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  • File : 1245961388.jpg-(28 KB, 740x416, 15725_normal.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)16:23 No.1933527  
    Okay, Engy cosplayers. Listen up.

    Engy wears his hardhat backwards. Brim to the back. Every single one of you gets this wrong.

    What you do, is you take that brand-new hardhat you just bought from Home Depot, take the plastic webbing inside and remove it. You then put it back in the other way around. The webbing should snap right back into the same sockets you unhooked it from.

    There you have it. The webbing now sits normally, comfortably on the top of your head, and the hardhat now points backwards.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)16:24 No.1933530
         File : 1245961451.jpg-(128 KB, 335x500, 2725636653_090c78caef.jpg)
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    Rare example of doing it right.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)16:29 No.1933538
    I wouldn't approach that guy
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)16:31 No.1933543

    he has no fucking goggles, the goggles, he has nothing!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)20:29 No.1933997
    ffff runners
    >> Geron Kizan !!dzd0D/HaDfJ 06/25/09(Thu)20:32 No.1934001
    Gotcha, I was wondering about that a few days ago when I was watching Meet the Engineer video.

    Blue Engineer now ready for Otakon :D
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)20:35 No.1934009
    The sleeves not being rolled down irks me to no end, and I feel ashamed because of it.
    >> Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!VJXiIsRXUJN 06/25/09(Thu)20:43 No.1934033
    >>1933527 Engy wears his hardhat backwards.


    I'm around construction workers all the time and they all wear their hats like this HOW DID I NOT NOTICE IT SOONER
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)20:43 No.1934034
         File : 1245977014.jpg-(61 KB, 463x309, 6a00d83512cb8f69e200e54f7b525f(...).jpg)
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    sorry, to but in with this being a engy thread but i have a question regarding the sniper,it looks as though he wears dark jeans rather then slacks or is that just what people have adapted to the costumes?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)20:48 No.1934058
    It prevents red neck. Little tid-bit for ya.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)20:59 No.1934090
         File : 1245977996.jpg-(9 KB, 220x193, thm_28392.jpg)
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    Dude. Red snipers pants are brown. Anyways, a nice brown pair of jeans would look very nice. Like really. Just make sure they don't look like hipster pants, and they're nicer (read--newer) work pants. Though you could always go with slacks.

    Oh, and if you're doing blue sniper, grey jeans, same rules apply.
    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:03 No.1934098
         File : 1245978216.jpg-(482 KB, 1470x2079, 124374244077.jpg)
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    His pants are blue.

    This is now a TF2 reference thread
    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:04 No.1934102
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:05 No.1934105
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)21:05 No.1934110
    Ok, fine. A very gray blue.
    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:06 No.1934116
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:07 No.1934118
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:08 No.1934121
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)21:08 No.1934122
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:08 No.1934123
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)21:11 No.1934127
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:11 No.1934128
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:11 No.1934131
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:13 No.1934136
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:14 No.1934141
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:15 No.1934145
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    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:20 No.1934151
         File : 1245979200.jpg-(34 KB, 250x248, wellco_ghwctv_green_jungle_boo(...).jpg)
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    PS, Soldier wears Jungle Boots.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)21:21 No.1934152
         File : 1245979280.png-(314 KB, 500x500, pG01-4944078dt.png)
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    would cowboy boots work cause i was just thinking of using these,i think boots fit better to the sniper though.
    >> bloody zoro 06/25/09(Thu)21:25 No.1934158
    They look good to me. They might be a little better if the tops were a little higher. But we never see how tall sniper's shoes are.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)21:26 No.1934161

    Yeah just backing this guy up a bit on the whole slacks thing. Most people wear shitty jeans from home and it annoys the fuck out of me. I never saw anything wrong with looking NICE for a cosplay that doesn't require something to be shitty or battleworn. The sniper doesn't have to be worn down and dirt-covered.

    tl;dr if you aren't supposed to wear crappy things, look nice. Wear nice pants that fit the way they're supposed to for your cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)22:24 No.1934330
    This thread is win.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)23:02 No.1934416
         File : 1245985334.jpg-(305 KB, 700x525, SDC10903.jpg)
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    I'm Cosplaying Engie this coming AX. And I agree with the hardhat. No one wears it backwards like they're supposed to.

    Or makes their wrenches the right size.
    pic related. It's my wrench. 24"
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)23:04 No.1934419
         File : 1245985446.jpg-(234 KB, 700x525, SDC10899.jpg)
    234 KB
    In-progress pic to better grasp it's size.

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