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    File : 1248149573.jpg-(133 KB, 513x385, IMG_1184.jpg)
    133 KB worst con moments/drama? Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:12 No.1981851  
    not sure where the other thread went, but I was just thinking about my first con and how awesome I thought it was... but after a while...I realized all the things that went wrong, all the drama, and all the fucking TERRIBLE cosplays.

    so, con drama anyone?
    terrible roomates
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:20 No.1981872
    I went to a con where some A**hole thought it'd be funny to steal a 13 year old girls badge.
    He didn't even use it either, he just took it and left the con. (and it was the morning of the second day)
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:19 No.1982028
    A couple of my friends have a web show on YouTube and they had this creepy fangirl who kissed one of them on the neck when she hugged her. Then she wanted them to come back to her room and meet her parents...who the fuck asks that? Wouldn't you be creeped out? They handled it really well actually and
    calmly let the girl know that they weren't doing it.
    >> Greg !!/cHIWVB2A8G 07/21/09(Tue)01:21 No.1982038
    Some guy thought it would be funny to try and smear glowstick juice on me, I couldn't really fend him back as I was stumbling completely smashed outside the Hilton, he ended up getting it by my eye and it burned like hell all the way back to my hotel. I would have done something but he looked like he could kick my ass, and I wasn't really in a state to fight someone.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:55 No.1982123
    Dude, that fucking sucks. I hope that prick has retarded children.
    I hope your eye is okay now. I read about another con horror story on here not too long ago and someone had glowing shit spilled in their eye. Now the vision in that eye is fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:59 No.1982136
    At this one con I went to in FL, some douche bag though it would be funny to spray mace at the rave.
    >> Ditzidani 07/21/09(Tue)02:07 No.1982170
    JACON!!! That was my first convention...(and worst nightmare) so many things went wrong there. Saturday evening while me and my group were eating pizza in the lobby a part of the roof fell through, then someone punched a hole in the wall or something, then there was a guy molesting underage girls at the masquerade, AND the mace at the rave. -_-;;

    Jacon had quite an apocalyptic final year.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:07 No.1982172
    when I first went to sakuracon in 2003 it was bad news bears, man. this was when it was still in the hilton convention center in sea tac and it was CROWDED AS FUCK. I remember fucking trying to get through the crowds and it was just the awful smell of moldy cheese and gym sock sweat everywhere. also the only fucking elevators were fucking broken.

    2004 and 2005 were only worse. I remember in '04 my friends and I were waiting to get into the dance and it was supposed to start at 9pm or some shit. we did not get in till 11:45pm(neither did anyone else, I have no idea why the dance didn't start on time), and this was when curfew was at 12am and I was 14 at the time. not only that the "line" or rather, the group of roped off people in a tiny hallway sucked balls and it was hot as fuck.

    soooo glad they moved it to the washington state convention center.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:12 No.1982184
    At this one con I went to in FL, some douche bag con head had underage sex with a girl.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)03:10 No.1982318
    Now Now guys.. you both got one.. now chill
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)03:33 No.1982366
    My roommates were fine, except one would not shut the fuck up about his Magic cards. He went to tournaments all day Saturday and had a whole fucking briefcase for them. All he talked about, Friday night through Sunday morning, was those fucking cards. Now I don't have a problem with people playing Magic at all, but when he could not get the hint that I could care less, I was about ready to snap his neck.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)03:52 No.1982392
    First out-of-town con. Cost more than I could afford. Shitty roommates, shitty sleep, lost some manga I bought, hair dye didn't work (yeah, I know, it's fail for cosplay, I've learned my lesson), and rain destroyed my major prop on the 2nd day.

    Last year's con had 2 half-finished costumes, first was foiled by a sudden strike of modesty, second by a failure in sewing skill. Thus, went without a costume. Doing my best to avoid that this time around.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)03:53 No.1982395
    I Roomed With a Furry
    (and 3 13 year olds, and a nice, fat, black chick)
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)04:19 No.1982405
    At a convention last year, two of the three elevators in our section of the hotel were broken because of some retarded fucks jumping inside of them.

    My friends had been fighting with each other all day and after calming one of them down, we decided to go down to the cafe lobby for a sandwich. We get into the last elevator, which quickly fills up with a guy in a fursuit, three dumbshits and a huge black guy. Almost immediately, the dumbshits decide it would be so awesome to jump in the elevator with seven people inside.

    Fursuit guy is kind of freaking out, but he isn't saying anything to stop them. I'm doing the same, worried about the fact that we were on the top floor.
    Luckily, the black guy and my friend both flipped out on the retards and they hurriedly ran off on the next floor.

    By the end of the con, all three elevators were broken and hotel staff was fucking PISSED.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)16:45 No.1982465
    Risembool Rangers. 'Nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)17:39 No.1982503
    I was at Sakuracon 08 with my sister, and we usually go off to do our own things- and she brought a friend so I wasn't too worried about creepers trying to get to her. I'm doing my dealer's room run, agonizing which fig to buy as a present for a friend when my sister pops up behind me and tells me some creepy guy dressed as a jedi has been harassing her, asking her and her friend to hug eachother and overall weird shit. I look around and sonofabitch there he is hiding behind some DVDs. I come over to this guy and...He pulls out his lightsaber and starts wiggling it at me. The fuck? I tell him I'm going to break it and shove it up his dark side of the force if he doesn't cut this shit out. End it by saying "The fuck are you dressing as a jedi for, asshole? This is an anime convention." I mean, mostly just to piss him off. So he storms off and I decide to walk with my sister for the rest of the night (we were heading to the hellsing ultimate showing anyway). So yeah.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)17:41 No.1982506
    Best sibling ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)17:49 No.1982526
    gettin punched by jealous ex =[
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)17:50 No.1982528
    Good for you. Me and my big bro have always fought like cats and dogs, but heaven save the motherfucker who hurts/insults/scares him. I will fucking destroy them, and I know he'll do the same for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)17:56 No.1982540
    We had a roomie from another country and apparently she had some sort of disorder that I can't remember the name of, but I have learned my lesson about forum arranged roommates.

    She didn't stop talking about battlestar galatica (it's an anime con...), she had two stuffed toy iguanas and she actually brought them with her to the dance! (She is in her 30s or something) She had pit hair like I've never seen, she SLAMMED the keys on her laptop in the morning when we were trying to sleep, she sprawled herself over one bed so that the other person ended up sleeping in the chair. The next night she left her dirty socks right by that person's head. And a lot more stories along that line.

    She also never recognized us at the con even though she saw each of us get ready. I was dressed as Lady and she could not remember who I was after the 3rd day even though I had a giant bazooka which is pretty defining.
    I felt bad because she obviously had something mentally off but after a couple hours even our most patient person needed to get out of the room.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)17:59 No.1982547
    watwat lulz evry time u ddos us we need 2 spam u moar
    www. + Anom - m + nTa +
    gie dfhbuco ghgacgf sdf 3snrbjs yijib jed bt 4cipdff4hi2b 42b
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)18:14 No.1982581
    :3 I'll always watch out for mai imouto
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)18:39 No.1982644
    I always bring some food (cup o noodles, granola bars, nuts, stuff like that) in plentiful quanties to share, and a few things, (Oreo Cakesters, Ritz crackers with squeezy cheese) for myself, and I put the 'to share' stuff out, and tell everyone to help themselves. The 'for me' stuff I keep in my suitcase. I had this fat cow in my room a few cons ago that ate EVERYTHING. She waited until everyone else left, ate everything in the share bag, then went into my suitcase and ate my special goodies. I don't eat a lot of junk food, so I was freakin pissed she ate my snackies, not to mention that she went into my personal stuff to eat more. When I flipped shit, she whined, 'But I was hungry, and you said I could eat what I wanted to!' Fucking fat cow.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)18:43 No.1982655
    I would have called security on her fat ass. Going through closed personal belongings? Illegal amirite?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)18:48 No.1982670
    I was just pissed she ate my fucking Cakesters. The other people in the room were mad she ate all the food too. We made her fork over some money, went to the grocery store and bought food that we wouldn't share with her. SHe wound up getting all pissy and moving to another room Saturday morning. No big loss.
    >> Dingo 07/21/09(Tue)18:52 No.1982683
    This is a long one, guize, I'll try to make it short, but it might stretch across a few posts.

    Last year's Nan Desu Kan sucked ass, all because of a fat emo whale.

    She's roughly 190 pounds and 5'5 and she spent the whole weekend whining about her period, yet if any of my friends or I were to offer her tylenol or something, she'd tell us to fuck off, so we stopped offering.

    She's the sort that's incredibly ignorant of her own vagina, so she was constantly bleeding through her underwear and her only pair of pants (an Orochimaru cosplay thrown together the previous weekend). When she went to our hotel room to change her panties, she would throw them wherever she felt like, and once they landed on the open mouth of a bag of plastic utensils we were using to eat with.

    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)18:58 No.1982703
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    Otakon 04, Baltimore. Met these two girls dressed as the two chicks from digi charat, dejiko and rabi en rose I think. Amazing costumes, GORGEOUS girls, some kind of non-japanese/korean/chinese asian.

    Long story short, we went back to my room, got wasted, fucked all night, then smoked weed and passed out together. It was amazing.

    Until the guy who was apparently the boyfriend of one of them started calling her endlessly, because he'd passed out the night before and woke up realizing they weren't there. And he was staying in the same hotel. And he was fucking big, and mean, and CRAZY.

    I got the fuck out of there. Never saw them again, never even got their last names, numbers, anything, I was too young to think about it. Shitty con, epic night.
    >> Dingo 07/21/09(Tue)18:58 No.1982705

    Because she kept throwing her shit everywhere, my friends and I of course got pissed, so we talked to her about it. She got all huffy and told us to fuck off, and a huge argument about us being her mother ensued. We laughed it off and wandered around the con, she stayed in the hotel room for a few hours.

    When we saw her again, she was wearing neon green fishnets, a bikini, and heels. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Because this is how attentionwhores are, she would get angry and yell at anyone who asked for her picture.

    After a while, of course, because she is ignorant of her own vagina, she began to bleed through the bikini bottom. We told her repeatedly that she'd bled through, but she ignored us or told us to fuck off every time. We dropped the issue and went to the rave, where some guy hit on her (because she was dressed like a fucking hooker) and she got angry again. He ended up getting punched in the face.
    My friends took her back up to the hotel room to have a talk, I apologized to the guy she hit.

    Back on the subject of her Orochimaru cosplay, aside from bitching about her period, she bitched about how no one took her picture and how much better all the other Orochimarus were. The only people who ever took her picture were the ones she yelled at and guilted into it. On more than one occasion, she screamed at photographers for taking pictures of other Orochimarus and demanded to know why they were better.

    She was fifteen, I was seventeen, everyone else we were with was fifteen to seventeen years old.
    We are never going to another con with her again.

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