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    File : 1246857093.png-(21 KB, 285x189, 1238366917298.png)
    21 KB Local /v/irgin 07/06/09(Mon)01:11 No.1954986  
    AX09 Horror, Hilarious, Confusing, and otherwise Notable experiences.

    I'll start.
    Weird - Running into the Caramelldansen group 6 times in one day. It was like some sort of repeating gag.
    -having a few MGDs with the guy who crossdress posts under mistychan
    -having my friend hit on Rina-chan

    Hilarious - Watching Zangief do a lariat as a dance move for ParaPara
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:15 No.1954995
    Get fucked!
    >> Krylancelo Finrandi !sp2WOUafEE 07/06/09(Mon)01:18 No.1955002
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    Horror -Running into a Caramelldansen group at all.
    Weird - Dressing up in my random trenchcoat outfir and shit, then heading to the train, about to get off, having an old lady look at me and scream she wasn't ready to die yet, thinking I was death, about to kill her.
    Weird - Not getting kicked out of the video rooms for sleeping in the middle of the night.
    Weird - Having my picture taken and feeling good about myself.
    Hilarious - Witnessing my friend, drunk, passed out, without his pants, shirt, glasses, and only in boxers being led to the room in a wheelchair by hotel staff, then being able to spray him with cold shower water and writing on his face.
    Hilarious - Watching one of my friends getting a sunburn and waking up to it.
    >> cheeks !!DZn1utYoyc3 07/06/09(Mon)01:19 No.1955009
    Confusing - I had my first experience of meeting a VA at a con, one on one. He just went up to me, introduced himself, said he liked my cosplay and shook my hand. After that he walked away and I was just kinda in awe/confusion.

    Horror - stood in the crowd in the Crunchyroll booth when they were giving away free stuff and this huge fat guy kept pushing me out of the way. Same thing happened with this fat girl at the Touch Marker booth. I was just like WTF get your sweaty bodies away from me. I just walked away both times because no free stuff was worth it.

    Hilarious - Did any of you see the sex toys in the manga gamers booth?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:24 No.1955016
    The sex toys was the highlight of the Exhibition hall this year! It was worth the wait in line, worth the laugh. Now, I want to see the penis thruster machine work with the handjob machine!
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 07/06/09(Mon)01:29 No.1955033
    -Being hit on by Patricia Ja Lee (Pink Turbo and In Space Ranger aswell as the live action Haruhi)
    -Sharing an elevator with Daisuke Ishiwatari at the Westin
    -Watching Daisuke sign Ikuy's belly, and his facial reaction when he saw Ikuy's Sol Badgirl
    -A midnight adventure on the streets of LA with Dymatrex

    -The Gainax panel, namely the trolling that happened at the end

    -Watching Masa sweep Zal off her feet
    -Making puns with some folks at the Marriot
    -Big Wes' Zangief in general
    -Some random guy trying to get Robert Axelrod to say "KaZzu sucks" in the Zedd voice at the Power Rangers panel

    -Running into the Dragonball Evolution cosplay group
    >> cheeks !!DZn1utYoyc3 07/06/09(Mon)01:34 No.1955044
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    your notable experiences
    >> Belzinghast !!cgdnO1Rl8mB 07/06/09(Mon)01:36 No.1955052
    Horror - having two male fatass con staffers dressed in gothic lolita tell me to take my rollerblades off

    Hilarious - Rocking the Ouran Gathering in the dance off

    Hilarious - Our groups decision to host a peace bonding gathering to make fun of AX and holding hopes to see big Wes coming in a peace bonded bikini

    Hilarious - Hearing the story about Wes getting kicked out of CPK

    Notable - Shaking hands with the most awesome ghetto ass power ranger ever.... Walter Jones

    Notable - Upseting a Harry Potter Cosplayer when I told her that the actor that plays as Ron Weasely now has Swine Flu
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/06/09(Mon)01:38 No.1955054
    Horror - Half-Life fanboys who just droned on and on trying to press my knowledge of the series, and asking my character and some demanding to know when episode 3 was coming out.
    Awesome - A female blue Scout from TF2 had a Gordon Freeman fettish
    Hilarious - Cosplay Chess, every single goddamn moment.
    Awesome - Anime Singled Out
    Horror - The Video Game Cosplay world record gathering
    Hilarious - Jackie Chan Chun-Li cosplay from the movie "City Hunter"
    Akward - Lots of people confusing me with Portal and TF2, and one person saying how recognizable I was and asked what anime I was from.

    Just to name a few...
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:38 No.1955055
    horror- the masquerade
    hilarious- the whale and a duck at the gong show
    - everybody singing rick roll at the second story at the end of the day
    otherwise notable- the little Kiki that was there for like 4 hours sat with her dad
    -the pool party
    -lol the summoning stone lmao
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 07/06/09(Mon)01:41 No.1955060
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    >Hilarious - Jackie Chan Chun-Li cosplay from the movie "City Hunter"

    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:41 No.1955064
    Fun Fact: The curtains around the booth originally weren't there. The booth was told to put them up by the AX staff on Wednesday because they just had everything set up on the tables and visible to the whole world.
    >> Krylancelo Finrandi !sp2WOUafEE 07/06/09(Mon)01:42 No.1955067

    -Some random guy trying to get Robert Axelrod to say "KaZzu sucks" in the Zedd voice at the Power Rangers panel

    It was Kazu sucks actually.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:50 No.1955085
    notable-the autcion, auctioneer sold his hat for 80, ax poster $2,000
    >> G 07/06/09(Mon)01:51 No.1955089
    Horror - Seeing a Saber Crossplayer, I admire the dude's courage but damn did it take me a while to get used to it
    Awesome - The Persona 4 photoshoot at the Westin Hotel
    Noteworthy - Cosplaying as Mr. Morooka and meeting the guy at Atuls who wrote some of his lines and giving him a lecture on why he's brain washing my "students"
    Awesome - Getting curbed stomped by the entire SMT gathering
    Rage Worthy - People who still think that shouting "You just lost the game!" is still funny
    Awesome - Meeting cosplayers in person that I only see in pictures such as Mr. Freeman and the Win Gumshoe from fanime
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:56 No.1955097
    notable- the creator of trigun saying he would use the enthusiasm he got from the trigun fans and send it back in the upcoming movie
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:59 No.1955103
    spiderman guy at the gong show...priceless
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)02:01 No.1955108

    Heh, on that note, when I went to the autograph signing, I asked him about the Trigun video game. He simply said it "vanished", and that I should instead play Fallout 3.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)02:03 No.1955113
    wtf? r u serious, thats fuckin epic lol
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)02:07 No.1955120

    Yeah. He gave me a manly handshake when I said I'd played it as well. He was freaking awesome.

    I'm not surprised as it's been YEARS since it was announced.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)03:35 No.1955310
    Sorry dude, I was one of them.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:02 No.1955351
    Confusing - almost getting my toes run over by a rollerblader,

    Horror - Being stared at by a guy who looked like Napoleon Dynamite, but was dressed like.. idk, he just looked like a gay biker or something, but anyway, that lasted for about 20 mins, because we were eating. He ate over 9000 hotdogs.. it was disgusting.

    Notable/Weird? - I got recognized as someone, and I wasn't cosplaying.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:30 No.1955408
    ohhhh lol that mustve been awkward
    >> Vault !qc9a6uTnrQ 07/06/09(Mon)04:57 No.1955462
    I have a few lets see if I can remember

    Scary- nearly being killed by a car that ran a red light nearly hitting the side of a car all while speeding, with me and my friends standing on the curb where the car would've spun out to.(conjecture I know but who knows)

    Odd: having only one of my arms get tanned because I was wearing armor on only one side.

    Sweet: Getting invited to a panties party at the marriot...
    Not sweet: ...finding out it wasn't a panties party anymore

    Lame: Having to pay 30 bucks for parking at a hotel that wasn't the hotel we were staying at...(long story)

    Dope: Getting to stay in a hotel for one night for 15 bucks.

    Dumb as shit: Giving Masa $10 for drinks and then having to leave.(and I didn't even get a drink)

    Fun: All of it!
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 07/06/09(Mon)05:03 No.1955479

    hahaha. but the party down the stairs was fun no? NO HOMO.
    >> lolbifrons 07/06/09(Mon)05:11 No.1955495
    Not a regular here, but I've been lurking for AX related shit. Figure I'd post with my nick because you guys are decent enough people.

    Pretty cool - Being told I was the best/only Johnny cosplay at least four people had ever seen

    Lame - most of the Zelda Mythbusters show/panel/whatever you'd call it (until I shouted out that I'd hit shiek regardless of gender)

    Awkward - Freaking out about a variety of merchandise and having the shopkeepers make fun of me

    Nostalgic - I want to watch power rangers again. Seriously I forgot how cool that shit was

    Lame - I missed the guilty gear panel

    Hilarious - Kel from Keenan and Kel was there on day four, drinking orange soda and rapping
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)05:22 No.1955506
    horror- my camera ran out of batteries and I waked to the ralphs in downtown to buy some AA's but i got bad directions and kept walking for two blocks before i went back and asked some old guys near a starbucks for directions.

    Notable - my friend got me to take a picture of him with some random fat lady sitting with her daughers wearing a three wolf moon shirt and after i took the picture, one of the daughters got jealous and asked if we wanted her picture too.
    - got Patricia Ja Lee to sign my bag of tostitos (she did a commercial for them) and she wrote "mmm...feed the baby-maker" on it. plus I got a picture out of the whole thing too.
    - got the last question in the 1st half of the Power Ranger panel that brought up some bitterness about the show being non-union and them getting screwed over by Saban.
    Sad - no-one recognized me as Tadao Yokoshima from GS Mikami
    >> Nikopol 07/06/09(Mon)05:22 No.1955507

    shit, was that what that was? I was passed out right outside of the dealers' hall and I could have sworn I heard rapping.
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/06/09(Mon)05:26 No.1955512
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    Uhh, fuck...

    Wierd - Some druggie coming up to me after the rave, trying to buy pills off of me (He thought it was a real rave)

    Drunk people coming to me asking stupid shit about stupider shit.

    Notable - Not dying.

    Hilarious - Watching Maguma rape Yoko with his Drill, pic related.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)05:50 No.1955529
    Awesome - walking through the dealers hall with my girlfriend and seeing a killer "Wash" cosplayer from afar... only to realize it was really Alan Tudyk with a Hawaiian shirt on.

    Awkward - passing by one of the hundreds of Bleach cosplayers and saying under my breath "shesh, might want to spend a little more time on that before showing it.. " only to realize it was just loud enough for him to hear me.

    Horror - Man Cammy... nuff said.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 07/06/09(Mon)05:53 No.1955533
    >Hilarious - Kel from Keenan and Kel was there on day four, drinking orange soda and rapping

    Bullshit really?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)05:55 No.1955535

    Nope, not bullshit. My friend sent me a picture of him and Keenan together on my cell.
    >> lolbifrons 07/06/09(Mon)05:56 No.1955537
    totally serious. They even told everyone to take video of it and post it on youtube for a chance to win some shitty prize or something. I'm sure it's up there.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 07/06/09(Mon)05:56 No.1955538

    Lets see it
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)05:57 No.1955539
    Funny - On Sunday, some lady was peddling Michael Jackson T-shirts in the main lobby and some guy tells her off outloud. "Lady, if we wanted a fucking Michael Jackson shirt, we would make it ourselves..." Laughter ensued.

    Funny - Some guy who apparently looked convincing enough, tricked the Press booth that he was "Moot" and he was awarded a 4-day press badge for the weekend as a representative of 4chan.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 07/06/09(Mon)06:05 No.1955546
    Hilarious - 'Where's Waldo: Asian Edition' still goes on
    Weird - during the Bleach gathering, there was family of African American with dad on wheelchair that asked me to take his daughter's pic. Mind you, said daughter was not in any form of cosplay. I think me and him had bit of argument about that, but I ended up taking his daughters pic *erased shortly after*. It was just fucking weird.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)06:06 No.1955547
    I was in the kareoke room and the Kingdom Hearts Simple and Clean Remix came on. Then one of the People behind me says "What the fuck is the game this is in called???" Then another one shouts "DISNEYLAND!!!!" :Note that they were drunk or high and said many retarded things...i was sad when they left
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 07/06/09(Mon)08:03 No.1955606
    Sorry about that! I really wanted that party to work out, but alas -- it must wait until next year.

    It was still really fun hanging out with you, though! Se you next year!

    (p.s. derrr I lost your AIM name. e-mail it to me?)
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)08:57 No.1955639
    There's just something so unwholesome and disgusting about a Yoko whose ribs are showing..
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)09:39 No.1955653
    kid probably felt bad because everyone else was getting their picture taken, and her's wasn't, so dad tried to make her feel better
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/06/09(Mon)10:57 No.1955708
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    Scary- Trying to find certain people and not being able to get a hold of them. Shit makes me nervous as hell

    Odd- Some person saying i'm their mighty lord or something to that effect before we went home on day 4... shit was strange

    Sweet: Free stuff and the Photoshoot outside the nokia theater friday night.

    Not sweet: Missing the Gurren Movie

    Lame: Being up till 8 in the morning with no sleep only to shower, get into costume, and sleep in the west hall against a pillar for 20 min. I am never letting myself NOT have a card key ;A;


    Dumb as shit: Shit as Dumb

    Fun: All of it!

    Yup kel was there, me, Jessie, Shiya, and Jimi got to dance with him while he busted rhymes and jessie had him sing "I'm A Dude" and "Blubbidy Blubbidy" not to mention pic related.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)11:28 No.1955751
    man i've wanted to go to AX for like 4 years now
    i always never get the chance,i'm totally going next round

    I see videos of AX and its cruddy cosplays and like 4 really good ones but other then that it looks like theres nothing to do

    so i'm geussing its all find w/e and its fun as shit?

    HEY if i go next year can i be friends with you guys?
    ;___; no one will go with me to AX
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 07/06/09(Mon)11:34 No.1955770
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    >Yup kel was there, me, Jessie, Shiya, and Jimi got to dance with him while he busted rhymes and jessie had him sing "I'm A Dude" and "Blubbidy Blubbidy" not to mention pic related.

    Seriously? Son of a bitch. Son of a fucking bitch. Did you spend half of the con building some beacon to summon him there or what?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/06/09(Mon)11:36 No.1955780
    yeah man. Come to AX, if you need someone to chill with feel free to chill with me cus shit's always a party around here
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 07/06/09(Mon)11:49 No.1955810
    that would make sense, except said daughter said 'dont take my pic' and the dad pretty much said 'she doesn't know what she wants, just take her pic'. Hence, the argument.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)12:05 No.1955838
    Horror: Trying to drop off costume pieces for a friend at the OMNI, I got kicked off a shuttle. So Embarrassing.
    Horrible: the hotel i stayed at ran out of wristbands/shuttle passes by the 3rd day (my registered hotel night). kept forgetting to cut friend's passes. took Taxi 3 times. Oh well.
    Hilarious: the usual drunk antics.
    Confusing: stalker/tag-alongs during a private photoshoot with lionel.
    Otherwise Notable experiences (good): I actually got all the autographs I went to get. SO LUCKY.
    Otherwise Notable experiences (bad): goddamn thieves.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 07/06/09(Mon)12:09 No.1955847
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    - Drama amongst friends
    - Piss poor management of events by AX staff.

    - Getting autographs from Daisuke Ishiwatari and Toshimichi Mori, and shaking their hands. (Pic related.)
    - Mori actually taking a picture of me in my Zappa cosplay during the Video Game cosplay record attempt.

    - Not breaking the Video Game cosplay record.
    - Missing the Guilty Gear/BlazBlue gathering.
    - Missing cosplay chess.

    - The humongous crowd of people running to the stage to kiss the guy's bald head at the GG/BB panel, just for a shirt. I was worried for the voice actors up there.

    - Bang Shishigami's voice actor shouting "Falcon Punch!"
    - See Fanboy section
    - Impromptu Valve gathering.
    - Seeing Kel Mitchell.
    - >>1955060 This. Double since I know the guy.
    - Seeing the most fuckwin Dhalsim ever.
    - The Kamina robot thinger (not familiar with the series, don't shoot me) with the drill arm that actually worked.
    - IHOP actually not being a gigantic clusterfuck.
    - Hanging out with friends.

    All-in-all, pretty cool weekend.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)12:26 No.1955868
    met kel mitchell
    he was singing "im a dude, hes a dude, shes a dude, were all dudes"
    i thought he was saying jew instead of dude. i sang that very loudly.
    im a jew, hes a jew......
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)12:35 No.1955882
    Horror - Some guy asked for a photo with me and I acquiesced. He was sweaty and put his hand on my stomach. Uh, boundaries?
    Weird - Met quite a few namefags that recognized me. Everyone kept asking if I tripped on here...
    Awesome - Co-Governing the Brawl gathering with MasterShambler. So many people!
    Awesomer - Getting photos with someone from the same series. Her costume was great.
    Annoying - TRYING to get my bokken peacebonded. The staff had no fucking clue what was going on and as a result, I never got a ziptie and got accosted by several security and staff members throughout the con. Nobody directed me to the right place and no one had any idea when places like Registration and the Peace-Bonding Station closed. Not to mention that NONE of the staff members that got on my case had peace-bonds on them, though they're supposed to.
    >> NinjAttorney on Maguma's computer 07/06/09(Mon)12:35 No.1955883
    Awesome - Double Captain Falcon cosplay day

    Fucking hilarious - The "There Will Be Brawl" blooper reel

    Shitty - Finding out what a HUGE disappointment the Console Room was, and on top of that that there was no Classic Console Room.

    Anti-shitty - Bringing an N64 and playing SSB for hours and hours and hours in our hotel room. And even finding really skilled challengers, which KaZzu and I don't find too often in the northwest.

    Jew Moment - In the exhibitor hall, finding a figure I wanted to buy for $40, but then sneakily removing the $25 sticker from a different figure and stealthily putting it on the one I wanted to buy, successfully fooling the dealer thereby saving fifteen bucks.

    BONUS!!!!! - After the con meeting Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew from Loveline and getting pics with them and getting them to sign my flask.

    tl;dr: awesome con was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)12:47 No.1955899
    Sad: the con in general
    horrible: the fact that narutards still exist
    notable: my friend had the best chung li costume, and he was a guy
    -the parties night after night
    -laughing so much that after con i hurt so much
    -completely blowing up on some 14 year old girls in front of the info both and cursing them out cause they think that saying "i lost the game" is funny
    -meeting the people across the hall from our room and finding out they were great
    - my friend shouting out at 2 am in the middle of the street that he was a flaming faggot
    - my friends and i making loud screeching noises on our way to dennys saturday night.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 07/06/09(Mon)12:55 No.1955905
    I see. So you were the Zappa in the Ishiwatari/Mori autograph line that got cut short on Saturday. Good to see you got your autographs.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)13:08 No.1955928
    I forgot to say

    Fucking Awesome: Meeting up with Maguma on the first day, going over to the CGL gathering, meeting all sorts of new cool people such as Katsu and going over to Denny's to hang out.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 07/06/09(Mon)13:14 No.1955939
    Yeah, I was wondering why they had to cut it short, especially since the remaining line wasn't even that long. More AX staff being jerkoffs I guess.

    Also, why do people always have to have the most retarded questions at panels?
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 07/06/09(Mon)13:21 No.1955954
    Because they're fans.

    But at least they blew off the stupid questions. So that was fun to watch.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)14:28 No.1956082
    Freaky: watching Vic Mignogna walk down the hall and not being glomped. I was shocked, I swear he's following me to cons.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/06/09(Mon)15:32 No.1956182
    Forgot a few:
    Horror - People intentionally trying to destroy my props
    Awesome - Maguma voice impersonation
    Awesome - Zombies Ate My Neighbors cosplay
    Notable - The Disgaea booth.
    Amazing - A Solid Snake which would lunge out at you for picking up his box labeled "Free Kittens." It was nice to see a change from "incognito" Snakes.
    Horror - The Falcon Kiss
    Horror - Peacebonding the Gravity Gun
    Horror - Conops didn't want to peacebond the crowbar because it fell into the tool category
    Awesome - Getting stopped by security 11 times telling me real crowbars were not allowed at the convention.
    Awesome - Human GladOS

    >- Impromptu Valve gathering.
    Glad to hear you liked it. It went better than expected, considering it was, yes, very impromptu, but everyone there had a good time. Vids of it are now on youtube.

    >Weird - Met quite a few namefags that recognized me. Everyone kept asking if I tripped on here...
    >Awesome - Co-Governing the Brawl gathering with MasterShambler. So many people!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)15:39 No.1956197
    wonderful: 5 days in a two bedroom suite with a panoramic view, going through 400 bucks of booze at the FIRST party, then getting a bartender and DJ in the rest of the nights. 801.

    sucky: my stomach saying "owned" and telling me i'm about to puke in t-minus 4 seconds just as my back hits the mattress with a girl on top of me. and being the second guy out on our first party. naturally the first guy down was a roommate.

    wonderful: FLIGHT SCHOOL. helipad. all day, all night. no better place to get Pretty High. The dankiest dank shit all weekend that we didn't even put a dent in.

    kinda sucky: having to get a rug doctor because of so much traffic in our room.

    wonderful: playing the fuck out of BlazBlu in our room. Jin, nigga, it's all about Jin.

    sucky: not having a bi-level suite, and a butler. But thats in next years plans.

    Remember 801.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)15:39 No.1956198

    People tried to break your props? O.O Why?
    >> NOTABLE!!! Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:00 No.1956255
    i was in the elevator with maguma once
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:01 No.1956257
    Awesome: Having Vic Minogna ask me for my picture as he was leaving, i had him sign my ikkaku Bankai swords, FUCKINGWIN (for sale)

    Scary: Fangirls stalking me, not one of them was hot.

    Retarded: Having wimpy ass anime fags ask me how much my props weigh then saying "i could carry that around all day"...morons

    Awesome: Having so many people appreciate all the hard work i put in to make my cosplay, thanks guys!

    Gay: Being constantly assaulted by bums. YES i have change, NO you cannot have it.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:04 No.1956263
    Awesome - Meeting a guy from /cgl/ whom I promised to take out for ice cream due to having douchebag exes.

    Awesome - Walking by the Crunchyroll booth with a big group and screaming that we hate it.

    Horror - People shouting "YOU LOST THE GAME" and thinking it was funny

    Horror - Going to Whose Line and expecting funny, but getting too much 4chan humor.

    Awesome - Flash mob.

    Awkward - "I love going to cons because there are so many BEAUTIFUL WOMEN there" guy.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 07/06/09(Mon)16:04 No.1956265
    This is why I love being friends with you crazy kids.

    <3 Thanks for being wonderful hosts!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:08 No.1956271
    Oh, I forgot:

    Horror - Not seeing Maguma once, even when calling him twice to talk to him about dropping out of Cosplay Chess in favor of Masquerade. fuuuuu
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/06/09(Mon)16:27 No.1956317
    I'm still not sure...
    The first time he ran past me and whacked my grav gun, I thought he was just in a real hurry.
    The second time he did it, I knew it was intentional.
    The third time he did it, he did it with two friends. Now I knew this was getting super serial. Basically, they would watch and wait while I would pose with my Grav Gun, and then they would run past, hitting it. The third time actually did break the gun in several places, but MasterShambler was a godsend with his Super Glue and let me use it, and got it back into 100% condition in time for the Valve and VGWR gatherings. The gun is still in quite good condition and I will be making a few modifications to this existing one to make it a tad better for SDCC.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:28 No.1956321
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    Horror - two fatass goth chicks hug me out of nowhere

    Hilarious -friend accidentally stepped on some kids cape, causing him to fall, and leaving a shoeprint on the cape

    Hilarious - spending like 3minutes trying to summon our friends with the meeting stone cosplayer

    Hilarious - getting interviewed by Kel from "Kenan and Kel"

    Hilarious- being asked where i bought my cosplay from...when i told them it was hand-made, they got jealous

    Notable - shaking Mana and K's hand during the moi dix mois signing, and giving K my hairbrush

    pic is me in cosplay
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:28 No.1956323
    Awsome: some decent looking girls who were super high started hitting on me and my friend.
    >> papadakis#rla Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:30 No.1956331

    sup Katsu? It's Alex. Hope you had a great weekend. Walks and all. Every year is to be better than the last. So watch out for '10, we're doing it again. Except this time we're pre-gaming at ALA or KatsuCon or somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:31 No.1956332

    I'm sorry to hear that! I'm glad it's in good condition, though. =/ Man, I would have beat the shit out of that guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:34 No.1956341
    Ugh, that is very annoying already; you all should come to attention that NOTHING IS NO HOMO. Ugh, which one of your group would you be, that one who bonked the fat chick at the rave or the dead drunk guy?


    oshit, there was one? Drat, I knew I should have checked /cgl/ before I left.

    For me, con was pretty much a cluster fuck. Got high (Pretty much staples; weed, E, whatever.), enjoyed the dances, pretty much it. I do have to say, did Sandman get bigger or something? Last time I saw him DJ, he seemed a bit thinner, at least I hope he was. And seriously Amaya, Over 9,000? Good mix, but come on!

    Ugh, at least I was able to obtain some good lulz from it all. A good time was had by all.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 07/06/09(Mon)16:39 No.1956350
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    >Being constantly assaulted by bums.

    Welcome to Los Angeles. Enjoy your stay.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/06/09(Mon)16:46 No.1956358
    I actually feared a bit for my safety. Because I had both the grav gun and the crowbar, I couldn't chase them without ditching my crowbar. I went back to the hotel after the third attack and changed into "normal people close", which was black jeans and a HL2 shirt. I kept the crowbar, hoping they'd try to take it, and since I didn't have anything else to hold, I could run after them. If security spotted us, at least we'd all maybe get in trouble and ruin the con for them hopefully. There was no bait and switch though...
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 07/06/09(Mon)16:50 No.1956364
    Alex! Hanging out with you and Mike this weekend was totally awesome - you guys really helped make the con for me. I lost your sn too (deleted all of my text messages, forgot to save that one! Sorry!) so grab mine from Mike and don't be a stranger. <3 Also, you should definitely go to KatsuCon! It's so much fun!

    Anyway, here we go:

    Horror/Hilarious - Judging Battle of the Bands with Alex, Mike, and 4ng. Best Commentary Ever.

    Weird - Some guy asking me to turn around while wearing my Holon costume. Mmm, tact!

    Lame - no panty party. Alas.

    Awesome - Finally achieving my dream of being part of/organizing a Gorillaz cosplay group (Thanks to my other band members - you guys are awesome). Friends, parties, LCS, Cosplay Chess. Rooftop wine with good friends and a full moon. Singing and being out of character at the macross gathering. Wonderful memories and beautiful California weather. Signing MJ's memorial billboard: "Thank you."

    All in all, a successful weekend. I'll be back next year, for sure!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:52 No.1956368

    Please give trip report of your first party.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)17:10 No.1956387

    I was not there. I was passed the fuck out after smoking too much after doing shots and missed what was apparently our best party. Shucks.

    And Katsu, this is the other Alex. Not cosplay, megaphone Alex, but Thomas, New York, W Hotel Alex.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 07/06/09(Mon)17:14 No.1956390
    Oh, word? Well, it was awesome hanging with you too! I miss you tons, and I cant wait to see you again in August! Keep in touch!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)17:14 No.1956391
    Horror - That Maguma was staying on the same floor that I was on.
    >> Duralath !Qd72V9GYSk 07/06/09(Mon)17:33 No.1956423
    Finding out that the room situation changed a bit on day 0.
    Losing full voice usage by day 2 (though most people didn't even realize it).
    Length of what went on during Anime Singled Out while being in the hot-seat.
    Walking everywhere because I didn't bother to buy a shuttle pass. Ah well.

    Running the Forum Meet and Greet and getting positive reviews for it.
    Last Comic Standing (ARE. YOU. READY!?)
    Bitchin' One Piece: Unlimited Cruise group.
    Destroying everyone at 3rd Strike in the arcade.
    Being in the hot-seat during Anime Singled Out.
    Ridiculous partying (and not losing my insides after any of it).

    Bet it. Anime Expo 2010: The Decade of DAWKNESS.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)17:46 No.1956449
    Lol, wanna shout that a little louder?
    Seriously dude, hit me up on Coscom and we'll swap pics and stuff. Sorry about those assholes trying to break your gun...if I'm at the next con you're at and they pull shit like that, they break your gun and I break their faces.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)17:51 No.1956465
    Hilarious - Some guy in a Toxic Holocaust shirt cussing the hell out of one of the staff because she told him that the place he wanted to get into was VIP only.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/06/09(Mon)18:03 No.1956506

    Yeah. Seconding this.

    I gave MrFreeman my number and told him at-con after I presume was the 3rd time, to call me. I told him that if it happened again, he needs to get in contact with me so I can get ahold of con staff and myself. Either I'd get those dudes banned or I'd rough them up first. Both if I was fortunate. I was looking for trouble this year at AX, too bad nothing happened that merited a fight, and no one tried anything stupid.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/06/09(Mon)18:06 No.1956519
    People dropping out of the hotel room literally last second
    One Piece gathering and Narutards invading
    Seeing said Narutards making out (MY EYES!)
    Final Fantasy X-2 dance skit at Masquerade
    Locking my keys in my car in Pismo Beach
    Masa breaking my car door's lock after getting said car unlocked.
    Almost losing my forelock of hair for Cammy

    Finding my forelock of hair for Cammy
    Last Comic Standing: Anton's singing
    Big Wes as Zangief
    My boyfriend as Jackie Chan as Chun Li >>1955060
    Anime Singled Out ('nuff said)
    Most of the Santa Maria trip

    That line for the dances, seriously, what the fuck was that!
    The fact that Caramelldansen made it into the Masquerade.

    Suppa Coo/Made My Day:
    Having Ai-honey's ex tell me he liked my masquerade skit (along with many other people)
    Getting a lot of pictures as Gackpoid
    Going up on the helipad with Team Dawkness and taking classy photos.
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 07/06/09(Mon)18:16 No.1956561
    >Locking my keys in my car in Pismo Beach
    the only time it is good to have a former car theif on hand
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/06/09(Mon)18:20 No.1956577

    I was never taught to fix locks, just undo them.
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/06/09(Mon)18:26 No.1956596
    Also, I need to start fucking cosplaying or something else again. That whole "OH I HAS SPESHUL HAT" thing even bugs me now.
    >> Ash !!FC32to2/4vQ 07/06/09(Mon)18:34 No.1956630
    -waking up to see the dark black stains in our white carpet AUUUUGH
    -droves of random people no one knew in our room!
    -day 0 registration taking 60 hours
    -being chatted up by a furry raver fox in an elevator :<

    -day 1 registration taking 2 minutes
    -Last Comic Standing's contestants ALL being very legitimate this year, a million times better than '08.
    -meeting a very awesome girl who i spent a big portion of the con with B)

    -the massive amount of people in our room every night.
    -how drunk I got
    -apparently i spoke for an entire night with a japanese accent*
    -blowing though nearly $500 of booze a night

    Crazy Awesome:
    -meeting a bunch of you sweethurrtz I hadn't met before, ie. katsu, maguma <3
    -getting to hang with all my BEST BROZ for a weekend
    -daisuke ishiwatari yelling GUN FLAME

    -realizing it's over and saying goodbye to everyone :(

    Much love to everyone who was hanging out with us in 801. Next year, the curse of the grand sorceror J. W. Marriott shall spread across the land!

    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/06/09(Mon)18:44 No.1956669
    Delicious drunk - Tequila Mockingbird, Watermelon, Blue Hawaiian, Mint Chocolate Chip, Adios Motherfucker, Red Wine


    Enlightening - Telling the guests to get the fuck out, tag teaming it with Rev. JESSE JAX THE BLAX. NIGGAS IT IS FOUR TWENTY IN THE A.M. WE HAS GOT TO GET THE FUCK OUT.

    Awesome - One Piece Unlimited Cruise group.

    Cool - Meeting Kaname

    Amazing - My roommates this year. Q was keeping the quota of bro jokes and enforcing the LAW. (brota?) Dymatrex was the face of INSANITY AND ENERGY the entire fucking time. Jill was Eyecandy, Katsu was the most interesting woman at AX. She held down a group of 3 men in interesting conversation while fully inebriated just to let a homie get a chance with a girl. Andrew kept it real and classy. Kaistar kept up the funk, and Mikado. Well.

    Painful - Waking up every morning, since I averaged 3-4 hours of sleep.

    Awkward - Having conversations with people after the 'jet lag' of flight school.

    Not so good - being sick from day 2 onward. Fuck it.

    Hilarious - Mikado, myself, Duralath and Kaistar dancing, goofing off and singing at the day zero after hours karaoke room in the Westin, and fangirling over Katie to the point where she fucked up her song, lolololol TAKE THAT, BITCH.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/06/09(Mon)18:45 No.1956672
    Lulz - Anime Expo: Last Comic Standing. Gotta thank Carlos, Solidus Prime, Chris, Anton, Fazio, Soap, Greg, and the man who won it all, G!

    Sucks - Being hungry 60% of the time.

    Tension - Having to rough up the Naruto queers that tried to crash the One Piece gathering, I shoved them off since they were getting in the way of people trying to get their photos taken.

    Amusing - Going to Anime Expo: Singled Out while completely blitzed on Goldschlager. Fuck was it stuffy in there. Winning Zal wasn't that fun, I pretty much knew I was going to win.

    Disappointing - I didn't really dance all that much, I didn't go to the dances at all for that matter, save for on day 1 I went in for a grand total of 2 minutes. SHIT SUCKED. BRING BACK TW33K.

    disappointing - The no pants party. My parties were WAY better than this shit. Glad I left, I was only there to siphon hot girls; there were none.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 07/06/09(Mon)18:50 No.1956688
    Aw dude, Katie is a sweetie.

    Definitely full roll call of TEAM DAWKNESS for 2010.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)18:53 No.1956694
    Horror - Faggots in Guy Fawkes' masks, still thinking it makes them special.

    Awesome - It was my first time going to a con. I was expecting something along the lines of Failure due to the boards' general attitude w/ conventions, was proven wrong.

    Awesome - I never knew how fun it was taking pictures of cosplayers, good or bad, I didn't care. It felt like I was playing an IRL version of Pokemon Snap.

    Horror - My camera ran out of memory very fast.

    Notable - Walking on the Figueroa Blvd along with a crowd of cosplayers and congoers was a really fun experience.

    Hilarious - Talking and smoking with the bums as me and my friend were smoking some blunt outside our hotel.

    Horror - Bums fighting amongst some other bums who saw us smoking, and almost getting involved.

    Awesome - The black dude staying in the room next to us selling us some weed. Thank you, dude.

    Awkward - The dance, just because I don't dance that much.

    Hilarious - Seeing my friend try and breakdance and failing hard.

    Horror - Having to work the next day because our Manager can't afford to let me and my friend have the day off on the 4th. He was expecting it to be very busy, but the place was DEAD for the whole day. Needless to say, we were very very very butthurt.
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/06/09(Mon)18:59 No.1956705
    Epic win -
    AX having an ITG 2 machine with good songs on it.

    Epic Fail -
    Feeling like I needed to pass out on it.
    Passing out on the couch and not waking up until 1 PM Saturday, missing my ride for AX.
    People at the MJ memorial yelling shit at us.
    Me not having a cosplay.
    My ride was a douche.
    Gaya not having a booth to troll.
    My camera battery dying.

    Lulz -
    My friend dropping her camera from the second floor, having it shatter into hundreds of pieces.
    Meeting SoySauce.
    Maguma's Palkia cosplay.
    Taking 200 pictures and videos within Friday and not having my camera battery die until I got home.

    Severe FAIL -
    Having to Walk to the Westin, Run back to the convention center for a cancelled gathering, then walk back to the Westin all within an hour and a half.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:01 No.1956710
    haha i'm much hotter than zal's boyfriend
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:02 No.1956713
    Riding the elevator for a few hours before getting kicked out.

    Telling people to all jump at the same time when the elevator was crowded and actually getting people to do it once
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/06/09(Mon)19:03 No.1956717

    That isn't saying much as the female you are talking shit to a man in a chun li outfit impersonating Jackie Chan.
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/06/09(Mon)19:04 No.1956719
    Shit sounds hilarious.
    >> Kaistiggity !!Mzw6k+oR4c7 07/06/09(Mon)19:06 No.1956723

    you werent even there, were you fgt?!?!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/06/09(Mon)19:09 No.1956731

    I know right? Nigga's talking like he's already in. :D
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 07/06/09(Mon)19:10 No.1956733
    Told you that I'm a great wingman, Nick. I'll do anything for my boys!

    Well. Almost anything. :|
    >> Kaistiggity !!Mzw6k+oR4c7 07/06/09(Mon)19:11 No.1956734

    we'll do anything for you, bebe <3

    well, almost anything :|
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 07/06/09(Mon)19:14 No.1956737

    Watching you drink anything was awesome!

    Well, almost anything. :l
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 07/06/09(Mon)19:17 No.1956741
    That didn't deliver the impact that I'm assuming you were trying for.

    But I still <3 you.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/06/09(Mon)19:18 No.1956743
    Pics or GTFO
    >> G 07/06/09(Mon)19:21 No.1956752
    Shout-Out - I gotta give special props to Chris (aka Afro Samurai) in giving me the best advice for LCS during the audition process where I was sweating bullets. After seeing the crowd go wild with a bunch of dick and rape jokes I was worried that my simple set of nerd based jokes that did not even push the PG rating would totally fall flat. Chris just looks at me after the whole ordeal and says that old fashioned jokes and good comedy will win out over any shock value routine that lacks fundamentals. With that word of advice I proceeded to run my set and old school as possible.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/06/09(Mon)19:26 No.1956764
    G? As in the G that won LCS? If so I loved your work dude. Being able to think on your feet in the semi finals against Anton was a "flawless victory".

    Good job dude
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 07/06/09(Mon)19:28 No.1956775
    Nigga I been in. Just stuck visiting fam, haha.
    >> Godhand 07/06/09(Mon)19:28 No.1956776
    Horror: Yoai cam-whores. It's really kinda sad.

    Horror: Some fat drunk guy found me twice and tried to 'kill me' my attempting to take my beam katana away and attack me with it, generally acting like a damn fool. Really could have done without that.

    Weird: I was mistaken for a Killer 7 character instead of Travis Touchdown, the guy I actually cosplayed as.

    Hilarious: For every picture I was asked to have taken, it was quickly followed by, "and can we get one of you charging your beam katana." To which I was happy to oblige.

    Notable: Ran into three other Travis' over the course of the convention and actually had one apologize for the condition of his cosplay stating he was actually Travis' cousin Samuel Slamdunk. Poor guy.

    Notable: Several booth babes demanded that I charge my beam katana for them and a few booth owners as well including FUNimation, the yuri booth, and Trauma Center/Atlus.

    Awesome: They were perfectly okay with me thanking them for the inspiration when I finished 'charging' said beam katana for them.

    Awesome: The fact that it was my first year cosplaying and my friend did such a good job on the costume that I got photo bombed every day I was there. Not really used to that.

    Win: Leaving the hotel in my normal clothes sans all costume pieces and having someone random person I had never seen before ask, "Hey Touchdown, are you headed back to the convention center." Apparently I just am Travis Touchdown.

    EPIC WIN: Successfully convincing one photographer that I really did have to jerk the beam katana off to turn it on. She was totally speechless until her boyfriend set her straight.
    >> papadakis !!6/LUZqPC5VW 07/06/09(Mon)19:31 No.1956783
    >> Ash !!FC32to2/4vQ 07/06/09(Mon)19:32 No.1956786
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    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 07/06/09(Mon)19:34 No.1956790
    Jackson and Adrian made that party, man. Needs more Tequila Mockingbird and Mint Chocolate Chip.


    ... AX 2010 = Duralath Flash Mob Year y/n/yyyyyyyyy.
    >> Godhand 07/06/09(Mon)19:35 No.1956798
    Oh yeah...
    and in classic Godhand fashion I found the hottest Rikku FFX-2 cosplayer and took a crossover photo with her. As you all know I would have preferred the FFX version but no one cosplays as that one anymore. Sigh...
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/06/09(Mon)19:37 No.1956804
    I lol'd.
    >> CAPT Jack !DcF1c2Lgvs 07/06/09(Mon)19:44 No.1956826
    And Andrew's package jiggling VERY VISIBLY above my head.

    I can support Zangeif on my chest.
    Getting to snap at dumbasses who think yelling "the game" is still funny after the 923804823084th time

    A gay dude going out of his way to get a lesbian drunk.
    The fact that a working Mister Hat prop got all the fucking credit for my jokes.
    "Reading is for fags! ..Wait, the Divine Comedy? I need to borrow that" --MH
    "Do lesbian chicks go straight when drunk?" --MH
    "Grappling Dick" --JB
    "I'll shave my ass for you. I'll even shave YOUR ass." --JB
    "I'll be 18 for you!" "Too old." -JB
    Yelling "YES, I AM A FLAMING FAGGOT" on Figueroa at 2am when somebody asked if I was gay. And then immediately finding out that the one who asked me was gay.
    Going down Figueroa and setting an old hobo into a seizure-like rage for our group of 13 screeching like birds at 10pm on the way to Denny's.
    Surprise nipple
    >> Dyme !!+iLXIZKHVEk 07/06/09(Mon)19:44 No.1956827
    Horror: Trying to just get into the middle of South Hall when the Dealers Room first opened. Security wasn't letting anyone by.


    Awesome: The Improptu Street Fighter shoot with the epic Dhalsim, Ikuy, Maguma and Katsu

    Awesome: Getting groped by Zal and Ikuy. At the same time.

    Notable: Giving a much better performance in AX Idol and having them scream Ken's attacks as my warmup before I did my monologue.

    INCREDIBLE: The Darth Maul cosplayer who was a finalist in Voice Acting for AX Idol. He was AMAZING.

    Hilarious: Meeting earlier mentioned Zangief by getting Atomic Buster'd. No joke.

    Hilarious: The Van Damme Guile cosplayer.

    Frustrating: The Capcom vs. SNK shoot. Shit got so out of hand it reminded me of why I don't go to gatherings anymore.

    Hilarious: ALL OF COSPLAY CHESS.

    Memorable: Meeting a lot of people in the West Coast area that I haven't seen since AX '06. Also meeting some other people for the first time.

    FUCKING EPIC: Helping out with the Transformers Party outfits (aka the movie versions of Bumblebee, Jazz and Frenzy).

    Notable: Making Kyle Hebert laugh when doing my Ace Ventura routine. /ego inflation

    And finally...

    Memorable: Having the best roommates ever for this convention: Mikado, Masa, Maguma, Zal, Katsu, and the rest.

    That's all that comes to mind at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:46 No.1956830
    Hilarious - Watching a fat Pikachu cosplayer eat shit and cry in West Hall.
    It made me feel like a bad person.
    >> CAPT Jack !DcF1c2Lgvs 07/06/09(Mon)19:46 No.1956831
    Oh yeah. And apparently I come in multiple colors.
    >> Maekar !5BhGrkpcto 07/06/09(Mon)19:48 No.1956835
    thats pretty talented jack
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/06/09(Mon)19:48 No.1956836
    HEY JACK!!


    Seriously, too fucking bad we didn't hang. I was so caught up in the moment of AX I didn't even think.
    Also too bad you didn't show for Little Tokyo, oh well I have fun on my own.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)19:49 No.1956839
    >> Maekar !5BhGrkpcto 07/06/09(Mon)20:01 No.1956856
    thats funny cause i was actually rooming with a chick that was doing her best to finish and go as riku from ffx, but she spent more time bitching and complaining than workin on the cosplay and ended up not finishing it.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:04 No.1956863
    Horror- my friend making me stand in line for three hours to get an autograph from fucking Yun Kouga
    Hilarious- asking to take a picture with Rape Watch pyramid head. As I walk away, he grabs my horns and starts girating his hips. I run into him three other times that day.
    Notable- Robot Chicken Pannel with Seth Green.
    Hilarious- Doing Caramelldansen with several grown men.
    Notable- running into a woman several times without realizing later that it's the voice of Haruko from FLCL
    Adorable- baby Chun Li
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)20:05 No.1956865
    anyone got any info on the dude that took a turd in the Westin elevators?
    >> Godhand 07/06/09(Mon)20:15 No.1956889
    That's a shame though. I hope she tries again next year or maybe at a later convention.
    >> CAPT Jack !DcF1c2Lgvs 07/06/09(Mon)20:38 No.1956940
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    bah. yea sorry about that. i was already hanging out and they weren't so much up for the drive to little tokyo, especially because i was the only one who wasn't broke. well i'll at least hang and/or party with you next time. still got my PMX V-card so let me know if you wanna go
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/06/09(Mon)20:41 No.1956950
    You got it dude.
    >> E-mail me if you had an AX of equal or greater value. The Mikado !MikadonohM 07/06/09(Mon)21:01 No.1957016
    The Neat-o: Meating Koname (is that how you spell it?) as he was wearing the Wanted-Sanji cosplay and enjoying my Unlimited Cruise Sanji. Also, trying to speak with him.

    The Serious Business: Staffing, and actually being a part of the AX project (a small part, but a part nonetheless).

    The Horror: Losing chunks of the Dawkness meteor the closer it landed to the con (translation: people flaked out of the room).

    The Pride: The fact that my three cosplays actually looked like they had a bit of individual effort, rather than just being an eBay job all the way through.

    The Nostalgic: The night sky blending in with the building lights as the crew had a classy rooftop moment.

    The Taste: In-N-Out, as always.

    The Lol: Another year went by without anyone following up on their violent threats toward Nick. What a buncha bros.

    The /con: AX Last Comic Standing. The contestants (especially G) were amazing, the process was smooth and nearly flawless and the crowd was fucking rowdy and badass. The feeling of turning sissies (people who attend the Masquerade) into real men is nothing short of fuckwin.

    The Holy-Shitballs: Manly Kittan looks like the bad guy from "The Mask."

    The lolwat: Fucking LoFi said he was gonna room with us and then ended up backing out.

    The Chill: Meeting some people from here, including this one broad that trolled me (lol u fucking hooker, i'll slap ur mouth if i see u again).

    The Win: The idea of 2010.
    >> Jacuzzi 07/06/09(Mon)21:17 No.1957062
    Horror: Sitting next to the near perfect representation of the stereotypical otaku. He would have been perfect, but luckily for me, he didn't smell.

    Horror: Trying to tolerate retarded questions at EVERY panel I attended (seriously people, asking if things had been licensed after being told specifically that anything they ask about had not been licensed? Ugh.).

    Awesome: Having two of a very tiny percentage of people who recognized who I was cosplaying as be Yasuhiro Nightow and Seiji Mizushima.

    Awesome to the umpteenth degree: Getting a picture in said costume with Mizushima (who directed the series), then having Mizushima ask if he could get a picture of us together with his camera.

    Horror: Nearly being trampled by the Host Club gathering when they decided to change locations.

    Hilarious: Overhearing someone say, "I LOST THE GAME" and someone right next to him say, "SHUT THE HELL UP."

    Awesome: Being thanked for cosplaying a character.

    Awesome: Seeing so many amazing costumes (although sometimes it also made me feel a little pathetic).

    Awkward: Trying to be nice to a younger fan who was nice but also very annoying and seemed like they wanted to show how much of an expert they were on a certain series.
    >> Dyme !!+iLXIZKHVEk 07/06/09(Mon)21:20 No.1957077

    The Holy-Shitballs: Manly Kittan looks like the bad guy from "The Mask."

    Don't forget what's in store for next year, Gary.
    >> Master Shambler 07/06/09(Mon)21:39 No.1957146
    Staff as always
    Day 0 prereg line
    losing my wallet and having all the cash stolen and my SD card
    couple cosplays falling apart on me mid con.

    Big Wes as Zangief
    Bro Li
    Anime Singled Out (SHIT WAS RIGGED)

    line for the dances
    several events being held away from the con at Westin
    kicking people out at 12. WTF this used to be a 24hr con.

    Made My Day:
    Photoshoot with PikminLink
    Escorting Ai Honey from her hotel
    Mr. Freeman finding my memory card
    wallet being returned
    Some media interviews
    Finally meeting Zal, Masa, Kelly, Mr Freeman, Aihoney, Indy, Wes, Katsu, Dao, Ergheiz Zero, and anyone else on here I may have forgotten~
    the Gurren Laggan and his win drill
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:48 No.1957172
    Did you get laid and puke on her all in one shot?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:49 No.1957174
    >>1957146 Escorting Ai Honey from her hotel
    I see potential for epic win here if an explination is given. DETAILS!?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)21:56 No.1957185
    i just stole shit bro, put stuff i wanted in my back and walked away. MGS skills :)
    >> Master Shambler 07/06/09(Mon)21:56 No.1957189
    Maguma and I didn't want her to walk to the con alone from her hotel to come and host her Anime Singled out panel. I offered to walk down and pick her up. It was dark and made sense.
    >> Master Shambler 07/06/09(Mon)21:59 No.1957202
    I too forgot
    Fucking hilarious - The "There Will Be Brawl" blooper reel
    also where did you see Adam and Dr. Drew?! Thats fucking awesome!
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/06/09(Mon)22:00 No.1957205
    Dude, I loved your Cable cosplay. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:05 No.1957222

    How did your King of Hyrule turn out?
    >> NegativeOneSuitSamus 07/06/09(Mon)22:06 No.1957227
         File1246932414.jpg-(104 KB, 600x800, King_Daphnes_Nohansen_Hyrule_b(...).jpg)
    104 KB
    Pardon me, Shambler, let me answer this young Anon's question.
    Pretty fucking sweet.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:08 No.1957233
    Dark backstreet double rape?
    >> Dyme !!+iLXIZKHVEk 07/06/09(Mon)22:11 No.1957246
         File1246932666.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1200x1600, IMG_3270.jpg)
    1.06 MB

    Hey man, I got a photo of you at the con.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:11 No.1957248

    I wonder if any kids went up to him thinking he was Santa
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:12 No.1957251
    Tall-Ass Team Magma Grunt here, shit was so cash this year.
    -Meeting a couple of you from here (Freeman, MAGUMA, a few other non-tripfags)
    -The pokemon gathering, fucking great
    -Actually meeting up with and hanging out with 2 other grunts on the 3rd day.
    -Getting raped by rape-time Pyramid head. I CAME
    -Hunting for and eventually getting a free shiney mudkip in the exhibit hall.
    Not Awesome:
    -My friend forgetting the other half of his executioner axe in bakersfield and having to drive ALL the way home and then back to get it
    -Getting sick on the 4th day :< Recovering
    -Not being able to figure out where the /cgl/ meetup was since my PC at home is broken and Westin Internets was 12$, FFFFFFFFF
    Lol Wat?:
    -This group of people in the elevator at the westin that just stared in one direction, didn't say a word, and turned one step to their right on every stop for a floor. Fuckin weird (But I loled)
    Fucking Overdone:
    "THE GAME"
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 07/06/09(Mon)22:13 No.1957255

    You gotta wonder how hot it was in that costume.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:26 No.1957289
         File1246933610.jpg-(33 KB, 453x604, 5975_510475252739_139801632_30(...).jpg)
    33 KB
    did anyone record deadpool playing para para?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:33 No.1957307

    I was ..but then I started my turn on blazblue ;_;
    it was so epic..watching him deadpool dance.
    >> Master Shambler 07/06/09(Mon)22:49 No.1957342
    many thanks! :) I was very happy with the final results.

    not too bad actually. the buly was a pillow that I could punch for an instant rush of air.

    no, although, I did hear, BURGER KING EVERY FUCKING 10 MINUTES, SERIOUSLY?!? REALLY!??!

    many thanks man! ->>1957233

    prevented yes
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:55 No.1957360
    This was my first all four day con. I've been going since '06 and I used to just go for one day. I'll start with the negatives first:

    Not ballin':
    -Not having as much money as I really planned on having and having spent $30 on food only to leave it at thome because
    -None of my friends who were going to be driving ended up driving. In fact, I only got over there because at the last minute I called up a friend who I was ORIGINALLY going to go with but my friends who didn't have transportation assured me they would and everything would be peachy, but shit kept going bad for all of us and it was nearly all out of our control.
    -Not having anywhere to stay the first night and second night but that got balanced out by my friend who gave us a ride letting us sleep in his room for free and the second night by our friend with the condos reviving his dead phone and finally getting into touch with us so we could take a taxi out to go visit him.
    -Girlfriend losing her pass (we didn't know about reprinting fees at the time so it was scary. Luckily, we just got it reprinted.)
    - Not getting any sleep 2 days prior to con and only an hour or two the first night.
    -Not having any money left after taxi rides/eating out due to not having the food I bought with us to buy any con items.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)22:56 No.1957363
    NOW for the truly BALLIN' shit
    -Meeting up with friends I haven't met before: Jimi (Hope you enjoy the violin), Maguma, Brock Lokster, Liana, etc.
    -Meeting up with friends I have met a few times before: Masa, Ikuy, Jerth, Mikado (You need to start talking to me more, mang. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever. This is Joey, btw.), etc.
    -Winning a few matches of 3rd Strike and losing 3 times in a row to this amazing Oro player who could juggle like NOBODY's business
    -Screaming until my voice was hoarse at Last Comic Standing with that one dude with the fro. Don't think I ever got his name, but he was ballin'. Gotta say I loved G-Unit most of all and was glad he won. Gotta love dat Gspot. I lost my voice for a bit screamin' for you man.
    -Just LCS in general. Everyone was good. Only thing that wasn't ballin' was when Anton got a little desperate and started trying to bag on G and took his shirt off and didn't have his guitar tuned and had too long of a song. Overall though, Anton seemed pretty cool and had some ridiculously hilarious jokes (the Piccolo in high school one was fucking funny.) Afro Samurai guy (Chris, I believe?) was ridiculously ballin'. Took some photos with him outside of the Marriot.
    -Stopping by Masa's party for a bit and playing BlazBlue with people. If you were there at the start, I was with the dude who was tearing ass with Tager. There was a girl and a guy who were pretty good there too. Can't wait to get that game.
    -Mother fucking Kel Mitchell hosting a dance contest on day 4 and entering and having my group win (I was the chubby white guy rollan that dice and shoppin that cart.) He signed my Fatal Fury hat. <333
    >> CynicalPink !!+bkeIeL8ptV 07/06/09(Mon)23:02 No.1957381
    Seriously? Kel? As in 'Who Loves Orange Soda?' Kel? That's amazing. A few of my friends and I were just wondering where he went off to. Seeing as Kenan is so prosperous now.
    >> Water !1ZNFzW7cKY 07/06/09(Mon)23:06 No.1957388
    Yeah, haha. I can't dance for shit so I was going for the LOL LOOK AT THE CHUBBY BEARDED GUY DOING THE DICE ROLLAN IT'S JUST LIKE KNOCKED UP effect.

    Also, I figure I know enough tripfags on /cgl/ now that I should start tripfaggan myself. Plan on cosplaying next year.
    >> CynicalPink !!+bkeIeL8ptV 07/06/09(Mon)23:11 No.1957410
    That's sweet. Dude.. Does anyone have a picture with or of him there? My friends are never going to believe me without pictoral evidence.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)23:15 No.1957419
    deadpool on para para? upload what you got! who cares if it isnt complete i wanna c this lol
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)23:15 No.1957420
    Shitty - The best AMV at the contest was an action one. That's how much they all sucked.

    Shitty - Everything about Masquerade. The staff selling the front row tickets was just about the biggest load of bullshit I've ever seen (especially their sales pitch of YOU MIGHT NOT GET A TICKET threat) to the incredibly bad skits of the show itself.

    Shitty - The Parliamentary "Debates". I left first day after he forced a console war question.

    Horror - I've been going to AX since '03, but I'm still amazed at the general social awkwardness of everyone.

    Horror - Having a creepy guy in front of us in line for AMVs keep staring at us whenever someone talked.

    Awesome - Seeing a Princess Tutu cosplay walk-on in Masquerade.

    Awesome - Robot Chicken panel.
    Not awesome - 90% of the questions asked at the Robot Chicken panel. "OMG SETH YOU'RE SO SEXY oh by the way, I love your show."
    >> Gen.Gerard !!kESKpTXAsGh 07/06/09(Mon)23:15 No.1957422
    -"The Game" when will it die, it's not funny anymore
    -A jackass running into me on purpose, breaking one of the bullet holders that stick out of the back of the shoulders.

    -Being mistaken for Bumblebee at least 50 times
    -Being interveiwed for an Indian news cast, not about the con but about Michael Jackson
    -A bum following me and a group of people about half way from the con to the Westin, he never asked for money once just ranted about the Lakers

    -Meeting tons of people from here, Maguma, MrFreeman, Master Shambler, among others
    -Most people knowing who Metabee was and complimenting the costume
    -Getting pictures with the Gurren-Lagann Cosplayer as Metabee and him complimenting my costume
    -the Gurren-Lagann movie
    -All the random people at the con that helped me when Metabee needed Minor repairs

    All in all a great con, can't wait for next year.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)23:33 No.1957476
    Horror: Waiting in line at pre-reg.
    Horror: Watching people doing the caramel dansen.. then watching them doing it wrong.
    Horror: AX staff and some of the booth people... one wouldn't sell the white base to my friend for 2$ off because he was 2 short.
    Horror: Knowing I had the best urahara cosplay of the whole con but didn't bring it because I didn't have my wig.
    Horror: Listening to so many stupid questions from panels. I remember a ragna cosplayer asked ishiwatari why rachel calls him her sweet sin. Answer is in story mode of the game...
    Weird: Not seeing kel somehow.
    Weird: Watching a bum eat some cake from this butler cosplayer in the con.
    Awesome: Seth getting everyone to say holy fucking ass crackers.
    Awesome: Nightow expressing his deep gratitude for his fans.
    Awesome: GUN FUREMU
    Hilarious: Gurren lagann using his drill for suggestive poses.
    Hilarious: My friends as usual disturbing everyone in IHOP.
    >> Doctor RattMice !!gAB8qa/IEmy 07/06/09(Mon)23:56 No.1957545
         File1246938984.jpg-(2.69 MB, 2848x4288, DSC_0705.jpg)
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    well look who's here!

    thanks for the dragon pokemon. It was nice meeting you.

    Sorry about telling your flapjack that chowder and misadventures is canceled.

    Pictures are almost up so you need to add me on myspace or something so I can send you the rest
    >> Doctor RattMice !!gAB8qa/IEmy 07/07/09(Tue)00:04 No.1957577
    btw here's my source on the flapjack chowder stuff:
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)00:09 No.1957597
    Oh hey man! And thanks, I've yet to find any pics of me yet :< So its appreciated
    Flapjacks got your myspace, but mine is here:
    Just add me and shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)00:14 No.1957611

    Post dem pics
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)00:17 No.1957617
    >>Flapjack and Chowder canceled
    My fucking heart...just broke
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)00:20 No.1957626
    Whaaat? I loved Flapjack.
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/07/09(Tue)00:25 No.1957637
         File1246940724.jpg-(2.21 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN0276.jpg)
    2.21 MB
    Oh hey, Loved your Team Magma (Almost said Maguma, Ffffff)
    >> Doctor RattMice !!gAB8qa/IEmy 07/07/09(Tue)00:28 No.1957640
    I have so many pictures I want to share with you horrible CGLers! I am so satisfied with some of them, but right now im using picasa for the first time just to import all 13k of them followed by resizing the HUEG ness of them all and weeding out the bad ones.

    I REALLLLLY wanna share the shoot Jimi and I did but I have to ask if it's ok with her first.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)00:34 No.1957650
    Can't wait to see them, I'm excited.
    And that's an XBAWKS HUEG amount of pictures bro.
    And I hope that Bagon I traded you helps you finally beat the elite 4.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)00:44 No.1957671
    awsome: cosplaying for the first time, i was Vault 101
    shitty: getting no pic requests on first day
    awsome: getting some pics on second day
    shitty: waking up at 6 am, getting to registration on 1st day, getting tickets at 10am, finding out exhibit hall opens in 2hrs
    hilarious: Anime Singled Out
    hilarious: rape clock
    fun: throwing a deck of cards at my friend and then throwing an orange ball while waiting for singled out
    sucks: masquerade
    awsome: Death Note Rhapsody and whole crowd bobbing head head during song
    stupid: CODE: roll
    freekin sweet: dead fantasy 1 2 3 4 5
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)00:49 No.1957685
    The Left4dead remix Lain AMV was even worse than Code: Roll man. Death Note Rhapsody was sweet though (As was the FATAL FRAME AMV OMG I CAME)
    Rape Clock raped me in one of those dark halls :3 Fun Times
    >> Ange_Delumiere 07/07/09(Tue)00:59 No.1957707
    horror- walking into my roommate who i thought had a girlfriend fuck a guy

    horror- unlimited caramel dansen works
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:06 No.1957720
         File1246943175.jpg-(2.13 MB, 2448x3264, AX 09 028.jpg)
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    If this is you, my boyfriend and I saw you and were stoked to see some Fallout 3.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:09 No.1957724
    no, not i, i decided on mine at last minute and ran out of money so i only got the base suit done ):
    next year im goin all out (fatman included)
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:22 No.1957739
         File1246944132.jpg-(45 KB, 600x450, l_0a84f3a2204e4c7092ad9c3cbb24(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    Oh almost forgot, the other Grunts were fucking cool as hell for buying me pizza when I was dying of hunger when I had no money. Thanks!
    Pic related and stolen from a friend's myspace
    >> Water !1ZNFzW7cKY 07/07/09(Tue)01:25 No.1957744
    I dig Chowder and am pissed that's canceled.

    But Flapjack? What the fuck? Really? That's canceled? Fuck. That was my favorite cartoon network show in years. It was cute, hilarious, and disgusting all at once. They better have DVDs. I wonder why it got canceled. It was successful enough to have merchandise at shit like Hot Topic. They making room for more TOTAL DRAMA ACTION or Clone Bores? Fuck.

    At least Adventure Time is becoming its own series.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:27 No.1957747
    They want to do Live programming dog, shit sucks.
    Fucking cheaper to make than paying Flapjack's artists and writers and shit. Its a god damn of the BEST Cartoons in years :C
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:29 No.1957748
    OMG no ;_; flapjack
    >> Vault !qc9a6uTnrQ 07/07/09(Tue)01:30 No.1957752
    I'm sorry what? They're canceled!?! WTF!!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:30 No.1957753
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:32 No.1957759
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:35 No.1957766
    That shit tears it, Im burning down cartoon network.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:38 No.1957772
    oh yeah
    hilarious: Mr. Toast booth
    IDK Y, but those pics were freekin funny
    wut: says for peacebaton law "NO AIRSOFT GUNS" and what do they do? sell airsoft guns and ppl walk around w/ them out of the box and shit
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)01:39 No.1957775
    i took a bunch of pretty high quality pictures, will post soon
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/07/09(Tue)02:21 No.1957863
    fucking loved your Magma grunt! now you gotta do Maguma grunt oooshishishishi
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/07/09(Tue)02:27 No.1957889
    I doubt we even ran into each other
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)02:30 No.1957901
    Maguma has a different voice than i thought he would, it's sexy =p
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/07/09(Tue)02:31 No.1957904
    guh i'm sorry!! ;o; i was so busy at AX and everyone and their sister kept calling me. Mikado, Masa, Zal, and Jimi are my witnesses to friday night alone while getting into Kamina

    :O should have said hi
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 07/07/09(Tue)02:32 No.1957907
    One more

    Disappoint: Maguma's breakfast not happening. Next con I see you at Maguma I expect pancakes. With Aunt Jemima syrup.
    >> FSW+ 07/07/09(Tue)04:30 No.1958214
    lulzy: -running into Dr. Freeman like over 9000 times at the con, hotel, IHOP. You need to stop stalking me.
    -Chillin with MK at the funimation booth and playing hangman.
    -Anime Singled Out, totally calling MasaXZal, though I was totally rooting for the Free Man.
    -Dymetrex in a tutu.
    -Air Guitar with Katsu, making her my Queen, and then promptly throwing her to the wolves.

    Annoying: -being harassed by the staff checking for wristbands for the shuttles. I only had a room key. Eventually they just stopped caring.
    -ITG2 machine screen deciding to fuck itself when I asked my friend to play "Jizz in my Pants" on it. Think it was fixed by next day.

    Cool: -Meeting Masa, Scriptfag, OwlDepot for the first time, and a whole bunch of other people at con and parties, hoping I can remember all your names for the future.
    -Cosplay Chess starting and ending as a RPS match, and making sure everyone got a turn to kill/be killed.

    Fuck yeah: -801 and the helipad. Downtown LA view at 4am? Amazing.
    -Hanging out with the Ali cosplayer and other people in his room. Drunk /m/ nerds are great.
    >> FSW+ 07/07/09(Tue)04:31 No.1958216
    Suck: -Not being able to find anything I really had to have, or being able to haggle down stuff I kinda wanted.
    -Hectic ass schedule on Saturday. Having to put together the rest of the cosplay, then figuring out how to wear it, then figuring out how to turn fishnet stockings into a shirt for it.

    LISTEN TO MY SONG: -Making the Macross Frontier Gathering and playing music, and generally having fun at the gathering.

    Awww: -Very few/No one recognizing my song, or singing it.

    Wtf how am I operating on 3 hours of sleep and being completely blitzed the night before: -Sunday

    Surprise Abuse: -Meeting SA finally.

    After the fact Aww fuck moment: After the 00 panel, they were taking shots of them with the contestants, when the translator says that whoever is cosplaying should go up for group photos. Needless to say I do, but I was cosplaying from G Gundam, Again, and I realize after the fact that I was the only who was non-00 there, then started kicking myself in the ass for being an idiot and probably making the 00 panelists go wtf.

    Congrats to Owldepot and Prince Ali/Quattro Bagina again on the contest. Good meeting/getting hammered with you.

    Tequila Mockingbird was fucking delicious. Definitely hope to see you guys in the future
    >> brinkmanship 07/07/09(Tue)05:12 No.1958260
    >>1958216 probably making the 00 panelists go wtf

    but there was that whole moment while Kouga was answering a question and Kuroda elbowed Mizushima in whispered in an "omglook, isn't that DOMON?" kind of way.

    V-fins make heads turn, thats for sure!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)05:22 No.1958271
         File1246958548.jpg-(44 KB, 600x454, 1245581082200.jpg)
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    OP, is dat sum Ratsel Feinschmecker from SRT:OG in your pic? If so...
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)05:44 No.1958287
    Non-Amerifag here.
    You guys seem to make quite a fuss about AX. Is it considered the best con of the US or something? I get to pick one location to visit in the US while on holiday, and would like to try and time it with a good con. Also, any tourist junk nearby?
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/07/09(Tue)05:49 No.1958295
    AX is the biggest con in the US, but with big cons come problems. It's pretty fun, though.
    And near LA, you have a ton to do.

    Also, I was thinking of doing some shit next year. Apparently I'm supposed to co-host a panel for some website I frequent.
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 07/07/09(Tue)06:03 No.1958320
         File1246961018.jpg-(168 KB, 640x480, dscf7556.jpg)
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    This pretty much sums up AX for me.
    >> NS 07/10/09(Fri)02:12 No.1958640

    You'd be better off waiting two weeks and attending San Diego Comic Con. San Diego has a lot of stuff to do, and it's much cleaner than Los Angeles.

    I attend both, and SDCC is much better. If you attend AX, you'll stand around doing nothing all day, because everything is too overbooked to get into.

    Also, AX is not the biggest con in the US. Anime lovers are not the only group of people who have conventions. AX has about 40,000 attendees every year, and SDCC, for example, has 200,000 attendees every year.
    >> Doctor RattMice !!gAB8qa/IEmy 07/10/09(Fri)07:51 No.1959115
         File1247226715.jpg-(47 KB, 510x768, AXDAYTWO-74.jpg)
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    I got something yall don't:

    Meeting Chris Dane Owens at AX and talking with him, followed by talking about Chris Dane Owens with Rocco from Mega 64 and making him laugh.

    Who's Chris Dane Owens you ask?

    THAT Chris Dane Owens.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)08:00 No.1959121
    Weird/Confusing - random girl went up to my friend and started tickling her with a feather

    Hilarious - photographer asked for my picture and I asked if he wanted the whole group. he said okay, but tilted the camera only at me and thought we wouldn't notice. all of us noticed.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)08:06 No.1959124

    I wouldn't recommend blowing your one trip on AX unless you were meeting up with other friends there. It's the biggest anime con, but it's also poorly run, mostly by grunt volunteer workers who don't know wtf they're doing and the AMV contests and masquerades are seem to be getting worse each year.

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