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    File : 1248212344.jpg-(55 KB, 480x640, l_ceef3d84e484417c89ca36f11d2ef115.jpg)
    55 KB Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)17:39 No.1982500  
    Hey, /cgl/, this is a thread for all the black users on here.

    Usually on every forum I post on there are a few token blacks who everyone gets along with because they're not into rap music, or don't care about material possessions, or they would prefer to play video games or read books than buy expensive clothes.

    I'd imagine that this is a majority of you, /b/lack users.

    I'm willing to bet that most black posters on /cgl/ are privileged. You grew up in a middle-class, mostly white, neighborhood and went to a mostly white school. Either that or one of your parents (Probably your dad) was white. Because your dad is white, he stayed with the family and raised you like any good father should. By having a father figure you were taught valuable life lessons and were made a better person because of it.

    As I mentioned before, you're PRIVILEGED. You have a computer with which to post on here. Your room probably has posters from whatever anime is hot right now, and you may have a really nice cell phone. Your car is okay, and you don't believe in living above your means to have flashy possessions like jewelry or rims on your car. Speaking of which, your car is probably okay. You'd have gotten a nicer one, but you were saving up for COLLEGE.

    If you have a girlfriend she's probably white. If you're half-black then she's DEFINITELY white. You get mad when people make fun of blacks and black culture, yet you don't adhere to the culture at all, then complain about this "racism" to your white girlfriend, who is over your nice house in a nice neighborhood where your father is still present. You love being black so much that you'll end up listening to rock or country for years down the road and end up marrying a white woman or a woman of mixed black heritage.

    Black users of /cgl/...This is you.
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 07/21/09(Tue)17:46 No.1982519
    oh look it's this thread again
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)17:46 No.1982522
    watwat lulz evry time u ddos us we need 2 spam u moar
    www. + Anom - m + nTa +
    fc afbffffsu xt4pshff htkcghogg i dw gawpfdgvwh fifc
    >> INTERESTING !!YWD2yhPEgzi 07/21/09(Tue)17:48 No.1982524
         File1248212931.jpg-(18 KB, 156x117, 210_1.jpg)
    18 KB

    Nigga plz
    >> Tiran 07/21/09(Tue)17:56 No.1982539
         File1248213360.png-(121 KB, 240x249, troll thread.png)
    121 KB

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