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    File : 1246786907.png-(21 KB, 314x322, 1246220965293.png)
    21 KB Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)05:41 No.1953477  
    Why did the AX dance get shut down?

    Pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)05:45 No.1953480

    AEG found out they were playing Unauthorized MJ songs and put a halt to the dance until AX payed the Royalty Fees.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)05:51 No.1953484
    The Westin has been fucking wild tonight.

    The hotel is probably gonna be pretty pissed at AX. Maybe they'll have the LACC be 24 Hours again next year
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)06:16 No.1953506
    They closed it because there were too many people trying to get in or whatever, and they ended up closing it because people got all worked up about the line.

    Doesn't really matter though, the pantsless party was WAY better, it was outside on the fourth floor.


    I think it's still going. Just don't bring any booze
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)06:20 No.1953510
    When geeks dance, it's a terrible sight.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)06:43 No.1953532
    Pantsless Party got shut down since some dick was setting off fireworks
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)07:02 No.1953543
    The nice thing about con dances is that they increase your confidence in your dancing since there's always someone more lame then you
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)22:08 No.1954664
    The dance got shut down last night because some drunk kids snuck in and threw up right outside and all over the bathroom. Rather then face legal recourse, AX staff felt it would be better to just stop it there.
    >> DarrynGrey !!DOApy8KC6ga 07/05/09(Sun)22:19 No.1954678
         File1246846767.jpg-(34 KB, 300x429, bolo.jpg)
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    Do you see?! Do you see what your careless revelry has done?! This is a sign, a harbinger of forthcoming divine judgement! If you are wise you will take heed of these omens and cease this debauchery!

    You all parade about so carefree at your... conventions. Raves, dances, parties where garments are discarded. You have brought the end of the AX dance upon yourselves! Force the blame of your own actions not upon others, but realize that you are but mortals compared to Bolo!
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)23:40 No.1954794
    Staying at the Westin was fucking awesome. If I couldn't sleep I'd just walk down and talk to the people who were crashing in the lobby.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)23:47 No.1954802
    Wouldn't animu nerds and geeks and what ever dancing be a safety hazard?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)23:49 No.1954807
    Fuck yeah, Saturday night at the Westin ruled.

    Me and some friends just kept riding the elevators up and down for like two hours before security made us stop
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)00:02 No.1954831

    Fuck yeah.
    I love riding the elevators. You meet so many cool people.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)00:07 No.1954842
    Yeah, man. No doubt.

    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)00:19 No.1954872
    There were some pros and cons to having AX After Dark at the Westin but why exactly did they stop the 24-hour thing
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)00:22 No.1954883
    The costs for renting the LACC after 12am are significantly higher and AX decided it wasn't worth it.

    Sucks though, I miss the going to the arcade while its not crowded as fuck. It's not like Para Para Paradise is a common arcade game or something
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)00:26 No.1954894
    You also dont feel retarded having some flair while playing ParaPara Paradise at AX

    inb4 you still look retarded
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)00:31 No.1954905
    AX wasn't 24 hours? That's not what the TV ads say...
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)00:36 No.1954918
    The LACC wasn't open 24 hours.

    AX moved all of the late night stuff to the Westin Bonaventure
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:02 No.1954974
    Did anyone go to Masa's parties?? I heard a lot of crazy stories like people smoking pot in the helipad on the roof of the marriott, the parties were in a suite, there was a DJ and a bartender, a lot of people I know went to it.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:30 No.1955037
    I heard Masa has a really big dick
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:31 No.1955039
    Oh yeah? how big?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:33 No.1955040
    fuck the dance, it was all about the pool party, till some bitch started lighting fireworks, its always some retard that ruins it for everybody
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:33 No.1955041
    well...I heard when he pulls his dick out in a room..the whole room smells like a dick
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:35 No.1955046
    I heard his dick has retractable jaws that can swallow an entire antelope whole.

    and no, haha, I didn't say cantelope, although that would still be pretty impressive. I said antelope, it's a large mammal resembling a deer.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)01:41 No.1955062
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    I went. Holy fuck it was balls to the wall crowded. The DJ had a good mix of music, and the bartender was fucking primo. Not only good drinks, but a good showman when it came to mixing them. The only downside was the heat, the smell and the fact that the crowd was so thick, it took forever to get across the room. Guys, seriously get a bigger suite.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:23 No.1955393
    went to the pool "party" for like 5 minutes and left cause it sucked. BITCH WITH FIREWORKS ALSO MOTIVATED ME NOT TO STAY...
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:37 No.1955423
    wrong. i worked the dances and some fucktards decided to bring some "stuff" to sell. yeah.... stupid move. also u guys broke some shit. looks like no rave next year. way to fuck up guys.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 07/06/09(Mon)04:37 No.1955424
    There was still shit goin on tonight? I left at like 3 PM. Shoulda stuck around.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:39 No.1955427
    the dance fucking sucked anyways. good riddance.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:40 No.1955429
    Next year they should try to get back to the convention center being open 24 hrs... kind of sucked to have to go to a different location( would also mean bigger rooms for the dances)...Also wish they could of gotten the Nokia Theater. Those were there 2 main fails in my opinion
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:43 No.1955430
    im sure the whole mj thing had to do with a lot
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:54 No.1955456
    Yeah, hopefully that jackass doesn't die next year to fuck things up again.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)04:56 No.1955459
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)06:09 No.1955549
    they actually decided to not use it way before he died. i have no idea why though. Maybe they were trying to cut costs...They made a shit load of money with over 44,000 attendees so it really makes no sense to me. I think they are just assholes
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)06:12 No.1955552
    I remember the announcer guy mentioning that the Nokia center was very costly - which is bullshit considering all the attendees.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)14:04 No.1956035
    I went for a while at about 2-4am with finalists from LCS. (Anton, Afro guy, Mike, Mexican guy from last year.. forgetting names here), and since most of us didn't drink, we just stood around chit chatting and listening to the black guy begging niggas to leave. It was alright. Funny to watch so many people get regected at the door.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)16:59 No.1956378
    I miss the smaller karaoke room, it was cool not having to wait three hours to sing
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/06/09(Mon)17:09 No.1956386
    You have GOT to be shitting me.
    If they don't move it to back LACC next year, I'm not going.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)17:28 No.1956408
    dance sucked this year there were way to many people
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)17:32 No.1956417
    If you wanna dance that bad then just gob to a regular club/rave

    Unless you **have** to have anime remixes to dance
    >> Anonymous 07/06/09(Mon)18:31 No.1956614

    The dance was shit.

    It felt like going to a fucking Highschool Dance/Rave, that and the dance group performance made me cringe.

    But maybe because I didn't stick around long, I'll try and go again next year.
    >> 0MG !Bit6zpD./k 07/06/09(Mon)18:35 No.1956631
    (Not 100% sure if you were addressing me or not)
    I don't, but I just prefer the DJs from AX.
    >> DK !1kk5/PI1yE 07/06/09(Mon)19:25 No.1956763
    From what I heard, some people at the westin caused a lot of damage to some of the couches, and a few other serious things that also lead to a close to the dance that one night.

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