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    File : 1246581793.jpg-(57 KB, 600x800, Almost_Finished_Bride_by_OrangeDoom.jpg)
    57 KB Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)20:43 No.1949500  
    Best Bride cosplay ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)20:46 No.1949504
         File1246581996.jpg-(60 KB, 471x694, 1246248852867.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)20:46 No.1949505
    Double the Oogie, double the Boogie!
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)20:58 No.1949527
    Why isn't she pointing a gun at her head like in EVERY OTHER FUCKING PICTURE SHE HAS EVER POSTED.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)20:59 No.1949530
    the least bad of all the costumes i have seen her try
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:02 No.1949532
         File1246582949.jpg-(294 KB, 900x1000, gun.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:04 No.1949536
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:06 No.1949543
    Bitch better stay out of my fandom.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:07 No.1949548
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:08 No.1949549
         File1246583300.jpg-(203 KB, 900x800, dead.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:23 No.1949567
         File1246584180.jpg-(25 KB, 300x866, 181267-mitsuru_large.jpg)
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    I'm just wondering who the hell she's supposed to be on the left pictures.
    Her lack of a sweater implies that she's supposed to be Mitsuru, but that doesn't make any sense.
    I might excuse her if she was supposed to be Yukari, considering her hair it AT LEAST a similar color, but seriously. Wtf.

    I do not comprehend such minimal effort.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:26 No.1949571
    Why does she pose like that?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:31 No.1949581
         File1246584709.jpg-(104 KB, 732x708, johnnyotaku.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:40 No.1949595
    Ugh, really? I post cosplay shit on youtube (in b4 faggot) and there is a creeper on there who always posts foot fetish shit about me. I always make sure my feet are covered because of him. Based on the shitty typing and grammar, it could be the same asshole.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:46 No.1949607
         File1246585570.jpg-(87 KB, 900x800, 1246583300603.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:50 No.1949614
    Looks like she's a messy pasta eater or something
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)21:58 No.1949630
    stop spamming (Anom = Anon) ldgiv bm mhl ijfyyysl s gvfd nj pffy n nni jhsgf jhdgg
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:18 No.1949665
    Dearest Krissy,

    There are these wonderful costume accessories called wigs. They help make you look like the character you're trying to cosplay, and they'll defiantly hide your gross, greasy hair.

    Sincerely, Anon
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:23 No.1949672
         File1246587807.jpg-(131 KB, 600x800, Meryl_Cosplay_by_OrangeDoom.jpg)
    131 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:28 No.1949682

    Her face is really....fat.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:32 No.1949686
         File1246588321.jpg-(391 KB, 1024x768, 3365814455_3c4d7c5ea7_b.jpg)
    391 KB
    So is the rest of her.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:38 No.1949693

    Come on dude, I'm fucking EATING here.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:39 No.1949694
    don't you mean DEFINITELY
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:44 No.1949702
    maybe he means defiantly. if i were a wig i wouldn't want to be anywhere near that ugly head of hers.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:44 No.1949703
    stop spamming (Anom = Anon) ys g
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:45 No.1949705
    that make smile
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:46 No.1949706

    How difficult is it to find pink thigh high stockings? Seriously?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:48 No.1949713
    I'm totally gonna try and shop this
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:49 No.1949714
         File1246589351.jpg-(32 KB, 240x320, 103_1209.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:49 No.1949715
         File1246589371.jpg-(85 KB, 600x800, RE4Fail.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:54 No.1949725
         File1246589675.jpg-(2 KB, 126x84, 1183161000750.jpg)
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    What is...


    Is she really...

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:56 No.1949730
    She hasn't cut the thong in the back yet! :D
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)22:59 No.1949731
         File1246589980.jpg-(17 KB, 476x356, FG2girls1cup.jpg)
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    She has the toe of camel.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:00 No.1949733
         File1246590015.jpg-(72 KB, 437x640, 1900610.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:01 No.1949737
         File1246590103.gif-(1.07 MB, 250x187, 1246394679228.gif)
    1.07 MB

    I threw up pretzels everywhere.
    >> The Bunny !7aO05EDwM6 07/02/09(Thu)23:03 No.1949739
    She looks like a marshmallow peep!
    Why is the blood so isolated to one area?! SPATTER, MAN!
    Also, didn't say say she was getting a "cheap wig" for this costume?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:04 No.1949741
    stop spamming (Anom = Anon) j jh hhfdb fmf oji dc ygn n ynjgyb nnhn nsgkjy
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:06 No.1949744
    I am now picturing Stephen Colbert shooting pretzels from his mouth like a he's a machine gun.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:12 No.1949757
    Oh my God I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Thank you.

    Also yeah I hate her because I have had the unfortunate time of meeting her in person.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:14 No.1949760
    Do tell, we may not be all be /x/philes but we love a good horror story!
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:14 No.1949761

    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:22 No.1949773
    Do tell us about your experience with her.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:25 No.1949778
    Why do you guys hate her so much?

    she's cute in a weird kind of way
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:26 No.1949780
    Name: Krissy Davis
    Age: 16
    Location: Indiana

    Addictions: Cosplay, Anime, Manga, Poetry, Prose, Reading, Mountain Dew, World War 2, Modeling, Xbox Live, Half-Life, Portal, and possibly Deviantart

    Dislikes: Mean people, Criticism, Nazis, Weirdos, Pedophiles, Narutards, Annoying fangirls.

    Marital Status: Engaged to

    Favourite Things: World War 2, Xbox, Cosplay, Deviantart.

    About me:

    I am a cosplayer, model, artist, and writer. If you read my writing, well, you know me pretty well! I have some issues with depression. I used to cut myself, but I am mostly over that now. I have been through a lot more than the average teenager should have. I saw my best friend die right in front of me, I've had a lot of boyfriend problems, but I don't let it get me down. I was bullied in middle school resulting in me being pulled out and put in therapy for years after. I am now homeschooled. I am also learning Japanese.

    So, why am I telling you all this stuff? I think that if you read my writings I wouldn't have to, but I'm telling you anyway so deal with it.

    I am very intrigued by the 2nd World War and Adolf Hitler. I research both topics whenever I can to expand my knowledge. I am not a Nazi, if that's what you think. A few of my very close friends are Jewish, and I respect their religious beliefs.

    Speaking of religion, I have no specified one right now. I'm interested in going to church, but it doesn't seem right for me.

    I am engaged to kingnothing99 who is also my beloved photographer. Go tell him how happy you are for him taking such wonderful pictures of me!

    There's alot more I want to tell, so I will be updating this every now and then.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:27 No.1949781
    samefag here

    nevermind :(
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:35 No.1949791
         File1246592145.jpg-(99 KB, 1157x585, WeabooInDenial.jpg)
    99 KB

    You guiz, she's totally not a weaboo okay?
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:45 No.1949820
    >Am I fat and have too much acne? NO
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:48 No.1949828

    110lbs? Yeah, right.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:50 No.1949835
         File1246593010.jpg-(76 KB, 600x800, Another_Silly_Face_of_Krissy_b(...).jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:50 No.1949836
    I'm just getting tired of people mixing up old me with the new more mature young lady me. I have to "shape up" if I want to go back to school, which is very strict Christian. They don't allow anime related stuff. It mocks God or something like that. So, I'm trying to cut all the ungodly things out of my life, and be more Christianly for school and for myself. I used to be a pretty bad person, but I'm changing for the better.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:50 No.1949837
    She was 105 before.
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:51 No.1949839
    >>I have watched some of Gurren Lagann. I just decided to cosplay Yoko cause she's cute :P
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:52 No.1949842
    >>I'm not a frickin weeaboo

    >>Addictions: Cosplay, Anime, Manga, Poetry, Prose, Reading, Mountain Dew, World War 2, Modeling, Xbox Live, Half-Life, Portal, and possibly Deviantart
    >> Anonymous 07/02/09(Thu)23:53 No.1949843
         File1246593189.jpg-(1.29 MB, 579x3936, 1246395707378.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)00:03 No.1949863
         File1246593795.jpg-(318 KB, 1024x768, Yoko Krissy copy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)00:04 No.1949866
         File1246593864.jpg-(284 KB, 768x1024, 1237753094583.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)01:13 No.1949976
         File1246598001.jpg-(57 KB, 600x450, Smiling_Yoko_by_OrangeDoom.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)01:20 No.1949997
    >>Dislikes: Mean people, Criticism, Nazis, Weirdos, Pedophiles, Narutards, Annoying fangirls.
    >>I am very intrigued by the 2nd World War and Adolf Hitler.

    ...oh u.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)01:27 No.1950019
         File1246598850.jpg-(37 KB, 600x450, Heil_Hitler_by_OrangeDoom.jpg)
    37 KB
    And she has this in her gallery too
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)01:27 No.1950020
    Ugh. I know she reads these boards, and if I say specifically who I was with and at what convention, she'll know...I think. She is kind of retarded.

    However I don't honestly care.

    At Sugoicon this past year, she was all, "MY FIANCEEEE", and boy I sure did see her with a lot of different guys that weekend, never saw her fiance.

    While I would do a panel, she would run across the doorway with whatever boy she was hanging with, acting stupid, being obnoxious, and distracting my panel time. At first I thought she was some obnoxious tween when I realized that it was, in fact, Krissy. I do not know if she did this for other people's panels, or because I was with one of the few people who don't openly want to murder her.

    So I feel like karma and the Good Lord really were looking out for me that day when /cgl/ decided to collectively disdain her.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/03/09(Fri)01:33 No.1950036

    I fucking hate how teenagers think Hitler is soooo cool.

    Grow up Jewish and watch a video of the Allies clearing up a concentration camp. You won't fucking think that bullshit any more.

    If I ever had a kid and I found that in their room, I'd tan their fucking hides.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)01:40 No.1950053
    Isn't she 16? She shouldn't be lurking here in the first place. /grumpyoldfag
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)01:51 No.1950068
    I hate newfags who think they know everything.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)01:52 No.1950070

    wtf? She's trying to be all mature and she does stupid shit at panels?

    Does the fiance even know about that? And is said fiance even REAL?
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/03/09(Fri)02:02 No.1950086

    Not a newfag, bro.

    And I am Jewish, so I do know everything. At least when it comes to hating Hitlerfags. I'd like to think I'm entitled to that liberty.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)02:08 No.1950093
    You're not entitled to ANYTHING, you fucking kike!
    You already run America, and we're already fighting your genocidal war against the middle east for you.
    GO fuck yourself with dreidel!
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)02:09 No.1950094
    she looks like a turtle.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)02:12 No.1950097
    Look at that beautiful construction.

    Like c'mon its not that hard to fold paper, and she even manages to fuck that up.
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/03/09(Fri)02:13 No.1950100

    Thanks for just proving my point.
    >> PrinnyGod !/aPzExRzGw 07/03/09(Fri)02:23 No.1950113
    she doesnt even cosplay because she like thoses characters, she do just because they are popular
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)02:25 No.1950119

    Those is already plural, darlin'.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)02:34 No.1950133

    use them better
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)02:48 No.1950148
    >Best Bruce Lee cosplay ever.

    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)03:11 No.1950174
    >tan their fucking hides

    >internet tough guy

    >possible newfag
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)03:11 No.1950175
    That statement is insulting to Bruce Lee...
    >> enderwillsaveus 07/03/09(Fri)03:12 No.1950177

    Alright, I'll fix that.

    I'll just beat them to death with my huge penis instead.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)03:29 No.1950191
    A few things.
    Should I get hair extensions? I think I'd look a lot nicer with some.
    I want my stomach to shrink...its getting there, but it's not enough. Sure I'm a little over 100 pounds, but I want some diet pills or something.
    And I want breast implants someday.
    I just want to be hot and sexy for Ben. I feel like I look about 13. I'm sure he would like a sexy girlfriend.
    Im just fat and ugly and need some deiting tips and stuff.
    I could just stop eating for a few days and see what happens, but I might get too skinny.
    In 8th grade I was like 90 pounds and I was thin and cute. I want that back.
    I should stop bitching and work out harder.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)03:33 No.1950198
         File1246606397.jpg-(17 KB, 256x353, laughingelfman.jpg)
    17 KB


    >huge penis
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)03:39 No.1950210
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)03:42 No.1950226
    oh I laughed
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)04:17 No.1950313
    Good God, you're right. What have I done?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:20 No.1950907
    Anybody screen cap that comment she flagged as spam?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:25 No.1950912
    Krissy's youtube channel:
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:36 No.1950923
    >>I'm tired of being grouped with weeaboos. I'm just me. When I was between 13-15 I was a stupid anime fangirl whore (if that makes sense) I'd like bug the living shit out of my guy friends, and they would never talk to me again. I'm trying to become a better person for God. I'm sure He doesn't like me being a whore or an anime fangirl.

    I do however have a fiancee who I am very happy with. He gave me a bible and I decided to change my life for the better. There's quite a few things to fix in my life that need working on (self-confidence *cough cough*) But God is showing me a better path to take in life than wanting to be a model. I'm going to be a nurse, and (hopefully) be a good role model.

    Her reply to being a hypocrite.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)14:45 No.1950935
    I want to strangle her.
    >> Fantastical 07/03/09(Fri)15:00 No.1950963
    Wait, wait, wait.
    Is she trying to say God hates anime?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:05 No.1950970
    god I wish she would
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/03/09(Fri)15:09 No.1950981

    Why yes, yes she is. Whores and Anime.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:10 No.1950983
    She doesn't look fat at all in her videos.. weird..
    >> Fantastical 07/03/09(Fri)15:11 No.1950984
    She hasn't got any better since school. D:
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/03/09(Fri)15:18 No.1950999
    You know what they say about the camera adding 10 pounds.... or 40....

    Meh, I think she's going to be stuck like this now that she's trying to jump on the Jesus wagon. Now she has a reason to bitch about cosplay and anime! Remember Jesus hates cosplayers!!
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/03/09(Fri)15:21 No.1951004
    [b]NO THANK YOU![/b]
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:22 No.1951007
    That's because they were taken over a year ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:23 No.1951008
    But...according to the man who stands in my shopping district with his picket sign, Jesus loves me, and I'm a cosplayer.
    Me thinks she's getting information from the wrong person.
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/03/09(Fri)15:25 No.1951014
    He's just lying to you. She said her "fiancee" gave her a bible so she can get on the right track?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:26 No.1951016

    her voice in this makes me want to stab myself
    >> Fantastical 07/03/09(Fri)15:27 No.1951020
    She was a preacher in middle school too. :/
    I still see her at cons and I feel really sorry for her fiancee, she goes off with random guys all the time. I think I have a photo of her with one of them.
    >> The Bunny !7aO05EDwM6 07/03/09(Fri)15:29 No.1951024
    Last time I checked with my church friend (who cosplays), Jesus loves you no matter what as long as you're a good person.
    But apparently a girl who gets handed a bible by her creepy fiancee knows better, right?

    inb4 huge religious debate.
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/03/09(Fri)15:30 No.1951028

    I think by her age you are sorta set in your ways so the only direction she can go is to be more batty than she already is.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:31 No.1951031
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:32 No.1951035
         File1246649560.jpg-(87 KB, 1165x597, 1242871163249.jpg)
    87 KB
    From: Miku [or Krissy]
    To: *MY NAME HERE*
    Date: May 20, 2009 1:26 AM
    Subject: We need to talk.

    Hey, I wanted to tell you something.
    You've been super nice to me, like, the nicest anyone has been to me over. You always listen whenever I message you and you were even willing to help me through one of the hardest time of my life.
    I know that I have a fiance, and I do really like him. But I also like you. I really want to date you, *MY NAME HERE*, would you ever date me? I'd come visit you in *TOWN HERE* and I'd cosplay with you too!
    I hope you think this over,

    >> Fantastical 07/03/09(Fri)15:48 No.1951073
    Don't worry Fantastical will deliver delicious humiliation, it's just somewhere on my desktop. :D
    I remember when she actually said her Yoko costume was better than my Rei Ayanami (Plugsuit) costume. No sugar-coating neither.
    I had to work with stretch vinyl for weeks. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:49 No.1951076
    >[b]NO THANK YOU![/b]
    the fuck?
    This isn't a forum.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:52 No.1951083
         File1246650730.jpg-(60 KB, 600x799, l_c1dcbe902fc555220cecedd89921(...).jpg)
    60 KB
    What a little cunt.

    She thinks all of her costumes are the best ever. I just want to punch her in the face.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:54 No.1951090
         File1246650844.jpg-(53 KB, 480x640, Fun_at_2am_by_OrangeDoom.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:55 No.1951092
    So, since you knew of her, did she actually get treated horribly in school?
    >> Fantastical 07/03/09(Fri)15:55 No.1951093
    She got a shitty Miku costume from eBay. :/
    I'm not saying my costumes are great either but I did put alot of effort into that plugsuit.
    Also, is that an Ouran tie?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:57 No.1951098
    My comment.
    I wrote something like:
    You're fat, you have rolls. Your boyfriend is only dating you because you're underage, once you hit 18 he'll drop you like the trash you are. You should cosplay Ursala because she's fat like you. Not only that but she's revealing and popular!
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:58 No.1951100
    I honestly like the Miku cosplay she bought, but it didn't fit her right and she doesn't fit the character at all.

    She has no right to go saying her costume is better when she didn't even make the mother fucker herself.
    >> Fantastical 07/03/09(Fri)15:58 No.1951101
    Not really, she was bullied by some people but nothing totally traumitizing like being pulled out and out 'lol therapy' just some attention issues.
    She went to high school for a while too, so I don't know where she got 'homeschooled' from.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)15:59 No.1951105
    That costume.
    Seriously what made her even think it was okay to put it on?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)16:00 No.1951108
         File1246651255.jpg-(57 KB, 600x450, 1802475.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)16:02 No.1951114
    I threw up. Thank you. *gross*
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)16:05 No.1951124
         File1246651517.jpg-(87 KB, 600x800, Vocaloid__Miku___Come_With_Me_(...).jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)16:09 No.1951132
    You make all of the Krissy threads fun. :)
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)16:17 No.1951145
    Bullied to what extent?
    What did they do?
    >> Fantastical 07/03/09(Fri)16:26 No.1951156
    Name calling, just general bitching, nothing physical was involved.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)16:41 No.1951177
    She might be 110 if she's 4ft tall
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)16:49 No.1951193
    she's like 5ft tall
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)16:50 No.1951196
    Ew. Loose threads. :x
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:23 No.1951298
         File1246659814.jpg-(87 KB, 600x799, Picnic_Table_Anyone_by_OrangeD(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:26 No.1951302
         File1246659999.jpg-(147 KB, 658x799, kriss.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:27 No.1951305
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:30 No.1951307
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:35 No.1951315

    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:36 No.1951317

    Cosplays she should NEVER do or you'll kill her, SERIOUSLY.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:39 No.1951326
         File1246660757.jpg-(1.21 MB, 1404x992, 123 A.jpg)
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    They'd never be able to find her body.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:45 No.1951341
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:47 No.1951347


    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)18:52 No.1951362
    Hetalia. PLEASE GOD NO.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)19:07 No.1951391
    Oh wow. That is an Ouran tie. What the hell.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)19:15 No.1951405
         File1246662928.jpg-(126 KB, 727x883, dsc04210.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)19:27 No.1951422

    Anything else from metal gear. she fucked up meryl. Burn in hell bitch.

    Misato, Asuka, Rei from NGE

    Black cat, poison ivy

    and >>1951341

    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)19:30 No.1951425
         File1246663827.jpg-(66 KB, 400x600, 1236447.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)19:36 No.1951432
         File1246664198.jpg-(17 KB, 300x400, 1858460.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)19:43 No.1951447
    Why the hell does she look so much like a dude?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)19:45 No.1951449
    it still makes me lol that someone pointed out her fat is sitting on the counter.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:18 No.1951481
         File1246666722.jpg-(23 KB, 576x401, largeAnimePaperscans_The-Melan(...).jpg)
    23 KB

    It would be a sad day for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:24 No.1951490

    whats that supposed to be?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:26 No.1951494
         File1246667217.jpg-(414 KB, 1280x1024, KomugiChan007.jpg)
    414 KB
    Nurse Witch Komugi-chan
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:34 No.1951504

    where does she live?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:44 No.1951520
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/03/09(Fri)20:46 No.1951523
    This just makes me lawl so much. Didn't she say she was raped? Or claim she was?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:50 No.1951529
         File1246668655.jpg-(39 KB, 360x568, SerasVictoria1.jpg..jpg)
    39 KB
    I would not let that bitch live if she ever tried to cosplay Seras Victoria
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:51 No.1951531

    this is just awful. How can you upload a pic where your fat is really sitting on the counter?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:51 No.1951535
    If she does one more fucking costume.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:52 No.1951536
    Chrissy wants to know what she MUST cosplay to make us RAAAAAAAAEG
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:52 No.1951537

    Rape? Obvious lie. NO ONE would rape that.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:53 No.1951538

    I'll take you up on that anon.
    DO IT
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:54 No.1951542
         File1246668895.jpg-(329 KB, 800x600, KrissyHellsing.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)20:57 No.1951551
         File1246669055.jpg-(11 KB, 351x290, 1237008915933.jpg)
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    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/03/09(Fri)21:06 No.1951574

    That face, what the hell? There is just something about it that pisses me off.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)21:07 No.1951576

    Know what? I kinda see where you're coming from now that I look at it....
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)21:08 No.1951578
    I didn't know Jack Osborn was into cosplay.
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/03/09(Fri)21:11 No.1951588
    She kinda reminds me of a turtle...
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)21:11 No.1951590
         File1246669904.png-(19 KB, 300x309, RAAAAGE.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)21:15 No.1951593
         File1246670105.jpg-(59 KB, 438x640, bdcffce7318833bc544e1689de70aa(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)21:32 No.1951617
         File1246671164.jpg-(21 KB, 500x375, 118658012415.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)21:47 No.1951648
    Krissy ruins everything she cosplays...
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)22:02 No.1951678
    If she's a little under 100 pounds, she must be 4 feet tall to be that fat.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)22:12 No.1951695

    A little under 100 pounds? Yeah, her ass alone maybe.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)22:13 No.1951697
    *sigh* I had a feeling it was too late...
    *grabs canon* DIE NAZI!!!!
    >> Pillow !!uCeVaCu8EEs 07/03/09(Fri)22:17 No.1951707
    God that almost makes me never want to look at the animu version of Seras again :/
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)22:22 No.1951714
    comment on this shit
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)22:27 No.1951724
    hurp durp
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)22:27 No.1951726
    she could go as velma
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)22:50 No.1951760
    Can we see said cosplay? :3
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)22:57 No.1951771
         File1246676264.png-(9 KB, 222x43, Picture 3.png)
    9 KB
    > Yes! Haruhi! From Suzumiya Haruhi no Yutsu!
    > Suzumiya Haruhi no Yutsu!
    > Haruhi

    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:00 No.1951775
         File1246676458.jpg-(67 KB, 600x800, Haruhi_Suzumiya_Progress_by_Or(...).jpg)
    67 KB
    Never mind, she already fucked it up =(
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:17 No.1951788
         File1246677445.jpg-(7 KB, 320x196, What is that.jpg)
    7 KB
    Oh lord, /cgl/...WHAT *IS* THAT?!
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:25 No.1951803
         File1246677950.jpg-(72 KB, 960x720, die krissy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:26 No.1951805
         File1246678011.jpg-(94 KB, 960x720, krissy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:29 No.1951810
         File1246678168.png-(17 KB, 400x400, 1244386817991.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:30 No.1951815
         File1246678242.jpg-(220 KB, 651x719, krissyfail.jpg)
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    I'll leave this here...
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:33 No.1951818
         File1246678384.jpg-(190 KB, 848x480, 1243125521682.jpg)
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    That fucking bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:35 No.1951826
    Ooooh, PixieKitty is a bitch?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:37 No.1951828

    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:40 No.1951831
         File1246678838.jpg-(48 KB, 352x400, 1183240560758.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/09(Fri)23:46 No.1951838
    This thread makes me sick to my stomach...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)00:00 No.1951855
    I wonder if she reads all the shit we say about her.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)00:02 No.1951858
    Post pics. I don't believe that you did a Rei costume, let alone a good one.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)00:37 No.1951943
    What I find amusing is that once she goes the way of most of the cosplay attention whores (plastic surgery, more drama whoring, weightloss) cgl will be all over that in a few years...she'll be like the next Miyu.

    XD No...j/k....but I'll bite my tongue if that does happen.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)00:47 No.1951965
    read her deviantart journals sometimes.
    she does.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)00:51 No.1951972

    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)01:06 No.1951995

    that...that made me sad and angry all at the same time...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)01:20 No.1952005
    >What I find amusing is that once she goes the way of most of the cosplay attention whores (plastic surgery, more drama whoring, weightloss) cgl will be all over that in a few years...she'll be like the next Miyu.
    she says she wants a boob job. haha.
    no amount of plastic surgery will get her close to being the next miyu.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)01:31 No.1952023

    When you're right, you're right.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)01:32 No.1952028
         File1246685535.jpg-(248 KB, 1024x680, DCP_4204.jpg)
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    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/04/09(Sat)01:34 No.1952031

    I seriously almost puked. :| Thanks
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)01:34 No.1952032
    oh my god look at her pitstains
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)01:38 No.1952035
         File1246685887.jpg-(45 KB, 600x800, 1d9f978bbcb914735e712f54ffeeab(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)01:53 No.1952064

    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)02:02 No.1952075
    She makes me rage so fucking hard!!!
    I wish she'd come to a con in my area.
    I'd fucking dress up like a monkey and throw my shit at her.
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/04/09(Sat)02:04 No.1952078
    I really didn't want to but it's RIGHT THERE. Ugh.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)02:14 No.1952094
         File1246688072.jpg-(44 KB, 600x450, Goth_Schoolgirl___13_by_Orange(...).jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)02:15 No.1952095

    Well...that's not disgusting or anything.
    >> Hastur !iX9wdiXS9k 07/04/09(Sat)02:17 No.1952099
    Oh God. Her face! Bah she makes me wanna punch babies.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)02:22 No.1952107
         File1246688539.jpg-(79 KB, 600x800, Crazy_Silent_Hill_Nurse_by_Ora(...).jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)02:22 No.1952108

    Does she really think this is flattering?

    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)02:24 No.1952111
    So, why aren't any of these pics on her DA?
    Did she take them all down after becoming a 'good little christian girl'?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)02:30 No.1952114
         File1246689037.jpg-(95 KB, 640x480, crazyfrog2.jpg)
    95 KB
    Hi guys I'm Krissy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)02:58 No.1952125
    She does, but pretends like she doesn't. Didn't stop her from accusing people I know for "saying awful fucking things about her on 4chan", when they don't even go on /cgl/. Then she tries to deny she said anything.

    Also see: Heza
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)03:45 No.1952158
    Anyone got any photos of her and this "fiance" together?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)03:50 No.1952169
         File1246693819.jpg-(119 KB, 640x480, 1231902268997.jpg)
    119 KB
    First time in /cgl/, and I already love you guys.

    Her DA link, plz?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)03:59 No.1952182
         File1246694342.jpg-(25 KB, 150x113, 1231898938181.jpg)
    25 KB
    Never mind! Found her!

    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)03:59 No.1952183
    >> wat Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)04:13 No.1952202
         File1246695206.jpg-(20 KB, 639x473, 1231900706715.jpg)
    20 KB
    From her Journal:

    " I went to Mitsuwa Marketplace which is my favorite Japanese market. I went to the bookstore in there and picked up volume 1 & 2 of Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan and volume 5 of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu. I was very happy. I couldn't find the latest issue of KERA or FRUiTS. And they were almost sold out of Kuroshitsuji. I only have 1 volume of it so far. Maybe someday I'll be able to complete my collection.."
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)04:26 No.1952211
         File1246695997.jpg-(71 KB, 339x390, 1235797864458.jpg)
    71 KB
    But...isn't she like, 16?
    Or am I wrong?
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 07/04/09(Sat)04:28 No.1952213
         File1246696116.jpg-(70 KB, 395x395, SeriousCatAvatar.jpg)
    70 KB
    so wait, her mom shelled out around $50 for books in a language this chick can't even read? excellent.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)04:32 No.1952217


    This is why we cant have nice things. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)04:36 No.1952219
         File1246696570.jpg-(31 KB, 600x600, 1236298457128.jpg)
    31 KB
    Let's have a quote: " I started reading Eclipse, and I must say that the Twilight series is the best series I've read since Harry Potter."
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)04:37 No.1952220
    Oh my god, I KNOW.
    >> The Bunny !7aO05EDwM6 07/04/09(Sat)04:46 No.1952226
         File1246697219.jpg-(288 KB, 745x367, lawls.jpg)
    288 KB
    Yes, because little Miss Princess Krissy could never get a job on her own because she "won't listen to a boss tell her what to do".
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 07/04/09(Sat)04:58 No.1952229
    This makes me incredibly angry actually. I don't like taking orders from people but I'd be damned if I didn't listen to my boss. They are the ones paying you and mommy and daddy aren't always going to provide for you. I hate spoiled children..
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)07:05 No.1952282
    She's allowed to get her way because she is a special and delicate wee- uh, flower. :|
    >> Anonymous 07/04/09(Sat)07:41 No.1952293
    Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:
    >jnnls g fd gg lnydf nof yfgvgj gdyhog k

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