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    File : 1248136210.jpg-(542 KB, 800x600, DSC02139.jpg)
    542 KB Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:30 No.1981180  
    There were so many vocaloid cosplays at Otakon. I think this was one of the best mikus. She was so cute. Does anyone know who she is?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:38 No.1981210
    I thought she was super cute, but I saw her in street clothes on saturday and realized that she was probably like 15 or something. And the chick she was with, was that her mom? She looked so much older without makeup on sunday.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:40 No.1981214
    Oh, I only saw her once and that was when I took this picture.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)22:00 No.1981426
    More of this miku please.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)22:54 No.1981586
         File1248144899.jpg-(164 KB, 1024x768, vola.jpg)
    164 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:41 No.1981767
    I loved her! There was another cute Miku cosplaying from the World if Mine PV Saturday morning, who had a Kaito with her, did anyone get pics?
    >> Ippo !GV1/c5XULk 07/20/09(Mon)23:47 No.1981794

    when you see it
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)19:26 No.1982774
    Here's an entire gathering full of not only Miku's, but other Vocaloids too!

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