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    File : 1246613402.jpg-(76 KB, 600x750, poster79408702.jpg)
    76 KB Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)05:30 No.1950379  
    So /cgl/, have you ever thought about stopping cosplaying? Whether it be because of age, weight, not having a group to cosplay with, being depressed about unrelated things or something like that?

    I've decided to stop cosplaying in 2010 simply because I'm no longer having fun, and my friends are getting superficial and fake about it, which is just stupid.

    TL;DR- Have you ever wanted to stop cosplaying? Why?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)05:52 No.1950392
    I recently stopped cosplaying and went to a "cosplay retirement", don't know if I'll continue.
    Reality slapped me to the face and I realized that how stupid hobby cosplaying is. Also all the waste of money when you could spend them on something else...
    Bah, but I'll still keep admiring other people's cosplay's.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)05:53 No.1950393
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 07/03/09(Fri)05:56 No.1950394
    I have been thinking of quitting many times.
    I hate the danish cosplay enviroment and most of the people in it, so yah. Last year was supposed to have been my last cosplay year, untill I went to Abunaicon in Holland.
    The fact that I actually HAD FUN down there, met a bunch of new people, actually felt like I hadnt wasted my money, had me decide I should cosplay some longer.
    Also because I used to be a really shitty cosplayer. Since I started and till the end of 2008, I had never put effort into any costumes.
    So today I cosplay, so I can go to foreign cons (and explore parts of the world at the same time), and so I can keep getting better at this. Once I think I've reached these goals Im gonna stop.
    >> Yummy Meat 07/03/09(Fri)05:59 No.1950395
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)09:51 No.1950509
    My exact thoughts, although I know I won't cosplay anymore
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)10:20 No.1950532
    stop spamming (Anom = Anon) b fmf oji
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)10:30 No.1950541
    stop spamming (Anom = Anon) sog dglknh
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)10:40 No.1950550
         File1246632041.jpg-(19 KB, 264x320, 1227496390281.jpg)
    19 KB
    i'm too straight to have even considered STARTING cosplay. but that doesn't stop me from visiting /cgl/ everyday.
    deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)10:50 No.1950565
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    > vdyffjvylicfmhjbn hfgf
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)10:55 No.1950570
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    >fbmmi kf hpg hviyfk f gjss
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)10:57 No.1950576
    There was a time that I wanted to stop completly. And I'm only 18 years old. I started when I was 15 and I really loved it. So much that it kind of almost took over my life and my friendship with my two best friends. But eventually, I became so overwhelmed with being a high school senior, getting ready to graduate, and getting ready for college that I just had no more time for it. So I pretty much quite cosplay for 8 months. And I had only just recently gotten back into it when I thought I would stay retired or I just wouldn't go back to it for another year or two.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)11:23 No.1950605
    I've been cosplaying for a really long time and I've wanted to quit dozens of times. The only reason I haven't is because I still enjoy all my nerdy shit like anime, games, comics, et al. Since I'm creative anyway, cosplay is still the best outlet for showing my fandoms.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)11:27 No.1950610
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    >hkd nnnybjhj finv jmjyhgldcmnyg
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)11:48 No.1950632
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    >yghn cn hggfpjfmsm p o
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 07/03/09(Fri)12:04 No.1950656
    I never wanted to quit cosplaying. As a matter of fact, cosplaying gave me something I thought I never had: A social life.

    Cosplaying has practivally conntected me to the american otaku community, and with that conventions, video gaming, anime. Basically a life.

    The only way I'll quit cosplaying is when I die.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)12:15 No.1950669
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    >lydnnhhyjhhc hgpykpghyhhlgh noc yvyh lmfco
    >> Itachi Reznor 07/03/09(Fri)12:32 No.1950689
    i has thought of quitting a few time. i just learn to deal people are just goinna be mean and lairs behind your back. mostly because they are jealous of you. i have had lots of peoples be very jealous that I do so good but they dont tell me to my faces and they posted on here or that other sites. just feel better about yurself and you will not quit.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)12:48 No.1950710
    I thought about it a few times, and I doubt I'll continue it for much longer since I'm about to graduate and move and all that crazy stuff that requires all my time and money. What got me to consider just up and quitting was just the fact that 80% of the attendees these days are just so stupid and annoying that I feel embarrassed to be there amongst them half the time. However, as someone else said, I'm still into anime/manga/games/etc. and unfortunately it is my best outlet for expressing my fandoms. Sometimes I think I would be better off if I just made the costumes and did photoshoots with them, skipping the convention scene.

    Then again, I have made some awesome friends from attending conventions...and if I'm still into this stuff by the time I have kids, I KNOW I'm going to want to take them to a convention at least once...argh..
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:08 No.1950736
    I've thought about it because my old cosplay friend was being ridiculously cut-throat and petty, but I've made new friends and know how to deal with people better. I'm still friends with my old friend, just not as close. Got my eye on her.

    People are always going to talk smack, so just do it if you still enjoy it. It's pretty difficult to find things that genuinely make you happy, so if cosplay is one of them, fuck what everyone else things or says.

    Now money... heh... yea. Stupid overpriced Joanns.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:25 No.1950764
    I've pretty much settled on quitting once I graduate from college. By that time I'll have been cosplaying for 10 years and I think that's a good solid time to be actively involved in a hobby.

    I want to be able to start my job and career and where I'm going, I likely won't be able to go to many (if any) conventions anyway.

    This also means I'm trying to get done characters I REALLY want to do between now and my graduation.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:40 No.1950796
    I've been cosplaying for eight years, and only now am I making crap that I'm really proud of. I've figured out that the whole "quitting" word is silly. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing kind of thing. For me, cosplay is just gonna become something I pick up when I'm bored, restless and need a creative outlet.

    Honestly, the last couple years I've made so many friends that I can't stop without my social life suffering. Everyone is always in the process of making something, and I'd feel like a big dork being the only person out of costume at cons.

    Blah, most people don't quit cosplay anyway. They just start going to sci-fi or costume or SCA or ren fairs, etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:42 No.1950801
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    >f ydhhng gdgvjh fnhjjgssmjjmfodlf kv vkggl
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:50 No.1950824
    Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTá
    >fbmmi kf hpg hviyfk f gjssdh lcynhygc lhj nyf
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)13:57 No.1950848
    I've thought about quitting a few times in the past, and have always said that if the day ever comes when I wake up and the thought of working on costumes feels more like a drag than a joy, that'll be when I quit. But I do also feel like it's only in the last couple of years that I've started approaching being *good* at cosplay, so I hope that day won't come any time soon.

    Honestly, I think it's more likely that my interest in it will just peter out eventually rather than me just saying "enough".

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