Saw them at AX, they were so Bad Ass!
>Saw them at AX, they were so Bad!ftfy, selfposting faggots.
omg I didn't know Crystina Aguilera played Left4Dead.
...Duct tape.....why...
>>1965898that witch is kind of cute. group is ok though and i like the claws. hunters are a bit too clean
>>1965914 that witch is kind of cuteMaguma, how could you?! You know the witch is not supposed to be cute. She's supposed to scare the living shit out of you.
>>1965906She doesn't. She's just cosplaying it because it's trendy now.
Girls who cosplay witches are attention whores if they don't put work into the costumes.It's just their excuse to wear a short tank top and undies to a convention.If I don't see a decent witch I'm going to rage.
>>1965914 witch is kind of cute
>>1965923 It's just their excuse to wear a short tank top and undies to a convention.Sadly, I agree with you.
>>1965898>>1965920It sure reeks of selfpost tonight.
>>1965898FUCK THAT ROCKS! Moar!!
Here, have some real win.
>>1965923 It's just their excuse to wear a short tank top and undies to a conventionand we're complaining.....WHY?
>>1965945Doom, are you still posting here?
>>1965898I'm so fucking sick of fake blood that LOOKS FAKE. go buy some blood at a butcher shop and splatter it on there, you pussies.
Why with the duct tape...MAKEUP IS NOT HARD...
Well, lets just get this over with.The best the best the best ect.
she can have all the attention she wants from me
>>1965980this. it happens and guess what life goes on.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned OP Witch is wearing fucking SHORTS. Also Witch doesn't have blood splattered on her body at all. I fucking hate bloody witches and FUCKING DUCT TAPE.>>1965968This, basically.
i don't get it.
moar PL
There were about 15 hunters at AX. The one on the right in OP's pic was the only one who didn't use duct tape. He was also the only one to show up at the impromptu Valve gathering.
>>1966406Hi, I'm not OP but I made a thread about this witch before this OP and that thread got flamed
>>1966417Where they at AX? I only saw shitty witches and just as bad Hunters.
>>1966490Because the witch in OP Fails horrendously.
>>1966521It's not that bad
>>1966536No, really. It is that bad. Shitty Christina Aguilera witch is shitty.
>>1966744I don't think this is a bad cosplay, compared to all the other Witches that are out there. PL>NeonStitches>OP Witch.At least the girl is hot and not fat or bitchy like Doom
>>1966753Hot or not, the witch is not supposed to be Hot at all. She should just put something else on if she wants to look hot, but if you're going to cosplay something that is gross and nasty try to at least put the effort into it. Or don't do it at all.
>>1966753The witch isn't suppose to be hot, she's a zombie.The wig is wrong. The blood splatters are horrible. She's not dirty (we had this issue with other witches). And when did witches wear makeup? Mascara does not make a witch. Yeah she's pretty but she could have tried harder.
>>1966753 NeonStitchesWho?
>>1966759Alright, sir. I give you that
>>1965898 does not equal< -- this
>>1966764see >>1966227
>>1966744If it's not scary. It's fail.
>>1966771Um....Witches aren't scary
This scares me shittless.
>>1966772Wizard of Oz is back that way.
Doom is hot, if you disagree you're probably a jealous fat pig.
>>1966772She's scary in that zombified crack whore kinda way.
>>1966776I lol'd.
>>1966776 jealous fat pig.That describes her exactly.
>>1966767Fail xDBut, I'm actually surprised that PL didn't do the nails right. She's usually all over detail
>>1966783She's sexy. You're just pissed about your cankles.
>>1966784>PL didn't do the nails right...lolwut
I just wanna see a witch that is ugly as sin. I know there are some crazy skinny girls at cons I go to, just gotta find one with a ugly face.
>Unless you're 80 pounds I wouldn't (cosplay the Witch) or you will get bashed around. :/Maybe she should've taken her own advice
>>1966791She didn't.They aren't long enough and they're the wrong color.But that's if you're nitpicking
>>1966798Sorry, maybe my standards of "ugly as sin" are too high but I don't see PL's witch as being ugly. I like the costume alot but a witch needs to have an ugly ass face.
>>1966799They are pretty long, the witch doesn't have long ass claws. Also the claws are black. Don't see the wrong color issue there.
>>1966806It's hard for pretty people to look "ugly as sin"I think she did a good job regardless. Better than any other witch I've seen.
>>1966792>ugly faceFinally, a girl I can cos->crazy skinnyOh.
>>1966812see>>1966767They are long ass nails, and they are dark red on the bottom
LOL that people are actually TRYING to nitpick PLs witch.
>>1966806>>She's not ugly enough for that cosplay.Oh my god, cgl, I wish I could punch you in the face.
>>1966815You could use latex face pieces to look pretty ugly.
The witch is not that ugly in the game.
>>1966832You have to admit PL is beautiful xD
>>1966832See >>1966792and>>1966798
ITT Doom and/or Doom's friend trying to tear apart PL to make her own witch seem somehow better.
>>1966849That would work if we were comparing PL to Doom.
Dooms is better.
>>1966849ITT: people thinking we are Doom and/or Doom's friend trying to tear apart PL to make her own witch seem somehow better.
>>1966856Thank you for saying that xD
>>1966853Agreed.We were talking about OP and PL.The trolls just bring in Doom for the lulz.
>>1966849 ITT OPWitch and/or OPWitch friends trying to tear apart PL to make her own witch seem somehow better.Fixed.
Seriously guys, PL witch aka WinWitch is made of fucking win.Or else there wouldn't have been 3 threads right after another of how great it was at Fanime.
Just because PL's nails aren't perfect doesn't mean you guys have to defend her because of massive girl crush.Spoilers: The WhiteKnight never gets the girl.
Doom doesnt post Doom. Trolls post Doom. Cgl/ = WE-TOD-DID
>>1966897The fucking nails look fine. They look longer in >>1966417It all just really depends how she positions her fingers. When they point inward to the camera, they look shorter.Also, the witch nails are Black. Don't even use this image for reference.>>1965916Protip: Lighting, changes the color of things.
>>1966897No one is whitknighting her faggot, but that is the only comeback you can come up with. Now, less talk and post more pics.
>>1966913In game lighting doesn't make red black. And PL's are a little short.protip: Optical exams are our friends.
>>1966932Provide good image of said nails.
>>1966928Sorry they're not perfect and no amount of whiteknighting will make them so :/
>>1966943>>1966897THANK YOU>>1966913Nice job using the "oh, if she positions them differently" defense. We know PL is full of win. Just win with short nails. Critique is a good thing.
>>1966977 Nice job using the "oh, if she positions them differently" defense.If you actually would have made the effort to look at the pictures than calling everyone whiteknights, you would notice this.Not the same person, but my god, you are stupid.
You can now all STFU about PL's Witch. Hers is accurate you dumbfucks. Stop being jealous cunts because she is the best Witch.
>>1966939DO YOU REALLY THINK ANYONE CARES ABOUT THE EXACT COLOR AND LENGTH OF HER VIDEO GAME COSTUME NAILS?(well someone somewhere probably does...sadly, but you're not being trolled by them this fine afternoon).
I personally don't care if the nails appear shorter. I think they look better than long straight rulers attached to fingers.Don't know how she did them, but they appear to have bends?nuckles? in them too.
>>1966989>We know PL is full of win. Just win with short nails.>>1966988this person ( >>1966977 ) didn't call anyone a whiteknight
>>1966431Bullshit. You came up to me and my friends to ask us to come to that gathering, and he didn't use duct tape.
holy fuck, doom and her minions still around?PL's witch is superior, it's just a fact. anyone who says otherwise is completly biased (read: doom and her little pals).
>>1966994Apparently, the fags who keep bringing them up that they aren't accurate.
ITT: people who don't readSeriously, everyone is saying PL is the best Witch ever. But fo rsome reason when they add "her nails aren't long enough though...."People lose there shit
Um FYI PLs witch nails were kinda Red & Black. Saw them up close, I guess they don't show too well in her photos.
>>1966989THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. Look at everyone ignoring this post.Witch's nails are fucking BLACK dipshits. PL 9,000. Witch Twats 0.
>>1967011See>>1966773and>>1966989PLs Witch Nails are fine.
>>1967019see>>1967011And no they aren't black>>1966767
>>1967028I saw them and my point still stands
>>1967031That image was from the BETA game. It isn't the current Witch. The Witch from >>1966989is an actual game mod from the formal release opened up and lighted using Gary's Mod. Thusly, >>1966989is the accurate model to follow. PL followed it, and has an accurate Witch.
>>1967011THIS, good sir. THIS
>>1967054Sorry I'm going to have to go with the IN GAME screenshot (>>1966767)
>>1967011Yeah, I'm going to have to agree xD
>>1967069Yeah, that's a good point
>>1967069Wow, you're an idiot. Do you even know how gaming models work? Probably not. >>1966989 IS the model they used for the game dumbass.
hunters NEVER get the teeth right,and I rage about duct tape use, must be a man thing
>>1967069 Sorry, I'm going to ignore true reference and just stick with what I think is correct, because what I say is right.sticks and ass do not mix well.
>>1967054I know this is abad referance pic to use but here.So, I'm not going to trust >>1966989
>>1967091You sound an awful lot like Doom /:Unless you know how gaming models work don't say anything.Not trying to troll honestly, but I'm just saying. Unless that's your major in college don't say ANYTHING
>>1967089Yeah what's the deal with duct tape?
>>1967093LOL at Francis's legs
Anyone who says they aren't going to trust >>1966989for accuracy is a fucking retard.
>>1967107Only agreeing so they don't get trolled?
>>1967069I am pretty sure you do not have a degree in game modeling. >>1966989Is the actual model Ripped from the game and put into actual area lighting. If anyone is going to use a witch image for reference, this is the one to use.
>>1967096 Unless you know how gaming models work don't say anything.You should listen to your own advice,
>>1967096Oops, I meant >>1967083
>>1967127I didn't say anything about game modelling b/c I don't know about it. Therefore I did take my advice.You should learn the differance between a comma and a period
>>1967093The witch and Zoey have red all over their legs. Fuck that must mean that's accurate! Needs moar Red!*sarcasm
ITT people who don't understand lighting. And lights that give off color.
>>1966989This witch image is the actual witch model used in the game. It is the best reference to use, there is no color lights placed on her only imitated "sun" light.
Can someone post the extracted textures already to end this argument once and for all?
I like how Witch cosplays brings out the rage in everyone.
>>1966841IDK about beautiful, but she's defs hot.
>>1967390I think she's both. She posted a new set of photos of her CC on coscom. I would post it here, but it doesn't relate to this thread.
>>1965968More of these two?
lol....L4D related that is me on the right, LOL!
>>1968465:| why didn't anyone tell the witch and the hunter that those costumes were a bad idea? They must have crummy friends.
>>1968465Did they put in any effort at all?
>>1965898>Saw them at self-post, they were so Self Post!
We're arguing about PL's nails?Yeah they are a bit off, but lets talk about her WIG.Oh lawd
>>1969051Now you're just trying too hard 0/10
>>1969081Honestly, I don't see any flaws.ITT All the witch cosplay girls now hate on PL
>>1969100It's sarcasm.But seriously, when you do point out a flaw in PL's costume, it's like the world is ending.She's human too, in a godly way.
>I think the wig needs to be thinned out a little, but over all I think it turned out pretty good.Even PikminLink admits she needs to fix something. Get over it.
>>1969134The world doesn't end, it's just some people way too desperate to bring someone else down, even when they run out of options.I never really knew who she was before her witch costume popped up here but I love L4D and that costume fucking rocks.
>>1969140 but over all I think it turned out pretty good.Yeah, she's not saying it's inaccurate at all. She just has her own opinion on it.
>>969146Do you see all the people losing their shit?>>1969147When she's admitting she need to fix something then she is. PL has humility.Everyone says clearly that her Witch is awesome. It's just not accurate down to the nitty gritty. But who cares? It was pulled off beautifully.