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  • File : 1246411385.jpg-(56 KB, 500x283, borderline.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)21:23 No.1945602  
    ITT: ppl with low self esteem
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)21:24 No.1945605

    (pic not related)
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)21:27 No.1945612

    I've shitted bricks!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)21:29 No.1945617
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    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)21:31 No.1945621
    >ITT: Filthy whores /cgl/ loves to hate.

    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)21:36 No.1945634
    to get all that plastic surgery and work out that much she must have some low self esteem issues
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)21:50 No.1945665
    >>1945634 to get all that plastic surgery and work out that much she must have some low self esteem issues

    ALL girls have self esteem issues. Miyu just had the time & money to throw at it.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)21:56 No.1945681

    Don't forget us effeminate guys!

    And fat guys.

    And compulsive body builders.

    And gay guys.

    Really, is there anything more American than a self esteem problem?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)22:02 No.1945700

    are there any women without cellulite?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)22:04 No.1945702
    Hey, when you used to be as fat as Miyu, you're bound to have some serious self esteem issues.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)22:07 No.1945710
    McDonal'ds is more American.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)22:15 No.1945721
    OP post a pic of yourself
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)22:25 No.1945735
    She may have a face like a rat, but GODDAMN, Miyu has a fabulous body!

    Would be curious to see that it looked before though...
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)22:29 No.1945740
    why don't you post a pic from yer gf's face?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)23:38 No.1945853
    not really i wouldn't get plastic surgery. I think most women that do get plastic surgery do it as a last resort and because they are extremely unhappy with it. I mean would you like your boobs to be hard? they'll never feel soft again. Is a big decision.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)23:47 No.1945860
    I mean >>1945665
    >> Anonymous 06/30/09(Tue)23:56 No.1945868
    Lolwut? You obviously have no clue how far modern day surgery has come.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)00:09 No.1945885
    still nobody goes under the knife unless they have some serious issues with themselves, not just the "i don't like my ___" that everyone has. More like I hate my ____. Also out of all the girls I know nobody except one girl wants plastic surgery. And the girl that wanted plastic surgery was actually very depressed about it and almost suicidal. Also all of them have the money and time for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)00:17 No.1945892
    People like you are so stupid it's incredible.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)00:23 No.1945900
    Jesus Christ. I've just had some plastic surgery done, and I've never had self esteem issues about it, so you can lay your uninformed opinion to rest. I had a jacked up nose and wanted it all better. I don't see it as any different than getting braces. Got messed up teeth? Spend $5000 and get them fixed. Got a messed up nose? Spend $5000 and get it fixed. Repeat as per messed up body part.

    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)00:37 No.1945927
    >ITT: ppl with low self esteem

    Awesome, that's me :D
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)01:12 No.1945995

    Oh, hey, best friend. :D

    OH, WAIT.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)01:14 No.1945998
    Oh, also before anyone asks "how can you be a coslayer and avoid social interaction", well I don't cosplay. I was going to start this year, there were some ideas that I liked and considered doing, some videos of skits (which may or may not be liked by most people) that made me want to have some part in this new form of fun, another side to a convention. But then it fell through, I started doubting my skills despite the simplicity of the costume. I started worrying about the time I had left despite having months to finish it.

    After I decided to still attend the con, but forgo the costume I spent the money on a bike that I had hoped would be a key to a new social life. It's been sitting there for about a month now and everything about making a costume and being social while wearing it can be applied to riding the bike and hanging out with other bicyclists.

    Hell, I even noticed at work that when I was trying to talk to some really cute/hot girls that are out of the norm of people that I interact with at work, that I stuttered as well as hesitantly handed something to one of them at the same time giving a death grip to a desk that was close by.

    Where's Lucy when you need her :\
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)01:40 No.1946027
    what doctor did you go to for your nose? did you like the result?
    not that i really believe you though, as no one would compare braces to plastic surgery. going under the knife is far more extreme and dangerous (anesthesia, necrosis of the incision site, etc) and the complications are high as rhinoplasty is the most difficult plastic surgery. it seems to be a 50/50 chance of getting a fucked up nose or not. even rich celebrities who can afford to go to the best docs get screwed up results- just look at lil' kim, tori spelling, ashley tisdale..
    poor ashley, her nose is fucked UP
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)02:15 No.1946044
    is liposuction plastic surgery? I've always wanted lipo...
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)02:20 No.1946050
    yes it is, and you would benefit tremendously from it
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)02:26 No.1946059
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    Either you've been living under a rock, or you're just ignorant.

    Plastic surgery is extremely common these days. Women are getting boob jobs and nose jobs like there's no tomorrow. The prices are getting cheaper, and the procedures are getting better (depending on what you're asking for).

    And 50/50? Where did you pull that statistic from, your ass? People get fucked up nose jobs/boob jobs because they asked for something unrealistic that didn't suit their face/body. This is especially true for celebrities who are under constant scrutiny.

    Picture related: Please change my wide negroid nose into a narrow cute, white button nose.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)02:29 No.1946065
    Lipo just repositions the fat, it doesn't make you lose weight.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)03:04 No.1946112
    . . . no it doesn't. Lipo sucks the fat out of your body. You may not loose a lot of weight, but you'll lose inches.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)03:13 No.1946123
    ...... girls who do a little lipo look fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)03:16 No.1946126
    Lipo has a shitty recovery period, though D:
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)03:19 No.1946128

    Uhh yeah there is a correlation between plastic surgery and low self esteem. Stop lying to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)03:21 No.1946130
    If you don't like something physical about yourself and you can afford to fix it, why not?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)03:23 No.1946132
    lol I'm not saying you can't do whatever the hell you want with your body. My point is that to spend thousands of dollars to undergo surgery to fix a self perceived imperfection may point to underlying issues.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)03:24 No.1946134
    Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)03:26 No.1946136
    > may point to underlying issues.
    > may
    Learn to read or gtfo the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)04:16 No.1946193
    Man. Fuck your fatty drama, I got a personality disorder, you can't lipo that shit away.
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 07/01/09(Wed)06:07 No.1946304
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)06:16 No.1946317
    ITT: girl who looks like a chola
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)06:24 No.1946321
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    on a different not, here is a miyu video
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)06:26 No.1946324
    ITT, just another excuse to repost miyu drama
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)06:29 No.1946326
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    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)06:30 No.1946328
    Visit and bookmark the best board: (remove "REMOVETHIS")

    > gllyhonfo
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)06:31 No.1946330
    >>1945602 ITT: ppl with low self esteem

    That's pretty much every female cosplayer there is and a lot of the male cosplayers too. It's almost a requirement of being a 'famous' cosplayer, people with a lot of confidence in themselves and who believe they can do great things aren't the sort of people who will cosplay, or at least they're not the sort of people who will cosplay enough/prominently enough to become 'cosplay famous'.

    People like Miyu, Adella, YaYa, TC, ai-honey and G-chan all have histories of depression and/or other similar illnesses, disorders and general problems. Most of them claim to have been bullied at some point in their lives. Most of them do more complaining than anything else. It's no surprise then that when some small bunch of nerds jacks off over them they get excited and strat stripping down and whoring themselves out to any photographer who'll take them. It's usually been the first taste of anything resembling appreciation that they've ever gotten. They've got fuck all else in their lives and they don't believe they can do anything of any use so it's down to using their looks and cosplay is a very convenient way of doing that.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)06:31 No.1946331
    i don't like that she is a cam whore
    but i can't deny that she is gorgeous
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)06:39 No.1946338
    Miyu is hot.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)07:12 No.1946366
    >most have histories of depression
    Seriously? Are you brain dead?
    Most fucking people go through depression at least once in their life.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)07:21 No.1946372
    What the fuck? No they don't, not clinical depression. Everyone will have times where they would say they feel depressed, sad or low, but most people do not spend years of their life downing a ton of antidepressants, hormones, steroids and tranquilizers because they have depression. There's a huge difference between being a bit depressed which is normal to happened every once in a while and having actual depression which cripples you. I know ai-honey talks about her depression quite a lot. Miyu said she had depression and it was leaked on here she has manic depression too. Ginny has been on antidepressants for years. Adella was on hormones for a while for it. Alisa is bi-polar and takes a ton of different drugs.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)07:46 No.1946395

    Why are these posts screaming of jealousy?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)08:02 No.1946405
    Visit and bookmark the best board: (remove "REMOVETHIS")

    > mbcgmhdohhjfdnsmjbolgyyognfdickyjhgsjydgdiljhig
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)08:10 No.1946412
    Visit and bookmark the best board: (remove "REMOVETHIS")

    > vgyghcsgfoydfmoyydjhghyho
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)08:46 No.1946432
    just because you have to take prozac doesn't mean everyone does. Also most people don't go under the knife just because they don't like some part of themselves. Usually they are very self conscious about whatever body part they hate.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)09:48 No.1946465
    Because you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)09:54 No.1946467
    Who is jealous of debilitating mental illnesses? Are you jealous of people who are 'lucky' enough to have their arms cut off?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)09:56 No.1946468
    Itt- /cgl/ in its entirety
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)09:59 No.1946472
    I had lipo to remove the stubborn fat on my abdomen that just wouldn't go away. Never had a mental illness, just really wanted a flat stomach. Now I have one. The end.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)10:56 No.1946500

    Miyu has bipolar disorder or manic depression, so the argument whether she does or doesn't have low self esteem is over.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)11:05 No.1946510
    well, OP sure hit the nail on the head
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)11:12 No.1946515
    afterall she is just a human and she wants a bit of acknowledgment from people, god knows why. You guys treat like shit, because you don't dare to show your need of acknowledgment in rl, so you do it with these lame postings here in fuckin vl.

    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)11:20 No.1946523
    Visit and bookmark the best board: (remove "REMOVETHIS")

    > gllyhonfoifnnhcgmpfgympfgfhhgsgl
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)11:31 No.1946528
    >>1945900 here.

    I didn't spend the money, it was a graduation gift 8D
    And anyway, even if I paid for it myself (I'm planning on getting laser hair removal on several parts of my body, which will cost in the thousands), plastic surgery is an INVESTMENT with a great return because for a lot of procedures, the results last forever. I will always and forever from now on have a perfectly proportioned nose.

    I've had both braces and plastic surgery, and I can tell you that the braces were MORE PAINFUL than the nose job. I had maybe two days of dull pain around my nose and eyes with the nose job, and weeks of stabbing pain that brought me to tears with braces.
    And to answer your question, my rhinoplasty results are amazing. Now I have perfect teeth AND a perfect nose :D
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)11:40 No.1946539

    all you need now is a set of fake tits like Yaya
    >> Anonymous 07/01/09(Wed)11:47 No.1946544
    except my boobs look just fine as is.

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