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    File : 1248122171.jpg-(148 KB, 1280x720, left-4-dead1.jpg)
    148 KB Left 4 Dead - OTAKON EDITION Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)16:36 No.1980548  
    Let the Fail Begin.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)16:52 No.1980585
    There was a good hunter I saw saturday, he had a sign on his back.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:57 No.1980915
    curious, what makes a hunter "good"
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:59 No.1980919
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    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)19:12 No.1980931
    Holy Shit, who took that?
    That's me, Did you get it while I was walking, lol
    When they use Bandages and good makeup, It's not fucking ducktape
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:38 No.1980988
         File1248133127.jpg-(140 KB, 1024x768, 063.jpg)
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    Dumping from the shoot on Friday.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:39 No.1980991
    DUDE I saw you!! You were like, the best Hunter I saw at the con. Great job man, great job.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:40 No.1980994
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:40 No.1980995
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:41 No.1980997
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:41 No.1980999
    so very bitter!
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)19:42 No.1981001
    WTF Is with that Witch and the Pink Jacket Zoey
    That pisses me off, Pink Jacket zoey's
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:42 No.1981002
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:43 No.1981008
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:43 No.1981011
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    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)19:43 No.1981012
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:44 No.1981015
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:45 No.1981017
    Her mom probably wouldn't drive her to Kohl's so she had to get what fit at Wal-Mart.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:46 No.1981022
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:46 No.1981024
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:47 No.1981027
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    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)19:48 No.1981029
    Anyone know what was up with the Witch with the black?
    I mean it's put together well but inaccurate, Was there a reason for this? a Witch witha TWIIIST?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:49 No.1981035
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:50 No.1981041

    Now all witches are going to use a body suit. Too bad they are still fail.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:50 No.1981043
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:51 No.1981046
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:52 No.1981049
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:53 No.1981052
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:55 No.1981058
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:56 No.1981065
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:57 No.1981067
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:59 No.1981070
    Sadly, these were the best witches at the con, but they are very far from being the best overall.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:01 No.1981077
    I cosplayed a hunter on saturday, not the guy with the sign, but I was the only one I saw with blood all over my face and hands. Any pics?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:02 No.1981079
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:03 No.1981083
         File1248134619.jpg-(106 KB, 1024x768, 122.jpg)
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    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)20:04 No.1981086
    I had Blood running down my mouth and chin
    and all over my Hands
    I ran out of blood capsules on Friday so I used Mint flavored blood for the rest of the con, I didn't carry it with me though
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:07 No.1981092
         File1248134835.jpg-(109 KB, 1024x768, 125.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:07 No.1981095
    >>1981086's not always about you, you know. :|
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:08 No.1981098
         File1248134888.jpg-(1013 KB, 3648x2736, Picture 157.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:08 No.1981100
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    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:10 No.1981110
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    Done dumping.
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)20:10 No.1981113
    Lol, I know, But you said you didn't see any other hunters With blood on there hands, I was just saying I had it too, I mean Hell, if you we're a hunter who used bandages instead of ducktape I prolly gave you a high five, I saw another hunter like that, Was it you?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:15 No.1981125
    >>1981079 SO MUCH FAIL
    Don't be such an asshole. It's really hard to print out screenshots, go to the store, buy the clothing depicted, and then dress yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:20 No.1981146
    this is awesome lol
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)20:23 No.1981154
    Actually I had a hard time finding the right Dark blue hoodie, Since it's summer and no stores really sell hoodies during this time I was going to order it off the internet, but I wound up finding one at my Dad's house
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:29 No.1981177
    No, just an observer. The next time you take your hunter cosplay out, you might want to consider getting your bandages looking nasty like they are in the game instead of just slapping them on fresh from the packaging.
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)20:32 No.1981194
    Lol, they we're nasty and dirty looking, I didn't worry too much about the back of them due to the fact that, who takes pictures of my back, besides for the sign I had on saturday, Trust me, I made them look as best as I could, I had to buy bandages at the Gallery every time I did the hunter, I only planned it for Thursday, but I ended up doing it more obviously, I cant re-use the bandages, They get all jumbled up when you take them off since there self adhesive.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:36 No.1981203
    Hello fail L4D cosplayer #4372
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:37 No.1981206

    I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not. I seriously hope it was.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:58 No.1981265
    It's duct tape....not duck tape...

    Also, the smoker in those pictures glossed over the fact that part of the Smoker's face is hideously disfigured, apparently. I've seen few good L4D cosplay pics, but I guess that's how it is with everything. I have a feeling I'll see a lot of L4D stuff at Dragon*con, I just hope it looks good.
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)21:08 No.1981295
    I know its Duct Tape and not Ducktape, but Doesn't really matter to me, Doesn't make them having "Duct Tape" on there arms Correct.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)21:11 No.1981308

    Yeah, that's fine. It's just something that is commonly misspelled or mispronounced so I had to mention it cause it bugs me.
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/20/09(Mon)21:14 No.1981319
    Yeah I forgot it was spelled Duct instead of Duck when I was making my sign and after it was all made someone pointed it out to me but it was already done, so I said screw it, and have been saying Ducktape Ever since, lol
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)22:54 No.1981579
    lol I like how You Type making things random Proper nouns.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:51 No.1981805
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:53 No.1981813

    Just because someone made a name brand for duck tape based on people mispronouncing duct tape doesn't make it right. :( haha.
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/21/09(Tue)00:28 No.1981891
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:41 No.1981929
    i would have figured there would be "zoey startled the witch" pictures on this thread. da fuck?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:20 No.1982033
    You were the only Hunter I saw that I liked. Your Zoey was decent but my favorite left 4 dead cosplays at otakon were a bloody Louis and his Zoey.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:39 No.1982095
         File1248154776.jpg-(36 KB, 425x640, o2k9_jb_fri0501.jpg)
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    Disagreed. This was best Zoey.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:48 No.1982111

    I hope not.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:54 No.1982120
    I think I see Girugamesh in there
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:21 No.1982758
         File1248218474.jpg-(1.05 MB, 2024x2304, Iden_Otakon2009_Witch.jpg)
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    I got some good Bills, but I liked this witch shot.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)19:32 No.1982797
         File1248219121.jpg-(1.35 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_3536.jpg)
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    Here's some more L4D pics outside the meetups.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:40 No.1982822
    That's pretty fuckin' sweet.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)19:40 No.1982825
         File1248219635.jpg-(1.63 MB, 2112x2816, IMG_3435.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)19:50 No.1982862
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:51 No.1982865
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    You dumbass, you posted the wrong res picture.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)19:52 No.1982867
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    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)19:53 No.1982869
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:53 No.1982870
    Dear god so much fail.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)19:55 No.1982879
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    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)20:02 No.1982898
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    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)20:03 No.1982902
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    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)20:04 No.1982906
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    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)20:05 No.1982909
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    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/21/09(Tue)20:07 No.1982918
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:40 No.1983229
    IMO, compared the others that were there, I thought she was the best one too.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:46 No.1983395
    I saw Polaris and she looked good. Also saw another Zoey who was the best at the con. That Zoey is horrible, she doesn't even have the right fucking hair color.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:51 No.1983410
         File1248231090.jpg-(126 KB, 332x519, Zoey.jpg)
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    Zoeys jacket is red guys...
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:52 No.1983417
         File1248231165.jpg-(56 KB, 510x350, left-4-dead-no-mercy-header1.jpg)
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    Red amirite?
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 07/21/09(Tue)22:53 No.1983422
    This Bill was the coolest fucking guy ever. I was walking with my Hunter in the hall and he yelled to me "ZOEY THERES A HUNTER" We talked for a few minutes, he was pretty amazing. Every other Left 4 Dead cosplayer we tried talking to, besides this really good bloody Louis and the best Zoey I have ever seen, were extremely rude and bitchy. It was disappointing.

    She isn't bad at all. But her stuff really should be dirty and worn out... One of the better ones at Otakon.

    I didn't notice but did any other Zoey actually have a holster strapped to them? :| I know I did and the girl I said above did.
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 07/21/09(Tue)22:54 No.1983424
    I don't know if you are being sarcastic but her jacket IS a very worn out red jacket. Commentaries are your friend.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:55 No.1983426
    how was this even considered good?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:57 No.1983430
    yes, her jacket is a FADED RED- a very faded red that looks PINK. therefore every zoey wearing RED is inaccurate. Pink or faded red is accurate.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:57 No.1983431
    The last part. That. I met you at Otakon and talked to you about that I think. But I can understand why someone would use a dark pink. However there are some shades I saw that just do not look good.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:58 No.1983433
    If it is a faded red then pink is still inaccurate. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:03 No.1983453

    no because the jacket looks pink regardless of the name of the color.

    Im not saying all shades of pink are accurate for zoey, but pink is totally more accurate for zoey than any pure red.

    it's salmon, pink, or faded red. not red.
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 07/21/09(Tue)23:04 No.1983456
    Honestly I think it depends on what level poster your looking at or what screen cap. In some I see they look cranberry red and in others it looks far more faded. However I've yet to see a Zoey get that perfect shade. Everything I see, myself included, is either too pink or too red.
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/21/09(Tue)23:06 No.1983460
    Quick Input, Red Jacket is Red
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/21/09(Tue)23:09 No.1983466

    Who was the best Zoey ever?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:09 No.1983467
    color blind.

    look at her med pack and luis's tie and tell me it's the same color.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:17 No.1983484
    Someone should make a Otakon- TF2 Edition thread
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 07/21/09(Tue)23:17 No.1983485
    I didn't get her name unfortunately :(

    She was with the bloody Louis. She got a picture with my hunter so I'm sure it will show up. She was awesome and looked perfect. I was very envious. She was also the only nice Left 4 Dead cosplayer besides the Bill I mentioned earlier.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:21 No.1983499
    So I saw you like twice in Zoey, on Friday and Saturday. Why was your makeup so amazingly different both days? Also you were extremely nice, I honestly thought you were going to be a bitch.
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 07/21/09(Tue)23:24 No.1983502
    >>1983499 was done by two different people. On Friday Vicious did it after we did my Hunter's makeup and on Saturday a friend did it because Vicious was getting into Harley and that takes her about 20 hours. And thanks I think...?

    Also is there anything better than Ben Nye to work with for Hunter makeup. It looked great for the first half hour but it would sweat and rub off after that.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/21/09(Tue)23:25 No.1983508

    Was she the Zoey who actually looked like she was from a survival horror game and was covered in dirt?

    If so, she's my favorite Zoey. Every con I see her at she's made improvements to her costume. And she's really nice.
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 07/21/09(Tue)23:29 No.1983522
    YES. She was extremely polite and her costume was great and she actually looked like she stepped out of the game.

    Besides her and myself every Zoey I saw was too clean. And one actually got on my ass for being "too dirty" ....
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:31 No.1983529

    >>And one actually got on my ass for being "too dirty" ....

    >> enderwillsaveus 07/21/09(Tue)23:33 No.1983537

    Are you the second to the left in the top row here? >>1981043

    I want to see more shots of your Zoey. It looks really great. Personally, I'm of the school where I believe if it's supposed to be from a survival horror game, it should look like it. I've been wanting to do L4D and if I ever do I plan on aging and distressing things appropriately.

    I think that and Rorschachs who look clean and new are my two biggest pet peeves. If characters roll around in dirt and guts, you should have dirt and guts on your costume.
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 07/21/09(Tue)23:36 No.1983543
         File1248233769.jpg-(196 KB, 800x1195, Hunter.jpg)
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    No ): Here is an old shot of my Zoey. Sage for self post. I don't have my Otakon shots up yet and didn't know about the gatherings. As I said most of the Left 4 Dead cosplayers I met were very rude. My jacket is much dirtier now than it was then and I now have the correct belt as well as a holster.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:39 No.1983558
    At least you took the time to make it look like you were wounded. Your jacket needs to be faded way more though.
    >> Eniigmis !uj/koSf.Zc 07/22/09(Wed)01:48 No.1984107
    yo, thats me in the background
    That was from Wizard World, My Otakon hunter was better IMO
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)02:07 No.1984149
    My Zoey had a holster. Of course I'm not pictured in this thread and I didn't show up to the photoshoot.

    As for the pink-red jacket thing, the jacket is WAY more pink than red. Of course, it's impossible to find the right color pink, and I'll admit mines way more pink than hers is, I'm just afraid of dying it because it might ruin the white parts. Bleaching also usually makes things blotchy.

    So while we're on the subject, if anyone has suggestions on that issue, throw them at me.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)11:37 No.1984738
         File1248277045.jpg-(65 KB, 604x403, 5536_1188638484558_1486207200_(...).jpg)
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    I guess you didn't see my group at Otakon, then.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)11:40 No.1984740
         File1248277200.jpg-(46 KB, 403x604, 5536_1188638444557_1486207200_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)11:40 No.1984745
         File1248277257.jpg-(90 KB, 604x403, 5536_1188637684538_1486207200_(...).jpg)
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