07/25/09(Sat)23:21 No. 1993804 >>1993764 >It's ok. As long as you're not a stalker. :] Ha, hell no.>Do
you go to any east coast cons? I wouldn't mind hanging out with you
some time (though I'm not sure which cons I'm going to yet as college
is mucho expensive). I have a boyfriend though, so it would just be a
friendly thing, mmk? I'm a bit shy at first, but I love meeting new
people. Thats actually a shocking reaction. Here you'd
think most people would be paranoid about a random anon. Anyway, east
coast con goer here, anything in or right on or near the edges of VA.
And TBH, don't worry, I use the word "crush" loosely in these threads,
to me its just "post some cute person that doesn't look like a
snob/bitch." I actually have an actual crush on someone that isn't even
in the con/cospaly scene... ANYWAY, if I happen to see
(recognize) you at Neko/Ota/USA/AMA/Katsu I'll be sure to say "hi!" and
stuff. Don't expect me to say "hey I'm that person who posted you in a
crush thread" because its probably going to be awkward, ha. :B