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  • File : 1245689082.jpg-(24 KB, 500x143, hp_top_2009_1_bg.jpg)
    24 KB METROCON 2009 PHOTO THREAD: Part deux Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)12:44 No.1926073  
    Let's keep the pics coming. Also, fuck yea caps lock.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)12:53 No.1926084
    Metrocon sucked. Attendance was way down. And Im hearing theyre gonna be leaving the conevntion center and goin back to the old hotel.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)12:56 No.1926091
    Leave the drama over >>1923563. This is just for pictures
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)13:02 No.1926105
    Pfffft attendance was up. Keep your drama nonsense to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)15:25 No.1926440
         File : 1245698741.jpg-(308 KB, 448x706, DSCN0727.jpg)
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    >> your_mother !!cxEX1P+7IOp 06/22/09(Mon)16:25 No.1926523
    Dose anyone have the Attendance numbers? It's not a subjective topic, either they went up or they didn't
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)16:41 No.1926561
    I doubt they'd be true without Mabaroshi there to count empty chairs, who knows?!
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)16:46 No.1926567
    Well Pedocon was supposed to have a steampunk theme, anyone got pics without us having to troll through the forums or EBK's gallery?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:05 No.1926597
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:08 No.1926603
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:08 No.1926605
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:09 No.1926608
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:10 No.1926609
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:11 No.1926613
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:12 No.1926614
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:12 No.1926618
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    He's actually eating hot dogs by the way.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:13 No.1926621
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:14 No.1926623
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:15 No.1926626
    And that's it. Just snagged these from a friend, and took all of the good cosplay pictures.

    Crappy quality is crappy.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:19 No.1926636
    For a themed con theres certainly a poor showing
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:24 No.1926653
    I know what your talking about. Kunicon was 5 years ago. stfu
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:30 No.1926659

    Can someone block this faggot? Im tired of the constant spamming.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:33 No.1926662
    Haha! Thats me!
    More pictures would be appreciated
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:34 No.1926666
    I'll be posting pictures tomorrow, when I get the cable to upload the pictures on my computer.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:35 No.1926667
    I didn't get the theme for this year... It was Sci Fi v. Fantasy.. and yet Steampunk ..?

    Oh I get it. wait. No. I don't.

    Anyway, con was disappointing on more than one account. Will not be returning next year, fucking weeaboo faggots.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:51 No.1926707
    If you niggas don't start posting pics I'm going to start self-postan.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)17:55 No.1926715

    I was really confused by the theme, too. It made absolutely no sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:02 No.1926731
    I seen a lot of sex at the pool Friday night. Also Scott McNeil holding some girl's boob.
    The con was pretty decent from what I seen though. I agree with not getting the theme though.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:10 No.1926744
         File : 1245708630.jpg-(336 KB, 1000x750, DSCN0916.jpg)
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    Obligatory chess match picture.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:11 No.1926746
    pictars or it dint happent
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:14 No.1926752
    I didn't get pictures since I didn't bring my camera near the pool. It happened at the Embassy though. Their pool is like...4ft deep. It was kind of sad.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:19 No.1926761
    How was the Fantasy Masquerade and Chess Match this year?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:30 No.1926784
    Abney Park really sucked, I regret waiting in line for those guys,
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:31 No.1926787
    The dance was pretty bad. It was my first time at the masquerade there and I thought it would be some formal dancing etc. They had a crap play going on between every few songs. It was like red light green light with dancing. I wish they would have had them seperate. The music wasn't too bad though. A mixture of swing etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:32 No.1926788
    I hear they're complete assholes.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:39 No.1926810
    yeah, they drained out our panel even though we had the door closed. Crazy loud.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)19:02 No.1926849
    Moar pictures, plox?
    >> Kapalaka !!3pUUy+6/OT4 06/22/09(Mon)22:24 No.1927258
         File : 1245723877.jpg-(71 KB, 375x500, 2102002.jpg)
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    Shameless self-post. Does anyone else have pics of my Ami Kawashima (Toradora!) cosplay on hand? My camera busted the week before Metro and this is the only non-blurry pic I could find online.

    Please and thank you!
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)22:29 No.1927267
    >Does anyone else have pics of my Ami Kawashima

    Are you serious?

    God is it ever summer here.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)22:39 No.1927287
    The sound stage really sucked, Abney Park did the best they could with only half the microphones working at any given point.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)00:31 No.1927582
         File : 1245731478.jpg-(216 KB, 450x600, outlanderguy.jpg)
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    Hot guy from The Outlanders. I didn't see much else of the group, but this guy made my weekend! Any pictrues of fail mascots?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)00:51 No.1927629
    Hey I know that guy!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)01:58 No.1927745
    lets see some zombie stickerman pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Batsu-Sai 06/23/09(Tue)03:18 No.1927947
    Just FYI- the girl was his girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)03:22 No.1927952
         File : 1245741747.jpg-(420 KB, 1128x748, DSC_0024.jpg)
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    the jarate made me lol hard
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:16 No.1928115

    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)05:20 No.1928119
    Those guys seemed like pretty cool people. Looking at their props really motivated me to stop neglecting on my own creative endeavors.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)11:39 No.1928409
         File : 1245771567.jpg-(104 KB, 583x778, metro0900128.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)11:40 No.1928411
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)11:59 No.1928431
         File : 1245772753.jpg-(149 KB, 1280x1024, L4D group 8DDDDD.jpg)
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    best group hands down.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)13:15 No.1928509
    Anyone get pics of Butter-Face Mai?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)13:54 No.1928585
    Wasn't she in that crappy fire-fight thing?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)14:03 No.1928608

    He's single, I hear.

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