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  • File : 1245514383.jpg-(38 KB, 375x500, 1207279134817.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)12:13 No.1921527  
    Sup /cgl/, oldfag here.

    Seriously, what is it about cosplay that has become so VAIN these days? My first con was AX '97 and back then people cosplayed out of sheer fandom. If you saw a person dressed as Ranma or A-ko or something it was because they LOVED the show and wanted to show their fan spirit. Most of it wasn't very good, just nerdy guys in glasses, but so what? It was great seeing people show their love for a certain series and celebrating anime as a whole.

    NOW look at cosplay. It's became just a popular convention fashion trend where women dress up in a shameless attempt to gain popularity and attention. Most of the time they aren't even true fans of the series or character, they just cosplay it because they like the look and want to show it off to people.

    Cosplay is no longer a celebration of anime fandom. It's a celebration of your own selfish vanity.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)12:14 No.1921530
    >Cosplay is no longer a celebration of anime fandom.
    >implying cosplay only applies to anime
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)12:31 No.1921549
    The new generation is full of VAIN...
    I miss those old days too.
    People nowadays are superficial. They criticize if it doesn't look like the character or "good enough"
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)12:56 No.1921561
    A lot of it is because about 10 years or so ago anime was still an underground fandom in America. It was something you only experienced with a few friends or at a small anime club at your local university. So if you were into anime or a certain series you could really be proud of it. Show off your otaku pride to the world, etc.

    But now anime is much more mainstream and every 12 year old with a youtube account calls themself an anime fan. So being a fan of anime doesn't really mean anything. So cosplay naturally becomes less about fan spirit and more about displaying themselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)13:10 No.1921572
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    Oldfag thread.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/20/09(Sat)13:16 No.1921575
    Precisely why women ruin everything.

    This is how I started going to cons, and for the most part how I still go. I could give a rats ass about craftsmanship.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/20/09(Sat)13:29 No.1921593
    don't try to dodge the subject.

    Same. It's the only reason I started cosplaying cus it looked like tons of fun and I loved Azure Kite, I wanted to dress up as him for a con.

    then break the mold. don't sit around and let it get ruined. A community can't be fixed if its members sit around and do nothing!
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)13:34 No.1921599
    Nothing to dodge, female characters in comics typically dress as whores and women dressing as them were/are typically fat attention whores, now they're skinny attention whores. Big whoop.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)13:37 No.1921605
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/20/09(Sat)13:39 No.1921610
    see now saying that makes more sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)13:42 No.1921613
    I'd rather hang with someone with a crappy costume and a love for the game/series rather than someone with a great costume who's never heard of the series before.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)13:46 No.1921619
    >hey it's a ________ cosplay!
    >references source material while talking to cosplayer
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)13:52 No.1921633
    This is why I don't cosplay as characters I know nothing about (or don't like) - I'd feel like a total retard if I cosplayed as some character just cos I liked the look and then had someone try to engage me in conversation about the series or the character's history.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)13:54 No.1921640

    Unfortunately this means I end up picking up shitty games with good character designs just so I feel like less of a moron for wanting to cosplay them. (i.e. Luminous Arc 2)
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/20/09(Sat)14:33 No.1921680
    Poor jaded OP is jaded. I don't blame you though, I guess I can understand.

    Fortunately for me though I've never really come across anyone who hasn't had an affinity for the anime/manga/game they're cosplaying from (although I know others have), so I like to think for the most part people are honest in their devotion. For me personally I can't imagine cosplaying from something I haven't watched or played since it would be incredibly boring and certainly wouldn't give me the motivation to wear uncomfortable costumes, itchy wigs and lug heavy props around all day.

    I meant to reply to this earlier but my laptop went derp and died.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:00 No.1921702
    Lol I fear this is what'll happen to me. Considering as cosplaying a character from KoF. But I don't give a shit about the story. I just play the game.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 06/20/09(Sat)15:16 No.1921729
    you aren;t missing much

    the storylines are boring and slapped together.
    unless you're cosplaying iori or Kyo, and seriously? 5 minutes on wikipedia. You'll make the fanboy's dicks wet
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:17 No.1921731
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    as i instantly get pulled into cyborg 009 & other shotaro created series,(ie astro boy,android kikaider) i cant help help to feel there is hope for our community. with seeing a fairly obscure series done fairly well sans a slutty twist thrown in& recent fandom empowering forays (see the homemade gummi souls thread.) that i support this masa guy sentiments. that crappy fandoms can and well turn out redeeming projects,& all that glitters (as obscure as it may be) is not gold.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:19 No.1921736
    >this masa guy

    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:22 No.1921743
    Last conventions I've been to were Otakon 2000 and Anime North 2001. After that I stopped watching anime for about 6 years and I'm just starting to get back into it a bit. I was planning to go to Anime North 2010, but with all these horror stories I been hearing, not sure if I'm gonna regret the trip..
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 06/20/09(Sat)15:31 No.1921764
    I can understand how the OP feels. I've honestly never been to more than a few cons, but I'd imagine it's frustrating when something you love gets, well, not 'ruined', per say, but somehow goes in a whole new direction that isn't quite as fun at times.

    As someone who IS new, I sometimes think that I'm too critical and not excited enough for the cosplay itself. But there are moments where I'm just happy to see something I love get cosplayed! It's a good feeling and it reminds you why you love it in the first place, which I'm sure is what it's all about and was ONLY about in the beginning.

    I think this sums up a lot of it nicely! You make an awesome point.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:31 No.1921767
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    ahh shut up kid,this is a new board.
    my tounge is sharp & i suspect your flesh is sweet.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/20/09(Sat)15:34 No.1921776
    it's been here long enough for people to know who masa is.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:35 No.1921782
    a 2 year old board is not a new board, unless you really a old fag and just quite going to 4chan for 2 years.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:37 No.1921786
    in which case, let me scream something fairly relavent to an oldfag such as you:

    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:43 No.1921810
    >a 2 year old board is not a new board, unless you really a old fag and just quite going to 4chan for 2 years.
    >2 years


    Wow. Way to prove you are ABSOLUTELY the newest of fags.

    And to you, >>1921767
    The "new boards" are the ones that are italicized, dumbshit.

    Also why are the new boards still italicized? And why are /fa/ and /trv/ still around?
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:46 No.1921818
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    little thing what brings you to me ? i stand by my statement in support of this "masa". and shut yo mouth when grown folks is talk'in. cause really i doubt troll meat taste very well.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)15:54 No.1921833
    This. You all get so worked up over the smallest things.

    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 06/20/09(Sat)15:56 No.1921840
    you do realize that age is irrelvant here right?

    you get seniority by being awesome not by being old.
    >> Idort !!vwA5zmlkKEO 06/20/09(Sat)16:02 No.1921857

    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)16:03 No.1921861
    masa is a giant fag who cares
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)16:09 No.1921871
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    Op, fellow oldfag here. My first con was AWA 3 in 1997.

    I agreed with you. Also beforehand cosplayers were not only the nerdy set but also older. I met no one under the age of 17 my entire first 3 years cosplaying.
    Now you have high school folk who aren't finished maturing yet mentally and they bring the HS mentality with them. So it became the all important HS drama of "I'm the most popular/prettiest/sexiest/coolest/craziest/ect"
    And it has permeated the core of the hobby. Even the 20+ set is poisoned by it because now it's just rampant everywhere. The 21 yr olds are barely out of that mindset and they get sucked back in because so many of the people surrounding them support that drama. Now you tend to have to look at the 25+ people to be stable and just to have a good time.
    Even the folks who do an outrageously great job tend to get this air of self entitlement rather than just realizing they are another nerd in costume, a nerd who has talent, but STILL a nerd.

    This is why a lot of older people have just graduated to sci-fi and comic cons. Older set of people who can handle themselves in a social situtation before claiming someone is a "bitch out to get them and steal their boyfriend and their cosplay secrets"

    Picture related. AWA 4 with my teacher and a classmate.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)16:10 No.1921873
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)16:10 No.1921875
    yesss ,being here it seems to have been established as thus , but what establishes the trip coders as awesome eludes me.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)16:13 No.1921878
    >>1921840 you do realize that age is irrelvant here right? you get seniority by being awesome not by being old.

    There you kiddies go again by thinking the point is being awesome.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/20/09(Sat)17:11 No.1921977

    Oh come on. I used to get better personal insults than that when I first started coming here.

    I remember when I was the only other name/tripcoded person around,besides that Vael Victus guy..

    Yeah. /cgl/ was a lot easier to piss off then. Especially when they thought this place was just as terribad as an internet hate machine like /b/, and people were legitimately scared of this place, rofl.

    If there's anyone to blame for all the tripfags there are now..well, I can't say I made people do what they do, but I certainly showed them it wasn't unsafe to put your name out there with a DON!
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)17:55 No.1922050

    Dang. I really wish I could have seen cons in their glory days :/ My friends all used to go, but my mom always was scared I'd be boy-raped/ peddled hentai or something. Which may not have been entirely unfounded, having been to a few now. But I still really miss that sense of fan camaraderie, along with the pre-2000s anime aesthetic.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)17:56 No.1922053
    Come back when you went to cons since '91, son.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)18:12 No.1922091

    Dude you aren't just and oldfag, you are a grandoldfag.

    I respect those who had to wait a year or more before someone subtitled a 4th gen VHS tape to watch a Japanese show.

    I may have only been around since '97 but I know you folks and respect that.
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 06/20/09(Sat)18:45 No.1922163
    Dudes who is that Asuka in OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)18:56 No.1922196
    Cons 10+ years ago were so much more meaningful than what they are now. Mostly because there weren't nearly as many anime fans in the US back then so it was exciting just gathering together and sharing your underground hobby with people. If you were really into Urusei Yatsura or something and you met someone else who was too it was like the coolest thing ever. It was like our own little underground happy society.

    Nowadays conventions have grown exponentially and the bigger ones are just trade shows. The "fandom" aspect is much more casual and less important. Even the people who genuinely still love anime don't really care that much. They just go to the cons to dress up, party, and hang out with friends.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)18:57 No.1922198
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    man, in regards to the anime nerd world I'm glad I'm old(er).
    I remember back in the 90's if I was wearing an Akira shirt or something people would come up to me in the mall or whever and say "That's an awesome movie! Have you seen Ninja Scroll?" and I'd be thinking "pffff newbie", but now I'd love to meet those people. because now I literally see adults running around in their Narutard costumes AT THE MALL.

    the kids nowadays have no idea the level of dedication it used to take to be into anime/manga. I mean, I have over 100 fansubbed VHS tapes from the early to mid-90s.
    They're among my favorite possessions and totally bring back the feeling of that era for mewhenever I dig the boxes out.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)18:57 No.1922199
    Fira. Mexican cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)18:59 No.1922201
    You said what I was gonna say, only better.
    I blame the kids. They've turned anime conventions from proper conventions into "weekend costume party without parental supervision" and they brought all their attention whoring, drama, and inflated sense of self importance with them.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:06 No.1922220
    >>1922198 the kids nowadays have no idea the level of dedication it used to take to be into anime/manga. I mean, I have over 100 fansubbed VHS tapes from the early to mid-90s.

    Even if I do agree with the general sentiment on this thread, that's a terrible argument.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:10 No.1922232
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:12 No.1922240
    ITT you know you're getting old when you start complaining that __________ was better back in the day.

    (fill that with movies/music/cosplay/whatever you want)
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 06/20/09(Sat)19:14 No.1922246
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:21 No.1922270
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    This is the general vibe I am getting form this thread, and it's fucking hilarious. Yes, 14 year old teens are dumb. No, you weren't any different when you were 14. We may remember us as being ultra smart and cool and serious, but in reality we were all dumb kids watching cartoons.

    Pic highly related.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:31 No.1922297

    lol actually everything was better when I was 15, but fukken saved
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:33 No.1922300

    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:35 No.1922305

    I think there is a certain unique energy at the genesis of some new art form, though. When something is new, be it music or anime or whatnot, and it falls outside the comfort zone of the general public, the people who create the art have a specific reason in mind for why they are making something so different from everything else around them. This reason gives their art purpose as an art form. So yes, I think there is legitimate reason to claim that some art form was best at its genesis.

    I only have a problem with people that say ALL art was better at (fill in the blank time period), since people create new art all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:51 No.1922335
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    >>1922220 Even if I do agree with the general sentiment on this thread, that's a terrible argument.
    if you don't understaaaaand....
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)19:56 No.1922344
    >>1922270 Yes, 14 year old teens are dumb. No, you weren't any different when you were 14.

    I'd love to argue that all day but no one wants to read me being right all over everyone's faces.

    let me just say that, no. Narutards & Bleachfags are not equal to kids 14 years ago into Akira & Ghost In The Shell. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)20:03 No.1922361
    No, they are equal to kids 14 years ago that were into DBZ & Evangelion
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)22:05 No.1922587
    As much as I would like to think that those of us doing this for 10+ were any better, we were not. It's sort of a natural progression from a dumb ass teen to jaded adult that congoers experience. They just seem worse to you now because you've grown out of being like them or being in that peer group. The shows are different, but the behavior is the same.

    As for OP, it's true. Cosplay used to be shitty and for the love of the show back when it was a much smaller community. Those were awesome times. Things change.
    More people go to cons now, and the community has grown. Japan is pretty damn shallow about it and has had this vain cosplay attitude for years. We are just catching up, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)22:18 No.1922621
    I still cosplay for those same reasons.

    Mostly, I choose characters that I can have fun with. For this year, I'm going as Giriko from Soul Eater, because he's an entertaining balance of epic (he's a giant fucking chainsaw AND a wizard) and fail (he was roofied by lolis and was passed out on his couch for 13 chapters). I wouldn't cosplay as him if he wasn't amusing.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)00:28 No.1922872
    the old fags are still there, proud and old and also fags.

    hard to see them amidst the fog of new fags who are without dignity or wisdom.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)00:41 No.1922894
    beautiful, superficial women are awesome

    makes dumping them for the next one so much easier
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)05:31 No.1923294
    So a dozen of Ghostbusters walked out of a hall they were gathered at and I was trying to get them to respond to "Two in a box" hopin theyd finish "Ready to go. We be fast and they be slow".

    But got nothing.

    Cool story, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)05:50 No.1923310
    >he was roofied by lolis and was passed out on his couch for 13 chapters

    Stuff like that is what makes the manga so much better than the animu.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)06:05 No.1923320

    >>implying he gets laid
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)14:16 No.1923777
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)14:39 No.1923838
    not everyone is conditioned to know to finish every line at any impromptu moment ,if i heard such a thing i would suspect you were from /b/ looking for a show.

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