slightly awkward entering, because I have dyed hair and bright clothes which probably look very 'harajuku style'). I was with my family and we were waiting for our food when I heard this guy saying "it's just an art style". I peer over and this relatively normal although a bit scrawny and a little greasy-looking guy appear to be on a date with a rather cute girl and he just keeps reiterating "Yeah, it's just an art style."
    I'm quick to assume they're talking about animu or mango.
    "It's like fantasy and magic stuff, but yeah, it's a style of art."

    So, some normal bloke was informing his date about anime, but in a Japanese restaurant and in such a self-assured manner. I felt really embarrassed for him but thinking back, the real weeaboo in this situation was me, because it was all I could do to stop myself from slapping him around the ears and telling him "NO! Anime is not an "art style". It's what the Japanese call cartoons! Tom and Jerry is an "anime" in Japan! Manga too! Manga is just the Japanese word for "comic book" or "graphic novel"! And what's all this about fantasy and magic? Anime and manga cover all sorts of genres, but I guess your cartoon network crash-course education in these matters only really covered Naruto and Sailor Moon.You fucking fuck, get it right before you go around speaking so flippantly and spreading your own ignorance like a disease!"

    I was the weeaboo ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:00 No.1996074
    bumping for weeaboo stories :D
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:02 No.1996076
    Well a friend of mine who always goes to cons with me is a disgrace to animu fans AND black people alike. I went to high school with him and was president of the Anime Club (for only 2 weeks) and he'd wear Naruto headbands, blast stupid Jpop and anime theme songs and bring his laptop (riddled with dumbass anime stickers that EVERYONE knows) and play stepmania loudly while everyone tried to watch a show. He'd always yell stupid Japanese shit really loud down the hall and everyone would stare at us.

    I don't know why but 2 years later, he still acts like this and I still hang with him. Mostly to make fun of how fucking stupid he is.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:16 No.1996097
    There was an anime club at my school

    'nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:22 No.1996109
    When/Where was this? This is eerily familiar.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)20:28 No.1996124
    for some reason that struck me as cute :>
    At least you're not oblivious to your weeaboo...ness?
    I probably would have thought the same thing.
    >> Pasta !!Oo43raDvH61 07/26/09(Sun)20:56 No.1996163

    Didn't he propose to his girlfriend or something at the AB masquerade? I hate this guy, he's so obnoxious and he hates it when other people cosplay the same character as him and makes everything into a huge contest.

    I ran a chess match at a one day con and he was insisting to be a part of it, even though there had been sign ups on the website for at least a month before, and when I told him no he got pissed off and kept trying to sneak onto the board. I almost grabbed his fake sword and beat him with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:00 No.1996170
    I pined hard to take over my school's anime club. A giant reforming of the club was to be underwent. I lost to a friend of mine, since everyone thought (good guess) I would have gone nazi with the club. Instead I was appointed as co-leader.

    So new year arrives and I'm working my ass off in trying to bring in interesting series, getting opinions and trying to create club events. Well not much of a surprise, but nothing I brought in. Not akagi/kaiji, monster or Bokurano would interest them. They hated mech and thought kaiji/akagi was too boring. Instead they asked me to bring in recent episodes of soul eater and bleach.

    That's only the normal weeaboo rage that happens at clubs. It goes on. Obvious to say I ragequit my position as co-leader and left the club for pretty much good.

    You see the normal stuff, naruto headbands, a girl who dressed as misa EVERY FUCKING DAY. Jesus shit and then there was this one crazy guy. Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:08 No.1996184

    Anyways so this guy. I don't even know how to explain him. He was tall, lanky, had some weird mustache going on and just generally crazy. I remember working with him in an apprentice ship course (Cook Training) and all he would talk about is transformers and how excited he was for the live action movie to be coming out. Non-stop for hours every day. He threw tantrums as well, yelled 'YOU'RE DOING IT SO SO SO SO WRONG' to a buddy of mine who was peeling carrots. He was using the chefs technique which was apparently off limits to the students by his count. Chefs didn't care, just wanted the job done. Often he brought transformers toys to class and sit it in his jacket coat while he worked. Pissed off the chefs and it just weirded us out. But divine retribution happened. One time while working the dishwasher (One of those big fucking ones where you put the dishes on a tray and they go in and out) it just stopped on him. Him knowing how to do it opened it up from the side and tried to find the clog inside the machine. Nuff said, his toy fell into the machine and got lost. He cried and had to leave class earlier because it was impossible for him to get the figure again.

    Truth be told, the chefs could have gotten it( I lost a knife in the machine and they got it for me), but they just didn't care. Well then again my chefs were awesome. One of them would play stuff like cameo and just start popping while working.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:09 No.1996187
    This girl I knew back in my old school tried to draw her shitty,anatomy fail animu pictures to people.

    This year the idiot had her own pictures pasted to her locker,and one said "TAP ME ON DA SHOULDER IF YOU WANTZ A PIC". I won't even mention the fact that she wore clothes 5 times too small from the fucking disney store,and wore a blue wig the day BEFORE halloween. All of her characters are named some ~deep hardcore edgy~ shit,don't forget SHE LOVES BLOOD AND GORE OMGZ.

    oh yeah,and she's on cgl. I hope you see this you twat.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:09 No.1996188
    >>1996184 here
    >apprentice ship

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:12 No.1996191

    whoops,I meant she tried to sell them to people for money.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:18 No.1996202
    Man, I got lucky with our anime club. All the seniors graduated out after my freshman year and we got to watch some awesome anime. Only five of us in the club, and excluding my friends, there were two other guys.

    One of my friends was a major yaoi fan, though, and tried to get us to watch a whole bunch of crap like Gravitation, and one day she even suggested Boku no Pico. I ended up letting her bring in Loveless, and even that freaked out our advisor. That was about it, though.

    Man, I feel lucky not to have been in some of your situations, but now that I'm going to college, fuck, I hope their anime club is 'better'...
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:19 No.1996205
    A few weeks back, in Bristol.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:25 No.1996218
    Aha, given a few more months, and on the south coast, and I could have been that greasy guy. I guess this kind of situation must be pretty common.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:28 No.1996226

    Oh God this kid was posted elsewhere for his antics. Creepy and not cool.
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 07/26/09(Sun)21:36 No.1996244
    There's a local group in my city. They're annoying. Seriously annoying. I didn't think they were that annoying when I saw them from afar, so I decided to join in on their next monthly meeting, since I knew some guys from college who went to it, and they said they'd introduce me.

    It was a big mistake. When I got there, the first costume that turned up was a goddamn snj-naruto being done by a whale, along with her bf that clearly did not want to be there. And it pretty much was downhill from there, the entire thing turned out to be just chicks in cosplay, and the dudes that were there were neckbeards who were too young to have the beard, and kept spouting off memes. The girls however shouted out MADNESS THIS IS whatever the fuck the group was called, blatantly out in front of people who were passing by in the middle of a goddamn park.

    Then followed the caramelldansen on a boom box and one of the chicks was hitting on my gf and showing her her yaoi collection.

    So yeah, fuck those guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:39 No.1996248
    good lord that young lady has gotta have major back pain D:
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:42 No.1996256

    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:45 No.1996261

    are you fucking serious
    wagamama is food by white people, for white people
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:47 No.1996268
    That thing has a child? D:
    He always talks to me like we're friends or something because I cosplay and am from Boston. FFF No
    That guy is so creepy. I thought he was like 22. How can he have a child. What.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)21:49 No.1996274
    Yeah, but it's portrayed as (And mostly based upon) Japanese food. You can feel all cultured by eating with chopsticks, but still get ice-cream, good beer, and pretty much anything else you need to remove even the slightest chance of culture shock.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:03 No.1996293
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    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:05 No.1996296
    I know someone who named their daughter Usagi.

    She's a fucking whale, too. I feel bad for that kid.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)22:22 No.1996326
    Submit this thread too, you guys!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:25 No.1996530
    most annoying person I ever met, was the most weeabooist piece of crazy shit ever. And I had to sit by him in my science class in my junior year.
    It was just the usual super full of it annoying, meme spouting, I wear a ninja head band, gonna cosplay sephiroth guy. When he found out I liked anime, he just had to make friends with me. I was also automatically partnered up with him for projects, and he would try to make them "funny" in the I must be mentally challenged kind of way.
    What really pissed me off was that he was so full of it, he'd talk waaay above normal talking volume and mouth off the other people in our class about wtf their interests and hobbies. He once pissed the other guy beside me that was into car racing, off so hard, saying things like it was such a stupid hobby very LOUDLY during CLASS. But I was happy about it because the next day they both were absent because the nascar guy apparently beat him up. I feel bad about nascar guy getting in trouble about it though. He annoyed me so much. so very much
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:37 No.1996571
    Yeah, but it's yummy, so why should I care?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/09(Sun)23:57 No.1996619
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:01 No.1996628 it possible for an asian to be a weaboo? It's always slightly irked me to meet non japanese asians totally into japanese culture and claim that their own race is shit and wished they were born japanese...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:11 No.1996658
    I know a guy who thinks he's a vampire. His favorite anime mostly consists of stuff like Hellsing, Trinity Blood, and of course, Naruto and Bleach.

    When he's not spouting random Japanese words along with his skewed English, he's kicking rottweilers so hard they die, and is screwing his nasty girlfriend in the ass because she thinks she's going to hell if she takes it in the vag. In addition, last month he joined a demon tournament because he needed the prize money to pay his rent. He never did tell me what place he came in.


    Kinda makes me sad that I'M the virgin.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:25 No.1996703
    biggest weeaboos are those that go to live in Japan
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:26 No.1996709

    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:36 No.1996732
    >screwing his nasty girlfriend in the ass because she thinks she's going to hell if she takes it in the vag

    How and why do you know this?
    >> Swiper !!9QPmDTUB9Pf 07/27/09(Mon)00:36 No.1996733
    Here in my home town I went to this dojo with an old friend form highschool. There I met one of the biggest weeaboos I have ever seen.

    This girl was part of the dojo and while she wasn't practicing she was spouting this " made up language of hers " that was actually just her speaking three different languages that consisted of Japanese, German, and French.

    Now when she wasn't yapping in a different langage she was talked about her self and, how "cool" she was, (normal self-loveing bull shit) and the animes she liked. Naruto, bleach... things on adult swim, Ect.

    Then this girl starts talking about her first con, and starts bashing cosplayers she saw at this con. Now yes I had been at the con and yes she started to bash me. She was saying things like " Omg I cant belive retards dress up in stupid costumes like that," and " Omg there was this freaky girl with pointy teeth " But apparently she loved her first con even though she hated cosplayers.

    I told her she needed to go to some bigger cons and she was like " NOOO!! I like Anime but those people are freaks!! I'm going to stay with (insert small con name here)"

    I just face palmed
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:37 No.1996738
    see, when I was president of my anime club, and people suggested dumb shows, I made them suffer in return, or showed them the better versions of the shows

    They suggested Bleach, I told them I'd play the first movie, then played Musashi Gundoh instead. They asked for Inu-yasha, I played Urusei Yatsura

    Last meeting of the year was AMV Hell 0/divided by 0 and queens blade. I'll be goddamned if they didn't love it
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:42 No.1996749

    Long story short, his girlfriend tells his brother everything, and his brother told me because he thought it was really fucking funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:46 No.1996759


    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:46 No.1996760
    >.is it possible for an asian to be a weaboo?

    Many Filipinos are (that Cebu Prison dance troupe did the 'Melancholy of Haruhi' dance). Especially the "alternative lifestyle" pinoys.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)00:47 No.1996766
    I've had several run-ins with weaboos at my university. Sadly a bunch of them are just scary asian otaku. My roommate in first year was clearly into animu so I made the mistake of showing her my cosplay photos. Upon seeing a picture of me in crossplay, she declared, "YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'D BE ON THE BOTTOM." I was baffled by the obvious implications, considering she was a yaoi fan, but apparently this was her way of saying that I looked like the effeminate male type in anime. A month later, she saw photos of me from a self-portrait photography project in which I was wearing a women's two-piece suit and again, loudly declared: "YOU LOOK LIKE A MAN." She went on to explain that I looked like the clever, calculating male anime character archetype. I had long hair and clearly looked female... still trying to figure that one out. In her defence, it was her first year in the country, but she had studied in an international school in China and had virtually no accent, making her non-politically-correct verbal vomit a little harder to handle. I've avoided her ever since first year since she's frankly terrifying.

    Our university anime club has some equally frightening characters. There's an autistic girl whose belongings are often covered in sharpied phrases such as "ANIME RULZ," and she frequently wears Naruto headbands. Worst of all, she wears a dog collar with an enormous bell on it. At one screening event for the club, she was completely hyper during the intermission and went about literally BOUNCING around the room, making a huge racket because of that stupid fucking bell collar. She would go up to the snack tables, grab mochi, exclaim things like "SQUISHYYYYY" and proceed to act like a five-year-old. I asked someone whether or not she was legit retarded and it turns out she's autistic. I felt kind of bad, but she's still annoying as shit and I have no idea how she managed to get into university.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:01 No.1996791
    >I felt kind of bad, but she's still annoying as shit and I have no idea how she managed to get into university.

    Sometimes they My roommate my sophomore year had an IQ lower than room temperature, and she's still in good academic standing at a university that's supposedly hard to get into. Still trying to figure THAT one out.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:18 No.1996829
    I had a literature prof this year who was a weaboo.

    Yes, my PROF was the weaboo.

    He was one of those grown white men who go to Japan and then suddenly become ~CULTURALLY ENLIGHTENED~ so they bring up Japan in every fucking conversation. This was the sort of class in which the prof would talk for ages so I could just sit on my laptop the entire time and pass with a good grade, but occasionally I'd actually listen to him, and he'd usually be on another Japan tangent. One day he awkwardly blurted out something about being fluent in Japanese; I got the feeling he'd been saving that one up for a while to brag about. At one point I went into his office to talk about missing a test and he ended up telling me about the time he illegally camped out halfway up Mount Fuji.

    There was a history teacher like this in my high school, too. He looked hilariously like Jay Leno, and owned a large collection of various kinds of kimono. He brought a bunch into our fashion class (yay for bird courses) and had us try a few on while he handed out photocopies of information on kimono. He was a bit less rabid than my literature prof in terms of I WENT TO JAPAN AND HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE ABOUT IT but I still got that "Japan changed my liiiiife" vibe from him.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:26 No.1996846
    kinda sound like my tribal arts professor. :/ he liked to make films, one was about some sort of protest in japan.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:33 No.1996859
    The anime club at my old high school wasn't...really anything. We watched decent shit and we actually did some pretty interesting things from time to time.
    The 2nd week I was attending there I was "pushed" as the new president because I actually had merchandise and shit and could bring DVD's in for people to watch. Thus, explaining the lack of failure I guess.
    (The actual president just sat on his ass drawing all day.)
    Anyways, one girl kept bitching about how I should bring in DNAngel even though everybody in there pretty much wanted me to bring in other shit. So after about a month of her bitching non-stop I brought it in for a day. Popped in the first episode and I swear to fucking god she was humping the TV.
    She couldn't stop going on about how sexy her "Dark-kun" was and how she was going to have babies with it. She was so loud and since we were right beside the Kindergarten class we ended up losing the room and the club was pretty much canceled, and I was blamed for it.
    Fucking special needs bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:39 No.1996873
    There's a teacher like that at my college, too. The thing is, he's adviser to the anime club but he treats everyone like they've never heard of anything remotely Japanese. He goes into great detail about how different the culture is and how he knows all this because he lived in Japan for a few years.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:40 No.1996876

    As long as you don't give out a creepy older guy age vibe, most of the non-weeaboo teens will still be interesting in talking with you and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:44 No.1996881
    anyone see that reverse-weeaboo girl on Web Soup?? the girl from japan obsessed with Harry Potter.

    whats the name for a girl like that? surely we cant use "weeaboo". so thats the term?
    >> Swiper !!9QPmDTUB9Pf 07/27/09(Mon)01:48 No.1996884
    A beeawoo?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:51 No.1996889
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:53 No.1996897
    All these High School Anime Club stories. Man, when I was in High School, the "anime club" was just me and my friends.

    >Worst of all, she wears a dog collar with an enormous bell on it. At one screening event for the club, she was completely hyper during the intermission and went about literally BOUNCING around the room, making a huge racket because of that stupid fucking bell collar. She would go up to the snack tables, grab mochi, exclaim things like "SQUISHYYYYY" and proceed to act like a five-year-old.

    What is WRONG with people like that!? If it isn't the freaky smelly dude with odd obsessions it's the hyper-active girl pretending to be a child because that makes her think she's living out an anime character and that she looks "cute."

    I guess I really can't blame those not attracted to the appeal of anime and it's like for thinking negatively about those who do in light of all the crazies out there.

    MOAR stories!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:59 No.1996914
    >>1996897 What is WRONG with people like that!? If it isn't the freaky smelly dude with odd obsessions it's the hyper-active girl pretending to be a child because that makes her think she's living out an anime character and that she looks "cute."

    I think you missed the part where I mentioned she was autistic... twice. As in, legitimately mentally retarded. So at least she had an excuse for acting the way she does.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:59 No.1996915
    Ugh, Highschool Anime Club.
    I guess after a year I was the 'President' It was probably becasue I have seen the most anime/variety/ect.
    Where do I start? Well, the adviser was an awesome teacher, but he also thought Gundam Wing to be the best Anime in existence and Refused to talk about UC Gundam with me.
    The Average tally, lanky, socially awkward guy who ended up stalking me a few years later( He flew from CA to MA to do so)
    The Yaoi Obbsessed Hambeast girls who only wanted to talk about Kingdom hearts and Mansex
    The Fanartist, who wasn't that bad of a person considering she was open to a lot of Anime and When I brought In JoJo's she wanted to borrow it and learn more.
    But then, there was this one guy....Massively overweight fanboy who reeked everyday and was under the impression he and I were were friends. Every week he wanted to watch Ecchi anime. We tried to explain to him that this is a school club and we can watch something like that. He clearly didn't understand as he would bring in collection of Ecchi and Hentai Anime every week.
    The Club was disbanded after I left so I could do track as no one attended or brought in DVDs.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)01:59 No.1996916
    Oy oy oy.

    My Junior year of High School, I got so sick of the school I was in that I finally convinced my mother to send me to a different school. I went for a day-visit to said school, to see what it was like, standard procedure, yadda yadda, right?

    I was going to be a fucking SENIOR. They had me follow around a fucking FRESHMAN. Do you know why? Because my mother, in one of her obscene fits of ignorance, said to the woman in charge of putting me with someone, "Oh, she's obsessed with that anime stuff. Put her with someone that likes anime."

    Needless to say I was following around a girl a foot and a half shorter than me, multiple years younger than me, and all of her whale-sized friends that thought Naruto and Sergeant Frog and Kuroshitsuji were the greatest shit since ever. Then they figured out I could draw. So I drew for them. I drew all sorts of things for them. Because it was better than listening to the Jesus music that their religion teacher was playing rather loudly.

    Then they figured out that I liked D.Gray-Man. They all LOVED DGM, apparently. "Oh I hate REENALEE!" "Allen-koon is mah boyfriendo" "Kanda-koon has such a sezzy voice!" So I said something about something later in the series, if only to try and get them to start an intelligent-sounding conversation. Turns out they had only watched the dub, and were now furious that I was 'lying' to them.

    tl;dr I hate Freshman weaboos. I wasn't one, though, thank gawd. I was a Freshman /co/mrade, until I discovered anime. Don't know if that was a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)02:01 No.1996921

    >What is WRONG with people like that!? If it isn't the freaky smelly dude with odd obsessions it's the hyper-active girl pretending to be a child because that makes her think she's living out an anime character and that she looks "cute."

    If they bother you, hit them. it worked with my siblings, and they escaped childhood stupidity with only minor inferiority complexes and mental trauma.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)02:03 No.1996928
    Not at all. The point I'm trying to make is that, autistic or not, there are plenty of weeaboo females that act just like that. They get so hyper, wear bells or cat ears, and make odd noises because they think it makes them look cute. What they have failed to understand is that while that works for animated Asians, it is truly obnoxious when seen in real life.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)02:09 No.1996943
    >Naruto and Sergeant Frog and Kuroshitsuji
    >Sergeant Frog

    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)02:15 No.1996957
    i like it!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)02:34 No.1996990
    I admit to going through a slightly obnoxious weeaboo phase when I was 12-14. Then I serious'd the fuck up.
    Unfortunately one former friend of mine never did, and I had the misfortune of having one of my jobs working in the same place she did. We're the same age, 23, and the job was only part time casual stuff.
    She's not so much weeaboo as garden variety batshit, arms all scarred up because her life is soooooo hard. What with 2 sets of parents and a common-law hubby that buys everything for her. She actually spent an hour bitching to me about how her cat had shat on her carpet and she'd left it there for her hubby to clean up.
    She wore a narutard headband to a few times to work, and during staff meetings would either read her "omg kawaii desu yaoi!" manga or spend it drawing NSFW stuff her sketchbook.
    Yeah. And staff meetings were paid for work time. And no, they didn't fire her or discipline her even once for all the complaints I made.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)02:39 No.1997005
    Typical weaboo female:
    - Makes stupid "cute" noises
    - Loves invader zim
    - Is "totally randumb lol"
    - Typical coffee goth. "OMG COFFEE IS DA GREATEST"
    - Usually a whale
    - Has a warped idea of what Lolita is
    - Usually wear stupid cat ears and tales
    - LOVE KH and Yaoi. "gaiz kissing is zo hawt"
    - Acts as though anime is real

    Typical Male weaboo:
    - Usually into Gundam and transformers
    - Naruto and Bleach lover
    - Sweaty
    - Acne covered
    - Completely batshit insane
    - Stalkerish tendancies
    - Ugly
    - Loves FF7
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)02:44 No.1997018
    God, I have so many. . .

    A few years back at Acen I was in line to get someones autograph and the signing started in like half an hour. Lacking a gameboy or anything else I started talking to person next to me in line to kill time. He was very scruffy looking and was dressed up in an equally scruffy looking random Gundam officer costume.

    At some point in the conversation he mentioned that he hated Gundam, and all things Gundam related with a passion. That was the first thing that made me stop, but I brushed it off as a "maybe he just really likes the costume design" because there was no way he was doing a group cosplay. But a little while later he decided that it was show and tell time and he dug out two vials of his own blood.

    I never wished to be elsewhere harder.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)11:40 No.1997042
    >Well not much of a surprise, but nothing I brought in. Not akagi/kaiji, monster or Bokurano would interest them. They hated mech and thought kaiji/akagi was too boring. Instead they asked me to bring in recent episodes of soul eater and bleach.

    This shit right here is why I realized starting an anime club was a horrible move. Instead of it being a place to share new and interesting series, it's a place for teenage retards to watch the same shit over and over and over again while yelling random Japanese phrases and squealing about yaoi any time two males are on the screen. God.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)13:59 No.1997048
    > bitching about weeaboos
    > board is devoted to dressing up as anime characters

    mind = blown
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)17:09 No.1997311
    ...what the fuck was he doing carrying around vials of his own blood? Or is that some Gundam reference? I never watched Gundam sooo clarifications would be nice. (You never explained why he was dressed in Gundam cosplay either, if he hated gundam so much)
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)17:39 No.1997349
    Since this thread is dying down a bit, I'll throw in my own anime club story too.
    Being a fairly sane person, a "friend", Lizzie, and I started anime club at my high school when I was a sophomore and she was a junior. Bad idea. I always thought she was kinda "special", but turns out she has a minor sort of social disorder. She's just fairly hyper, but she could carry out normal conversations without breaking into weeabooness too often, so I was alright with her.
    The rest of the club though... I'd rather be raped by a lion than to be ever associated with them or the anime club ever again.
    First of all, Lizzie was in the special ed program at my high school, and she got one of her special ed teachers to sponsor the club. Bad idea, cuz then the club was basically "Club for Retards", due to the fact that the sponsor was a special ed teacher, who was overly open to "different people".
    There's this one kid named Chris who was super loud and obnoxious. He always wore black and thinks he's the shit.
    Another kid named Ben...God I want to murder him. He's on his way to obesity and he's really obnoxious too. He smells, has horrible acne, didn't know how to dress, and always pretends to be the shit. He was in my Karate class last semester and has "special breathing exercises" that he pretends helps "balance his chi" or some shit like that.
    There was some tall and lanky kid that was clingy and whinny. O and he is fucking ginger.
    Augh, I can't remember the details of my old anime club too well, but that's cuz I mostly don't want to remember it. Let me just conclude with this thought: FUCK YOU WEEABOOS
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)17:45 No.1997352
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    >vials of his own blood
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)18:18 No.1997415

    I think if you were the weeaboo, you'd be saying how it IS an artstyle and how it's superior to anything western.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)18:21 No.1997423
    I knew several fangirls at my High School Anime Club. I was Vice President among the club and apparently the only one (along with about three other guys) that were sane.

    The primary make up of this club were Yaoi fangirls, as many of you have experienced these things should be avoided at all costs. Two did the whole dress up as Riku and Sora and mack faces at cons. I admired the work the girl cosplaying Sora did in her costume but that was it and she soon fell prey to a life of debauchery and pot smokan with a high school stoner drop out.

    Funny story though, the President of the club (good friend and future roomie in college) was minding his own business at Izumicon cosplaying as Light from Deathnote. Another one of my friends who was a football player, and quite possibly the biggest Weeaboo out of any of the guys in the club decided it would be a great idea to hit the President with one of those ridiculous YAOI paddles one of the fangirls bought.

    He sneaks up behind the President with a bunch of Light fangirls crowding up around him and does a fucking major league swing. Mr. President fell to the ground screaming in pain due to the strength of his swing and said after the event "I thought for a moment that he broke my ass." The paddle swinger was promptly chased by a horde of fangirls for beating the ass out of Light Yagami. I lol'ed heartily.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)18:53 No.1997511
    Oh, and one of the yaoi fangirls had a crush on me. I'll admit I was attracted to her a bit in the past but she was crazy and the fact was that what she was kind of creeped me out.

    I'll tell you this /cgl/, I will fucking die of a self inflicted labotomy or bleeding out from severed limbs before my firstborn son is called as she puts it "Roxas! It'd be the best name ever so kawaii! n_n!"
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/27/09(Mon)18:59 No.1997534
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    >vials of his own blood
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:15 No.1997574
    Not anime club related but certainly weeaboo related. It was halloween, and a bunch of my friends and I were trying out costumes to see if anyone would get what we were, and free candy.

    My best friend wore a Kenshin costume he bought, I was wearing an Imperial Commissar costume with chainsword and then...there was THAT guy. You may have thought it'd be the Kenshin, you were wrong.

    The fellow I am talking about is a very large man. Not going to name names but his costume was nothing. Normal attire. His excuse. It was "A character he was making in a fanfic of his that had the control of Twilight, a mix of light and dark magic." That meant he was a gary stu to the extreme, as he started spouting about what his character could do, which was everything.

    I swear to God if I could call in an Exterminatus right then and there I would. I would HARD.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:25 No.1997592
    I guess everyone here is from MA and goes to AB, same here but in a quite sucky town near Lake Quin.... fuck that place.

    Well.... Where do I begin.
    I guess I'm considered your typical Weaboo, white an into anime but not to the point of complete utter obsession. Just something I like. I knew this kid. He was fat and 6'3" with black greasy hair and arms and thighs the size of tree trunks. He also had the W disease. This kid lies and steals your shit. He is the utter definition of douchebag. So one day I go up to the sped room before first bell to get some work done and I see him doing some shit on the computer I ignor it and do my work. Later that day I log onto the computer and what do I find FUCKING HENTAI BONDAGE SHIT SET TO THE DESKTOP. WOOOOOW WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS KID. On top of that the teacher just walked into the room. Lucky for me she knew I didn't do this shit. KID SUCH A DOUSCHE. Some time later my friend Mike finds him on the computer but screen turned twoard the conner. So he would talk to him and carry out a conversation, this kid is also one of those kids that like to talk alot, mostly about themselves, but then he would go quiet. My friend new there was soething wrong so he pretends to do his work at one of the tables and then runs over to the comp saying "hey ****** what ya lookin at" lo and behold FUCKING MORE FRIGGIN HENTAI. KID CANT EVEN WAIT TILL HE GETS HOME TO LOOK AT THAT SHIT. On top he threw mike to the ground be cause he told him to cillax. WHAT A DOUSCHE
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:29 No.1997599
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    Picture of me from AB 08' (I'm the guy)
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:30 No.1997603
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    >vials of his own blood
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 07/27/09(Mon)19:31 No.1997607

    Seriously I'd gtfo of there...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:33 No.1997609
    I'm now imagining the most hardcore SPACE AIDS cosplayer ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:33 No.1997610
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:35 No.1997614
    Do you really need to ask?

    >I'm considered your typical Weaboo
    Of course they have no idea what grammar and/or punctuation are. Note the skilled usage of ALL CAPS AND MISSPELLING OF DOUSCHE FOR ADDED EFFECT. It's even better, as they self-censored their language on FUCKING 4CHAN.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)19:39 No.1997621
    O SHIT you know him too?
    I am so sorry...
    He got his crappy ass Zack cosplay onto the chess board at ctcon last year by doing rock paper scissors with the perfectly accurate zack because "It was fair"
    Note: he signed up at the con, other zack signed up online...
    He's like 25... I know what you mean about him being creepy. I barely talked to him at the time and certain events happened and he was like "you should move up here with me" clingy as fuck. I hate him so bad and I hate the drama that he creates.
    On a better note have you gone to any of the AB meetups? Maybe I know you.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)20:20 No.1997691
    I don't have too much, besides creepy high school stories.
    One day, this fat kid came to school in a Shinigami outfit and it was nowhere NEAR Halloween. My brother asked if he was supposed to be a character and the kid went off on how he was 'Shinigami #34 that was killed by Chad'.

    Then, when our school announced they had an anime club, my brother and I went to check it out. It was full of some okay kids, but the president was this huge douche. He started feeling threatened when I mentioned we helped out with events at our local anime convention and he kept trying to out-do me with this whole 'I'm the bigger animu fan' thing.
    When I asked one girl if she had seen Katekyo Hitman Reborn! the president scoffed at me and said, "Don't even get me STARTED on that show."

    . . . I found out that he'd never seen it before.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)20:20 No.1997695
    How do I explain this girl...
    This girl is someone I have known since 7th grade and she has always been very, very weird.

    So *GASP* it was no surprise when I saw her my freshmen year at high school to sign up for anime club (hey, we are all weird..don't you deny that). She did the usual thing like the gothic hot topic anime style clothing, wearing naruto accessories to school, and etc. Every school has one. I just sort of laughed at it and thanked the lord that I was not born with such weeaboo like behavior.

    I didn't know how bad she had become until I was in the middle of a test once and she, being in the same class, starts randomly singing (badly) some anime theme song at the top of her lungs. She also insisted that everyone call her "Kaiba", because that was what she was planning to change her name to.

    Then came to A-kon of that year. I've gone to A-kon before this anime club was established and many other cons (Yes. I was one of those 14 year old kids that got their parents to take them to every con. I did not, however, run around with yaoi sign paddle crap and act like a tard). Now, this girl earlier this year bitch and raged at the fact that cosplayers existed. "They look nothing like the character and if that doesn't look anything like his sword and-" etc. You'd think she browsed /cgl/..but she was only pissed that such and such "Sessy" (Remember those inuyasha days? I do) didn't look super kawaii bishie desu desu like the actual character. AKA: She wanted the large eyed, pointy nose, exact anime replica born into real life thing..which even /cgl/ knows is impossible. Anywho, the ironic thing about all of this is that at A-kon she decided to cosplay (Kingdom Hearts or Naruto or some crappy average fandom). She also proceeded to make out with any girl that her "character" was supposed to be with. She even wore some crappy blue wig and white underwear and claimed that she was Edward Elric's bastard child..or some gaia underage spew like that.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)20:23 No.1997700
    There was this guy.

    I'm not even sure if I can call him a weeaboo, but he makes a good story for these threads (and he works at an anime/card shop so okay, he's a weeaboo)

    one of his more irritating antics was the yu gi oh incident. On top of wearing that stupid card arm holder thing to school on multiple occasions, allegedly getting up in one class to shout "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL" in response to a teacher, shouting that phrase down the hallway, saying too many memes out loud and just FAILING TO BE A HUMAN BEING... there was the day with the yugioh cards he brought to school and-

    He was shameless

    But not in an admirable way, just a terribly, terribly annoying way.

    and then he made this.

    he just had to use carameldansen in it, to make it worse...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)20:30 No.1997712
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    One thing, on the character born into real life, I beg to differ
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)20:39 No.1997726

    Touche Anon.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)20:45 No.1997739

    He actually thinks that those guys are laughing with him and not at him?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)20:46 No.1997741
    Posting another story out of boredom. Not a school story or anything. This one actually comes from a convention.

    My friends and I all decided to cosplay Death Note a couple of years back and as it turned out, it aired on Adult Swim that very year. When we were hanging out in the lobby of the hotel, I heard this 'clink' and then felt breathing on my neck.

    I turned around and there was a gang of 13 year-old girls, with spray-colored hair and Hot Topic clothes . . . and the fattest one in the group had handcuffed herself to my wrist. And she was breathing hotly against my neck. The other girls started cheering and chanting, "We got Neaaar~ We got Neeeaar! He's so kawaii! Look at him with his little toys~!"

    And then they proceeded to chase Matsuda around the lobby until they tackled him to the ground and handcuffed him as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:00 No.1997763
    >>1997741 and the fattest one in the group had handcuffed herself to my wrist. And she was breathing hotly against my neck.

    and THIS is why they should allow us to carry live-metal weapons around at cons.

    I would seriously lose my cool with those bitches and beat them down.
    >> Tatsue !YsOjPxwORI 07/27/09(Mon)21:03 No.1997768
    I used to sit by this girl in my Digital Photography class in high school that would photoshop her face onto Yuna's body all the time. She had quite a few of them, too.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:07 No.1997774
    >"It was fair"
    Pun intended?

    This story got to be a little tl;dr, sorry.
    TL;DR - Lesbian black weeaboos are terror.

    There was this girl in my eighth grade History class (this was quite some time ago, so forgive me if details are a little vague), who was the classic mall goth weeaboo annoying as shit stereotype. She was some mixed chick so her hair was trying to be an afro with big curls and cut into a dyke style and I don't even fucking know what was going on there. Anyway, I had the great pleasure of sitting across from her, and I wasn't mean enough to tell her to gtfo, so I sat and endured the terror of listening to many, many stories of her Mary Sue OC (lovingly named "Jen Dracula Black") and said Mary Sue's exciting escapades, complete with illustrations in her faggy sketchbook.

    Later I went to another girl's party. I saw curly dyke afro chick the moment I pulled up - she was with her gaggle of Narutards, sitting in a tree. It was my friend's party, so I tried to be nice, asking what they were up to in the tree. The response I got was "ROLEPLAYING!". I had gone silent, so she continued to tell me that they were supa witches from Harry Potter and they were having "poker night with the Dementors!" I really can't make this shit up. Apparently they did it "every Friday". I decided to end that conversation and go find my friend.

    Later she was seen wearing the shortest miniskirt you will ever see and flashing her 101 Dalmations granny panties to any boy that was within a five foot radius, but that's neither here nor there.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:07 No.1997776

    wow u guys are freaky.. anime clubs?! its like, u guys are 10 times crazier about anime than us asians. sure we like anime too, but not to the point where we go to cons...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:09 No.1997778
    ...Did I see that shit on coscom a while back?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:16 No.1997784
    That the only redeeming part of his behavior: it was really, really easy to fuck with him and one guy basically egged him on the whole year on the pretense they were bffs. coincidentally its the guy weirdo is almost sexually harassing in the dancing video.

    they were both dicks and deserved eachother
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:19 No.1997789
    My best friend in highschool was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog. She recolored Sonic characters and used the now ORIGINAL CHARACTERS DO NOT STEAL in RPs, which she forced me to participate in. She was convinced that Knuckles the echidna existed in some parallel universe and that he was waiting for her to find him so they could be together forever. I was always a little confused about that though, because when she wasn't talking about their future marriage and life together she was writing and drawing Knuckles/Sonic porn. She lived on pocky and ramen, and her room was a smelly wasteland full of plushies and cat shit. She named her cat Knuckles and never let him out of her room because she thought he carried a piece of the "real" Knuckles' soul. She thought she was a great artist and she planned to become a famous manga-ka and use her money to fund her trip to the alternate dimension where Knuckles lived.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:28 No.1997808
    We stopped being friends after hurricane Katrina, mostly because she kept spouting all this shit about how it was a sign that the Chaos Emeralds had been stolen and Knuckles needed her help to find them all again. Then this other girl whose house had been destroyed in the storm started hanging out with us, and she had major issues. She was constantly crying and making up shit about how the universe hated her and everything that went wrong in the entire world was meant to be a punishment for her. My friend convinced her to go to the alternate dimension with her, and one day they sat me down in the cafeteria and gave me a very serious talk about how I couldn't come with them because I didn't believe in Knuckles and the Chaos Emeralds wouldn't let me come. They told me I could only come along if I swore fealty to Knuckles and drank their blood, which would give me their "powers". I got up and walked away. The last I heard of them they both flunked out of community college and still lived with their parents.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:29 No.1997810
    Ah, I have one girl that I dealt with in my previous year in school.

    My Painting 2 class I didn't know a single person there (I'm a graphic design major and I had for the most part seen the same people over and over, but I wanted to improve my paintings so I went for that over something else, not important to the story). So I spot a girl wearing some kind of nerd shirt (I think it had some anime or video game character on it). Seeing it was something I recognized or liked, I went up to her and started talking to her.

    BIG fucking mistake. This girl was every single sterotype of weaboo girl you could think of. Fat, ugly, wearing the same shit over and over again, spoke nothing of shit anime, had a "fiancee" over the internet, furry, etc. This girl was utterly embarassing to speak to and enraging to hear. Needless to say I had a new "friend".

    She found out I cosplayed and begged for me to make her stuff for free. She also begged me to get her free stuff from work and begged me to drive her around places because she didn't have a license (we're both 21 btw). She refused to use the right materials for class (oil paints, she decided she was going to use acrylics) and she also decided that EVERY SINGLE PROJECT she did was going to be anime in some way. I shit you not. She painted anime characters with every project.

    She also had this habit of stalking the Chinese girls in our class. We had these three girls who were all Chinese and spoke in broken English. Not only would she stalk them and fawn over them, but she would speak in wapanese to them.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:31 No.1997813

    >She was constantly crying and making up shit about how the universe hated her and everything that went wrong in the entire world was meant to be a punishment for her.

    That's not "making shit up", that's PTSD.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:39 No.1997831
    is that really a girl or a trap?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:44 No.1997840
    Almost every single person in our entire school had their home damaged/destroyed by Katrina. We were all pretty stressed out, but this girl took the cake. To her, a fire or a car crash that happened on the other side of the world was a punishment meant for her, but the Powers That Be had just missed her somehow. She broke into hysterics if she dropped her books or someone bumped her in the hallway. She flew into an absolute murderous rage if anyone around her started complaining about anything, because anything bad that happened to them was actually meant for her, so she didn't think they had any right to complain. She actually attempted to strangle a kid who dared to complain about HIS house being destroyed. That's not PTSD, that's being a stuck up psycho bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:45 No.1997842
    One time I was sitting in the school library checking my DA page. Well this girl walks in and sits next to me and logs onto DA. So I was like "Oh cool you have a Deviantart too!" and she was like "Yeah here's my name look at my art!" So I did, because I'm polite.

    SHE ONLY DREW SPARKLE DOGS. But ME being polite and not a general asshat commented and said her stuff was good and I really liked her colors and blahblah, so then I give her my name and she just looks at my page and goes "...Your arts...nice" and gives me the snobbiest face.

    And from then on out I would notice her at school more, she wore that fucking Ed Elric coat every other day and when she wasn't "Cosplaying" she was a shitty mall goth. She has a very "Holier then thou" attitude and thinks she's "TEH BEST ARTIST IN SCHOOL" when in reality most of the art kids really dislike her because all she draws is furry little rainbow Disney monstrosities.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:48 No.1997848

    Wow. I would punch that bitch in the cunt.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:49 No.1997851
    OH GOD, HIM.
    Our group had the misfortune to meet him at Katsucon this year when he FORCIBLY PULLED my friend to the Bleach shoot. When everyone else wasn't looking, and when I was just coming back from our hotel room because I forgot my camera.
    This wouldn't have been a problem if I wasn't 5' 1" and creepy con-goer bait, but while looking for our friend, my entire group left where they said they would meet me.
    And our cell phones didn't have service.

    In short, any time we see him, we all run in the opposite direction and pray to God that he won't remember us.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)21:56 No.1997866
    Moar weaboo stories!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:00 No.1997874
    I have PTSD. Whatever that chick has, it is not solely PTSD and if she does have it, it came after whatever other mental illness(es) she had before Katrina.
    >> Swiper !!9QPmDTUB9Pf 07/27/09(Mon)22:01 No.1997876
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    Oh I just remember this one yaoi fan girl weeaboo I met at one of my first cons

    Now this is back when I was a Narutard and I cosplayed from Naruto. I was cosplaying Sasuke and I had met up with a nearly complete group of Akatsuki cosplayers.

    While standing around with this group and a few other Naruto Cosplayers waiting for a photo shoot to begin this little 12 year old girl with long dirty blond hair a gray tank top and a pair of blue jeans on, walked up to me and says " Wow your a horrible cosplayer, who are you supposed to be,? "

    I answer her politely that I was cosplaying Sasuke while trying not to punch this little girl in the face for insulting me. She then went on to look at the other cosplayers around me and started to bash them also, saying they looked like shit. Then out of no where she turned to me and said "Omg even though I'm cosplaying Sakura, your such a bad Sasuke, I would never chase after you, Your fucking ugly !!"

    I just stand there studded looking at this little girl in causal cloths not knowing what to say, and trying even harder not to beat the piss out of her

    Attached is a photo of my back then just for reference
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:03 No.1997879
    Ya he does that. Dont worry, guys a fucking idiot. Saw me at ctcon hanging out with 3 shyguys, found out that two of them were my friends he met a AB. Couldnt put together that the other one might be my 3rd friend he had met a month before, he invited him to live with him after his first time meeting him.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:06 No.1997882

    I admire your self-restraint. If it was me, I would've smacked her so hard, her future children would feel it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:42 No.1997953

    Something like this happened to me once. My friend and I were cosplaying Hagi and Saya from Blood+ and this really young, over-weight girl with long blonde hair and too much make-up on approached us. Without even saying hello, she started to give us critique on our costumes.
    Now, these were one of our first costumes and while they weren't amazing, they definitely weren't as bad as she made them sound.

    Sick and tired of hearing her bitch and moan, Hagi asked her how she knew so much about sewing, since she was in casual clothes. The girl got completely offended and said, "I'm cosplaying Diva! How could you not recognize me?! I guess you are just posers and really don't like the show."

    . . . She was wearing a black skirt and a white, button-up blouse and sneakers.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 07/27/09(Mon)22:45 No.1997963
    Why does this sound like our club, and you sound like my co-pres.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:50 No.1997978
    o_O James?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:55 No.1997997
    ......I have no words.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)22:56 No.1998000

    sounds like you got trolled by a 12 year old.
    >> Swiper !!9QPmDTUB9Pf 07/27/09(Mon)23:03 No.1998024
    You have no idea how hard i wanted to kick her ass. >>1997978
    Yeah I had none also
    You know whats funny, that was so long ago that /cgl/ didn't exist yet
    4chan yes but /cgl/ no
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:12 No.1998050

    This semi reminds me of a similar story. It was after the cosplay contest at a convention and I was in a bunny outfit. I would say who, but not many (AKA: none) have done this version and you could easily look me up. Anywho, I'm walking around with friends when this "african american" girl in some dealers room bought kimono (Texas con folk can refer to her as "boondocks girl") comes up to me and says "EXCUSE ME. FASHION POLICE" and starts bitching at me for dressing up like a bunny. I mean, I knew I was gonna get creepy guy hugs (not that I particularly wanted them. I enjoy the character, not the attention)..but ya.

    PS: Out of curiosity, is that afest in your photo? Or ushicon?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:19 No.1998066


    In b4 "you deserved that, skank"
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:33 No.1998104
    You look very familiar. Coscom account?
    >> Swiper !!9QPmDTUB9Pf 07/27/09(Mon)23:40 No.1998135
    onicon actually

    If I look familiar from here, some anon have nicknamed me sexy grell. My name on coscom is suger_snake, as well as everywhere on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/09(Mon)23:42 No.1998143
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    this sums it up perfectly for me :/

    ...fuck video games and gross sexually-confused goth kids.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)00:10 No.1998217
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)00:20 No.1998262
    High school, sophomore year.

    Most of the friends I had made in my freshman year moved during the summer, by the time school started, I literally knew like one or two people. Plus, I was the only one who was into anime, manga, and that kind of stuff. So obviously, I sort of became that guy who would be drawn back from everybody else 'cause he didn't know anyone. That's when I had the displeasure of meeting the biggest faggot at school. Overweight, working on a neckbeard, long hair dyed black, you know, the works. He was pretty tall, so it would kinda even out. Oh, and there was another thing, he would wear a narutard headband EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DAY.

    Regretfully, we became friends. To this day, I'm glad I never picked up any of his likings or habits.

    But anyway, I went over to his house a few times. Seems like the faggot "practiced" with the bokken (or however the fuck you spell it) with his retard friends every single day. On top of that, he seemed to eat ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Keep in mind he did everything with that stupid headband on.

    The height of all that faggotry happened during junior year, when other weeaboos started an anime club. I attended a bit more than my fair share of times because I was an idiot and thought I could have intelligent discussions with other people and maybe discover cool new anime and manga along the way, but I honestly don't know why I kept going or even put up with every annoying little japanophile who would drool over Naruto and Deathnote and wouldn't shut the fuck up. Ever.

    I stopped going to anime club in the middle of that year, cut all my ties with that huge weeaboo, did not become one of them, and kept my sanity.

    In the end, I made new, better friends, and graduated high school. Last time I heard about that huge retard, he was repeating his senior year. Again. Also, he's now into Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)00:37 No.1998305
    OP from the original thread, I already posted tl;dr versions of my two main stories, but I'll go ahead and post to bump this thread back up.

    The high school I went to during freshman year didn't have an anime club, they had a Japanese club. It was run by the Japanese teacher, and, surprisingly, none of the club officers were weeaboos. They were all super nice, friendly, clean upperclassmen that liked the Japanese language and various parts of culture.

    However, there were a lot of weeaboo members.

    Most of the time they didn't go to the various movie parties and potlucks we had, but they did attend the last party we had. It was at a Japanese restaurant after school on a half-day, and it was a fairly large group of us. A couple of my non-weeaboo friends and I sat and talked to the cool officers and Japanese teacher, while the weeaboos sat at the other end of the table throwing noodles at each other and calling each other baka.

    In the restaurant.

    Not as bad as some of the stories here, but it pissed me off.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)00:38 No.1998308
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)00:42 No.1998319
    >>1996658 If I were to dress up like a vampire and fuck you, would it quell your jealousy?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)00:54 No.1998362
    I think he said something about some celebrity couple having vials of each others blood, anyway he thought it was the coolest thing ever. To my limited Gundam knowledge no one carried around containers of their own blood. As for the costume, I didn't ask, and after he brought out the blood, I really didn't want to ask.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)01:23 No.1998425
    I was at CT Con in 2005 cosplaying as Edward Elric (Yes I know, but I'm older and wiser and all that bullshit now). I was also the only guy cosplaying as Ed, so that makes it better I guess. One of my friends who was still in highschool came with us (we had all just graduated). Very dorky looking but a funny ass kid. His dad, who's also pretty chill, came to the con with him because he was my friend's ride home. I'm still wearing the Edward Elric costume. This black/mullato hambeast in a revolutionary girl utena costume and starts squealing that she 'found an Ed' or the like. I tried to be nice and talk to her about the series and such, but then she steps back and asks all of her friends "should I hug him?" They all squee and she takes a RUNNING FUCKING LEAP onto me. At this time I weighed 130 pounds and was around 5'4", I was actually a guy with the CORRECT FUCKING MEASUREMENTS for Edward Elric. I have no idea how I stayed standing but it was like getting hit by a panel van, plus she fucked up my wig. The worst part is my friend's dad just sat there staring at me, as if this display of what-the-fuckery was my damn fault.

    Yeah. I've gone on to do a lot of travelling. I've been through bits of Africa and South East Asia. You know what? The developing world doesn't have these people. The developing world doesn't have Narutard guys who draw porn all day and don't bathe (Africans actually bathe pretty regularly). The developing world doesn't have pimply, hyperactive nerd-girls who spout japanese noises at every one oppurtunity then talk about their crazy family problems the next (which are probably entirely imaginary). I met kids who grew up in motherfucking warzones, who saw people get gunned down in the road and naked bodies get butchered by religious fanatics. Those kids were normal and reasonably well adjusted. What the hell is wrong with our 'civilized' society? Where have we gone wrong?

    I'm at a fucking loss man... just a fucking loss.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)02:56 No.1998678
    okay, my turn. i know this one girl, your typical weeaboo. gulps down pocky like it was shrimp and she was monstro, "cosplays" with ripped up clothes and eyeliner, etc. Except she will. not. stop talking about her current obsession, whatever it is. i've even told her outright i don't like naruto/bleach/ff7/adultswimshitofthemonth and she just goes "whatever" and continues with her bullshit. if i'm trapped in the car with her, i'll expect hours of "omg which kh character would be this character in this showjhdfjkhkjfshgkdfhskghfskfffffff". she'll spend all her money on those shitty plushies and then baww when everyone else can still afford food. apparently she writes yaoi stories but gets grossed out when she sees people kissing..

    here's her da:
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)04:23 No.1998808
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)04:49 No.1998839

    I had to report 90% of her gallery, because it was traced generic anime art and Naruto/InuYasha screenshots, which she had then changed hair colors on the characters and called them her "OC"s. You know the type.
    But what's worse, she was a weeaboo shithole about it when I called her out. And called out all of her little shithole friends (all 2 of them), neither of whom had realized she'd traced her shit until I posted the original images.
    What was even better was that they had stolen shit in their galleries too. :I
    I'm still iffy about a couple of things in there, but DA won't remove them.
    But whatever.
    The typical ripped jeans, pocky-guzzling retard you see everywhere.Just wanted to share her DA.
    I managed contact info, too. If you ever want to ragecall someone.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)04:54 No.1998841

    Oh shit there's still a lot of it in there.
    But she disabled comments, so you can't see what went down.

    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)05:18 No.1998852
         File1248772682.jpg-(190 KB, 1280x800, OMG LINES DONT MATCH NOT TRACE(...).jpg)
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    >My first Inuyasha drawing! Personally I actually like it! (for once) =^_^=

    Time on Inuyasha: about 1 and 1/2 hours
    Time on background: about 30 minutes
    If you suck at math that equals about 2 hours XD

    wow she must really suck at tracing for it to take that long...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)05:25 No.1998861
         File1248773138.jpg-(51 KB, 600x450, Butters_in_a_Gir_hat__by_Kaji_(...).jpg)
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    Well, at least this was still up.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)06:29 No.1998911
    I think I lucked out not having an anime club at my highschool or university.

    But there's this guy that lives here in Houston, used to date one of my roommates for a while until she broke up with him on account of his being a creepy fucker.
    A big group of us always go to AnimeFest up in Dallas, and somehow, he always ends up in the party room and he always finds us whether we want him to or not

    So, AFest '07right when Gurren Lagann was finishing, they'd been in their room drinking and marathonning while we'd been chilling in our own room. We get bored so we go to meet up with party room owner somewhere and this fat weeaboo fgt tags along

    And like the drunk weeaboo he is, he just starts waving his fist around shouting "GIGA DURIIIIIIRU BUREKAAAAAA" at the top of his lungs all over the place and slamming into all of us at full speed. I swear, I thought he almost dislocated one of my friend's shoulders doing that fucking piledrive.
    >> Fantastical 07/28/09(Tue)06:47 No.1998925
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    Why does everyone try to make South Park kawaii desu? THAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)07:35 No.1998962

    sadly that sounds just like my sister =(
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)07:40 No.1998965
    Im glad school here in Finland has always been serious business, so no awkward shit like this to be experienced. I feel for you guys, but on the other hand... you are the weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)07:47 No.1998969
    Yeah, I don't get it either, but it's always that weeabooasfuck type girl who enjoys drawing kawaii cartman kenny buttsex.

    On a similar note, I used to have an obese roomate who would do graphic yaoi commissions for people. She was something like 5'1" and 350 lbs and had a beard. An honest to god bearded woman.
    She wasn't the annoying fangirl type outwardly. At first she seemed like a nice person, which is why I think she ended up being so unsettling to see the pictures that she drew. I can only describe seeing what she drew for the first time as something like finding out that someone is a serial killer. Oh so many penises...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)10:13 No.1999089
    > and then /cgl/ was a weeaboo
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)14:17 No.1999396
    >> Brotip 07/28/09(Tue)14:26 No.1999401
    >So I spot a girl wearing some kind of nerd shirt (I think it had some anime or video game character on it)

    stopped reading there.
    You're posting on 4chan, on the fucking cosplay board. You're as nerdy as the rest of us you stuck up bitch
    >> Brotip 07/28/09(Tue)14:30 No.1999408
    >>1997840 that IS post traumatic stress disorder
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)14:40 No.1999421

    God. I don't even want to.
    All this chick does is talk about Kirby, Sonic, Naruto, and Soul Eater. And all she draws are shitty humanoid renditions of the characters for the two formers, and Mary Sues she constantly inserts into the various universes.
    She also insists she'll be a voice actor one day, but makes no moves to take any acting classes or improve her acting.
    The thing that irks me is that I've taken both art and acting courses, and have even done some voice acting work on top of regular acting work, stage and film, but when I try and critique her acting or art work or suggest she take classes, she just sneers at me like I'm a lesser being and talks about how she could dub over Sonic and it would sound amazing.
    >> Brotip 07/28/09(Tue)15:20 No.1999504
    I feel left out, I went to anime club during my freshman year of college. However, the fellow who ran it made a point of not showing anything that had been run on american tv for past 5 years.
    Evey week he would show something new and interesting (saw Robot Carnival for the first time).
    Most of the participants were normal and friendly, and it was a fun experience and provided a good chance to meet new people while I was still trying to get used to college life.
    and then during my sophmore year the previous head left...
    ...from the inky void of furry fandom emerged a wretch of absolute loathsomeness. Long greasy hair, dirty jeans, patches safety pinned to his stained hoodie, sketch book filled with shitty furry porn. HE was the new head of anime club.
    I took one look at this imp and never went to another meeting.
    So ultimately I only have fond memories of anime club

    BROTIP word of the day "AVOIDANCE"
    " an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:22 No.1999609
    I take the piss out of my girlfriend for being weeaboo, but she's a normal person that likes anime/maga. Unlike some of the down right scary people she was telling me about at a "Con" she went to. I live in britain and apart from a few big cons in London there's not really anything like you have in the states. So my girlfriend finds out about a small anime/sci-fi convention not too far away and she decides to go since it was during summer break from uni.

    This con was held in a fairly small hall, which had been split into 2 areas, the vendors area and a panel/screening area. Since there was nothing in the panel area she wanted to see she went around the vendor area. She got knocked flying by some greasy fat arse wearing a naruto headband who was running through the hall. He stops looks at her and just carries on running, shouting some shite at the top of his lungs. The vendor goes and helps her up, she was fine but a little shaken and carries on looking at whats on sale.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:23 No.1999613
    After asking one of the vendors to reccomend something to her. He pulls out a bunch of yaoi and starts flicking through the comic with her, in some retarded way of trying to hit on her. Asking if she liked what she saw and he would give her a discount. Generally being a sleazeball.

    She also got knocked into one of the vendors tables, by the same narutard from earlier. The corner of which dug into her leg and drew blood. She limps off to find somewhere to sit down for a bit, when this 20 stone ham beast of a woman sits down next to her. She starts talking to my girlfriend asking her if she's alright and does she want any help. My girlfriend says she's fine, when ham beast just grabs ahold of her and gets her in a bear hug, with my girfriends head stuck right into her bosom. Apparently she smelled like sweaty pork. Then ham beast tries to kiss my girlfriend and not in a gentle peck on the cheek but a full on snog.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:26 No.1999616
    Cue my girlfriend managing to wriggle out and say she has to go. I get a tearful phone call from her to come and pick her up. So I leave work to go and pick her up and she was physically shaking. She is a pretty strong willed preson and is a teacher. So to see her like that was a real shock, I couldn't believe how socially awkward and inept these people were from her descriptions.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:37 No.1999636

    Someone kill her. Please.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)16:37 No.1999638
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    >>1999504 (saw Robot Carnival for the first time).

    guy had good taste!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)17:17 No.1999723
    Oh, I got one. This was when I first got into anime, back in 1990. Back then, female anime fans were pretty rare but the first obsessive weeaboo I'd ever met was female. I don't say "girl" because she was easily in her mid-late 20's. I don't say 'woman' because.. well...

    She was constantly obsessed about various shows, mostly the pretty boy fighter series like Saint Seiya and Shurato. She'd have a favorite character and try to dress like that character's love interest. If she wasn't dressed like that, she'd be in a mix-&-match ensemble that was part fangirl, part Japanese and part Chinese. She managed to get some Japanese guests at a convention laughing at her because she was wearing a t-shirt with hakuma pants and the t-shirt was short enough that it was plain she had no underwear on underneath. If she was attractive and well maintained, this might have been hot, but she wasn't. At least she wasn't a cow. But the kicker was she had a little cutout standee of one of her favorite characters and she'd set it up and talk to it.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)17:21 No.1999730

    Continued from above

    She also wrote a lot of Mary Sue porn fanfics featuring her favorite characters. She'd talk to people like she was going to marry these various characters and believed that when she died, she'd go to a heaven where she could be with all her favorite anime characters.

    Kicker was that she was married, had been in the Air Force (kicked out) and there was a rumor that her marriage was for convenience and never actually consummated.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)17:54 No.1999770
    ... Jesus fucking Christ, I will never, ever think of myself as a weeaboo again. Do these people have no sense of self-awareness? It's horrifying to think that these people can vote. Hell, it's horrifying to think that these people are even human.

    I know one bitch who fits into the stereotype, but even her cat-ears-at-school, shitty-anime-drawing-for-every-assignment, broken-Japanese fat ass pales next to some of these stories.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)18:57 No.1999898
    Wow. I feel somewhat left out here. I can't say much about my anime club in my younger years because it involved fansubs on vhs exchanged through the mail. We just watched what sounded good and shared the wealth.

    As for weeaboo friends...I have those in spades. They are into just about anything that has crude humor or nudity. They use popular anime of the day as their ringtones or background pictures. They used to spout all about their love of Japanese culture but the first time I took them to a Japanese restaraunt to eat I had to convince them that sushi was not what you got in a Chinese buffet filled with imitation crab. I enjoy the food and some anime or manga but I know there is much more to the world than Japan.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:16 No.1999936
    Ohohoho, you should see my Japanese class.
    Now, I got into anime through my Jap teacher getting us to watch Totoro with subs to learn pronounciation. As in, I liked the language/country before I liked anime. Now I'm continuing learning at university, there are horrible weeaboos everywhere. They sprout anime phrases (like attack names) in Japanese, and all got creepy grins when the lecturer spoke about anime and manga. Makes me ashamed to know what they're going on about.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:22 No.1999948
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:25 No.1999951
    One fat girl in high school wore a seifuku outfit every day. Stank to high heaven.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:28 No.1999955
    I must be odd then because I cringe whenever I hear lecturer's, teachers or just people out in public mention manga or anime, my own friends included.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:37 No.1999977
    I completely agree with all of you guys.

    I got into the Japanese culture around age 5 when I started doing karate. I did not even know where Japan was, and this was before the big 90s anime craze (pokemon, dbz, etc) which i did enjoy, but not for being japanese. I really liked the language from what I learned in martial arts and always wanted to visit.

    When I got into middle school I began watching anime more, as toonami was in its peak then (cowboy bebop, gundam wing, etc) not all this shitty bleach/narutard bullshit. people were into it as shows, not cuz it was animu/wapanese.

    in high school, i met and hung out with other geeks like me, not extreme, but enjoy video games and anime and stuff like that, but not like to the point of fantasizing it/drawing hentai/shitty mary sue stories, etc. my 3 serious relationships of my life have been to geeky girls, whom I would go to conventions with and other geeky stuff. we would go cosplay and stuff but never take it too seriously.

    recently I went to Japan, with a tour group and half of it was fucking animu furry faggots who were more in love with the idea of being there than actually doing things. I mean the country is fucking awesome, but I EXPERIENCED IT. these faggots stayed in their rooms at night and watched anime (i think bleach) on TV... cuz its in japanese... I loved the country after getting drunk in Tokyo, and Kyoto and hanging out with friends and taking the subway all over the place and getting lost and EXPERIENCING what there is in the world. I saw two haitian guys beat the shit out of eachother in shibuya. two of my friends got tattoos in this tall skinny building with scary stairs. I went to a bad ass 5 story music store. I ate at local restaurants and bathed nude in a public bath. I wasnt afraid to walk around and see new things. I loved it and cant wait to go back
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:38 No.1999980
    these other kids should be considered mentally handicapped from their immaturity and actions. its pathetic. they are either wearing those stupid button-up-but-you-keep-it-unbuttoned-and-loose-cuz-ur-so-hxc "camp t's" from target with flames and dragons and shit or inuyasha shirts and are always overweight and retarded. goddammit i hate those people. they make real "cool" geeks like us bad names and a bad image

    I like japan, I like the language, the art, the culture (parts of it) and other stuff, but I'm not a weabbo. I am definitely geeky but I sincerely enjoy japanese stuff. I hope you get what i mean from saying all that. It is just another country, and some people just freak out and worship it when they really dont get to know what its really like

    they are quiet, nervous, reserved, overworked, underpaid, unappreciated and misunderstood by their peers and repressed sexually, politically and personally. Almost nobody smiles or bothers to look at eachother. almost nobody talks. I've been to huge cities there that are almost dead quiet. All the animu-tards that expected naruto or bleach or whatever where incredibly disapointed. its not a video game and its not anime there. YES, there are weird shit there, but anime and all that does NOT represent them very well. i mean all the negative stuff objectively, because its very clean, very safe and very efficient (all which I really appreciate).

    tl:dr -> japan is a cool place, and i like the culture and stuff BUT its not anime or video game
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)19:42 No.1999992
    She's only 15. She'll change like I did and give up on all her dreams and learn to shut the fuck up about fandom once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)20:49 No.2000182
    I fucking love these threads. These kind of stories need to be spread. It should scare the weeaboo out of anyone.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)21:05 No.2000200
    >Typical Male weaboo:
    >- Ugly
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)21:13 No.2000214
    Holy SHIT I swear I saw this guy at Tekkoshocon this year, running one of the FF Photoshoots. He was a jackass and pretty much shunned everyone who wasn't from VII despite the fact that it wasn't a VII photoshoot.
    I remember that face and the fact that he wore those tripp pants...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)21:25 No.2000245
    fuck, so did I. I remember seeing him all over the place along with this fat Cloud.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)21:27 No.2000249
    I wanna know where the fuck he gets the money for this shit seeing as he STILL OWES ME for preordering at least 3 tickets for AB09 for him.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)21:30 No.2000257
    Some of you have to be making this shit up. D:

    I can't even read this whole thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)21:43 No.2000294
    He was scary. My friend was cosplaying Genesis and the guy spent a good hour trying to get him to buy him leather for a Sephiroth costume because he apparently couldn't find any in the US or something.

    Plus I think the good FFVIII group had enough sense to steer clear of him so I didn't get any pictures of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)21:46 No.2000300
    Right, so as a favor i took a friend of a friend to my house to hang out. all trip long he kept talkin' my ear off about how anime was cool and what anime he liked. i pull up to a red light and (swear to god) i hear him utter the phrase " so yeah, naruto pretty much changed my life!". Akward silence, and i remember thinking "oh shit, OH MY FUCKING GOD! I'VE LET 'ONE OF THEM' INTO MY CAR!!! after that i sped home just so i diddn't have to be in the same vehicle as him. THEN, 4 days later i find out that he's going to anime central with us. "lovely......."
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:09 No.2000345
    Ugh. And the sad thing is, I think the aforementioned Cloud is gonna be back this year and arranging a huge Square photoshoot. Chances are, Sir Douche is gonna be around too.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:24 No.2000360
    Ugh. It's horrible that I see myself from middle school in some of this-- granted, mostly the ... less-extreme examples, but I'm just god damned ashamed and thankful to this girl who got me to snap the fuck out of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:25 No.2000361
    God. I don't even remember the Cloud. The Zack was arranging the photoshoot and failing really hard. I was in costume as Ellone and it was freezing outside. I stood out there in the wind on that roof for a good half an hour before anything got going, and then he blew off any of us who weren't from VII.
    I wouldn't go to any photoshoot run by anyone somehow associated with him. I'm a fatty and I was dying out there from the cold...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:28 No.2000369
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    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:31 No.2000373
    Shit, I'm sure as hell glad I scrapped my Reeve crossplay the month before. I would've probably had a conniption if I had to deal with some fucktard floundering through a photoshoot in Pittsburgh weather.

    I'm going as a Square character this year. Hope I don't run into either of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:35 No.2000384
    It was shitty. And he wanted us to have it on the roof in really bitter cold winds. Then ended up moving it after we stood there so long... ugh, I rage just thinking about it...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:39 No.2000391
    Generic Weeaboo Story Reporting In!

    Insanely FAT pseudo-goth. Thought she was good at drawing/sewing etc. Annoying as fuck. Copy-cat. Pathological liar who was(is) very delusional, she seemed to think every guy in the school wanted her and lied about EVERYTHING. So many times I would make up a fake anime just to here her say "oooh yeah I saw that one".
    No respect for personal space. Always touching/hugging/glomping people.

    In her defense though... she was not filthy and smelly like most weeaboos. She showered.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:44 No.2000403
    I was at a CD exchange with my friend and her boyfriend who was visiting from out of the country. As we were going through some of the cheapo shit, she pointed out one children's video and said something to the effect of "this is a really good example of Japanese animation."

    Out of nowhere, this fat 16 year old girl in a Death Note shirt broke into us and pointed out very loudly "ACTUALLY, It's called ANIME."
    My friend managed to ignore her, but the girl decided to say it SEVERAL more times, until my friend finally had to walk away. Her boyfriend and I were left standing there in awe.

    I mentioned to the guy that I wanted to pick up the Slayers box set they had up for $10 or something ridiculously low like that, but then the girl decided to start ranting to no one about how annoying Slayers is and I felt the need to leave before I killed anyone.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:00 No.2000437
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    >>1999980 they make real "cool" geeks like us bad names and a bad image
    >"cool geeks like us"
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:10 No.2000463
    There's a girl at my high school. She's awful. She's your typical creepy-laugh anime fan, complete with thumb that bends way too much and the way she can't finish a sentence without her nervous laugh. She's the kind of kid who talks to all her teachers about the anime she likes, the game she's making or WHAT SHE DID OVER THE WEEKEND, even if it's during class and completely unrelated.

    She doesn't wash her hair and always wears the same anime bunny ears hat every day. Every. Day. Thank God our summer school teacher told her she wasn't allowed to wear it inside. Now she ties it up at the front and wears it like a hood.

    She tries to talk to me a lot about things I like -- Pokemon, Gurren Lagann, and the TV show House. She also tries to get me to critique and help her with her manga and character designs (her and her friends are "designing a zelda-style RPG"). She's a very good artist, but she's just... weird.

    Every day she wears a white men's t-shirt, blue jeans and a green vest. But the thing is that everybody at our school KNOWS she has money -- apparently her house is HUGE. And each one of the kids has a Nintendo DS. One day she didn't wear a t-shirt under her vest and she had so much pit hair I considered pinning her down and cutting it off with scissors.

    She's kind of sweet and she doesn't mean to be creepy, and I just feel like with enough shampoo, $20 and a few hours I could make her look gorgeous, but...

    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:17 No.2000474
    I remember reading about that guy. I blame his mother. What a fucking shithead.

    This is why I hate children. They can act like complete assholes and get away with it. Then if you harass them they'll get their parents to try to sue you or something.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:18 No.2000478
    I haven't met a SINGLE person yet that I would consider to be normal. every time i meet someone new that is into anime, i start out for the first 30 seconds thinking they might be normal...then they open their mouth and... :(
    social rejects, for sure.
    no, i dont cosplay. i just look at pics and watch anime like once a month.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:20 No.2000481

    was this girl hideously fat with reddish-brown hair and wearing clothes that appeared to have been sewn together from things she found at goodwill?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:22 No.2000484
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    I'm not sure if this is more a weeaboo or con horror story.

    At Ohayocon this year, I was part of a Crisis Core group. The first day, we ran into a Zack that was...creepy. I don't know any other way to put it. He was acting as if he knew us because we cosplayed the same game. He had a different costume every day where we had kept the same lineup, but he STILL kept yelling for my one friend and trying to have very bizarre conversations with him.

    Pic related, said creepy Zack and my friend who was very afraid of him after one or two run-ins.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:24 No.2000486
    Another story I have that is fairly recent.

    I organized a casual cosplay meetup to hang out for lunch + go play at the local nickel arcade. My friends and I ended up being late, but everyone else was there, we thought, until this one guy showed up.

    He wasn't wearing a costume, but he was wearing his badge from last year's convention. He was also wearing an anime shirt, I think it was Naruto or something. He comes up to me, the organizer of the meeting, and starts talking about some things I don't remember, and then he brings up his "fan-pairing note." Apparently, if you write your favorite fan-pairing in it, it will come true. He tried to get us to do it when we were eating lunch, but no one was interested.

    We first met in a Japanese bookstore, and he tried to get my friend, who had taken three years of high school Japanese, to translate some Naruto thing for him, apparently not understanding that you can't magically read kanji when learning Japanese.

    Pretty much the whole time he was sort of clingy to me, which was awkward, because I'm not the best at being in charge.

    I'm pretty sure he was special ed, too, so I can't help but think it was irresponsible for his parent/guardian to let him run off and have someone else (me) take care of him. I have no clue how old he was, somewhere between 16 and 30.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:24 No.2000487
    im horribly attracted to half the girls in this thread
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:25 No.2000489
    She was hideously fat, but her hair was dyed black and she was wearing a death note shirt at my first encounter.

    I saw her in a bright pink jogging suit at the mall on a different occasion, though, where she felt the need to stop, stand by the table I was eating with my friends at in the food court, and stare at my purse before walking on.

    Akron area both, within a block of each other.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:30 No.2000502
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    I made friends with a girl online about two years ago. She seemed fairly alright and we shared some fandom interests. A few months after we started talking she invited me to go to a local convention with her and her boyfriend.

    I went to the con and found out that not only was this guy not dating her, but there was another girl in the room who was also in love with the 'boyfriend'.

    To make matters worse, the girl i was friends with at the time had decided she was a he and that he was actually Zack Fair reincarnated or some shit like that.

    Supposedly she also clawed the shit out of some girl at Acen a couple years ago and tried to rape a couple people I know. Pic related. (I have way too many of these. stories)
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:40 No.2000512
    Fuck, I KNEW this was the guy! He somehow finangled his way onto the concert security staff at Tekko. Had to work with him. Not too terrible (not that I made any attempt to really socialize), but sweet mother of Christ did he REEK!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:42 No.2000516
    Wait...she tried to RAPE someone?

    I'll admit, you have me mildly curious.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:50 No.2000535
    I've been to fanime, but I fully expect weaboo behavior there and exhibit some myself at times. I don't hide my fandoms, but I am able to hold intelligent conversation with people who have other interests.

    Anyway, during Freshman, Sophmore, and junior year of HS. I joined the anime club. At first I thought it was so cool that I could come and watch anime during lunch. Sophmore year I discovered torrents, but I still became friends with lots of the members and the club was fun to be in. Unfortunatly, during my senior year, all the cool people graduated and we got new V.P. and P.

    I developed some pet peeves from this club. First of all most of the kids coming to the club at this time were huge weaboos who 4/5 times were in special education. I don't have a problem with special education, the only thing was that these kids were immature and hyper as hell. For example, anytime there was some cleavage or sexual innuendo during an anime we watched, people would freak the fuck out. I'm thinking to myself while this occurs "Have you guys never seen an anime or god forbid an adult movie (like R rated ore really anything on tv these days), we're all in highschool! That may have been a stupid thing to assume, but it was also damn annoying. Another thing that bothered me was whenever a DVD would start playing on english dub track. People would flip out and I would roll my eyes. Yes, I prefer Subs, but most dubs won't make you're ears explode. And DVD settings can be changed quickly and easily. You will live through these 10 seconds of having to hear your own language.

    Finally I decided I don't give much a crap about the club anymore, and the Presidant acts like a nazi who has a huge hard on for Code Geass.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:52 No.2000542

    Oh fuck. This girl I'm fairly sure is an acquaintance of mine. I am so, so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:53 No.2000544

    please share more
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:56 No.2000557
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    Well...she fell in love with one of my friends. Really badly. I guess she met him at a convention and they became net buddies or whatever since he lives in another country. She started sending him weird love letters and Valentine's cards and shit like that, confessed her love to him at a con, and went all stalker.

    I guess she also tried several times to undress him and get in the same bed with him when they shared rooms, even if it was just the two of them in a two-bed room.

    I experienced being in the room with them so I know she tried to sleep next to him all the time, and he showed me some of the love letters that he kept, presumably to get a restraining order or something.

    Also, I guess she got some chick really wasted then gave it to her up the butt with a strapon, but I dunno how true that is.

    picture of her and the guy she wanted to bang.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:56 No.2000560
    >> Brotip 07/28/09(Tue)23:56 No.2000561
    this is why ladies should ALWAYS go to cons with friends.

    Safety in numbers
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:01 No.2000579
    I think I'm more sorry to you. I couldn't stand 3 minutes near her in a public place. I'd hate to actually KNOW her.

    Most of my stories revolve around the scary Zack girl, but I have quite a few. Bitch got some issues haha.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:11 No.2000608
    Security? How did he manage THAT?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:11 No.2000610
    dude you fucking invented it
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:24 No.2000639
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    Now that I think about it, I vaguely remember him going on and on about doing security work 'for a friend' or something like that.
    Also, is this the fat Cloud in question?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:28 No.2000647
    ..that's a SHE?
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:29 No.2000652
    oh god.

    It's been months, but that seriously looks like the one I saw.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:32 No.2000657
    God, reading these stories has almost made me dread going to my first con in August. I'm severely scared right now.
    At least I'm going with a group of 4...maybe 8 people if my two friends decide they don't hate each other. Which they won't.
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:38 No.2000677
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    Now just imagine it being madly in love with you, something you realize after you've decided to stay at her house before/after con because you're from another country. I have respect for that man for no reason other than not killing himself after that.

    Have another to pique the memory? Also, enjoy some of the fugliest FF cosplayers I've ever seen. (With exception of the Genesis, who usually looks better...and is also the one that scary Zack was in love with.)
    >> Anonymous 07/29/09(Wed)00:45 No.2000690
    I know Tekko isn't renowned for it's amazing cosplay, but *Jesus Christ*.

    I'm 95% sure that's him. I occasionally saw him and that failcreeper!Zack wandering around together.

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