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06/29/09(Mon)06:38 No.1942082I've
known this one girl for a while, I met her while she was still in grade
school, I was in high school at the time and I'd just so happened to be
wearing a Naruto shirt (I hate myself for it, but it was a gift from my
now dead aunt), and we just so happened to be at the mall. She
approached me and jesus she's the embodiment of shitty Hot Topic
"omglolgoffikemo" kid. She's wearing black lipstick, white FACE PAINT
and black eye make up, and she says to me, "OMG (I shit you not, she
honestly said it, pronounced it like, ohm-gh)! You like Naruto too!
Sasuke is so kawaii~~~!! X3 Sakura is such a whore lol (said that too,
like low-l)! SasuNaru is the cutest thing ever! Kawaii desu ne~!" And
me, being the polite, sophomore that I was, just nodded and said
something like "yeah, yeah, great stuff" and tried to go back to
talking to my friends who had gotten onto the topic of how shitty our
science teacher was.
But this prepubescent little "goffik" kid
will not go away, she sits down with us, and then proceeds to whine.
Here's how it went. "No one ever listens to me because I dress goffikly
(yes, she said that too)! They think I'm a cweep and want to suck their
bwood!" and this gets my friends attention and then she starts beaming
like she's hot shit and says; "Do you guys like aneemay too!? I love
Naruto it's the best show ever OMG! I love SasuNaru and yaoi and like
when Sasuke and Naruto kissed in episode three it was so KAWAII~~~~"
got the ugliest face ever, rotund, crater faced little whore. I got
forced to take her to the swimming pool here once, she wore a STRING
BIKINI. and her legs are the flabbiest things I've ever seen. Not to
mention her huge stomach and flabby boobs.
It's disgusting and I
want to kill her. All she ever talks about is Naruto, and all the
gentle suggestions I've made about getting an acne wash have been met
with "OMG You think I'm ugly! I'm telling my mom OMG!"
Oh, and I forgot to mention, my mother loves her to death. |