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    File : 1246740687.gif-(7 KB, 450x320, duckhuntdoglaugh.gif)
    7 KB Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)16:51 No.1952747  
    Anyone here used to get bullied in school or college and find it reflects on their social skills, or lack, when they're cosplaying at cons?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)16:56 No.1952752
    nope. lol losers.
    >> seeds 07/04/09(Sat)16:59 No.1952754
    I was bullied in high school, but somehow it seems to have made my personnality stronger, now I'm a total shameless show-off at cons, but not the kind of failing fucktard everyone wishes would just go away. Some people can hate me, I don't give a flying fuck anymore. 8D
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)16:59 No.1952755
    Who the hell gets bullied in college? I'm going to assume OP is in HS still.
    >> seeds 07/04/09(Sat)17:08 No.1952763
    Agreed. Though I have seen some rare few people being bullied on their first year of college. These were actually the popular high school fucktards who used to be the bullies, getting a taste of their karma hitting right back in their face. 8D
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)17:11 No.1952768
    I don't remember anyone in my high school getting bullied. there was this one kid who would always show off all his money, and he'd get beaten up/robbed but he pretty much deserved it.
    >> seeds 07/04/09(Sat)17:22 No.1952779
    Heh, i was in a private high school so yeah the rich kids were the popular ones there. They would gather together and make fun of people who had less money than them.

    Though I do agree that people who keep bragging about something are irritating and pretty much looking for that kind of trouble.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)17:36 No.1952794
    The weeaboo fag in my Japanese course gets bullied because he doesn't know how to shut up and everyone hates him. Typical socially inept loser who brings manga with them, wears a vidya game shirt, stutters, and has Ass Burgers Syndrome.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 07/04/09(Sat)17:39 No.1952799
    I didnt get bullied ever. I was always the most popular person in every school I went to. I didnt like being popular so it resulted in me bullying other people at school, cause I didnt want them to like me.
    Dont ask why, I dont know.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)17:52 No.1952815
    >I'm a total shameless show-off at cons, but not the kind of failing fucktard everyone wishes would just go away.
    Keep telling yourself that.
    >> seeds 07/04/09(Sat)17:57 No.1952826
    ...what? There ARE weeaboos in college too? Damn.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)18:03 No.1952829
    Um. Yes. Come back when you finish high school.
    >> seeds 07/04/09(Sat)18:05 No.1952831
    I've been in college for 3 years now, and the only weeaboos I've seen there are the high-school narutards showing up at the anime club on friday nights.

    Don't worry, I do. 8D
    >> Muse 07/04/09(Sat)19:29 No.1952894
    Holy fucking shit, there's a guy at our college who does ALL of those things...and SAYS he has that stupid syndrome as an EXCUSE (but it's total bullshit, because he doesn't act like it at all).
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)19:32 No.1952898
    I always departed cosplay from RL and it worked quite well - but I was bullied for other reasons.. I pretty often just freaked out when something wasn't the way I wanted it.
    Well I became older, more mature, changed school and was just honest with me and others, from this point on I wasn't bullied anymore, I also told some people about the cosplay thing after some while, they were pretty much excited about it and even asked me to sew something for them.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 07/04/09(Sat)19:34 No.1952900
    Only got bullied in first grade, then I bullied back.
    Now I know they just hated on me because I am so AWESOME
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 07/04/09(Sat)19:46 No.1952916
         File1246751197.gif-(130 KB, 456x480, 1178244979029.gif)
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    I got bullied A LOT in elementary school and part of middle school. Then I finally had a knee-jerk reaction in eighth grade and became a hard-ass goth chick, and no one really picked on me anymore because they were afraid of me. LOL. In fact, I was the one my bullied friends came to, to stand up for them. (And still kinda am.)

    Everything kind of leveled off by the time I hit college, so now I've evened out into the personality I have now. I do think I have a bit of a low self-esteem, but in reality, shit just kind of doesn't bother me anymore. If any of that makes sense.

    So, to finally answer your question, lol. I've never had an issue with social skills, talking to people isn't a problem for me at all. But being bullied taught me to take criticism in stride and not worry about it. Being harshly critiqued/trolled might bother me for like... a day, and then I don't worry about it anymore. If you show people that they've bothered you when they pick on you, either by crying or getting aggressive, then they've "won" and it'll encourage them to keep doing it. If you don't let it get to you (or at least don't show that it has), then they'll get bored and fuck off. That philosophy can easily be carried over into the cosplay/con scene, especially on 4chan.
    >> seeds 07/04/09(Sat)21:16 No.1952997
    Oh well at least now we know why we were bullied. =)

    Hell, thinking about it I've never mentionned the reasons I was getting bullied. Well, I was your average shy nerd who failed hard at trying to be cool. I never talked, never complained, was shy and quiet as hell, tried my best to fit in the lot in an unsuccessful attempt to please and calm down the bullies. But as I said, I don't give a damn anymore about what others think of me, and it shows, and I will head straight on in doing what I like to do, dressing the way I want, and saying whatever I want to say to whoever I want whenever I want. =) I even mock my own self for the lulz or whenever I realise that I failed. Best tip for people to like your personality: don't take life too seriously. 8D

    I started cosplaying last year, since in high school I didn't even know what manga/anime was. ='D So cosplaying has absolutely nothing to do with (nor was in any way ever influenced by) the bullying I received in my old high school days.
    nor should it ever be damnit! Do whatever you want and leave idiots in their fantasy world.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)22:12 No.1953049
    I got bullied in HS and college. amkes it hard for me now to trust people.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)22:15 No.1953054

    Prank phone calling on VENT TONIGHT
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)22:20 No.1953059
    Stop coming to our nice board and fagging it up with your Turdchan spam:

    >fdyfn jhhflgfgdhhygn loijgkfdih gg s gjfgjnhm cfjfg dydofb
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)22:28 No.1953066
    Stop coming to our nice board and fagging it up with your Turdchan spam:

    > fgo shyj
    >> seeds 07/04/09(Sat)23:18 No.1953110
    I sense spammers in this thread. CONSPIRACY.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)23:24 No.1953115
    I got bullied in elementary school (beat up by boys even though I'm a girl).

    In HS I got picked on freshman year because I was super white, but not rich. By sophmore year no one bothered me. By junior year guys began trying to get in my pants, but by then I was pretty much over HS. I haven't been bullied for years.

    College has been awesome.

    The sad thing is that at cons I feel so much smarter and like someone with the utmost social skills. I mean, my social skills are average in the real world, but at cons the bar for everything seems so much lower. :/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)23:38 No.1953136
    The bully I had in elementary school now drives my limo to and from conventions. It's all he has in life, and I remind him of that every single day.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)23:42 No.1953142
    In elementary school, I was that quiet, smart kid that didn't really have very many friends. No one was mean to me, as far as I know. Then again, at my school, it was mostly behind the back type of stuff, so I guess they could've been and I still don't know! I basically grew out of it once I got into classes with people that were smarter than me, and also when the KAWAII ANIME LOL BISHONEN phase hit. Which, of course, caused people to be annoyed by me, but again, no bullying.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)23:49 No.1953148
    I got teased a lot in middle school for my love of jrock and other japanese shit, so it has affected my social skills. Throughout middle school and elementary school I was outgoing and most people knew me in some way, but once I got to high school I retracted into my shell and find it hard to talk to people I don't know.

    At cons and in cosplay, though, my shell disappears for the most part.
    >> seeds 07/04/09(Sat)23:54 No.1953152
    Freaking awesome! 8D
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)00:40 No.1953201
    I was never bullied; I was the person who bullied others. I jacked people's lunch money, made them feel like shit, even smacked some people around.

    I've mellowed out over the years and since dealt with the anger that made me want to ruin other people's lives, but I come off as very aggressive and can hurt other people's feeling if I'm not mindful, especially con folk. :\ So many of my con/cosplay buddies complain about old bullies, and I'm like FFFFFFFffffuck! Guilt galore.

    I much prefer being this way, though. In this hobby chock full of non-confrontational, talk-behind-your-back people, it's easy to fuck over people who deserve it by calling them out on bullshit publically. :\ I wish it would inspire others to say what they fucking feel, because places like 4chan would be less successful if people weren't afraid of confrontation. Instead, people kiss my ass because they like the idea of remaining well-liked and angelic to others while living vicariously through my in-your-face attitude.

    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)02:35 No.1953307
    I was bullied in high school once. Then I fought back. To this day, I get more and more aggressive.

    Now the guy that bullied me has a mullet. A fucking mullet.
    >> !!MFP1W8EUIt9 07/05/09(Sun)04:01 No.1953384
    Are you a female me?

    >I got bullied A LOT in elementary school and part of middle school.
    Awesome, so did I. Well, more so in middle and high school, since guys hit and need to make fun of other guys to boost their ego and status came about middle school. Being called faggot for the tenth time in a day/week got old quick, and I had the same mindset as you in this bit:
    >If you don't let it get to you (or at least don't show that it has), then they'll get bored and fuck off.
    Really, making eye contact after they say that and just really not giving a fuck, people have a hard time trying to thinking of anything beyond LOL YOU'RE SKINNY AND GAY.

    >Then I finally had a knee-jerk reaction in eighth grade and became a hard-ass goth chick, and no one really picked on me anymore because they were afraid of me.
    I wouldn't say I was a hard-ass goth, but a black trench coat and all black clothing certainly helped in people wondering if you were going to mow people down after class one day. Also, carrying fifteen pounds in chains around your waist as well as taking a cue from The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony music video, people generally leave you alone.

    And to be on topic, I have some social skill issues with people my own age. I blame my brothers for me acting so old most times. I always wanted to hang out with them, so I had to mature sooner to understand what the fuck was going on. Which explains why I get on well with older people now/generally, and not my own age, which sucks. I mean really, I was hanging out with 24 year olds eleven years ago, I'm already past this, so it's like having to live twice.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)06:18 No.1953509
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)06:25 No.1953515
    I used to be bullied for like first 4 years of High School as I was cocky as shit and didn't care who I said what to. Had a rep for speaking my mind which dropped me in shit. But in final year I went past 6ft and suddenly everyone started apologising. Those that didn't I picked off one by one. Best therapy evar!
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)06:44 No.1953533
    First 4 years?
    >> !!MFP1W8EUIt9 07/05/09(Sun)06:47 No.1953536

    Also, I'd like to make note that I am in no shape or form homosexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just kids in my school were retarded and unoriginal.
    >> Fantastical 07/05/09(Sun)07:27 No.1953553
    Some slight teasing, but other than that it was pretty chill. But everyone grows up after middle school and concentrates on getting into Brown or something. I was generally pushover and just quiet, but I was good friends with the popular group in some cases. Everyone just did their own shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/09(Sun)07:52 No.1953559
    Uk high school is 5 years

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