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    File : 1248225921.jpg-(161 KB, 454x670, darnel.jpg)
    161 KB Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:25 No.1983197  
    Hai /cgl/, question for you since this is the cosplay and convention rumormill of the interwebs;
    I heard through the grapevine that someone high up in the pecking order of Anime Punch set someone on fire and now the con is in trouble. Is this true? Interwebs searching didn't bring up much since all of the people that set other people on fire have their names with held from news blurbs.
    (and there's a shocking amount of people getting set on fire...)

    Anyway, enjoy a Lineage 2 picture for your time.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:28 No.1983206
    >>someone high up in the pecking order of Anime Punch set someone on fire

    Fuck, where's this con? I want to go to it. If it's run by someone who sets people on fire, it's gotta be fuckin awesome.
    >> Mavrick !!11LPZTm3fPt 07/21/09(Tue)21:52 No.1983261
    Oh yeah I heard about that story and then I remember that Anime Punch takes place in the Columbus Metro Area.

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:24 No.1983753
    :( So no infos? That stinks. ty /cgl/
    >> Arg !/cARaiCIAw 07/22/09(Wed)02:56 No.1984262
    I'm rather surprised its taken this long to make its way to the internet. The con-chair himself did it, and it hasn't yet made it to the papers because of a lot of things. Once court proceedings start you'll probably see a lot more.

    Honestly? I'm not going to give more than that because I respect the privacy of the victim in this case and I know he's got a lot to deal with and will have far more to deal with in the coming months.

    That con is dying anyway. Mike was a terrible face for the convention.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)02:57 No.1984266
    Mike doused a dude in gasoline, lit him on fire.

    Went to jail, out on bail by girlfriend I think.

    3-10 years on aggrevated arson or more for attempted murder.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)02:59 No.1984271
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    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)03:52 No.1984339

    not to mention Mike told the guy not to go to the hospital or call the cops, its a miracle he didn't lose his leg.

    Heard a rumor his gf used part of AP's money to bail him.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)04:02 No.1984349
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    OP here, thanks for confirming

    Any motive or is Mike just that dumb?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)08:54 No.1984525
    No, just that much of a raging asshat scum of a person.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)09:15 No.1984551
    ...why did this guy do this?

    ...and was it at con?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)10:37 No.1984667
    To make bail you have to put down a collateral of some sorts, and I dont think his GF has anything that high in value so there had to be someone else behind it.

    Honestly its bad PR for the con and the con chair should of known better. However my curiousity is why US marshalls did the arrests because it would be the local city PD usually....hmmm..
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)10:50 No.1984678
    Whaaat? I love AP and we were planning a group cosplay for it next year. Did this happen at feildcon? Was it intentional?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)11:02 No.1984685
    I think it was at a party they were having....
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)11:58 No.1984773
    The girlfriend in question confided in me that he refuses to have vaginal intercourse with her because her pussy is "too fat" and so will only have buttsex or get oral. I say thats the best reason to go to the con.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)12:45 No.1984851
    The whole situation is retarded on so many levels.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)13:32 No.1984921

    He can't come up with a better excuse to get some hawt buttsexing?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)13:45 No.1984954

    Why come up with a better excuse? It works?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)13:52 No.1984966
    >OP here, thanks for confirming

    Two unsourced posts on 4chan by whoever and that counts in your book as "confirming"? Jesus fucking fuckChrist you're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)14:04 No.1984996
    and where is it going to be cited?

    go troll harder elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)18:42 No.1985556
    I heard it burned the guy's legs, testes, and penis. Thats pretty bad stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)18:57 No.1985577
    When did it happen? Is his back home or still in the hospital?

    Why said girlfriend is even still with the pyro at this point is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)19:00 No.1985583
    Oh. My. God.
    Fucking sage.

    He didn't set anyone on fire. It was 4th of July hijinks gone wrong. His "girlfriend" did not bail him out (If you even knew her like I do you you wouldn't use this term so casually), a few people pooled in and raised the money. There's no epic story, it has nothing to do with Anime Punch and how it is wrong, although it is somewhat bad PR. He was arrested for Aggravated Arson which is a Class 1 felony, hence the Federal Marshals. He has since been released and is awaiting a prelim hearing. We shall see what happens from there.

    Happy, internet?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)19:26 No.1985635

    Oh, has she finally dumped his slimy cheating ass?

    Also, Anime Punch this year was the worst con I've ever attended. I hope it dies and Mike goes to jail and gets assraped by large nigs named Bubba.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)19:27 No.1985639

    Hi Codi
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)19:32 No.1985654
    Nice try, but not Codi.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)19:38 No.1985671
    doesnt change the fact it was still a dumbass move to get in taht position in the 1st place.
    he's still a douchebag tho.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)20:29 No.1985804
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    Yes, quite happy, thank you.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)21:14 No.1985905
    >and where is it going to be cited?
    Yeah, because criminal acts never make it to online news of county court websites, unlike the 9001 threads with arrests reports and news relating to mr metrocon.

    >go troll harder elsewhere.
    Pointing out that you need critical thinking skills isn't trolling - it's a motherfucking statement of motherfucking fact if you believe two posts on 4chan.
    Oh hey, I heard that Soni was arrested for raping a busload of nuns with a broken light bulb. Any truth to it?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)21:16 No.1985906
    >Oh hey, I heard that Soni was arrested for raping a busload of nuns with a broken light bulb. Any truth to it?

    Absolutely - I saw her do it. She was covered in blood and screaming something about the Queen and Hitler at the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)21:19 No.1985914
    I saw it too. She bit the testicles off of a cop when they took her down. Nasty stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)21:23 No.1985917
    Total retard here, thanks for confirming, completely anonymous people posting with no proof.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)21:28 No.1985922
    Well the people involved have made these facts known to the public. What fucking citations do you need?
    >> Mavrick !!11LPZTm3fPt 07/22/09(Wed)21:32 No.1985926
    They better not touch and destory Ohayocon.

    Yeah I am glad Anime Punch fell on Easter this year, but suspicious about Ohio State Anime Club as some people are probably connected to this. It may have been a waste of money and time.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)21:46 No.1985942
    Anime Punch wouldn't ruin Ohayocon. Ohayocon has already ruined Ohayocon.
    >> Mavrick !!11LPZTm3fPt 07/22/09(Wed)22:06 No.1985973
    What do you mean? Ohayocon had 8,000 in attendance for 2009.

    Are you saying that Ohayocon is worse than other anime conventions? I mean if 4chan had a presence at Ohayocon, it could hit over 9,000.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)22:11 No.1985981
    I'm saying that Ohayocon is a joke. Attendance doesn't mean anything if the convention and staff suck balls. Everyone knows how much Ohayocon sucks, we just all go cause it's an excuse to get out during the winter.Programming is shit, staff are shit, it's a shit convention.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 07/22/09(Wed)22:14 No.1985989
    >I mean if 4chan had a presence at Ohayocon, it could hit over 9,000.

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)00:20 No.1986367
    I would like to know if this was true. I know people have gotten lit on fire in years past accidently.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:31 No.1986528
    That is not what he told people at the party. It was her Zack and some other guy who payed bail.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:40 No.1986541
    He broke up with her because he did not want her to find out about the cheating. She is still in love with him, i heard he told her she can no longer live in the house any more. I hope she gets her bail money back.
    >> M- !aYdEgo9uss 07/23/09(Thu)01:40 No.1986542
    Oh Ohio....
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:51 No.1986574
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    Oh hay guys, just thought I'd clarify that the reason he was arrested was because he gave third degree burns to a guy that he lit on fire on PURPOSE because he owed him money.

    That was AFTER the 4th hijinks of blowing off fireworks from the porch.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:51 No.1986575
    I hope he gets raped.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:56 No.1986588
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    Its true, i was there. He told John it was a mistake but then bragged about it later to people saying he meant to do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)01:59 No.1986595

    Step 1: Go here
    Step 2: Search for 'Telin'
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4: PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:02 No.1986604
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    I love you.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:05 No.1986610

    Just says Theft.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:06 No.1986613

    Protip: Case number 090580770
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:08 No.1986616

    Mike's last name isn't Telin you fucking idiot. Just assholes trying to take down Mike for no raisen.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:08 No.1986617
    sounds like him. He likes to tell one story to one person and another one to others.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:09 No.1986624
    Telin is the victims name dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:11 No.1986630

    Fucking win.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:27 No.1986684

    Protip - you search by VICTIM'S name.

    And looks like its now aggravated assault, rather than arson. Cool.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:32 No.1986692
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    I hope he gets raped.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:51 No.1986734

    Best photoshop ever
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)02:52 No.1986737
    good look for micheal
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:31 No.1986829
    Is Michael still the con-chair of the convention? Anyone want to start the countdown until he gets kicked out and gets replaced by someone who is actually capable?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:32 No.1986833

    Actually it is aggravated arson, not sure why the original report listed assault. Probably evidence turned up during the investigation upped the ante on the charges.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:35 No.1986841

    Gee, I wonder what they discovered [/sarcasm]
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:35 No.1986844

    Yeah he still is, from what ive been told he still plans on running the con from prison or at least, influencing it. His staff is too pussy to challenge him.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)03:49 No.1986875

    That's going to change after the trial.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:02 No.1986903
    lol @ people who sell out their real life friends to be a big man on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:03 No.1986905
    Copied from friend's facebook:

    Protip: ignore all of the manipulative lies contained herein:

    There are really only two possible outcomes of all this, and it is very much in the hands of a few select people. From what it looks like, it's either an acquittal or a conviction, with little wiggle room in between. I'm either going to walk free, or spend a minimum in[sic] ten years in jail... possibly life.

    If I'm a free man, I have every intention of making this AP outrageous. If I am convicted, I will hand down my instructions for the 2010 event, and expect them to be carried out to the letter. I will not be available for input after that point.

    There will be no need to have a meeting until after the verdict is in, and this process could take months. We will go forward as always until that point.

    I want to give an extra special thanks to my friends who have shown support for me in this. Words cannot express how much it means to me to have friends out there, and I honestly love you all. I know I am a tough boss, and I often end up having to be the bad guy. It is a testament to all of you that you still have my back, and I truly appreciate it. You are my life, and even if everything ends for me tomorrow, I am proud of what we've done together, and happy to have known all of you.

    This might be the last week you guys have to talk to me. I want to hear from all of you.


    Wow, what a douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:39 No.1986973

    Case in point.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:46 No.1986981

    Hi Norm
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)04:54 No.1986988
    Oh Mike, surrounded by unloving critics and uncritical lovers.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)05:21 No.1987052
    Seriously? Leave Codi out of this. She knows what she's getting into and she knows it's not the best decision, but she's going to stick beside him anyway for whatever god for saken reason. Dude should learn to fuckin appreciate her, shes put up with enough of his shit.
    Whatever though, leave her be.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)11:21 No.1987383
    Is the trial today? :O
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)11:33 No.1987405
    Whats funny is the City prosecutor can and probably will find this posting on /cgl/ and also find witnesses to speak against him. So this alone is probably hurting him significantly, and pray to god a witness they pull doesnt hate his guts. O_o;
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)11:42 No.1987416
    Hm, he tried to get in the pants of a good friend of mine when we were both 14 and he was 18/19. I'm sure she'd love to know that the guy who tried get her to sleep with him is going to jail. :D
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)11:48 No.1987422
    Mike deserves to go to jail, and he has his staff circle jerking around him telling him he's innocent, when he went around doing it because the victim owed him money (around 500 dollars)
    He told the victim even after the incident that he still owed him money, and he was going to hold his computer ransom until he could pay him back.
    The kid has third degree burns, and needs skin grafts on his entire lower leg. Mike told the victim not to go to the hospital. Said victim after several days, had no choice but to go to the ER. As soon as the Mike knew the victim was in the hospital and charges would probably be pressed, he said that the victim need'nt pay and that if he need anything, Mike would provide it.

    Mike is a two faced prick who deserves to go to jail, not only for this, but for having sex with 13, 14 and 15 year old girls. I've spoken to several people and he even apparently had sex with 4chan's favourite fatty, Krissy, when she was 13.

    Seriously, Mike, you're an adult. Start acting like one.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)12:06 No.1987440
    Only some of the staff still sucks his dick. Zack, Norm, Drakie, Codi, almost the whole house hates him. Even a lot of his friends are just pretending to be nice to him.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)12:11 No.1987447
    After Anime Punch about 40-50% of his staff walked out, because he's an ass.
    Drakie is dissapointed in him, but she so much wants him to be innocent.
    Codi is doing it because she wants Mike to need her, and realize that she's there for him.
    Zack because.... Well..... He's an asshole who is easily swayed by Mike.
    Norm. Well. I don't know about Norm.

    The problem is Mike has convinced so many people that he's an amazing guy. When he's not out having sex with underage girls by getting into their heads, he teaches retarded kids karate. He was apparently the camp counselor of a friend of mine, and he can back up that story.

    He's living two different lives, depending on who he's trying to impress.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)12:21 No.1987462
    So that makes Mike a manipulative bastard, and Codi a willing puppet.

    Why are we leaving her out of this again?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)12:29 No.1987472
    isn't this the guy that goes by kaiser or whatever on the AP forums
    >> sage sage 07/23/09(Thu)12:29 No.1987473

    I feel sorry for Codi tbh. All she does is put up with that guy's shit. Even after he told her he was cheating on her she still wanted to be with him and work things out.

    I wouldn't say puppet. I'd say she's a woman who foolishly loves someone who sucks balls. She's an amazing person who has every right to hate him, but she doesn't. Love is blind I guess.

    I hope Michael is reading this too. He should wise up and treat her like she deserves to be treated instead of keep leading her on thinking they have something.

    You heard me, asshole. She's the only one who will ever stick up for you despite your many shortcomings. If you can't recognize that and love her for it, then you really are the scum of the earth, and I hope you rot.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)12:41 No.1987498
    But that is a puppet. She lets her strings be pulled to and fro and dances for his amusement. At one time, I did pity her. At this point though, it's all on her for not cutting her strings and becoming a real girl.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)12:56 No.1987536

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:00 No.1987546

    Are you suggesting anonymous posts on 4chan would be of any value in an actual court? I mean, that would be awesome, but lets be realistic.

    I like the suggestion that he start acting like an adult, but is his behavior that of a typical child? No. It's that of someone who's been begging to go to jail. If you didn't know Mike as a friend, and you knew of half the stuff he's done, you'd say he was a menace to society. The chance to change has come and gone. Most likely he will be finding out why they call it the "slammer" and Columbus and the con scene will be safer.
    >> Cori 07/23/09(Thu)13:19 No.1987570
    >>1985583 is me. No really, this shit is stupid.

    Would you guys please leave my sister out of this?
    I can't even hold a normal conversation with her anymore because of you drama laden people who hide behind anon.
    Yeah, I don't like Michael either, but seriously people. grow up. This is a serious matter of someone who could honestly face jail time, not to mention have the rest of his life potentially ruined. Asshole or not, I cannot believe that any of you have the audacity to say "Good, I hope he rots in jail!"
    I don't even wish that upon him, and this is ME we're talking about.

    Do I want her to get back together with him? Absolutely not. But am I going to smear their personal drama everywhere? Hell fucking no. What gives you people the right to do so?

    Shut this shit up and find something else to do. You're on /cgl/, post some fucking awesome cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:46 No.1987601

    Your sister is in denial and needs a reality check. Your comments are not doing her any favors. The only reason Michael was ever with her is in the first place was because she is the only person who would tolerate him. If you really cared about your sister you would see that too.
    >> Totally not Gundam 07/23/09(Thu)13:48 No.1987603
    Codi should be left out of this.

    It's not going to happen, but it should.

    Mike burned a guy's leg bad enough that he'll need multiple surgeries and it'll never look the same again. Somehow, Mike's got to take responcibility for that, and just saying he's sorry isn't going to cut it. Now this is getting personal, but Mike has typically hidden behind apologies to avoid the consequences. Whenever something he's done has caught up to him (and that's whenever, because he usually denies it until it's impossible to continue doing so) he'll say, "Oh I'm sorry, that was a mistake, but I realize that and I'm working hard to change. . ."

    Back in April Mike was called out on his infedelity, and Mike denied everything to the point having Bear and Krissy thrown out of the Punch House for disagreeing. And now just three months later everything has come out as being true. I wonder what solace it is to them knowing that they were thrown out simply because Mike was trying to cover his own ass.

    As for Mike's sentence, we'll see what happens. Who knows, soon enough this arson charge might be the least of his legal worries.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:53 No.1987612

    Are you sure that it was Michael who burned his leg? In other words, are you confident that it was entirely his fault and not just Telin being a dumbass (or at least sharing in some of the responsibility for what happened)?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)13:56 No.1987620

    While I do agree that Telin was being less than intelligent perhaps, it is Michael who decided it was a good idea to squirt lighter fluid on his leg as a surprise.
    >> Totally not Gundam 07/23/09(Thu)13:59 No.1987624

    Telin isn't exactly the innocent victim here. But I've talked to enough people about what Mike said after the incident (and not just people who want to destroy Mike), that I determined that he really did say those things afterwards, which kind of incriminates him.

    Yeah, all my knowledge of the burning is second hand, but then again, so is the court's.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:01 No.1987627

    Any idea who lit the fire?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:06 No.1987641
    For what its worth, this IS Mike we are talking about. Ive seen him go after people with a cattle prod unwillingly and set shit on fire quite a lot at Fieldcon and at parties. Im not saying hes a bad person, I respect him for what he wants to do for AP, however, this is at the point where he has to pay a penalty. Personal issues aside, this is a legal matter at this point and the courts will have to decide.

    As for Codi, she is a very very sweet person that I hold in high reguard. She never deserved the things that happened to her, but love does crazy things. If he is sent to jail, hopefully she can use that as a wake up call about him and change her life for the better.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:07 No.1987642
    This is so fucking surreall... like he's the poster child of why those crazy conservatives dont want kids watching anime or playing video games because it "gets to their heads"
    >> Cori 07/23/09(Thu)14:15 No.1987659
    I didn't say she wasn't. Did you miss the part where I said I didn't want them to be together again? I've been encouraging her to get out of this mess for a very long time. Just because she's my sis doesn't mean she listens to me, I still love her though. You obviously must not know me very well if you think I haven't told her to get out time after time.
    I definitely appreciate that you guys care for her well-being. All I'm saying is that it is still her matter to deal with, and she doesn't need her private life thrown out everywhere.

    Focus on the matter at hand, and leave the drama elsewhere. Goddammit Ohio.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:19 No.1987666

    I liked the original version more. This lacks a certain zest.
    >> Cori 07/23/09(Thu)14:25 No.1987677
    Sorry Jon lol
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:28 No.1987685

    Nice try, but not Jon.
    >> Cori 07/23/09(Thu)14:31 No.1987689
    Aww, you sounded just like my old roomie Jon. Not Telin, but funny Jon.
    Sorry for the mistake :\
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:32 No.1987692

    You must be fucking retarded. He belongs in jail. We just always figured it would be for CP or one of the numerous minors he's had sex with. Hopefully this serves as an example to people that no matter how much anime you watch and 4chan you troll, you still live in the real world with real consequences.
    >> Gundam Ja Nai 07/23/09(Thu)14:34 No.1987699

    Jon right now is busy watching a show that has a lot of things that weren't in the 1700s.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:47 No.1987730
    I don't care if Michael is in jail. I don't know which of the numerous things he is accused of is true and which are just fake 4chan lore. All I know is that he is a pretty hateful person who possibly needs mental help.

    That, and I want him to stay the fuck away from AP. He has no real power because contrary to what is being said here the majority of the core staff of the con want him to resign. Anyone with half a brain already abandoned his sorry ass. It's only the immediate circle of his weak-minded "friends" who believe otherwise. These people don't even work for the con and they are foolish if they think that nothing is going to change. But let them try to maintain that illusion.
    >> Hak 07/23/09(Thu)14:52 No.1987746

    Eh. Bear told me not to post here but fuck that shit.

    After getting my door kicked down, being called a lying cunt, and getting kicked out of the house, I pretty much told everyone something like this was going to happen, because he's fucking insane.

    And it did.

    As did the truth about him fucking kids.

    Yeah, I just get to sit back and be like, "I told you so."

    Though I'm glad to be out of that house. The last week I was in it, I seriously feared my life. Because Mike has every symptom of a serial killer.
    He's charismatic. He's violent. He's got plenty of mental disorders. He's able to manipulate people. He lies about everything and hides anything that may fuck things up. He gets off on demanding other people do his will and when they don't, he's not happy. Everything has to be his way or no way at all.

    And when people have been like, "NO HE WOULDNT DO THAT, HE'S A GREAT GUY!"

    I point out Ted Bundy.
    Except he was hot. Mike isn't.

    Granted, I do over-react a lot.

    This post isn't out of vendetta, it's to try and get people to understand that Mike isn't what he appears to be. Friends don't light friends on fire over money. I'm just glad he didn't burn me.
    >> Cori 07/23/09(Thu)14:56 No.1987760
    I'm not fucking retarded, last I checked. I was one of the first people wondering why the hell it was for arson of all things, and not one of his many other doings that have gone under the radar. Yeesh. I think you missed the point I was trying to make of "Stop talking about my sister." I guess while I'm at it I'll add in "Goddammit Ohio, stop being drama whores."

    For me to wish anyone to be in jail though for this matter, it's really quite a severe wish. I'm not saying he hasn't done horrible things.
    This is very serious stuff we are talking about here. If any of those underaged girls wanna come forward with their stories to a court of law, then by all means he should be punished for his crimes involving them.

    You do remember he was arrested for ARSON, right? I still don't wish jail upon him for this matter. The girls might miss their chance if he's convicted. Did you ever think about that? So before you go calling me a fucking retard, I ask that you stop and think about your words.

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)14:58 No.1987767

    >>Friends don't light friends on fire over money.

    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)15:00 No.1987772
    >>1987767 TRUFAX, PREACH IT SIS

    fixed that for ya
    >> Hak 07/23/09(Thu)15:01 No.1987776

    Cori, I love you to death. I've talked to a couple of the girls. One doesn't want to tell her parents. The other, because she isn't an adult, cannot press charges, and her mother refuses to press charges.
    It's sad that the girls, because they're underage, have no say, but that's the fucked up thing about our country.
    >> Gundam Ja Nai 07/23/09(Thu)15:05 No.1987785

    He can be convicted of other crimes even while he is in jail. And given the nature of the crimes (presumably felonies) the statue of limitations on them is 6 years:

    So there's plenty of time for other issues to come foreward even if Mike is convicted/not convicted of this particular case.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)15:24 No.1987828

    Take this person's comments with a grain of salt. She's not exactly the most "sane" or together person either. I am not saying that she is necessarily wrong but she's making a lot of general statements that she may not be in position to make. The serial killer comment, in particular, seems uncalled for.

    Again, not saying that she is wrong. She's probably right (in which case: good job). Just want to remind everyone of who she is.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)15:31 No.1987844

    Go remind your mom of who she is. A filthy WHORE
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)15:33 No.1987847
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    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)15:33 No.1987848
    haha, oh wow! this shit is golden.
    >> Hak 07/23/09(Thu)15:34 No.1987850

    The point was, I shouldn't have to fear when I'm in the house I pay rent for.
    The statement may or may not be uncalled for. It was an observation I had while living in the house, and I told him when he kicked me out that he'd be in jail for something or other soon enough.

    Sage for not really caring.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)15:37 No.1987857

    Thank you for proving my point. And I wasn't even trying to attack you.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)15:40 No.1987868

    Now, this is much better. And it sounds a lot more credible too.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)15:41 No.1987876
    >>1987776 states "Statutory rape charges can be reported and filed by the victim, parents of the victim, professionals in mandatory reporting situations, and in most states they can be raised by the state.." If they really want justice, then they need to speak up instead of BAWWWing on the internet idk if it holds true in Ohio though
    sage for no help
    >> Wyatt! 07/23/09(Thu)16:16 No.1987958
    There's too much retarded in this thread; my "Large Fucktard Collider" theory becomes more and more valid the longer this goes on.

    You know, kids, shit like this is why I tried striking out for a smaller group of housemates a year ago: can you even imagine living with fifty-two weeks of Mike-centric disasters on top of living with a con? Even though AP itself is really pretty low-drama, sharing a house with it made me not like it.

    In any case, as far as Punch goes, it's GOING to happen and damn anyone that tries to stop me.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)16:22 No.1987964

    So what's your point?
    >> Cori 07/23/09(Thu)16:41 No.1987991
    I think Wyatt is trying to say separate AP from Michael, and that he still wants to put on a good con next year regardless.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)16:46 No.1988000

    And what exactly is Wyatt planning to do separate Michael from the con?

    "it's GOING to happen and damn anyone that tries to stop me" is pretty tough shit, you know?
    >> Gundam Ja Nai 07/23/09(Thu)16:48 No.1988004

    Mike being in jail, or the majority of the staffers being unwilling to support Mike is a start.
    >> Wyatt! 07/23/09(Thu)17:02 No.1988021
    First CSS troubleshooting, now this. It's a bad day for the tubes.
    Being a poor reader doesn't seem to have done you any good turns. Mike. Convention. Two separate things, no matter how much simpler your world is with that generalisation. That's all that really matters here. Of course, this is 4chan, so I can't force you to believe that any more than I can set fire to your leg over IP. Bummer about my luck.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)17:12 No.1988038
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    loling all over the place.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)17:58 No.1988137
    John was lighting his foot on fire before the lighter fluid was even sprayed. It was the same old crap just gone wrong. We do a lot of stupid shit all the time and it's amazing no ones gotten hurt before.

    This incident has no effect on the convention. No matter what happens in court, the convention will run and it will be fucking awesome.

    The whole thing was people playing around that got out of hand and turned into a bad accident. Deal with it. Even John, the one who was burned, agrees Mike shouldn't go to jail.

    None of your fucking business anyway. Get a life.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)17:59 No.1988140

    You are an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)18:22 No.1988176
    As an Anime Punch staffer I'm offended that you think there are just a few of us, and that we sit around sucking Mike's cock all day. I do a good job because it's a good con and it's what I want to do. Whatever you say about Mike in his private life, he does a good job taking care of his end of things in the con, and that's why I'm ok with him at the top.
    It seems like there are a lot of people here willing to ruin the guys life over three days a year. It's one weekend a year, I find it sort of sad that all the butthurt people who had a hissy fit and stormed out are still letting their lives revolve around this.
    Just because you don't like a guy doesn't mean he should be convicted of a crime he didn't commit.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)18:23 No.1988180

    Hello again Norm
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)18:29 No.1988189
    Of course Mike does a great job. I mean, just look how high the attendance was this year and all the guests that were at AP.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)18:35 No.1988203
    1.) Squirted lighter fluid on leg: check
    2.) leg received 3rd degree burns: check
    3.) Intended to do it, though perhaps not as bad: check

    Sounds like a pretty open and shut case. If i shoot someone on accident and they die, i dont get to go "whoops i was drunk" or "i didnt mean to shoot him that bad". I go to jail at least for a while. Accidents happen yes, but when you go around by your own admission, doing stupid stuff and bragging about it, eventually, someone is going to get hurt, and someone is going to have to take responsibility for that action, and in this case, its more than just, im sorry it wont happen again.

    Don't ever pretend hes going to jail for a crime he didnt commit. You can argue all day and all night if the law that sends him to jail was a valid one, but as the law stands, Michael broke it and people who break the law usually get punished.
    >> Mavrick !!11LPZTm3fPt 07/23/09(Thu)18:36 No.1988210
    How high was the attendance this year at AP?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)18:43 No.1988224
    Below 900, which is a significant drop from 1337 the year before.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)18:44 No.1988225
    I dont even think it broke 1K. I would say 600 tops. They are pretty broke.

    As for Mike. He deserves his assraping in jail for making a foolish mistake. You can help a con and do a good job at times, however you keep fucking up and getting away with shit and karma comes back to bite you in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)18:53 No.1988248
    1109 paid.

    480 pre-reg
    372 three day
    31 Friday
    21 Saturday
    5 Sunday

    Staff, guests, and comps not included.

    About 200 less than the year before, largely attributable to being on Easter. Added costs due to the dealers tent. Cuts to guest budget ensured financial success. Next year looking to greatly expand guest budget.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)18:57 No.1988255
    480 + 372 + 31 + 21 + 5 = 909
    >> Mavrick !!11LPZTm3fPt 07/23/09(Thu)18:58 No.1988256
    Ouch those numbers are not good at all. I understand why people are questioning the health of the convention.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)19:04 No.1988267
    That is odd. The online reg server gives us those numbers, but 1109 as the total. When I export the full list of names it comes out to 1109 though, so something is glitching somewhere. It might not be counting paper pre-reg.
    >> Gundam Ja Nai 07/23/09(Thu)19:05 No.1988269

    Maybe people paid but didn't attend. Still a down year though.
    >> Mavrick !!11LPZTm3fPt 07/23/09(Thu)19:14 No.1988291
    Sort of disregard >>1988256

    As I said earlier AP fell on Easter Weekend and said the numbers were probably weak so I can see why attendance fell. I just hope things get sorted out and the convention continues.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:13 No.1988417
    So who is holding onto his CP collection while he is away?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:23 No.1988444
    I would be willing to wager that it's including staff/guest/comp in that 1109 number.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)20:30 No.1988463
    Couldn't be, they were never entered in the reg database, just the shitty RF database that the general staff doesn't have access too. As far as we know only Mike and Damon have that data, and considering how shitty Damons system turned out to be I doubt that data could be used to get an accurate count anyhow.
    >> Snake Eater 07/23/09(Thu)20:45 No.1988502
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    Here Goes!

    Michael Beuerlein, a known Pedophile and Rapist of weeaboo girls, and all those under 12, set fire to his broke ass friend "Red Hair John" aka. John Teling. John Teling suffered third degree burns on his legs and such and didn't go in to the hospital until his legs got infected.

    It was actually the hospital that pressed the charges on Michael Beuerlein because John is too spineless to do anything on his own and thus, Fails to the utmost. Michael Beuerlein was bailed out by his roomate Zach, Girlfriend ( Who was thought to be fucking smart and leave the guy by now ) Codi, and Roommate Robert....aka.. The blinded followers.

    It was not a 4th of July Prank gone wrong, because things such as this aren't accidental. You don't "Accidentally dump lighter fluid on John Teling, and then accidentally set fire to him. This was an intentional act of violence that came to a severely emotional person who only months ago had thoughts of suicide after fearing the loss of his convention to a group of "secret" folk.

    Hope the prosecutors can use this info! Also, relevant people to rape tiem... Jennifer Gaupel...

    Read through this image!
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:05 No.1988547
    And who the hell are you? First of all you can't even spell John's name right. He *cheated* with Jennifer AND Janette and now they're claiming rape? I call bullshit. Serious bullshit. I'm sorry but Janette is fucked in the head if she just lets things like "oh whoops he kinda raped me!" Fucking hate women.
    >> Snake Eater 07/23/09(Thu)21:16 No.1988570

    Who am I? ...Pliskin....Iroquois Pliskin
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:28 No.1988598

    Well one of those girls is under 18 and therefore, by law, it is rape, even if she consented as she cannot give consent. The risks you run when having sexual relations with minors.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:36 No.1988625

    It is rape. Because a fifteen year old girl is not mentally or emotionally mature enough to make those decisions. Mike has a psychology degree, and thus, goes after the emotionally distressed girls and lets them cry on his shoulder while he rams his cock in their cooter.
    And even if your don't think it's rape, is it cool for a 26 year old dude to fuck a girl who just hit puberty?
    Mike admitted that he meant to do it. It wasn't an accident. He may claim that he didn't mean to burn his fucking leg off, but jesus christ, he meant to light him on fire. Because he "wanted to hurt him"
    And his personal life DOES matter, if he is a con chair, then he needs to act like one. No parent is going to let their kids go to an anime con ran by a pedophile. And no decently educated person is going to go to a con ran by someone who lights people on fire for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:37 No.1988626
    considering that they wrote the program for that shitty system THURSDAY BEFORE the con, no wonder your count is off the chart. I highly doubt it was over 1000.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:41 No.1988632

    Hi Zach, still pissed you cant get laid? PROTIP: You're in 30s, hit on older women.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:46 No.1988643
    Calling serious bullshit on this.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:47 No.1988644
    Try harder, you can't even get the victim's name right. Janette is fucking insane and thinks that a guy holding her hand is rape.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:48 No.1988647

    Or make more out of state ~booty call~ trips.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:51 No.1988658
    Says the known whore who's been backstabbing everyone this whole time just so she can have friends and look popular.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)21:56 No.1988665

    Actually as i do have a penis, i believe your choice in pronoun is incorrect. Sorry no win.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:04 No.1988672
    That whore would not fuck him so it must be true.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:15 No.1988695
    1109 paid.

    480 pre-reg
    372 three day
    31 Friday
    21 Saturday
    5 Sunday

    Here is the secret to the numbers. Note the 3-day is divisible by three. A weekend pass is being counted as 3 attendees. This brings the number of unique weekend passes to 124. I've seen enough attendance spreads that you're not going to have 852 pre-reg and weekends, and then have ONLY 21 saturday badges purchased on the spot. Since we don't know how many of the pre-regs were weekend, we can't tell what the unique count for those were. Giving it full credit, and using the real weekend number, gives us a more accurate attendance of 661. Add in 100+ staff and it falls in line with what we all saw. Stop trying to fluff your own cock.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:18 No.1988703
    Janette also told a bunch of people that Tim raped her then said she'd only talked to him online. Bitch is psycho.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:21 No.1988708
    Yeah she had also said that Tim was out to get Codi and rape her too.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:26 No.1988728
    Tim is a great guy and would never do such things. Also no one would wanna rape Codi's fat pussy.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:29 No.1988733

    Well let's not get too hasty.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:29 No.1988734
    ...Lrn2Read, dipshit. They're saying JANETTE IS FUCKING PSYCHO, not "Tim is a bad guy!"
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:33 No.1988748
    Haha wtf
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:37 No.1988759

    That doesn't make any sense. Entering at-door registrations into Eventbrite one is enough of a bitch. Do you really think anyone would bother making three entries per attendee.

    It's FAR more likely that a bunch of the 372 three day attendees were actually one day attendees but the data entry monkeys stopped caring about that.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)22:40 No.1988763
    Regardles if she is or not, Mike would rape a bitch if he had a chance. I belive that the girls wanted his nasty cock untill he told them ~i will never leave Codi for you~ because she is easy to get away with cheating on, and now they are claming rape.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)23:01 No.1988805
    Makes sense if the underlying code of the program does that. You can automate all sorts of nifty stuff with enough intelligence/stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)23:18 No.1988830
    I thought Tim and Janette were sleeping together, because Tim used to talk about how Mike was an idiot for not knowing they were together. I just sort of assummed Janette didn't want Mike to know so she could keep flirting with him to get a promotion at the con. Too bad for her that didn't work out so well.
    If I recall, Mike had just told her she wasn't allowed to be the blog master and suspended her from staffing for a while for being a pest. It's only THEN that she remembers she was raped?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)23:28 No.1988849
    She steped down from staffing no one kicked her out. As for her and Tim all i know is he had a thing for her.

    Lets leave them out of these, we need more post about how bad a con head Mike is.
    >> Snake Eater 07/23/09(Thu)23:35 No.1988871

    Mike pulled her during her own panel for nearly an hour and banged the crap out of her.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)23:45 No.1988890
    True story.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/09(Thu)23:55 No.1988910
    Were you there?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)00:00 No.1988921
    I was hiding under the bed, he told her ~tell me when you cum~ then she faked it.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)00:57 No.1989084
    About this fat pussy business. How is it fat? Is it just super meaty? Is it like a camel's hump? Is it roastbeef-like? Reports?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)01:03 No.1989104

    I'd totally bang the shit out of Codi. Im serious!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)01:08 No.1989117

    Id give her and Cori together a solid scissoring, and im a chick.
    >> Gundam Silent Voice, er, Ja Nai 07/24/09(Fri)01:59 No.1989246

    If I was ever called a rapist, that's news to me. Never heard myself called that when everything happened back then, and I was called quite a lot.


    Me and Janette actually dated only for about 2 months back in the fall. Given that she's 3 years younger than me, still in high school, and that I only met with her at her house, the relationship was decidedly PG. I never called Mike an idiot in regard to that ever, though someone once posted something here to the effect that me and Janette were still together after she broke up with me. We were still fairly close up until mid March actually.

    She's still in the process of working through everything that has happened. She's still a minor, and has enough on her plate at the moment just dealing with everyday life. If she feels comfortable to bring this up with authorities, she'll do so when she's ready. Rape, if this is the case, has a statue of limitations of 6 years. If it's her mother that's standing in her way, then she'll turn 18 soon enough. She has plenty of time to work this out and deal with it when she's ready.

    And everyone can shut the fuck up about Codi now. She's a great person, even if I (and others) disagree with her relationship decisions.
    >> Rebecca 07/24/09(Fri)02:24 No.1989292
    There are only 2 people stupid enough to hurt John, and that's John and Mike....

    John and Mike were playing in the fire on the porch, Mike sprayed John with lighter fluid, crime committed.... Doesn't matter that people don't want him to go to jail, he will prolly go to jail.... The hospital is charging him with aggravated arson....

    What gets me most, is the people so concerned with Mike, and trying to keep him out of jail, when John was in the hospital for a week, and had surgery.... He has to have 2 more with skin grafts to go, but everyone is doting on Mike....

    Besides, I remember earlier in year, people asked Mike to step down as con-chair, and I thought he had for a bit.... So hopefully the con will survive because Mike isn't Anime Punch, and there are plenty of people who want to keep it going....
    >> Charles Joseph 07/24/09(Fri)03:32 No.1989401
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    I never heard about this. Me, Matt, and Chuck were all lucky to get out last year.

    Should Mike go to jail?

    Looking at the facts, I'd say yes. He definitely set someone on fire. Looking at his character, I would again say yes. He's a (statutory) rapist.

    Good things about Mike:
    He introduced me to sauerkraut on a pizza.
    Could be fun, sometimes.

    Bad things about Mike:
    Has sex with young teens.
    A jackass.

    Odd, I spoke with him cordially just a few months ago.

    I personally think the convention could survive just fine without Mike, his ego and attitude were probably more of a barrier when dealing with him than any supposed "charisma" helped. There were more people involved in AnimePunch than just Mike, after all.
    >> sage 07/24/09(Fri)07:42 No.1989610
    Says the guy who openly read guro loli doujinshi in the living room of the Punch House. GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)10:41 No.1989771
    Just so you guys know the trial is today.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)10:54 No.1989785
    I wish i could find out what is going on.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)10:57 No.1989788
    >Friends don't light friends on fire over money.
    Holy shit, that's what I've been doing wrong the entire time!

    And just saying that Mike sounds like a class act. Couldn't have happened to a better guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)11:33 No.1989829
    Oh yes, he is a great guy. Would never hurt a fly.
    >> Snake Eater 07/24/09(Fri)11:48 No.1989845

    Hope he rots, Anyone know how we can insert evidence while hes on trial for Mike's Fascination with Child Pornography? Someone find that Blue HDD in his room immediately!

    Come on baby light my fire...
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)12:00 No.1989859

    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)12:24 No.1989888
    Woah, that is NOT fucking cool. Other people live there you know? Have some fucking respect for the people NOT involved in this shit who live there too. It is NOT Mike's house alone you fuckwit. You wanna report him so bad? Then fucking do it on your OWN damn time and leave the other members of that house ALONE.
    You're no better than Mike if you keep this shit up.
    >> Charles Joseph 07/24/09(Fri)12:48 No.1989932
    "Says the guy who openly read guro loli doujinshi in the living room of the Punch House."

    I'm not into guro, the rest sounds like me though. I think we can both agree that it was a good thing I eventually got myself a computer.

    While it is true that /cgl/ is not a board I would normally go to, the topic of this thread was of such personal interest that I felt inclined to offer my views, this is a public forum after all. With respect to those who do frequent this board and don't want to see this thread, I will be saging any future comments.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)13:16 No.1989982
    heard somemoar rumor... is it true that his gf codi was underage until recently?
    >> Iroquois Pliskin 07/24/09(Fri)13:35 No.1990027
    If you told him how to report that stuff then he probly would. I know i would.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)13:52 No.1990055
    shes 23-24ish range.
    >> Rebecca 07/24/09(Fri)14:48 No.1990186
    Last time I heard, Mike and Codi had broken up....

    Also, I still think it was wrong of Mike and Drakie(I'm sorry, I still love you Drakie) to talk John out of going to the hospital, while he was in shock, that night and keeping him locked up in the 3rd floor bedroom.... I already apologized to John/Robyn for not kidnapping him that night....

    Really now, all this bad mouthing people for just living in the Haus is uncalled for.... Mostly because some of the people stay out of most of the hijinks and were not even considering going in on another house after they lose the only they have....

    >>1989401 Yum, also, Feta Cheese....
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)15:02 No.1990213
    Where the hell did you hear that? Looks young, but definitely not underage. She was 22 when they started dating.
    Man, people will really say anything to try to start shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)15:56 No.1990317
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    BLUE DICKS!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:00 No.1990323
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    Did I hear Blue Dicks?????
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:01 No.1990325
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    Well here I am Blue Dick and all!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:02 No.1990329
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    I heard Blue Dicks
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:12 No.1990359

    Hi Norms
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:26 No.1990392
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:31 No.1990406
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:38 No.1990419
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:40 No.1990421
    Man Mike maybe bad but that Nick is who is there is a creeper.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:47 No.1990426
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    4chan we know grammer!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)16:55 No.1990437
    Nah, it's just Ohio.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)17:07 No.1990450
    hooray thread derailment
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)17:23 No.1990476
    I've seen the contents of Mike's blue hard drive.
    It's nothing but blue dicks.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)17:34 No.1990493
    So what's the verdict?
    >> sage 07/24/09(Fri)17:42 No.1990508
    Fuck yeah Codi and Cori, I'd lay them gently at first to think I was being all sweet but then I'd fuck the shit out of them!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)17:59 No.1990535
    Mike is a fucking pedo. I hope that mother fucker rots.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)18:12 No.1990570

    Michelle, shut the fuck up. I love you to death but everything I've heard coming from you and about you recently has been total bullshit. You're not helping Michael, he's a fucking psycho and we all know that.

    You *should* know exactly who I am and I've had it with your crap.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)18:13 No.1990572

    Um were you actually witness to the incident, did the investigators interview you for your crucial information, i think not. So you obviously have no idea what your talking about.

    If I show up with a gunshot wound or severe bruising from a domestic disturbance and have LOTS of money, will the hospital press charges, you bet your ass they will, because its the law. Johns ability to pay has nothing to do with the charges pressed, the hospital is legally required to report it, and if they dont, they can be prosecuted. After the hospital reports it, it is out of Johns hands, even if John wants to let it go, its state vs michael, not john.


    Learn the legal system.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)18:24 No.1990597
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    I love you, Ohio.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)18:25 No.1990599

    WOW. Because pressing charges = somehow the hospital magically gets paid????

    You have amazing ideas about how the justice system works.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)18:27 No.1990606

    Actually the hospital will be paid some money apparently if a conviction is awarded, but this is irrelevant to the victim's ability to pay as the law states you must report.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)19:43 No.1990830
    Was his trial today? Did he get convicted yet?
    >> sage 07/24/09(Fri)19:47 No.1990838
    Lol people who don't know how the court works.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)19:50 No.1990845
    This is old news, I loled because I know the guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)21:12 No.1991028
    Did you hear her talk him out of it?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)21:22 No.1991048

    You need to quit listening the the bull shit crap Mike has been telling you. You are doing just what he wants you to do, spread lies.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)21:25 No.1991058
    lol at people who think the money the state gives the hospital for tipping them off will go to the victems bills. If there is a conviction the hospital might get a grant, but it is almost never applied to the total bill. The procecuters probably misled John or Robyn to think that if they step back and let their friend go to jail that their money problems will be over. Lies and deceipt, that's not how the system works, and John will still have his bills to pay.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)21:29 No.1991064
    Learn to spell.
    John and Robyn didn't press the charges. The hospital did. When someone comes in because someone lit them on fire, charges HAVE to be pressed. They had no say in it.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)21:37 No.1991085
    Well at least he isn't Dr. Bearsex who lost his girl for being a failure and just in general sucking...
    >> sage 07/24/09(Fri)21:45 No.1991104
    Look, I'm mad at Bear too, and I think hes pathetic and needs to grow the fuck up, and I know for a fact this thread has been nothing but him, Amy, Tony, Tim, fuckin Marine Creepy ass Nick, and Krissy all being stupid and petty, but that is uncalled for and you're just being unnecessary good sir.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)21:52 No.1991120
    I thought that happened because he was fat and ate too many Baconators?
    Your better than most good sir.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)21:57 No.1991129
    Yay bash bear thread:

    1.) he eats baconaters ALL THE TIME
    2.) hes single and fat...HAHA
    3.) hes a failure
    4.) I hope he kills himself.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:02 No.1991137
    Last time i checked they are still together, and going on a wonderful trip for a week on money.

    How they fuck do you know? every one is sick of this crap. They want this 4chan shit to end.
    >> sage 07/24/09(Fri)22:04 No.1991140
    I know I am. Too bad no one else seems to, including even Michael.
    >> sage 07/24/09(Fri)22:06 No.1991152
    LOL it's called Facebook, they're having a shitstorm and lollin all the way to the bank about it. It's obvious they hate Michael for their own personal reasons, and that's fine. Not everyone on this planet has to get along. But there has been information on this thread that only certain people (ie one of the listed) would know.

    Also Tim and Krissy were openly on here. Read harder.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:07 No.1991157

    They are separated. She moved out but they haven't officially broken up yet, but I have a feeling they will soon
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:11 No.1991174
    this thread makes me lol

    thanks /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:13 No.1991183
    I have been reading, but that still leaves , Amy, Tony, and Nick. I am friends with them on face book and i see no LOL's Only bitches about these shit, so possibly you need to read harder.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:17 No.1991196
    It be hard for them to stay together with her fucking Kyle again. I hope she gets pregnant.
    >> sage 07/24/09(Fri)22:20 No.1991208
    You mean pregnant again by him, amirite
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:28 No.1991241

    talking and fucking are two different things. If I were her I'd like to be on speaking terms at least with the father of my child.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:41 No.1991291
    Well you don't know the circumstance do you?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:45 No.1991309

    Ahaha you're quick to jump to conclusions aren't you? And if you know that she and Kyle are speaking again and are talking shit about her here, goddamn you're a slimy, shitty friend. Jesus fucking christ.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:47 No.1991320

    Thread successfully derailed. Now we wont talk about Michael anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:52 No.1991342

    You just did talk about him...
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:53 No.1991347

    Michael's a fucking pedophilic asshole.


    Thread back on track
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:54 No.1991351
         File1248490466.jpg-(17 KB, 400x300, 2814p37.jpg)
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    and how long til this hits autosage? Maybe I'll just spam til it does.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:55 No.1991358
    So what was the verdict?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:56 No.1991359
         File1248490577.jpg-(24 KB, 604x339, 3037_1125319847304_1056364219_(...).jpg)
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    I love little girls they make me feel so good
    I love little girls they make me feel so bad
    When theyre around they make me feel
    Like Im the only guy in town
    I love little girls they make me feel so good
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:58 No.1991369
         File1248490686.jpg-(61 KB, 375x500, n761677511_211575_5766.jpg)
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    They dont care if Im a one way mirror
    Theyre not frightened by my cold exterior

    They dont ask me questions
    They dont want to scold me
    They dont look for answers
    They just want to hold me
    Isnt this fun
    Isnt this what lifes all about
    Isnt this a dream come true
    Isnt this a nightmare too
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)22:59 No.1991375
         File1248490771.jpg-(76 KB, 604x453, n60300965_30100164_225.jpg)
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    They dont care about my inclinations
    Theyre not frightened by my revelations

    Uh oh take a second take
    Uh oh its a mistake
    Uh oh Im in trouble
    Uh oh the little girl was just to little
    Too little, too little, too little
    Isnt this what lifes all about
    Isnt this a dream come true
    Isnt this a nightmare too . . .
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:00 No.1991379
         File1248490834.jpg-(62 KB, 604x452, n761677511_210139_8691.jpg)
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    And I dont care what people say
    And I dont care what people think
    And I dont care how we look walking down the street
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:01 No.1991388
    I was replying to the "If I were her I'd like to be on speaking terms at least with the father of my child." comment. I am not talking shit about her at all DOUCHE FAG!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:02 No.1991393
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    So did you like my song cgl? Its dedicated to all my little lady friends ^.~
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:04 No.1991402
    Thank you!!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:11 No.1991423
    Eh, I like Mike. Sets friends ablaze, fucks little girls and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:14 No.1991434
    So, the verdict?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:17 No.1991444
    Yea! anyone know?
    >> Cori 07/24/09(Fri)23:19 No.1991457
    Oh hell no you did not just post my pictures.
    Fucking sage this shit properly you fucking dumbfucks.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:21 No.1991472
    Totally agree.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:25 No.1991489

    facebook bb

    has the thread hit limit yet?
    >> sage 07/24/09(Fri)23:28 No.1991503
    What that means though is someone who is a friend of Cori and Michael just posted pictures. Not very friendlike.

    Also why the pic of Cori and Michael? lol

    Fucking sage this shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/09(Fri)23:57 No.1991596
    Michelle, assuming that's who you really are, you may want to have a little talk with your bf because this is not what he said to the police.

    Bottom line: he is an eyewitness and you are not so shut up.
    >> sage 07/25/09(Sat)00:02 No.1991615
    You are aware that Codi is the only one who saw everything from start to finish and wasn't drunk or tipsy, right? So you should STFU and get your facts straight. Nick didn't see everything.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:05 No.1991625
    You do realize Codi also told everyone she hated Michael. Then the next day bailed him out?

    Oh, and she says he's never cheated on her. Or badmouthed her. And that they've been dating for two year when Mike broke up with her, like, last November.
    >> sage 07/25/09(Sat)00:06 No.1991629
    Hey Jon whats up, I got flood detection. Wtg.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:06 No.1991631
    ..And your lack of sage bumped it up.

    friends don't post friends on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:11 No.1991642
    Well who are you to say that you know what happened?
    >> sage 07/25/09(Sat)00:12 No.1991647
    Jon, shut the fuck up. You obviously have no fucking clue what you're talking about. And if you're not Jon, then you still don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

    Obviously a person who doesn't actually know her.

    She's got nothing to gain personally by testifying for him. He's not going to magically be back together with her by doing so, and they're not even back together right now. (Which is fucking beyond me, you'd think he'd be begging for someone like her)

    But she knows what she saw, and she knows the truth..
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:17 No.1991663
    Actually I do know Codi.
    She's doing this to prove to him that she's the only one who will be there for him and to prove she's better than any other girl he might want. If she's there through the cheating, through the lying, through him being arrested, then she must be the ONLY person he should want to be with. That's her logic, anyways.

    What she thinks all depends on what Mike wants her to think.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:18 No.1991666
    I think he's seen enough.And what he's seen is enough too. And as for Codi, you know, the one who saw everything from start to finish and wasn't drunk or tipsy, well according to her Mike later claimed that he meant to hurt John.

    Would you care to respond to that?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:22 No.1991671
    I think she would lie for him in court, and i don't think you know what your talking about.
    >> Cori 07/25/09(Sat)00:30 No.1991679
    She absolutely would not lie in court. Saying a statement like that is absolute proof you do not know what you are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:33 No.1991682
    question--is this a bench trial or a jury trial? and was it really "today?"
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:41 No.1991696
    No body has been talking about it.... well anyone who knows anything.
    >> sage 07/25/09(Sat)00:44 No.1991700
    As it should be.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:45 No.1991703
    If the trial was today and ended with a verdict, then someone knows the result and should just post it. This is going to go on and on until someone does.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:52 No.1991708
    They should.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)00:57 No.1991715
    it's been postponed until a later date. They didn't have the time for his case today
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:03 No.1991719
    Well that sucks.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:05 No.1991721
    They probably need more time to collect the evidence. Later trial = shit is more serious methinks.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:07 No.1991722
    I hope they found out about the CP.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:09 No.1991729
    Got anything to back this up? Otherwise shut the fuck up because you are not helping anybody.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:10 No.1991732
    Nope. If they lack the time to deal with your case, they can legally postpone it. They can be pretty lazy fucks too, you know. They more than likely didn't feel like bothering with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:15 No.1991739
    So first they send out a fucking squad to arrest Michael and know they don't feel like bothering with him? The motherfucker ain't THAT charming.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:32 No.1991761
    Just what he has told me, and the fact that i know what disk its on.
    >> sage 07/25/09(Sat)01:35 No.1991767
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    It's not about the guy himself. Sometimes the court just doesn't have the time to bother with every case. The court is a pretty lazy bum.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:37 No.1991775
    Have you seen it with your own eyes and if so what are you planning to do with it?
    >> Rebecca 07/25/09(Sat)01:41 No.1991779
    >>1991615 I was there sober too considering I had to drive back to Wisconsin Sunday....

    Also got a call from the Columbus Fire Dept. that Monday asking about what I saw, though I was not asked to give a statement to the police, so you can't blame me for that....
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:44 No.1991785
    I know who is holding it when he gose to jail, and by whats do you mean "what am i going to do with it?" i don't look a nude girls in any manner for i am not gay. He will tell any one who he thinks gives 2 shits.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:50 No.1991792
    I repeat, did you see it with your own eyes? Are you also aware that possesion of CP for any reason is a crime in itself?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)01:54 No.1991799
    I am not holding it. You should tell that to your roommates.
    >> sage 07/25/09(Sat)01:58 No.1991805
    Hey what's up Amy. God you'd think you'd get a spellchecker to hide the fact you can't spell or type a coherent sentence for shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)02:01 No.1991811
    Nope, not Amy.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)02:40 No.1991860
    Probably creepy Nick.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)02:48 No.1991867
    Michael had his computer in conops all con long with everyone having full access to everything, and I don't think anyone found any CP. He only has two externals, one for music, one for anime. The anime one has a blue light and blue highlights and gets passed around by various people (including myself). If you believed there was really CP on there then you sir are an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)04:23 No.1991974
    Really...This thread has gone
    on long enough. Codi, is a dear friend of
    mine and should be left out of this. Mike is an idiot, everyone knows this. Karma has caught up with him.
    Only now, for his sake, I hope he is made a free man, and learns a lesson in thinking first. Unfortunately, Mike and Jon both had to suffer to learn anything. C'est la vie.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)04:47 No.1991999
    Free man? It's only a matter of time before he does something stupid again, I honestly think micheal needs a wakeup call to make him realise that he just can't do whatever in the fuck he wants without consequences. And to even the people who support him, he's a known pedophile. Is that not a big deal anymore or something?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)04:50 No.1992005
    And I for one have personally seen some of the loli in his collection, and he deserves to rot for that, him getting put in prison for setting John on fire is just a way to get him where he needs to go, since I'm sure he will never be prosecuted for that particular felony
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)04:59 No.1992015
    It seems like this is probably all the wake-up call anyone would ever need. Even before the arrest he was pretty shook up about John.

    inb4 loli isn't illegal rants.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)05:09 No.1992021
    Drawings or animations that depict sexual acts involving children but are not intended to look like photographs may also be considered by some to be child pornography. An example of this is the hentai sub genre known as lolicon, which has been the subject of much controversy regarding impact on child sexual abuse [102][103] The reported link between the use of child pornography and child abuse has been used to justify the prohibition of sexual depictions of children, whether their production involves child abuse or not.[104]

    Realistic virtual child pornography is legal in the United States unless it also judged to be "obscene".[95][96][97] It is illegal in the European Union; in Germany it is punishable by up to five years in prison.[105][106] In the Australian state of Victoria, it is illegal to publish imagery that "describes or depicts a person who is, or appears to be, a minor engaging in sexual activity or depicted in an indecent sexual manner or context".[105][106] This has been recently tested with Simpsons images.[107]
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)05:11 No.1992022
    I wonder what type of simulated CP would be deemed NOT obscene?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)11:36 No.1992362

    You are absolutely fucking retarded. Often they can't get to a case on a given day and postpone it. It happens every day. You would actually suggest that the court just doesn't want to bother with it and Mike walks without a trial? You retarded shit, you must staff AP?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)11:39 No.1992364
    Mike was the semen who held AP and the AP house together. You faggots will fall apart without him.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)11:45 No.1992370
    He's the epicenter of all this bullshit. Life can and will go on without him. It has for many people fed up with him.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)12:27 No.1992402
    We would do better with out him. WTF did he do at AP these year? walked around hallways, had sex with Janette.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)12:54 No.1992429
    This shit is still going? lol
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)13:02 No.1992441
    Arrived late to his own convention...
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)13:17 No.1992461
    Lets his 13 year old cousin get topless at the Olympics.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/09(Sat)14:22 No.1992591

    Why teh FUCK would he not delete that shit the second he thought he might be arressted? he really thinks he can get away with anything and THAT makes me wonder how many of these allegations ARE true and what he HAS gotten away with. this guy sounds like the biggest shit that was ever shat.

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