!ftEuMagUmA 07/25/09(Sat)04:05 No. 1991947 >>1991920 also -J rock people. and my favorite -The Parents who are telling their kid what to do while they're cosplaying. I
remember this one time at Fanime, I was hanging with this girl who was
cosplaying as mudkip and we went out side to get some fresh air. As we
get out the door this young boy was doing his own version of mudkip,
very simple hoodie, jeans, some face paint and he had a plushie, asks
to have his picture with her and his parents get ready to take the
photo and they start heckling him to pose certain ways "Don't put your
hand infront of your face!" "Smile more, be cute!" "Come on son, look
more tough!" Shit was annoying inside but i chuckled cus that's just
what some parents do. Kid just told em to stop and take the damn
picture. which they did and it came out just fine. Parents have good intentions but they really don't know what they're saying :/ unless they watch anime with their kids.