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  • File : 1245739396.jpg-(37 KB, 512x512, 714b997b0c64e024eb0c2897a31a8158.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:43 No.1927838  
    I've spent most of my day off sitting around playing pokemon (Training for AX) while a friend of mine finishes my costume.
    Post your favorites/What you'd like to do/Any pokemon you don't have designs for.
    Picture related as I will be a fucking rampardos.
    Anyone have any good Charizard/Garchomp/Sharpedo?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:44 No.1927842
         File : 1245739472.gif-(37 KB, 300x400, 1244082661981.gif)
    37 KB
    In the mean time Ill post some of the ones Ive got saved
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:45 No.1927848
         File : 1245739548.jpg-(376 KB, 706x1000, 98726600e509e5e60a10959a81a6ee(...).jpg)
    376 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:46 No.1927851
    /r/ Wartortle? I've yet to see a design I've really liked.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:51 No.1927862
         File : 1245739866.jpg-(45 KB, 512x512, 071.jpg)
    45 KB
    Starting this shit when I get back from vacation in a week and a half.
    >> Vicious !!QZqJG7QvWij 06/23/09(Tue)02:51 No.1927865
         File : 1245739900.jpg-(117 KB, 269x487, Glaceon.jpg)
    117 KB
    I'm planning on doing this version of Glaceon hopefully next year.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:55 No.1927875
         File : 1245740105.jpg-(71 KB, 512x512, 14fb05d9.jpg)
    71 KB
    D: Why do I find this sexy too!?
    This charizard aint so bad
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:55 No.1927879
         File : 1245740145.png-(45 KB, 469x559, PKMN_Gijinka__009__Blastoise_b(...).png)
    45 KB
    not warturtle, but I have 2 designs I found for blastoise and squirtle.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:57 No.1927883
         File : 1245740234.jpg-(40 KB, 512x512, 079bb644290394c36fd65ab4f85a4e(...).jpg)
    40 KB
    Too lazy to un-invert but I think it'd be fun to be crobat.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:57 No.1927884
         File : 1245740251.png-(318 KB, 469x559, Pkmn_Gijinka___Squirtle_by_Aya(...).png)
    318 KB
    and squirtle
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:57 No.1927887
         File : 1245740255.jpg-(117 KB, 375x500, 071_VictreebellC.jpg)
    117 KB
    Because it's hot.

    Hope you have the tits for it.
    >> Master Shambler 06/23/09(Tue)02:58 No.1927891
         File : 1245740291.jpg-(1.91 MB, 2304x3072, pix 255.jpg)
    1.91 MB
    nothing beats this
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:58 No.1927894
         File : 1245740319.jpg-(36 KB, 512x512, 291_Ninjask.jpg)
    36 KB
    I still want to do this. I'd need a Shedinja though.
    >> Master Shambler 06/23/09(Tue)02:59 No.1927896
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)02:59 No.1927898
    Trust me Anon, I do~
    >> Nikopol 06/23/09(Tue)03:00 No.1927899

    I always pictured Blastoise as a Jock wearing a blue Letter-jacket carrying a double-barreled super-soaker and spraying weak-looking gijinka cosplayers.

    but that's just me. I like this one a lot, too.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:00 No.1927901
         File : 1245740414.jpg-(45 KB, 512x512, 03d08d333e95df84b1dc4a9324557a(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    Aww yeah
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:00 No.1927903
         File : 1245740425.gif-(36 KB, 400x400, Lucario.gif)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:01 No.1927906
         File : 1245740501.gif-(29 KB, 303x450, 1245373895973.gif)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:02 No.1927909
         File : 1245740563.jpg-(40 KB, 512x512, 66a6487e6e8bb1948d35342f2d5711(...).jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:03 No.1927912
    That mental image made me smile
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:03 No.1927915
         File : 1245740618.jpg-(243 KB, 469x559, PKMN_Gijinka__Venonat_Venomoth(...).jpg)
    243 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:05 No.1927919
    Dear god I didn't even know there was one!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:05 No.1927920
    The venomoth looks cool but venonat is kind of a hideous bug...doesn't fit well :/
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:05 No.1927921
    Heh, your welcome then. Hope it helps :3
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:07 No.1927925
    Aw, I thought Venonat was a cute pokemon.
    >> Nikopol 06/23/09(Tue)03:08 No.1927927

    you're welcome; my first accomplishment today
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:08 No.1927928
         File : 1245740917.png-(337 KB, 600x600, PKMN_SharPEDO_by_Nire_chan.png)
    337 KB
    Just found these
    <3 for the abomasnow/snover
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:09 No.1927930
         File : 1245740960.jpg-(107 KB, 409x550, 1232918563933.jpg)
    107 KB
    I remember getting these from /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:10 No.1927931
         File : 1245741015.jpg-(176 KB, 512x512, 1232918675642.jpg)
    176 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:10 No.1927933
         File : 1245741058.jpg-(723 KB, 750x1000, DSCN1082.jpg)
    723 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:11 No.1927934
         File : 1245741082.png-(289 KB, 512x512, 1232918718545.png)
    289 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:25 No.1927958
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:27 No.1927960
         File : 1245742033.gif-(58 KB, 399x457, Flygon.gif)
    58 KB
    Googled for some more, and since I bored posting interesting ones.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:28 No.1927962
         File : 1245742082.jpg-(50 KB, 222x532, kieljz2.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:28 No.1927964
         File : 1245742121.gif-(48 KB, 432x580, 1215326399052.gif)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:30 No.1927967
         File : 1245742223.gif-(42 KB, 315x374, 321.gif)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:36 No.1927973
         File : 1245742594.jpg-(45 KB, 468x700, jirachi.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:37 No.1927974
         File : 1245742637.jpg-(47 KB, 400x481, kyogrejpgjm2.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:37 No.1927975
         File : 1245742670.jpg-(23 KB, 345x380, poke46ki1.jpg)
    23 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:38 No.1927976
         File : 1245742723.jpg-(42 KB, 352x499, Vileplume2.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:39 No.1927977
    Pokemon Ginjika search:
    Just click around and you'll find something if you can't read moon runes.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:50 No.1927986
         File : 1245743436.jpg-(53 KB, 512x512, 402_Kricketune.jpg)
    53 KB
    My favorite gijinka design ever. I really want to cosplay it, but I hate the pokemon so much in the game. Makes me feel guilty for only wanting to cosplay it for the design. ._.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:51 No.1927988
    I can't find a decent haunter one ;-;
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/23/09(Tue)03:51 No.1927991
    fffff i love kricketune and i hope someone cosplays it eventually ;A;
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:07 No.1928008
    Holy shiiit I know what Im working on After Anime Expo now
    This is pretty fuckwin too
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:15 No.1928018
         File : 1245744944.jpg-(52 KB, 512x512, 260.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:21 No.1928027
         File : 1245745272.jpg-(134 KB, 350x500, gijinka.jpg)
    134 KB
    Im not sure anon, but I think this is haunter
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/23/09(Tue)04:22 No.1928030
    i'd say mismageaus
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:22 No.1928031
         File : 1245745339.jpg-(81 KB, 360x470, 04.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:22 No.1928033
         File : 1245745373.gif-(47 KB, 360x450, 1215411350456.gif)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:22 No.1928035
         File : 1245745378.jpg-(67 KB, 512x512, 383.jpg)
    67 KB
    Could be misdreavus or spiritomb...doesn't look very much like haunter :/ I too would enjoy that
    Enjoy some motherfucking groudon
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:23 No.1928036
         File : 1245745410.jpg-(189 KB, 401x775, 6e5a4315f62e65ee2b8b0ac08d3989(...).jpg)
    189 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:23 No.1928037
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:24 No.1928039
         File : 1245745441.jpg-(59 KB, 500x640, Bronzong.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:24 No.1928042
         File : 1245745492.jpg-(30 KB, 264x496, growlthe.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:26 No.1928044
         File : 1245745583.jpg-(40 KB, 265x499, Kriketune.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:27 No.1928046
         File : 1245745640.jpg-(102 KB, 589x853, Kurami-on-16-06-09-at-08-56-39(...).jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:29 No.1928047
         File : 1245745785.jpg-(65 KB, 382x640, Kyogre.jpg)
    65 KB
    Thanks for the correction anon
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:29 No.1928048
         File : 1245745793.jpg-(230 KB, 761x1073, Tyranitar_Gijinka_Colored_by_D(...).jpg)
    230 KB
    I like Maguma's Tyranitar
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:30 No.1928049
         File : 1245745846.gif-(29 KB, 225x456, Luxray-1.gif)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:31 No.1928050
         File : 1245745905.jpg-(34 KB, 477x358, mawile_m.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:32 No.1928051
         File : 1245745957.jpg-(56 KB, 502x466, Metagross.jpg)
    56 KB
    That is so cute, loving the hat.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:33 No.1928053
         File : 1245745990.jpg-(67 KB, 585x450, p050102a1jpglx0.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:33 No.1928055
         File : 1245746026.jpg-(58 KB, 293x434, phumn2jj6.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:34 No.1928057
         File : 1245746059.gif-(72 KB, 497x548, pika11kg8.gif)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:34 No.1928059
         File : 1245746090.jpg-(55 KB, 428x520, Regice.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:35 No.1928060
         File : 1245746148.jpg-(39 KB, 340x545, Suicune.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:36 No.1928063
         File : 1245746193.gif-(32 KB, 450x371, Xangooseshouta.gif)
    32 KB
    ...and last one.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:43 No.1928065
    So many good ideas Im getting from this thread...thank you /cgl/ <3
    >> Vicious !!QZqJG7QvWij 06/23/09(Tue)04:49 No.1928070
         File : 1245746980.jpg-(190 KB, 394x390, flareon.jpg)
    190 KB
    I may as well post the Gijinka version's the rest of my group are doing too. I really like the designs.
    >> -(:) 06/23/09(Tue)04:53 No.1928077
         File : 1245747208.jpg-(49 KB, 350x520, pokemon gijinka.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> Vicious !!QZqJG7QvWij 06/23/09(Tue)04:53 No.1928078
         File : 1245747230.jpg-(27 KB, 512x512, l_fed9101b4cfc47a7b7af71410e88(...).jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Vicious !!QZqJG7QvWij 06/23/09(Tue)04:54 No.1928079
         File : 1245747272.jpg-(26 KB, 346x544, l_799aa9c5f187409e975838acfb34(...).jpg)
    26 KB
    >> -(:) 06/23/09(Tue)04:55 No.1928080
         File : 1245747309.jpg-(51 KB, 491x677, pokemon gijinka metang.jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Vicious !!QZqJG7QvWij 06/23/09(Tue)04:55 No.1928082
         File : 1245747354.jpg-(22 KB, 304x399, l_18268a386dfe40fd9887821954e9(...).jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:57 No.1928084
    Oh god I came
    Wonder how I could do those fuckhuge arms and not look silly :/
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:57 No.1928085
         File : 1245747441.jpg-(56 KB, 500x700, 1226748938392.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> -(:) 06/23/09(Tue)04:57 No.1928086
         File : 1245747452.jpg-(115 KB, 333x450, pokemon gijinka umbreon.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Vicious !!QZqJG7QvWij 06/23/09(Tue)04:57 No.1928087
         File : 1245747452.jpg-(26 KB, 233x491, l_2b53e4e96b564cdbad1ea4f0573c(...).jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:58 No.1928090
         File : 1245747507.gif-(13 KB, 219x316, 1226680681272.gif)
    13 KB
    >> -(:) 06/23/09(Tue)04:58 No.1928091
         File : 1245747514.jpg-(101 KB, 700x800, giratina.jpg)
    101 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:59 No.1928093
    They'd basically have to be like Morrigan's or Lilth's wings.

    Plus all those straps, you can kinda get away with the strap system showing for the arms.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:59 No.1928094
         File : 1245747552.jpg-(200 KB, 600x800, gijinka_Lucario_by_bluestraggl(...).jpg)
    200 KB
    Anyone have any more Lucario ones? Most of the ones I find a pretty average.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)04:59 No.1928095
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:00 No.1928097
    I was kinda liking them. ... up til Volteon, he's too Narutoish.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:01 No.1928100
    Fuck that will be crazy to make...Well that+Flygon are going to have to start after Anime Expo.
    I fucking love this thread
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/23/09(Tue)05:01 No.1928101
    Oh finally! Now maybe I can make a Jirachi gijinka now
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:03 No.1928103
    Omg this is so cute! I love the fins on her head!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:04 No.1928104
    Where are these arts from?
    >> Vicious !!QZqJG7QvWij 06/23/09(Tue)05:08 No.1928108
    The majority of the chibi arts can be found here...

    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:14 No.1928113
    ooo thanks vish! there are so many good ones!
    >> -(:) 06/23/09(Tue)05:21 No.1928121
         File : 1245748910.jpg-(42 KB, 400x400, Mechanical Blaziken.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:25 No.1928124
    These are great anon! I have a great urge to that vulpix.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:28 No.1928127
    /r/ing more Lucario like this!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:52 No.1928148
         File : 1245750730.jpg-(131 KB, 900x700, 2myt1j9.jpg)
    131 KB
    A Manectric gijinka character I developed that needs a bit of work. May as well show~
    >> -(:) 06/23/09(Tue)06:18 No.1928171
         File : 1245752335.gif-(26 KB, 250x491, Banette.gif)
    26 KB
    >> -(:) 06/23/09(Tue)06:19 No.1928172
         File : 1245752390.jpg-(33 KB, 300x300, Sableye.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:25 No.1928180
         File : 1245752739.jpg-(185 KB, 648x542, emu_agu_yoku.jpg)
    185 KB
    I would go with spikes on the pants.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:27 No.1928184
    Also, does anyone know what pokemon this is?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:34 No.1928198
         File : 1245753246.jpg-(64 KB, 500x369, Lucario_1.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:34 No.1928200
         File : 1245753295.jpg-(31 KB, 386x462, swablu_m.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:35 No.1928201
         File : 1245753338.jpg-(77 KB, 600x674, LatiasLatiosHumanform.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:36 No.1928203
         File : 1245753383.gif-(24 KB, 291x450, Luxray_m.gif)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:38 No.1928206
         File : 1245753483.jpg-(23 KB, 312x400, 251_1.jpg)
    23 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:38 No.1928207
    Uxie = yellow
    Mesprit = pink
    Azelf = blue
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:39 No.1928209
         File : 1245753541.jpg-(31 KB, 300x400, 1169082194704.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:45 No.1928218
         File : 1245753938.jpg-(106 KB, 400x355, 248_1.jpg)
    106 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:47 No.1928221
         File : 1245754027.jpg-(192 KB, 346x614, dora.jpg)
    192 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:47 No.1928222
         File : 1245754052.jpg-(57 KB, 819x650, HEAVENORHELLLETSROCK.jpg)
    57 KB
    Oh man. I take a break from finishing my costume and what do I see? A Pokemon gijinka thread for AX. :D

    This is the main attraction of my costume. I put in a compartment on the back to use as a backpack.

    Also, I'm a man.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:50 No.1928224
         File : 1245754206.jpg-(51 KB, 376x500, gomipk-4.jpg)
    51 KB
    That... looks NICE!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:51 No.1928226
         File : 1245754269.jpg-(64 KB, 351x520, muthu.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:55 No.1928231
         File : 1245754526.jpg-(46 KB, 433x500, Pidgeot.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)06:57 No.1928232
         File : 1245754670.gif-(33 KB, 523x325, Charizardantorcha.gif)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)07:02 No.1928234
         File : 1245754976.png-(16 KB, 300x300, 58am8.png)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)07:03 No.1928235
         File : 1245755035.jpg-(52 KB, 210x320, jiglipuffzz9.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)07:05 No.1928236
         File : 1245755107.png-(27 KB, 474x400, kobuti.png)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)07:05 No.1928237
         File : 1245755142.jpg-(44 KB, 315x409, yorixy5.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)07:06 No.1928238
         File : 1245755214.jpg-(57 KB, 334x395, pkehum11cd3.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)07:08 No.1928239
         File : 1245755281.jpg-(36 KB, 318x425, Magmar2.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:25 No.1928446
         File : 1245774348.jpg-(34 KB, 425x640, ama2k9_jb_fri0293.jpg)
    34 KB
    Selfposting. I love Pachirisu~
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:42 No.1928465
    marry me
    >> sage sage 06/23/09(Tue)12:43 No.1928467
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:44 No.1928468
    I saw her first, get your own!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:48 No.1928470
    i <3 this thread
    can i ask for moar jigglypuff and flareon please?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:51 No.1928475
    you wanna fight? >:(
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)13:00 No.1928488
    aawww, that's adorable!
    >> Kαż 06/23/09(Tue)13:34 No.1928544
         File : 1245778470.jpg-(64 KB, 364x500, Rayquaza3.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/23/09(Tue)13:41 No.1928556
    Pffft why would she marry either of you when she could marry a god!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)13:43 No.1928563
    I wanna see people cosplaying more gijinka! Someone post good pics!
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/23/09(Tue)13:43 No.1928564
    god i can't wait to do this!

    Thank you~
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)13:43 No.1928566
         File : 1245779033.jpg-(69 KB, 895x711, 1241810444086.jpg)
    69 KB
    you are a bike thief and no one will ever marry you
    get out
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/23/09(Tue)13:46 No.1928569
    well, lofi deserved to have his bike taken. it was totally called for
    >> Max300 06/23/09(Tue)14:06 No.1928611
    I came so hard.... it feels good to see a MALE Metaing.

    Anyone got any Deoxys? Preferably male?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)14:11 No.1928615
         File : 1245780662.jpg-(54 KB, 512x512, 182.jpg)
    54 KB
    I still want to do this one. Blargh.
    >> Harley !!XSyTLyfFUjy 06/23/09(Tue)14:17 No.1928627
         File : 1245781028.png-(48 KB, 223x223, Shellos.png)
    48 KB
    Haven't found an east and west Shellos gijinka I've liked yet.

    So, designing one. West for me, East for the boyfriend. We're making headphones on his, mine, I'm not so sure yet.
    >> Kαż 06/23/09(Tue)14:21 No.1928636
         File : 1245781291.jpg-(94 KB, 395x570, 1214447103152.jpg)
    94 KB
    >> Kαż 06/23/09(Tue)14:22 No.1928638
         File : 1245781350.jpg-(64 KB, 600x450, 2056621.jpg)
    64 KB

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    PosterThread Title
    [V][X]AnonymousCosplay Couples...
    [V][X]skinnyasia...!foNL5ycv6Eotakon 2009
    [V][X]Anonymouspedo-con aka me...
    [V][X]AnonymousCUTE HINATA`S C...
    [V][X]Big Poppa ...
    [V][X]AnonymousMETROCON 2009 P...
    [V][X]Iori E!!PiE5MFzMp6mKurohime
    [V][X]AnonymousSatin = Satan ?