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  • File : 1246181163.jpg-(84 KB, 389x383, 1245692710985.jpg)
    84 KB Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)05:26 No.1939922  
    my boyfriend just doesnt...get it...

    have any of you other run into problems with your s/o's from cosplaying?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)05:30 No.1939930
    guys I date are always geeks. So no never ran into that prob.

    But your guy/girl must have something they are obsessive with for no good reason... like shopping or sports or cars or eating out.

    Just because they are more socially acceptable to spend several hours watching THE GAME doesn't validate it more than your hobby.
    Explain that how he has oodles of baseball statistics or she must have the NEWEST famous maker purse is the same as you enjoying cosplay. We all have hobbies.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)05:36 No.1939936
    Damn don't be such a shitty girlfriend...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)05:43 No.1939950
    I just lost the game.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)05:49 No.1939954
    My s/o cosplays with me (and likes it as much as I do) so we never have problems. Okay sometimes we have trouble picking what we want to do next because we cosplay couples/pairs/friends/etc. together most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)05:52 No.1939957
    I don't even have an s/o. Be grateful that not understanding the draw of cosplay is the most pressing of your issues.
    >> A boy 06/28/09(Sun)05:52 No.1939958
    I am a witness of those catastrophic results between a geek, as I was one, and her girlfriend.
    So, to be a happy couple, I suggest;

    1. Being aware that your boyfriend is a geek

    2. Compar the time he plays on his computer between the time he pays attention to you

    3. Compar the amount of money he spent on his computer(s) and how much he spent for you

    4. If your happy with him even thought he plays video-games in your face (without you playing), forget the two last numbers

    PS. Seriously, he doesn't understand the joke?
    >> The same boy 06/28/09(Sun)05:55 No.1939963
    As I may not know what a s/o means, I am sorry if my words are incorrect.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)05:59 No.1939970
    Somehow I think the reading comprehension of this thread is a little low...
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)05:59 No.1939974
    My boyfriend, despite his love for hentai and other lovely facets of the Japanese culture, can't stand anime conventions. He's tried to cosplay with me a few times before, but he gets so fed up with the people at conventions that he doesn't have a good time.
    He's not afraid to tell me that my costumes aren't very good, and he alternates between saying that I should just find a better hobby, or commit more time to making my costumes so I don't embarrass myself with a shitty costume at a con.
    So I guess he's somewhat supportive, in that he wants me to get better...but he only wants me to get better because he's a perfectionist
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)06:02 No.1939979
    >not understanding the question
    >claiming to be a 'reformed' geek
    >spelling compare wrong
    >giving advice on how to pick a fight over something pointless
    >missing the point

    My god, there should be some sort of law against being as retarded as you.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)06:05 No.1939981
    Man, I like anime cons and sometimes the people at them make me want to just throw up my arms and just quit this shit forever. At least he's honest with you.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)06:10 No.1939986
    Yeah, I totally understand where he's coming from, I just wish we could have fun at cons and couple cosplay together.
    I guess a good compromise would just to be have a photoshoot for the two of us in couple cosplay, at some public, non convention place, like a park. That way we wouldn't have to deal with annoying people, and I could still feel like I'm Sailor Moon and he's Tuxedo Mask, or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)06:10 No.1939987
    As much as I don't like elitists and their put-downs, just take it in stride and get better for yourself and those who share your interest. Do so, and you may just balance out all the "random lolita catgirl kawaiidesu~" folks at cons.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)10:29 No.1940220
    My s/o goes to cons with me primarily to keep guys away from me and to help me carry and set up from my skit. He gets a lot of fun from the con drama and stuff and some cons ago i convinced him of cosplaying with me. Though he liked the experinece, he tells me he wouldnt do it again and I have to admit he is the best cos couple I have ever been with because he TRUSTS my word and does anything told!

    I wonder if he will let up...
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 06/28/09(Sun)10:31 No.1940224
    Considering how many socially broken people that somehow manage to squeeze into every con, I seriously doubt my boyfriend would want to attend one. Atleast not for awhile. Maybe I can impress him with my handy work. Seems he is warming up to the idea
    >> Fantastical 06/28/09(Sun)10:52 No.1940242
    You're lucky, my previous boyfriend was a spineless little dickweed who made me stand up for him.
    He didn't really understand it, though I accidently caught him fapping to Kipi.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/28/09(Sun)11:09 No.1940263
    I don't have a girlfriend. So this isn't a problem.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)11:16 No.1940275
    That's not surprising.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)11:18 No.1940276
    I hope that's not the reason you dumped him.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)11:26 No.1940293
    Nah, I dumped him because he was making fun of me behind my back since my appearence dosen't live up to my age. (I have no hips, no ass, no tits and loli face.)
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:49 No.1940411
    Well, considering I met my boyfriend at a convention, cosplaying only brings us closer.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)12:59 No.1940425
    just ask soni, and look where that ended her up.
    >> DarrynGrey !!DOApy8KC6ga 06/28/09(Sun)13:04 No.1940429
         File : 1246208659.gif-(33 KB, 222x384, bull_docky.gif)
    33 KB
    Yeah, she's with my brosef 4ng31, and the two of them are happy as hell about it. Plus she gets to watch people get all high and mighty about what a terrible, awful person 4ng31 is and enjoy a laugh.

    For your post, I award you Kinnikuman filler arc villain Bull Docky.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)13:25 No.1940452
    My ex didn't really get it, either. It was cool when I'd postpone dates for WoW raids, but cosplay? That's just fucking NERDY.

    I dragged him to a con in 07, and he had an ok time. The people-watching was great for him. But fuck if I could've ever gotten him into a costume. Now that we're broken up, I enjoy conventions so much more.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 06/28/09(Sun)13:27 No.1940453

    Hahaha, you dumped him because he's the only one of your (boy)friends you actually caught calling you a little girl? That's pretty fucked up, yo.
    >> Fantastical 06/28/09(Sun)13:46 No.1940476
    I know, I laugh heartily when I think about it to this day, I was a stupid freshman.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)13:51 No.1940486
    I enjoy eating out...
    >> UBOA !PZGoP0V9Oo 06/28/09(Sun)13:56 No.1940494
    he didn't want me going to conventions, but wanted to fuck me while i was in costume.

    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)14:09 No.1940511
    i got a boner
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)15:27 No.1940606
    >It was cool when I'd postpone dates for WoW raids

    Jesus Christ, he continued to date you after THAT?

    Either you're really damn hot, or he's a fucking retard. I'd never speak to a woman again if I got stood up over a fucking videogame.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)15:42 No.1940630

    Seriously, he must have no standards.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)15:52 No.1940645
    I had a roommate who would actively turn whole groups of her friends who showed up at her door away because it was time for a WOW raid. At first, I thought it was for a particularly important raid or something, but she did it every single time. She had to plan exactly what time she went to dinner with said group of friends, and if it wasn't during that little time slot, she wouldn't go.

    Standing up a girl OR a guy for WOW isn't too far of a stretch for some folks... I'd never put up with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/09(Sun)20:58 No.1941096

    or he played WoW too and understood?

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