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    File : 1247632531.jpg-(90 KB, 432x425, NOFURRY.jpg)
    90 KB Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:35 No.1970627  
    Okay, something has been bothering me for a while. Granted, it first started as a small concern... but over the past year, I've *noticed* something.

    It first started at a con, you know, same faggotry that commenced at all conventions... but one thing was out of the ordinary. One cosplayer was in a furry suit. One of *those* people, I thought to myself. But alas, I shrugged it off as a freak with a furry fetish, and moved on.

    And then bigger cons I went to, with larger faggotry... only to see now a couple of furries... a few furries... groups of furries...

    And the more cons I went, the more it seemed alright to prance around in some sort of furry suit.

    Now I'm looking at cons advertising "FURRIES WELCOME!" and seeing the possible welcoming of furries at even ACen...

    Look the furries can do whatever they fuck they want... but keep it out of my con. They have there own furry cons where they hump each others leg, and act like animals... weird and freakish, but it's contained. Leaking over to the anime convention side is becoming an issue.

    And isn't this some sort of weird sexual fetish anyways? Why the fuck would you allow this introduction into an anime convention scene?! Especially with the children running around, hugging these furry loving mascots, who are just going to go pee in a corner, or hump other furries, etc etc.

    It shouldn't stand! Conventions! Quit encouraging the furries into your cons! Let them enjoy their sick furry con! Keep it out of ours, goddammit!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:37 No.1970630
    Replace "furries" with "niggas" or "Jews."

    Hilarity will ensue.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:38 No.1970634
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:40 No.1970640
    Okay, something has been bothering me for a while. Granted, it first started as a small concern... but over the past year, I've *noticed* something.

    It first started at a con, you know, same faggotry that commenced at all conventions... but one thing was out of the ordinary. One cosplayer was in a nigga suit. One of *those* people, I thought to myself. But alas, I shrugged it off as a freak with a nigga fetish, and moved on.

    And then bigger cons I went to, with larger faggotry... only to see now a couple of niggas... a few niggas... groups of niggas...

    And the more cons I went, the more it seemed alright to prance around in some sort of nigga suit.

    Now I'm looking at cons advertising "NIGGAS WELCOME!" and seeing the possible welcoming of niggas at even ACen...

    Look the niggas can do whatever they fuck they want... but keep it out of my con. They have there own nigga cons where they hump each others leg, and act like animals... weird and freakish, but it's contained. Leaking over to the anime convention side is becoming an issue.

    And isn't this some sort of weird sexual fetish anyways? Why the fuck would you allow this introduction into an anime convention scene?! Especially with the children running around, hugging these nigga loving mascots, who are just going to go pee in a corner, or hump other niggas, etc etc.

    It shouldn't stand! Conventions! Quit encouraging the niggas into your cons! Let them enjoy their sick nigga con! Keep it out of ours, goddammit!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:41 No.1970643
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    Okay, something has been bothering me for a while. Granted, it first started as a small concern... but over the past year, I've *noticed* something.

    It first started at a con, you know, same faggotry that commenced at all conventions... but one thing was out of the ordinary. One cosplayer was a Jew. One of *those* people, I thought to myself. But alas, I shrugged it off as a freak with a Jew fetish, and moved on.

    And then bigger cons I went to, with larger faggotry... only to see now a couple of Jews... a few Jews... groups of Jews...

    And the more cons I went, the more it seemed alright to prance around in some sort of Jew suit.

    Now I'm looking at cons advertising "JEWS WELCOME!" and seeing the possible welcoming of Jews at even ACen...

    Look the Jews can do whatever they fuck they want... but keep it out of my con. They have there own Jew cons where they hump each others leg, and act like Jews... weird and freakish, but it's contained. Leaking over to the anime convention side is becoming an issue.

    And isn't this some sort of weird sexual fetish anyways? Why the fuck would you allow this introduction into an anime convention scene?! Especially with the children running around, hugging these loving Jews, who are just going to go pee in a corner, or hump other Jews, etc etc.

    It shouldn't stand! Conventions! Quit encouraging the Jews into your cons! Let them enjoy their sick Jew con! Keep it out of ours, goddammit!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:42 No.1970644
    I lol'd hard
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:44 No.1970649
    It's not a sexual thing for everyone who enjoys the hobby :|...seriously.

    And when you think about it there are far less furry cons then there are anime cons. My advice? Ignore them. Let them do what they do and you can go drool over your hot anime men or kawaii desu girls in skimpy ass clothing.

    The way I think about it anime convention attendees are also pretty fucking weird. Everyone's weird D;
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:44 No.1970650
    lol jews
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:52 No.1970666
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)00:53 No.1970673
    >It's not a sexual thing for everyone who enjoys the hobby

    I'm glad someone gets this.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:10 No.1970708
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    this thread is amazingly stupid
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:18 No.1970724
    I will stigmatize the hell out of furries, but I wouldn't push for a ban from cons.

    I do see OP's point though. Furries have nothing to do with anime/manga fandom. Might as well put up a Trekkies/Warsies Welcome sign up while they're at it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:27 No.1970739

    Uh oh, better not allow Disney or any other non weeaboo either.

    This is fucking stupid. Who the fuck cares.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:27 No.1970740
    Maybe furries aren't directly related to anime/manga, but furries can still be anime fans, and be interested in the panel guests.

    Furries like to dress up, same as cosplayers. And furries do a better job of staying in character (no talking, no removing costume parts) than most cosplayers anyway.

    Besides, how is a furry, or a group of furries showing up ANY diffrent from the yaoi panels, Hentai viewings, and fetish gear presented at ANY anime con?

    It's ALL deviantcy.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:30 No.1970742
         File1247635826.jpg-(7 KB, 250x200, hunter-van-pelt-jumanji.jpg)
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    Well then OP, you know what you must do.

    Hunter Van Pelt from the Jumanji movie and cartoon. With the biggest honking gun that money can buy.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:31 No.1970743

    ...You're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:31 No.1970745
    Finally, some wisdom!
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 07/15/09(Wed)01:38 No.1970756
    Yes. Yes. Yes. A million times, yes!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:45 No.1970772
    And when the furries roleplay WITH you, and you realize you shared a moment of fun. Whst then?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)01:46 No.1970776
    Who cares, you're Van motherfucking Pelt! You can't go wrong.
    >> Master Shambler 07/15/09(Wed)01:57 No.1970788
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    I decree Hunter Van Pelt Furry exterminator meme extraordinaire!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)02:09 No.1970790
    Agreed to an extent.

    I don't mind fursuits when they are actually animu or vidya related. (i.e. Pokemon, the final fantasy dressphere, star fox etc.) Anything else usually equals actual furry furfaggotry... like original characters or generic animals.

    Speaking of which it bugs me when people think all fursuits, even those that are animu and vidya related equal furry. Learn the difference. Having a sports car doesn't automatically make you a street racer, and having a mascot type cosplay doesn't automatically make you a furry.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)02:23 No.1970796
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    >>1970790 Having a sports car doesn't automatically make you a street racer

    No, but having a Miata makes you gay, or having a German car makes you a douche.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)02:24 No.1970797

    You get your real gun out and begin to fire.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)02:40 No.1970815
    This stereotype makes me sad for the furries who aren't into it sexually. They always get picked on just the same as the furries who are.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)04:00 No.1970874
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    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)04:00 No.1970875
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    This is for the ones that go out of their way to mime in your face and wear furry stuff not at all related to the con. I think a group of South African hunters with this on their arms would be hilarious. Btw- I don't care if this offends anyone. I'm not talking about mascots.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)04:02 No.1970878
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    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 07/15/09(Wed)04:08 No.1970884
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    What I dont understand is why furries bother OP? I mean there behavior cant be considered any more strange than the average 'otaku' and its possible to have a sexual fetish and still be interested in anime (which is obvious evidenced with kink topics on cgl)

    You dont like it cause you dont like the furry art or cause 4chan tells you to not like furry. Behavior or not I think you are being narrow minded. Furry are not any better than cosplay no matter which way you put it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)04:49 No.1970904

    This. Scrawny hot topic goths in fishnets and leather being lead around on leashes by fat chicks who are wearing corsets 3 sizes too tight bother me FAR more than someone in a decently constructed fur suit. I mean, neither belongs, but at least one is sort of in the general spirit of things.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)04:50 No.1970906
    If you don't like furries, start your own con, and ban them.
    No one gives a shit that you hate them.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)04:57 No.1970909

    >> GCC !!mLxu/Bo8vQS 07/15/09(Wed)05:04 No.1970914
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    Agreeing with this. I personally don't like fursuits and furry fandom, but that doesnt mean they deserve to be banned from cons.

    Frankly, most fursuiters I've met have been extremely nice people, and I'm more inclined to invitethem with open arms than I am the free hugging cunt-rag teeny boppers screaming ''OMG YAOI!!11!12'' whilst running in circles, shitting up the place.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 07/15/09(Wed)05:09 No.1970920
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    "No, Dad, I'm not a furry, I'm a mascot."

    "What do you mean what's the difference?! One's a job the other is mental sickness!"
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)05:12 No.1970925
    I love you for this
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)05:12 No.1970929
    I've seen some cool furries, and some characters can actually be done using a fursuit. While I agree that anime cons shouldn't just be "socially stigmatized" cons, you have to admit that we've got our fair share of weirdos who don't belong either way. I don't particularly like 'em either, but keep it civil and don't be too quick to judge, okay?

    OR successful troll is successful.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)05:14 No.1970931
    the only thing i hate about furries are their costumes really.
    why wear mascot outfits?
    whynot make your own suit so it truly is your own?
    buy one of those fur rugs from ikea n turn it into a costume.
    you'd be much more impressive plus have something that is more form fitting and most likely appealing to others around you.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)05:20 No.1970936
    Folks, let me ask you this:

    Do you consider it "faggotry" when someone goes to a con as the Joker? How about disney cosplay? I'm not taking a side here, just wondering how you can use the "not anime-related" argument.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)05:36 No.1970946
    most joker/disney cosplayers don't have a joker/disney fetish.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)05:45 No.1970960
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 07/15/09(Wed)06:10 No.1970989
    I hate to tell you this, but I think you are wrong. Not wholly wrong, but partially for sure.

    As for my opinion on furries, eh, whatever floats your boat. Doesn't suit my tastes but I don't see how what they like to do is any of my business. It isn't like they are hurting anybody.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)06:25 No.1970999
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)06:47 No.1971001
    Amecon last year was bad, furries everywhere mostly just faggots in head and paws wearing jeans and t-shirt. Didn't stop them fucking yiffing in the lifts and humping each other on the dance floor. Kill them all...
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)07:12 No.1971010
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    Wish that was true, but the furry community has lots of assholes who act like feminist extremists trying to make everything "equal" and about them and overreact to everything, feeling like they're being persecuted and that they are the only people/fetish community persecuted for what they like.

    I don't pity fursecution just because of what big overly dramatic prima donnas they are when it comes to that.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)07:19 No.1971012
    See, it'd be easy to ignore them... if it wasn't for the fact that so many damn furries like to bring attention unto themselves, especially when it comes to being called out for being a furry.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)07:20 No.1971013

    As someone who knows many furries I can say HAHA no.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)07:58 No.1971029
    Furry detected, shouldn't you be making out with your dog or something.

    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)08:15 No.1971051
    I view Furries the same way I view religion. Believe and do what you want to do, just don't push it on me.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)08:53 No.1971070
    And just like religion, it's always the ones that are bad that seems to represent the stereotype of the whole.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)09:08 No.1971087
    Furries means more money for the con which means bigger events and better locations overall. Quit your bitching, its not YOUR con. If you don't like it, don't go and stfu.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)09:25 No.1971101
    Furries aren't going away unless you beat them with a stick and run them out of town. I recommend a police baton.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)09:35 No.1971103
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    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)09:40 No.1971109
    What about fury cosplay like pokemon or tauren or okami/link? I think they are fine. If it’s a fury that’s It would be like being your Sheppard from Mass Erect. you know? meh dosen't bother me.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)10:00 No.1971119

    Well said.
    >> DarrynGrey !!DOApy8KC6ga 07/15/09(Wed)10:26 No.1971140
    On /cgl/ at least the opinion always seems to be that "official" furry cosplay such as Pokemon is okay because it is canon (one "n" in the middle, not two!) and reflects enjoyment of the fandom, whereas generic furry cosplay is stereotypically associated with sexual attraction to an animal and/or belief in a "fursona."

    Anyone who can add/correct anything, please do so.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)11:40 No.1971157
    There's nothing wrong with shunning furries. It's a natural and useful survival instinct for the healthy and productive to protect what they work for.

    Would you let a leper hang around your house? No. They go to a leper colony where they can live safely together away from people who can keep the species going and grow safe food and do other useful things.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)13:27 No.1971173
         File1247678827.jpg-(25 KB, 300x300, SayNo-Furries.jpg)
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    OP Here.

    This is an amazing debate that has needed to happen. I was very curious of the thoughts of other cosplayers on the furry plague to the cosplay community. Oh what joy.

    It's not the furry costumes that so much bother me, it's the furry act. I've grown used to the... quirks... of japanese/anime conventions. Sure, the yaoi paddles, the glomping, the leashed fat chicks are annoying... but hey, it's still part of the cosplay culture.
    Would we be better without it? Of course. But we've allowed it to continue for so long.

    You say that the furries should be given there right. I applaud your efforts of acceptance. But they need no haven in our conventions. They have their own. Amongst their own kind.

    I've just placed the observation... I see the patterns, and it will only grow. It started with one... then a couple... then groups have come. And now with the open arms of anime conventions finally saying, "Furries welcome!", you'll only be dooming your cons. They will come in greater numbers. And soon before you know, even after the conventions have stopped giving their welcomes, the furries know they are accepted, you'll have most of the con goers be furries humping each other in elevators and on the con floors. Furry madness will ensue, and all because you felt it was okay to let the furries dress up and do there thing.

    It's not a cosplay. It's a lifestyle. A lifestyle I do not want in the cosplay convention community.

    Sure, offer them a hand if they have nowhere else to go. But they have places to go. Keep it out of the otaku conventions.

    That's what I have so far.

    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)13:30 No.1971175
    I see people bringing in the canon/official character argument into it. Those characters are fine when normal people cosplay them and they are just generally nice, regular people, but it gets creepy when there is that rare time where pokemon and warcraft peeps happen to be furries and start giving sexual undertones to shit. The good thing is, generally I don't see those people doing stuff like that, unless you are Pikabellechu, of course. Yuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)13:33 No.1971178

    Comparing furries to something like leprosy is fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous Of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 07/15/09(Wed)13:47 No.1971189
    4chan likes furries now. What is the world coming too?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)13:48 No.1971194
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    OP Here.

    This is an amazing debate that has needed to happen. I was very curious of the thoughts of other cosplayers on the nigger plague to the cosplay community. Oh what joy.

    It's not the nigger costumes that so much bother me, it's the nigger act. I've grown used to the... quirks... of japanese/anime conventions. Sure, the yaoi paddles, the glomping, the leashed fat chicks are annoying... but hey, it's still part of the cosplay culture.
    Would we be better without it? Of course. But we've allowed it to continue for so long.

    You say that the niggers should be given there right. I applaud your efforts of acceptance. But they need no haven in our conventions. They have their own. Amongst their own kind.

    I've just placed the observation... I see the patterns, and it will only grow. It started with one... then a couple... then groups have come. And now with the open arms of anime conventions finally saying, "Niggers welcome!", you'll only be dooming your cons. They will come in greater numbers. And soon before you know, even after the conventions have stopped giving their welcomes, the niggers know they are accepted, you'll have most of the con goers be niggers humping each other in elevators and on the con floors. Nigger madness will ensue, and all because you felt it was okay to let the niggers dress up and do there thing.

    It's not a cosplay. It's a lifestyle. A lifestyle I do not want in the cosplay convention community.

    Sure, offer them a hand if they have nowhere else to go. But they have places to go. Keep it out of the otaku conventions.

    That's what I have so far.

    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)13:54 No.1971207
    Hitler Here.

    This is an amazing debate that has needed to happen. I was very curious of the thoughts of other cosplayers on the Jew plague to the cosplay community. Oh what joy.

    It's not the Jew costumes that so much bother me, it's the Jew act. I've grown used to the... quirks... of japanese/anime conventions. Sure, the yaoi paddles, the glomping, the leashed fat chicks are annoying... but hey, it's still part of the cosplay culture.
    Would we be better without it? Of course. But we've allowed it to continue for so long.

    You say that the Jews should be given there right. I applaud your efforts of acceptance. But they need no haven in our conventions. They have their own. Amongst their own kind.

    I've just placed the observation... I see the patterns, and it will only grow. It started with one... then a couple... then groups have come. And now with the open arms of anime conventions finally saying, "Jews welcome!", you'll only be dooming your cons. They will come in greater numbers. And soon before you know, even after the conventions have stopped giving their welcomes, the Jews know they are accepted, you'll have most of the con goers be Jews humping each other in elevators and on the con floors. Jew madness will ensue, and all because you felt it was okay to let the Jews dress up and do their thing.

    It's not a cosplay. It's a lifestyle. A lifestyle I do not want in the cosplay convention community.

    Sure, offer them a hand if they have nowhere else to go. But they have places to go. Keep it out of the otaku conventions.

    That's what I have so far.

    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)13:56 No.1971214
    >the only thing i hate about furries are their costumes really.
    >why wear mascot outfits?
    >whynot make your own suit so it truly is your own?
    >buy one of those fur rugs from ikea n turn it into a costume.
    >you'd be much more impressive plus have something that is more form fitting and most likely appealing to others around you.

    That is the most retarded post in this topic.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)14:04 No.1971222
    I don't mind the furries on one condition: They must behave.
    Of course, they may have cool costumes, they may be cool people and all, but if they start yiffing and peeing in corners (I kid you not, I saw that once. I wish I had a pyro costume or something) then it's just unacceptable. Then again, it's not something specific to furries, everyone should behave, but it seems furries do it more, for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)14:06 No.1971223
    Furfags that actually dress up as specific characters seem to be tons rarer then one who dresses up as a generic animal or some original character from their DeviantArt or whatever. In fact I've seen them rant about dressing up as something that isn't "their own creation and own self (or w/e)". Honestly the only furfag I can think of that does "cosplay" is "BeetleCat" which dressed up as Red XIII amongst other things and she didn't even play FF7 she said she did it just for attention (RAGE). IIRC there was some argument about it between her and 4ng31 on a topic somewhere on coscom.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)14:09 No.1971226
    Y'know, they DO have furcons. Do that shit THERE.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)14:17 No.1971240
    tons of people who make fursuits also make cosplay fursuits. it's not that unusual
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)14:29 No.1971252
    The suits are fine (unless its those stupid shitty fan chars, that are just as bad as made-up akatsuki BS, etc). Its what they do while in them that I don't like.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)14:34 No.1971264
    people in fursuits, ok. furries, not ok.

    i don't care that you want to dress up as a prancing fox, i don't want to know about your sexual fetishes you sick fuck. go back to your sweaty, rugburn-ridden orgies at your cons.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)15:43 No.1971394
    The only thing I dislike about furries is that they flaunt their sexual fetish. (Talking about furries, not people who dress up in an animal suit but dont have the fetish)

    I mean, everyonw has some messed up sexual fetishes but we don't tell everyone in the world about them. Well, some people do, and they bother me. Fursuits are fine, as long as they are made well, just like regular costumes.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)19:06 No.1971867
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    Look at Lilleah West, She made a rant on her Journal because people don't like furries.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)19:08 No.1971871
    OP here. Come to the best site on the Internet:
    remove the dots over the letters
    >ddgdsg d
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)20:24 No.1972014
    I don't see why anyone would dislike a fat, sweaty, social recluse with sexual fantasies about being and having sexual contact with animals and the like.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)21:04 No.1972079
    Wouldn't saying "furries welcome!" at some con be equivalent of saying "(insert random fetish; scat, pegging, feet, etc./insert lifestyle relatively unnaccepted by the general polulace; nudists, drag queens, etc.) Welcome!"? If someone is in a fursuit for the fandom, it should then, by the sake of the definition of the word "fandom" be a character from a series/videogame, and *not* some original character/fursona bs/generic animal, which wouldn't be a problem because that's how the character looks and the cons would have no reason to put a "furries welcome!" ad. Having a random furry in a fursuit for noncosplay/fandom purposes would then be, out of process of elimination, a "lifestyler" or fetishist; thus being eqivalent of a girl waiting in line for registration whilst wearing a strapon, or a guy looming the halls asking to touch strangers feet, or a nudist suantering down artist's alley.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)21:08 No.1972090
    >a nudist suantering down artist's alley
    inb4 spelling police. I didn't catch that rereading it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/09(Wed)21:17 No.1972116
    Guess I should be glad it's too damn hot here in the West for them to feel welcomed.
    >> Van Pelt 07/16/09(Thu)09:32 No.1973140
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    OP here. I figured a change of name was only necessary.

    Yes, some of you are beginning to realize the problem at hand here... your eyes are opening up to what I've been trying to say this entire time.

    The cosplayer cosplaying someone in a fur suit... them individually is not the problem. The image they give to others has started a small fire... that has began to spread.

    Sure someone cosplays a furry, but doesn't have the fetish. What view does that give?

    People begin to notice. Begin to assume that they are the fetish furry who goes about yiffying and doing other animalistic acts. And even if that cosplayer does not do that, the assumption and view has been made clear.

    Poor cosplayer. Soon poor convention.

    Because of this view, conventions realize that furries are an untapped source of profit for the conventions, and advertise, "FURRIES WELCOME!"

    Now you have the bigger problem. People see this as an annoyance, but an acceptance. Now the real furries come in for the show. With there furry suits, and their sexual ways, they begin to... well... I suppose it's appropriate to say, 'prowl' the convention for now other furries.

    And another point. What of those same cosplayers wearing the furry suit. What would happen if the furry was to mistake them for another of their yiffy and horny kind? A rather uncomfortable situation indeed.

    Your welcoming will only cause a furry degeneration of the convention scene. Keep the furries in their own separate environment. Away from the rest of the otaku cosplayers.


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