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  • File : 1246205261.jpg-(8 KB, 157x190, billymays.jpg)
    8 KB Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:07 No.1940339  
    In Memory of a Salesman
    Who Saved the World
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:09 No.1940343
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 06/28/09(Sun)12:10 No.1940345
    b-but it's true.

    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:10 No.1940346
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:11 No.1940348
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 06/28/09(Sun)12:12 No.1940351
    Only sources so far are tabloids and Faux News. I'm not buying it just yet (pun intended). I've been skeptical on deaths like this ever since the tabloids and shitty news sites pulled that "HURRR JEFF GOLDBLUM IS DEAD WE FOUND HIS BODY" stint.
    >> Ess 06/28/09(Sun)12:12 No.1940352
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    All we can do now is remember the good times..
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:15 No.1940355
    if Jeff Goldblum dies I'll cry forever

    and if Billy Mays is really dead I'm gonna go buy some Kaboom in tribute.

    my shower needs it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:15 No.1940359
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    >> Magumoe !ftEuMagUmA 06/28/09(Sun)12:16 No.1940360
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    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 06/28/09(Sun)12:16 No.1940361

    >> Vincent !UZuKFp6d0I 06/28/09(Sun)12:18 No.1940363
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    All according to keikaku...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:18 No.1940365
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:20 No.1940370
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:21 No.1940371
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:22 No.1940372
    I actually almost cried just now. In fact, I'm tearing up. Why the fuck are all these famous people dying?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:22 No.1940373
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:23 No.1940377
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:25 No.1940378
    holy shit. right after farrah and micheal, too. the infomercial world won't be the same without him. :"(
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 06/28/09(Sun)12:26 No.1940382
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    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 06/28/09(Sun)12:28 No.1940385
    Goldblum is alive and healthy, websites were either trolling or being retarded

    Uh huh sure they do.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:28 No.1940386
    Why do you care if famous people die? It doesn't directly affect your life, so why bother
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:28 No.1940388
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    Time for a new era
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:29 No.1940390
    scriptfag... fuck you, just because Fox News doesn't slobber all over Obama's knob like your likely preferred news sources, doesn't mean this isn't real. Enjoy your socialism.

    RIP, Billy...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:31 No.1940391
    He was on Conan last night you fucking twats

    Ya'll got trolled by Fox
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 06/28/09(Sun)12:32 No.1940392

    Please go back and read my post
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:33 No.1940393
    Enjoy your distorted news stories that only embrace the Conservative side, dickweed.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:34 No.1940394
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    >Suggesting Tabloids are trust worthy sources
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:36 No.1940396
    is this a sick joke.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 06/28/09(Sun)12:38 No.1940399
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:38 No.1940400

    With Elvis Costello as well
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:38 No.1940401
    That was a rerun, I watched it monday
    He seemed...perfectly fine D:
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 06/28/09(Sun)12:41 No.1940403
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    The original source before Fawx News, the news in the city he lived in:

    This week fucking blows. This was supposed to be a great day, full of steak & eggs, poker, and swimming. WHY BILLY WHYYYY
    >> Remember this? Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:41 No.1940404
         File : 1246207283.jpg-(34 KB, 375x563, Jeff_Goldblum_001_111208.jpg)
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    BREAKING NEWS: Jeff Goldblum has died in an accident while in New Zealand. Harrison Ford might have died in said accident as well. More news coming.
    -Fox News
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:45 No.1940408
    That was the same exact thing I thought when I heard this. D:
    I'll seriously miss you and your awesome voice.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:45 No.1940409
    sheep detected
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 06/28/09(Sun)12:45 No.1940410
    So, no more hour long advertisements meant to pass as shitty reality shows?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:50 No.1940412
         File : 1246207850.jpg-(83 KB, 839x505, watomg.jpg)
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    Well, Billy Mays' son is keeping us updated on Twitter.

    Unfortunately, I think Billy really is dead. RIP.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:51 No.1940413
    He had a weak back ...about a week back ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:53 No.1940417
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:58 No.1940424
    He actually did pass way this morning.
    You guys are so used to trolls that you disreguard everything.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 06/28/09(Sun)13:01 No.1940427
    It's because no one trusts FoxNews.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)13:02 No.1940428
    From TMZ's website.

    Mays had just returned from Philadelphia, where he shot a new OxiClean commercial. He was a passenger aboard a plane that suffered a blown front tire upon landing. He told a local TV station, "All of a sudden as we hit you know it was just the hardest hit, all the things from the ceiling started dropping. It hit me on the head, but I got a hard head."
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)13:06 No.1940430

    Fox news posted similar bullshit about Harrison Ford and Jeff Goldblum being dead, what can you expect?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)15:09 No.1940574
    and nothing of value was lost
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 06/28/09(Sun)16:18 No.1940686
    Which raises the question, did that bump on the head cause an epidural hematoma, killed him in his sleep like it did Natasha Richardson after her skiing accident?
    >> "Bearrrs !!5S64RFdB6tP 06/28/09(Sun)16:26 No.1940694
    Gaiz this is on CNN.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)17:09 No.1940754
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    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)17:39 No.1940812

    I kept spelling it Billy Maes until someone point it out...damn FMA has tainted me.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)17:47 No.1940825
    This thread is now about photoshopping Billy Mays head onto Maes Hughes body. Cosplay or not.

    GO GO GO
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)19:15 No.1940943
    Billy Mays ordering from a McDonalds drive through, awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)22:43 No.1941268
    It was probably a concussion. This is why you go to the doctor after a blow to the head. Even if you feel fine afterward!

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