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  • File : 1245812116.jpg-(31 KB, 475x476, MetroGear_large mod.jpg)
    31 KB MetroCon 2009 Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)22:55 No.1929830  
    Dear Jessica,
    I just wanted to say thank you. You helped MetroCon have it's best turnout ever. All of our shows had amazing attendance, standing ovations, and an outpouring of support from the anime community. If not for you we wouldn't have had thousands of "I believe in MetroCon" and "I believe in Roy Harms" badges, signs, buttons and stickers floating around the convention center. We wouldn't have had ALL of the local news media out there filming posetive things about the convention (and completely ignoring all of the BS you started). You are the one who informed all of the news media about us and piqued their interests to find out what MetroCon really is. They came out there and saw a huge family of wonderful people enjoying themselves and having fun. They saw a hard working staff and cast busting their butts making sure that each patron was having a great time. That's what they reported on. Our numbers were up, Things went better than we could have expected- even before all of this crap. The support for our convention, and for Roy was amazing.... thanks to you. Oh, sure, there were a few days of "oh shit oh shit oh shit".... but then the convention came and everything was great. Thanks for all of the free publicity!!!

    The MetroCon Staff
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)22:59 No.1929846
    Oh snap!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:00 No.1929848
    Cool story bro!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:01 No.1929851
         File : 1245812482.jpg-(12 KB, 320x238, bob.jpg)
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    You know what they say, "There is no such thing as bad publicity."
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:12 No.1929875
         File : 1245813121.jpg-(13 KB, 280x289, funny-pictures-cat-scratches-p(...).jpg)
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    Hear Hear! Long live Metrocon
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:16 No.1929894
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:20 No.1929909
    got links of the news stories? I've been looking on youtube but cannot find the ABC action news coverage.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:23 No.1929920
    Cool story Mom!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:25 No.1929924
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:25 No.1929926
         File : 1245813928.jpg-(37 KB, 716x693, 1233600467037.jpg)
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    i approve of this post. the subtle "fuck you" undercurrent that accompanies your light sarcasm is accentuated by your properly limiting the superfluous exclamation marks on the last sentence to 2.

    *golf clap*

    still think this shit >>1925739 would have been funny, though :D
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:32 No.1929940
    who's jessica? Is she the underage skank?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)23:51 No.1929977
    Dear MetroCon Staff,

    Awesome convention. And very well put "fuck you"!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)00:10 No.1930015
    hehe... I bet she'll be real butthurt over this.... good. Bitch deserves it. Great con guys! Keep up the great work! I am looking forward to 2010!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)00:33 No.1930069
    I approve of this message.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)00:51 No.1930111
    I lol'd so hard when I read this.... she is probly fuming right now. Plan failed biotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)00:55 No.1930117
    Thank You
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:15 No.1930167
    I have no idea what this is about but I am intrigued and if someone explained it to me they would be a fabulous person.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:25 No.1930187
    I hear your skits were still shitty though...

    Sorry to hear that.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:31 No.1930201
    Been outta the loop for a long time.

    Someone fill me in on what happened/didn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:33 No.1930204
    It's not the cons faults if people enter shitty skits lol
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:34 No.1930206
    That's why I gave them my condolences. It was a tragedy not within their ability to control.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:35 No.1930208
    Thank you kind sir. It was indeed a tragedy.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:35 No.1930211
    What the fuck, why do you guys support the fucking pedo? Oh right, 4chan. Yeah, the girl obviously must just be an indightful little bitch who just wanted to 'wuin all youw fun with hew mean mean allegations ;__;' of being statutory fucking raped. Right, blame the victim and say 'oh I knew the guy for like five minutes so obviously I know he's a great guy and she's a liar'.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:37 No.1930216
    look up the word pedo, and then stop using it incorrectly

    Also, she did this to ruin the con, and it still pulled through. That's what this is about not about Roy.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:39 No.1930220
    So then the sex wasn't consensual?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:39 No.1930221
    My point is that she DIDN'T do it to ruin the con, you guys are just paranoid self-absorbed retards.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:43 No.1930233
    Ah no, actually she did. She even talked to people about doing so. If she didn't want to ruin the con why on earth would she post it all over 4chan and contact news stations?

    This could have been dealt with personally, involving only Roy and not the whole convention.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:45 No.1930238
    It was, they had a relationship. And he spoiled her ungrateful ass and she thanks him by doing this.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:49 No.1930249
    >So then the sex wasn't consensual?
    How about, the sex wasn't legal?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:52 No.1930255
    Yes, I get it, it was statutory rape. But was it consensual statutory rape? Were both parties completely on board and okay with it?

    I am no judge, jury, or executioner, and so I leave the legal details to such folk whose job it is to deal with legal details. If it was illegal, then he should get punished for it. But I just want to know if there was a relationship and if the sex was consensual.

    I see.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:52 No.1930258
    Did you dickweeds forget this?
    >My thoughts on that are better that you hear it from me, and not 4Chan, or a blog, or any of the other places people attempt to ruin other peoples' images on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:53 No.1930260
    I do not know where that's from.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:56 No.1930268
    Metrocon news page
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:58 No.1930273
    As far as I understand, it was. Not that that means she can't bitch and whine about it now.

    It's from fugly's livejournal post that was made in like January about the whole deal.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:58 No.1930276


    Okay, I get it, Roy whatever is a nice guy. Party favors all around.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)01:59 No.1930278
    Scratch that, anon's right and I'm a dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)02:00 No.1930280
    >Not that that means she can't bitch and whine about it now.

    Of course not.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)02:07 No.1930307
    Why isn't this on the metrocon site?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)02:08 No.1930311
    They want the story out there bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)02:08 No.1930312
    Entertaining as it is, I think it isn't exactly completely professional or entirely tasteful.
    >> Batsu-Sai 06/24/09(Wed)02:09 No.1930318
    I also approve of this message. Way to go Metro! <3
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)02:18 No.1930346
    Because it's not officially from Metrocon staff dumbass lol
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)10:18 No.1930924
    This is great! I think I will bump it back to the top!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)10:28 No.1930938
    Dear Crappy Metrocon Staff,

    If you consider your ballroom not even being half full for your main events, dealers complaining about horrible sales and a convention full of screaming kids (Literally) a good turn out, then good for you. However I did attend your con, and did not see any "we belive in roy harms" memorabilia, so I'm going to call bullshit. Because no one is drawing more attention to your CEO's case of having sex with an underage girl more than you are. I would also like to thank out that you are clearly someone close on metrocon staff by using an official vector of the metrocon gear with the filename MetroGear_large mod.jpg. Seeing as the gear is not copyright, trademarked or has any rights reserved I will take it for myself and capitalize some more off of your immaturity.
    Grow up and realize that no matter what you post on 4chan, or your livejournals, blogs, websites whatever that it will not affect the outcome of Mr. Harm's case.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)10:54 No.1930963
    And we're just assuming it actually happened? There's a good possibility that the bitch is lying and nothing happened. I don't understand why everyone is just *assuming* it happened. We're dealing with a vindictive lying skank here.

    Considering the economy the turn out WAS pretty good. Sure it wasn't as packed as it could have been, but we ARE in hard times. ECONOMICAL hard times. Who's to say that people didn't attend because of this whole mess? I don't know of one person that had planned on going that ended up not going because of the whole Jessica thing. And I know alot of people. So go ahead and try to make people think that people didn't go because of this. This issue is a horse that's been beaten dead. Let's get over it. Jessica was out for the con and she failed. End of story. I still stand by my opinion of nothing even happened between the two (that was illegal) and she's just a fucking bitch. Thank you and good day.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)11:00 No.1930967
    There were stickers and buttons saying "I believe in Metrocon" and "I believe in Roy Harms" all over the convention. You must have been blind to not see them.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)11:15 No.1930982
    I was never claiming that attendance was down for one reason or another. However the obvious staff member that was OP clearly is claiming that attendance was up. Seeing as I have attended Metrocon for 4 years now I would say that there were clearly more people there last year, however no one can honestly blame one reason for this.
    While it seems to be the common opinion that sexual relations between Roy & Jessica were wrong, they are illegal, and this is the point that a lot of people seem to miss. The law is not something someone simply can have an opinion about. It's put in place for a reason and is meant to be followed or those violating it will face punishment. If Roy did have sexual relations be it anything considered sexual by Florida state law, then he knowingly broke the law and should face the repercussions. However we can banter day and night about this, it will be up to the courts to decide Roy's innocence.

    I did not see any, and have not seen any in pictures that have been published. I can imagine a small percentage of supporters wearing them (such as the chess match actors and his staff) but considering most of the convention was most likely oblivious to the situation I doubt they were 'all over the convention'.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)11:32 No.1930998
    They were in fact "all over the convention". I was working a booth and about every other person that walked by on Friday had an "I believe in Metrocon" sticker on. I didn't see as many the next day probably cuz they had already used them up/worn them on friday.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)11:35 No.1931004
    That's not the official Metro gear graphic. Real one has a dot in the middle of the gear.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)11:40 No.1931011
    The file name would indicate otherwise.Considering the end of the file name is mod (modified) it would not surprise me if this was posted by a staff member. They clearly read 4chan

    Ok, well good for you? I do not recall seeing any, nor have I seen any in pictures. I'm not saying they didn't exist, but they clearly were not 'all over the convention' or perhaps we would have seen them in posted images.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)11:43 No.1931014
    One of the booths in Artist's Alley had "I Believe In Metrocon" badges they were selling. They ran out within an hour and sent someone back home to make more. They did this several times each day.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)11:50 No.1931020
    Ah okay, that may explain why I never saw them. Thanks for the explanation.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)13:44 No.1931178
    The reason you may have seen more people there last year was because Flugtag was going on and a great number of people in and around the convention center were there for that. I would say MetroCon's numbers atleast stayed the same if they did not increase.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)13:49 No.1931185
    Good to know that people support statutory rape. Hope it doesn't happen to your sister one day.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)13:56 No.1931197
    Please read my full post where I explain that I have been going to metrocon for several years. The numbers were clearly lower this year. Just looking at the empty seats during the chess match made that obvious.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:42 No.1931386
    if my 17 year old sister had a consensual relationship with an adult, i wouldn't give a shit, and neither should you.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:50 No.1931402
    But a judge would. Your opinion doesnt mean SHIT in the eyes of the law.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:05 No.1931422

    Oh, you tool. You're telling me that if your 17 year old sister was seduced and showered with gifts by a 40 year old man you would have no problem with it? That speaks volumes about the kind of people that support Roy. Bet you guys love it when teachers hook up with students too.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:24 No.1931477

    You think Amerikkaaa is bad? Go to Japan or any other Asian country for that matter and then STFU
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:27 No.1931487
    Compensated dating is seen as prostitution, and is considered illegal. It's also not as widespread as believed.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:29 No.1931491

    LOL and that makes it okay? "Well, mommy, other countries are doing it, so I thought it'd be okay!" Fuck off, douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:33 No.1931501

    Don't waste your breath. The majority of males on cgl would gladly support any institution that would get them a hot girl out of their league be it date rape, compensation, or prostitutes.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:07 No.1931787
    'I believe in Roy Harms' = 'I would bend over and take it up the booty from Mr. Metrocon because Metrocon is the best thing EVAR KAWAII DESU LOLOLOL'
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:25 No.1931937

    You forget "omg PLZ put me in chessmatch PLZPLZPLZ"
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 06/24/09(Wed)20:34 No.1931949
    Lies well maybe if they were underage...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)21:50 No.1932064
    >>Bet you guys love it when teachers hook up with students too.
    How did you know??

    Also, whenever I saw the "I believe in Roy Harms" badges, I immediately mentally added, " my pants" after it. Then the people wearing the badges looked at me funny when I started snickering at them. It was great.
    >> TalentlessTroll 06/24/09(Wed)22:31 No.1932118
    I still think its funny because I had no fucking clue about the Roy Harms issue until after the convention was over.

    I never paid for tickets so I dunno how the dealer's floor looked, but upstairs there were quite a few empty tables.

    Both Friday and Sunday seemed a little less crowded than previous years, but Saturday was pretty busy.

    I also didn't see any "I believe in Roy Harms/MetroCon" badges, but then I wasn't looking for them.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)23:11 No.1932180
    there is no way that the OP'er of this was REALLY a staff member.

    they have better things to do
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)00:03 No.1932324

    like stick it to underage girls?
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 06/25/09(Thu)05:28 No.1932870
    in the pooper

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