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    File : 1247970313.jpg-(91 KB, 600x600, hetalia_america.jpg)
    91 KB Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:25 No.1977189  
    /cgl/, could you tell me what's with all this Hetalia faggotry? I mean, I thought it was bad enough as it is until I saw some kids at Borders cosplaying from it (and I don't think its really necessary to describe how obnoxious they were).
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:25 No.1977190
    Are you sure they weren't just super patriotic? :D
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:29 No.1977192
    Dressing like Hong Kong and talking loudly about yaoi doesn't sound too patriotic to me.

    I think the Borders staff asked them to leave after a while.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:34 No.1977197

    Tell me. Why is it that fanbase such as Hetalia is growing at an alarming rate? They are becoming more annoying than regular naruto/Bleach fans. Am I missing something here?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:35 No.1977198
    Hetalia is a bad series and the cosplayers from it are nothing but ugly obnoxious geeky women. It's worse than kingdom hearts cosplayers, and thats saying something.
    >> Master Shambler 07/18/09(Sat)22:42 No.1977213
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    well im cosplaying GERMANY so TOO DAMN BAD
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:49 No.1977223
    I blame the smut.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:51 No.1977225
    ... And this anon is cosplaying Prussia. Personally I think Hetalia is great; I love History and Hetalia is a good way to learn some weird things about it.
    I hate weeaboo fans so cosplaying Hetalia will probably be painful, and it sucks that it's apparently drawing that crowd, but I like it a lot.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:54 No.1977227
    Does Hetalia actually have a plot?

    It always seemed like just a hodgepodge of character designs
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:55 No.1977229

    Regular smut, or the smut that has footnotes? Either way...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)22:56 No.1977230

    You've got an idea about learning history. I'm a /jp/er at best. Someone on /jp/ was talking about Japanese diplomacy with one of the best nations; Sealand. Another poster posted some comic strips of sealand kun. Shit's pretty hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)23:01 No.1977239
    Imagine a History text book, but instead of text there's bishies getting into shenanigans with the occasional stereotype joke.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)23:02 No.1977240
    Enjoy your weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)23:06 No.1977244
    Nah, it's not really like a history textbook at all. He assumes you already know the basics and usually just illustrates the lesser-known details.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)23:07 No.1977246
    I think the biggest appeal with Hetalia is

    a) Patriotism
    b) Canon yaoi.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/09(Sat)23:26 No.1977264
    You're the kind of person I don't want to meet. Explaining it with the term "bishies" puts you into the category of obnoxious.
    .. there are girls too, ya know. Hungary and Taiwan ftw
    >> Lilitu !!fzI5iLLTQ5R 07/18/09(Sat)23:29 No.1977267
    As a Hetalia fan, I agree most people who are fans of it are obnoxious. I was on the train and a couple of them were on there too yelling and singing the theme off key. I wanted to punch them.

    but I sill like Hetalia. My reason behind it is because I am really into history, and making fun of the people of the world. So Hetalia seems to me like something that I would write so I rather enjoy it's stupidity.

    My fellow fans though... for the most part I don't like...
    >> Master Shambler 07/18/09(Sat)23:33 No.1977274
    I will. I will use them as a Tidal wave to ride around the con
    >> AxlLoMein !h2foHoc0kw 07/19/09(Sun)02:20 No.1977455
    >I love History and Hetalia is a good way to learn some weird things about it.
    >Hetalia is a good way to learn

    Really? Most of the Hentalia fans I've seen sure don't show it.

    Also, I hate to be asinine, but could you please stop capitalizing history. It's a common noun.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)08:21 No.1977757
    fuck obnoxious hetalia faggots. especially that one fail one @ otakon who was cosplaying as america.........there was probably more than one but man one is making me rage so fucking hard right now
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)11:39 No.1977866
    I have a problem with the fandom, but it more has to do with the fact that I haven't read the scanalations. The anime episodes aren't even 5 minutes long, I'm doing good to even recognize any of these cosplays.

    Sage for no real relevance to OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)13:16 No.1977958
    this is real history :D
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)13:26 No.1977973
    Unlike the other Anon who claim to like Hetalia because they like history, I think my like of it is the reason I won't get into the fandom.

    Too many idiotic douche bags claiming to know about history because they learned it all from Hetalia or the even bigger morons who start stereotyping people way too much because of the fandom.

    Well, that and I don't see it as at all interesting.

    True not all fans are like that, but I don't wanna be any nearer to them by getting into this.

    This shit should be like Afuganis-tan and stay unknown to keep all the idiots out.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)13:34 No.1977990
    See, this is why I am so afraid to cosplay this series.
    I guess I'm one of the few people in the fandom who don't act like brainless fangirls. Thankfully, I haven't met any yet but I'm terrified to wear my Hungary out because I'll be exposed to them.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)13:40 No.1978004

    Fuck yeah, Hungary. I'm cosplaying Hungary for an up coming con, but that has mostly to do with it being the only series my group of friends could agree on doing a group cosplay of.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)13:45 No.1978009
    My boyfriend and I enjoy it because it's funny. It's kind of absurd and off the wall, and some of the stereotypes are painfully true. (Even if they are Japanese POV stereotypes)
    We want to cosplay Austria and Hungary but I'm worried about the fangirls. :(
    Somewhat funny show being blown out of proportion by idiots, woo
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)13:48 No.1978014
    Nice. Hungary is awesome, I love her to death.
    One of my friends is pulling out a Prussia to go with me, while the other... she wants to go as a girl version of one of the guy. Yeah.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)13:56 No.1978033
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    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)14:04 No.1978050
    Hetalia. The new Naruto fandom.
    >> Alino !/3wgNQYpYI 07/19/09(Sun)14:07 No.1978057
    Please don't say that. ._.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)14:43 No.1978118
    Just do it. Hungary the is the best, not just because of the whole 'I love cute boys' ordeal. I still don't get why she's associated with all the gay porn.
    I feel like the only one who's slightly offended when their homecountrys are cosplayed in a shitty way...
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)14:50 No.1978125
    hetalia fucking sucks through and through. the fandom and cosplays are obnoxious little shits. the anime/manga makes absolutely no sense.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)15:00 No.1978139
    Recc /cgl/ something better, oh wise one!
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)15:06 No.1978149
    I don't get when people refuse to cosplay something because of other fans. Yeah, I've seen retarded Hetalia cosplayers. I've also seen cool Hetalia cosplayers. There are good and bad people in every fandom.
    >> Virginya !nINteNdOOM 07/19/09(Sun)15:11 No.1978161
    I think its because Hungry exports the most Gay Porn than any country. Or something like that. I do know she is a fujioshi in the webcomic.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)15:58 No.1978288
    You know its true.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)16:09 No.1978321
    The fact that the costumes are so 'simple' invites a lot of shit cosplay; people just assume they can slap on any blond wig and a brown jacket and be America. I was witness to some pretty epic failures at both AX and Otakon this year :C There were some amazing costumes, of course, but God help me if I see another Canada in a red hoodie with a leaf hot-glued on... But really that can be said about any fandom; there's a difference between people who cosplay because they like a series and people who just wear shit because they like a series.

    And it is easy to see how many tards the fandom has--notably ones without drivers licenses yet--but there is still a decent amount of sane and talented fans. I doubt all of the sane ones go to conventions, though.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 07/19/09(Sun)16:33 No.1978380
    >I feel like the only one who's slightly offended when their homecountrys are cosplayed in a shitty way...
    I tried to kill myself after watching this vid;
    Im danish AND swedish, so this is horrible.
    Im glad Denmark havent been introduced to the anime yet. That means not so many people cosplay him yet. Oh thank you god, thank you.

    The only actual reason I started watching was because of my boner for geogrpahy and militarystuff. That is still the reason that Im watching.
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 07/19/09(Sun)16:47 No.1978400
    >>boner for geogrpahy
    Now there's something you don't hear everyday
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 07/19/09(Sun)16:51 No.1978411
    >>boner for geogrpahy
    >Now there's something you don't hear everyday
    lol whoops. I mean geography. The other thing was a typo.
    .. OH I get it now. Yea geography is hot.
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 07/19/09(Sun)16:53 No.1978419
    I used to have a similar boner for weather. DAT STRATOCIRRUS
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 07/19/09(Sun)16:54 No.1978423
    Our boners seem similar. I like that.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)17:05 No.1978465
    What the hell did I just watch....
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 07/19/09(Sun)17:10 No.1978484
    See, thats what I thought. Except that I also thought "MY COUNTRY HAVE BEEN RAPED FOR THE LAST TIME."
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)17:21 No.1978523
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    That video...
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)17:21 No.1978524
    Ugh, i can't stand it when any fangirls from any fandom do "yaoi." I mean...having a vagina defeats the purpose so why do other girls go batshit insane for it?

    All the faggotry in the aph fandom makes me headesk.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)17:42 No.1978574
    Ugh I can't decide if the Death Note fandom or Hetalia fandom is worse.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)19:26 No.1978788
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    oh lord that was good.

    This is like the appeal of hetaliafor me. Not all the comics or episodes, but a few satiric gems are in there. I spent 4+ years studying polisci/ international relations and it's not light and fluffy reading material. a good deal of political drama is bloody and horrendous and WTF WERE THEY THINKING!?! and the light hearted insane atmosphere of the hetalia 4koma is so refreshing, kind of calling it like it is.

    even if the characters were ugly, or drawn like the above comic, i'd still love it. The concept is a lot like The Onion, but even for The Onion, some stupid people think it's a real newspaper...

    I dont care if younger fans like the series just for the eye candy and retarded scenarios they get in, to each their own. I only hope they'll grow out of the Rabid Yaoi fangirl phase eventually.

    As for cosplaying, I love a lot of historical dress. Hetalia gives me a great excuse to reconstruct folkwear and have fun with it.

    Like above anons mentioned though, the quality of hetalia cosplays is unfortunately very varied. that's not just in english speaking fandom though, and it's something that happens in all fandoms anyway.

    just get over it

    and find a way to have fun regardless.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)20:53 No.1978921
    >Ugh I can't decide if the Kingdom Hearts fandom or Hetalia fandom is worse.

    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)21:13 No.1978953
    It's funny how a series full of fagot males is cosplayed by socially inept dykes.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)21:35 No.1978994
    Hetalia fandom basically splits into three categories:
    1) The yaoi fanbrat.
    2) The history faggot.
    3) The strongly in denial about being either or both of the above.

    And then there's the occasional non-obsessive fan, who's really just in it for the silly jokes and cute personification of their own country. Generally these fans eventually fill up the third category though.

    Recently I cosplayed Sweden with my girlfriend as Finland and we basically got shunned by the whole group of Hetalia cosplayers at the con because we didn't want to take part in the inane squealing and singing and fanservice photoshoots. I do love meeting people who share my interests, so it's more than a little depressing when the majority of them appear to have a 2-digit IQ.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)21:47 No.1979019

    There's a meetup coming soon in my area and while I excited to about the prospect of meeting other fans and making new friends, seeing the kinds of things that have been done at other meetups is a bit discouraging. There's "having fun" and then there's "making complete fools of yourselves"... (And then you can have both, but large Hetalia gatherings seem to go for the extreme latter option.)
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)21:49 No.1979024
    HOW IS HETALIA EVEN HISTORIC, THE WAY IT TEACHES YOU IS FUCKING RETARDED. if you say you like it because you like history, your fucking stupid. and yes that was a huge run-on sentence
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)21:54 No.1979035
    It isn't. Just BS justification by the fan base to write about it at school.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:03 No.1979056
    Thank you, my faith in anonymous has been slightly restored
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:14 No.1979078
    I like Hetalia. I've always found the type of humor (ie stereotypes) they use in the series funny. I have a decent knowledge of the history behind it, so I can catch on to all of the jokes. I fucking hate the fandom, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:15 No.1979082
    >>1978050 good stuff... though it doesn't make sense... good stuff....

    is the show supposed to be funny? because it isn't
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:21 No.1979090
    It isn't it's hypocritical racism at best. The creator is basically self hating and left to live in New York but he started Hetalia to get money from the fangirls back home.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:24 No.1979094
    I will admit that I love the Death Note manga. The anime is shit, but the manga was my first love. However, I am completely disgusted by the fandom. I just cosplayed Mello to Otakon and decided to check out the Death Note photoshoots...

    Dear God, the fail. I feel for the intelligent Hetalia fans/cosplayers that have photoshoots ruined by ridiculous yaoi-crazy fangirls. I now know exactly what that is like.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:39 No.1979112

    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:49 No.1979126
    >Death Note fag

    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:53 No.1979135
    Hey, at least I don't have the same retarded mindset as 90% of my fandom.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)22:56 No.1979141
    > naruto
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)23:14 No.1979174
    >I totally have the same mindset as the rest of my retarded fandom.

    you're probably one of those fail "omg Lru kawaii" cosplayers. go back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)23:19 No.1979191
    >photoshoots ruined by ridiculous yaoi-crazy fangirls.

    this is why you plan private photoshoots instead, with people you know you're cool with.

    at this stage in fandaom, con gatherings and photoshoots are rarely worth it. if there's someone in the planning thread you really with to have photos with, just contact them privately and ask, set up a separate photoshoot with a small group of people ETC.

    going to general, open gatherings isn't a prerequisite of being a fan of the series.

    Hetalia isn't meant to teach history. if anyone is using hetalia as a way to learn about world history, that's major fail. Having hetalia SPRINGBOARD a more serious investigation of history isn't a bad thing though, as long as you know the line between what hetalia is and what serious study is. hetalia is a gag webcomic. it's meant to make fun of history, patriotism, nationality, ethnic stereotypes, and general "every culture has silly faggots" idea.

    that is the point of satire: take something srs bidnez but and make it relate able and funny by stripping the surface.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)23:23 No.1979206
    I don't get Hetalia at all. Tried watching the first episode and 5 seconds in went "ALREADY WRONG, AMERICA DOESN'T SPEAK JAPANESE" I mean I know its from Japan, but if your going to make an anime about diffeent countries, have different languages, you can always make subtitles.

    Also the image of all of them. There already being stereotypical enough, might aswell make America fat (considering the cheeseburgers) and Russia fat with a beard and one of those hats. Not just a bunch of pretty boys.

    Hetalia is like Twilight to me. Took something I enjoyed outside of fandoms (aka History or in twilights case vampires.) And completely ruined the concept.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)23:25 No.1979212
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    Best be trollin', yo.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)23:32 No.1979238

    Don't worry, he is. Just leave him alone.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/09(Sun)23:34 No.1979248
    Oh yeah, my Matt and Near and I went off and had our own photoshoots after the group ones. We had planned on doing it anyways, because we wanted some shots with just the three of us and we already expected the photoshoot to be pretty bad. We just didn't expect it to be that horrendous.

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