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    File : 1248071334.jpg-(82 KB, 975x650, otakon2009-375.jpg)
    82 KB Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)02:28 No.1979638  
    ITT Otakon masquerade.

    Best skit =
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)02:37 No.1979645
    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)02:52 No.1979657
    I was suprised, Otacon masq had some good stuff this year
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:00 No.1979664
    Men in Black Turks was the best deserved a much better award
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:02 No.1979667
    Silent Hill nurses + pyramid head Beyonce skit was hilarious
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 07/20/09(Mon)03:04 No.1979670
    I started feeling sick and had to leave :(

    I really liked the SH skit so freakin much. I almost started crying I was laughing so hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:05 No.1979672
    Baccano ftw
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:13 No.1979685
    So why did Otakon not allow ACP to film the Masquerade?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:19 No.1979692

    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:25 No.1979704
    link to video?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:31 No.1979708
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:41 No.1979712
    As in "Otakon's price to record the Masq was too much for ACP?"
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:47 No.1979716
    more likely "Otakon wanted to sell copies of the masq to make as much money as possible" or something
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)03:54 No.1979724
    So what exactly happened with the Turks after the show? I heard they were supposed to have a photoshoot and it didn't happen? But someone else told me it DID happen, but miscommunicated and were missing a few extra people for it. I really wanted to get some shots of this. I think if we threw a Rufus into the skit it would have been....wait no that's a white suit.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)05:11 No.1979790
    what made it so win? link anywhere?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)05:53 No.1979817
    Silent Hill was better than Men in Black Turks. Any more skits?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)08:36 No.1979878
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)09:25 No.1979893

    By far, not the best skit.

    The people who got the awards were people that I would had picked. The best in show were the swing dancers, and I feel like that one really deserved to win.

    apparently after the masq. the turks group threw a hissy fit because they thought they should had won. Talk about elitists.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)09:32 No.1979903
    I want to know whats up with OP's picture,
    Gurren Lagann color guard?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)09:37 No.1979905
    FFVI opera got shafted.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)10:16 No.1979944

    It was, with I'll Make a Man Out of You played in the background.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/20/09(Mon)10:16 No.1979945
    I was in the green room practically sobbing with laughter next to Avi during the entire Silent Hill skit.

    Top quality, that one. The Beyoncehead Nurse had moves for a white girl, too.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)10:20 No.1979950
    Otakon didn't given permission for them to do it, and didn't last year either. They only allowed them to film the intermission skit ACP did for Bandai.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/20/09(Mon)10:23 No.1979954
    I was waiting for that to happen. took long enough

    best skit? really? :/ it was ok, looked well practiced but meh. I think if there was a bit more energy from the other characters or at least cloud himself it'd be a bit more entertaining to me. Just my opinion
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)10:25 No.1979956
    Otakon NEVER gives permission for anyone to film the masq, that way they record it themselves and sell the copies to turn a profit with no competition. Because apparently getting whatever prereg price was up to at the door reg at 65 bucks per person for however many thousands of people that showed up doesn't make enough money.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)10:40 No.1979966

    I was in the masquerade and overheard the Turks talking about what bullshit it was they didn't win best in show. I personally am really glad Baccano! got it because the skit was understandable even though I hadn't seen it, and they were all REALLY nice, they were just there to have fun and it really showed. I talked to a lot of them in that group and they all were very kind with no elitist attitudes which was extremely refreshing. They loved their serie and had a great time. Turks skit was good, but not as good as other skits. The things that won deserved their wins, I have no gripes about anything
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)10:40 No.1979967
    They don't sell the masq dvd you dolt. It has something to do with them having to pay out the ass if people film it because of arena calling the masq their "intellectual property" or some shit
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)10:46 No.1979978
    ...and she's also 16.
    >> Virginya !nINteNdOOM 07/20/09(Mon)11:08 No.1980000
    Someone got a link for the Baccano Skit?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)11:09 No.1980002
    yes. but it's over 9000 megs
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)11:12 No.1980006
    op hear lol stop spamming and DDoSing us u retards, u will be taken down if u continue


    (remove the shit over the letters bitch)
    >hljgjtg c nnddtg2hdf hdcdhafhcs2akynsfhhy sc
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)11:33 No.1980031

    that was almost funny. Seriously, video anyone?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)11:38 No.1980040
    I saw a Crisis Core Aerith, a Zack, a Tseng and a Rude getting their photo taken by LJinto and EBK post masquerade, but the Tseng was the only one from the skit. I guess the others were too butthurt to pose.

    The skit itself wasnt too bad, but nothing great like Maguma said. Only Reno and Tseng were worth watching.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)12:37 No.1980097
    As official representative of the Turks skit: They were not butthurt over Best in Show. The Baccano skit was great and definitely deserved it.
    They were, yes, annoyed that they only got judges awards at first, after how many months of blood, sweat, and tears (you have no idea how sick Cat ended up in the last few weeks because of the stress from this crap; I kept telling her she took it too seriously...) were put into their skit. They were annoyed at some of the 'choices' for Best Masters awards. But as the night went on and we learned more information, they, and I, and even a few judges, were livid with how Otakon handled the judging moreso than awards.
    -Judges filled out score sheets, and those scores were put into a computer and anything not a judges award was AUTOMATICALLY TALLIED and given an award.
    -The craftsmanship judges were not allowed to talk with the Performance judges before everything was handed out.
    -The performance judges WERE NOT DONE DELIBERATING before the Emcee went out and started announcing the awards.
    -The judges were pretty pissed they did not get to announce and explain their judges awards.

    So yes. Kneejerk reaction, Cat and them were very upset initially and stormed out of the arena. But that's over. After talking with the judges and hearing why things happened and what they wanted to say for their judges awards, they're happy with them.
    We're pissed at Otakon's completely impersonal approach at the masquerade judging more than anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)12:43 No.1980106
    Could this be at all related to the fact that Otakon's masquerade was run by Anime Boston?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)13:01 No.1980124

    there were other skits that worked just as hard... and didn't get shit.

    They all have these damn elitist attitudes that they need to get over... it was as if they half expected to win Best in Show. I found the way they were acting quite disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)13:15 No.1980138
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)13:20 No.1980147
    The FFVI skit probably put more work into their costumes than anyone else and got shafted for any kind of award. They got nothing.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)13:21 No.1980150
    Hi twilightsea and/or whoever thinks they're absolutely perfect w/ no drama.

    As someone else in the masq, I saw nothing from the Turks group. They talked to some of the other skit people but were either practicing in the hall or just sitting and watching. And after they got their awards, they just kinda disappeared. From I saw while we were in the green room, the Reno wasn't looking well and one of my group people told me that one of her friends helping her out of the door afterwards literally carrying her.

    Whatever though. Its over. Besides, their skit, Baccano, and the crazy fish one were my favorites. Whatever happened to it being for the lolz?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)13:23 No.1980152
    because they allow nazis in otakon.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)13:26 No.1980161
    East-coast cosplayers are serious business.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)13:31 No.1980166
    And other skits were bitching too. Yeah, I know, they were expecting some kind of major award... I found their reactions despicable at first too, until we learned said things.
    Like I said, told them they were taking it too seriously, and look what happens...

    Nobody's bawwing. Just raging. Nobody's complaining about awards anymore.
    The point here, guys, is Otakon had *a computer* pick the winners, instead of the judges sitting together and picking them. Yes the judges scored them, but they didn't get to talk with the other judges about the scores they gave. Total crap, yo.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)13:33 No.1980170
    Oh god, the Noonsa vs Magikarp was the fucking greatest skit ever to grace a con stage, couldn't stop laughing
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)13:41 No.1980189
    Any one else love the Naruto skit with the drums? Beat the living shit out of the other Naruto skit...
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)13:50 No.1980210
    Lee and Sasuke had some pretty sweet moves, but Naruto sounded offbeat, and I could barely hear the small taiko from where I was sitting (Front row)... Probably because she was listening to the music bouncing back from the rest of the arena; tech really should have had given her an in-ear monitor and had the drums mic'd.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)13:57 No.1980226
    You know. The underlying we were pissed but now that we can blame a computer for why we didn't win it's ok guys thing is really moronic when you really think about it because it's saying that if they didn't win because the judges didn't like their skit they'd still be raging and bawwing and that means they ARE being butthurt, just acknowledging a computer doesn't care if you complain about it on the internet.

    plus everyone's focusing on Cat when you had Mario and Corey in your skit who are the queens of butthurt when it comes to not winning.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:09 No.1980247

    Agreed. They were probably one of my favorite skits... though I feel bad for the soloist Opera Celes that went on first and probably had no idea until showtime. She was a stronger singer IMHO but that just can't hold a candle to a group that's doing the entire opera scene :-\

    Then again maybe it's just that there were just more good skits than there were awards. I know I felt like this was probably one of the best masq shows I've ever seen and was a welcome change of pace AAAAAAND it started on time.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:10 No.1980251
    OTOH I actually never witnessed any of the bitching so if this is the only time it comes up then kudos to all of them for being mature about it, personally I semi-understand if someone has a hissyfit backstage because everyone knows tensions run high anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:12 No.1980256
    I had heard there were TWO FFVI opera skits and now I wish I could have seen them. I didn't watch the masquerade and since it's Ota I have little hope for the whole thing showing up online.
    >> Sachi 07/20/09(Mon)14:16 No.1980262
    Am I the only one who thinks the Reno has a really annoying face? They shouldn't bitch about not winning, tons of groups do choreographed dance numbers its not like theirs is special.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:17 No.1980264
    Stop spamming, attacking and harassing us or your board will be taken down.

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/20/09(Mon)14:19 No.1980267
    i agree with you on both accounts, the first really shouldn't be a factor for a skit. but the second i think matters to a degree. unless you make it a bit more interesting dancing skits are a dime a dozen, they need a kick or some type of spice or perfection to stand above
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:29 No.1980282
    Stop spamming, attacking and harassing us or your board will be taken down.

    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:31 No.1980288
    Meh, the Turks skit wasn't all that great.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:34 No.1980293
    them and the spice girls skit i felt would have been alot better if they just cut the time in half i know they all got 4 min this year but that doesnt mean you have to use it!!!!!
    its like, yes you are dancing to a pop music song that is clevar with the costums you have chosen thats nice. the baccano guys told a story somewhat with theirs.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:36 No.1980298
    Stop spamming, attacking and harassing us or your board will be taken down.

    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:37 No.1980301
    I only heard that one person in the Turks skit was pissed about not winning Best in Show, not that they were bitching about it. There's a difference between being disappointed and being catty, y'all.

    I hope we get to see more skits somehow..
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:46 No.1980322
    Stop spamming, attacking and harassing us or your board will be taken down.

    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:54 No.1980332
    I'm dying to see that Baccano skit video.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)14:58 No.1980339
    Stop spamming, attacking and harassing us or your board will be taken down.

    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)15:01 No.1980344
    I don't think anything's worth throwing a hissy fit and storming out of the green room over. I mean honestly, that's the least classy thing in the world. When will east-coasters learn that this shit is supposed to be for fun? This isn't the first time it's happened (see: Katsu '09) and unless attitudes change, it won't be the last.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)15:06 No.1980360
    Stop spamming, attacking and harassing us or your board will be taken down.

    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)15:10 No.1980370
    I didn't hear anything about a hissy fit. Just that one of the members of the skit was really bummed.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)15:14 No.1980377
    >When will east-coasters learn that this shit is supposed to be for fun?
    Fucking this.
    I think it's a matter of a lot of the groups putting too much work into it, then something goes wrong and the fun gets sapped from it.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)15:37 No.1980424

    Not only is it a good Princess Tutu cosplay but it's a cosplayer that CAN ACTUALLY DO BALLET. En pointe. Decent.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)15:38 No.1980428
    People shouldnt compete if they can't handle losing because no matter how you look at it, the majority of the people entering anything arent going to win. Go exhibition if you really have something you want to preform.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)15:56 No.1980477
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)16:11 No.1980517

    This this this!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)16:17 No.1980524

    Was that breathelessaire? That skit was so adorable and the dancing was really good. Seeing PT skits always make me so happy (especially when well done!)
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)16:37 No.1980552
    Cloud here.

    I really wanted to stay after the skits were over, but alas, I had a long drive home to make that night. Yeah, we were disappointed because several members of the skit put in a LOT of work on the whole thing - choreography and making the suits and stuff - but ultimately I'm just glad the skit was well-received.

    Baccano DEFINITELY deserved best in show. That shit was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)16:41 No.1980560
    Nope! breathlessaire doesn't do ballet as far as I know. I got to talk to the tutu chick later and she said she's been doing ballet for 18 years and she wants people to get interested in ballet so she does ballet skits. I know that if I wasn't already an old maid I'd be all over that shit.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)16:43 No.1980562
    No, she wasn't at Ota. No idea who the Tutu was, but mad props to her, it was pretty incredible. I think I got some good action photos of her. lol'd, sitting next to LJinto during that, our shutters going off at the nearly same time; guess I'm doing it right

    Word. Like I told Cat, even if 2 judges didn't like it, 2000 people in the audience loved it.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)16:44 No.1980566
    no she wasn't there try again stupid
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)16:58 No.1980596
    goddamnit, baccano or OP's gurren lagann skit? anyone?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:04 No.1980608
    Fuckin' props to this girl then. It wasn't a hilarious skit but dsklasjlkghd princess Tutu cosplayers ACTUALLY DOING BALLET is win.

    Turks skit was awright. I think the ragequit accusations are going overboard, sounds like they just had to go home early, not that people threw a tantrum.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:16 No.1980642
    Can someone post a link to a vid of the Baccano skit?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:38 No.1980714
    Shit, still no TTGL link? MGS Fish was the first one up
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:38 No.1980717
    Requesting videos of the FFVI skits. Especially the one with Ultros.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:40 No.1980723
    This is 4chan. Ragequit accusations always fly no matter what happens. @__@
    >> DOUCHE! Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:48 No.1980748
    Unfortunately, the kid playing the Pyramid Head in that Beyonce skit is the king of the douches, and a legit statutory rapist.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:52 No.1980756
    The MIB skit members have every right to be disappointed. It sucks when you put hard work into something and get your hopes up with it. As long as SOMEONE from the group is humble enough to be like "Yeah, no, heat of the moment, it's cool", then whatever.

    Baccano! skit video, please.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:54 No.1980761
    Some people have fantasies that involve being raped by Pyramid Head...
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:54 No.1980762
    Well, the hot nurse is like 16....
    I think you're just trying to spread drama, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:56 No.1980770
    We roomed next to the guy who played Draco. He was an amazing dude. Always and forever glad that I skip these things though due to DRAMA, and I've already heard a few unpleasant things.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:06 No.1980792
    HOLY SHIT there was Baccano!? and I missed it?

    I hate myself. I didn't know anyone else liked that series besides me
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:09 No.1980801
    1.) Gurren Lagann skit was okay, although I wish fucking band nerds would STOP DOING COLOR GUARD SKITS PLEASE STOP. It was good for a color guard skit but still.

    2.) The FFVI skit (the second one) was pretty cool, very impressive, but I dunno, it was just not that fun to watch.

    3.) Turks was very fun to watch, but I agree with whoever said they should have cut the time down. A lot of them didn't really have the same energy that the Reno did.

    4.) Yes, it should definitely be for fun, which is why I've learned to stop competing at Otakon. Their judging system truly DOES suck compared to other cons, and seems almost totally random and often contrary to what most people think. Now, there are some obvious choices (that Baccano! skit did in fact steal the show and deserved to win big time), but really it kind of sucks. So, if you're doing it for fun, don't expect to win anything. Ever.

    5.) That Naruto skit would have been a lot more awesome without that damn Naruto fucking up on the drums. WTF.

    6.) Nerds, stop going onstage and making inside jokes about your series. Especially if you have a speech impediment. Not. Funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:10 No.1980803
    Swing dancers. Hot damn.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:12 No.1980809
    >>1980748 a legit statutory rapist.

    It fits the part.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:14 No.1980813
    be patient the video will be found. they rocked hardcore.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:16 No.1980818
    > Unfortunately, the kid playing the Pyramid Head in that Beyonce skit is the king of the douches, and a legit statutory rapist.
    > and a legit statutory rapist
    > legit statutory rapist
    > statutory

    Well, no problem there, then.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)18:18 No.1980825
    Oh wow guys. Oh wow. The masq head sent Cat an email explaining what really happened.
    I'm not even going to bother explaining what he said because of how overwhelmingly in their favor it sounds, nobody will even believe it.
    But it supposedly involves somebody grabbing the wrong list.

    You can at least be assured that Baccano was probably getting BiS either way.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:25 No.1980836
    Dude, keep this shit off fourchan. You're just feeding the damn drama whores. Has anything actually happened yet? No. So just chill out until you have something definite to say. Until then, let these bitches guess and speculate till they turn blue in the face.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:30 No.1980849
    >> sage in the email field Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:34 No.1980854
    fucking thirded.
    i don't give a shitabout the awards, i just wanna know what was awesome. judges talk out of their asses half the time anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:37 No.1980863
    Look, isn't this enough already? I understand your disappointment and anger, but knowing what you yourself know about how things turned out the way they did should be enough for you. Bringing it on here over and over again is dragging your whole group through the mud and reflecting horribly on you all. Be proud of what you did and leave with what dignity you have, god damn.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:40 No.1980869

    also, what would "something happening" even mean in the long run? 99% of people at the masquerade (audience or participant) dont give a shit about any "who really won" decisions after the fact, and its not like the people who did win at show were terrible.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)18:43 No.1980878
    Okay, fine, this is what I definitely can say: There were two awards lists. One that was automatically generated by the computer scores, and one that the judges were actually deliberating over. Somebody fucked up and grabbed the computer list and started making the awards before the judges could finish.

    So, I take back the raging and blaming Otakon, it just comes down to, somebody screwed up along the way. Dunno what awards would be different, but what's done is done.

    Anyway... I too could use some good videos of this shit. Especially Baccano and Turks. Problem with taking photos is not always being able to enjoy and take in some of these skits...
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:43 No.1980879
    There DAMN WELL better be a video since ACP got the axe this year.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)18:48 No.1980898
    Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)17:54 No.1980762

    Well, the hot nurse is like 16....
    I think you're just trying to spread drama, though.

    My point being that I know the kid cosplaying as that Pyramid Head, and he's now banging a 16-17 year old...and he's 24.

    I'm not trying to create drama. I just hate that kid because he dicked over my friend, who is also 17, to be with the other girl he was with the entire con. So for lack of a better way to describe it, I'm vendettafag-ing.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)18:53 No.1980905
    It's not even my group, I don't do masquerades for this reason; I'm just a third party who got stuck dealing with all the bullshit and fallout and calming down upset girls and had a shitty Saturday night of Otakon because of it.
    But I'll shut up now.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:04 No.1980926

    ...I don't understand how there could be 2 lists. The judges give scores as the skits go along, right? So why would the results be any different? What's the point of the judges giving scores when they see the skit if they'd just disregard that and change up who gets what awards anyways?

    Doesn't the computer system just tally the scores, essentially making it idiot-proof for an adding mistake or for stupid politics of who-likes-who to affect the results? (because it's certainly happened at other cons). Judges write down their scores, they were added together. The ones with the most could the awards get "WOW.JUSTWOW.ALLFUCKEDUP"?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)19:19 No.1980942
    That is a very good question, and you have a great point.
    When I've judged, we've used systems like, marking the sheets with a star or 1-10 as a reference so we come back to the higher ranked ones and decide the awards from there... So I assume it was similar, like, "Okay by your initial scores, here's who should get what, discuss." And then they could talk amongst themselves about why they gave the scores they did, and figure out any changes...

    To just go off of initial numbers from four categories for something like this... just seems so cold and robotic.

    ...Right I'm supposed to shut up aren't I.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:20 No.1980943
    That's not statutory, then. Get your head out of your ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:25 No.1980951

    Seconding anon that brought this into question. If anything that makes more sense. The highest scores get the highest awards. How should that change anything? Turks were good, deserved award, but major award? Not really.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:26 No.1980953
    The Baccano skit made me happy because it made SENSE. The series takes place in 1930. They did swing dancing.

    Reno is not a black guy. Do the math.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:28 No.1980963

    If you aren't a part of the group, then you probably shouldn't speak on their behalf. Every time you talk, I like the FFVII skit less.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:28 No.1980964
    Going just by the numbers just doesn't work. It's been tried and failed. Sometimes it works okay, but it's not reliable. Different judges use different levels for what gets a 1 and what gets a 10. As a past Otakon masquerade judge (for two years, performance), I can tell you that my scores were much more centered, with 10s and 1s being only for the absolutely most stunning and absolutely horrid skits. Other judges gave out 9s and 10s and 1s and 2s like nothing else. Just adding up numbers won't take that all into account. Also, with 30+ skits, you may change you mind over the course of three hours and thus need some more input. Numbers give a good starting point, but that is all.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:36 No.1980982
    Oh yeahhh. I'm real sure Corey was in an uproar about not winning this one. Get a life.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:42 No.1981003
    >>dealing with all the bullshit and fallout and calming down upset girls

    So much for doing cosplay/skits for fun and all that shit. I would have slapped the shit out of each and every one of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:51 No.1981045
    Corey is a buttfuck and I'm sure he was the only one bitching about not winning a bigger prize. Don't blame all the Turks for that dramamonger.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:05 No.1981089
    Or he was the only one not bitching because it was his girlfriend that gave them a low score.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:13 No.1981119
    Then if you are tired of Oshi speaking on my behalf, then allow me. Being in charge of the skit itself, it was tons of hard work. Its been a skit I have put off for a few years because I didn't have the people willing to go through what I had imagined for it. But now that its done, over, and everything, let's make a few points perfectly clear.

    1) I congratulated the Baccano skit on their win. I am a swing dancer myself and I enjoyed the skit a lot.

    2) Was I upset? Yes. Why? Because 3 hours of sleep in 72 hours tends to cause a person to be a mess and a half. I wanna see any single one of you look good after that. Stress is the enemy here...and people FEEDING me pressure and whatnot caused me to loose my cool.

    3) Did I do anything to anyone/say anything to start shit? No. I simply took my group and left. I wanna know where all these ridiculous stories are coming from.

    4) Judging errors? Okay. So I was told there were mistakes. Not gonna change shit now is it. Whatever kids. Its one more piece of paper and a gundam model that I don't need.

    Believe what you want, but this whole debate over my skit is over and done with. I did the Men in Black to the Turks because I thought it would be an enjoyable performance for everyone. 3 judges might have disliked it....but 8,000 people told me different when the cheered when I walked off the stage. I made them happy and last time I checked, that's what the masquerades at conventions are supposed to be about. Entertainment. Get the massive stick out of your ass 4chan and move on.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)20:37 No.1981208
         File1248136648.png-(29 KB, 336x336, awesome.png)
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    Stay classy!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)21:02 No.1981278
    bump in hopes of more videos
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)21:05 No.1981287
    link to the skit please?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)21:09 No.1981299
    Don't tell me that out of the thousands of people there, not one person recorded the Baccano skit. Really?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)21:10 No.1981303
    Just be fucking patient. It's up. Just wait for somebody to get it.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/20/09(Mon)21:48 No.1981400
    Look what I found!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)21:52 No.1981409
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)22:17 No.1981469
    Anyone manage to vid the FFVI opera? The real one, not the solo singer.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:07 No.1981629
    fucking beautiful. Baccano is love!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:14 No.1981654

    As a Baccano! fan this has made me so extremely happy
    >> TOTALLYNOTMOOGIE !A8981mLiig 07/20/09(Mon)23:32 No.1981721
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:40 No.1981756

    You got grumpy after you tried hard and lost.

    You must be the EVILEST PERSON IN THE WORLD.
    >> Crunchy Tofu !x7xsx8Ej9Q 07/20/09(Mon)23:45 No.1981781
    So I herd you like drama in your skits.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:46 No.1981789
    So...anybody workin on findin the Operas?

    I'd sure as hell like to se 'em.
    >> Corey, a one-time tripfag 07/20/09(Mon)23:47 No.1981793
    Wow, they weren't kidding when they said there was a /cgl/ thread blaming me...

    Corey here, and anyone who knows me knows that I hate this site almost as much as I hate cosplay drama. Funny enough, I was one of the few NOT raging about the skit or the awards. Opinions can be had by everyone, and since I'm (oddly) being called out, here's my take:

    - I will not be naming names or how anyone felt what about the judging. I was actually someone trying to calm down the situation.

    - The skit was a lot of fun - even though I didn't really do much in it (I was a last minute edition and didn't do anything requiring much choreography).

    - Cat and the crew did a tremendously great job and the skit was impressive and fun. They should be proud.

    - I have never questioned the awards. In fact, I was very vocal about how proud we should be for winning anything in such an impressive masquerade. I can't really even accept or complain about awards based on my minimal involvement in the skit.

    - Baccano deserved Best in Show. There was never any question in my mind. I even told Greg that afterwards.

    Off to the real world now that actually matters. Have fun bitching.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:48 No.1981796
    Who are you and why should I care?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:51 No.1981806

    > - The skit was a lot of fun - even though I didn't really do much in it (I was a last minute edition and didn't do anything requiring much choreography).

    > I was a last minute edition

    > edition

    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:54 No.1981816
    fuck yes awesome baccano skit!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)23:59 No.1981829
    >>1981119 Its one more piece of paper and a gundam model that I don't need.

    Which gundam?? I'll take it.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:00 No.1981832
    Fuck yeah Baccano! now all I want to see is the Gurren again. Yeah sure color guard isn't new shit but that skit was memorable
    >> Lilitu !!fzI5iLLTQ5R 07/21/09(Tue)00:02 No.1981836
    That was pretty good ^^
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:08 No.1981841
    I haven't found anything on this damn skit that supposedly had something to do with the old nicktoon Doug in it or something. Help?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:09 No.1981843
    Aside from the awesome swing dancing, I liked that the Baccano skit had some cute lines and stuff between dancing. It gave the skit a plot and it was more interesting to watch that way!
    >> Corey, a one-time tripfag 07/21/09(Tue)00:16 No.1981861
    Baccano! was the only real skit that had characters portraying a series. Everything else was just talent show bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:24 No.1981877
    Compared to last year, the 09 skits were awesome
    >> E-mail me if you disagree. The Mikado !MikadonohM 07/21/09(Tue)00:33 No.1981901
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    All I'm sayin' is that there wasn't this much drama on /cgl/ during the AX threads. That's all I'm sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:46 No.1981939
    Anyone have a link to Gurren Lagann color guard??
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)00:59 No.1981967
    Fuck yeah Baccano!!!!!

    That Claire cosplayer was adorable, and I actually didn't want to jump on stage and kick Dymatrex in the nuts, he was actually good!
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:05 No.1981981
    I'm still floored at how GOOD the Otakon masquerade was overall. There were so many good skits, a few AWESOME ones, and less than a few horrible ones. It's been a long time since I had that much fun at a masquerade.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:06 No.1981987
    so that WAS Dyme as Isaac?! He was great, actually.

    Who were the other cosplayers in the skit?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:07 No.1981990
    Baccano skit, that flip, holy shit. How was it so perfectly in sync?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:17 No.1982023
    I want to see the Rock Lee skit really fucking badly.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:20 No.1982034

    Lots. And lots. And LOTS. Of practice.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:22 No.1982044

    I recognize JJ, Alli, Dyme, Stardustshadow, Lousyitachi, Loran, and I think I recognize the Ladd cosplayer from somewhere but I'm not positive
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:31 No.1982076

    I'd Rail Trace the Jacuzzi, if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:32 No.1982077
    I shit bricks man, at rehearsals it didn't look all that great but at the mas it was amazing

    OTOH when the Turks were practicing in the halls on Fri it looked better than at the mas
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:33 No.1982080
    Dude. He was like. Sixteen.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:33 No.1982083
    maaaaan. there are so many people i hate in that baccano skit but they did a great fucking job. good show, i guess.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:38 No.1982091

    I recognize the Ladd as Lt. Surge from that Katsucon skit
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:39 No.1982093

    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)01:56 No.1982127
    that link sucks. use
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:00 No.1982140
         File1248156036.jpg-(22 KB, 640x425, o2k_jb_masq0254.jpg)
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    Isaac - Dymatrex
    Miria - JJ
    Firo - Alli
    Ennis - not sure
    Jacuzzi - not sure, but apparently like sixteen.
    Nice - not sure
    Ladd - not sure, possibly Lt Surge?
    Lua - not sure
    Claire - Lousyitachi
    Chane - Stardustshadow
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:03 No.1982147
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:07 No.1982171
    Rather than who was IN the Baccano skit I want to know who choreographed the dance.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:08 No.1982176
    I actually saw a bunch of those Baccano guys (I'm pretty sure) at the Mexican restaurant across from the con at something like midnight. I think (this may be completely off-base) that the Miria is JJ. Could be wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:10 No.1982182

    Oh, hurdur, sorry, took too long to post. Glad I was right!
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:16 No.1982200
    Anonymous 07/20/09(Mon)19:20 No.1980943

    That's not statutory, then. Get your head out of your ass.

    Uh, last I checked, statutory was a term used to define anyone of legal age (18 or older) forcing themselves upon or coercing consent for sexual activity out of anyone not of legal age (17 or younger) yes, it may not necessarily be rape unless it's without consent, but that bastard is still someone I'd classify under "statutory". So you can also get your head out of your ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:23 No.1982216
    Then you don't know much about laws and are slandering people, calling them criminals, when you don't actually know what they may or may not be guilty of.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:30 No.1982235
    I'm not calling him a criminal. I'm honestly just here because I recognized him in the video, and just wanted to point out that he's a douchefag IRL. No more no less. I'm happy to drop this conversation now that I've gotten that out there.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)02:49 No.1982275
    Yes there was a shoot, but it was originally for just the Aerith and the Zach or that's how I heard it. The Tseng is a friend of theirs and volunteered to be in it, as was the Rude. The Tseng did invite the other Turks, but I think they were too tired or something.

    Actually wrong, she was there, but on Sunday only. Came back from Disney early is what she said. Had a cute Disney shirt on too. =)
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)15:37 No.1982416

    Maintainers (1):
    Members [View Entries]

    Members (10):
    anigirl15, draxlin, furiousmice, ilovesquee, knightvision, lousyitachi, overshaded, stardustshadow, tenousei, vitalregions

    Watched by (10):
    anigirl15, draxlin, furiousmice, ilovesquee, knightvision, lousyitachi, overshaded, stardustshadow, tenousei, vitalregions
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)15:39 No.1982420
    jj makes really good skits between this and katsu hetalia Im suprised but happy!
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)17:17 No.1982471
    Yes, and her first order of business when she got into Baltimore was apparently to crawl into bed with my girlfriend.
    But technically she wasn't at Otakon. Technically. Regardless if we snuck her into the con center. And the dealers room. But she wasn't at the con. She was just in Baltimore. Really.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)18:07 No.1982565
    Wait, so in the Turks skit, who is Starlighthoney supposed to be? What Turk is a chick with long black hair with bangs? She danced her ass off, I just feel like I don't know who that Turk is...
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)18:14 No.1982580
    yeah, who knew?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)18:26 No.1982610
         File1248215180.jpg-(354 KB, 890x1080, bc-character-faces.jpg)
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    One of the no-name classes from Before Crisis, Martial Arts.
    And Vikki = Cloud, Mario = Tseng, Lady Ava = Reno, FeliciaCat = Elena, Scott = Vincent, Corey = Katana, RhapsodyInRue = Cissnei.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)18:40 No.1982646
    Oooh. I like it. As anyone knows, everyone who claims to not come here is always tipped off by the ever benevolent "they".

    Funny, though, that you're familiar enough to say you're a "one-time tripfag". Even if you're misusing the term, it shows you know enough to say that you never go here is a lie.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:00 No.1982710
    I don't see what's so special about the Baccano! skit. It's a cute idea and it was a decent skit but the dancing was really below what I was expecting after all the hype.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:00 No.1982712
    the turks group had the most sorry-ass attitudes I have ever seen. I was in a group backstage with the winners seeing who got what, and the Reno claims she congratulated the BIS winners but I heard her say in a snarky way "yeah greats congrats on the best in show guys" as she stormed off and she bumped into me and my group as she stomped away without any word whatsoever. The poor Baccano group was left really confused and had the moment kind of stolen from them, because a couple of the girls looked really upset and didn't know what was going on. I don't buy anything the Reno just said at all, and since they had to come here to 4chan and tell everyone "oh hey! The awards got fucked up lolololol we feel better now" is really childish and despicable.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/21/09(Tue)19:31 No.1982796

    It was swing dancing. I thought it was pretty hot.

    Plus, I've never seen anyone do a backflip in a long curly wig before. And not lose the wig.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:32 No.1982799
    y'all are faggots Turks skit was the best
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:33 No.1982804
    Same. Cute skit but a bit over-hyped...
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:40 No.1982824

    Hey JJ. Get off the 4chans and leave the whole thing alone. Last time I checked, you won. Go off and fuck your boyfriend even though I thought you were a lesbian.

    WOW...what kinda fuck twist is that kid?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)19:43 No.1982834
    Yeah, I dunno man. I guess there's something about months of planning, group members not cooperating, getting stuck making other peoples costumes, and getting stressed out enough to be puking in your mouth most the day leading up to the skit that could cause a kneejerk ragequit reaction after being fucked over the past six masquerades you've participated in.

    Women. Whaddya gonna do.

    I don't believe JJ would post something like that.
    But, does anybody see the irony that Dyme was dancing with Mario's gf JJ in Baccano, and Mario was dancing with Dyme's gf Ty in MiB? I chuckled upon realizing.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:45 No.1982842

    >after being fucked over the past six masquerades you've participated in.

    Didn't your girl win BIS at Anext?
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/21/09(Tue)19:48 No.1982852

    Looking at it from a judge's perspective, I see what was so great about the skit. I've seen Baccano! and it's fresh in my mind, so the skit was even more enjoyable for me.

    Basically, the skit embodied the anime. It was pretty much just a condensed summary of the events that happen on one "segment" of the anime (the Flying Pussyfoot incident). In Baccano!, there's always something happening. The skit used music from the anime that played throughout the entire thing, even when characters were conversing--which is what is also done in the anime. Everyone was spot on with characterization, the voice acting and dialogue was in character, and the costumes were passable for accuracy, which is something that's pretty rare with most skit cosplays.

    When it comes to the dancing, Baccano! is about movement. The fight scenes are choreographed in such a way that they look just like dancing. Baccano! has swing music because of the era it's set in and doing a dance to that music is better and more accurate than any other choice. Some of the "technical" flips and things like that are difficult to execute, especially in the costumes chosen, and as far as I saw there were no major errors.

    Basically, from the perspective of someone looking to critique a skit, it succeeded from the point of view of it being a full-blooded skit. It had a beginning, a middle, and an end, a plot and characters, action, spectacle, entertainment, etc. etc. In saying that, I personally enjoyed the Baccano! Thriller skit from another con even more, but that's just my personal opinion.

    The Baccano! group was also pretty courteous backstage. They clapped for every skit and every contestant, even the Narutard skit with Tobi and whatever.

    So yeah, in my opinion, it was a wise choice for Best in Show. There wasn't anything else that even came close to their level.

    And they really fucking *love* Baccano!.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/21/09(Tue)19:49 No.1982859

    To clarify I should have said "looking at it from THE judge's perspective", not "a".

    In case anyone would happen to think I had the capacity to judge anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:54 No.1982872
    >>1982834 after being fucked over the past six masquerades you've participated in.

    Uh. They won Best in Show at Anime Next, did they not? :/
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)19:56 No.1982883
    Oshi should shut his mouth since he's not doing his girlfriend any favors.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)20:04 No.1982905
    Against what competition?

    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:05 No.1982908
    Maybe they're just adults when it comes to interpersonal relationships.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:06 No.1982916
    Hasn't stopped him for years why stop now?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:07 No.1982919

    this once again brings up the point that if you can't handle losing don't enter contests because if your doing it just to win your doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:13 No.1982942

    >Against what competition?

    This is the attitude that bugs me. So a best in show isn't good enough because there wasn't enough competition? She and her group didn't crush enough people? Then when she actually balls ups and does skits at a con with a higher level of competition she cries they didn't win best in show?

    Maybe if she actually brought her best to cons with major levels of competition, the results would be different. The way I see it, it's her winning the awards she deserves, not "getting fucked over".

    I liked the Turks skit when I saw it, but I have to say, this shitty attitude they have has just really sapped all the appreciation I had right out.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:17 No.1982959
    ITT One butthurt group ruining an otherwise drama-free masquerade.

    Tip: Every group has to practice their asses off the pull things together in the two days or less of practice you get. If you can't handle losing, stop competing. No one's going to give you an A for effort.

    You weren't the best. Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:17 No.1982960
    Don't let this guy putting his foot in his mouth affect your view of the skit or group of cosplayers. I'm sure his views don't necessarily reflect theirs.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:18 No.1982962
    Cat needs to keep her boyfriend on a tighter leash
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:25 No.1982987
    Any video of the OP photo yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:28 No.1982999
    >>1982905 Against what competition?
    >after being fucked over the past six masquerades you've participated in

    You're such a twat. They weren't "fucked over" in that many competitions. And who are you to preach about how people shouldn't care about awards when you call not winning BiS at every single con "being fucked over?"

    God I hate east-coasters.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)20:31 No.1983008
    Oh it's not like it starts that way. It's the stress and pressure that leaves one in a "We better fucking get something for this" attitude.

    Good one buddy.

    Nobody's crying about BiS, that was Baccano no matter what.
    Honestly that Silent Hill skit winning such a high award is what's bugging me. What was that I don't even
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:34 No.1983020

    Oshi... as an anonymous friend... shut the hell up.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:39 No.1983037

    >leaves one in a "We better fucking get something for this" attitude.

    Which is equally a terrible attitude to have. One of the things I loved so much about the Baccano skit was that they were really there to have fun, they didn't take it seriously, and it made it relaxing and enjoyable to be around them backstage. The Turks were so concerned with crushing everyone that not only does that tense feeling show in their skit, but also didn't do them any favors with people backstage either
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:41 No.1983046

    >Honestly that Silent Hill skit winning such a high award is what's bugging me. What was that I don't even

    Wow fuck off. That skit was way more entertaining than the Turks one, which after 30 seconds had me sitting there yawning thinking "are they going to do anything else?"
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)20:42 No.1983052
    I'm just having fun being an asshole at this point.
    Cat's pissed at me asking me to stop. But it's so entertaining. I dunno, my Saturday night got so fucked up because of this, I think I deserve a little fun?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:45 No.1983064
    This. They kept it short and sweet. Take your foot out of your goddamn mouth Oshi.

    >>1983008 It's the stress and pressure that leaves one in a "We better fucking get something for this" attitude.
    THEN MAYBE THEY SHOULD STOP COMPETING IF IT'S SO ~STRESSFUL.~ You can't go into every masquerade EXPECTING awards just because you've had personal strife.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:47 No.1983073

    I can't believe what an asshat of a boyfriend you are. If your girl is upset, you comfort her, you do not say "oh that ruined my night". When she asks you to stop, you stop. I don't know what the fuck she sees in you, she doesn't deserve that shit, and the fact that you would continue to be an asshole and make them all look bad is really sickening
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:49 No.1983079
    I hope she dumps you on your ass soon.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:49 No.1983081
    This. Fucking this.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:53 No.1983090
    agreed. even someone bawwwwwing like her deserves better
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)20:55 No.1983100
    Oh, good troll BROshi. Got us good!
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:00 No.1983121
    omg this thread lmao
    i don't even
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:05 No.1983135
    hey i'd be bawwwwwwing too if i knew my bf liked to drag me thruogh the mud to amuse 4ch
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/21/09(Tue)21:05 No.1983138

    Seconding the SH skit being better than the Turks one.

    The SH one utilized a more recent and non-stale pop culture reference that hadn't been tapped before in an unexpected "twist", was hilarious and had great dancing, and regardless of whether or not the PH was a douche and a pedo, I laughed the hardest to the point of tears at the SH skit.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:13 No.1983165
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:13 No.1983168
    ACP is playing favorites and uploaded some videos of the masq
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)21:15 No.1983171
    She's put up with worse from me. She'll live.
    Troll... Sure... We'll go with that.

    I have no idea what the hell that shit was referencing in the least. Seriously. I didn't laugh at all.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:18 No.1983178
    >I couldn't appreciate a skit that thousands of others did. I didn't laugh at all because I didn't get it. So I'll talk shit about how the girl I'm fucking's boring skit was way better

    Fixed that for ya
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:26 No.1983199
    >>- I have never questioned the awards. In fact, I was very vocal about how proud we should be for winning anything in such an impressive masquerade. I can't really even accept or complain about awards based on my minimal involvement in the skit.

    This doesn't sound like bitching to me.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)21:29 No.1983210
    Have I once in this thread ever stated that my opinion was that her skit was 'crazy awesome' in any way?

    I have been 'defending' the actions of the night. I have not commented on such a topic.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:30 No.1983211
    I was surprised, the Otakon masq was quite good! What the fuck was with those halftime exhibitions though?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:47 No.1983249
    Shut up Oshi
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:52 No.1983259
    As an anonymous friend of yours, Oshi, I'm shocked at what a douchebag you're being. Even if Cat was acting grumpy after the Masq, you are going so far beyond that in shittiness right now. She put the blood sweat and tears into the skit and yet still managed to buck up by Sunday and put it behind her, yet here you are pissing all over that.

    Stop reflecting poorly on your girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)21:52 No.1983262

    You should really stop while you're behind. You're only digging yourself further and further in.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:05 No.1983286
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:17 No.1983319

    > I'm butthurt over a fucking anime masquerade.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)22:21 No.1983329
    If I learned anything from Gradius, it's "Shoot for the core."
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:22 No.1983332
    Oshi, weren't you supposed to shut up 150 posts ago?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:22 No.1983333
    I completely agree. Dude, seriously, stop.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:23 No.1983334
    Still no opera video? Damn.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:26 No.1983343
         File1248229607.jpg-(27 KB, 582x466, Facepalm.jpg)
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    I can only hope this is a deliberate attempt to spawn enough replies to get this thread into auto-sage.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:32 No.1983355
    Now I know why you and 43ng1 get along.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 07/21/09(Tue)22:38 No.1983376
    God damn it. Why you gotta throw off my groove. Out the window with ye.
    Autosage, draw fire onto myself instead of her, and have some twisted kind of fun along the way, you got it.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:42 No.1983387
    Anyone else see the Firo and Ennis at the Funimation booth? They were bith really nice.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:45 No.1983393

    they're in the Funimation video at 3:25 or so I think it is? They were adorable
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)22:58 No.1983436
         File1248231524.jpg-(27 KB, 410x261, fish.jpg)
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    Video of the Fish Fight skit
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:10 No.1983469
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:27 No.1983517

    ...what did I just fucking watch?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:41 No.1983572
    The masquerade coordinator frequently admits hating cosplay and cosplayers. This firestorm was his cause. He also gave the judges a very strict five minute time limit to determine EVERYTHING and even began the awards before the judges were even done deliberating. It was learned that only the FF6 and Baccano! skits were the only ones discussed and judges' awards were made on the fly without any opportunity to discuss (the coordinator was bossing them around and ordering them to make fast decisions without talking). He would only give the judges numbers and not skit descriptions. (Judges were only allowed to fill in numbers during the masquerade.)

    The craftsmanship judges were not invited to the halftime judging. Let's just say FF6 had incredibly high craftsmanship points and Baccano! only had a cut up thrift store wedding dress and a basic dress JJ made. Their scores were very mediocre, but luckily for them the craftsmanship scores were not consulted for the major awards. The coordinator omitted these judges from judging. One of the craftsmanship judges was in the exhibition skit during the halftime. One of the lesser known presentation judges saw the numerical scoring for Best in Show, didn't agree that FF6 was to win based on her own feelings about the performance, changed the scores, and threw away the craftsmanship numbers. One little known presentation judge basically decided who won what and omitted craftsmanship scores from the equation altogether. I didn't care for the FF6 skit and I liked watching the Baccano! group, but this was the reality based on the buffer they had in superier-vs-poor craftsmanship.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:42 No.1983574
    Part 2 of 2

    Example, let's say Baccano! had craftsmanship and presentation scores of 4 and 9, while FF6 scored 9 and 7, respectively. FF6 wins.

    FF6 fell through the cracks completely after this change was made, leaving FF6 to not win anything at all even though they arguably brought the best costumes. The craftsmanship judges were asked to give their personal awards before the masquerade even began while also being ordered not to give more than one award to any group for any reason (which failed because of this communication problem designed by the coordinator).

    When winners were about to be announced, specific skits were invited backstage. It was obvious that if your number was not called, you weren't winning anything - like FF6. So much for anticipation. The coordinator then allowed a representative from the FF6 group to approach the presentation judges in a private room during the award show and bitch them all out. Again, wonderful loyalty by the coordinator for not throwing his judges to the wolves.

    Some skits won awards they should not have and other deserved awards they would not see. We really can't blame most of the judges. The presentation judges' hands were tied and the craftsmanship judges were not even invited to discuss.

    The problems were caused by the coordinator, but what's done is done.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:47 No.1983589
    >> Bailmox !kA.fCtgZRo 07/21/09(Tue)23:47 No.1983591
    Just wanted to say, I went into this expecting a couple lulz due to bad costumes and shit skits but was pleasantly surprised as the night went on.

    There were only 4-5 skits that were horrid; like the four 14 year old girls not even in costume having some sort of 'L-off' and then carameldansen all over the fucking place. Or some really terrible obscure L skit with a neon red hair'd Light that gets put in a box. dunnolol.

    Organization XIII goes to the Hidden Leaf Village to retrieve the Death Note before Haruhi can do the Hare Hare Yukai; iirc according to the description.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:50 No.1983602
    That bites. Lrn2coordinate better.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:51 No.1983605

    Really, what's the point in making this? God damn people love to gossip about shit that's already done and rob people of the good feelings they have.

    The masquerade is supposed to be a PERFORMANCE competition. Are you basically saying that BiS should have gone to the FF6 skit? Their craftsmanship was beautiful, but their skit was dull, even though the girl was an amazing singer. The masq is supposed to be about performing, if major awards were supposed to come down to craftsmanship, that's what the HALL contest is there for.

    Should FF6 have gotten something like best overall craftsmanship? Yes. Should it have gotten best in show just because they had superior craftsmanship? No fucking way. They should have entered hall if they wanted it to be heavily craftsmanship-orientated.

    Conventions make it so that you just have to have passable craftsmanship to qualify for BiS, it should be extremely presentation orientated. The fact that you know so much about the costumes, even the "hypothetical scoring", leads me to believe that you are someone very close to the inside. For you to post in this shithole, under the guise of anon no less, is rather despicable and unprofessional. But I guess that's what one should expect from AB staff, huh?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:55 No.1983617
    Best in Show is supposed to go to a skit with the best craftsmanship and performance combined. North of the border, they won't give out a Best in Show if something doesn't qualify in both categories.

    Oh, America and your lowered standards.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:57 No.1983624

    I'm not saying BiS should have shit craftsmanship, they definitely shouldn't. But when two skits are of the level where they're pretty much equally balancing out, the deciding factor should be performance, because that's what you're at the masquerade to do.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/09(Tue)23:59 No.1983630

    The only skit worth discussing that isn't Baccano.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:02 No.1983637
    Jesus.... the FF6 groups costumes were pure shit up close.... please don't talk out of your ass - they weren't even remotely finished.

    Yes hand beading a costume is awesome - but why take the time to do that and not finish a single solitary seam??
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:02 No.1983639
    See, up here, Best in Show can go to walk-ons. Presentation isn't always the same thing as performance. You don't need an elaborate skit to do well. Keep it short, keep it simple, and wow the judges with your craftsmanship, and you're golden.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:03 No.1983641

    why don't you just man up and post your name to this? I have a really good idea of who it is, and since you seem to have no issue spreading personal information like that, you'll have the balls to say who you are at least so we know you're credible
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:05 No.1983654

    aaaaaaaaand that's why American cons disregard Canadian awards, because it's a completely different judging system. We do it different here Frenchy, if you care so much about your craftsmanship faggotry, keep it to the hall competition
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:07 No.1983662
    If you're going to omit the craftsmanship scores from the scoring, what's the point of making the costumes at all?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:08 No.1983668

    craftsmanship isn't omitted, it's taken into consideration, but to say that FF6 skit deserved BiS over Baccano is absolutely fucking laughable
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:10 No.1983678
    FF6 sucked almost as much as this one
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:11 No.1983681
    Haha oh wow. Good costumes are meant to be onstage; we don't have "hall competitions" because our masquerades aren't bullshit talent shows. American ones give out six-foot trophies to anyone who can do a retarded six-minute dancing skit with loose choreography and more pop culture references than Family Guy, rather than valuing those who are legitimately talented at - guess what? - cosplay.

    No wonder your masqs are such shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:13 No.1983692

    I'm sorry, but which Canadian con has a good masq? Considering Katsucon has the best masquerade on the entire continent I don't know how credible your statement is
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:13 No.1983694
    Otakon 09-what I learned at summer camp.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:16 No.1983713
    >>1983692 Katsucon has the best masquerade on the entire continent

    LOLLLLLL. Your Best in Show last year was ABYSMAL.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:16 No.1983716

    AnimeNorth2009 BiS -

    Katsucon2009 BiS -

    >we don't have "hall competitions" because our masquerades aren't bullshit talent shows.

    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:18 No.1983722
    That was from the skit contest, not the masquerade, you tool. There's a difference. The skit contest is for shit that you Americans would love (skits over 2 minutes with no craftsmanship skill necessary), and that skit was performed (or rather, improvised) by Americans.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:18 No.1983724

    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:20 No.1983735

    Then your "masquerade" is the equivalent of the American "hall/walk-on" cosplay contest, two totally different things. That's where our heavy craftsmanship belongs, same as yours does. We just have different terms for it and like a stupid Canadian, you can't grasp that
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:23 No.1983748
    Except it's not. Masquerade still allows skits, they just have a shorter time limit to allow for more entrants and more of a challenge. Our masquerades are far more challenging when it comes to winning the big awards. I could take a shit onstage at a US con and you'd toss me Best Performance.

    Also, enjoy your auto-sage. Just as planned.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:24 No.1983756

    May we see an example then of an award winning skit in the masquerade?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:26 No.1983769
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:31 No.1983792

    Ok, yes, beautiful craftsmanship, but it's really a glorified fashion show. Got it. You do things different up north, doesn't make it better
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:32 No.1983801
    Different anon. One other thing to note is that the judges up here are pretty damn tough. They're usually the same people every year rather than a myriad of unknowns with dubious costuming backgrounds. To be short, they know their shit. They definitely don't throw around awards and won't give them out arbitrarily. As mentioned before, there was no Best in Show at Anime North this year in the masquerade. Our judges don't do handouts. It may seem like a lot of awards are given, but they're just honourable mentions with a creative name attached.

    One thing I really like about our masquerades is that the competition is almost always friendly. Nobody's out for blood - you can easily chat with nearly everyone in the green room. It's a great environment to compete in.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)00:46 No.1983872
    So performance awards mean more in the US, and craftsmanship awards mean more in Canada. Glad that's straightened out.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)01:06 No.1983950
    oh so you are one of those ICG fag twats. I get it
    >> Anonymous 07/22/09(Wed)06:01 No.1984445

    you sound so damn selfish speaking for her. But then again, I'm sure you're only speaking for her because you can make whatever she would say less selfish, bitchy, and whiny.

    First of all, you act as if the other skits didn't work their asses off or didn't plan for months, even years in advance to just come up with their own ideas. Last time I checked, that was a pretty big masquerade with a lot of talented people who gave me their "blood, sweat, and tears" stories to only be shafted in the end. And the only ones I really see on this board bitching is you.

    As far as that little email you had... I'm sorry, but the only reason I could see them sending that email to her is to calm her the fuck down. Quite honestly, I think it's disgusting that they have to set her aside from everyone else and give her an excuse. It really shows how immature she really is.

    If this is how she acts over something as stupid as cosplay, I'd hate to know what she does in situations that actually matter. You know, like real life shit... or does she just get you to deal with that shit too?

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