07/20/09(Mon)22:25 No. 1981488 Op,
I'll come out and say it. I'm with you. It seems so pointless if it's
bought. A lot of the fun is figuring stuff out even if you suck at
first. You do eventually figure things out, have even more fun, and
learn a valuable lesson about doing things yourself. A lesson so few
people have now. I'm up for the argument that if you earned or
saved up for buying it... that's closer to the point, but it still
misses it. It's no different than saving up for that new Old Navy
hoodie. Yeah you are happy you got it, but you didn't really get
anything out of it like you could have if you made something. With
making something you get the saving up for fabric, learning to work
with materials like plastic, tagboard, resin, cardboard, metal,
interfacing, wire, paper. You learn to finagle things until they work.
You learn serious critical thinking to work problems out. You lean that
your own two hands are some of the most amazing tools you have. That
really does help you along in life. When I moved out on my own I made
my curtains, made my coffee table, painted my rooms, made pillows and
rugs, ect. All things I learned from cosplay. Seeing the same
ebay costume over and over again makes it less interesting anyways. It
then begins a new way to distinguish who has money rather than who has
skills. Just wear your anime fan Tshirt and call it a day. It's no different than your ebay cosplay.