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    File : 1248295874.jpg-(164 KB, 600x450, 000fbs6z.jpg)
    164 KB Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)16:51 No.1985340  
    "For my last major convention for a very long time, I'm glad to have gone out with a bang :D"

    What is this business?! JJ, don't go!
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)16:51 No.1985341
    She's growing up.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)16:55 No.1985356
    Uh, doesn't she have a Persona 4 skit to do at Katsu next year?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)17:06 No.1985387
    shows what you know
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)17:15 No.1985414
    Okay fine, the year after. But still, I really doubt she's giving up on cons. They always come back.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)17:55 No.1985502
    I don't think she's claiming to be giving up cons or cosplay, it looks like she's just taking a breather.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)17:59 No.1985504
    drama drove her away
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)18:09 No.1985516
    I don't really blame her
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)18:11 No.1985518
    Wasnt she going to Japan?
    Maybe shes just.. You know.. Not going to cons for a while so she can save up for that.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:08 No.1985744
    bump, relevant to my interests
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:28 No.1985800
    no one can get any info now that jj locked her journal
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:30 No.1985809
    Wait, aren't we supposed to start spreading rumors?

    I heard she got drugged and is now carrying a roofie baby.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/22/09(Wed)20:33 No.1985818

    I heard it's my baby and the roofies were meant for Moogie.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:34 No.1985821
    I'm the baby and the roofies were meant for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:35 No.1985822
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:41 No.1985834

    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:44 No.1985844
    She's not going to any more conventions for a while because she'll be to busy doing jail time.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:48 No.1985849
    She's one of those kids that count a year as "A very long time". Her next major con is probably the next Katsucon or AX.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)21:05 No.1985895
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)21:38 No.1985934
    It's obvious, the world's going to end next year on 1/31. So of course she won't be able to attend cons for a while.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:02 No.1985967

    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:03 No.1985969
    she dropped out of all her katsu and AX groups.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:06 No.1985974
         File1248314780.jpg-(142 KB, 600x450, 000f65wf.jpg)
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    Lousyitachi and Stardustshadow. The JJ bodyguard duo.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:13 No.1985988
    The truth is, she's going to rehab for a while. It seems she had some problems, ended up fucking over a few good people, and now is in the shit hole. I hope she gets better.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 07/22/09(Wed)22:15 No.1985990
    lol, jokes.

    JJ is moving, that's all there is to it.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/22/09(Wed)22:16 No.1985992

    But she said no, no, no.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:45 No.1986070
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/22/09(Wed)22:46 No.1986072

    Jimmy John's.

    She makes great sandwiches.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:47 No.1986076
    JJ - Main character. Fool Arcana.
    Inaba Ari - Lovers Arcana.
    Stardustshadow - Priestess Arcana.
    Lousyitachi - Magician Arcana.

    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:50 No.1986089
         File1248317403.png-(13 KB, 120x162, jj.png)
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    Jimbo Jones. She'll punch your face and make you cry.

    Also sage, because how is her personal life really related to cgl?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:50 No.1986093
    youre new here.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:52 No.1986099

    Jonah Jameson
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:55 No.1986107

    Julie Jamiqua
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:56 No.1986110
    Given their personalities, Inaba Ari and Stardustshadow should be switched.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:57 No.1986118
         File1248317854.jpg-(132 KB, 600x450, 16949-29013-3.jpg)
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    I want to poke JJ's moe cheeks ;____; I'm so jealous. Anyone have more of her P4 cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:00 No.1986131

    Oh wow, THAT'S JJ? Those three ran up to me in my MC costume at Otakon and were extremely nice to me, I had no idea it was her.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:01 No.1986136
         File1248318078.jpg-(254 KB, 600x800, 16949-29013-1.jpg)
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    from the filename it looks like you got that from ACP so you probably have this already, but here you go
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:02 No.1986141

    Yeah was about to post that one but thanks anyways anon!
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:04 No.1986147
    I've met JJ at cons before she's always been ridiculously cute and nice. This always surprises people.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:07 No.1986160
    Off topic, but am I the only one who thinks their Persona 4 costumes are crappy looking?
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/22/09(Wed)23:08 No.1986164

    This. JJ was really really friendly when I met her and every time I ran into her afterward at Otakon. Reflecting, I don't know why I expected otherwise but she was genuinely nice.

    She's a bit of a ditz in some ways and overexcitable but she definitely isn't a superbitch or anything, at least from what I can tell by knowing her casually.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:11 No.1986169
    ...because you can see SO much of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:11 No.1986171
         File1248318688.jpg-(85 KB, 800x400, cosplay who i met.jpg)
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    What you think is cute and nice is incredibly annoying and weeaboo like to others
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:19 No.1986197

    She likes anime and video games. She enjoys having fun, and believe it or not, actually likes meeting new friends and giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. This has bit her in the ass before because she's extremely nice to everyone she meets, and people take advantage of that.

    She's just a person, like anyone else. Just because you know her name on cgl doesn't make her some kind of otherworldly cosplay god or something, and if that's what you're expecting, you're a fucking idiot. She's not an animu moe catgirl in a box, she's just a person, who likes to have fun at conventions, because that's what we all spend stupid large amounts of money to go there to do. Having fun.

    In b4 hi jj, I can assure you I'm not, but am a friend of hers. I don't know what you expect from her, if she wasn't so easy-going, you'd turn around and call her a bitch. /cgl/, OH U.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:21 No.1986206

    From this photo
    And this one I can perfectly judge a costume

    How is a full body picture not seeing "SO much of them?"
    Do I have to rip the costume off a person and look at the inside stitches now to judge it?
    >> Not a rumor. 100% fact. The Mikado !MikadonohM 07/22/09(Wed)23:22 No.1986209
    I heard JJ's gonna work for Cosplay Deviants as the model for every one of their photos, including the male ones. And I heard FranDan was gonna be her personal fluffer.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:24 No.1986214

    well aren't you quick to judge? Copy pasta right from JJ's journal

    >Saturday morning, I only got to wear Naoto for like an hour, and I ended up just stealing Meggie's uniform, since as with Romano, I had to put skit costumes/rehearsal before everything else.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:24 No.1986216

    Doesn't change the fact that shes an annoying hyper active weeaboo
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:24 No.1986217
    Unless there was another MC they ran up to, she mentioned you on her LJ.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:26 No.1986222
    hyperactive weaboo, definitely. If you let it annoy you that's your own fault, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:28 No.1986229

    So then don't associate with her. Is talking about someone you don't even like anonymously on the internet get your rocks off that hard? Her personality doesn't mesh with yours....what's the problem with that? Oh right, I'm on /cgl/. LOGIC!
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:33 No.1986241
    why is she moving? she found a new job or what
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:39 No.1986261

    I'm sorry that I don't stalk JJ :)
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:41 No.1986267

    my Alli senses are tingling
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:43 No.1986275

    But you have the right to rip her apart for no reason? What a life you must lead! :)
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:55 No.1986299

    I never met her, but I would like to. It's a shame she's homo because I would like to tap that ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)23:58 No.1986304

    How badly can she have possibly gotten bit in the ass from meeting people at cons?

    What exactly is she doing that would allow her to get taken advantage of that badly?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:08 No.1986328
    I have this ridiculous urge to finish casting this but I don't know who JJ's friends are.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:11 No.1986336
    she tends to stick her neck out for people she doesn't know that well. whether it's becoming emotionally invested in them and going out of her way to be an attentive friend, or lending/making them a costume or a wig, or just doing favors in general.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/23/09(Thu)00:15 No.1986344

    She offered to get me Starbucks within five minutes of formally meeting me at Otakon.

    JJ's a pretty cool dude.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:17 No.1986348

    Inaba Ari for Priestess
    Stardustshadow for Lovers
    Lousyitachi for Magician
    Saku for Empress
    Vartan for Emperor
    s0ni for Chariot
    Erisaka for Justice

    why do I have the weird urge to complete this as well? JJ WILL YOU SAVE THE WORLD?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:17 No.1986351

    She needs to realize that people in general are shit and that you really can't trust people until you've known them for years. Sometimes not even then.

    It's unfortunate, but that's the way life is. I think i'd even consider her lucky that she got this far along in life without having to realize this. Hopefully she is able to get over it and move on.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:18 No.1986356

    she bought pizza for everyone backstage at AnimeBoston2007, it was delicious and one of the sweetest things ever
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:19 No.1986359

    Now I want to meet her even more. Somehow I managed to not run into her the entire weekend though. Oh well, there's always next year I suppose.
    >> TOTALLYNOTMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 07/23/09(Thu)00:23 No.1986376
    meng Saku is obv. the Moon.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:28 No.1986393
    Saku for Moon
    Moogie for Empress

    because Empress is always hot, and I would fuck Moogie.
    >> TOTALLYNOTMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 07/23/09(Thu)00:33 No.1986406
         File1248323580.png-(15 KB, 400x500, persona3-ohononononononono.png)
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    well at least you got Sakus righ- waitwhat
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:41 No.1986426
    Now I imagine JJ running around with her hands in her pockets reflecting on her friendships in the bathroom.

    Damn it.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/23/09(Thu)00:49 No.1986438

    Gamie is that you.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:51 No.1986442

    I don't know what a Gamie is, so no? Didn't JJ also fly out Saku to Otakon? She does all this nice things its a shame it gets overshadowed by made up rumor shit
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:54 No.1986453
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    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 07/23/09(Thu)01:05 No.1986475
         File1248325511.png-(42 KB, 400x330, akibakko-11722387589244.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:18 No.1986494

    Mara is Tower, moron.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:23 No.1986509
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:32 No.1986529

    It's Tower, dumbshit.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:05 No.1986608
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:08 No.1986618
    Switch Erisaka to the Moon and make Saku the Tower. Moon is always the crazy delusional one, which fits Erisaka, right? And that way Saku can have her dick chariot. Added a few more names/arcanas to the bottom, too.

    Inaba Ari - Priestess
    Stardustshadow - Lovers
    Lousyitachi - Magician
    Moogie - Empress
    Vartan - Emperor (who the fuck is Vartan btw?)
    s0ni - Chariot
    Erisaka - Moon
    Saku - Tower
    Maguma - Sun
    AnimeAngel - Strength
    Miyu - Justice
    Dymatrex - Devil
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:11 No.1986633
    >>1986618(who the fuck is Vartan btw?)

    An awesome son of a bitch. All YOU need to know.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:13 No.1986640
    LOL dymatrex is Devil Arcana... also why is Miyu Justice?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:22 No.1986665
         File1248330161.jpg-(210 KB, 600x515, otakon09 046.jpg)
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    oh derp I forgot to include the picture from her journal but this is you with them right?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:37 No.1986703
    because she's always focusing on the balance in her life, yanno? she's also pretty DEEP.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:40 No.1986710
    deep like my dick in your hole
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 07/23/09(Thu)02:41 No.1986713
    as in bucket cunted?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/23/09(Thu)02:43 No.1986720
    I once took a quiz to see which tarot card I am.

    I got Lucifer. Makes sense I guess.
    >> The Truth !!SE6QHxDfCj/ 07/23/09(Thu)02:45 No.1986723
    I'm only coming into this thread to pointlessly say that I sat at this exact table during Otakon too, and split a cup of cookies & cream with Oreo Dippin' Dots here.

    And it was fuckin' delicious.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/23/09(Thu)02:46 No.1986725

    Yup. Satan.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:52 No.1986738

    Shouldn't you be at Comic Con for the Disney One Piece movie panel?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:03 No.1986761
    So if Masa is Satan than Dyme has to get pushed to something else.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/23/09(Thu)03:07 No.1986771

    Shouldn't you be hating in a Maguma thread?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:08 No.1986777

    Don't change the subject
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:10 No.1986782
    is any1 going to MechaCon this weekend?
    >> 59 !!Oo43raDvH61 07/23/09(Thu)03:17 No.1986801
    Why the hell are you talking about Mechacon in a jj thread. Sage for newfag.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:18 No.1986802
    Are there any more pics of JJ's naoto??
    >> TOTALLYNOTMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 07/23/09(Thu)03:23 No.1986810
    actually it's..

    nevermind just saging now
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:29 No.1986823
    Ohwow. This thread is hilarious.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/23/09(Thu)03:30 No.1986826

    Don't be a faggot.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 07/23/09(Thu)03:37 No.1986846
    Oh. So this is why Masa was asking me to take that terrible quiz. :1

    Tarot cards, they do not work that way.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:41 No.1986858
    Masa x Ai-Honey
    I support it, you should to.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:43 No.1986862
    I support this
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:47 No.1986873
    I support this.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:54 No.1986886
    >>1986846 Tarot cards, they do not work that way.

    But persona does.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/23/09(Thu)03:57 No.1986894
         File1248335871.jpg-(11 KB, 200x256, presentation.jpg)
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    Quit it, you faggots. >: (
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:00 No.1986897
    haha masa <3 you know i'm just kidding
    >> Kaistiggity !!Mzw6k+oR4c7 07/23/09(Thu)04:06 No.1986911

    I support this.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:08 No.1986912
    JJ - MC/Fool
    Inaba Ari - Priestess
    Stardustshadow - Lovers
    Lousyitachi - Magician
    Moogie - Empress
    Vartan - Emperor (who the fuck is Vartan btw?)
    s0ni - Chariot
    Erisaka - Moon
    Saku - Tower
    Maguma - Sun
    AnimeAngel - Strength
    Miyu - Justice
    Masa - Devil
    Dymatrex - Hanged Man
    Umister - Star

    Usagi Kou needs to be on there since I know they're friends. We still have Hermit, Hierophant, Fortune, Death, and Temperance to fill.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:12 No.1986916
    Temperance for Usagi Kou
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/23/09(Thu)04:12 No.1986920
         File1248336779.jpg-(17 KB, 432x288, GTO1.jpg)
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    CUT IT OUT. >: (
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/23/09(Thu)04:13 No.1986921
    Put me down for Death for shits and giggles
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/23/09(Thu)04:16 No.1986928
    I actually got the Star when taking the quiz when masa sent it to me today. and when i took it a while back i got hermit. lol
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:18 No.1986933
    Zal as Death, since we all know that bitch has AIDS. Manly Kittan as Hermit since he's obviously a lonely /v/irgin. Ikuy is Fortune, because everyone gets lucky with her. 4ng31 is Hierophant, just because he can be.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:18 No.1986934
    Moogie as Empress? how did that come about.

    Fortune would make more sense. Empress should be like.. LRC or something
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 07/23/09(Thu)04:28 No.1986951
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)07:32 No.1987207

    no, this list if for jj's friends, not the tool tripfags of cgl. Does she even know 4ng?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)07:36 No.1987210
    JJ always seems like she has such a great time at conventions, I've never really seen her make a con report where she was like "oh there there was drama with this, I hate so-and-so because of that", which happens way too much on the rest of my friends page. She comes back from cons with tons of cute pictures and even cuter stories, she's not srs bsnss which has been lost on a lot of people

    Don't go away JJ!
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)08:27 No.1987228
    the chinese kid looks like brain from arthur

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