07/21/09(Tue)03:31 No. 1982361 >>1982261 "is the fire warm enough for you, bro?" kasai said as he sat in front of it next to moot. underneath
them lay the most valuable artifacts salvaged from brogypt, the
priceless dragonbro z paintings done by sean hicks. they both merely
caressed them with their bottoms, as they did not intend to smash them,
but to bask in the glory... the bro..ly... holy shit brolly. but the
paintings weren't of that faggot brolly, they were of the more popular
characters. "it's a little warm, but I'll be ok, bro," moot
said, and hugged his own knees. kasai took notice of this. bros don't
hug knees. something was wrong. "bro, what's wrong, bro?" kasai asked, concerned. moot only shyed away more. "nothing, bro... it's just... I miss how we used to brofist, y'know, bro?" moot looked brolovingly into kasai's broeyes. "c'mere,
bro," kasai leaned towards moot and pulled him out of his reclused
state. and took moot's petite hand, curling it into a brofist only to
connect his own brofist with moot's brofist slowly and tenderly. sean
hick's materpieces creaked beneath them with the bropower of their
loving brofist. the fire wooshed from the impact of their broness.
"we're true bros, you know that, bro," kasai said and moot brosmiled. broend. (USER WAS AWESOME A BRO FOR THIS POST)