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    File : 1248141939.jpg-(157 KB, 450x600, DSC00908.jpg)
    157 KB Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)22:05 No.1981436  
    Did anyone else try to fight King Hippo at Otakon?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)22:07 No.1981439
    Fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)22:08 No.1981443
    Not fat enough. Look the part, fuckers.
    >> Mavrick !!11LPZTm3fPt 07/20/09(Mon)22:14 No.1981454
    He was there on Saturday. Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)22:15 No.1981459
    get that man a sandwich
    >> Master Shambler 07/20/09(Mon)22:16 No.1981466
         File1248142574.jpg-(796 KB, 2304x1728, 100_1498.jpg)
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    I found this pic of Little Mac beating his ass
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 07/20/09(Mon)22:38 No.1981533
         File1248143887.jpg-(304 KB, 766x1023, tyson.jpg)
    304 KB
    Not Hippo. But Dag got Tyson.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:41 No.1981764
    One of the artists at the artist gallery took this picture. She gave him her Burger King crown to wear for it since the friend that was carrying the actual King Hippo crown for him wasn't around at the time.
    >> buddha the king of hippos 07/21/09(Tue)01:20 No.1982035
    I was the king hippo at otakon.

    >>1981764 I was having issues with the crown due to its weight so keeping it on my head. So I had a friend carrying it around.

    Thanks for the compliment. I lost 50 pounds from last year. So I will take this as a good thing.

    I know a lot of people fought me, so I am looking forward to seeing a lot more on this thread.

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