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  • File : 1245662296.jpg-(69 KB, 407x405, 1226519570902.jpg)
    69 KB Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)05:18 No.1925739  
    so Metrocon is over and not one person cosplayed as Pedobear with a Chiyo-chan doll sewn to the crotch and a nametag that said "hi, my name is Roy Harms"?

    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:32 No.1926794
    sup guise, just thought i'd visit page 10, it's pretty cool you should check it out
    >> Master Shambler 06/22/09(Mon)18:37 No.1926804
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    my favorite
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:42 No.1926813
    Well, a majority of us weren't in the mood to get kicked out by security for saying one bad thing about Roy.

    I did see someone with his Jacket around. I admit I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)18:54 No.1926838

    but it would have been so fucking epic; you wouldn't even have to wear a badge while you did it, just walk around with the bear body but a different head so as not to attract attention, then find a secluded corner, put the pedobear head on, grab your chiyo-chan doll, put on your "HI MY NAME IS ROY" nametag (better yet, get a sign), storm whatever event's going on in the main room (knocking aside pasty-ass "security" personnel in the process), climb on stage, hump the shit out of the doll for as long as you can while people laugh/gasp/cry/take pictures, then just as they're about to grab you, bug the fuck out to a getaway vehicle, change clothing, and go back to enjoy the rest of the con

    also, Jessica (no, not that one), it's been a week, I forgive you. :D send me a message on facebook, I have a job for you
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 06/22/09(Mon)19:03 No.1926853
    You missed perfect nuclear fusion replace the internal combustion engine and stop cows farting
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)19:19 No.1926875

    I would do all that shit but I'm busy not getting 'best likeness' awards despite being a short Asian male with a bowl cut and almost perfectly cosplaying the only short Asian male with a bowl cut in anime (i.e. Rock Lee; for all the short Asian males with bowl cuts there are in Asia, there sure as hell aren't that many in anime -- fucking reverse weeaboo Japanese)
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)07:47 No.1928261

    if you wanted it to happen so much why didn't you do it? stupid fuck, the rest of us have shit to do, we're too busy to cater to your anarchist fantasies
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)07:54 No.1928269
    yep, why didn't the name tag say I'm David
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)09:21 No.1928316
    I was kicked out for wearing the "gears handcuffs" shirt on friday. I promptly changed shirts then came back with a fake badge.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)09:48 No.1928333
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)10:41 No.1928350
    Pics. Nao.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:11 No.1928437
    Advice Doug is best idea ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:43 No.1928466
    You, sir, win.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:45 No.1928469
    It's Dug. Dug the Dog.
    Thank you kind an-SQUIRREL!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)12:55 No.1928483
    I have that image as my wallpaper right now, haha.
    Also , PICS!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)22:03 No.1929681
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    I'm really gonna have to dig for pics since it was '04 to early '06 that I was actively cosplaying --

    HAHA DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS, here's a couple (just had to look on the gmail I never use anymore); fucked with the contrast on this first one and decided it looked "kind of cool" so I made it my forums avatar in a couple places. that's my actual hair, but it's gone now -- stupid fucking military regs, I bet you anything I could still get a proper seal with a gas mask if they let me have a bowl cut
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)22:04 No.1929685
    Is that Old Yeller?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)22:11 No.1929703
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    aaand a two. this one was for some contest or some shit where you had to take a picture of yourself doing something extremely out of character for your guy, so yeah

    at this point since I've exposed myself to all sorts of internet detectivery (by the all of 3 people who might actually care) I should say I have nothing against Roy or Metro, I would rather go to Metro next year and see the chess match than float on the Dead Sea or visit the Pyramids, I actually think he's innocent and the charges are bullshit, but my first commitment has always been and will always be to the lulz, which most certainly would have ensued had someone done this >>1926838

    also, if this >>1928350 is JLW, i'm probably not going to make it to AWA or be in town for Xmas. fucking sucks, because I had an awesome Lee-variation idea I wanted you to help me build (once I get a good wig), but it'll have to wait
    >> Anonymous 06/23/09(Tue)22:12 No.1929706
    God damnit, I lol'd so hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)08:08 No.1930831

    what, the dog in the picture? I don't think so, the dog from the movie was a different breed (not that I know shit about dogs)
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)14:06 No.1931218
    Great ideas internet toughguys. I would love to see any of you online hardasses try anything with the Metro security. You morons dont think that ANYTHING related to the current situation worn, said, or acted upon wasnt placed on high alert? If you pathetic morons actually tried anything it would have redflagged the entire security and chess cast and I gaurantee you wouldnt have had a good time of it. Keep bragging on how awesome you are to your 4chan peers, because you are not. Dont fuck with the brute squad. If there are two groups of people not to fuck with anywhere near Metrocon its the Security staff and chess cast. We are not your kind. We are not lowlife drama queens who talk and talk and talk. We are trained and alert and no one had the balls to attempt anything stupid. Get it strait, dont fuck with us. We had no issues. You didnt have the balls.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)14:19 No.1931245

    Wow, I like the chess people even less now...
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)14:25 No.1931256
    >> TalentlessTroll 06/24/09(Wed)14:39 No.1931283

    I fucking lol'ed. Fucking MetroCon/Internet tough guy.

    The chess match has never been, isn't, and will never be, worth watching.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)15:57 No.1931412
    fish, you are so lame.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:42 No.1931520
    I dont seem to recall asking weather or not you enjoy the chessmatch there chief. My response was mearly to state you and you mindless internet badasses have no chance of making any kind of public statement such as was suggested above. Youre weak, pathetic and wouldnt dare. The fact that nothing of the kind happened this year proves my point. Pussies.

    Numbers talk. ZERO offences. Just like the number of balls between your legs.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:46 No.1931531
    I praise the man who just pwned 4chan. But yeah this years metrocon was my first con and no shit went down. At all.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)16:46 No.1931532
    just stop talking, fish. Or will you die if you shut your mouth for a second?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:40 No.1931615
    You really think this is Hellfish? HellFish is a goon. A good one too, but just another piece on the board. Dont dare give him shit for this. None of you know me. Quit trying to puff your chest out to your monitor. It isnt working.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)17:49 No.1931635
    >trained and alert
    >one security guy sees people fighting outside with foam swords, yells at them to stop and swears in front of young children
    >they stop for about five minutes and start doing it again, next security guy to come by sits there and watches

    yeeah. at least they kept people off of that balcony, though

    it's not that I didn't have the balls, it's that I didn't have a pedobear costume. get it straight, friend. Brute squad? Are you fucking serious? What's the chess cast going to do, slowly swing a dull sword at me while someone recites a barely audible line of dialogue?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)18:47 No.1931746
    Nice attention span. Way to represent your generation, goober. How many times do I have to draw it out in crayons for you? The chess cast was back up security. Do I really need to repeat myself again or are you getting all nervious and sweaty arguing with me? Got that adrenalin pumping? Read and Heed, jackass, the security staff this year was made of more that stage combatants, and for most of us, stage combat is the tamest or our hobbies.

    I invite you to trying any of the various things your petty mind can steal from the internet at metrocon. You cant even come up with your own ideas on how to show your disapproval of the con, oh yeah, except by showing up and buying a ticket. Way to rebel. A regular Ghandi here. "I sacrifice this $40 in the name of my dislike of this con!".

    Absolute, unadulterated, stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:07 No.1931791
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    I never said I disapproved of the con, genius. See this>>1929703 that's me. Fucking love metro, but I love random acts of evil in the name of humor more. Which one of us was it that had the short attention span?

    Take a break, buddy, I can smell the sweat bubbling between your rolls of fat from Georgia.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:10 No.1931796
    I would also like to point out to any of the innocent bystandards who may be offened by reading this little dialouge between these gormless jackasses and myself, I am only offended at the fact of how these morons would like to compose themselves at the convention (I say "would" because they dont have the stones to do anything). The security staff is there to ensure a safe and good time at the con. These petty, witless thugs are the reason the security staff exists in the first place.

    As ive said countless time thus far, The con went smoothly and I think everyone can agree to that. Mission successful.

    This is mearly a warning to all those other who would like to prevent everyone else from having said good time, and if by chance this repartee galvanizes you mooks to actually do something then I personally invite you to try. Then we'll see how badass you are to all your drone-like friends when mommy and daddy have a little chat between Metro security and the TPD, and if by some sad, pathetic chance you are actually an adult (a term used very loosly here), then we are not above pressing charges. It has happened before and will doubtlessly with you immature, troll-like goobers out there, will again.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:21 No.1931820
    Yes, a fatman in georgia, thats who I am. Keep thinking that.

    See the problem is that you try these "random acts of evil for humor" because it makes you special somehow. You feel unique and garner attention, when the reality is that you know, deep inside, that you are not unique, special or original in any way. You couldnt fathom creating something by yourself so you go the other route, by gaining as much attention as possible. Much like those idoits with giant wheels on thier cars. But like them, you are slowly beginning to realize that if everyone does it, you beging to become one of the same again. You are a Drone. A mindless waste of humanity raised by Mass communication thierby restriced to what limited imagination you have to come up with ways to attempt to circumvent guidlines and restrictions build around you. As I said, a real modern Ghandi.

    Kudos to you, as im sure your selfmade bonds would by slackened if you were capable of focusing your talents to more productive means, but alas, you and your kind cant. And people like me will always be there to stop your mindless stupidity (as it is obvious your definition of evil is very different then mine. Do me a favor and look up a guy named Hitler, Thats evil, your just immature and destructive, very different).
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:25 No.1931828
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    >bystandards (too many Ds, much like your report card in English class)
    >compose (lol don't you mean comport?)
    >As ive said countless time thus far, The con went smoothly (horrible capitalization and apostrophe use errors -- am I getting under your skin, security man?)
    >mearly (so much for sounding it out)
    >repartee galvanizes you mooks (you fail at using words longer than five letters)

    AHAHAhahahahAHHAHAHAhAha *cough, wheeze, stop to breathe* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *ahem*

    dude. I just realized I missed "dialouge", so assume I made a note of that above. You are a fucking moron and every post you make just makes that more obvious to everyone reading this thread. Neither I nor anyone else has ever said we would disrupt the con or try to fuck things up for anyone else.

    Maybe the thing with the Chiyo-chan doll and busting into the main events would be going a little far (it'd probably be just as funny without them), but you're seriously telling me you think TPD would answer a call about a man running around in a bear costume with a sign that hurt your feelings? Please, for your own sake, stop posting.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:28 No.1931839

    We get it! You're such a badass irl, all of you. SO badass and smart and trained and amazing that you can't even let people on the internet have their fun. Nope, you have to barge in here, call everyone else a jackass while you talk like the biggest chode smoker in existence.

    We get it. Metro went smoothly. Now, would you kindly shut the fuck up. You are giving all of security an even worse name.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:28 No.1931840
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    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:38 No.1931859
    Oh, look... a puppy!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:56 No.1931885
    HAHAHA fucking internet toughguy security guard!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)19:59 No.1931890
    i've never been to a con.. and probably won't be for years.. but why would it take stones or balls to dress up like pedo bear with chiyo-chan stapled to your crotch.. ?
    would they not let that in ?
    why not? "oh no a bear is taking that little girl for a stroll"
    are the people and security at these things so retarded tehy couldn't handle that as a joke ? thats lame..
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:03 No.1931895
    No, your not even fazing me as i dont care. When the only thing you can point out is grammatical and punctuational errors then it shows you have no point to be made. You cant dig deep enough in that void you call wit to retort with anything more than spelling errors. So good job, go ahead and make yourself feel better with all those A's you got in English. I hope you find success in the field. Being a glorified spellcheck on 4chan isnt a use of the potential. find something else to do, drone.

    Ive proven my point. From this point on I assume that ive been sucsessful in getting my point across and feel free to flame my compositional skill, becuase i assure you, it means nothing to me.

    You can do anything you want on this archaic forum. But if you somehow manage to conjure the gumption to try anything stupid at metro you and i will finally have a delightful chance to meet one another. I guarantee it.

    I thank all of you who where capable of enjoying the convention without being an insecure, attention deprived waste of potential. And thanks to all the others who thought they could keep up with me. Its been an absolute blast. I havent had so much fun since i urinated this morning.

    Oh, and I can think of a few things the TPD would be very interested in, should such an occurance come about. Try it and find out.

    Oh, and to make a point of it, none of you know me. I'll reiterate that. I am not anyone from metrocon core staff nor am I new to this convention. I am someone however, that will defend me and mine to the hilt. Ive never posted on 4chan and likely never will again, unless some one is finally capable of giving me an argument worth fighting, as ive had more enlightening discourse with toddlers.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:06 No.1931903
    jesus christ are you retarded ? i'm not here to impress you with my spelling.. i frankly don't give a fuck , this isn't an essay, you're not grading me and (again ) i don't give a fuck.
    I just wanna know why a pedo bear costume wouldn't be allowed in ?
    fuck can you answer me later when you're roid rage has worn off... ?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:15 No.1931924
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    I think if you run that post through babelfish it comes back "you win anon I am a faggot lol"...


    >>I guarantee it.

    Are... are you George Zimmer, founder and CEO of the Men's Wearhouse? Son of a bitch, you are, aren't you? Am I going to like the way I look? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUu
    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)20:47 No.1931975
    LOL No
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)00:53 No.1932412
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