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    2 KB Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)14:54 No.1905931  
    anyone else here refuse to post their pics at cosplay.com?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)14:56 No.1905935
    Any particular reason why you dont?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)16:36 No.1906180
    Cosplay.com annoys the fuck out of me, but I still post pictures there.

    Cosplaylab.com on the other hand....
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/14/09(Sun)16:47 No.1906210
    I don't post my pictures at cosplay.com because instead of them automatically reducing the size of the photos you sent in, you have to do most of the work yourself via photoshop or other photo editing software.

    Also it will take a long time to post your pictures there because you can only upload five pictures at a time. I have over 300-400 cosplay photos on average , it would take me days to upload them. That's why it's better for me to upload them onto a third party website, then post the link on the cosplay.com forums.
    >> Penguin Penny !U9MCxsFRfI 06/14/09(Sun)16:51 No.1906216
    While I agree with the mass quantity picture uploading being near impossible on cos.com, I seem to recall that it will re-size pictures to the size they like.
    I -think- the op was referring to pictures of your personal cosplays, but I'm not positive.
    I post my cosplays there, don't see any reason not to.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)16:56 No.1906219
    >Wants to upload 300-400 un-resized images to a website.

    Fucking entitled little brats. Do you not realize the type of server overhead that sort of thing would entail? Is it that hard to just run a resize script on your computer and then batch upload reasonably sized things? Fuck, do you want someone to come to your house and plug your camera in to? It never ceases to amaze me the sort of outlandish demands people place on free services because they think they're owed it.

    /bitter webmaster, no way affiliated with C.c
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:01 No.1906227

    If you want to save yourself the time of Photoshop, and you have Outlook (or even Outlook Express), you could email them to yourself, using the options to resize the photos when they are attached. My friend did this and it did not do a bad job. Not ideal, but it got the point across.

    (of course, when I've uploaded, I haven't uploaded 300 at a time. I'm usually uploading one, maybe two)
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:04 No.1906230
    >Wants to upload 300-400 un-resized images to a website.

    Come to Animexx.com, we need more non-German members and no one will complain about your huge-ass photos
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:05 No.1906231
    Or Cosplay.com could create a resize script, plug it into a java applet on their page and not have a bunch of retards melting their PCs with trojan scripts floating around the web.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:05 No.1906232
    I use coscom even though it annoys me (especialy the ads that have nothing to do with the site) but its the best we got so why not use it?

    I wish someone would set something up better as a website though. If your gonna do feature pics, change them more than one a few months. annoying and lame. Wish they put features cosplays on the main page instead of new members too.

    Too bad cosspace and coslab suck and are slow. Admin seems to halfass stuff too. Meh.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:05 No.1906233
    Use Irfanview for resizing, it's free, fast and it's easy to make batch conversions
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:06 No.1906235

    It takes me a handful of clicks to resize even 300 images. Learn to use macros, batch commands and how to record actions.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:09 No.1906239
    >>1906230 Come to Animexx.com
    This :3
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:16 No.1906254
    >They should go out of their way to create a plug-in that duplicates the features of dozens of freely available applications because I am retarded and lazy.

    I'd recommend imagemagick, but I think in your case having to type:
    mogrify -resize 640x480 *.jpg
    to resize an infinite number of photos might just be too hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:20 No.1906260
    virus and trojans are nature's way of keeping retards off the internet. why would you want to change that?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:21 No.1906264
    I think everyone is missing the point of this post.
    Having to upload 300-400 pictures 5 at a time [which is the max amount of photos you can upload at a time on Cosplay.com] would take an assload of time and be terribly annoying.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:24 No.1906267

    This, assuming that someone has the interest in learning those tricks. I didn't get the sense that desire existed in >>1906210, but I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:24 No.1906268
    And you're missing the point that Cosplay.com is NOT fucking photobucket. It's a site about cosplay, not your personal image storage site. Use some decent quality control. I can not think of a situation in which you should be uploading 300 pictures at the same time, unless you just save them up and do it very infrequently.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:27 No.1906277
    And where are people going to go to look for pictures of cosplays from different conventions? Cosplay.com.
    It makes sense for people to upload batches of photos that they have taken of cosplays to a cosplay website, doesnt it?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:34 No.1906307
    hate having to make all those special costume icons and shit. Webmaster ppl, is it that hard to make that shit automatic? Site seems messed up and buggy to me.

    PMd admin but I don't think he gives a shit any more.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:35 No.1906309
    It makes sense for people to batch upload their GOOD photos. Forcing people to make some cuts is a good thing. It's not like it's stopping anyone here from using it, they just bitch about it and continue using it. Meanwhile there's less trash floating around. That's why they have deals with who they consider to be decent photographers and not with you.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:37 No.1906315
    First of all, if you are taking 400-500 pics at a con you need your own site. Don't go around EXPECTING someone else to host them for you.

    Second, coscom is not a place for photogs to show off. It's for costumers. You pick 4-10 good pics of your cosplay and upload those, not 40 pics of the same pose over and over.

    Third, Photobucket will resize for you at the time of upload. You can choose what size you want... from 100x75 to 1024x768 to just 1Megabyte and it will resize based on the size of monitor you think will be seeing it.

    Fourth, I actually like resizing before uploading to coscom. Their resize leaves jpeg artifacts all over the place. I just ask my photo tool to make whatever the longest side of the pic into 640px because that is what the FAQ on coscom says max pic size is.
    The other side will shrink to whatever relative size it need to be to match up with 640.

    Upload that and coscom will not resize it with shitty blur and artifacts.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:37 No.1906318
    No need to use macros, there are free programs out there that does mass resizing. Googling image/photo resizer brings up some of them.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 06/14/09(Sun)17:37 No.1906319
    I don't post pics in coscom, but only because I'm lazy
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:43 No.1906335
    Never said I was a good photographer. And Im not saying that people should upload all their personal shit photos from conventions. All Im saying that people go to cosplay.com to look at cosplay photos and there are people who take many good photos of cosplays at conventions who don't upload them to cosplay.com because of the limitations of the site.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:49 No.1906356

    true but coscom is still ripe for a challenger to appear because it would not take all that much to do it better if you had a big enough server. even a 10 or 20 pic batch upload would work for most users. 100s of images is too much but having only 5 is a little retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:50 No.1906357
    What's all this talk about resizing? Last I checked cos.com does it for you. I just uploaded some photos and it shrunk them down for me automatically, at least.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:57 No.1906373
    jpeg artifacts mentioned before. Makes your auto resize pics look shitty.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)17:59 No.1906377
    Your site scares me.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)18:02 No.1906387
    Why would anyone want to look at 300-400 pics of any costume, no matter how good it is?

    Coscom is a site for COSPLAYERS, not photogs.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)18:09 No.1906394

    It's a parasitic relationship. Cosplayers need photos of themselves. Photographers need something to take pictures of.

    If both were more choosy about the other, overall quality would go up.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)18:10 No.1906395
    I don't understand people putting up pictures on their coscom that aren't of them. Keep those on your flickr/photobucket/picasa/whatever. Coscom is for you to put up pictures of YOUR OWN costumes. At least, that's how I see it.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)18:15 No.1906402

    I don't like that people think it's for photography. It's not. It's for cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)18:41 No.1906455

    ...right, that's why there are photographer accounts and photoshoots taken by PHOTOGRAPHERS gets featured on the front page. Makes PERFECT sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)18:53 No.1906481

    Notice how most of admins photoshoots for example are of attractive girls in soso costumes. On coscom its always good photos > good costumes. Your costume only needs to be halfway decent if you have a great photos to be in the feature section.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)19:03 No.1906506

    A lot of them have shitty algorithms.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)19:05 No.1906509

    That is not parasitism. That is mutualism.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)19:08 No.1906516
    I keep my photos at 1600x1200.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)19:09 No.1906517
    Who the fuck uses anything besides bicubic for downscaling? You're full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)19:17 No.1906529
    no u
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/14/09(Sun)20:45 No.1906695
    lol.... coscom's limited photo functions sure shun away many users.

    anyways, i barely upload photos on coscoms now for many of the same reasons previously mentioned in this thread: small size, ridiculous interface, etc.

    at the same time, i have been looking at english alternatives to place my photos.

    turns out there are none that satisfies me, so i started my own site: CosWorld - http://cos-world.net/

    I just started this website about three months ago, and never publicized it until around late april.

    main features:
    - tags:
    you can tag any number of cosplayers in the photos, including which character they are cosplaying from which series. also photographer and convention information can be added with ease.

    - linked tags:
    click on a photo. it will show you all the available tags in the photo. click on a tag (eg: "Convention: Fanime 2009"), and it will lead you to other photos with the same tag.
    example: http://cos-world.net/eng/photos/590/

    - open-tagging:
    Any registered users can tag photos. The tag database is also expandable in the sense that users can freely add new tags. (eg: a new anime series)

    - joint-ownership:
    when a photographer uploads a photo and tags the cosplayer, or vise-versa, the cosplayer automatically 'owns' the photo, eliminating the need to upload a second copy. if the cosplayer wishes to retouch the photo, he/she can upload a new version of the same photo without destroying the tags.

    - multi-upload interface:
    you can upload multiple-photos at once and tag them all with an intuitive interface.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/14/09(Sun)20:45 No.1906698
    main features continued:

    - automatic resizing:
    the site actually detects your screen resolution and fits the photo onto your screen. so even if it is an 12MP original file, it will still appear like fitted on screen.

    - i actually give a shit about this site:
    email, aim, msn me about suggestions for improvements and/or features you want to see.

    - upcoming feature(s):
    - planner:
    a scheduling tool that lets cosplayers put on an interactive list of what costumes they are planing for which conventions. the tool can allow cosplayers to find other cosplayers for a same-series gathering, or find photographers for photoshoots.
    - albums:
    users can group photos of their cosplay or photos they took into albums.

    a basic introduction to what CosWorld is:

    please try my site out and tell me what you think.

    thanks sooo much!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)20:58 No.1906727
    >>1906455 that's why there are photographer accounts and photoshoots taken by PHOTOGRAPHERS gets featured on the front page.

    photographer accounts were one of the worst ideas he ever implemented.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)21:02 No.1906736
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)21:14 No.1906771

    that's a mutualistic relationship...akshually.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)21:19 No.1906791
    Why the fuck would you want to put 300-400 pictures of YOURSELF on a community website? God damnit just choose your best 3-4 pictures per costume and upload those you dumbasses.

    Use flickr for everything else if you're so into yourself you have to post that many pics of yourself for people to see.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)21:27 No.1906800
    HURP DURP never said anything about them being of any ONE person in particular.
    Ever heard of con photographers? Thats what I was referring to.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)21:46 No.1906836
    Interesting...I think I'll keep an eye on this site.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)21:52 No.1906849
    Nah, I'm pretty unattractive, so I fit in perfectly on the site.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/09(Sun)21:57 No.1906863

    High five!
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)00:13 No.1907209

    point, my bad. In any case, it's sucking off of one another and not in the good way.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)00:18 No.1907221
    Yeah but you realize how much detail is lost with a photo a maximum size of 640 on one size? Pathetic if you get paid shoots and want to post the high res photos of the shots the photographers went through the trouble of carefully editing and taking out all of your costume imperfections (or something like that)
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)00:29 No.1907269

    if you want to show off your detail then do 3 things.

    1. have the phototog get detail shots of your stellar craftsmanship. Like a close up of the jeweled belt, a hair ornament, your painted boots.
    Post those to coscom as well as full shots

    2. Spend 5 bucks a month and get your own damn website where you can upload the the pics as big as you damn well please.

    3. Post the original to photobucket and then link to it on your coscom photo
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)00:36 No.1907291
    ACS is at least a LITTLE better for the photogs because of no waiting for approvals. Coscoms file size is way too small for a paid shoot, your right there.

    If there was a site with at the very least better usability and functionality I'd be all over that.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)00:48 No.1907334
    Nice idea. Too bad the site crawls and the owner is an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)00:49 No.1907340
    please explain your statement.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)01:11 No.1907384
    How those the favorite system work? Are you still working out the kinks because I fav'ed a picture but have no idea how to see it my favorites.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/15/09(Mon)01:33 No.1907418
    nope. I don't know why you would refuse, it's a nice way to get some traffic. good networking site, keep up to date on gatherings and shit. I can understand general hate for coscom but you'd be a fool not to abuse it.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)01:43 No.1907449
    Kyle has caused alot of problems. There's tones of threads and posts on his own site bashing him. He's banned from A-kon. A good majority of popular cosplayers hates his guts. Even EBK hates him.
    Just some random true into you might like.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)01:58 No.1907474
    The site's a work in progress and he's not an ass, he's sarcastic. Ppl that think he's an ass just don't have a sense of humor. Lighten up a bit and gain a sense of humor and you'll realize that he's just messing around so pull the stick out of your ass and enjoy life a bit.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)02:10 No.1907489
    Yah but too bad everyone hates EBK and doesn't give a shit what his creepy ass thinks
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)02:24 No.1907510
    My biggest coscom upload problem is the dumb icons that HAVE to be 200x200. What the fuck. I can't always crop a picture of myself to be exactly 200x200, and then they say you're not supposed to use borders or anything like that. Why?!
    However, they never seem to enforce that rule, cuz I see idiots with costume icons with obnoxious photoshop brushes and such splashed over the photo all the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)05:33 No.1907810
    Kyle never finishes anything. He starts re-vamping the site, makes a mess of stuff that used to work, doesn't get any of the new stuff working and then walks away in the middle. It drives me crazy. I code and run websites. No one in their right mine would run a business the way he runs C.c.

    That said C.c is completely free... so he can do whatever the fuck he wants and people will still use it because... IT'S FREE. It's hard to argue with free, so until he starts charging, suck it up or find somewhere else to go.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)05:42 No.1907837
    Doesn't he drop hints every so often that he wants to open up paid accounts?
    It would not be worth a monthly fee, but I'd bet anything a flood of girls will buy accounts thinking it would help them get showcased or some shit.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/15/09(Mon)07:08 No.1908002
    >>If there was a site with at the very least better usability and functionality I'd be all over that.

    sup, check >>1906695 >>1906698 ~~~~~~~

    >>the owner is an asshole.
    OH ANON I LOVE YOU~~~~~!!!! A/S/L!? i think we should have a date. (but dont tell me gf mmkay????)

    seriously... that kinda made my day. i just woke up and leaving for the airport in 30mins. but that really made me laugh for some strange reasons. (lack of sleep do funny things to the mind)

    ok... <srspost>you mind telling me why?</srspost>

    regarding the site, i just started it a few months back so it still has a long way to go (in other words, still a piece of crap that may potentially be an awesome site!). if you mind telling me where i need to improve upon, ill write your request down in a long TODO list that i already have, and work on it accordingly.

    favorites are actually registered!!! (in the database)

    i will make a feature that will show what you have favorited when i'm on the plane today. it shouldn't take too long.

    for now, it should at least show that that Favorites is increased by one number on that particular photo~

    >>The site's a work in progress and he's not an ass, he's sarcastic. Ppl that think he's an ass just don't have a sense of humor.

    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)07:24 No.1908027
    Fuck the world. I have my own domains.
    Why should Cos.com and these other little Nazi hives benefit from my work?

    The cosplayers want pictures, I provide them and get to feed my need for photography.
    I also get to lock out the dramafags when they bring their faggotry and 4chan fuck headed-ness to my site.
    That's the real fun part.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)07:34 No.1908034

    You're a cockslap and the way you portray yourself on the internet is absolutely horrible.

    Add to it the fact that you basically take a tremendous shit on every other photographer who isn't you or doesn't do the exact same things you do and that's why people think you're an asshole.

    And the way you buttfuck Angel in every thread he's in doesn't help, either.

    Protip: Learn spoken English next time before you try hosting a panel and slamming other photographers, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)07:39 No.1908038
    Still recommending animexx.com, it's the largest German-speaking anime & cosplay community and they have an english page/forum now
    You can upload unlimited numbers of photos that can be 2400x1600 pixel in size or whatever you want. The mods delete shitty pics though (blurry photos etc)
    Quantity + quality, come on
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)07:41 No.1908039
    ...I didn't follow the thread but are you serious with that post? Only emoticons could make it worse.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/15/09(Mon)07:47 No.1908046
    You have a nice idea Shiroin but you need to make your site less ugleh. ;)

    If you're making a site where a similar one exists you need to make it better in all respects afterall.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)09:50 No.1908140
    I'm kind of amazed I have to explain this to you.

    You prattle on about how much fun you have being in flame wars with people. You practically admit you're a troll.

    You're a successful troll, meaning you manage to get people angry at you.

    Then you wonder why people don't like you. Do the math.

    Stop trying to be an 4chan personality and go back to taking photos.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)09:53 No.1908145
    >...I didn't follow the thread but are you serious with that post? Only emoticons could make it worse.
    I think he's answering his own question of "why do people think I'm an ass".
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)09:56 No.1908149
    A better layout would do your site good. A good looking site always draws me in first.

    In respects to that you should commission a popular artist from DA to make a mascot for the site. You will get A LOT of traffic when they link the picture to your site. Then get a website designer (what are they called graphic designers?) to redesign the site using that picture. It will look a lot better with a sweet look.

    For other improvements:
    . Have the option to browse cosplayers and photographers by thumbnail.
    . Search button
    - When you search for a character, series, or costume it comes back with thumbnails.

    Another way to bump up traffic is holding a cosplay contest. People seem to like those.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)10:02 No.1908154
    I deleted most of my gallery yesterday.

    I prefer Deviantart.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)10:52 No.1908193
    ACP runs contests all the time (with actual prizes!), and barely anyone seems to enter those.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)11:11 No.1908212
    You're advertising your site to the dickheads on the chans?
    Are you completely nucking futs?

    You know what these shit eaters are like here.
    Enjoy your Ddos attacks, shiroin.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)11:15 No.1908214
    /cgl/ is full of retards. They wouldn't know how to attack a site.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)11:24 No.1908224
    They don't have to. They just need to keep saving the infected pictures like always. They're too stupid to check their fap material before they download it.
    The faggot script kiddies will do the rest.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)12:07 No.1908257
    Cosplay.com sucks and Kyle is a lazy fatass. I would never put my pics on there so that his lazy ass can benefit and I don't need anyone's approval of my cosplay anyway.

    Also, Shiroin is a self-righteous, self-worshipping little dick. You know, a cosplay photographer just like you is taking his fail-site down so enjoy your future.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/15/09(Mon)19:06 No.1909263
    >>no idea how to see it my favorites.
    Just worked on this on the plane. You should see what you have favorited on the site.


    >>site layout critiques
    I am very aware that my site isn't the prettiest on the world.... so far, this has been mostly a one-man effort in terms of coding and styling. Since I am not really that artistic, I have been focused more on the functionality rather than the layout.

    I will ask someone who is more knowledgeable in the field to do that part.

    Thanks for the critique.

    >>graphic-based search
    Thanks for this suggestion. I will implement it soon.

    So I am planning on starting a church. Any one of you guys interested in joining?

    No seriously, everyday I come here and I see some really good cosplayers getting completely dicked at by /cgl/ for no good reasons. I am rather surprised that you guys still have the time to flame a little persona like me.

    Oh well, its your time. You can decide how to spend it.

    >>you basically take a tremendous shit on every other photographer who isn't you or doesn't do the exact same things you

    I know and are good mates with a lot of photographers who do things differently (Canon, for example). There is only a small subset of photographers I don't respect in this small community.

    Besides, I probably know who you are anyways. Soo much for hiding behind the mask of anonymity~ =p
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)21:24 No.1909508
    LOL! Shiroin, don't waste your time advertising to these morons. /cgl/ is full of undersexed retards who can only speak their mind when hiding behind anonimity and who pretend that making fun of ppl on /cgl/ somehow makes them cooler than everyone else. At least Shiroin has enough balls to make fun of ppl everywhere and admits that he just does it for fun.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)21:32 No.1909521
    Ignorant fuck. Like you could ever learn how to speak Mandarin or Cantonese.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)21:41 No.1909546
    i dont even have a cosplay.com account, unlike the majority on cgl that probably do and post actively on there, while bitching on cgl about how much c.com sucks. if you dont like it, dont go there.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)21:49 No.1909557
    I met Kyle one time at a con and after introductions he got mad when I didn't know who he was. I genuinely didn't know who he was though because I wasn't active on cosplay.com, I'd gone on it maybe twice before.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)23:12 No.1909796
    kyle is just riding the wave and going to cons around the world that prolly make a big deal over him for having cscom . cosplayers in foreign countries don't know he cant finish what he starts id guess. wasnt the site going to get paid accts last year?

    >>1909557 lolwut
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)23:17 No.1909805

    Hi Elemental!
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)23:29 No.1909823
    Kyle used to regularly snub me, and I mean ask each and every member of my group or friends for a photo, look right at me, and then waaaaalk away. Which was hilarious.

    It could have been because someone/he overheard me express my astonishment that HOLY SHIT Adella had the voice of a mac truck horn or a cigaretty cocktail waitress....

    Either way the site is a pain in the ass after the redesigns, and that one camera trick he and every other cosplay photog knows is getting DAMN OLD. Fuck that noise.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)23:30 No.1909826

    camera trick?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/09(Mon)23:30 No.1909827
    Yes! The favorites do indeed work now.
    >> enderwillsaveus 06/16/09(Tue)00:03 No.1909879

    If only Elemental hasn't stated several times that she doesn't use 4chan.

    (Un)surprisingly enough several people have problems with Shiroin, not just Elemental.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)00:06 No.1909886

    You're kidding right? She's name-fagged here quite a few times. She just forgot the "Name" field this time.
    >> enderwillsaveus 06/16/09(Tue)00:11 No.1909901

    You act like no one else on the internet read the thread on Cosplay.com with Shiroin wanking and acting like a 4-year-old brat with his LULZ.

    Protip: Cosplay.com is a public forum. Anyone can read it and form their opinions.

    And that wasn't Elemental.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)00:15 No.1909913
    Why do Shiroin and Elemental have beef?
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/16/09(Tue)00:17 No.1909919
    >>Shiroin has enough balls to make fun of ppl everywhere and admits that he just does it for fun.
    Thanks anon.

    but to clarify... I only warrior those people who deserve it. Like that dude who commissioned a costume and won a costume with it, then came back to smack everyone else on her DA.

    >>Hi Elemental!
    heh, i thought the same.

    >>namefagging or not affiliated with /cgl/ etc...
    no seriously, why would one need to defend soo hard that he/she does not uses 4chan? unless ofc the person feels uneasy about site... perhaps about his/her own hidden anonymous usage?

    >>She's name-fagged here quite a few times.

    I've saved a few threads regarding photography on this board, and theres are traces of namefagging.

    >>She just forgot the "Name" field this time.
    Another QFFT.

    >>The favorites do indeed work now.
    ^^ I see you really enjoying the favorite function now.

    If you have anymore suggestions, feel free to throw them in this direction~~
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/16/09(Tue)00:20 No.1909928
    >>Why do Shiroin and Elemental have beef?

    I have beef because I ate some beef for dinner.
    >> enderwillsaveus 06/16/09(Tue)00:21 No.1909934

    >She just forgot the name field

    It was me, actually, not Elemental, making the comment you're all assuming was her.

    I just figured my name wouldn't matter because I'm not a pretty girl with glorious assets that Shiroin would want to take a photo of or care about anyway.

    Call me a faggot for using Anonymous all you want, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)00:46 No.1910023

    In focus subject/cosplayer out of focus background. Can't remember what it's called, but they used to flog that trick right into the ground
    >> nope (lol hi!) 06/16/09(Tue)00:48 No.1910028
    cool. i should sign up for this. what happened to the messageboard?
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/16/09(Tue)00:48 No.1910029
    depth of field.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)00:50 No.1910032
    She does surf 4chan, but she only posts with her name.

    I can't prove it, but I've seen her surf it for hours and not post.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)00:54 No.1910041

    It's called focusing properly.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)00:54 No.1910042
    .... proper depth of field isn't a "trick" it's a good way of getting rid of all the distracting shit in the bg.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)00:58 No.1910056
    Wtf? DoF is not a trick. It's called "pretty much any lens can shoot this".

    Shoot at a focal length of 50mm or higher and you get that "trick".
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 06/16/09(Tue)01:02 No.1910066
    I was always under the impression that DoF was more reliant on how "fast" your lens could go, i.e. aperture values.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)01:07 No.1910078

    When every, single photo you take is a fucking depth of field shot it's totally a trick.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)01:09 No.1910083

    A common mistake. Long lenses will do it nicely. Give it a shot.

    I'd also suggest seeing what larger films can do too. Tiny compacts with tiny sensors often struggle to get the same shallow depths of field as larger formats.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/16/09(Tue)01:10 No.1910085
    DOF is a combination of focal length, aperture, and how close the subject is.

    people generally refer to 50mm because it is the most widely available fast aperture lens. else even a 14mm can produce good DOF if the object is close enogh.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)01:11 No.1910091

    If I use a large or medium format film with a long lens I can get very shallow depths of field, far more so than a small digital compact with a smaller f number.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)01:12 No.1910094
    Depth of field is a focal property that varies based on aperture size. The wider the aperture (smaller f-stop), the smaller the DOF. When you have a really short DOF, you can isolate the focus on certain elements of your picture. To achieve this in brightly lit environments, you can either A) increase the shutterspeed, or B) use heavy neutral density (think sunglasses for your camera).>>1910066
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)01:14 No.1910096
    Just look on wikipedia or google it. It's what everyone else is doing or has done before.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)01:15 No.1910098
    I always enjoyed using macro/micro lenses. Now there's some shallow depth of field.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)01:35 No.1910140
    what the fuck are you doing trying to upload 300 pictures onto a website?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)02:01 No.1910175
    you know what's funnier than cosplay drama? cosplay photographer drama!

    and by funnier, I mean sadder.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)04:46 No.1910445
    whats new with eurobeat these days
    >> !!2dlpbj9tzuM 06/16/09(Tue)06:17 No.1910532
    pics on coscom...no thanks.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)11:43 No.1910885

    It's worth a look just for the ham beasts and the freakishly ugly Eurotrash cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)16:47 No.1911496
    Elemental needs to stop being such a stuck up bitch and take the giant carrot out of her ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)17:11 No.1911545
    oh, I thought anon was referring to the formula of 90% sky and 10% cosplayer. that always seems to get instafeatured on C.c
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)17:44 No.1911677
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)20:22 No.1912171
         File : 1245198150.jpg-(65 KB, 200x300, showcase.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)22:46 No.1912471
    Be sure to use the Kyle trick of abusing Adobe Light room! INSTAFEATURE!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)23:26 No.1912562
    >> - joint-ownership: when a photographer uploads a photo and tags the cosplayer, or vise-versa, the cosplayer automatically 'owns' the photo, eliminating the need to upload a second copy. if the cosplayer wishes to retouch the photo, he/she can upload a new version of the same photo without destroying the tags.

    Not sure I like this, is this something you can disable? I don't want cosplayers trying to be artsy with my images and over saturating them and adding vignettes.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/09(Tue)23:44 No.1912599
    If you don't want cosplayers raeping your photos, either keep them to a size no longer than 300 pixels on the longest edge, or use multi-tier security software to prevent anybody from every downloading your photos.

    Me, I tell them to do anything they like as long as they don't post them on 4chan.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/16/09(Tue)23:54 No.1912629
    Personally, I think this is more of an agreement that you should work out between you and the cosplayer for letting them know that you would rather them not do additional editing.

    After all, it is their image on the line so I see no problem for the cosplayer to fix a zit or something and reupload the image.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)00:06 No.1912656
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)00:33 No.1912730
    >At least Shiroin has enough balls to make fun of ppl everywhere and admits that he just does it for fun.

    No, he acts like a dick towards people and when he's called on it he turtles and says "OMG JK LOLOLOL". It doesn't excuse that he's a dick; it just means he doesn't have the balls to actually take what he dishes out to try and make himself an "internet name".

    If you're going to be a dick, be an anonymous dick and stop trying to pad your rep. All you do is grow the list of people who don't give a fuck about you despite having some photographic ability.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/17/09(Wed)01:05 No.1912860
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/17/09(Wed)01:51 No.1912984
    >>having some photographic ability.

    on a more serious note, thank you for the compliment.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)02:26 No.1913068
    yet another moron with a stick up their ass. you and elemental would make good butt buddies. you could talk about which carrot to best stick up your ass to make you the most uptight.
    >> enderwillsaveus 06/17/09(Wed)02:34 No.1913081

    First you talk about sticks, then you talk about carrots. Which do you really mean, anon?

    And why not something more desirable? Like pickles or corn?
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 06/17/09(Wed)02:43 No.1913095
         File : 1245221007.png-(18 KB, 370x369, 1238484470311.png)
    18 KB

    >>If you're going to be a dick, be an anonymous dick

    LOLOLOL...great fucking advice there...
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)12:35 No.1913974
    what about bowling balls? thats my anal bead of choice.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)12:39 No.1913978
    Someone's got a vendetta.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)12:44 No.1913985
    go back to WV you fucking hick.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:45 No.1914369
    Probably someone who paid for one of her photo shoots, lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)15:48 No.1914374
    The only thing I dont like about cosplay.com are the annoying ass ads they insist on placing in your galleries. It's like every pic you post is an advertisement for franchesca dani, cosworx, or google check scams.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)16:31 No.1914477
    Get an adblocker, faget.
    >> sage sage 06/17/09(Wed)17:25 No.1914625
    Look, you asked me, in all seriousness, why people have a problem with you. I told you flat out why. Your reaction was to blame someone else at random from some other vendetta you have and hurl more insults, which pretty well illustrates what I was getting at. Your "I'm a net-warrior" stance would be great if you actually were entertaining, but you're just insulting.

    Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate. While you slap your photo-dick on the table, you'll steadily gain more people who say "he's not a bad photographer, but I can't stand him" due to your random attempt at being some name on the net.

    Drop the ego, stop trying to turn everything into a cock-measuring contest and go back to being a photographer that wasn't intent on shrinking their pool of people who would work with you with every post they made. Sooner or later 4ng will find a new BFF, your regulars will wonder if you're worth the bother and you'll be left self-posting about how awesome you are because nobody wants to get near you.

    You're not a rock star, you're a big fish in a little pond.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)17:34 No.1914652
    wow, talk about vendetta. not that i'm on any side but out of pure curiosity, was there something Shiroin specifically did to you that would cause you to have such a vendetta? i realize you may not want to say in order to protect your anonymity but was curios nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)17:39 No.1914665
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)17:39 No.1914667
    ad-blocker is your friend.

    anyone got a pic of this Shiroin?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)17:43 No.1914679
    Probably because it's just Shiroin whiteknighting himself under anon.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)17:46 No.1914686
    >>you're a big fish in a little pond

    Wouldn't this mean that he IS in fact as good as he says he is and as "big" as he portrays himself? To go along with what you're saying, shouldn't you have said that he's a "small fish in a big pond," that way it means he's insignificant?
    >> sage sage 06/17/09(Wed)17:52 No.1914701
    A concerned citizen who knows people well enough to not want them to collapse in a ball of wank.

    I started dropping sage across the board because I'd rather not keep this wank on the front page, actually. If it were a vendetta I'd be happily bumping this and making up bullshit stories of him chasing young girls for good measure. Shiroin's rapidly becoming intolerable since I think it was Ohayocon when he set out to become some sort of cosplay celebrity. Right now Shiroin looks like he would rather be known through flame wars rather than his photos. To me that's a stupid way to go about things, especially if he wants to plug a site that might actually have merit for cosplay photos. Back to my original point way up in this thread he gains little by dick-thumping and risks losing way more.
    >> sage sage 06/17/09(Wed)17:56 No.1914717
    It was meant as "while you're around the small pond you look big" - his ego is getting unnecessarily inflated because he's dealing with the lowered expectations that is the world of cosplay photography. Put him out there with the big fish and he's nothing, which is pretty much true for almost every cosplay photographer. Exceptions exist, but mostly that's the case.

    To mangle a bad 80's quote, "his ego is writing cheques his ability can't cash".
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)18:03 No.1914745

    >>which is pretty much true for almost every cosplay photographer. Exceptions exist, but mostly that's the case.

    Completely agree here. I can only think of 3, none of which are very active at all on coscom, especially outside of the photography forum.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)22:20 No.1915357
    Ziggy's like the only good one there and he doesn't upload much on coscom anymore. At least he understands lighting but his recent pics of yaya make her look FAT.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)22:25 No.1915365
    >>Ziggy's like the only good one there

    lol, i call selfpost.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)22:41 No.1915395
    Nice Try. He'd never call that bitch fat. He seems to love her.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)22:41 No.1915397
    This. And I do not find his photos all that good either.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)23:18 No.1915496
    better than admin but doesn't take much.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)23:19 No.1915502
    This. Except that I don't think he's very good... at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)23:21 No.1915506
    okay now I'm lost lol
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)23:25 No.1915522
    Maybe she look fat because she IS getting fat and he doesn't shoop his pics. That space girl cos is pure FAIL even her pornstar makeup can't save it.

    His pics aren't great but still better than kyle.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/09(Wed)23:30 No.1915543
    >>His pics aren't great but still better than kyle.
    Like >>1915496 said, it doesn't take much (i think this anon was talking about Ziggy but put the link for the one about Shiroin). Kyle's kuroshitsuji shoot was just fucking awful.
    >> Anonymous 06/18/09(Thu)07:14 No.1916366
    I prefer Flickr, thanx.
    >> Anonymous 06/18/09(Thu)11:21 No.1916657
    >Kyle's kuroshitsuji shoot was just fucking awful.

    >> Anonymous 06/18/09(Thu)23:15 No.1918394
    he managed to make dia and fwd who have amazing kuroshit costumes and the photos look like shit with the over post processing crap. If i was dia, I'd cry. They don't deserve that treatment.
    >> Anonymous 06/18/09(Thu)23:27 No.1918419
    It doesn't matter how good you are or think that you are.
    If you're too much of a pain in the ass then no one will want to deal with you.

    No Amount of talent is worth putting up with a dick.
    >> Anonymous 06/18/09(Thu)23:38 No.1918455

    So when will there finally be an uprising and a site made that's better than cosplay.com? It would have to be run by someone NOT a photog.

    done right, there could be money in it. otherwise, why does admin bother?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)00:47 No.1918602
    Cure and ACP?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)01:52 No.1918730
    anyone can make a better website dumbass, whether it's a photog, cosplayer or whatever, they just need to share the same passion for cosplay that everyone else does. the reason coscom sucks isn't cause kyle's a photographer, it's cause he doesn't seem to give a shit about cosplay or the people who give patronage to his website.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:01 No.1918865
    An Apology (I reviewed myself and felt the need to apologize. But first I wish you can take the time to read through this and let me explain myself and apologize.)

    Over the past few days, I have been reviewing the comments on this thread and my own behaviors on here and other internet venues related to cosplay. I came to the conclusion that I have indeed been misbehaving, and have offended a few people while doing so.

    I want to take this chance to give a public apology and ask for some understanding. But first, I hope you can take the time to read through this:

    I have been analyzing my own behaviors on /cgl/ and other cosplay related sites. While it may appear that my goal is just to simply gain e-fame by being a complete dick, this is not my intention, and I am sure that others who know me in real life would support my argument. This isn't a call for more anonymous white-knighting, but rather a chance for me to explain myself and to apologize, and a personal effort for you to understand the origins of my missteps.

    (The apology is extremely long because I feel the need to explain many things in detail. I will post the other parts here but please refer to my LJ post for the full read formatted for your convenience: http://shiroin168.livejournal.com/)
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:02 No.1918868
    Before /cgl/ - C&P and My Misconception (My perception of the internet has been biased due to a previous forum that I frequently visit. I apply the same mindsets there and repeated them here. It is pretty clear that I am doing it wrong.)

    Prior to /cgl/, my experience with internet community sites comes primarily from another forum (we call it C&P, just in case anyone goes there) where frequent users mostly troll for laughs or just simply lurk and chuckle at others' drunk posts. No one really takes the content seriously or personally, since everyone is well aware that everyone else is doing it as a past-time, as an avenue to be stupid, and as a chance to be away from the stressful real-life.

    Even under those seemly care-free circumstances, I have actually made a few friends on that forum. Few of who I actually share my real life with, and who I plan to visit if I ever get a chance to visit their country. One phrase that I use frequently, "FORUM WARRIOR", is actually borrowed from one of them. (on a side note, we even made a collective christmas recording for others on the board to download =p)

    My mild success on that board, which I concluded on the basis that I have made some sincere friends, propelled me to think that this is the way to go on internet community sites.

    When I arrived /cgl/, I thought I could apply the same mindset which I have been soo accustomed to in hopes of connecting with some more cosplayers. But obviously I was wrong.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:03 No.1918872
    My Behaviors ITT (>>1905931) (Originally, I thought I was being trolled. But now, I realized that those criticisms are legit and sincere. I am sorry for my misbehaviors.)

    I have to be honest, initially I did not take the criticisms seriously, and my own responses only added more fuel to the flame that was already growing. The reason behind this was that I really was not sure if anons actually were sincere in criticizing me, or were simply trying to enrage me for some unknown purposes. (aka. Trolling) I took the trolling assumption since /cgl/ seems to extremely excel at doing this against many well-known cosplayers whom I think deserve little negative attentions.

    It was not until later remarks in this thread that made me start to reflect myself and think twice about what I have been doing, and omfg... I am fucking stupid and who knows how many people I have offended and/or degraded their impression on me.

    I am sorry for my rude and inconsiderate behaviors, and I hope those who have been affected by my posts give me a second chance. I know the read this far has been dry due to the lack of juicy content and my poor english, but please allow me to further explain myself:
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:04 No.1918873
    Cosworld and This Thread (>>1905931) (Derailing or chest-bumpin are not my intentions and why I brought up CosWorld.)

    On the topic of derailing the thread into a personal vendetta, again, this is not my intention and I am sorry if I made it seem like a chest-bumping thread.

    The thread originally ask for general refusal to use cosplay.com as a photo site due to its limited functions. Since I have been working on a new website, CosWorld (http://cos-world.net/), that serves the same purpose in a better way, I felt it was only natural that I advertise the existence of this website to better fulfill this specialized need that other sites seems to be lacking.

    Whether or not CosWorld is actually currently better is another subjective question. While I reserve my own opinion that it does indeed have the potential despite being currently scrappy and incomplete, I am well aware of my own bias, and thus am sincere in asking the community for feedbacks to make CosWorld better little by little.

    Part of this thread details a few suggestions that a some anons made (>>1907384), and my personal efforts to realize those suggestions as soon as possible (>>1909263). One recent example would be fixing the user favorite function (>>1909263), and other examples can be seen in the update log which accounts for every update since the project's launch (http://cos-world.net/eng/updates/).
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:04 No.1918874
    Why CosWorld? (Why am I spending soo much time on this little project?)

    "So why the fuck is Shiroin doing this?" This is an extremely logical question to ask, and a cynical answer would be: e-fame and advertisement revenue.

    I think the best answer would be the sub-line on the very front page of my site: "The cosplay community deserves better."

    Cosplay has given me more than enough to transform me into a much more interesting person than I would otherwise be. Among many things, it made me realized the joy of photography, and above all, taught me how to better interact with individuals of the opposite sex (I used to go to an all-boy school. That shit blows.), and made me some great friends.

    CosWorld is part of my effort to give back to the cosplay community as much as I can. While I currently attend many conventions to document those amazing craftsmanship and persona, I have always felt there is an lack of an adequate platform to share and redistribute those results. Existing options serve the purpose well as is, but like the replies we see in this thread: their functionalities are still lacking in some respect, and those webmasters are not doing anything to realize those sincere suggestions.

    This is why I started CosWorld.

    This will be a continuing effort, and I hope all of you sign up, use it, and help me improve it.

    It is scrappy and incomplete as is, but overtime, I will try to make it the most enjoyable internet experience you have with cosplay.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:05 No.1918875
    Other Personal Criticisms: Tensions with Other Photographers (My remarks were inconsiderate and I apologize for them.)

    I think many are well aware that there are some tensions between me and a few other photographers in the field. While the origins of those tensions are solely due to differences in opinions, the way I executed my arguments were rude and/or offensive to some individuals.

    While those remarks are independent to this thread, it is clear that they have likely created a spill-over effect within the community. I will hereby apologize again for my inconsiderate actions.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:06 No.1918877
    Other Personal Criticisms: Me Exclusively Shooting Pretty Girls (I don't know how to summarize this.)

    I am bringing this up because of this quote: "I'm not a pretty girl with glorious assets that Shiroin would want to take a photo of or care about anyway." (>>1909934)

    I don't think I can ever understand why girls have such low self-esteem with regards to their own looks. I am not saying this as a personal attack, but rather just a general trend that I have observed after chatting with many cosplayer friends here and back home. (one friend's MSN status currently reads "shit! I can never make my legs thinner" in Chinese)

    It is extremely hard to defend myself on this issue, so I am just going to give you some of my own thoughts on this:

    I have to be honest, I select when and who I shoot. But the reasons are not as superficial as anon may think:

    First, I have to accommodate my schedule. This isn't because I think I am a big shot and book myself twenty 30-minute slots during the convention and go through each like an assembly line. I would very much prefer to say 'maybe' than 'yes' or 'no', even to close friends (unless they promise beer) because I do not want to over-schedule myself.

    This way, we have as much time to work together during the shoot. If something does not work out (lighting, for example), I have time to fix it. If everything goes smoothly, we have the time to try other things such as another location.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:07 No.1918880
    Second, I give priority with what I can portray best and decline when I am in a bad shape or positive that I can not deliver good results. If I were superficial, I would be shooting all the revealing costumes every conventions I attend. However, you see me shooting mostly Code Geass and Black Butler. This is because I know those series and genuinely love them. Thus, it is much easier for me to shoot those, and for me to be able to imagine the characters and their environment. This is why I would give cosplayers who request me to shoot cosplays of those series almost absolute priority when replying.

    I also decline very often on the spot due to my own state or mind or physical condition at the time. For your information, shooting while hungover is one of the hardest thing to do on earth. I have tried to do it several times, and I have never been successful.

    Shooting drunk, however..... =p

    Third, it is really a matter of asking.

    I like it a lot when a cosplayer comes to me and ask me for a shoot. The act proves that they are extremely confident, and often times, if I don't promise a shoot, I would at least give my phone number so they can find me at a con we both attend.

    This may or may not relate to the notion of who I shoot are pretty. Think this, if they are confident with their own cosplay, the have a greater likelihood to actively ask me for a shoot. I can not prove this correlation, but I think this is a general trend that I observe.

    Also, this confidence often translate to their comfort in front of a camera, which will really streamline the flow of the shoot.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:08 No.1918882
    Fourth, I suck at replying to static messages.

    I generally suck at replying with e-mail, private messages or other static form of communication. This is more of a personal problem that is not limited to cosplay.

    My E-Mail inbox has over nine thousand (10039) unread messages, and who knows how many of them are read but unreplied.

    For my specific case, I extremely encourage people to contact me by AIM/MSN, this way I will actually reply lol....

    In conclusion, I believe my job is to document the costume, recreate the series/character, and above all, make the cosplayer look the best to satisfy the expectations on their own appearances. I pick on what I feel like I can do a good job portraying, not based on how attractive the cosplayer is. I often do not promise when asked, but I will most likely give the requester my contact information on site. (Offering beer and drunkness also helps.)
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:09 No.1918883
    Ending Words (I have explained what I felt was necessary. I hope the apology is accepted.)

    Regardless of whether or not your mind has changed on the subject that I am a completely dick or not, I just want to let you know that my intentions are not ill, and that the misunderstandings were created due to mistakes that I made personally.

    I wish we can normalize the broken relationships that I once destroyed, and hope that the apology is accepted.

    Cheers all and hope to see all of you at one of those upcoming summer conventions.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 06/19/09(Fri)03:10 No.1918885

    (for an easier read: http://shiroin168.livejournal.com/18763.html)

    also inb4 lolwalloftext.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)03:13 No.1918894
    lolwalloftext!!!! holy shit! that's definitely epic
    >> Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner 06/19/09(Fri)04:21 No.1919013
    Fucking shut up and kill yourself already, Ricky.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)04:59 No.1919083

    It's not a "trick," it's a basic guideline of good portraiture photography.


    Your site honestly doesn't look that bad, though I second the suggestion of finding a web designer/artist to help you out with the layout. Also, I personally think you're better off getting a logo than a mascot. I'd give you more specific critique but you already locked your sight under construction. Only thing I can say now is I hope you're not planning to make the new layout all black. Come up with a basic color scheme of 1-3 hues and keep the background either white or a light grey. White backgrounds just look more professional and are generally easier on the eyes.

    As for your behavior, for the most part tl;dr falls on deaf ears (or blind eyes) on 4chan. It's good that you're realizing you sound like a dick (this is coming from an unbiased outsider who has never heard of you before this thread), but actions speak louder than words. Clean up your act and stop being so defensive. Insulting, mocking, or making a show of laughing with flamers just screams "I'M BUTTHURT BUT LET ME LOL TO MAKE EVERYONE THINK I DON'T CARE."

    Most importantly a general rule of life: don't take yourself so seriously, because no one else does. I hope this has been a good lesson in humility for you.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 06/19/09(Fri)05:02 No.1919088
    Oh wow this thread is still going on huh.

    I dont refuse to post my photos on coscom. I do however from now on refuse to add any coscom members to my MSN, cause they're a bit too friendly. (That and I dont even post my e-mail anywhere on the site.)
    .. That could lead to me deleting everything and staying away from coscom all together. But we'll see.
    Right now I prefer cosplayisland.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)05:10 No.1919096
    >> RE: Exclusively Shooting Pretty Girls
    >> RE: Exclusively Shooting Pretty Girls
    >> RE: Exclusively Shooting Pretty Girls
    >> RE: Exclusively Shooting Pretty Girls

    Not only in regards to Shiroin, but this is something that people seem to always blow WAY out of proportion.

    >Why do guy photogs only take photos of girls?
    >Why all these perverted boobshots?
    >Why so much T&A Coverage at a con

    and other generalizations and stereotypes they believe to be law as if the following factors didn't exist:

    --The ratio of female to male cosplayers
    --The number of popular or trendy female characters to male characters
    --The complexity of female costumes vs male costumes
    --The fact that men like pictures of women (NORLY?) and women like pictures of men (OMG). That women take pictures of other women (stranger) because they stand out as cute or pretty and Men take pictures of impressive men (strangers). (IE, the costume wows them)
    --The idea that a photographer's subject can be as selective as they wish and all you can do is talk pointlessly about their tastes unless you take a camera in your own hand and SHOOT FAIR, BALANCED COSPLAY COVERAGE!!!111 on your own and (encourage other)

    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)05:25 No.1919107
         File : 1245403503.jpg-(146 KB, 600x471, sexism.jpg)
    146 KB

    And honestly, who really minds having less pictures of ugly bitches floating around?
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 06/19/09(Fri)06:04 No.1919124
    Not that it overall matters, cause I just got around to actually reading this thread.

    But that was really awesome Shiroin.
    >> enderwillsaveus 06/19/09(Fri)06:22 No.1919136

    Shiroin, if I can offer one last comment, I'd like to encourage you to use the composure you used in your wall o' text from now on. It's more professional and encourages myself, at least, to take you more seriously than when you reply to posts with LOLJKLOLOLOL, especially when dealing with matters that are more srs bizness than people posting Miyu threads and wanking over Naruto cosplays.

    You've shown you have the capacity to at least formulate a mature response and that's something I really appreciate and would like to see more of.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)06:52 No.1919156
    >> Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)07:10 No.1919166
    Everyone gets a little hot under the caller don't sweat it just like the spelling mistake in this post . At the end of the day people that know you , know that you area a good guy

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